PvE Classes Tierlist for All Roles and Content | The Elder Scrolls Online

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all right so a lot of people have been asking for something like this and I'm basically gonna be doing a PVE Tier list for classes in theaters rules online uh oftentimes peers like to do this for classes in PvP and of course there's categorized according to like things like 1bxing things like uh Group Play Just things like solo play and stuff like that I'll go over basically every category there is for PVE and we'll play around with this it's gonna be kind of fun and don't be offended if I I guess talk trash on your class at times all right so we now have a total of seven classes for The Elder Scrolls Online as at update 38 and a lot of the things I'll be saying at least for the end game part or endgame category for these classes is gonna be based on my recent video optimizing organizing your trials group for update 38. and you can go watch that to see what's the logical process behind why groups are doing certain classes for certain rules first to start off we'll go with I guess for a lot of new players who are probably watching this video to figure out which class they want to play we get this question a lot in the ESU Discord server what Clash they play I don't know what class to play which is the best class and I'm gonna be straight up with you as a new player it genuinely does not matter even if you're looking at Mid game or even a lot of end game It generally doesn't matter which class you pick so basically like simply put every class is essentially s tier for any new player there will be some class mechanics such as with necromancer's blast bones that might make some of your combat feel clunky maybe or there will be some play styles with for example sorcerer pets over here uh might you might not like it so it's kind of up to you to try out the different classes at the start and see what you like and what you want to settle on in terms of not just the combat but also the Aesthetics so a lot of people are into Templar because it looks cool a lot of people like the mobility and the healing capabilities of the night blade over here because it's easier on them as a newer player but you genuinely just can't go wrong with any class as a new player so that's the first category the second category is when you're talking about four-man dungeon stuff again you really can't go wrong here every class has their own access to utilities their own uh self-healing capabilities to help you survive um I would say perhaps when you are wanting to pay more attention to mechanics and also not suffer too much DPS laws classes like Nightblade and maybe in certain cases necromancer might not be as friendly so in terms of friendliness for people trying to get into dungeon content veteran dungeon and Veteran dungeon Hardware content this will be the tier list I give in terms of comfort so we have Arcanist Warden Dragonite Templar sorcerer at the S tier and we have Knight blade Necromancer at a tier in terms of like comfort in term okay so that's the second category the third category is when we talk about uh rules so this is going to be interesting because now we have to talk about sub categories for rules so we're talking about tanking okay for dungeons now we'll start with dungeons for tanking you can't really go wrong with uh DK so for for now let me just like take all these out so you can see which ones DK which one's not so this is Dragon Knight Dragon Knight for early game mid game end game dungeons raids whatever will always be asked here as a tank uh The Arcanist the newest class is pretty solid too it has a lot of sustain it's very tanky uh you can't really go wrong with it in terms of tanking the four main content for uh other things like The Necromancer it can be up there asked here although I would say it's not as good as DK or Arcanist right now Warden is also up there it's somewhere between s and a so I'm gonna give it an a for tanking for four main content Templar is garbage um unfortunately sork is a kind of copium you can make it work you can make Templar work too but it's just not as good or anywhere near as comfortable as a DK or even a Necro so yeah it's just uh unfortunate uh for Nightblade it's kinda in the same realm as Zork you can make it work and it's great if you can make it work but in terms of like efficiency and ease this is what the tier list will look like for four main content for tanking okay now we're going to talk about tanking trials and uh and when I say four main content I mean your readers as well I'm talking about trials so trials it's basically gonna look like this uh yeah I mean it's basically this so for trial tanking you have DK at the top you have necro tanking at the top as well there's a lot of areas and uh specific content like Dread sale Reef where necro off tanking is really nice necro maintaining to Larry is really nice because the dot mitigation from The Necromancer and of course it's uh wraith we also do have arcanus tanking it's kinda there right now it's still a new class people are still trying to figure it out but as a tank again it kind of translates from four man to 12 men quite nicely in terms of sustain and mitigation Warden tanking can be good I am actually going to probably move this down a little bit because usually the warden is the Healer so you could make word and thinking fine it's probably somewhere between B and copium sork tanking is very very Niche if it weren't for the fact that it is sometimes used for specific things in-game content I would probably for that copium or Garbage as well but for now it's a b night blade tanking it's again it can work but why play that over DK tanking it's probably no reason really okay so we talked about tanking for forming content and trials now we're going to move on to healers let's talk about healers for four main content so again you really just can't go wrong healing forming content with any of these classes but in terms of efficiency and comfort I would definitely say uh DK is kind of coping here uh sork is somewhere between B and copium I don't exactly know where to put sork here because it's it can work very well it just takes uh maybe a bit more experience to pull off especially if you're trying to get into it um as a new as a newer player for DK healing Decay healing Works phenomenally well in both four main content and 12 men content however it requires a lot of things like not a lot of things a couple things a couple prerequisites for it to work it has immense massive AOE healing but informing content you're gonna see your groups move around a lot due to mechanics or just the nature of the fight or perhaps your strategy so DK healing kind of gets a little dampened by the fact that you're the members of the group may have to move around a bit so your main source of healing comes from Cinder storm which is a stationary ground-based AOE uh and while you can equip things like combat prayer and stuff like that to hit the people who are moving it just kind of takes away from the purpose of well they're not standing in my AOE I have to recast quite often compared to a larger AOE like the Templars have with their ritual and uh it's just easier on the Templar compared to DK healer Arcanist uh it's kind of like so arculus a lot of people I think are mistaken with The Arc in this in terms of its healing capabilities it has decent healing capabilities it just will never really heal or out heal things like Warden or Templar um on the number scale it's more I feel like for shielding so it's somewhere between sna I would say uh so it it has a really good toolkit for four main healing Necromancer healing can work it does have some issues though just kind of like the DK I would say just because of the result and a couple other skills that can be provided for the group I'll put that probably a or somewhere around B some around there unfortunately there's like no Sub sub tier uh Night play healing of course can work it actually is a lot of burst heal uh it does provide a good amount of healing although in ESO it's not an issue of healing strictly it's because you'll easily overheal with any of these classes just a matter of what can offer to the group besides healing um so I probably would put this again at B Warden wardens are asked here for healing in four men and 12-man content Templars really great too um and that's really it forming content this is what I would say is kind of like the four-man tier list for healing now when we're talking about raids or trials 12-man content for healing it's gonna look slightly different here so for the most part the Healer will never right now anyway be Necromancer because you usually have Necromancer tank or a DPS to provide Colossus and the Buffs that or debuffs that the Necromancer class can give Dragonite healing is really really really really rare in Trials or end game content it can work typically though I would advise you get experience on the other classes before you hop on the DK and I would say it's fairly strong depending on the fights because a lot of trial fights can be stationary however most groups will probably tell you to bring something else for uh the group recomposition s tier is definitely going to be Warden Templar and Arcanist I would even say nightly because again it kind of depends on your composition at that point so nightly with Summer right now be sitting around s or a sork is right now also garbage I mean again garbage and kill people are kind of the same tier here but you just would not really see these three classes ever brought in as a Healer at the moment for 12-man content okay now that we've covered the uh tank healer for four men and 12 in it's all about DPS this is this is probably what most of you will be playing I'm not putting these in garbage right now I'm just kind of reorganizing it okay so DPS for four main content again you really just can't go wrong here um Templar does have a sustained issue so I would probably put that at a night plane can be really good for uh again self-survival capabilities self healing capabilities while doing damage and it's a very fun rotation Arcanist I feel like would summer be around uh probably an A or B I feel like ironically even though it is a low AP and play style you'd need to kind of be very intimately acquainted with what mechanics happen for you to fully take advantage of a beam Arc in this build because a lot of mechanics and attacks informing content do stagger and interrupt channeling so I'll probably put around A or B in the hands of an experienced player I can easily see it being somewhere around the sna Necromancer again I would probably put this one at around a just because of Colossus but then that can also be taken care of by the tank you also do have a resol that's a consideration Dragonite s here um for sure DPS and tanking SDA for Dragon Knights sork very nice as well for uh dungeons Warden DPS is kind of weird uh I would say it's somewhere around b or copium for forming content uh so that's kind of yeah night plane test here so yeah this is a tier list for DPS classes in ESO for four main content I would say of course you you wouldn't uh feel free to disagree with me but this is kind of what I've tested and seen and tried out at least for this patch now for DPS in 12 men content actually before we move on to that let's talk about solo Arenas probably because a lot of people do solo play or solo Arenas um like Master Marina and valashian Hollows I would probably put the Arc in this somewhere around b or copium for a couple well probably around B still for a lot of for battle string Hollows and mouse Marina again you have to kind of be already be acquainted with the mechanics which a lot of people don't tend to be so again in the end of a more experienced player I'd probably put this out of a uh Warden yeah that's one really Necromancer it's kind of weird and I would probably put this at b or copium Templar uh yeah s tier nightly that's tier swirk s tier and DK Nest here so this is this is the tier list for I feel like uh solo readings okay so now let's talk about 12-man content for DPS classes tournament content is as is is a little bit more of a complicated story because again it's all dependent on what your group needs or wants to do in terms of the composition and itemization of the group however in terms of straight up damage we'll talk about that now I would say DK is absolutely King right now uh if I were a raylead and just just speaking from a really perspective if I were to pick out DPS classes right now I would pick Dragon Knight first and foremost as the pars class uh I'll pick Templar for sure I probably even pick Arcanist as us here right now it's not as comparable to DK in a lot of fights uh however it's quite up there with its cleave advantage and it's really really like easy play style uh it and giving the ability to be aware of what's going around you more than you would be on your DK or Templar um Warden I would say uh again you can bring any class to trials we're talking about now Min maxing I would say for mid-maxing you're coping on the warden uh you always need at least one sort in the group right now or one night blade so it's kind of up here in terms of single Target sork is can be quite competitive uh even compared to DK however not every sword player is you know can pull that off so we're gonna put swork at a and we're gonna put Nightblade as a DPS probably uh garbage unfortunately yeah honestly I feel like Warden should be garbage too it's kind of coping I feel like yeah I don't know it's probably around here so okay so s tier is going to be DK DPS Templar DPS arcanus DPS a tier is sort DPS um Necromancer on the other hand because we didn't move the Necromancer from the uh from the solo thing is going to be S or a not because it does a lot of damage but because it provides again utility for the group Colossus um and usually it's made to be the buff slash debuff of the group uh so it's probably gonna be a tier or as to your really kind of fluctuating in and out between uh because it is needed as a class that needs to have support DPS sets and so forth and that's really it for your PVE Tier list for ESO when it comes to uh classes for uh starting out for trials for healing tanking DPS and trials and four main content and solar arenas if you have any thoughts let me know
Channel: NefasQS
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Keywords: elder scrolls online, the elder scrolls online, elder scrolls online gameplay, the elder scrolls online gameplay, elder scrolls, elder scrolls online review, the elder scrolls, elder scrolls online trailer, ESO guide, ESO lag, ESO DPS build, ESO pvp gameplay, ESO gameplay, ESO 2023, Is ESO Worth playing, ESO review, ESO 2023 review, ESO Trials, ESO chapter, is ESO fun, ESO tanking, ESO tank build, ESO tanks, ESO tank, ESO Arcanist, ESO builds, ESO tank guide, ESO
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 39sec (1059 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 04 2023
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