Pushing Into Unexplored Areas Of A Large Abandoned Mine Complex - Part 2

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I was just shooting the side of this winds here there the winds there we did The Rock test on it goes down quite a way I'm not gonna get too much closer because it's undercut but that is vertical we're thinking about trying to drop down that we're just running this out make sure there's an easier way down but that winds behind me it's definitely an option just going to give you quick peek of what's back here's another Junction here we got a drift going off that way drift going up that [Music] way got the remains of glass jugs right there something kind of cool blasting caps box right there so she's in remarkably good shape good stuff yeah lots of color back here you can hear Jeremy constructing the anchor here for us to rope off of that Junction where we're building the anchor is just around the bend there and I pursued this drift to the left and dead ends here in this caved this very colorful caved material but we are not going that way I'm afraid that is really colorful back here camera is picking up these colors and this is our Junction right here stopping for brunch on the ground this is what my explorers do when we stop for brunch we sit around and compare calorie counts on food get our gear sorted out start getting cold which motivates us to get going again here's Jeremy getting set up he's connecting the webbing now he's doing a water knot there and then once the webbing is set up then we'll run a rope off of that back that way toward the winds you want to have a good anchor as I shift that's shifting as I say that once you put weight on it though it does get tight there you go yeah yeah shorten that gu all right so there's the Rope connected into the webbing you see how that looks just put a figure eight Loop in the rope and then hook that to a carabiner and run it out that way yeah we're good a few last minute adjustments then dropping this wings I don't know if I showed that before got to love rope just working on getting the Rope unentangled cuz now actually it tangled up looking at the sketch Factor here that Barrel is not too encouraging since it's just undercut right there and then just lots of loose stuff here trying to give you a better look out over the edge let me brace myself so that's what we're talking about dropping down there yeah we see how it goes first guy down I've got two more of those in my pack too you want to protect the Rope so doesn't cha on the Rock and damage it usually don't want damaged rope all right that's ready yep okay I'm going still good just rope down from up there and got a really good feeling about this one you see the naughty miners youred right there I'll get a better look at that in a second just wanted to show you the other stuff down here in case you didn't see it got or cars Galore actually that's a skip car in front of me but or car here War car still on the track right there lots of good stuff back that way I'll get a close look at this graffiti and then wait for those to come down decide which way we want to go but drift goes in both directions which is exactly what we had hoped for yeah you see the girls jerking the guy off good my graffiti I don't even to see that over there here's a better view of that skip car you see the cable for it there that's Jeremy's pack Beyond this is really cool and then yeah like I said the there's a junction actually I'll go shoot that Junction real quickly I'll meet you over there looking at it from this perspective I don't think this was a skip I think this was an or car it's just flipped over so I didn't immediately put it together but I just want to give you a quick peek back here I said don't worry we're gonna run all this out but just kind of geeking out on what's back here because like I said this pretty confident this is virgin ground oh this is nice look at this Junction here and then we got stuff running off in all directions this is good sto or just yeah looks like a back fi little sto right there got lots of squiggly minor stuff these guys must have been on overtime then there's that Junction runs that way there's more miners graffiti here more naughty miners graffiti oh yeah this is good this is good this feels like virgin ground I'll cross over there real quickly and just show you the view from that side and then we'll figure out which way we're going to go first first so we just looked over there you see the other or cars there come to the other side of this or car check this out American engineering works I've actually not even heard of that company but still has a chain attached and everything and yeah check this out look at all that all those boom sticks it's a lot of dynamite but it's totally AER as wet as it is I could stomp on that and it wouldn't go off I'm not going to do it but and that's a Hercules see a bunch of track spikes in front of it this is what virgin mines look like mines that haven't been plundered you know so many abandoned mines they all used to look like this and then all the stuff gets taken out of them and they're just featureless and boring so this is why we love pushing into the Virgin mines so much you see solid track here with an airline next to it some good gobbing pretty substantial gobin nice clean d Rift in front of us scissor view of the airline right there just bending and twisting our way through here nice spacious drift here that what's that oh really oh wow oh wow that's so cool bits drill bits oh man this is what it's all about guys holy this is amazing this is drill still with the bit on it wow this isn't even stag I mean like CU nobody's been down here this is just how they left it that white powder you seen all all over the place that's carbide we got I'll show you more of that in for a second we got a drift going off to the left looks good goes off to the right looks good oh man this alone is worth coming down for yeah I mean we've seen how many more cars already now yeah this is five now I believe I thought one of those was a skip at first but I was mistaken MVM on it yeah oh there's um match stick or M yeah matchbook that's what I'm trying to say right there silver Club yeah there's radiator down there did you figure out what that bottle um says I think it says Vine Vine maybe something Creek yeah oh it's it's a bo ball something Creek Vineyard I see yeah H that's very it's like a paper container yeah whatever that is wow there's so much stuff here this is so cool this is so old it just says phone 69 I mean that's the extent of the phone number so that gives you an idea of the age well this this holds a great promise look forward to seeing what else is down here there's that amazing view right there and Austin notics they've got SW wasas in here this mine is old enough that it doesn't that doesn't have the connotation you necessarily think it does has the historical connotation of good luck and things like that Austin found bottle over here oh it says Danny's own Beverage Company Provo Utah contents 32 oz there's some sort of really viscous fluid in there kind of looks like oil that's really very syrupy I don't know there's so much in here I know oh nice where was that over here I don't even see thatuh yeah something carrying a little carry Sack or something yeah maybe maybe some these drawers we do find a lot of pants Underground look like a stained drawer the Denny's Beverage Co bottles right there and I can't even imagine what else we're going to find in here looks like yeah drill bits and some other stuff coffee can MJB oh there's so much infrastructure here got the remains of an or sheot here so there's big Stope up there that was servicing and then coffee can right there look at all that metal up there oh wow look that it winds up there yeah man this place just keeps [Applause] giving so yeah they tossed bunch of metal up there we'll take a closer look at that if it warrants it um for now want to get over here and see this winds it's kind of a cool sto right there there's a lot of trip on in here all the stuff I'm tripping on is stuff that slab down because you see the rail is over there got rail Junction in front of me another or car this one's got like stac sing nice flipped up on the side that one oh wow it does that's really cool well if there was a manufacturers plate on it yeah um the wood it's really I no it's not even like a a bad wind no it's like really mellow see oh even have a roller still there so yeah there's the winds dropping down Jeremy is wow this is so cool obviously we're gonna go down there I'm just seeing I missed anything because there's stuff everywhere lots of cans down there and that's where we came in from we're back at this awesome scene we decided it would be best to run out this drift we're on first before fallowing that winds down to the next level below so this is the left drift that we haven't followed yet so we're going to see where this goes kind a cool colorful mineralization Ah that's a big messy pile I'm put the camera away and pick up on other side of that I'm standing on that pile right now and just want to show you where that came from you can see all that infrastructure crash down from up there so actually looks like might be a little Su L up there I don't know if we can get up there or not but we'll take a look at that in a minute meanwhile just going to finish this up that's a big carbide can there in the corner okay I've got an intentional burm right there bunch of wood scraps I think they driving it this way uh yeah yeah they were yeah I can tell from the drel marks wow it's so right here if you didn't hear him he was saying that they were driving it the drift in the direction that we're going and you can tell that from the direction of the drill marks yeah this was definitely intentionally blocked off that sounds big wonder what you hit that almost sounded like water yeah no I mean know it sound like a a wooden platform maybe there's a big Echo yeah it's very echy a bigger one another rock test here it doesn't feel like it goes terribly far no it doesn't I wonder that winds we just passed probably goes good down to it ready holy that did sound like water yeah that that did sound like water it's pretty muddy here too maybe there's a little bit of water it didn't sound like a splash exactly though no hold on to the back to me oh D you're going to go for that I looked over it look up does it go up or what yeah it does a lot yeah huh is it a shaft can you see daylight no no I I have to get out yeah okay what's it look like going down it looks clean but do you see a bottom no I get far enough okay we got the Rope up yeah I don't think we need to yeah let's try that other wins first
Channel: TVR Exploring
Views: 19,532
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pushing Into Unexplored Areas Of A Large Abandoned Mine Complex - Part 2, abandoned mine, mine exploring, mine exploration, exploring abandoned mines, underground mining, mines of the west, tvr, stope, adit, winze, silver mining, unexplored, abandoned, urbex
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 6sec (1266 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2024
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