Pursue the One Thing: Sit at the Feet of Jesus - Peter Tan-Chi - Wanting the One Thing

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you were watching Christ's Commission fellowship changing lives for eternity this morning I want us to start a new series our new series is called one thing the one thing for the next map for this map we will discuss one thing the one thing what do we mean by one thing the one thing for example in the Bible the one thing is clearly explained the one thing is something that is most important for you what is the one thing that you really value the most what is the one thing that has given you your highest priority what is that one thing do you know your one thing for example in the Bible you have David David said one thing I ask from the Lord what is that one thing I'm going to discuss that in the coming weeks Paul the Apostle Paul said this one thing I do notice this one thing I do now Paul is doing many things but he's saying this one thing I do most important and Mary of Bethany Jesus said only one thing is necessarily now the three of those one thing have something in common what is a common theme it's all about God intimacy with God see God wants you to know him let's read this together Jeremiah 9 together thus says the Lord let not a wise man both of his wisdom in other words for some people they're one thing is knowledge they're one thing is Bible study they want to accumulate knowledge let not the mighty man both of his might for some people is about power it's about position that's their one thing uh-uh the Bible says that should not be your priority let not a rich man both of his riches for some people it's all about money they boast about money that's their one thing money God says that should not be your one thing what should be your one thing but let him who boasts both of this everybody read that he understands and knows me you see God wants you to know him whatever it is your one thing should be intimacy with God you have to know the Lord that is to me the one thing that I want all of us to learn for the year 2020 the one thing for example in John chapter 17 one is this so important everybody read together Jesus is saying this is eternal life that they may know you the only true God and Jesus Christ whom you have sent you see many people think eternal life is joining a church you join CCF the Bible is not saying you join CCF the Bible is not saying you join a small group the Bible is not say you do this you do that no no the Bible says what is eternal life can I tell you what is eternal life let's read this is eternal life that they may know the world no is from this amazing Greek world did not Co guiness Co is used to describe intimacy it is describing the relationship of a husband and a wife even the sexual act itself in the message you you really know the Lord can I tell you you will never be assured of salvation until you know the Lord until you know who is Jesus let me explain to you why this is the most important it impacts your entire life let me give example if you know God what will happen to you how many of you have problems today your financial problems raise your hand emotional problems relationship problems you have problems raise your hands all right how many of you have been loved ones who have problems and because your loved ones have problems they share with you and you are therefore affected you are bad you have loved ones for having problems raise your hands now now we are becoming realistic how we knowing that impact the way you deal with problems for example in our discipleship group this year I mean last year last quarter it was the hardest time for our group because we have many members that are afflicted their loved ones are afflicted with cancer a daughter with cancer a wife underwent operation another wife cancer another pastor's wife cancer a member cancer is now in the states in other words we are afflicted our members have a lot of problems and have to be honest with you when I hear their problems it affects me so how do I deal with it it affects all of us and the reason why all of us are able to be rested to be at peace in spite of problems is because we know there is a God who loves us there's a God who is in control and let me tell you something if your problem is bigger than God you really have a problem but if your God is bigger than your problem then your problem is less Amen yes or no now many of you have all kinds of problems relationship problems our problems I'm not saying deny them but I'm saying the solution to be dealing with problem is no gun if you know God you will know his ways you will know how to deal with it you will know what it means to trust him let me give your example if you are single and you are tempted to premarital sex it's a real temptation today everyone is doing it but you will not do it if you know God can I tell you why because if you know God you will love him if you know God you will obey Him if you love God submission to him it's not a problem because you love God if you've know God you will trust him you see the knowledge of God is the most important thing it affects everything you do from business practices if you are tempted to cheat you're tempted to compromise you are tempted not to pay taxes if you know your God you will approach your problems differently why you know him and I believe this topic is so crucial so this morning if you don't mind I have a question to ask you what is your one thing for this year what is your one thing let me tell you why this one thing is so crucial we all make new year's resolutions how many of you made new year's resolution raise your hands I noticed something the order you get the last new year's resolution you do you know why because you've discovered new year's resolutions are seldom accomplished yes or no in fact by the end of January by the time it is Valentine's by February 90% of people have forgotten their New Year's resolution resolution you know you've given up you overestimate the power of you will you over estimate the power of your will I have discovered something and I want to recommend to everybody if you have time you read this book atomic habit this book tells you the wisdom of developing good habits because it is good habit that will help you succeed it is not gold it is not New Year's resolution and that is why in CCF we have prayer and fasting these are systems we have made in place I'm gonna discuss these systems in the next three weeks in the meantime what is the topic today what is your one thing what is your one thing can I suggest I like what st. Augustine said to fall in love with God is the greatest of all Romans to seek Him the greatest adventure to find him the greatest human achievement your one thing should be God centered to know him to be intimate with him this morning I want to share with you the one thing of a particular person her name is married there are many Mary's in the Bible you have Mary the mother of Jesus you have Mary Magdalene for seven demons were cast out this Mary Magdalene was the first to witness the empty tomb you have other Mary the mother of James we have other Mary the mother of John Mark you have six Mary's in the Bible but today I'll discuss with you one particular Mary the Mary of Bethany this is the Mary who is the sister of Lazarus and her sister was Martha Jesus loved this family Jesus would visit their home so are you ready to discuss the one thing of the Mary of Bethany what is the one thing are you ready all right let's read together now as they were traveling alone he entered the village and a woman named Martha welcomed him into her home the village is the village of Bethany a few miles away from Jerusalem continue reading together ready go what was Mary doing seated at the feet of Jesus why normal woman a normal girl will not sit at the feet of a man much more rabbi Mary sat in front of Jesus for what purpose I want you to imagine the picture when I was married so eager to sit in front at the feet of Jesus the Bible says to listen to his word here is what enters my mind Mary wanted focus she focused on Jesus she think at the feet of Jesus reminds me of intimacy Mary wanted to be intimate with the Lord Mary wanted to learn Mary worship Jesus are we clear that's the idea of sitting at the feet of Jesus what was Martha doing Martha was distracted she's affected with all her preparations she came up to him cannae Malik just imagine here was Mary sitting Jesus speaking and then somebody stopped the entire Bible lesson Martha was complaining she came to him Lord do you not care that my sister has left me to do all the serving alone tell her to help me can you see the picture Martha is doing something good she's serving she's busy except she ate a problem she was not happy she was complaining can you imagine serving the Lord yet you are not happy you are grumbling you're complaining why because Mary her sister left in other words Mary was helping Martha and then when Jesus came when Jesus began to teach Mary stop doing what Martha was doing she decided to sit at the feet of Jesus how did Jesus reply to Martha the jesus said Martha you are correct Mary is lazy Mary go back and serve is that what Jesus said follow Jesus a amazing Jesus the Lord answered and said to her Martha Martha here is a description of love when the Bible repeats something it is out of love Martha Martha you are worried and bothered about so many things but only one thing is necessary mary has chosen the good part which has not be taken away from her everybody put your finger like this upward everybody higher one thing point upward not to finger what yes what and the right finger of my finger what what is your one thing according to Jesus Mary made a choice what is Mary's one thing what to sit at the feet of Jesus what does it mean to sit at the feet of Jesus if you are tired bring down your hand and bring that hand my message today is so simple pursue the one thing what is that one thing sit at the feet of Jesus can you turn your neighbor tell your neighbor sit at the feet of Jesus what does that mean Jesus is not saying Martha what you're doing is bad it's important we have martyrs but what is more important to Jesus is not what you do for him it's your relationship with him let me repeat because Jesus is focused on your being who you really are if you have a relationship with Jesus the doing will follow but you can be so busy doing something and missile on the most important thing the presence of Jesus what do I mean imagine sitting at the feet of Jesus what are the implications let me repeat focus intimacy you want to know Jesus to listen to him you want to worship Him let me give you example of why it is important to sit at the feet of Jesus you know why when you don't sit at the feet of Jesus this is what will happen to you Martha was destructed there'll be destruction with all her preparations can you imagine preparing food for how many people when Jesus went to the house of Mary Martha and Lazarus how many went with Jesus how many excuse me you don't know how many can I guess Jesus always trouble with who would adult disciples so you can be sure there were at least 12 men plus Jesus plus Lazarus plus Mary and Martha how many can you have you tried preparing food for 16 people it is a chore it's not easy by the way my wife has become an expert in repairing food especially this Christmas let me tell you why we have five wonderful children all happily married so 5 times 2 is 10 plus all their children I have 20 grandchildren imagine every meal you must prepare for how many people 10 adults 20 children plus there is my goodness it's a lot of work so Martha was busy was distracted but notice what was Martha's problem if you don't sit at the feet of Jesus you are going to burn out you are going to serve God with the wrong attitude the problem with Martha is not very serving it's her priorities she's forgotten how to serve God with joy when you serve God as a duty no longer a delight you have a problem you need to sit at the feet of Jesus tell your neighbor sit at the feet of Jesus if not this was gonna happen complaining do you not care my sister's left me in other words you begin to focus on people let me repeat if you don't sit at the feet of Jesus you will lose sight of the real reasons the real purpose of why we're serving God it's not about people you are not there to impress the Lord how well you can cook you are not there to impress the twelve you need to learn to sit at the feet of Jesus tell your neighbors sit at the feet of Jesus tell them now what does it mean it means you want to listen you want to it's intimacy notice together the Lord answered and said to her Martha Martha you are worried and bothered let me tell you what makes you worry what causes anxiety can I tell you many reasons when you focus on circumstances when you focus on problems you worry when you focus on time to control people you worry what causes worry what causes being bothered when you don't sit on the feet of Jesus you and I need to focus on the Lord let me explain to you why you need to focus on the Lord let's read this together everybody [Applause] if you fix your eyes on people you'll be better if you fix your eyes on circumstances you get worried remember this saying if you look at the world you become afraid if you look at your own self you can become depressed but if you look at God you will be at rest many of us we focus our eyes on others you are bothered you need to learn to sit at the feet of Jesus when I'm bothered when I'm troubled and the truth is we have lots of problems especially last few weeks LeBron's CCF and I'm bothered can I tell you what's happening when I sit at the feet of Jesus I fixed my eyes on him what does it mean to fix your eyes of Jesus what does it mean to sit at the feet of Jesus you pray previous together again read together ready go sitting at the feet of Jesus the picture is one intimacy you focus on him you tell him your problems be anxious for nothing the truth is you have problems my problems God is saying allow me to minister to you she we you know we like to serve God all the time praise God but God is telling Martha be like Mary Mary was seated at the feet of Jesus listening to the Word of God because you and I need to be refresh in our soul you need to learn to allow God to minister to you and how do you do that when you learn to pray when you learn to listen be anxious for nothing and you know what God promised you if you commit to him everything in prayer notice by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving when you learn to trust him to give things to focus on him the truth is this you know how I pray I said lord I do not know why you are allowing this problem to happen I do not know why this happened but I trust you I commit this problem into your hand what is the promise everybody read and the peace of God which surpasses all comprehension in other words I don't understand but the truth is this the peace of God will settle in my soul and experience restiveness the rod the Bible says and the peace of God which surpasses all comprehension you don't understand this psychologists cannot explain this how the power of prayer how intimacy with God can help people sleep well at night that's a promise shall guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus she got promised if you learn to sit at the feet of Jesus you have peace the Bible tells us let's read this together prayer is a two-way conversation the most important part is listening to God listening to him is far more important than giving him your ideas can I tell you the older I got the more I realized the true secret of prayer through prayer is not me telling God what to do for me prayer is listening to God and that's why I want you to understand in shishya web device certain system to help you become all that God wants you to be let me explain to you the importance of system to have a goal is one thing the goal does not guarantee success every basketball team at the beginning of the year will like to be the champion the difference is in the system what do you mean you see a goal does not necessarily mean you will accomplish it always a goal but what God is teaching me is called developing a system it's called habit you develop habit little by little for example I'm encouraging you come starting tomorrow night Monday to Saturday is our system of helping us sit at the feet of Jesus you listen to him friends most of us have never learned how to listen to God God is speaking but you don't hear him be honest with me how many of you have a person encounter that you know for a fact that God has spoken to you raise your hands praise God many of you some of you have not raised your hand do you know how sad it is to be a child of God and never experience God the Father speaking to you can I tell you why you have not there to sit at the feet of Jesus to sit at the feet of Jesus is to listen to him intentionally I have a system they were telling my system when I wake up in the morning the moment I brushed my teeth that's my system I brushed my teeth I tell myself I'm not going to sleep again because I brushed my teeth it's a system and then what I do I kneel down I begin the prayer it's a system and after spending time with God I began to do my exercise I want my mind to be clear so I begin to walk and I walk with my cell phone open to YouTube what but no not YouTube Bible apps what is a Bible app the famous Bible app you version I listen to the Bible that's the return I listen and then after I walk I hear the word of the Lord and what hit me when I go back to my room I put up my computer I type in the verses that God spoke to me I go back to the Bible it's a system I developed the problem is this most of you focus on the goal but you fail in your system let me give you another example of system this girl wanted to lose weight her goal is to lose weight but she can lose weight every time coffee break she goes down to the her office cafeteria and she buys cookies and donuts you see it's her system what system all of you have a system all of you have a habit her habit is a coffee break I go down to the coffee shop and I'll be with my friends and I buy cookies that's her habit she decided to change her habit during coffee break I will no longer go to the cafeteria I'll go outside my office and take a walk and by doing that after one week he'll desire for cookies for donuts is gone why because she changed her environment she changed her system we offer estimate the power of the will I have I don't have strong will but God has given a system so how do I listen to God on Sunday when I come on worship service I listen to God's Word God speaks to me in small group when I hear them discussing the Bible I discuss with them sometimes God will speak to me through the small group when I am listen to me what I'm alone having my quiet time God speaks to me sometimes when I sleep at night I bring and sometimes God speaks to me through dreams sometimes I'm awake and God gives me a vision now God speaks to us in various ways no one is exactly the same but you've got to check God's message with the Word of God you see when I hear from God I will confirm it through the Word of God because God's voice will never contradict his world and that's why it is important to be at the feet of Jesus listening to God's Word so for me it's a habit and my friend you albarn estimate the power of dramatic events for example which one is more effective three hours of gym once a week versus 15 minutes a day of simple exercise which one is more effective you see many people think it's going to the gym no the problem with small things you think it is useless like breathing in the bible 10 15 minutes a day spending quiet time with the lord 10 15 minutes a day memorizing verses one verse a week it seems like it's not doing anything but listen once you compound the effect after one year after two years the effect is dramatic we have a system God has given us a system a small group prayer and fasting Sunday service it's a system while it may not affect you immediately in the long run it will impact your life so what I'd like you to do for this coming year everyday are you listening to me develop beginning 10 15 minutes of listening to the Lord personal quiet time are we communicating you may not see any difference but I guarantee you after one year after two years you will see the effect I look at my life and look at my wife's life you see for many years the Lord has touched my heart 50 years ago for over 50 years God has helped me develop certain system in my life it's simple nothing dramatic but the impact is there but it is not seen immediately so for the next three weeks I'm gonna teach you developing good habits through system are you ready today what are we learning one thing what is that one thing sit at the feet of Jesus that's the one thing and listen to the Lord so next week we'll be here every night to sit at the feet of Jesus to listen I can safely say on the authority of all that is revealed in the Word of God that any man or woman on this earth who is born and turned off by worship is not ready for heaven if you tell me sitting on the feet of Jesus is boring I want to tell you something examine your relationship with God perhaps you don't know him you see I'm always curious as white people come on Sunday everybody listen to me why are you here on Sunday my prayer is you are here on Sunday because you love the Lord you love to worship in Amen you are here to worship not to take to worship and you make that a habit of coming to God once a week together with other believers to sing to worship I tell you it may not make any difference one Sunday two Sundays but over a long period of time it becomes a habit it will change your life for many years my wife and I have practice we'll always look for a place of worship on Sunday people have asked me why not the Internet why not just online my question to use this if I can go to a place where God's people are gathered to sing and worship why would I not go there if my purpose is just to hear a message sure Internet however my purpose is for worship my purpose is to love the Lord and to express my love for the Lord through God's people you see when I come I'm not just there to bless myself I'm there to bless others amen so you understand what's going on in your heart you will never know what's going on in your heart if you don't learn to sit at the feet of Jesus what's the message today sit at the feet of Jesus it's worship it's listening it's intimacy sooner or later there are the consequences remember life is about choices to sit at the feet of Jesus according to Jesus according to him it's a choice remember this let's read this verse one more time only one thing is necessary mary has chosen it's a choice you got to make a choice of what is important for me while serving God being busy for God is important what is more important is to sit at the feet of Jesus worship listening to him let me tell you why because worship sitting at the feet of Jesus the byproduct is serving him the by part of intimacy with God if you love God the byproduct is if you focus on activities and you neglect your soul and you don't sit at the feet of Jesus you will burn out you begin to serve God with a bad attitude I've seen people they are angry with other believers you know why because they are serving God not because they are they began with sitting at the feet of Jesus it's all activities when you begin to serve God without sitting at his feet you begin to serve him in your own power your own agenda and that is not healthy can you imagine Martha serving God but getting angry at her system complaining to Jesus the end of some Christians were like that they serve God in anger because of other people they want to control other people how they should serve God you see you expect everybody to be like you know sit at the feet of Jesus hear him he will tell you what to do and you'll be rested that's the amazing reality or pursue the one thing what is our person sit at the feet of Jesus now there are consequences at the end of the life of Jesus before he would die he came to Bethany one more time he spends time with Lazarus Mary and Martha Jesus six days before the Passover came to Bethany where Lazarus was whom Jesus had raised from the dead so they made him a supper there Martha was serving praise God for Martha she is always serving that's her out of worship but this time she's no longer complaining she is not complaining understand Lazarus this time was one of those reclining Lazarus was fellowshiping with Jesus understand so how you relate to Jesus all of us have our own ways but notice the context of this story six days before he was to be crucified this is right after Lazarus was raised from the dead can I tell you what happened what is it that chapter before John chapter 12 was a chapter louder what is a three-level it's about Lazarus Jesus told the family everybody ready I am the resurrection and the life he who believes in Me will live even if he dies now let me ask you a question who in his right mind who in his right mind who is an unless human being will ever say a resurrection and the life he who believes in Me will live even if he dies who will ever say that unless it is true everyone read and everyone who lives and believes in Me will never die you see Mary Martin Lazarus experience the reality of who is Jesus you see if you know Jesus your life will change how you respond to problems how you worship God will change if you don't find it exciting to listen to Jesus to study his word you need to ask yourself do you really know Jesus Jesus many softly are called in to Jesus my sheep hear my voice and I know them and they hear me and they follow me are you a follower of Jesus that's the evidence of one thing to sit at the feet of Jesus you want to know him you want to listen to him now notice the next Mary did something so crazy Mary took a pound of very costly perfume of pure nard and anointed the feet of Jesus and wiped his feet with her hair and the house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume now what is Mary do Mary did something that most normal woman will never do first of all she got a very expensive perfume of pure nard scholar tells us this must be from India or China it is very expensive it is used in burial because the perfume is so strong to overcome the smell of death this is worth one year's salary how much is one year's salary today if you talk about minimum salary in the Philippines fifteen thousand pesos a month more or less in one year 180,000 pesos will you use a hundred eighty thousand pesos perfume and pour it on somebody I don't think so you see this is probably the fortune the inheritance of Mary a lot of money she did not use the perfume on Lazarus when he died but she did it on Jesus while he still alive why think about it why did Mary became so generous so magnanimous so lobby's in her devotion to Jesus can I tell you when you sit at the feet of Jesus you develop and love relationship you develop intimacy you get to know who Jesus is when you sit at the feet of Jesus and when you know how Jesus is nothing is too precious for you to give to him in contrast look what did she do if you read the book of Mark the book of Matthew she poured the perfume on the head of Jesus all the way to the feet she did something that normal woman will never do she used her hair to wipe the feet of Jesus you see when you love Jesus when you worship Jesus you don't care about what other people say because you are focused on Jesus you love Jesus that my friend is what Mary did she focused on Jesus she gave her best to Jesus of course in contrast we have Judas Judas one of the twelve disciples who was intending to betray him said why was this perfume not sold for three hundred denarii three hundred a salary and given to poor people you know I realized something counterfeit Christians they can sound spit on this big soil spirit or wallow let's have the poor let's keep this money in the poor you know what Jesus said well before I tell you look at what the Bible says he said this not because he was concerned about the poor but because he was a thief and I see at the money box he used to pilfer what was what what was put in do you know why Judas did what he did think about it Judas heard everything that marry her Judah saw more than what Mary saw Judas saw the resurrection of Lazarus from the dead Judas heard the sermon of Jesus and yet Judas was not a follower of Jesus Judas was pretending I believe Judas began well but money was his number one for Judas one thing is money and because Judas love money more than he loved Jesus he could never comprehend truth will not sing in he was externally pretending to be a follower you know what hit me when you begin to compromise small action and it becomes a habit of lying a habit of sinning a habit of cheating a small thing will eventually lead to bigger things Judas came blinded he heard everything he saw Lazarus raised from the dead Judas I'm sorry Judas saw everything Judah saw Jesus healing Lazarus rising Lazarus from the dead and yet Judas did not change why the power of habit cheating a little here cheating a little here it hardens your heart and that's my concern there are some people here today we have been attending Shir for the longest time you have heard all my sermons but it's possible your heart is still not affected by the gospel you know what happened Judas eventually Judas betrayed Jesus Judas sold Jesus for thirty pieces of silver thirty pieces of silver is equivalent to three months salary for Judas that is what Jesus is worth nothing thirty pieces of silver for Mary Jesus is worth more than anything she could have afforded for Jesus for Mary Jesus is precious I will give my best to Jesus for Judas Jesus is not worth it why he could never appreciate Jesus when you are in sin and sin has become a habit I'm warning you your heart becomes hardened you know eyes become blind you are not able to see the truth of Jesus why do you think there are many people today you used to see them come into worship eventually they disappear they make like following Jesus how is that possible very simple when you don't know Jesus from the heart you will eventually deny him let me repeat if you don't learn to sit at the feet of Jesus be a girl to know him to seek after him you will become if you are not careful Judas now there are some of us here praise God you are not a Judas you are a Martha always busy for the Lord Martha but you are serving God not out of delight out of duty not good enough you should be a Mary sit at the feet of Jesus tell your neighbor sit at the feet of Jesus you know what Jesus told Judas Jesus said let her alone Judas don't bother Mary so that she may keep it for the day of my barrier for you always have the poor do but you do not always have me Jesus is not saying don't take care of the poor but he's saying I am the most important being I want relationship with you you see you and I can be so busy but you know what Jesus wants your presence Jesus saying I want your attention I want a relationship what you do for me is fine but more than that I want you sit at the feet of Jesus focus on him what does it mean well let me explain to you what does it mean that she kept it for a day of my period Jesus the same idea in mark in Matthew same idea Jesus said let her alone why do you bother her she has done a good deed to me amazing Jesus never made this compliment to any of his other disciples except to Mary she said she has done a good thing for me when you sit at the feet of Jesus you will not only bless yourself you bless Jesus jesus said she has done a good thing for me how precious is that notice the next verse jesus said she has done what she could she has anointed my body beforehand for burial is it possible that Mary was the only person who really understood that Jesus was going to suffer and die on the cross she Jesus kept telling the disciples I moved to die or the third day I rise up again but none of them really come understood this is it possible that Mary understood this she prepared Jesus for his death Jesus was very appreciative Jesus said she did something good for me my friend you need to know Jesus if you don't know Jesus how will you please him for this year the most important thing I want us to focus on the one thing sit at the feet of Jesus look at the promise of Jesus to Mary Jesus promise him something amazing truly I say to you everybody ready wherever the gospel is preached in the whole world what this woman has done will also be spoken of in memory of her ladies and gentlemen I just did what Jesus said will happen for eternity Mary was given the privilege that wherever the gospel is preached Mary will be remembered for what she's done and Judas will be remembered for his betrayal you know why because choices have consequences either you sit at the feet of Jesus learn to love him learn to know him or or you will have his religion let's bow our heads if God has spoken to you God is telling you for this year by your thighs make it the most important thing to sit at the feet of Jesus and that's your desire Buddha sternum your a parity this year to sit at the feet of Jesus to listen to Jesus to focus on Jesus to be intimate make this a habit I encourage you begin 10 15 minutes a day make it a habit develop a system of worshipping Jesus father God in heaven I thank you for this group of men and women that they would desire to sit at your feet north as we listen to the music in a short while help us to sit at your feet and to meditate on who you are what you have done for us I pray for everybody here that this year our priority will not just be doing things for you but to allow you to minister to us Lord to enjoy your presence to enjoy your company to worship you to listen to you in Jesus name we all pray amen
Channel: Christ’s Commission Fellowship
Views: 128,956
Rating: 4.8565736 out of 5
Keywords: CCF, Christ's, Commission, Fellowship, Sunday, Service, Sermon, Speaker, Message
Id: 3YYPNrZ4tVw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 13sec (3433 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 12 2020
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