Kanye West On "Donda," Drake, Marriage W/ Kim Kardashian, His Legendary Career & More | Drink Champs

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He really doesn't like Kim's publicist 🀣🀣🀣

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 388 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Vagabond_Paradise πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 05 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Kanye saying the worst thing he ever did was sign big Sean and that he deserves to die for signing him has me dying

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2035 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/icemankiller8 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 05 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Honestly surprised that Kanye is half-vaxxed.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 462 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TheOldKanyeWest πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 05 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

This is the first time Kanye has spoken since the Rogan pod right? That was like over a year ago I didn’t expect this

Also didn’t expect that haircut 😬😬

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 596 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Jordanwolf98 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 05 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

he announced donda deluxe and sang a song from it

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 440 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/910_21 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 05 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

kanye back to smoking and cursing in years or just the first time in public?

edit: Kanye said he put Travis Scott, Hov, Kim, and Drake in one group chat and told em he has more money than all of them combined yea he's gone

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1146 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Kitchen_Ur_Lies πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 05 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Nobody saying anything about Sean getting Ass Ass Ass shouted at him going through the airport and Kanye thinking that’s the funniest shit ever

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 371 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/KingJewfery πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 05 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

how are y'all watching this already?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 218 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ZZZrp πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 05 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

mfs in the future gonna have stories of kanye like charlie murphy to rick james lmaoo this man wild

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 321 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/floopykid πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 05 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] [Applause] killer [Music] congratulations [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] what it give me hopefully this win it should be this is your boy n-o-r-e what up it's dj efn this is drink champs yappy hour make some noise [Applause] when me and efn started this show we always looked at rappers or we always looked at certain people as superheroes or super men this guy standing to the left of me is not only a superhero a superman a super genius a super music icon but he's also a fashion icon he's also a visionary he's also a person who speaks things into existence i remember he said you don't know house way and we figured out he didn't know how swift in case you don't know who we talk about because we talk about this is this going to be drink cham's biggest episode ever i'm just go ahead and say that sorry to anybody else who's ever been on this table in this place this is going to be the biggest in case you don't know the [ __ ] we talking about we talking about the artist formally known as kanye and he's just now yeah god damn it [Applause] so so let me get this right you ain't got a last name or first name just got a name right don't even know what to say that [ __ ] is hard just yet [Applause] yo yo yo i thank you so much man because on the real real i know you don't have to do this um you had a level in your life where it seems like you're free it sounds like you just feel like you're free you're doing you really showed up with no security and i had to get security for you i'm sorry i just said no i just can't let you walk around like that because we're gonna kill somebody somebody [ __ ] with you i'm just doing it out there i'm just throwing it out there so sorry we left that we left that um life but um how is it like how is it like what's what's going on in your life it's just because i heard you told me on the phone the other day you said you don't even you're not even you don't even have a house that's how rich you are you don't even have a house how is that yeah you know i'll restore houses i'm very into architecture but i'm just i'm not into the the class system where it's like what that's one of the main things they used to control us i think my whole existence is about not being out of control but being out of their control being in control of yourself so house is the first thing that they give you that your entire existence when i look out at the skyscrapers in new york i'm like everybody that's in all those buildings spending that time away from their family working one of the main things the main thing is the idea of a house security yeah security because i remember saying uh saying i was arguing with this one publicist and i told the person that i wasn't going to have a house and they spazz on me said you've done too much in your life to not have a house you need a hat like so try to impose that idea of but you know my home is just when when my daughter facetimes me that's where my that's where my home is but you were staying in the mercedes-benz arena didn't look like a cell it looked like a jail cell i'm going to throw it out there yeah well except for i could come and go so right big difference but yeah you know it's this idea this monk lifestyle like this i heard that it's like trust fund kids that's kind of on the same wave right now that they being homeless on purpose right uh but i traveled to um to paris like a couple weeks ago and i had to go through lisbon because you can go through lisbon without being vaccinated i only got one of the shots i'm half sonated so i i come to i dropped in lisbon it's a 15-hour ride and usually people say well i i had to i got to take this 15-hour ride some steven spielberg told me that this ralph lauren i'm just have there's gonna be shameless names right here it's gonna be like a lot of names i love it so i sit next to oprah at this ralph lauren dinner talking to steven spielberg [Applause] continue continue across from hillary clinton this is the first time i actually was with her all right so the uh and so i took this 15 hour ride from lisbon to paris but the thought was i get to take the ride the ride was beautiful so it's just a perspective on life like when i go through just the different changes in my life my family a friend of mine said are you sad and when i really thought about it i started to look at life like it was a video game i'm like you know every part of it is really lit the things that hurt you the things that you're happy about the things that uh that push your ego that support your ego the things that down your ego like i've been saying this like a couple uh for a couple weeks like ego and anger love to hang out their best friends no absolutely ego and anger oh yeah yeah you know that they hype each other yeah yeah definitely yeah yeah they definitely okay they definitely blood okay so the more and more you know you lean into your ego you know i wrote this song that for donda that you know we're gonna bring out on the bonus album uh that's saying on the deluxe but it said if i let go if i let go let god and let go i gotta let it go i got it let's go and it's really got this line that makes me think about miami buy into the montreal actually it had a next line but i like to open it [Laughter] but it's like going to paris i get there and um i get to the ritz hotel and they say they ain't got no rooms and you know it's a couple of times so i just had to like pull my mouse down like you don't have no room okay let me look for a room for you that's a different kind of currency yeah the the vision of life is not to have money and possessions is to have relationships and make it to the point where i've done so much for so many people that my money is can't spend anywhere to go to a restaurant they'd be like oh your money's no good here so they said they charge me for the room but they gave you a room yeah they found a room and then the next day the ceo of balenciaga came to pick me up is this guy named cedric that actually i was trying to hire as a ceo my boy jean two-toed i had an apc which is based like the french version of gap which is the first person to really that was in a prestigious position to really let me do a collaboration uh with them and so we had this apc collection that sold out back in the day and this is before the louis louis collab yeah you know what the louis cloud was first that's right yeah thank you thank you um i'm a fan the louis collab was great so i want to i want to go back to certain things with the louis thing okay but so the ceo of valencia picked me up now i i came with all i got is this like little bag that's like my house and my house changes in size depending on how big my bag is like i had this one that was like a laminate size and that once i got the apple headphones they wouldn't fit in it so i had to get a bigger house which ended up being talk about a mobile home end up being this one right and i'm so happy that thugs wear this uh this bag now man i'll call it yeah so people could stop down at me in here so um so i ride uh to the balenciaga store with the ceo of balenciaga and i didn't have a change of underwear but for what you know i've done with valencia especially over the past four months guess what my underwear and socks ended up being for the next four days in paris valenciaga underwear for free and that's when i was sitting there i was like yo this is my vision on life to not even have to have a house to have a place in every single world every single city every single country that i could go to and somebody's like you could stay here you could sleep here like uh my dog boo was like man you in my city brother yeah okay he was like you in my city and the first one i saw i was like [ __ ] i was born in atlanta i was like i humbled myself saying yes sir with a bunch of eyes with a bunch of eyes uh and um he's like yo you know i'm down here working on kc i'm in houston but you can stay at my crib and to i know i got a bunch of cribs i can stay at in new york i know i got a bunch of cribs i can stay at and you just move around like first it was like yaseen think about mo stuff he changed his name and he started moving around so i would think about how he was moving around you know just going through the airport sometimes standing in line sometimes not standing in line getting a uh uber uber be cancelling me i'm not gonna say uber's trash now i'm just saying i'm not gonna lie to you you told me that the other day you said you said you'd be calling ubers they always be canceling on you they don't cancel on you your profile doesn't say yeah i'm yeah i don't even know i barely you know i i barely know how to work it i just got my apple pay you know just mad you just got apple pay let's make some noise for you because you really are superheroes i got apple pay but now it's time to make apple pay wow all right go ahead that was all that was oh so have you watched versus yes yeah you know i'm going with it yeah would you step into that ring oh absolutely but i would need about like four people that to go against me at one time [Applause] i need i need producers money people who make good albums i need people who made radio hits i need every single gemini specifically mc i need every okay okay top five especially gemini would you like would you like some hennessy or do you like would you like a glass well you know let me explain what hennessey is doing to the community okay okay so you know we know what the people gonna say people gonna say they want yay against who do you think the people would think they want to see you again uh there's only two people really out there yeah no i think it'd be it'd be drake right thank you at home that's i didn't think about that one i didn't think about that oh this old nephew right there he watching you know no i like that i like that gold against jack nah cause that's my boss i would never go against you i don't like that answer but what you saying when you and drake together who's winning that i'm winning every situation that's why holy [ __ ] and who producer was though would it be dre oh producer-wise [Music] that's why i said it gotta be i need to have like a month-long just different categories different styles you have a season of your own verses yeah that'd be new at a certain point i could just be versus myself it could be that's how i'm against that album i had to go dark fantasy against well i don't think anything goes against dark fantasy but college dropout against the old graduation oh yeah we could do that we do the old yeah against new year we do all like sample drums versus trap drones we can do all bars versus all different name changes going against each other yeah different eras of holy moly guacamole this is exciting [ __ ] but you telling me i just i just want to it's for the fans it's not for me yeah if swiss come to you because it's not about money with you i can tell it's not about money but swiss timberland say you and drake against one another you saying you're gonna take it and you're gonna smoke yeah absolutely okay that's all i need to be clear but it already happened he played one of my leaked songs and it was better than every other song this year because you did leak drake's address correct no he advertised it when he was building the house everyone knows it's like a place in canada you go by it's like it's a monument right yeah every we didn't know that because you know we look at people over here yeah you know you can find it that's how i was able to find it it's googlable it's on google maps i like it that's my word you know i made up that word what i will say i understand that you know in in all of the the back and forth that me and drake have had you know it's like the life life is like the nba yeah and people are either on your team or they're on another team and everybody plays games in different kind of ways and you can't be mad for somebody at the end of the day this man has sold more records than anybody and part of his technique and basketball people got different techniques like i went to uh to the gym with kobe and we didn't even really get to play ball all he did was show me videos of scottie pippen and you know scottie pippen's got a wide wingspan but he didn't talk about that he talked about how fast he was moving his feet and he was like oh this is inhuman right it's inhumane this is like and he was studying that he wanted to learn how fast he moved his feet so when drake drake don't do a dis like outright dis song where's the headshot he's gonna set up set it up like war you're gonna calculate it and strategy yeah when people went to go get hitler they didn't go straight for hillary they set up fake tanks they said they said it so he gonna do stuff like live five blocks down the street from you dm every we're gonna grab through the light switch that that is that yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah are you talking you're gonna like go and you know dm every single girl in your family every single girl around your family everybody every all your [ __ ] girl he's gonna so it becomes like so you already got that it's like away games and home games and stuff like football and this is professional rap this is the first time we in a place of like professional rap so all that's there so if he throws out a bar right here it might be a bar only like what park said you and i know what's going on right but it's all psychological right so it's like what pin what button is someone going to hit where can w where you hit him it's like i was just at the game with jay prince last night it was talking about how how many below the belts there were how many this there was and the whole thing about that record that yeah you know what you know it is i got the perfect i never thought about this tonight okay you know what oh i bit his ear they see what he was doing tyson like telling the refs like oh yeah you see this he's like tyson i'm going to take this tomorrow and holy [ __ ] i've never heard of this no but you make everything i'm just because it's in front of me i was like i was a fight there we talking about this we we've been you know discussing doing things together to uh uh to bring attention to hoover's situation right um and actually i got larry hoover i introduced myself i recognize his face all right so at a certain one where i want to take a moment when you could talk about the exact same thing absolutely understand this leader and political prisoner right you know like when i went to the white house i said this is me in a different dimension you know any one of us that can organize somebody they gonna take us down they've been taking you know the leaders and the fathers out of the community and only leave us with a hustler mentality because you ain't got a dad that's showing you how to save money and what property to buy and how to build your own factories we're going to be jumping up and down for the idea like virgil getting a job for bernard arno or me getting a job at the gap or adidas a lot of times it's like we all was born white supremacist racist and homophobic that's the bottom that's the baseline that's another thing i don't even get the word for it but it's like a phobia of mental health that's the thing when people try to write it off that's like even when i cut my hair like that i'm like yo they're going to try to figure what's the name of that haircut at first you know i called it the britney oh britney spears okay now it could be called a yay but when i see when i see that bro i'm telling you you know the declaration of insanity is a form of censorship and control like are you taking something smoothly you know feds democrat whatever they they they know who i am so i was i was up there like man maybe i shouldn't do you know this interview because that's when they really going to come you got to understand come on say whatever the [ __ ] you want over here yeah yeah but it's all everything has like a butterfly effect kobe died on you know in calabasas right you know i'm saying on the street where i would drive my kids to school that's crazy this video game this grant that fodo is real right you know so uh but you know with me and drake we all really on the same team just even on this planet period we on the same team we we the people we think is our ops and all this stuff once we understand and this is i think the job that god actually has for me is for us to all realize that we are playing inside of the same time that's one thing we all got in common if we all in the same place in the christian calendar right at all times we could be the first civilization to become civil a matter of fact let me take out the word can i hate the word can i hate these like in between you know you can't work can and should and if it's like feds it's like somebody you think is with you they're not really with you they're like a fourth leg they can just fall anytime your whole tape will fall over like that's why we have to wield these things in fruition so we say we will be the first civilization to become silver we still in the dark ages we attack each other mentally we go back to the rap stuff with me and drake this is we in world war iii this is warfare right here what they do people can comment on you online that you don't know you can't come see them you know saying it's a career in korea the suicide rates is crazy people's esteem how you feel about yourself body dysmorphia overdoing it with the drip and did it all that so i'm about like robin hood really breaking down the class system that's why i went to the gap like people was like man virgin went to louis you went to the gap i said i always wanted to create egalitarianism yeah i worked for i worked for the gap so it was meant to be i always felt like gap was sort of like apple of apparel for me esteem and clothing is so connected your ego your ego connected to the first time my mom bought me some jordans in fourth grade i didn't even know they was the fours i got the fours in fourth grade if i always look for like lineups like that and my somebody told my mama he gonna like this and then i walked through the school and everybody was looking at my shoes i didn't even know about it then i would go visit my dad out in tacoma park maryland and it was this rich kid that had enough jordans to be able to wear mismatched jordans like bbd and he'd have him with the jabot shorts and with with a polo shirt wow because i'm coming to a dress like heavy d with the metal with the tip of my shoes and stuff with like rayon shirts and polka dots and he's like we don't dress like that no more we dressed like this i came back to chicago with the new style and ever since then i always been like ahead of [ __ ] and i always i always like that feeling of being ahead but if you're ahead long enough you got eventually you need to become the head you need to become the leader so i i had a wildest conversation i remember this one time lauren gonna be mad at me about texas i said i'm i'm saying lauren you told my lauren hill yeah lauren hill yeah it's gonna be a lot of super name drops getting the graphics ready and i was like i was like i'm the i'm the leader and she's like you you a leader you're not telling me [Applause] supreme leader yeah but no the supreme leader is god but god appoints leaders right at a certain point they they are leaders right you know so order like me too like when i sit next to marilyn manson and and the baby right after both of them got canceled for five songs you know it's like they can't cancel assault all right they actually said dave chappelle they should probably get captured that's what i'm saying we got it and then it's like that hit you with like an accusation or somebody that you was with you know 10 years ago okay and then also it's like there's women who have been through really serious things pulled in alleys against they will that's different than a hug right but it's classified as the same thing it's classified as the same thing you know it's it's power and politics you know power hungry maniacs and just control this is 1984 mind control that we're in and mob mentality too how you feel about counseling oh man i love it they try to counsel you like 15 times that's it i love it i'm above it you know what i mean i love it i'm above it you know that's the clouds when you're in the jet you look down at the clouds it's like i'm like running to get cancer doing this show it's just like yeah we don't give a [ __ ] and then different people will call me and make suggestions to be like you know i suggest you know maybe you shouldn't be buying if you suggesting that to me why are you so into it unless you really into it unless you really part of the mob because the mob it got a couple mob members here right now most definitely most definitely you know what i'm saying that different kind of mob but you got to understand they all doing a job we all here for a reason god got a reason god sees everything and if and if i'm if i'm still alive god's not finished like i say on 24 which i wrote um i actually wrote the day before kobe passed the melody and we ended up and the funny thing we went back and forth on this song and when we did the listening event down in um the listening event in uh atlanta the first one for howard land we started with twitter for the donda outfit yeah we started with 24. all my people out the trenches living up making all right and then the funny thing i had a clip of kobe and his daughter in the video and we called his wife everything and we couldn't get it cleared but one of the things when kobe pass there was somebody that i used to work with whose wife literally uh tweeted let's not forget that kobe was accused and that's what they said that's what reacted to that yeah because okay continuously so that's what they said because you talk about superheroes right they don't wanna uh what what uh uh what the az say they don't wanna see a black man turn to john gotti or callum but like they don't want you to have this they want you to have a house they want you to have a cars they want you to look at the numbers on you know billboard or spotify or that's completely controlled they want you to look at your t they want you to base your self-esteem off a tick-tock hi god if another guy if another [ __ ] talk to me about tick-tock tick bro it's fine y'all could play you know praise god and everything and that's great i'm happy that it connects to my children and everything but it's it's none of these things that can make me and that's the idea of being a nomad i like that term though because i was talking to the head of ikea about creating i'm sure he won't like that keep going i'm gonna do it this is the first person that went and meet himself so why you not you're not laughing you didn't like that i'm looking i'm reading the energy in the room here comes the backlash he gonna be like so i was just talking and said look we need to create um better situations for homeless people you know it's a really utopian dictator concept okay we're going to eradicate homelessness what about people who want to be homeless and there's a lot of them that want to be there's a lot of people so that would change you got to think we used to have water fountains now we got a plastic problem because of water bottles that's capitalism you know everyone only thinks about themselves especially our black leaders right when none of us run on stage what none of us say george bush don't care about we are very self-interested that's two of the best moments in american history yeah you said george bush don't care about black people and when you told taylor swift that beyonce had the best videos and i was very it's american history right there i was very [Applause] would it be okay to not hit that for the whole restaurant no problem i was waiting for you to say that man you know i got a gentleman yeah but that's american history like what what what what was it hennessy that night that would tell us where when you stood there because why did you wanted to do that you know well i was showing both of my addictions you know i found my dad's playboy when i was five years old and i started drinking beer or something in high school so i actually was carrying both of my addictions one and one arm one and the other i was actually talked in to going to the awards show right at that time it was don c's job to talk me into stuff they find new people who job would be to talk me into doing something that i don't want to do influencers people around you so uh that night i said man i'm not going to this war show i'm not sitting through this no more uh and the very first award they sent me in the front now you got single ladies video is like usual amber at the time right yeah okay they they got this is one of the best videos of uh uh in history yeah the single ladies so it's not it's not that it's just for her when the artist does something that's that compelling and incredible we got to respect it right like i feel like this year just should nobody just even put the album in the category or album of the year so i can finally have alvin a year because you don't want to be the person that beat donda for hour a year i love it i love that yo you gotta understand i made i may watch the throne and now i may watch the throne in dark fantasy in the same year my beautiful dark twisted fantasy and same year and neither of them got nominated for hour of the year wow not even nominated not even nominated so and you know what i love hey i'm gonna just tell y'all this when white people say the word rapper that is saying [ __ ] when you say it to me you saying you getting away with saying [ __ ] damn oh the rapper okay oh the rapper or like uh last night on the game they had my face on the chiron and on the screen and said hip-hop artists specifically i was like you know i got a phd from the art institution of chicago from the most prestigious art school in the world could i at least be called an artist but you know what here it's like in america they're not gonna just give it to you but it's it's it's to be bought it's to be taken i'm saying like at this point bro this this is like there will be blood you know i'm not really blood uh talking about yeah absolutely dragons blood in the bible they got dragons absolutely really yeah there will be blood bro like remember when a dude brother acted like he was his brother and everything and like tried i don't know if y'all seen this movie it's one of my favorite movies but that's me bro that's me bro it's like the kid with the pink polos i be telling people like yo it's not like that no more with me period like bro like because you know what i'm saying they did everything god gave me that 6.6 like right when they announced that kim was fouling for divorce one week later whatever god was like nah nah this my son right here 6.6 and forbes was always on some white supremacist [ __ ] like down in me for three years they like oh kylie a billionaire yay not a billionaire you know and even in my forbes if you read the article it's like it's drenched with some like jackie robinson everything and say doc [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] what'd you say because jackie robinson was yeah yeah so the idea of what it even means to be a billionaire but to not color inside the lines you know my mom was born into a drinking fountain they told her what fountain she could drink out of now we born into a vote they literally call it the black vote yeah and by the way we blood of christ we blood of moses we're not just a color in the crayon box and if we knew that who we really were we'd treat each other differently we'd treat ourselves differently so when you say i'm black and i'm proud like but of what what what concept are we are we understanding they say go see the african history museum why did they start when when the boats came why don't they start with the drums when we was kings and yeah oh they don't want it but we are kings but the 400 years doesn't have to deal with slavery it has to deal with the bible it has to deal with us being disobedient to god right and that's why we farm land that is in our own record labels the nba hollywood these boys be scared they'd be sitting there michael b jordan be telling my cousin like man i want to do what yay do but i'm just you know i'm right here or you know like kevin hart was like man i like that i'm envious to what dave chappelle could do and then he's sitting it at us me to him say this tech he said this he said that it's like boy this there will be blood stop [ __ ] with me cause y'all [ __ ] with my money y'all doing [ __ ] i got 80 accounts right now i got people that's like why i got 80 accounts that's that bob marley through the toe you understand i make hundreds of millions a year then i look up and it's like yo i got 30 extra people came down to sunday service you know 30 other extra people that's 30 cars 30 flights 30 mini bars 30 uh movies who watching ain't no ain't nobody load up this movie who wants to see well i wish i had a name of a funny ass movie that don't know what i want to see that would have made it funny but who want to see this movie you know what i'm saying these just moves and i looked i come up i it was one dude work on me i said how many stories does i got i said i had 80 uh uh eight storages and then my wife because she's still my wife it ain't no it ain't no paperwork [Applause] so i gave it to her because she's really good at storage she loves like this is her her pastime is like organizing so when she went to the store she's like oh you got 36 storages that's a that's that's a silent murder that's gas that's like poison and you slow through the wasabi or something every little piece of a sushi japanese whiskey yeah yeah you know let's switch let's switch it up to the japanese whiskey [Applause] i'm trying to get the biggie yeah so as biggs walked in i don't know if you've seen devils biggs right there but oh i always tell him what i said when you ask me if i do a versus with jay he said no why why why i say i wouldn't he's he's the boss that's what you said yeah right yeah we don't know if you know our show is about giving people their flowers while they're alive and we need you to know how much you're important to us oh wow open it up from there wow this is shout out because i said it in the beginning but i want you i want to reiterate this because i want you to really know you know how many not just black youth not just spanish youth not just white youth but how you are really inspirational to a whole generation it made people dress different you made people who you know want to want to really have their albums produced greatly again you bring that back to hip-hop and i want to tell you that as face-to-face man-to-man out of eye we appreciate you we love you and you mean the world to us and you did a record for me back in the days i don't know if you remember and you didn't even charge me i ain't have it though i ain't have it it was way too expensive and i tried i was like he said nah no it's it's good you saw the house he just free stuff from me on my mixtapes back in the days i know he's not going to remember that you know one of my lines you said um i go to jacob with twenty five thousand you stole my [ __ ] you're real keep going i made a whole song twenty five hundred wow i gotta practice overall right now you got let's get him a new glass no glass no glasses right there that's a new yeah okay all right cool big i'm sorry it's 10 a.m but you're gonna drink two with us too god damn it i'm sorry i'm i'm looking dead at you without you know you know it's funny i just bought a bigger house last night i got a backpack that's this we're talking about the mobile homes this is my home that's my house my home is when my daughter facetime but my house is that backpack nice okay so this is who i was gonna ask you one of the most controversial records or most dopest records i've ever heard you make was um biggs brother was biggs brother used to be and i thought that that was so honest because a lot of people um i i believe the word jealous is not a bad word but i'm sometimes you could be jealous and say i want what this person wants that doesn't mean you're a hater hate is something different hate is i despise you and i felt like that's not what it was saying with that record but it was like i want this slot and i'm gonna i'm gonna stop at no means of getting a slide am i yeah absolutely okay and i think about when i do things you know i go and be on my monk i'm just traveling the world i have a home stuff and but when we go in like we was doing the listening sessions we want to make it hurt that's what competition is we made we made everybody push this summer back you know drake pushed back those release dates that's for fact that that actually you know actually happened and then they had people coming out saying oh you know he um you know the other thing i saw this thing that style said about this going back and forth honestly it's interesting to people but man i i love drake i love all artists period but not even to mention i love drake i love all this let's have drake just have his his spot of what he meant in my life specifically and what he's meant to rap okay you know over the past decade specifically this is a very the i would say the most if i wasn't me most of the time this is a very um important artists that actually added something to the algorithm because watch this it's like our phone i mean our phones have uh what do you call their like the hard drives and the the way somebody is more technical yeah the microchips right the processors they're processors right we are god's ultimate iphone we are god's favorite creation so if steve jobs was god we would be his iphone and we are simply programmed and we go with the program and some are unprogrammed and some of the unprogrammed are people who they say are crazy or people who go off the rails people who end up homeless and the program are the people who go with the program and you have this thing like when i said when i hit you with a wyd you better not hit me with a hui you better be like hi with a bunch of eyes or hey what a bunch of what so it's you know people who heard that song would text me back with a bunch of eyes a bunch wise we just right there adjusted the programming that's simple that's what media that's the mind control is all about can you be a part of the programming what i say to drake is he added something to the algorithm as we become more civilized and more sophisticated the style of rap that he was doing was more sophisticated than the style of rap that i grew up on now i had notes from nas and rock kim and obviously from me but i also had notes from shade right had no some people want to make jokes about that but it made it massages the shade there you go so so that made it his music was more accessible this time when like rap wasn't as accessible and he created this thing that actually has good melodies in it you know good good music in it that became massively uh accessible so it's sort of like the iphone music is such an interesting thing to create a genre to create in because grab music right now grab it with your hands it's like uh it's in the air intangible right it's intangible it's intangible like the concept of a relationship you know saying you you you with somebody you might only see them twice out the week if y'all married you might only see them two hours a day three hours a day before y'all go to sleep but y'all together it's a concept that you you you live on an idea you know and it's in this gta we are an idea so for instance i got to say this to boo i kind of feel like he knew that i was working on cities he knew i wasn't working on cities but when you think about a city who you think about acon so i feel like who's like man you know i'm gonna let you know you're about to drop this city right now i get yeah which is period civilizations your man right here was like are you working on that epcot you know cities of the future i'm like man how you know he said man no way but i know what wave you on so um because nobody never liked it to go to wyoming until you went there yeah or even afterwards apparently some of you afterwards they only came to wyoming for you i'm just telling you yeah it was a step you know the problem is they say you know i was talking to jay prince and talking to elon cause there's another we're going to do another driver elon musk [Laughter] so i was talking to jay prince and talking to elon which i that's an amazing combination it's an amazing spectrum it's actually closer yeah than we think why is it so far wow real talk you know i'm saying when i think about you know certain people's ability like business someone he know how to read a contract is it's that's how it's very few of us that's seven feet tall and very few of us is three feet tall we all play our position inside of this modern day wakanda that we actually in we're at the brink of it you know i'm saying after this interview i possibly could be taken out but no the interview has happened though because i've infected y'all yesterday to think in the yay way we it's like when they say this is the man on the moon this is the first black animal i i just telling people like investors people we haven't spat oh i was with the black a white person first of all we all beings alike we're not we're not even classified under race but if we're going to be inside of race conversation don't be telling me what you then did for the black people i started the black spack or this black or this black investments for hair hair clippers and would you think i you know i might be into i remember being out in san francisco bro it's like i ain't never made money with not one person from silicon valley if you ever saw the show silicon valley yes like the opening episode was kid rock performing and he said i'm kid rock and then nobody clapped at the end of his performance and one dude says hello uh see that's kid rock he'd have broke this person here that best describes my experience in silicon valley whether i'm sitting with google whether i'm sitting with mark zuckerberg whether i'm sitting man i already meant shadow band they shadow band me in the middle of the election so what i got to lose i don't use twitter anymore my friend i'm friends with jax dorsey i get shot i said man why y'all shadowband me he hit me back and said i don't see anything weird here cause you're not looking you gave me i didn't inhale ass answer to why i got shadow banned after i went to haiti i don't know you know i mean i'm sorry they don't see your stuff they don't see it you don't know this if you go right now and load up emmanuel album by sunday service on apple if you don't type it all the way to the very end it ain't going to pop up it's little things inside of but let's get clear you were a little crazy on twitter at one point remember you was kind of yeah but would that get it right for them to shadow man it's freedom of speech though too you're taking that away yeah and what was the craziest thing it's frozen exposing i had 10 contracts that everybody around me knew i had 10 contracts everybody that supposedly cared for me knew i had 10 questions on dev jam no more right oh i'm off of it now but what i'm saying is i signed contract after contract after contract after contract and it's known it's like one of my skill sets is not reading one of my skill sets is not counting and people are like oh you need to learn how to man i ain't telling any [ __ ] learn how to dress i'm not telling these [ __ ] but if we moved as a family in a community you know what jay said say we could fall with each other's crutches we could benefit each other but the system tears us apart left and right j this way dang that way yay this way virgil that way we stronger together we impenetrable together we have to vote i don't know what it means i can't get through that i can't get through some using that one we have to vote as a block right we vote i would have voted for you for president yeah i don't know did you see me on the count i went on a campaign i was talking about we talked about it you're talking about it i was like i was like i was by myself like that's not the people who supported me but i promoted you yeah when it's time to get free the only way we're going to do it is by leveraging anchors like the jewish community is not the most people in america but they understand how to collectively use they leverage to have a position that serves them you understand now what i keep on saying is we are us we are collective humanity we are collective but we so easy to get into like an ego thing just like with the drake thing man i love drake i was just telling you things that he was doing in a professional game of rap that was throwing me off and then okay i bit his ear you know me and that and that's what happened that was mike tyson hopefully that was professional sports we in professional rap meaning it's too many people that get paid off of either of us for something to happen to either of us you know what i'm saying so we'll be on the record i'm gonna do this no you not [Laughter] and why you know and life is just so fun and it's it's lit and we get to be professional you know rappers for a period of time out of our life and pull in this energy and have people talking about it but it's a certain responsibility i think that it's a it's a redemption a redeeming quality that's what i have i'll be wanting to sit down with drake to say this just as an og to him is the redemption like when i i asked him for the beat for tsu that's my favorite song on clb and say mama is not around daddy is not around clb certified a little boy yeah okay yeah so uh i'm not gonna do a joke like man you ain't know the name of hellmuth listen man i live in my own world too man i'm not exactly you or him but i live in my whole world too and i'm kind of the man in my [ __ ] so you know i'm sorry yeah okay [Applause] oh [ __ ] this is great this is great but but the redemptive quality is like that third verse because if you just leave it as it is it's going to stay as is and for me in my opinion lucy and grayjake got no problem with his staying as is i got a problem with his staying as is i gotta you know it's funny i called uh damian hurst that did drake's cover because i felt like i didn't like the cover i felt like he was trying to troll him or something i love damian hurst i just bought a couple of his pieces right now one of my top five favorite artworks of all time is these animals he put in embalming fluid so you know when you do my interview which i should have is just things just pop up at the bottom don't worry so he did this shark it's kind of similar to this scene in the cell that had j lo by tar sam or a horse separated like this so he actually did this and i bought a dove for my family for my wife to put it there and i bought this black sheep because that's you know that's um that's me so i bought a black sheet it's an actual black sheep and embalming fluid and it's by damien hurst who did the drake album cover so i think you want a real feat but it's physically it is it okay okay it is uh no i actually bought um uh [ __ ] i actually bought 1200 living sheep okay but i bought one so you're excited officially yes so um the uh yeah that was the easiest of my life so so it's that third verse i used to rap like this i would say uh girl and gave me no ass she needed to go down and the next line would say the pastor said i need jesus so i went to the church and let the water wash over my season i always gave a redemption you know i'm saying like it's like what bone thugs told you about you know feds sitting with them saying make negative music that's going to put more of us in jail it's documented you can load it up so we do that and you get like of god people travis scott drake kanye west we we of god god's plan and then we make these songs that don't have uh a redemptive quality in what we're saying because maybe we trying to look harder or be cooler or this that younger whatever it is and act like we ready to die as much as people who really got you know 10 bodies and really i'm sorry because did it because the the rumor is that drake kind of took a shot at you on that song but travis scott was on that same song it was married did you put oh yeah i put everybody on a group text everybody gets a group and what i don't like is like you know when i'm talking about who's in this group of texts it was jay-z kim kardashian so you got nothing to do with this by see this i talked to jay at the wedding the other day he didn't know when he did the song that me and drake had a problem so after it came out he's not in it that's just like i did i did it before the fact but what i'm saying is so it's that traff but then drake says it's like i said i'm gonna put you on a guild i have somebody put you on a guild and which means put you on a t-shirt right and i'm talking to everybody that's in this community on their own album no not a group of group texts he said it on the song okay um and i'm talking all he says kid cudi uh pusha drake jay-z kim and traff one of the lines i said that was legend is i said i'm worth more than all y'all on this text combined yeah you said that was a what what what did you say that was uh it was i don't know what you just said you wrote that in the text everybody yeah that was one of the elements of the text okay but this is an intense group chat but everybody all you know everybody want to as soon as i start dropping bars oh my god he's in an episode oh my god he need to go to the hospital oh my god oh oh my god oh oh my god and it's just oh god oh oh no oh no oh no this is so good keep going but what i'm saying is as a community we have to police a and police ourselves so if you know you got a person that's you know we in a league we're in a league of our own right it's like the nba life itself but then also this like celebrity influential place of like musicians and influencers and stuff like that and they have [ __ ] that's called like flagrant fouls inside of the league so in this group chat did you tell travis scott that was a flavor from exactly okay because no the thing is he could have put the line on without everybody knowing so that means i felt like everybody should go to drake and be like you ain't saying that to to north saint chicago and psalms dad because he could be saying [ __ ] that's poking at me and and and driving me crazy and then if i do something that seems crazy then they just blaming me it's like every [ __ ] that got locked up it's a reason they didn't do it just because their life was perfect and they had all the opportunities in the world and their dad brought him up there's very few people like that there's this born serial killer that's what they want to do people are always there for a reason and ain't nobody like i you know i have this conversation where drake is like you know i never [ __ ] him but i was like but you acted like you did you got bars it's like hidden hills give your wife to chills you doing all kind of it's like somebody throwing a marble and hide in a hand or something like that it's like you had all that's disrespectful i actually had this conversation we had this conversation and this is all and to the point where can be like i don't listen to this [ __ ] no more this [ __ ] i can like he [ __ ] and like we ain't never really like we we never really had that conversation at all i never [ __ ] him right no but what about order did you ever dm her did you ever you know i'm saying everything else around it you know because it ain't about just the actual act of it you know the act the anticipation of something is the is what we live in now is the shortest moment of our life now the now that was just there is just gone now you know what i'm saying so you could be sitting there like diddy did he not that's worse than if you i would rather you did and i just actually just need to deal with the finality because my mind i'm like a xerox printer i you know i'm christian but i'll tell you something i talked to a healer that said i'm dealing with resentment from multiple lives of disloyalty of the way i felt you know with virgil going to louie and just things that jealousy so it actually was a problem because that's what we've heard absolutely i was jealous what do you mean i'm a human being and people try to tell you what to say in press and what to feel like you don't feel that if you was in my situation and you ride no no this is the other thing sickle mode they would play it at the kid's party so i'd have to bring my kids to a party with this man threatening my life on a song welcome to calabasas and then they wonder why you end up you know in the hospital there's it has to be some type of respect a male perspective a god perspective and some type of community leadership and i'm the leader and that's what i told lauren hill yeah i told lauren if i told everybody i'm the leader let's look at it let's open up this bible you know your grandmother's about you need jesus that's what you need man by the way because all praise god because all of this that we're doing it ain't adding up to nothing now god is pointing at me and said this man worth nine billion dollars this man this man and that and that's pretty good for a black man since that was all the black first of all i said that before we got to take the black version off of it because i'm running i'm running circles around you know all the other um uh you know what we're going to do yeah no that black or white but what are we going to do to the world i'm going to make some noise for that like a lot you got [ __ ] i'm sorry yeah i mean like look at moses in order in order for moses to be moses he had the ability to be able to take down anybody else that's my thing if i'm a rap on a song if i'm gonna do a beat if we talk about money whatever we're talking about i'm gonna be the moses of the situation because that's what god anointed me that skill set to be able to do that you know what i'm saying it's like i can you know i'm saying you wouldn't have drake write a verse you want no you wouldn't have virgil do a song for you but you wouldn't have drake pick out a purse for you you know what i'm saying but i i would compete with both of them at the same caliber you know competing with virgil at louis vuitton with my little brown sweatshirts somehow this man been anointed with different skills so that's why i said i put them on a group text and it wasn't about the magic archeterics or kid cudi dress it's like you know how it is if you texting a girl or a girl text you back they might just a game some position text you back slow different things i don't let me tell you as the leader i don't operate like that don't be on my phone touch them chase me back so if i and you demand an immediate that don't work with like i told you i'm a xerox printer meaning i could i could see a dinosaur bone and build a dinosaur out of it mentally so if i hear a verse i'm gonna build a dinosaur i'm gonna hear dinosaur born out of a line too because people could look and be like oh he never did this but that don't mean that line hasn't built an entire dinosaur bone and this is a perfect time for me to come back because you got to understand i was yay and then they started making more yays watch this yay it's like this encompassing thing of fashion bars beats production videos this and then what happened is you get rocky dressing better than me tyler making better videos drake more records virgil higher position in fashion and j cole more backpack or kendrick better bars and stuff so i literally had to go like thanos and i don't want to have to be the villain but when i went and did the donda thing yay returned yeah and everybody had to sit back and watch the real leader they could talk about goats and this and that it's like because i affect people 20 years older than me i affect people 20 years younger than me and that's what it factually is and you got to know who you is and you got to tell people who you are man i got this money guy as i'm up here disappointed because actually i got to stop screaming at white people um but i got this money guy that said yo you got 80 accounts open which is what i said it's the hit it's a way to kill me and he was just dismissive he was like man i just saw what trump did with this back and you can you can do this i said man when i do it we're going to get up to elon and bezos and arnold territory uh and he just says to me very nonchalantly well i'm not going to say it's going to be all that three minutes later a conversation he's talking to me about you got 80 accounts to open and this is ridiculous he said it at the beginning you know i said i already heard that i started raising my voice then he checked me like who you screaming at who you screaming at but it's like boy when you said when you dismiss me and when i try to stand up and you push my shoulder like that that's a part of the programming in schools today i see my son do his homework at sierra canyon that because i could because daddy got his own school you know called donda named after my mom the first black female english chair of chicago's uh english department chicago state so he's doing his homework and it's it's math and it's got three eggs and two eggs and says three plus two equals what and he says five and the next one has three eggs plus two eggs and it says two plus one equals what and he says five and see the the picture was wrong with the number he starts getting frustrated he starts crying he doesn't understand and i was there you know thinking he was too young for me to explain to you i was like no this is getting you prepped to be pulled over for no reason and think it's okay this is getting prepped for you to be the person that deserved a job and someone else get the job they hire virgil over you and you think it's okay you can't say nothing because you're a sellout to black people if you say you got to go get a hug you know i'm saying they they're getting you prepped it's prep school right baby yeah it's preparation for your limitation that's deep that's deep we in these schools right now baby oh you thought i wasn't gonna get killed by the end of this interview i'm gonna try my best no though though you give it the shoulder gotten worse you're giving it to us you know what i'm saying but it's a part of the overall slave ship and the same mentality when i cut when i cut my hair like this did you cut it yourself while barbara did that let me tell you i should have cut my hair myself because i was in europe so you paid a [ __ ] to do that no no tell me exactly yeah it's funny that you say that because i asked he kept on like cutting it because you guys are barbara if you ever cut a plug and somebody had your shop might shut down i cut hair for a living back you know 14 15. i used to do that they buy clothes and also to buy uh music equipment okay i got a story we gonna get into the real rap [ __ ] we had to like yeah [Applause] i had to just give you some you know all the tmz existence right yay thing at the beginning so um uh uh dan what was that trainer thought we're talking about the barber okay if if you cut a plug in somebody's hair you could lose your job you can you can i remember i used to cut hair and i i had like one day i had like six clients since i had the most money i might have had like 120 i don't know and um the next day these barbers they was real good in town they said your boy was on a mission you know yesterday i was feeling all proud of like yeah well i was getting it and then um he said people was walking in like this and walking out like this [Laughter] so um uh yeah so he cuts my hair and i'm going through it's taking an hour i'm like i'll take a little bit more here do this here blah blah and after this it took all the life out of this man as a black barber as a uh african-american as a blood of christ as a hebrew as a see i'm telling y'all what it is right so um and he was so disappointed that he he he didn't even charge me he just walked away like man i did this to kanye west it's something that you asked for too yeah yeah and then a few days later i cut my hair now mind you i thought it was lit and only god the universe the video game that my hair cut you posted it on the ground was that yeah but the fact that my hair cut and my name came at the same time yeah it had to be something because to do that this was harder than wearing a trump hat because every time is my my image you know i'm i'm i'm fly so it's just everything is like you get your hair cut it's friday night i'm finna go to the club or i gotta go to a wedding or i gotta go to a graduation or i'm going to my job yo as a man as a black man your lining your haircut means so much so then i'm sitting in the mirror at the hotel and i grab and i remember oh snap i have a barbara skill set and an art skill set and i started cutting because one of my home girls like i think it need a lining because it just looks really good and i was like i ain't finna get no lining i got nine billion dollars i don't need no line so so then i um i cut it a different way and the name of our basketball team is the doves the donda duffs so i like um i started to cut it like a dove so this is actually three doves cutting my hair and what i like is one patch will grow back and it starts to make these layers and i said you know i'm an artist like a process artist and i'd like to let people in on a process like what we did with the rollout so when you see the hair it's like you see the process of the haircut you also see the process it's like a representation of my thoughts developing because of how close it is to my you know to my to my head and then the whole thing is it it gotta look hot you know at the end of the day like it's it's it's girls that hit me like yo i like that mask because when i yeah because when i wore the mask yeah text us and told us don't tell make sure you don't walk in with that white mask i got i got i got the mask on me actually where's it at where's it at i was i was actually about to start giving out haircuts because apparently this is about to be a thing yeah somebody's going a lot of people gonna bite your [ __ ] yeah and my hair my barber name is edward niggerhans i like him already and i like the fact you holding the smoke champs if you want to light it up you can light it up if you want to light up yeah you can light it up this is okay yeah no no no no no you're thinking about it all right come on you're my joe rogan let's go [Applause] this is kind of a serious question right because um i remember when nas um named his company ill will right yeah and i believe that he had to change the name of his company because it's easy to say like [ __ ] it will but l will is an actual person elroy was his actual best friend yeah so did this was it ever a time where you said that about naming your album that because let's suppose somebody don't like this album and somebody could say [ __ ] donna they're not saying [ __ ] your mother but they're saying [ __ ] the actual material did you ever feel any concern about that name in it after after her not at all but i have seen them do these things when when everybody said they liked donda way better than uh clb they had this thing when they had these football players coming up saying what you like better clb or donda and then they was like clb and then one of them was like yeah [ __ ] donda i was like bro that's my mama yeah yeah so oh [Applause] no but um so so you did feel that a certain way like it was a football player saying [ __ ] yeah but he was saying [ __ ] the album okay so moving on who was it that you said you wanted to work with the baby and you couldn't work with them oh yeah it's like people in my camp was trying to protect me from working with debate it's so funny i baby a little baby i forgot which one was it well you know it was really hard for me to get in contact with both of them in all actuality i had to tweet to really get a red hat on at the time though no no this is after i had a red tide but i still got a red hat on today i'll let y'all know that i might not got it on i'll let y'all know where i stand that was one of the um the the thing was your first listening session was in the mercedes dome in uh atlanta and that was one of the the standout things for one getting to hear you and jay back together yeah didn't hear jay say that this might be the return of the throne but he did say i told him put that red back see that red red hat all along yeah that was funny bro i literally got on some like michael from goodfellas like going crazy like it ain't like that you can't tell me what happened i don't have gangs to try to take my hat when i was little it was like and then but i did get him though because i heard that he was watching on the the third listening session okay so we start off with jail this song and then it's like he's not on it then it's the baby baby he's not on there yeah we watched that too yeah and he had to be like but the baby versus hard to make you know it's another thing it's so funny okay uh i was sitting in the studio with uh i'm sitting backstage at soldier field with roddy rich and the baby and i was like yo god really got a new level of shooters around right now they they in another algorithm it's the whole thing the way the baby be right he'd go into that beat and out of that beat around that beat he'll give you the melody that man was the number one streaming artist for a reason this is like terminator 3 you know i'm saying i understand people like a slow flow here and then blah blah but that's the thing that's the moment when uh obviously like nas made ether and that's gonna be forever you know i made takeover no no i never knew that yeah i made it take over no i never knew that and my girlfriend sumiki rainey from chicago is the one that gave me the sample she gave me the sample for the truth and she gave me a sample for takeover she's like eyes is one that kind of sounds like the truth you might like it take it over come on don't don't don't take it oh you know let's kanye yeah we have a game on our show yeah what'd you finish are you oh yeah i wanted to say about some about related to takeover oh okay the algorithm okay is that your [ __ ] that was the moment when jay-z went like this and nas was like this because nas couldn't we go in chicago we call it sniping nasa is my favorite rapper i said that man yeah many times i said this is my favorite rapper but the moment when it shifted was the um [Music] when nas couldn't wrap that style and jay-z could and i think the moment i need you to clarify what you mean i'm sorry then is that your [ __ ] and y'all on this ride when you're holding this like how we got from chicago okay okay okay how we call the sniper how how bone thugs like double dragon would you say double time twist and yeah we call it sniping right so but nas he could he on snipe you know something like that and then the thing that i feel uh affected jay was actually deaf of auto tune because auto-tune didn't die right actually it's like the most i think the most influential artist actually of the past 10 years is future oh most important most influential to our sound today and then you you throw in you know chief keef you ever took you got to see what future uh no no and then also one thing is like with soulja boy is top five most influential and i'm not going to argue with you [ __ ] about this at all as far as to what we are today yeah you know that's it's like take them off your album you hear that verse no but i tell you what though i'm so sorry i wasn't ready i tell you what though soulja boy is the future though future the future is a couple people you know i got some things even when my style is like i never like touched the sky and gold digger that style i only liked can't tell me nothing to say you will and that's why i'm still here today because everything is moving around us you know saying it's like my wife changed the the the thought of the idea of beauty yeah i'm saying it was it was white girls at her school that used to talk down on her for having an ass and now it's white girls that go and get ass you know so can't tell me nothing my thoughts behind i i did can't tell me i'm for jeezy and it was his record it was for him okay and i got dj toomp to do the drums because i love what you know about that oh let me tell you about when atlanta took over rap it was bone crusher it was the moment it changed that's when atlanta took over yes that was yeah because also you gotta understand i'm like kobe lebron or michael jordan or phil jackson of rap i study i understand the game also i'm i'm not only a client i'm the player president i'm not i'm going to play on my customers but when you say take over from the perspective of what because goody mob and and and uh outcast and what they was doing was was changing it wasn't true it wasn't now i'm not gonna say that uh goody mob outcast it wasn't as street as ti it didn't have all the [ __ ] like t.i father god excuse me for saying [ __ ] but the orphanage that i'm creating called donda i named that to my mom because my mom saved my life my mom was like i'm keeping kanye um this orphanage is gonna provide first of all the way god is we already got what do we call them bed nurses um all right so this is like when you go and get your ultrasound they tell you if your baby's gonna come out okay in hospitals today they would tell a black mother that the baby's not gonna come out today because we are inside us as 12 tribes of judah as a member of the hebrew people we are still inside of our genocide 50 of all black deaths a year is abortion and black deaths a year is abortion and plan b was created by margaret sanger with the kkk for black population control uh you're getting deep right now yeah this is what i cried about during the election that those tears is gonna be gospel someday and what am i doing i know the guy from texas got a lot of backlash for changing the laws i'm not in a position that's not what i'm doing what i'm doing is providing a plan a opportunity where you can bring your children if you feel like you can't take care of them you ain't got a place to take them you don't have a support system we got a place that's gonna have i'm like you thought i wasn't gonna try to get killed in this interview dr sebby's diet right based off dr sebby's diet saving not only black children but all god's children given the opportunity of a utopia because the reason why we ain't get our 40 acres in a mule is we have 40 acres we have more people we have more people and we have leadership with the leaders not strategically taken out of the community in the 80s and the drugs and guns put into it and then the algorithm you know i'm saying the 808 the 808 exists in the lowest chakra of your body the majority of content that's related to the 808 is killer or sexual content the original 808 was even off pitch so that meant it's an actual sound in the track that you don't realize is there that is [ __ ] up your entire frequency and now today every time i hear a car come out it's 808 but if you think about african music and hip hop and when he's breaking to break dance to it was light the percussion it was upbeat it was the drums now it's like and all of this is a bigger and it's like man you know at this point it's like they should have killed me when i said george bush don't care about black people i ain't got nothing to say you know they snl making my wife say i divorced them on tv because they just wanted to get that bar off and i ain't never even seen the papers we're not even divorced uh so how we because they ain't no joke to me my kids want their parents to stay together i want their parents i want us to be together but if you try to be together too if you look at the media that's not what they promoting that's not what they want they want it to be a new wedding a new episode a new tv show and then they have people all around and my wife here you know say this is publicist that's next to her i don't [ __ ] with her that was as clear as you could say yeah oh you thought i wasn't gonna try to get killed this center all right so this is a game you play with all our guests [Music] let's get into some games it's called quick time with slime right yeah i do not want over our house and i don't [ __ ] with some of them nannies either all right what's the game okay all right it's called quick time for slime you can pick one or the other you either pick one or the other or you pick one and uh [ __ ] you pick [ __ ] both of them either you pick oh they same and they both here right now both of them so you taking the shot i said but i said same i said they're the same and they both here right now both are neither there's a shotgun a shot of this yeah you can do this follow my brother my brother all right well i get that i gotta have the luxury the celebrity version guys okay yeah yeah yeah yeah man i know you know okay so this this one i don't know where you're gonna go with this one common oh definitely comment are you man that's sure oh no no it ain't showtime okay hey shut down comment is a thousand times better rapping than quality what you talking about no i gotta disagree with you i'm taking a shot just because you know you can take a shot but no you ask me my opinion okay your opinion that's true yeah that's true my opinion is like everybody know that common is a thousand the only thing i don't like about common is he like works for the democrats to be saying all kind of like whatever they tell them to do this is a light skinned [ __ ] be doing john legend it's just different it's different this one this one i think it's gonna be a little hard no but also quality be getting up and like come back home home where [ __ ] you know what i'm saying when i wear it when i got a different opinion a trump hat it's like [ __ ] carly you you single handily kept baseball caps in business you the last [ __ ] with this type of hat on trying to tell me where to where to come home to you know what i'm saying and just turn up and then when he was on here he didn't tell you the story about when me and 88 keys picked him up from his house drove to marina del rey and had um breakfast together and vibed out he didn't tell you that i feel that the black star album is the hardest album since dark fantasy this is the best album since dark fantasy up here talking about you know it's an agenda it's all controlled man it's like you know crabs in a barrel jay-z got this my favorite line you say but why would crabs be crabs shouldn't be in a barrel so how you going to tell me how crabs are act if they had a barrel of course they put it in a barrel what you talking about but yeah man it's like that's my issue man man and all these like backhand oh yeah you know uh yay you know he's he's he's a billionaire but [ __ ] him being a billionaire they need to be more billionaires he he doing he he and thin air but he not like dave chappelle he's not like down with the people he not that man you can't tell me what i'm going through in my life and whether i'm with the people and adjustment of how i should be like you if i be like you crowley i'll be where you at now if you take the average 99 of people say do you want to be quali or do you want to be yay more people gonna want to be yay [Applause] so like you told that man don't give me no advice go open up a book read yourself to death man you know what i'm saying that's another thing people be so like people will be so you know oh i'm well read i'm well read i can't read that well bro i can't i can't count that way that's not my that's not my skill set but tribally you know what i'm saying i don't know if that's a real word i'm sure it's not quality so tribally you know if we if we was uh back you know in african times you got to understand shakespeare created 30 of our language we speaking the language it's not our own we speak the drums that's why it's so hard that's why it's so hard for it to be a black billionaire and it's so hard to get a post malone you know what i mean like a white black dude or something you know you get it's so it's very few and far between that somebody can figure out because the game and society america has been made for us to not figure it out so all these books when we go to college and we discriminate again against each other we got this degree that ain't gonna add up to [ __ ] to us getting a job for another white person and i gotta say that you know why because my i was separated from my dad and i just now understand what happened my mom was an actress but she also had a b plan of being an english professor um and she went for a gig and she didn't get it and she went to be a professor now her and my dad is separated but they uh but i was still in town she got a job offer in chicago from this white organization chicago state university and it separated me from my best friend so i had to grow up around people who didn't understand me who didn't love me people was looking at me as an opportunity since i was 14 because i was a prodigy you know i've been had industry friends so to say oh we're gonna go over here and we're gonna get some beats out this [ __ ] we're gonna go this this type of because my mom uh separated me for the opportunity of more money society is set set up to have people go away to college go away here and in between your dorm room and your college or in between your hometown and where you got to go to school it's going to be a bunch of liquor stores it's going to be a bunch of strip clubs there's going to be a bunch of malls it's going to be a bunch of things that people we do that when we don't have that love like a kibbutz we need christian kibbutz we can have communities be as close but kibbutz like jewish people have this type of circular community like a community center no it's like where they live and where we need to live where the grandparents can take care of the kids it's better to have a grandparent taking care of kids than a nanny take kids hired love right right you get up saying that we move as a community and as a community we will not fail there's communities that didn't go into slavery like i think it's a masada okay hold on a slide i don't want to go there let me do a shot dude and i said all that to say that we got our opinion with quality i love quality i never really liked the way he rapped um he was trying to get away with this we could never mention and quality in the same breath keep it going okay oh [ __ ] holy [ __ ] all right hurry man push up on big sean oh i love this let me tell you that when i die on my tombstone it's gonna say i deserve to be here because i signed big sean so i'm not quite sure of your pick yeah you're not quite sure um big shot he's saying you know big sean over pushy t no i'm saying that the worst thing i've ever done was sign big sean that's that's a beautiful thing oh that's a beautiful thing man no wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait worries i think you said the best okay hold on no man look they let that man i know this man mama bro you know what i'm saying i've changed this man's family and both john legend and big sean when i ran for office got used quick body democrats to come at a boy that actually changed their life and that's some sellout [ __ ] and i don't rock with neither of them and they and i need i need my apologies i ain't saying they don't change but [ __ ] are scared i feel you they you know i'm saying anybody ain't got 100 talents they they got him under pressure you still got him signed to your contract is he still on man good when we sign we just we're just working for the white labels we ain't signing nobody this ain't independent yeezy's the only 100 own independent you know uh black owned or whatever i don't know be owned after this uh after this interview but uh but you can i'm saying like when we sign said we don't sign somebody we're signing someone to the bigger vivindi slave ship to the bigger universal station cause y'all saying oh all these tweets is crazy you know why prince gave me the song jail because he liked what i did and he's like i like what you did with him contracts he said prince gave him to you right man he definitely guess who's going to jail trying to get away from corporations with the slave on a slave on this chick yeah you know what i'm saying michael jackson bro this man okay we gotta get through quick thomas all right go ahead go ahead it's not gonna be quick man i like if you want yourself today if you want your flowers it's like man okay if you took kobe bryant michael jackson prince the existence of kanye west oh he's so crazy he's like okay well if i'm crazy and it's up then it's up then it's up then let me move on to the next question um biggie or big point well biggie for me but equal level they equal geniuses though i love that okay let's move on um i gotta take a shot yeah this is just on the ceo level this is not artist this is not just just ceo one second you know puff is my goat and twin goat and twins are you not letting that okay so um but uh with sean and john you know pusha voted democrat uh voted for camilla we ain't seen her since the election either and the i said you saw whole foods they got 94 of the black female vote you would have thought drake was running [Applause] push it in come out and outright diss me to the public right you know what i'm saying because at the end of the day he know he like man i'm not going to do that like i didn't dis virgil when he took the louis you know what i'm saying these people came out and then john legend he sounds so white he was like the rapper the rapper it's just like man it's like where's god in this conversation yeah i'm saying where who do you work for because if you don't work for god then you're working for the devil so who are you working for at this point i'm a man of god god got me covered and as long as i'm alive god's not finished god damn it all right let's make some noise for that this is just okay okay okay you're getting lit okay this is just on the ceo level jay ordain just ceo absolutely thousand percent dame dash oh really okay there's dangerous explanation for this damn that's the visionary okay he's the original black hipster i'm the devil's worst nightmare i'm dame dash with money i don't know how to take that woman and and i'm also jay and dame combined yeah i'm saying that's why i'm still here yeah i'm saying dame had to has the vision you see it and this man i remember um what's his name what's steve rivkin the song yeah he said he said he said oh damn is in yay's pocket hey white white boy don't ever speak on me and uh and dang don't ever speak on our situation of me taking care of the man to put me on right beautiful beautiful [ __ ] like you know what i'm saying because that's what all you think i'm a man not everybody that now you might gonna make the money you know i'm saying if you got a community you're gonna have people who can figure out how to earn i said i said i was one of jay's dj's best earner anytime he needed that beat boom you know what i'm saying so dave never had to work again period you know what i'm saying anything ever need i'm i'm here the more and more money i got this is my family i'm never gonna let nobody speak on our relationship or the game hmm no beanie because even though i talk about so you went ravini yeah no shots okay yeah because of you know i always envy you know i was jealous of like buster rhymes how perfect he rapped yeah you know what i'm saying it's about busting the verses what do you say would you battle buster in the verses uh man i'll battle anybody don't your man have someone say like that's it absolutely battle anybody i don't care you tell me i yourself okay so okay beanie just because i'm like i'm in that i'm in that like sophisticated kind of like if i hooked i would hoop like d rose or curry or kobe or something like i'm real like slick like you just look at my color palette and my whole i'm like on some like puff daddy you know like real and beanie you know all the rockefeller rappers really had you know freeway was like the closest to like the odb but i i i used to say when i wanted to rap i was like man i cut one of my fingers off to have busta rhyme's voice and his his skill set yeah when i wanted to be a rapper back in chicago so beanie is that man like we were just listening that what you do is wrong wrong the way he was on every and by the way here's another thing i oh i still owe beanie money and i've been trying to give him this money for a minute he's going to get the money he's going to get the money i think the member will get all right cause he made up the name easy he used to call me yeezy biggs just texted me that yeah yeah wait wait so he made up the name yeezy he used to call me yeezy this is the thing people who took a like it to me in volatile situations would always give me a nickname so it seemed like i was like cool like them so my boy molly they used to sell guns he he's completely legal he he called me k rock you know when when i would be like on 79 for this and stuff like you know so that's like that was being his name for me when i was at baseline jeez like on some no that's jeezy like making one of us he let me wear a state property chain like he really just embraced me because it was like yo most of the money that was real that's some real [ __ ] right there yeah how are you gonna lie okay and i've been trying to give it to i was like man this man made up then it's like you know the the lady who made the nike swoosh phil knight went back and made sure she was straight or the lady that made the fidget spinner i don't know if she's straight yet but she's a [ __ ] that made the thong because he needed money too but when it's cisco [Laughter] all right you ready yeah kiss so fast take a shot you can take a shot no i'mma the thing is you know i'ma have to say kiss um you know because what i want to cut my finger off for that voice that voice and then man he's still it's so funny man it's just like people when i was uh come like back in like early in my career rappers used to like stop rapping and now it's like [ __ ] really have something to say and have a great perspective like when i work with architects the architect i work with that's designed in the donda orphanage and various things this architect is 80 years old he just turned 80 in september look at like pusha t like look at me i'm actually 44 years old and i'm competing at the highest level at 44 it's like lebron or like seven ring brady you know competing at that level and that's how jada that jadis and obviously fab both of them got bars i just always loved uh also another thing it's like they was in the game before me so me and manop used to ride around chicago monopoly yeah john monopoly we should just ride around and marvel at you know the new swiss beats with them on and just and then mace murder and dmx and this is like our man like i mean i'ma always look at people that way you know the way that i always see him as gods as you know so this one should be easy for you nas or jay electronica was nice because that's who um because i because now is my favorite rapper because it's nas what do you mean it's not it's not it's not he's like ordained in our video game to be the best rapper and considered to be the best yeah it's nice his name is synonymous with greatest right you know what i'm saying yeah at the end of the except one time i caught him with um um vans on i didn't like it right i i played basketball against him and that's what i knew hip-hop was dead yeah you know he can't pull a ball for [ __ ] he can't fall off and [ __ ] oh i'm sorry i love you but i do not let him win his frisbee letting him win so he thought he was good but i i'd let him know not not the y'all y'all i got [Laughter] okay for real or timberland beat wise only i'ma roll with timberland because of um the sample style and the fact that he when he came through virginia and virginia is a very or else from virginia as well just in case you don't know here for a [Laughter] yeah our show was about giving people flowers we really want to get your flowers we want to give you a praise you're really one of the most inspirational people in hip-hop i have never seen anybody like when jesus when the sneakers drop i see people outside the doors and it makes me be so proud that i could call you a friend i can call you uh a person that i communicate with and i really really are proud of you and i and we [ __ ] love you all this [ __ ] [Applause] let's do it so all right cool we're moving on moving on holy moly guacamole this is good oh no i gotta give at least one short explanation about timbaland the reason why i say 10 ml because he's from virginia that's the reason no instead is that kind of fred hampton um devonte jodeci that cord that church thing that detroit depot chicago deep house those church courts that's it okay timberland was one of the and the main thing that we do at sunday service is that we want to do fred hammond we want to get joe yeah so that's so even when i did this album emmanuel's or christmas town our notes you would think it's like some catholic choir but the notes have the updated operating system it has those type of um that those type of chord progressions now mind you like for real where i'll get them the chords though because you know why i feel like pharrell is actually you pharrell is actually lost members of native tongue yeah did i can i get that accurate yeah because like you guys weren't tough guys to quote unquote but you guys were hip hop is that accurate or i'm a little happy got me yeah okay okay all right npc 3000 or mpc 2000 xl yeah the 2000 i use the 2000. so i got to go with the 2000. i don't know i don't know using it yeah i still use that that's what i still use the asr and the 2000. yeah okay analog or digital i just say analog right off the back i like shoot stuff for 16 millimeter but we use proteus okay so fat joe or gyro damn well fat joe cause i grew up saying i gotta flow joe how to flow okay pop daddy or dr dre well puff daddy because we twins i like that that's enough very good man also he got that yeah i mean it's just like uh that's like what consequence is like it's that that's that bop like that you know it's just like puffs bop that's closer to like dre's got his bob is like the west coast bob but i really was like also trying to put the shakers and you know trying to be all the hit man in one so swiss beats or just blaze well swiss beast definitely because jess blaze is a copycat you know he get credit for the blueprint and i did the first half of the blueprint and he just copied my half and got dude i mean look look why i'm out today in the greenhouse today so let's let's just show you no what do you mean i'll be here my and then it'd be all over the radio i have my girlfriend from chicago we'll be in hot 97 and stuff listen to the radio it'd be another just blaze song another display song [Laughter] all right oh no i like i like the originators man i don't mind like you know the copycats too and by the way you just gotta say it like it is you know what i'm saying i said if somebody copy me i'm like you copy me you know i tell try like yo you copy me boy and it's like but i but i love i love you but just know what it is you know what i'm saying we ain't got to be no but hey man it's our community man we could like we just be i this this other thing when i had the record when i'm saying virgil and drake just cause i say somebody's name don't mean it's a beef record this is not beef i ain't saying nothing i just said i put these two uh men on the same text i said stop it with the funny mess like don't man we ain't operating yeah put the two on the same text yeah with the funny message that's what's the ball yeah that's on the that's on the song i'm naming i'm i'm saying names because i don't like subliminals i don't like sub subs sub sub bait you know 808s i don't like nothing why i can't see is that just be straightforward you know whatever it is i honor that you know i respect that you know what i'm saying i gotta hey this is how i feel this is how you feel and let's talk on that way let's not talk through no managers let's not talk through no assistance no body guards no no nobody using you [Laughter] cool okay busta or missy [Music] they both from virginia now yeah just playing i'm just playing nah but i i look at them as different genres though a bit but you talk about like on if it's videos artists yeah hmm or whatever in your mind yeah whatever you're buying criteria that you create that's same actually then same take a shot then god damn it come on baby we outside we need to come back please please don't confuse your cup with that [ __ ] representative hey i'm sorry you know i love you mama not so much okay yo this is let me tell you i want to make clear why i have a major problem it's a publicist because she promotes fear and if my wife can be scared who the main person she gonna be scared of and then after that who my kids gonna be scared of if you promote the idea of fear and reading every single comment and be in her ear all the time giving these mid-level suggestions not one suggestion i would ever take from this person but all the suggestions i gave my wife now she on the cover of vogue now she a multi-billionaire but now my relationship is and then whenever something about our press or what the kids names is she part of putting that information out but then she over my house and i and i told her on the phone a week ago i said i'm being nice y'all want to keep playing with me if it's up then it's up cause at the end of the day i got to protect my children at all costs and if they're using their version i'm using my version because guess what i could get nori number that's right and what's my and what's my daughter's name nori by the way one of my best compliments i ever had in my whole life um he was going to um to see you perform yeah to watch you perform this is the first time i think you did the circle where you was in the circle and you grabbed your wife i was with my wife you grabbed your wife and you grab that you pull the over to me and the e cameras is right in my face i turn red i even know i'm brown i'm turning red i'm like yeah i just want to say hi to you and you said this is who we named our daughter after and that's just the biggest compliment i ever got it's two of the biggest columnists i love is when you did that and when court megan said you you learning on the job and you win it and i don't know how to think i don't i don't know do i get a free beat or let's move on let's move something let's move on because this is drake's so great okay outcast will you gk oh i gotta stay for this yeah outcast for me okay okay that was pretty cool scarface uh ice cube that's another one i just talked to scarface yesterday it's so crazy and then you know i i'll be hanging with cube oh [ __ ] for me it's a shot i'm trying to see who influenced me more i i i like cube better personally for like if i play his listener but scarface is more influential to me as a rapper and to everyone as a rapper he's another important part because when scarface switched his style when he started turning his words like around like mary mary every man i got this love for him in my life and indeed another form of life jay will add that scarf flow to this flow i'm talking about people who added to the flow um you can't say it's not a specific thing where people could even wrap like ice cube because rap ice cube until he like really did the yeah and like added a style to it his style was kind of similar to mine where it's like it was sort of you couldn't pinpoint it you couldn't imitate it you couldn't it was just like cube me and cube is both gemini's you're both saying the same thing from virginia uh gemini yeah yeah gemini's got the most uh goats and rap though okay so basically you're saying biggies are just saying no you're saying are you saying i'm saying tastes uh like my you know music is i love both of them but i'm gonna say cube but i'm saying scarface was more influential as a rap because he added like you gotta look at rap like it's the nba and there's certain people remember kobe's shoot up like this or like ai or you know people have added things to the overall game you know the half of the nba is like number 23 it's you know people and scarface added something to it that people don't pinpoint enough and that's specifically when he did that i would like to get into the science of rapping and science and music um travis scott or kid cudi kid cudi because travis is a mix of me cuddy and rocky jesus okay little baby or the baby man what i was saying is like hmm no because they they both are equally adding something new to rap itself like it's mad people that rap like people just rap like little babies like listen so many people just rap like little [ __ ] you could pick pick wolf won't pick one okay you can pick one and take a shot if you big both you sound like you said both i'm gonna go with little baby okay opportunity because i did say little baby is my favorite right because the thing is and i just hear his raps you know he was on it was a concert plan and it just it just put me into a mode it's like he hit something and you know that's what like rap it gotta and that's the thing if [ __ ] is that's what like rappers i feel like lose that ability to really put people in that mode where they want to like do better business work out create whatever they want to do it's like if you lose jokes because it ain't nothing it's it's nothing i said in this interview that's not what i would say and it's interesting yeah yeah not that i wouldn't feel and i think it's interesting that it comes off as shocking in any way because i'm not really saying nothing shocking it's like you know you know john legend gonna always show up and just do whatever them folks tell them to do man you know that's not a shocking thing man okay wu tang wu tango nwa um definitely wu-tang would you have me stumped if you said wu tango mob deep all right damn i'ma skip this one i'm gonna go ray or ghost sheesh it's a shame well ghosts okay because i'm a little bit more on the spectrum i'm a little bit more on the crazier side of things so i have a tendency to have been emotional in the past and to do things in an emotional way and the funny thing is people say out there interview that oh yeah you made it harder for yourself i said no i made it easier for myself don't text me [ __ ] don't i don't want the cap if you don't like period i don't like caps i made it i want to simplify my my amount of friends you know my amount of people that i go but they crib or till they spot and stuff so yeah go ahead though okay i wasn't ready for none of this um front flexor kick uh or kick-a-free oh snap dj wise obviously yeah funk flex because it was a part of you know have people have hoop dreams you have rap dreams funk flex voice or play i still be like we gotta we play otis there is no otis without funk flex there's no there's no 5v on the album without funk flex i heard him do the freestyle on funk's flex and got him a jet fighter yeah yeah to atlanta that i was hoping yeah i was like yo i want to be flued out yeah i [ __ ] with you i like that term yeah so it's funny because chris rocker we had the song me and jay had a song ham and i was very into that tempo to 60 or 120 50 that tempo that [ __ ] of paris eventually ended up being and put people there now like i remember boo called me like is that show he texted that's your first single yeah was it ham now mind you ham was the first time we ever saw the givenchy dogs because we had givenchy ricardo tishi head designer that did the gold cover that was doing all the rockwilders did that cover the first time he ever actually saw the dog was on me and jay-z for single-hand so we i remember uh lebron was uh losing in a championship and it actually said who's watching the throne and i took a track off of what was going to be my album follow-up to dark fantasy that i heard when we all was at dinner and it it it was the oldest sample and i chopped it up and i was going to go to milan to do something in fashion and i was about to be late for the flight i had a don c snap back on and a tank top and a mercer just chopping up uh otis oh because i was like yo we not gonna lose this game we're not gonna lose this game no matter what i'm gonna give you all this we're gonna i took a new day off on my next album i took otis on my next album and we got into this big argument because he had this song called holy grail that he had justin timberlake and i was like we need to put this on this album and then he's like nah and that's why everybody knows jay is very selfish and we had a very like damn i didn't know this go ahead come on it's jay-z man i love him we we all love him but you know he's very selfish and that was a he'll say he's like man i'm selfish i'm selfish okay so um he wouldn't give that song i'm like man how i'm giving off what you're saying is holy grail was originally supposed to be on watch the no it was supposed to be on his album okay but he and i said we need this because we don't need to be losing like hal lebron and him and just lost in this championship he wanted to make that even better i wanted to make the i'm better he wanted to say to him it's something that i heard that that's when y'all fell out because like no we fell out many times as my brother okay so whenever you do some j [ __ ] and i do some yay [ __ ] we don't say [ __ ] [Laughter] that's some real [ __ ] so um when i um get lifted i don't know why john legend voice just came [Laughter] all right so um so anyway um what we talked about holy grail no no holy grail we got mad about that i was like i'm giving all this and you ain't giving the equal amount and i find that in life period i i i i find that you know i love jay so much it's like i love the city of chicago so much and it was always like the same thing with jay or chicago they always wanted to be somebody more gangster they didn't want it to be yay that was if it would kim maybe she wanted to be a ball player or something you know it was like nobody wanted to be yay or you know uh with the lvmh group but differently they wanted to be somebody who's more controllable they didn't want it to be you know uh they didn't want it to be yay and it's always like this uphill battle i still i you know so far i just could never erase the way tata would look at me sometimes when i go to the to the studio and i always felt like it was an error that like no matter how big you get [ __ ] [ __ ] you you know me like that kind of thing and that's how i always that's how he always makes me feel so whenever i like get mad at jay i get mad at tata at the same time always like i gotta pull him into the same thing because you know you'll never forget that you know what i'm saying like [ __ ] what's wrong with my polo type you know like you ain't gonna look me into a uh throwback holy holy god i'm gonna keep my polo on actually but they wrote people all the rockefeller awards throwbacks because of me though real talk okay because i would go down to atlanta and they had the michelin stand in the middle of the linux mall and i'd take my little producer money and i was i'm i'm a garmento at the end of the day my family made the first bootleg louis vuitton jogger suits because they would like um when they would confiscate the drugs inside the louis vuitton bath they cut up the bags my family went and would take the patches and put them on the clothes so that means like when they had howard hughes died they called it the aviator my film gonna be called garmento because i am the biggest person like i said in every interview i've ever been in the biggest person i ever existed in fashion you could google it for the past three years yeezy has been the number one most google brand most valuable brand on the planet don't hit the horns don't hit no claps i'm still okay i'm still in the midst of something okay go go go go back but somehow we drifted to uh the snickers in fashion let's just stick over there no no it was something in the train of thought that i wanted to say before i got to the thing about my family he was talking about the throwbacks yeah so i would come back to baseline and i have like the astros all or something and then jay will be like you know where you get that from i was like atlanta then i come with another one he's like oh i come with the third one and say what you living in lana so also don c always been like on like that you know hypebeast kind of like selling clothes online since day one back on the back when the letters was green on the computer screen and he would be buying stuff for cheaper and fab would go on by his throwbacks from dawn and it's before don became my manager right but by the time when me and don came together we really that's what jim jones would tell you that's where we revolutionized it because we used to sit there and be like when we get money [ __ ] ain't gonna be able to see us when we get this money it was me and donna's just be sitting there like yo we get this and when i got it went to the louis store got all these louie bags started doing the shoes with that i even bought like the louis suede it kind of looked like this jacket and stuff is this one shoot where i got the glasses the jacket the louis bags and he's like what are you doing all that that that louis luggage and stuff i don't know it made me feel regal or something like some coming to america type uh type vibes so now don got a store right now i'm in the process of you know i've asked nicely to get my own balenciaga store because i like my pool you know sometimes people say they go to ballenciaga store and be like man i don't look like how yeah and can be looking and this and that like and i'm like your pull means your pick right you are the clothes that i picked that's the official affiliation with balenciaga because i a lot of people got mad at gucci yeah when gucci came out with this yeah this lips where they was mocking black people a lot of people thought that but balenciaga and gucci is is are they related yeah it's the same group it's uh francois pinos one of my favorite i like no this is my these are my um what do you call um not counterparts but like when y'all work in the same field your peers yeah these are my peers you know bernard arno is my peer pino is my peer so renzo rose is my peer elon is my peer did you actually this bezos is my peer jack ma is my peer jesus i just want y'all to understand who my peers are jesus as it appears all the rest is dead holy [ __ ] okay okay those are your peers steve jobs disney hughes okay okay now yes this is the same company but man how about we start owning some stock or some land what we own braids you can't have braids well we own the n-word you can't say [ __ ] but you can't buy your house you telling somebody what they can't do the person they on the block is saying what the [ __ ] they want to say and we talking about this our block you don't own the block and you know how you own the block first of all it's saving what you're financially doing it it's it's the way you taking care of the block but who that's easy for me to say right i had both my parents i'm amazingly attractive and talented [Laughter] you know but we are put like we say crabs in a barrel we are in a barrel we not we now put the 40 acres in the mule and the more and more we look at like the numbers on youtube but this uh you know the you know busted i don't even gotta i don't gotta watch right now pastor gave me a a timex that i wore i had the one where i had like this uh 200 yeah i actually bought it that day and i gave it away that day what was i [Laughter] you missed that giveaway because no it's this pastor and he had no idea what that watch was when i was taping i was at a church called grace farms that's uh designed by these architects that i love named sanna out of japan this is where i went boom so that [ __ ] at the bottom of the screen boom boom boom so the pastor was talking to me he said something he's like man you know why racism because he's a white pastor so he wouldn't just instantly talk to me at racism he said ray simpson isn't wrong it's because you know god don't make junk and i'm thinking like don't say it like that man don't worry it's like no that's not your explanation for racism but this man i'm talking to him about man i i want to uh i want to pull my family back together i'm assuming this interview is not that helpful to that but the it is i don't think it is good yeah i think so because i got to get the people about the life that shouldn't be in the life that's my wife at the end of the day so it's like i'm using it because by the way i can't do nothing illegal but this is legal ain't it so i'm i'm the priest of my home so if i need the nanny to get about there and the publicist to get out there that's what yeah that's your family huh that's my that's my family right that's real [ __ ] that's my family that's my family hulu that's my family hulu that's my family hulu real [ __ ] y'all saying y'all should have killed me at george bush don't care about black people's up now yeah it's up oh there it is and this and this my family also that's that's why let me ask you one of the one of the beautifulest things i said man do not make your first song be called ass i always want to make a song now if i'm going through the airport and people sing my song it's my theme music when you go through the airport everybody screams out ass ass ass gotta make you laugh so one of the beautiful things i think you do is at the dmx pass give me my tombstone go ahead after dmx pass you not only um you know did design the shirt that i got on right now but you also attended the the funeral room that that's a good circle the head of balenciaga designed that shirt okay they had it and that's when we started building a relationship because he did a halloween costume for first of all he worked at yeezy season one so we were all a minute wait the head of balenciaga worked at yeezy yes holy [ __ ] so we're in the we're in the um in the apartment where my wife got robbed and friends yes okay so this is before then and inside of this we got kim traub the head of scam she used to be creative director yeezy i brought over the skims they had these weird black uh wire bras and stuff like that and i was like i'ma give you my creative director because the people that you're in business with they just trying to use your name they don't really care about the product and usually that's how these numbers guys are and then they start seeing people love the product they always say we care about the product okay we had in the apartment you had jerry lorenzo you have virgil abloh yeah kim schrab you have me yeah a few others that i have lucette who's a head shoe designer at yeezy now we have mark miner who got from nike's they had easy adisa adidas and you have demna the head of balenciaga that's what i'm saying i'm a community builder i'mma put together the right people at all times but the people that have in the past been in a position of power gonna try to separate jay and dame separate my mom and my dad separate me and virgil you see the pattern that makes it impossible for black wall street but wall street you know forever begins simply because i thought about it the way comments said i thought of our community growing but we don't when we not force to make the ch the choice of whether or not we can afford to have a child we're not forced to say i'm gonna have to you know i'm gonna have to kill this [ __ ] because he said this and this that you know you never hear about jewish on jewish crime you know they kill each other in business in a different kind of way but not actually physically taking a life so when me and q went into business on a big three what i said i said to him i said what we have to do to honor god is we're going to be noble we're not killing each other on business business always be like 30 page contracts and us doing or getting some i don't negotiate i don't do a contract that's more than one page it's very hard to get me to sign something at all why i need to sign something i pay cash i don't even pay monthly i just pay i pay half and half somebody like i want you know 300 a year 200 or whatever i'm like give me your account number and then get that 150 and in six months if you did a good job you get another 150 if you run off after six months then we just ain't gonna be working again until you apologize because i'm the most uh forgiving person because i still believe in you even when you being less than you are i got to realize when people take advantage of me that's something that's them their lives being taken advantage of something you know because i'm a walking vic i'm a target i just say yes to anything i just can't say no i'm here to only say yes that's the key to life you get i'm saying just carry in the movie yes man yeah yes man i'm the yes man anybody someone you want my i when me and my dad bonded my dad used to have to just say i'm working on this water purification center i found this new spot it's going to cost us a million about a land and he my dad is pitching to me my dad ain't had to do one thing for me he only had to do one thing nut he ain't gonna do nothing that's all my dad ever had to do was nut he ain't gonna ask me for nothing nothing else he made me i told my dad that day i said look call andre who's my cousin who's uh he used to work at ernest young i'm always screaming at him um he does accounting right now i said call andre anything in my account is available to you and if you spin it all up i'm just going to make more money and that's a multi-billion dollar situation that means every dream that the real steve jobs my dad had my dad the real steve jobs but he didn't make gold digger he didn't get the yeezy he didn't have that opportunity but guess what he made an earner like hoop dreams like when somebody's son make it to the league i made it to the league my dad is a christian counselor my dad sleep in homeless shelters and counsel people my dad has a water purification center in the dominican republic i'm just my dad everything i do that has any kind of nobility in that place is of my dad anything i do that's an entertainment is of my mom and my mom and education because my mom is you know educator so what i'm saying is but i would be the type of person that's making my dad give me a pdf you my dad i know i know i bought your girlfriend city listen where did we go but moving forward i know i know what you used some of that money on but i'm moving forward right because we spoke on the phone it was a great conversation this is not things that a man of god should do or say and one of the things that you said to me was you're out of depth jam and i felt like you were lately being out of depth jam and changing your name in like the same category and what's what's the question on that because i'm so my question is why like after all these years what what are you doing moving forward you're going to be independent like is your next album going to be on yay it's gonna be on your label or i i'm gonna work i'm gonna go public my thought that i'm that i have right now that i'm gonna say out to put it into fruition so other people could figure out how to make it is my i have the biggest brand on the planet uh with yeezy with donda you know the richest man on the planet is bernard i know his last two employees used to work for me jesus so we have the biggest brand we moved the gap stock by two billion dollars in like an hour when you put my name uh next to it and um so i'm gonna go i'm gonna take myself public and create a universal basic income and go public for a tea publicly do we all know what a t is no a trillion yeah but publicly traded public yes right and make a universal not even universal basic income but universal wealth because if everybody has a hundred thousand a year some people can spend it wrong right right but it changes what we value right now they pump in so many logos and so many you know all the the wrong kind of concepts but it's inside of us we collectively are god we as a collection god is in us so collectively we are god as we move like when they move around mecca when you see that you see god inside of that the way those people are moving once we move and we realize that we just all have to be on one accord like to do what quincy jones did in the studio but do that to our life that we all in one accord when i go and say something just about drake about john legend i'm just tuning the note so that we could play a symphony okay this is the last one [ __ ] it because i got more for this oh no i got two more that's it yeah mob deep or mlp well mob d but with mob d my favorite um group so bringing up queens price right now keep going yeah yeah my mob deep is my favorite group get out of here yeah that's beautiful and then it's collective it's like a tie between wu-tang and tribe but it's mob deep isn't quiet storm it's like you know man i just feel very like just even the way i present myself now what i'm doing the the leather this side just feels very mob deep had this like slickness tool i know you know it's like belly to begin beginning of belly when i was here didn't i think about quiet stone price storm looks like the beginning of belly and that's what i love one i had the most hype williams videos out of any artists of all time and you spend that money yeah i went me and hype are good friends people used to say y'all ain't gonna get along y'all both [ __ ] about this my best best best best friend is hype williams and um what i like this man he made ja rule look like eight feet tall he knew how to he knew how to and by the way ja rule is 10 feet tall inside you i'm saying we kings at the end of the day so i'm not saying this because i would never say nothing to ever disrespect irv gotti or ja rule i've rocked with them i i love them irv is my man uh if i say something that i said well i said with john or big sean or trav whatever these are the things i honestly just how i honestly feel as far as like ur bugatti i love irv gotti bro this is like just i i just can't even just express the amount of love so i don't even want that to even be taken as we got like no up family too but so he you know he showed us as kings you know what man it's like you know we do these cameras if you take the camera we can some of the things i would do is like put a camera this way that goes this direction because you're gonna look like a god he you took that camera a little bit lower and when you sit it my dad was a photographer also so he explained that to me and you look a certain kind of way the press the way they paint us you know will make us feel like that's all we could be and that it makes our ceiling like that but hype went in and painted us a certain kind of way and when you saw belly they made sure it wasn't one after that i did them two listening sessions right then three listening sessions this [ __ ] was the craziest [ __ ] ever tomorrow in the city of chicago okay i brought my mama home to show that mountain master out there with marilyn manson like we just it's up right right was it was it some listening sessions after that did oh could live nation figure out a listening session oh oh we got to open the next spring hype williams we're going to take all that making people look like who they are [ __ ] up out of here let me get that on up out of here better well i gotta say elon you know because we need to that's another thing we'll be two like in the past bro great tests look great but you know elon making my cars now elon making my rockets now inline making me smoke weed with my joe rogan with nor where nori over here like wait that that mind with r i'm saying it's like it's like black history month cancel right put this put this on black twitter right now yay says cancel black history month why i need black future month i need black possibility month i'm tired of seeing us getting hosed down i'm tired to talk about slavery and how we should only be so lucky to vote for a woman we ain't seen since the election i mean we should jesus can't go there okay large female large professor or primo i'm trying to get off gratefulness y'all thought i wasn't gonna get killed by the end of this interview i'm doing everything i can bro no we can't no more black kids this is here to remind you of who they want us to be and not who we really are bro the over and you know when i say they who there's over laughing they let's college we talk about they don't want you to eat the sandwich yeah yeah cause they don't love you they will put up with you but they do not love us in that way and they are afraid of what is inevitable you ever seen the kid in tiananmen square in front of the tank yeah absolutely yo they i i got a gun pulled out on me like about three weeks ago i was out in um in uh belgium because i had the full mask on so it was a white mask no a full black full mask on so the cop came but when he came he had the gun out at the beginning and i was like well i guess this is it [Laughter] you said that out loud no that's just what i thought i was like well because if he gonna pull [ __ ] [Music] [ __ ] don't play with me i want to see my mama you know say god use god use people like this you know i could come right here and let y'all know y'all entrapped ain't made it nowhere y'all aiming at the wrong people i love drake i love drake lucy and how you like that one how you like that one i love drake vivendi how you like that one i love drake disney how you like that one once y'all collaborate and listen come get me what y'all going through y'all meet to me y'all come up with some type of scam y'all gonna come up with some and try to take me no god had me for a reason because if i was at nike you think i have been able to wear a red hat you think i've been able to have an opinion do you think i'd be able to show you we can have an opinion that's all you needed to see we are not immune from who we influenced by right here i'm here to like light it up then i'm gone but after interview like this i did my job but if i hadn't come to you and said this and kept it to myself then then god couldn't have used me you know what i'm saying i only fear god as i said and i'm not always obedient you know it's a lot going on it's a lot going on out here you know i'm saying i fall short they say moses killed the man and all that you know before god called on him man our freedom is first of all let's do everything we can to keep our children there's a foundation that has been started actually bumped into the gentleman whose dad started a foundation in israel that gives money to women who are thinking about not having a baby and that's the exact time that i'm on that's what we own that's what we own we own god time now somehow i made it this far man you know to be able to give y'all this information beautiful thank you by the way yeah praise god bro and that's i'm telling you i know it's also kind of funny when i'm talking about john and big sean and you know what it is it'd be funny it's like people it hurt it hurt those people who love me like charlemagne love me but he had to you know put biting on the thing and then think about this happen when biden when uh remember he said charlemagne if you didn't vote for me then you're not black black well yeah i showed you that showed you how comfortable he was and how much they talked before that and you know what must have happened afterwards they got in the room like y'all [ __ ] are [ __ ] up ain't supposed to be showing that y'all like that yeah that y'all like that did y'all like that john legend sean this is some 1984 bro this mind control this population control rise up man look inside of you man so we going with lars pro or primo primo remo all right this is the last one mj or prince we could drink for that yeah you know that's gonna be equal see okay would you like a hibiki yeah i'll do that you know to do that you help them out you know i put my own drinks all right that's cool yeah michael jackson you met michael jackson yes i did so you meet prince too because i think [ __ ] yeah he said prince so this so both of them were fighting a fight similar to what i'm fighting but they were fighting it for the for for there to be more michael jackson's for that to be yay for there to be drake is what they fought for so now what i'm fighting for is the ability for there to be elons of us for that to be bernard our nose of us because until we at the level of our know we're going to be clapping for just getting a job for arnold until we get to the level you know i'm saying when lebron wins the championship he looks at this white lady that owns the team and says i told you i was going to win for you that's the part i don't like that's the part because if you king then let's be kings that's why we start up our own league and i'm here at battling for us for our freedom to be able to build our communities and not be in a position where we have to kill half of ourselves every year okay now they hit a third rail that was the third one did we take a shot i don't know let's take a shot salute
Channel: REVOLT
Views: 10,389,608
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: REVOLT, TV, music, rap, r&b, hip hop
Id: 27NstO1qOJk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 144min 54sec (8694 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 04 2021
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