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so dews once again citrus has done it again what is the rave over here you guys play my bumping it so real quick the rules of this day we're doing three separate rounds what the idea is there's a cart in the middle shopping cart you got to push it all the way to the other players side whoever can score first wins that round like I said we're doing three separate rounds so I you guys ready to be in sizzles versus am brewing biffle you guys ready to do the loot let's do it sorry oh yeah real quick I come down here hold on when I come down here come down guys know what we got to do every time we use a scorecard I we're all three gonna use a scorecard if any of us have over a five fiber above you guys got to hit that like button that's the deal three two one go you know what you guys don't want likes in my videos that's fine I don't care hit that like but if you wanted to show us some love also I have to subscribe what if you to any of our channels okay you ready civil scorecard time for I believe in common in three to do or not okay three two one go that's a big number so they get to choose their guns and give us ours I'm sigil Stinson you do the next one I'm gonna get myself machine gun yeah alright and I'm gonna choose great pistol just remember that you did this to yourself just remember all right sizzles you take this next what don't let us down come on dude I've never let us down in my three two one go I don't even that was a straight flexin but - you know what the other guy you got ahead take this make it have fun a sniper for you but then nice tie freak ok ok what do what what a weekend are you gonna do the new gun nope no I know you so after this round the first round we're fighting on this map we have two other maps that we're gonna be doing the same thing on careful creep to try to be fancy just good from now on you're doing it I'm terrible your pistol I think did you just give me quieter Steve Mobbs alright schedules do not let us down one every time you know what I'm taking it I'm taking the thermal I'm taking a thermal that's a good idea come on you guys there it is I got it [Laughter] this is the other one the other one of you gets one of these last round are you guys ready three two one 100% 100% taking a heavy shotgun I do trust you that might be really good you know they buff the bushes though they buff the bushes when we may buffed it you don't obscure your vision anymore ya know but remember remember there's no bushes in that map love them alright so round one here we're gonna take we're gonna take this side you guys take the far side whoever can get the card to the other side wins I three two one so we don't have a hundred building materials that's all I need slap these clowns should we just go straight for it oh crap Oh crazy boys I shot the boss oh no II in the bush counters the thermal oh oh oh where is it where is it where is it I don't know where e-trade here it's right behind you oh my guess I couldn't find out was death will be no discussing this at a later date for the cart I got him I got him I got him okay are you he was hurt I'm coming okay go get it pistol and a fight both of them I could really use a some cyberbullying I haven't respawned yet I promise I have HP I overlooked let's talk of a magazine trial no amber down amber down amber down okay whoops guitar guitar no easy cart I cannot see anything I literally cannot see anything yes no that's not cheating that's the rules we made them up oh there's another one becky solar stairs okay i'm gonna i'm respawning i'm respawning why did you bring your med kit dude I just watch them use it since I'm a haploid I wasn't responding okay so we take round one let's go to round two at you guys want to fight on my farm use one for no no my other man go fight him over there Matt yeah oh the ramp my round two are you guys ready scissors you go first this time you go first scorecard plus one every time that's two you know you're getting better you're getting better well ambriel Ambro this pistol is for you amber what I want you to have us take this no but I don't want him to feel left out what are you good you really think the new guns good listen to it just listen to this famine oh that sounds pretty good alright I'll get it to you so pretty okay creating plus 1 every time boy 3 2 1 go - no you telekinetic oh you know what I think I think Biffle should tell the story of how he's always getting out rolled by the campfire so I think I'm gonna be safe and get this shot I don't know I'm taking a shotgun an amber okay you know we have this new gun right so we can shoot sitting targets go ahead take these balloons amber have fun what do you take your scissors I think I'm gonna take the shot II - you just I don't want to get is too good yeah he's too good right now all right ready Bibble go amber I know you're collecting pistols so here's some Dooley's for you let's give Biffle you know what you know what you know it you know you know I'm feeling kind of festive civilian kind of festive takes like a decent gun no I don't like is that good I'm gonna take this car I'm taking this car taking this car go Owen five let's find out in three two one go is yours yep this is gonna be yours to have fun using that in the battle that is literally taking me out of the battle for 15 seconds that is on neat what are you gonna take minigun well you have a shotgun though all right so we got our loot let's go to the next round which is here banks all right round two you guys ready let's do it in three two helicopter he's floating use floating duty is okay this gun is straight oh my gosh in love equation take this arrow to the face oh yes I hear it I hear the cart [Applause] oh no he's a madman oh my gosh you can attack helicopter again shoot this snowman in sin okay okay okay no he's Army's I mean where is it dude we put a chiller trap down they have the guard no did they destroy the card kill me I mean who's got the car that hit the car before I mean uh yeah big boy hit the court wait they hit the car so now they can't find it so we good strategy I see where he hit it I see where he hit okay breaking this up lady let me break a hammer everything just reset reset reset oh I tried to sneak out I'm stuck in here I got a campfire I'm fine I'm going for the play get her be the campfire we can finish these nerds right here right now gobble gobble [Music] come from cotton-eye Joe litter like you stretch just do it did I help they're holding me off man I got an ice no Mandan okay I don't again and again kids no Manning him oh my gosh the genius I think people's getting close I think he is dude I don't know where it is my wife says it's a mistake I'm stuck I'm stuck nobody's going up [Music] I don't know how I feel about this guy were you shooting at her to get a single all right round two goes to them let's go to the final round on my farm Matt let's do it I'm going first in three two one hi you are literally double the man I am what somebody gave me a pistol you never killed me with it I'm gonna kill you no Ian's gonna kill you with it yeah I killed in with it but I got chiller dreams for my CL for Isis on you let a real man I go ahead three two one go Oh so I'm going to pick bottle rockets whatever you put on the cart and then push the car into battle ready ready two one go - okay here's my plan here's my plan okay you grab oh we give them both infantry rifles dogs no no those are good don't tell me those are do this is already starting I mean if you want to give one I'm an infantry rifle that's on you you bet that's your prerogative well I'm gonna use my pierogi and I'm gonna give Biffle a hunting rifle or an infantry rifle do I get what do I get [Music] don't you know what you one of you guys I follow that no Oh amber that's all for you ah but you can have you know what just because we've been friends for so long you know this burst it's alright to give me a bro boo burst that's actually really good Oh bubble gum okay okay are you guys ready for this last round we really need your eyes on my way I believe in you buddy I believe in you let's go I got this Ian please win I only have a great burst let's do this in 3 2 1 go that works that works I like that I'm taking this what are you thinking I'm looking for the shotgun where is it yeah there it is in the fountain I found it I found it perfect all right so you give Biffle something give Biffle some oh okay hmm wait does he does he have a shotgun nothing use a shotgun no let's get him over let's give him a really good shotgun got two more barrels than her oh he does have a shot one naive to mean Obama Congrats but double the double double sighs all right final round up my map everybody ready to fire fire yeah fire you guys know I only have one guns a shotgun right it's the only gonna have all right three two one hi oh he's already in oh gosh it started to go - come push the cart with you all right hey why are you dancing amber why are you dead you know why where's the car where's the car where's the car knocked it over okay okay okay okay your purchase you get on it Oh what did you do oh oh just get swiped our dude dude I heard he used the on first against me my where's the car I got the car I think I got the car go go go I can't use shockwave grenades in the cornfield hmm well don't do that you don't see me you don't believe in me I really don't okay oh I have an idea I was doing the idea to shoot the card into the goal oh no I can't nope where is the cart I think we actually legitimate lost it it's gone it's probably in the cornfield I don't want to dance you gotta you gotta you gotta eat oh my gosh is it Nancy got Amanda mine stop we need to find this cart no oh I found it I'm waiting for you sorry I don't know oh [Music] jeez oh crap oh crap oh crap okay I gotta go I gotta go my feeling me I gotta go don't people don't need you you're people on their way no wonder they need people now en come here ordnance incoming stop it I see me where were you ah get out of here okay no what are you going guy wherever I want to go dude you're not my real dad wait am i Oh get in there get in there you got this there we have one boys that is so good oh that's a fun game good job since that's a good game you guys cheated I'm reporting you you guys enjoy this video want us to play this again hit the like button down below also hit the subscribe button for new to any of our tales hit that little bale he's got a bell it has been like three years you starting a pot in a bell dude bells are out on / Bell they can't get anything huh now you know [Music]
Channel: SSundee
Views: 3,650,451
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ssundee, ssunde, ssundee challenge, sundee, ss, ssudee, ssundde, sunndee, fortnite, fortnite battle royale, battle royale, playground v2, gamemode, playground ltm, in fortnite, gun game trolling, fortnite funny moments, fortnite emote challenge, fortnite emote game mode, fortnite emote games, fortnite emote challenge game, fortnite creative, fortnite creative map, fun creative map, Season 7, Fortnite Overwatch, Push The Payload
Id: B8NjVfzBgz0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 44sec (1304 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 17 2019
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