Jurassic World Spinosaurus Battle Damage Dinosaur Toy Mattel

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[Music] well let's take a look here then well that was unexpected dinosaur battle damage not for the squeamish of squirrels on the table it is the very large Jurassic world battle damaged spider spider on the table it is the very large Jurassic world battle damage spinosaurus quick on the mend it shall be with this giant Spinosaurus toy from Mattel kind of a gray blue with this one I like the look of it though I was never able to catch one of those Spinosaurus target exclusives from last year so it's pretty cool to see a general release of the Battle Damage spinosaurus on today's table and it's a pretty long toy - what have we got here oh wow over 21 inches in length that's really impressive just can't get enough at the looks of the Spinosaurus such a cool-looking dinosaur on the back of the box hey we can just barely make out the spine from the front of the box Spinosaurus also known as the spine Osorio activate double damage we have a flip-down torso damage spot that pretty much looks like the kill shot if your rib cage goes down I don't think you're still standing you can quote me on that - you also have a button for jumping action I wonder how similar that was to the target exclusive spinosaurus other battle damage figures available and of course get the Jurassic world app to scan in our spinal source we will do that a little bit later in this review well shall we open this up yes I'd like to get a tooth of this Spinosaurus ah ha ha ha Toyo ponerse still preoccupied about opening the toy that you never thought if you should Malcolm did you get that quote any at all accurate okay opening the spinosaur should be pretty easy open box design gives you a chance to check out your spinosaurus oops sorry dr. grant I always recommend on these open box designs to check over your toy a little bit because it's more easily damaged on shelf especially with this flap here the arms take a look at it make sure it's okay then you don't have to take a drive back to the store for another one so let's open from package I think the first easiest part will be just cutting the straps around the spinosaurus now I have a sneaky feeling his feet might be nailed down to the box oh yeah so now comes the hard part and out of the box with the Spinosaurus even more cooler on the table such an impressive large-scale dinosaur toy pretty funny how closely he resembles spinal squirrel asaurus down there well where to begin with this spine oh let's check on the articulation first I believe these large massive Spinosaurus arms can move about on a shoulder joint and probably can pull out a little bit Mattel has done well with these arms so far oops no one saw that and the legs are also on hinges to move about and feel a little ratchet to hold it straight which is nice and what is nice too about these Mattel dinosaurs is you can kind of pull out those hips a little bit and for tail we've got some movement sorry dr. grant looks good there and for the head I think that's going to tie into the action feature so let's give that a press right on the top at the back of the neck we have a button for opening and closing the mouth oh my goodness I didn't expect that time oh sorry buddy oh that is the best opening mount I've seen really with that tongue that is hilarious very impressive feature good start to the Spinosaurus so let's talk about battle damage so today our Spinosaurus is enjoying a nice walk across the clean table ready to head to the swamps to get a snack when all of a sudden a t-rex went by the Spinosaurus thinking it is okay at first but not realizing the t-rex has gashed open a huge wound on its side and I believe to activate that we are going to press down on the back part of its spine right here it's a nice clicking noise let's see how we get it to really work mmm maybe we have to set it oh it turns out the battle damage is somewhat manual so our job for is to flip down the mortal wound the t-rex had given the Spinosaurus peeling down the side flesh thusly are you ok spinal squirrel of sores you need to take a break our second manual action is to flip down the rib cage like so which is kind of funny do rib cages flip in that direction I'm not sure now we finally have the horrific damage on the Spinosaurus his body I am sorry spinal squirrel asaurus this is pretty graphic inside the Spinosaurus is cavity we have a whole lot of yuck going on and that's when the button now comes into play we press the back of the Spinosaurus and it moves whatever inside getting a little closer you could see the blood level shift when we rotate this it moves about pretty ingenious pretty disgusting looking pretty probably you need to go to the hospital Spinosaurus reminds me a lot of my 1986 Masters of the Universe mosquito are also from Mattel this figure also had a bloody open cavity when you press the button on his back the blood went pump around it has since kind of emptied over the years what it's still in there and everybody say thank you mosquito for showing out the way wouldn't that be funny if it was from the same designer sitting at a desk for over 30 years I'm the guy who designed a mosquito let's do it again with the Spinosaurus it's such a nice feature anyhow I feel like patching him up great black holes what a gash I'm a triage trooper not a veterinarian do we have any better dinosaur Aryans out here any any who want to help I got this Oh looks like you need to take some nausea medicine first okay what do we got here oh thank goodness it's Velma from Scooby Doo hey I'm Zia jinkies yes I am Velma oh that's Velma it looks like you need to clamp off the thorough niall artery and then repatched the ribcage with a semi I Tommy as the membranes yes I know I am a dinosaur doctor okay Oh oh dear oh dear lost a lot of blood we're gonna need a transfusion here what happened to that mosquito guy I think he took the train home well this dinosaur needs a transfusion stat mr. mime okay this review has really gone off the rails now jinkies where did mr. mime go all I see is a dinosaur that's amazing even mr. mime has full development into thinking it is a dinosaur well I don't really care someone's going to get a blood draw today or that Spinosaurus is dead come here mr. mine and Spinosaurus there you go I'll bill you for my services wait up I want to know more about the retraction clamps you used uh-oh will someone get mr. Miami cookie please a cookie here's a cookie it's not naturally occurring on this set thank you dr. Sattler now mr. mine will have a chance oh no not the wall there goes the cookie oh poor mr. mine Spinosaurus okay come on someone followed me all upstairs for this cookie well it's safe to say this review has definitely jumped the Spinosaurus I really don't know where to go from here how about we scan the dinosaur foot for some facts that's a great idea dr. grant let's get the app out so I've loaded up my Jurassic world effects app on most smart devices and every dinosaur should have a scan code on their foot somewhere there we go on the bottom of his foot and we'll get our scanner out and we'll try our best is so kind of large here [Applause] there we go [Music] try the new observation mode to look at your dinosaur from any side oh that's new seen an update here today look at that we can rotate our Spinosaurus from all sorts of different angles oh that is so cool not up or down just 360 it looks like pretty much painted the same way as the toy very cool love how it stands well what else do we have here I think there should be some dinosaur spinosaur facts somewhere in here she is thought to scavenge soft meat from rotting carcasses she has a sail like structure on her back held by neural spines she uses her tail to snap the water and stun fish you need more points to unlock this fun fact now that's kind of a bummer but that's a few things that you can do by collecting these dinosaurs there's some stats strength very strong ten speed eight intelligence five aggression nine back to looking and spinning and the facts there so that is our Spinosaurus I'm gonna give it a good heart I love the Spinosaurus it is one of my most favourite dinosaurs okay then well what else do we do to finish things off how about we do a couple side by sides let's bring out a dinosaur I've been wanting to show off for over a year but such a - really quite similar to the Spinosaurus and you'll know if they're related what is kind of funny about my such omaima's toy is that on one side of his face is painted quite well on the other side they forgot to paint in his eye and some shading around it whoops cool dinosaur though very similar to the Spinosaurus also with opening mouth and it's a good companion piece for this spinosaurus also of course that Dino rivals Tyrannosaurus Rex that ran by you can see the two dinosaurs are in similar size I would say the Spinosaurus a little bit larger and heavier due to the spine and some of those messy insides of the Battle Damage spinosaurus and [Music] finally quick side by side of the new indominus rex bunk just a little bit larger than the Spinosaurus and a little more articulated I would say both of these two are great dinosaur toys from 2019 [Applause] dr. grant Oh a spinal squirrel asaurus Jurassic world Battle Damage spinosaurus arrives on store shelves fall 2019 i founded this spinosaurus over at walmart and it was running approximately thirty nine ninety eight if you're a big fan of jurassic world dinosaur collecting and or just dinosaurs in general the jurassic world line of dinosaurs from Mattel has been great fun and interacts well with any toy line just make sure if you have a spinosaurus around and it gets severe battle damage to have Dino veterinarian source people around and medics to carry it off if needed that's what I have to say about that [Music]
Channel: SquirrelStampede
Views: 3,072,145
Rating: 4.5651269 out of 5
Keywords: jurassic world, jurassic world fallen kingdom, battle damage spinosaurus, mattel jurassic world, mattel spinosaurus, jurassic park toys, jurassic world toys, fallen kingdom, jurassic park, dinosaur toy, toy review, squirrelstampede jurassic world, squirrel stampede toy reviews, Spineosaurus toy, spinosaurus vs t-rex, spinosaurus vs indominus rex, dinosaur toys, action figures, Jurassic World Action Figures, Mattel Toys, dino rivals, Jurassic World Toys 2019
Id: x4FT1XoqS8A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 35sec (815 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 10 2019
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