Punk Boi Feeds Jurassic World T Rex Dinosaurs From Car ! Toy Video

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cookies world read I'm here to feed the dinosaurs where are they oh the best advice I can give punky is do not move seven t-rex dinosaurs you guys look at them and they are so super duper cool because they're actually interactive dinosaurs let's start things off real small with a baby t-rex dinosaurs these are both SuperDuper cool okay I mean look at how massively big their heads are in comparison to their bodies tiny little chicken wings their arms are super duper small well looks like they've been playing a little bit too much because this looks like they've been getting a little bit hurt here we can see their teeny tiny eyes in their skull and the way that these two are interactive Wow they can open up their mouth so if I just push on her tail like that their jaws will actually chomp up and down and their heads kind of wiggle back and forth just a little bit Wow Oh easy you too easy you too foods coming it's alright I think they're getting a little bit hungry so they're getting a little feisty well here comes a little bit bigger dinosaur now so this t-rex - pretty simple detail not much of a pattern on the rest of their body but on the head they do have all of these like little stripey markings just like the baby so how can this t-rex bones oh look at that she can actually chop her jaws up and down - so if I just push the little button right here on her back she actually gets activated to open and close her jaws well I think she's nipping for some meat I do not want to move it looks like punk boy has a whole bunch on food for the dinosaurs in the back of his Jeep I'm supposed to eat oh I don't want to get out of the car good thing he doesn't have to we can actually get the food out from the Jeep by just using this button so we'll have pump boy move into position [Music] and now we can actually just move this little button like this and it will dump out the meat whoa all right we got some of the meat out now the dinosaurs can eat oh this one's got some meat here comes the other baby dinosaur ooh yummy and of course this one's got some big jaws so she can easily chomp the meat oh she got it oh it fell out of her mouth oh she's got it again oh there we go now she's eating the meat here comes another hungry t-rex check out the color on this dinosaur so this one is actually a lot darker so we've got like a darker brown color and this one actually does have more of a color shade on the very very back of her this one probably has the biggest feet and the biggest nails and I like that you can actually move dinosaurs feet back and forth to to get different positions so that's that's really cool so you can see her feet compared to this other dinosaur that we just checked out so even though she's got that pattern down her back she does not have face markings like this one does but what can this t-rex do you can even see her tongue sticking out - Wow so all I have to do is just press her right here and that's how it activates the dinosaur to open up her jaws like super duper wide - you can just do just a little bit as compared to this dinosaur but here she goes she's really gonna open her mouth Wow all right I think we should put out some more meat okay here it comes whoa oh we got another bone right here we can put out here she comes to get some food is she gonna be able to eat the food very well oh she can do like some chomping Oh Jules got the meat it's a little bit harder to feed her oh she got it she got it all right there oh it fell here you go do not bite my finger do not bite my finger oh there we go well it's in her mouth at least here comes the next t-rex oh this one we're getting even bigger look how big this one is Wow and look at the facial oh this one has some facial markings on her too and all the way down her body and she has a very very very rubbery tail and it's kind of rubbery right here on her neck too you can see how I can kind of pull that rubber up but this one also is very interactive she has a stopping action so if we were to stomp her foot down whoa you can hear her coming she can make lots of different dinosaur sounds so we can easily just stop her foot when I move her all the way up we can see her jaws move so she is seriously ferocious [Music] and she's ferociously hungry - here she comes oh she's like crashing all the food away oh she got a piece here comes another dinosaur oh so this dinosaur looks very similar to this one that we checked out that can open up her jaws all the way they kind of had that same a pattern going on on the back of them but this one that we're gonna check out is just much bigger than this one so this one can actually do a lot of things she also has that stomping foot action [Music] she's got a little button here on her foot so you can easily just press it to get that dinosaur stomping sound look at her face - she's pretty cool we can move her back and forth she can look both ways and after she's done looking around uh she can actually she can chomp and get her food she can chop at her food and open up her mouth - whoa so to get her to move her head all I'm doing is just moving her tail if I move her tail back and forth that's what makes her move her head back in court and if I move her tail up and down that's gonna get her to snap her jaws and if I move her tail down that's when she opens her jaws whoa so she has the most interactive action and I like that she actually can move at different points of her body here - pigs are just extra cool Oh looks like we're out of food we got to put some more food [Music] alright here comes here comes the food now she's got her snapping chomp action oh she got some meat she hasn't she has in their mouth oh she's thrashing her head back and forth she dropped it alright and the last dinosaur is from the Imaginext Jurassic world series and this one is super interactive - this one's got super duper big orange eyes and of course it's green in color and it has a totally different pattern on it even including these like little spiky quills all the way down it's back and it's kind of curling up tail now this t-rex does have the longest and arms so her arms are SuperDuper long compared to these but check out how interactive she is if I were to push on her she actually could snap her jaws and make dinosaur sounds and her eyes actually light up too Oh lots of dinosaur sounds so both of these dinosaurs can make roaring sounds [Music] and watch them both snap their jaws oh they look like they're getting unhappy oh it's because we need to put more food out right so let's go ahead open up the car and push more food up oh no you guys are out of food well I guess it's time for me to get out of here all right cookie fans I hope you enjoyed checking out all of these Tyrannosaurus Rex dinosaurs these are so cool I love that they all can do something different really really cool I love these and of course I love dinosaurs I would also love for you to have the best day ever rawr with happiness and I will see you guys in my next video bye cookie fans hello cookie fans there was a brave shopkin that also loves t-rex dinosaurs hanging out in this video but what shopkins was it was it the coin purse the boots or the ring back [Music]
Channel: CookieSwirlC
Views: 11,155,986
Rating: 4.1415486 out of 5
Keywords: toy, play, family, friend, popular, funny, style, friendly, kid, cookieswirlc, playing, toys, cookie swirl, juguete, brinquedo, friends, fun, video, new, jurassic world, jurassic, park, toy review, color, boys, girls, channel, baby, dino, dinosaurs, realistic, baby dinosaurs, animal, cookie swirl c, lol surprise, lo, surprise, movie, t-rex, Tyrannosaurus, t rex, rex, feeding, interactive, moving
Id: 9lfe34PfQII
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 23sec (563 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 17 2018
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