The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Soundtrack (Full)
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Channel: Video Game Soundtracks
Views: 1,668,653
Rating: 4.9333105 out of 5
Keywords: elder scrolls, oblivion, oblivion ost, oblivion soundtrack, full, jeremy soule, the elder scrolls iv oblivion
Id: XhOEn7Xl8as
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 52sec (3532 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 17 2013
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Amazing soundtrack. Part of my weekly rotation at work. It never really gets old, perfect relaxing music.
Damn, you beat me to posting Jeremy Soule today.
I was going to say that his score for Skyrim accounts for more than 50% of the atmosphere of that game and what makes it special (I personally haven't played other TES games :/). When I see stills or gifs of the game, I often can't put my finger on why it feels kind of flat or like something is missing. Then I hear one of Soule's cues listening to a playlist, and I get overwhelming nostalgia and want to start a new game.
So soothing. ❤️