Puzzled: Why Commitment Can Take You Further Than Love

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everybody all right if you have a seat beside you and yeah just just let somebody know so that we can fill it up with apologize for those in atrium all right let's pray shall we father thanks so much for today thanks for the word that you were about to bless us with prepare our hearts allow us to receive it well allow our hearts to align with yours remove the taste of the things of the world so that the or taste bud will crave the things of the word thanks for the opportunity that we have to have the Bible that we can open it today there's still some countries where you can't do that thanks for giving us out a Bible on our phones or the Bible that we have in our hands because there were centuries upon centuries but it didn't have that thanks for the privilege of opening up your love letter to us teach us now we pray in Jesus's name everybody said thanks for being in the house if you just joining us we're in the second message of a series we're doing called puzzled why commitment can take you further than love last week we talked a little bit about why the church needs to apologize to young adults and to singles and we said that we've done a poor job of painting the accurate picture of how the Bible sees singles and so we apologize for that last week and we we said parents you should apologize to your kids too because of your desire or lack of teaching them and preparing them for for the single life we believe the Bible argues that it's the preferred life and if you if you've missed last week just speak the tape up and you can get that there today I want to read another passage of Scripture is found in Philippians chapter 4 we're going to read three verses because honestly that's all you can you're not going to want these three so that's all you can handle and so let's let's stand if you don't mind and this read Philippines the fourth chapter verse eleven twelve and thirteen Paul is writing this from a jail he shackled to a Roman soldier and he's getting ready to tell us a pretty profound the truth the good news about the truth is that you can learn it you don't have to be born with it let's read the word of the Lord and see what he has to say to us on today I want everybody to read if the person beside you is not reading touch them and said that means you need to read you need to read so listen for them if they're not read and said come on you got to read gently don't hit him too hard gently here we go let's read the word aloud together not that for I have to be content in whatever alright here we go I have I have I have to be content not that I speak from want but in whatever circumstance I am I've learned to be content that's good news for somebody whether today is a good day or bad day Paul's getting ready to tell you you can be content no matter whether whether it's green and the skies are wonderful outside or whether it's overcast and gloomy Paul says you can learn to be content next verse next verse next verse there we go same verse reading with me everybody I know to live in don't go no further don't go no four stay right there stay right there I I know because I've learned contentment how to live in prosperity that's very hard to do by the way it's very hard to be content with prosperity because prosperity will make you say I don't need God because you can depend on your money you can depend on your influence you can buy stuff so prosperity will say I don't know how to be content cuz I always want more be careful Collin County be careful but I can leave it humble I I can I know how to get along with humble means don't say you know how well you know I grew up broke no no no no what you're broke is is still it's still rich broke means you didn't have a refrigerator that's broke if you got a refrigerator you were good you were good and rich Yarbrough means you live paycheck to paycheck or you didn't have enough money I'd anymore that I'm broke that's mismanagement in a me and every I have the secret of being and going hungry both my mama mama here's what he says first of all he says it's a secret so not everybody's gonna is gonna have access to this not everybody will know how to be content then he says being filled when I'm good and going hungry then he uses this one having abundance or suffering I wonder if you know how it feels like to be content in a marriage where you suffering Paul says you can learn that Paul says you have to be frustrated all your life you can learn that you can learn how my marriage on today every marriage has peaks and they got valleys and you got to know how to be content in the valley just as much as in the peaks he says here is how you do it next verse really wouldn't please I can do stop right there that includes your situation he says you can learn to be content in your cup with all the mess that you got going on right now he says it's included in the all no matter how miserably feeling right now God says you can do it because because I've included it and I can do say with me finish it through whoo now here's your problem here's your problem the reason why you're still in your message is still frustrated is because you only hear half the verse you only hear I can do and you stop right there I'll show you the mess to do it but if you ever say God it's not me it's you living through me then I can't new finish it now all things through huh you may be seated in the house of the Lord last week let me give you a quick summary will be shared and we talked about the fact that every person in the house today if you're a young adult or you're single you are living in one of these chairs you're sitting in one of these Church this is all review last week we suggested you're either say disordered me everybody consumed or you sitting in the chair called or you're sitting in the chair called one of those three chairs everybody is sitting in either you're consumed which means you're saying I need a mate or you're confused or curious where you're saying I want a mate or you're convinced where you're not even asking the question because you're zoomed in on fulfilling what God's called you to do ladies and gentlemen last time we said there people that are sitting here that wake up every day and all they're thinking about is I wanna mate that's their number one song that's the song they love the most I want to make I can't wait to find a mate I checked my phone your heart races when they when you when your phone goes off to see who it is maybe this is the one if person you see you're evaluating them is this the one then you put God in it is this the one Lord because you're consumed by it you have all the online dating apps you should only have one or two you got fifteen or sixteen you got them all you on all of them you me you sometimes you even get nervous about it because you go on there and oh I know that's my ex right there what am I going to and you're consumed by it then there's some of you who are Christians that's the better way Christians live here too and some of you who are Christians that you your argument is I ain't as bad as they are they're bad they're real bad god I'm not as bad I'm a little more godly and I don't think about it every day I only think about it Monday Wednesdays and Fridays so a little bit more your little confused your little curious but but but you're not you're not consumed with it it's not every day you're going after and then the third person is the person over here last week we talked about this person we said God says that singleness if you are alive and you agree you're you are you you you you got breath this morning it means you got the gift to sing or at least for today means you got a gift here's what he says I'm giving you a gift how dare you say you don't want the gift I'm giving you now we have too many singers I get up every morning saying I want out of this I'm in jail I want out of it get me out they realize the problem so number two we said last hour not only the gift that you should be living enough for this world but for the world to come number three we said last time that you are to be have a single devotion you ought to be undivided in your devotion for God if you live in this church that's what you do today I'm gonna ask another question today I'm going to show you objectively whether you're really sitting in this chair or not because objectively today I'm gonna ask you do you love your life because if you really love your life then you won't let any and anybody mess it up you wanna talk about that too the more but you the question we're gonna answer today from the Bible is do you love because the people here love their lives let me say it another way they loved his life through them because I saw Galatians chapter 2 says I'm crucified with Christ I'm no longer living it is no Jesus Christ who gets to live his life through me so I love the life that Jesus is currently living through my life that's if you're sitting in this year now some of you are perpetrating because some of you mm you think you're living in this fear sitting in this year but you're only sitting in here because you've been hurt so much when you've been in these two chairs that you have vowed to yourself I'm not gonna get hurt again so you're sitting here not because of God but because you don't wanna get hurt again and there are too many of you living there out of fear not out of your love relationship with Jesus and it shows up in your relationship cause you if you see if you see somebody and maybe you've been in a some form of abusive relationship in the past and you see somebody even raised their voice because of your pain you're gonna assume the worst about the person and because you do you're not be you gonna say God that's not your will for me and you would have list but here's why because you've sat in this chair so long because you don't want to get hurt so that's what we're talking about - how do you know if you love your life what because too many people lie to themselves arguing they do when they really don't someone give you an objective standard by which you get to evaluate yourself today so I want to start out by showing you how messed up our culture is the culture that you're raising your kids the culture that you get to live in today I'm going to show you how how how toxic it is the word is discontentment never before in the history of mankind have people had so much and want so much more never before in the history of mankind have people had so much which you got a lot even though you think you don't and still yearn for so much more never before it's never happened he's a person what do you mean never before in history could we measure popularity but we can today you can detect even more new issues when used to go to college or I mean high school or middle school you used to measure popularity by by who sits with who at the lunch table so if you got two or three of your boys sitting with you on the table and that other dude over there got like 10 oh no not today today every second of the day you can know if you popular or not just go on social media how many friends you got I got a hundred they got 600 you put out a post you post some on Instagram how many people like it you got three they got 25 you get instant feedback because now social media has created an environment where you know how popular you are instantaneously ladies and this the culture we live in and it it destroys contentment and yet still God says we ought to always be content so how do you live in a world where God says I want you to be content but the culture has set it up where everything you do you get to compare yourself to somebody else watch it here the three words word number one can you read that everybody come on everybody together comparison the reason the reason for or discontent second word the reason for discontent is that in our culture today we get to compare ourselves to everybody everybody you always say ooh they got that better car than I do and you get to see it on social media and here's the root of it which is the same that we have popularized I've made a cool sin the sin called say with me everybody you don't even know that you're envious but you do it all the time and you don't even realize it it's the reason why when everybody comes and they're putting ooh in Maui today ooh too much there hmm in the Cayman Islands today in Paris today change my job I need a job like that this that will make you quit shop they will make you quit your job now listen listen listen listen listen you live in your everyday mundane life they show you their highlight reel and you start lusting after their highlight reel like that's their everyday life I would still tell you the truth marriage Iraq but I'm in Maui you don't want to tell the truth do you know I tell truth Louie kids hate my guts but I'm in the Cayman Islands on the beach because I'm never at home so I'm out doing the best that this world has to offer Beach and sunset well the kids can't stand who you are you have given your kids all kinds of experiences but no relationship a new signal home envious okay okay some of you don't believe in me um you know some of you ladies stuff to watch these cooking shows and all these are or these uh Do It Yourself fix up your house or or or or Jada got this one where they carry to a different Island and get the house my wife's been thinking about hey man listen listen when these people get on your nerves one more time let's just go to Paris and start a church in Paris I would like to see that's the problem that's the problem she doesn't watch in so many shows about she she has already dreamed up one Community Church Paris anyone but for real dough for Africa so so you're at a cooking show you're watching them cook this is a trick this time all time and while they're cooking you see their countertops and the knobs on their cabinets the show ain't about countertops and cabinets but you see it and you realize [Music] I'm alive I'm alive I'm alive you see at all of a sudden you start comparing yourself you look at your house even like you look at their house and all of a sudden you bright it's like Jesus show you and then you start praying for it now you calling God down God I am praying for a remodeling of this kitchen and your son's email when you get it from cause you're watching the TV show and you saw that it's not about the cabinets but that's what you saw happens all the time don't eat everybody Nona singles you come in the church you see them two people holding hands you belong you have no idea what's going on but all you see is there you see him rubbing her back that's cos they've been fighting for the last four weeks and he's trying to get tough so he's trying to rub that back and you were like whoa you see their highlight reel and you get discouraged on the inside saying God where is mine be careful what you beg him for here's the last one this true story the researchers have done some work where they give people they put people in front of Facebook for half an hour and ask them to rate their feelings the number one rated feelings after half an hour on social media particularly Facebook is I feel more depressed having gone through it for half an hour why because you compare yourself to everybody and what they have and now you're wondering why I don't have what they have the reason you're discontent is because of comparison the reason that's driving you is because you're envious you want what they got instead of enjoying what God has given you so turn to your notes if you don't have one raise your hand the man woman will come and give you one and let me show you why you ought to love you're like why is this so important that you love your life number one we we suggest that if you if you love your lives if you love his life then I will protect it I will not allow someone else to mess it up see if you sitting in this chair that consumed the convinced here and you love your life you love what God's calling you to do you love what you're in the middle of your living it to the fullest then you will not allow some knucklehead to come in there and mess up the good thing you and God got going but when you don't love your life then you let anybody roll up in here talking about her and you let them roll up into your life but it is showing you that you are frustrated with your own life and not loving it this is huge you've got to realize that God says you have a gift I don't want you to love what I've given you love or you are today no lust for what you want tomorrow number two he says you'll protect it number two he says I will enjoy I will not assume my new pastures are greener I will enjoy where I am that's contentment I have learned the art that wherever I am I will enjoy parents teach your kids this early do not get them out of situations because I like it great will you show the world what it looks like when you don't like somebody or you don't like something but you depend on God and you ask God to help you change your taste buds so you can like it because all of life is not going to be what you like if your parents I taught you that you to live differently for each master be careful sadena Collin County parents that you don't get your kids out of everything that they say they don't like I know you have the money to do it so alright this school then go to another school like this coach let me go to another go oh great guess what the world has to offer you you're not gonna like what the world has either so how do you do what Paul says and be content whether I have much or have little whether I like it or whether I don't like it that's why marriage says I will I will be with you whether in sickness and in what the richer or that's why I don't allow people to change their vows I got to see your vows because maybe you have a dreamland that you think you're going to but there is going to be some better and there is gonna be some better believe that there is gonna be some richer and even though you think there can never be poor there might still be some so you gotta learn how to live in both environments you got to learn and teach your kids how to live in both environments so you don't take him out of it just cause you can't afford it see part of the problem or jingles is you think the grass really is greener on the other side but that's also assuming that it's brown on your side so since it's brown on your side you back ooh if I get over to the greener side everything's gonna be all right no no no no no no when you get over there I promise you every married person here cans all know there are some extended brown days can I get a witness married people gave me like I got more Brown days than green days so if you don't know that enjoy your total how to enjoy your life in the brown days by yourself then all hell will break loose when you got brown days with somebody else cause now you get to blame them for your brown days I'm gonna deal with y'all make sure you don't worry bad people I'm gonna deal with you and by the way singles don't check out and that's next week cause you need to learn what you going into so you can count the cost somebody tell if you cross 121 and if you cross it 60% chance that's you gonna survive no six percent chance that you gonna die 40% chance that you won't survive will you run by in the road no you wouldn't say I'm staying on this side well that's what y'all single people need to do is turn this side then cause the chances ain't good that you gonna make it over there mm-hmm that's why you that's why you gotta have a have a honest honest about marriage because it takes work to get through it mad people can I get a witness all right come on let's go right my time is running out over it number three let's run through some of these I will keep it in perspective because I know someone else cannot fill me only God can so I'm not looking for them to fill me I really am looking for God to do it God's the one that's gonna face not your spouse number next one let's go I will respect it I won't oh I won't lower my standards do you see what I'm saying no miss miss is so huge if you lower your standards it means that you're saying to God I don't respect Who I am I don't respect what you've called me to do so I'm going to lower it to get somebody because I'm so desperate I will receive anybody just to get out of the mess that I find myself in which means you got one mr. person that you know joining in so if you think you had missed by yourself you wait till both of y'all get together mess personified so you fit again next one come on let's go I will see this gift I'm grateful for the gospel that I get to participating as I share because not saying you get to zoom in focus in so that now you have an undivided attention to me so now you can do what my priorities are which is the spread of the gospel next one it says I will celebrate it I will not be negative and envious of what others have that's what we're doing we're rejecting that God and I will absolutely celebrate the life you've given me to live now because if you can't celebrate it when are you by yourself it's gonna be real hard for you to celebrate it when somebody else is there with you it's it's a habit so it's what you're doing you are raiding yourself on those 1 to 10 where you act on those do I really respect what God's blessed me do I really see it as a gift and rake them I'm out I'm out number three here and then if you're really courageous give it to somebody who know you well that's not afraid to tell you the truth and you will see where you really lie but we have to do it or else you will deceive yourself thinking you're sitting in this chair or thinking is sitting in this year you think you're sitting here when you're really over here you just don't know how to tell yourself the truth and what's the one of the most pathetic signs is seeing someone who is unaware of who they really are it's you ever meet one of them person it means somebody who don't know that they talk too much and they made a whole conversation about them and you be like do they realize that for the last 30 minutes they just continue the conversation forever never like who did I've never seen somebody who is so unaware turn the page over I want you to go to on the left side of the center when you open it up like this go to the left side do you love your life now I'm gonna give you 12 things all of whom you can go research later I want to give you 12 things that will determine whether you in this chair or not this is huge this is an objective list from the Word of God that will determine whether you in this year or not the idea and the concept is I want you to rank yourself and ask yourself where am I at in this well what I might add a number one I might have no mo Ted why is this important because the more you love your life is the more you're going to find somebody else who love there's the less you love your life is the more you're going to find somebody else who don't love the heirs so you've got to know because like attract like mmm here we go number one oh I wish somebody had taught me this little earlier number one I know why I know my why and I am fulfilling my calling ladies and gentlemen two most important days of your life when you're born and when you know why you were born too many people still don't know why they were born too many people still don't know why God left you here too many people still don't know why God didn't take you up to heaven after you got saved you got to know how do you know your wife pastor that's cuz you know you spiritual gifts that's cause you know your value system what you prioritize that's because you know your pain and you know what you're passionate about in light of your pain we're all of them intersect that's where God wants you to use your gifts and ability for his glory but too many people don't care about that not one rip don't care about it I'm saying you can't love your life until you know what God's called you to do so why don't you pursue it where you at are you convinced that you know for sure that's your job you gotta know that number two you don't like this one either Jesus is my best friend I've talked about this all the time this is my bachelor's I mean this means that you spend on a hard time with God and that you love it this means that you have a closet where you take your stuff to God before you tell anybody else this means when somebody hurts your feelings you don't want to tell nobody else first you tell God first this means you have an ongoing personal relationship with God if you look at the verse to some earlier is on the verse says how can you love anybody else if you have not received and appreciated the love of God cuz it's God that's gonna teach you and how he loves you that's gonna teach you how to love somebody else so why you want to go pursue any other relationship until you can vas the greatness of the God that shows how much he loves you if you don't know how to cultivate intimacy with God how you uncultivated with anybody else because he's the perfect one that loves you regardless of how and what you do so therefore if you can't appreciate his love how you gonna preciate anybody else's love he tells us you gotta make G this is why last Friday um the young enough seconds were talking and every question came up was sexually related and I said and I said to them I said hey here's why you've got a problem because the line god has for you is over there the line you you want to draw is over here so what you're feeding and the affections of your heart it's everything over here instead of over here the question you have to be asking is how do I get closer to God cause the closer you get to God the less you have taste buds for stuff over there but if you don't have a best friend of Jesus and you know how to cultivate that then you're not at this line you are this line talking about okay how far is too far wrong question you have to ask how close can I get to Jesus next one move this work don't lie and my disciple in somebody else see part of the problem of churches today is that you come to church to consume this this is huge decision this is the problem of the current day big ceej you come to church and you come to church to consume something which is why you can cuz you come as consumers if you ever flipped it and say I'm coming to church to learn so that I can take what I learned today and then go teach somebody else in the world then you come to church not as a consumer but as a learner which is what Jesus says go make disciples of all nations so when you come to church though I'm cool shirt hey pastor give me some give me some give me some give me some all at the home and I'm studying it back hey man let it be a Berea and study to make sure that what the pastor said was true okay no that is true let me go teach somebody else and what you should do is you should after this service go find somebody who's not a Christian tell them how you live your life based on these sermon notes and then let them have a taste of what God might want to do in and through them but the reason we don't do it's cuz we just come as consumers not as learners who want to then go disciple somebody else Matthew 28 tells you it wasn't a suggestion it's a command go make disciples for my only question when I see you I should ask you who are you disciple it and if you tell me nobody I should say I should rebuke you and say you're in sin but you don't want that junior said oh they're so legalistic at that church oh my gosh because you're not doing on the Baptist you want God to bless you with everything and you not do what he is already clearly revealed to you his last words don't make disciples and you have nobody that's following you you have nobody that you're decided you have nobody that you're pouring your life into and then some selfish person said no I'm doing it with my kids yes you should do it with your kids but the world has enough pagans out there that it can't be only your kids that you care about that's what you got to go now and you got to say I'm in this type of my kids and if I have another mom that that has some young kids my age I'm on the side for her so she can know how to decipher her cave and if I have another brother who has other brothers that he wants it and then that's the process that we so you should come to church to learn so yeah you can then go back and decide for others how you doing don't tell me you love your life if you're not doing what God's called you to do and commanded you to do next one we've talked about this already is I see this as a see as a gift and have an undivided devotion to God next one oh I must stay right here for a moment I guard the affections of my heart but stay right here for a moment because this one's big ladies and gentlemen just because you can't watch anything don't mean you should watch anything listen just because you have the freedom don't mean you use the freedom you have because there's some things that your heart can take and you don't realize it and so what happens is you don't realize that you end up in foolish situations because you love what you love so much you should be starving some stuff out of your heart Jada and I fight all the time over what she puts in social media because I don't want her to put everything on there she loved it she a junkie she loves social media she loved it and you know what y'all gg-good that's her personality I wanted to thrive in it but not everything oh my god she might come on here in a minute I said let me talk about him y'all let me tell her she's here so she might come out here in a minute but stay right where you are for now don't come out yet but we got a fight no no no no no I don't want everybody because I know that people can compare themselves and unless you tell them the full story well we just fought for 30 minutes but we made up now and so here's a good picture of the family you dope you I wish somebody will post when we in a fact you need to see when we in a fire what I look like what glory to God mrs. Edwards glory to God praise God you don't have a microphone today praise the Lord praise the Lord everybody just wait why are you looking like you're threatening me like you're threatening prays alone anyway it's gonna get back to my sermon thank you don't be posting it don't post it don't fit y'all know it's 11:40 I got to go listen okay come come come on focus no no no Friday Friday this happened and I need to tell you this I got a guard in my heart I have to guard my heart other singles young adult deals the other day not a bunch of here one of these guys got up and said hey I'm a pastor and I'm the syphon for the guys and I want you to tell me personally how do I tell them to to not struggle with pornography and stuff like that to which I said I didn't say jaws didn't want offended me but in my mind I said why you have to use it for them why you don't use it for you don't you struggle with what you got to know what your eyes see too so I said I said bro I'm glad you don't struggle with it but I do and my 80 year old that dude - so guess what I have to do I gotta put filters on my stuff so that I can't get everything I gotta make sure I don't watch everything so that I don't my mind don't go places where it shouldn't go I gotta do that no clap you need to pray for me so then so then so then what you special so I continue say hey bro I listen if I walk if I walk anywhere anywhere and I see and I see somebody on TV or I see some money and famous somewhere and they got a little bit of curves you know what I got a fight I got a fight not going online to look them up to see those curves a little close you see you don't want to pass it to tell the truth you just want me to lie to ya you just want to pretend is it oh he's so untouchable no I ain't that's the reality for me so I gotta make sure I can't get access to everything because I don't trust myself cuz I got a garden I ever I got a guard what I love to watch that's why I can't watch everything that's why you can't watch it either at least this service I got some brothers agreement last server they were like I'm like what's wrong with y'all y'all scared yo why is that yeah you need to tell them expose it so that they know so they can help you get freedom in it but y'all you better guard what's there the better guarded or else it will take control of your life like you've never seen before let's go it's 11:40 let's go I take care of my spiritual emotional and relational health you've got to stay healthy in all three areas you got to spend time with God you got to manage your moods you got to make sure relationally have people in your life that are running with you next one oh I'm running in community I'm gonna stay here a little bit too quickly I'm running in community ladies and gentlemen I'm begging you we've preached this every week in our church you must have some people that come alongside you and support you when you're trying to make good decisions you must have some people that know what's going on in your life so they can tell you great job or they can tell you stop the nonsense they can tell you I'm coming over right now I heard about the stories last weekend where a young lady was going to about a depression and she's a like my life and and two ladies from her life group came over they sat by the bathroom door and say you don't even have to open the door we just gonna pray you out of him and they prayed and prayed and pray and pray and they didn't judge her but they just loved her until she says okay I give up y'all love me too much that's what church is supposed to be about people who love each other so much I'm running with you and we're gonna fight the good fight together where is the general when you have to do that alone why would you even choose that another you say pastor but I got a bad life you're good try another one well three bad ones try a fourth one here's why because the enemy wants you to say I give up anything good that God has for you the enemy wants you to give up on it before you find the benefits of it next one my joy satisfaction and fulfillment is found only in Jesus not in your job not in what you do is found in Jesus see many people they give up this and all they do is switch what they're consumed about so now they're consuming about their job so they now love their job love their job love their job and they worship their job only to then say to God God I love this so much that if God asked you to give it up you'd say absolutely not because your identity is found in it you have to ask yourself all the time can I give up this job and still be okay here's why you have to ask the question because if you can't you'll stay too long if you can't you'll hurt people along the process because anybody that no tries to threaten you in that job you're going to view them as the enemy and not as a child of God you gotta be careful that's why people stay way longer than they're supposed to because they're consumed they're worshiping the job that they are so you just switch from one in the main to gets consumed with your job you're not gonna find satisfaction it's only found in Jesus let's go how many more we go go go go go I'm abiding in the word you know that one go you need to rank yourself in all of these last what I'm going to focus on I am walking I'm a walking billboard of God's supremacy and sufficiency supremacy means God Romans 8 god I know that you have me here I know you don't make mistakes and you work all things together for my good so I know if I'm single cause you want me to be in this season and I'm gonna celebrate that until you change the situation sufficiency says god I know you're enough I don't have to get anything else you are enough by yourself and I'm gonna be a walking billboard that tells the world I am that testimony of God's supremacy and his sufficiency until we have singles and young adults like that I'm telling you no wonder you don't look no different than the world the same thing they struggle with you struggle with the same stuff you do every day the same stuff they do because you don't believe in the supremacy and the sufficiency of God next one I live for it all to another penultimate we talked about this ultimate is the marriage when you see Christ surveys the penultimate is the marriage that you want to go pursue right now you're not living for this one this is a picture of the future this is a taste of what its gonna be like when you get to heaven you ought to live for the ultimate not the penultimate last one I have a curve ring that has influence over my life and is involved in my decision-making process you know I need that because whenever you find a relation should be going act like a fool look at the person so whenever you find the relationship tell them quick you're gonna act like a fool so you need somebody now you need somebody now who can provide wisdom for you before you meet that person that then you get in the car let's go come on turn the page you know this one already evaluate yourself master mission moods and maid you know that's the way God that's the order in which God wants it you have flipped the order and you go mate foods mission and master God says that's the correct order lastly and then we're done lastly let me give you these for your notes because you're gonna be mad let's go to contentment they're there five of them here's the five you have to understand the power of contentment God has the power to do whatever you need you have to understand the enemy of contentment there are two blanks there that you have to fill up crushing comparison and celebrating God's blessings and others by the way the reason why God hasn't given it off somebody else what you have been asking for it's cause you can't celebrate it when he gives it to somebody else so because you still because you get another invitation to go to this wedding and you mad you ain't married yet you can't celebrate you ought to send them flowers you have to send them a personal note saying how glad you are for them and that you gonna pray for them for the next six days that the boarding is the best thing that ever happened to them cause you cannot do that maybe that's the reason why God hasn't bless you with what you want next one you got to learn to be content with little or with much next one you gotta choose carefully what you pursue too many of us pursue jobs choose carefully what you pursue next one rely on Christ friend he says the secret to contentment is dependent on him two things you have to do curse comparison ones that mean that means sometimes you need to get off of Facebook you need to get off of Instagram you guess after all your social media because your your feed in comparison if you don't crush it number two year to celebrate the gratitude celebrate what God's done in you what he has for you and not just what you want you know these stages are taught you last year go get the tape if you don't need it if you don't have it there five of them fighting that's when you fighting God for what you want these are stages of waiting you need to ask where you are then you start hurting okay I know and I shouldn't be doing it but that's really where I'm at then you start knowing and you start depending I've got a little bit my dad fully then he slowly changes your heart and then you trust him here's what trust it means God whether you give me or not I'm still satisfied what do you give me what I want or not I'm still content right well this forgot straining to take you you can fight him as long as you want he has time enough to wait you out but he wants you here let me close with this illustration and then I'm done ladies and gentlemen you can get somebody to fill you up all you want some of you try to get your job to fill you up if that's what you do listen it won't last some of you try to find a mate to fill you up and you believe you find the right mate first month second month first year first kid but it's coming they can't satisfy you either ladies and gentlemen it's not until you go to God and you say God I need to spend some more time with new I need you to be my best friend God I need you to help me get there God I need you I need you I need you I'm gonna do everything I can God to spend time with you to focus on you to develop a relationship with you it's not until you're there and when the world takes you out you know where god I got I got to come back God I need you guys and you go right back and say God I need you again I need you Lord it's not until you're there that you realize how much you really really really really need God it's not not until they're know the beautiful things that makes God different than everybody else is this when you trust God when you allow him to feel you and nobody else then he'll take you places further and higher than you've ever been before if you just learned how to trust your God and allow him to fill you and satisfy you and give you joy father will you help this body of believers understand the significance of loving your life through us God these are not tips that you can do if you just try harder this is a surrendering that we have to do knowing that it is not possible apart from Christ the text says God I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me I pray for every young another pray for every single person that they will rely on you get filled with you so that you'll take in places they never dreamt before pray for all married couples today that if they're not finding their satisfaction in you and we're looking through it forward from a mate I pray that you'll help them to to realize the futility in that transform us from the inside out we pray in the matchless name of Jesus and everybody said I mean I don't need to move just yet if you want somebody to pray for you when everybody else is going out they don't want you to come up and we'll consider it or not will pray to stay here and pray for you as long as we need to two things you're gonna get let go in sections men we'll see on Wednesday young adults and singles we'll see you on Friday and if you want to register for the conference you can do that I want to look at the screens and when you look there they'll tell you which section goes and if your sections not illuminated and talk to the people around you and get to know them God placed them there sovereignly for a reason encourage their spirits thanks to media god bless you
Channel: One Community Church
Views: 2,534
Rating: 4.7419353 out of 5
Id: 0BqYw-mZvZk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 42sec (2922 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 19 2019
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