Foot Personality Test

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- What do these say about us? - Let's talk about that. (groovy intro music) Good mythical morning. - They say that the eyes are the windows to the soul. But while you've been staring lovingly into the eyes of your lover, your feet are down there saying, "Hey, I'm the floor to ceiling soul window right here. "I have a soul and I'm a foot." - Oh, I get it. What Link is trying to say is that there are people who, for thousands of years believed that you can look at someone's feet and tell things about their personality. - Yes. - Let's see if there's anything to this. - Now, we've done some research, boopity boop boop boop boop boop, 'cause we are not professional foot readers. - Right. - But because of the boopity boops, now we can analyze our own personalities and see if it matches up with what the internet says about our feet. - Let's do this. It's time for - [Link] Can Your Hooves Prove How Your Moods Move? - Okay, so there are a lot of different ways you can analyze the foot. The first thing is the overall foot shape, at least the toe shape. So place your foot up here into the examining area. Whoa. - [Link] There it is. Look at that. - First off, did you freaking trim your feet man? You had way more hair on these toes. You shaved for the camera? - I did not, I knew we were doing this, I didn't shave but I did trim my foot hair and then I just kept going. - This is a misrepresentation of what your foot actually normally is. It's very hobbit-like but now it's almost normal. - Well, I wanted you to be able to see it and yeah, there's a lot of hair there, don't love that. - You got rid of your foot blanket. - I trimmed it and I just kept going all the way up. - Okay, I'm gonna be doing a lot of foot touching, just so you know, and if you're into that kind of thing, don't tell us that you are in the comments. Just stay here quietly and enjoy yourself, okay? - But doesn't it look nice that you can see the skin under there? - But you have a nice foot. - I have five toes on it. - There are five different shapes. There's Egyptian, Roman, Greek, Germanic and Celtic and you definitely, here straighten those out, this toe's longer and then you have a nice gradation so that is a Greek, you're not Greek are you? You have a Greek foot. - My foot's Greek. - Okay, that's all that's important which means that you are creative, questionable, you are prone to anxiety, definitely true. - That is true. - And you may be gullible. Let's just go straight with he is gullible. - You know what, I don't believe that. - Oh, yeah that's smart 'cause if you believe that this is true, you may be gullible. Okay, so you have a Greek foot. - Let me take a look, see what you've got here. Do I get a pointer too? - I didn't do any prep. I didn't do any prep work. I left my feet raw just like they are. - Man, yeah, you just don't have that much hair. This whole toe's going this, we'll come back to the fact that your whole toe is pointing west. - I was in an accident. - Is that east? West. - I was in an accident. - How did you trim that toe nail? - I have toe nail issues. - Were you in a lawnmower accident? - No, I have issues man. Apparently, they're emotional based on some things that you're gonna find out in a little bit. - Alright, so you've got, the second toe for you is also longer. Let's see if I can make it shorter and then this one's almost as tall. - [Rhett] Well, if you straighten 'em out, they're almost even. - [Link] Well, then I'm saying that that's Roman. - [Rhett] And then there's a gradation. - [Link] And then it drastically decreases there. - Well, it's not, and because that's a little bit longer, I'm Greek and Roman. - I'd say your Greco-Roman. - Like one of those Olympic wrestlers? I've always always wanted to do that. - According to, Greco-Roman, you got some analytical, practical thinker, things happening here. - That's right, not gullible at all. - Do you wrestle? - Uh, yeah, I used to, we used to wrestle. Remember that? - No, we've never, oh, I didn't mean to do that. - We went through like a UFC phase. We would UFC each other in our dorm room. - So that explains it 'cause you've got a Greco Roman foot. - We'll talk about that later. - Alright, keep your foot up here, and we'll go, let's move onto the arches. And I knew this about you. Look at that, you've got a crazy arch, man. - [Rhett] I'm arching. - You're arching for days. - I think you can actually see it better if you, oh, oh, look at that. Man. - Look at that. - My foot looks like one of those, like a foot sticker. Like if you buy a foot sticker at a general store. - No. Like a foot sticker? - Yeah, look at the arch on it. - Like if someone drew an icon of a foot, they would have-- - Yeah, I have an iconic foot, man. - You got a freaking foot cave. - Look at that. - There's like bats hiding under there. - What does that mean? It means lots of good things, right? - It means you're independent, self sufficient, potentially anti-social. - I can be. - Stay out of my foot cave. - I don't like people. - You have the potential to be brittle or rigid in your ways. - No, I don't. I don't have any potential for that. And don't try to give me that bull crap. - You have an indomitable spirit, Rhett. - Yes. - I think I've seen your spirit be domited before by your children. I think they frequently domit your spirit. - Yeah, pre-kids. Pre-kids, I was a strong man. - You were indomitable and then you were domited. Alright, so that's it for your arches. - Now I have a feeling, I know a little thing about your feet 'cause as a child I remember they called you Flat Foot Neil. - [Link] I have no arch. - You had to get inserts. - I wore a foot insert to try to create an arch and it didn't really happen. - That is a flat foot. That could be like a cutting board. - That could be a cutting board, oh, the hamstring. We gotta warm up the hammie, man. - Look at that, that is - Flat. It could be a white board. You could do business on that. - Very smooth. - But what does it mean that I'm flat footed? - Now, it means you value the company of others, especially people that will just touch your feet, you're extroverted. - I'm actually a little weirded out by that. - Sociable and you like to have a good time. - Like to have a good time, man, no arches. - Who would of thunk it, flat footed people, why we trying to correct them? Flat footed people are the life of the party. - They are. I'm gonna leave my foot up here and let's analyze width at this point. - Okay. - I'm gonna give you a straight on shot here. - Give us a straight on. That's a wide sucker right there. It is. This isn't necessarily a foot icon but if I needed to paint with your feet, like those feet painters, you could carry a lot of paint with those. - I could literally paint a house with my foot, it's just so flat. What does it mean? - Wide feet means that you can't sit still. - That's not true. Well, I guess I fidget. - It means that you're happiest when you're busy and you're a good and hard worker. None of that really rings true for me. - I'm a good and hard worker. I'm like freaking Bob the Builder, man. - You have quite a foundation, I think that's how I would interpret that. You have quite a foundation, you're tough to tip over. I've tried to tip you over many times. - You've never tipped me over. Now you've got a narrow foot. - I'd say that's narrow. - I think that the-- - It's also pretty, it looks like a foot icon. - The arch-- - They're from the general store. - Contributes to the narrowness of it. - Yeah, what does that say? Is it good things? - In general, I thought having more of an arch is more of an athletic thing. - Well, I'm quick. - You can shoot a three pointer. - I had a lot of lateral motion before kids. - Narrow feet mean you enjoy being pampered. - That's true I love a hot tub, I love soft clothes. - You tend to be good at delegating tasks. - Oh, yeah, I get you to do everything. - And then I get Chase to do it. You desire beauty in your surroundings. - That's true. - Which explains my presence. - Yes, that's true. - You like beauty, did you ever think that about yourself? You know, I like beauty in my surroundings. - I do, I like a nice painting. I won't say no to a nice painting on the wall. - Would you like a nice painting? - No, I do not want a nice painting. - I like wallpaper as well. - And shall we move onto toes? - We shall. - At this point, alright, so there's different things you can learn about the length of each toe. If I start with your big toe which now we know, this thing bends inward. - Well, I did break it at one point. - Is that the one you kicked the bleachers in high school when you threw a tantrum? - No, I kicked that one. They both do that. - Oh my goodness, look at that. You could fit another toe right there, a big one too. - I got a crazy bendy toe. - I think we should graft an 11th toe - I'm surprised I can stand. - Right there in the middle. - Well, what's wrong with me? What does that mean? - You spend too much time bending over backwards for someone in your life. - If that someone is me, don't change. - Mmhmm, okay, what else we got? - Do you bend over backwards for anyone in your life? - Yeah, yeah, I've learned to deal with you. - Oh, you're making it about me too. Okay, one, two, three, four. The fourth toe, I'm gonna skip there because I see the curling nature of it which means you may be having problems in your personal life. - I'm glad you brought this up. I've been meaning to tell you about my personal problems. - Now's the time to do it. - On this show. - Just gush about it. - Now that you pointed out my curly toe. - This is the perfect opportunity to say-- - The main problem I'm dealing with is the fact that I haven't gotten a call from any mountain general stores asking to make my foot into an icon that they sell. Okay, let me look at your feet. I'm gonna look at your toes. Okay, so, first of all, hairiness does mean something, hairy toes. - My feet aren't hairy at all, dude. - And normally, before you shear them, it means that you're sensitive but you hide this with deflection. - Whoa, that's perfect, I'm freaking trimming my foot hair to deflect. - It doesn't ch, oh, okay, I was about to say it doesn't change anything. - No, that's why I did it. I was deflecting what it even meant. - Okay, and this is consistent with the fact that my toe bends sideways. - [Link] Don't touch that one. - [Rhett] Why? - That's the one thing in life I can't stand when somebody grabs that toe. My kids do it to me and they know I can't stand it. - That one in particular? - It's like a-- - But this one is not a problem? - That one's fine. Grab that one all, don't grab that one, I'm serious, I cannot stand-- - What is wrong with you, man? - It's like pinching a butter bean man. - So this one is significantly longer which means that you're verging on bossy. - I'll own it. I am the boss. - This toe and my toe bending over sideways, bending over backwards for your bossy self. - My toe's making your toe bend. - And lastly, can you wiggle your pinky toe independently? Oh, you can. Ain't no way I can do that. - I mean, here it is. - No, I can't. I can barely even move the top part of my foot. But I gotta hold it still when they're making that cast for the icon. - I can also do the reverse bird with my feet. Look at that. It's like if I do that long enough, that toe's just gonna fall off. - Well, if you can move that independently, you're adventurous and impulsive. - Well that's why you don't give me knives. So okay, I may be a little gullible but you can learn a lot about your personality from your feet. - Does that mean that you're gullible? - I think so. Thank you for liking - Are you? - Commenting and subscribing. - You know what time it is. - Hi, I'm Tina. - I'm Selena. - And we're in a house boat in India. - And it's time - [Both] To spin the wheel of mythicality. - You've seen a lot of our feet but one of our most amazing feats was that we wrote a freaking book. It's called Rhett and Link's myth, what is it called? - Book of Mythicality. - Book of Mythicality. You can pre-order it right now at bookofmythicality .com. - .com. Click though to Good Mythical More. We are gonna see if we can identify the crew based on their feet alone. - Lonely hashtag. This is when we find a hashtag that has only been used just one or two times and we add to that. The hashtag that is very, very lonely that we want you to add to is #casserolekitty. - [Link] Casserole kitty. - [Rhett] Casserole kitty. - That's all that exists right now for casserole kitty. - So add yours to that and we will re-post our favorites. - [Link] Click on the left to watch our show after the show, Good mythical More. - [Rhett] Click on the right to watch another episode of Good Mythical Morning. - [Link] And make sure to check out our new channel This Is Mythical by clicking the video at the bottom. - [Rhett] Thanks for being your mythical best.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 2,242,521
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Keywords: rhett and link, good mythical morning, rhett and link good mythical morning, good mythical morning rhett and link, rhett and link vlog, vlog rhett and link, season 11, do your feet determine your personality, rhett link do your feet determine your personality, do your feet determine your personality rhett link, foot personality test, personality test, personality quiz, personality test psychology, reading feet, feet, rhett link feet, rhett feet, link feet, foot, celebrity feet
Id: cj3hg5I3j-E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 45sec (705 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 27 2017
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