T-Rex Dinosaur Take Down Hot Wheels Cars Track Playset + Jurassic World Matchbox Toy Unboxing

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looks like there's a giant Tyrannosaurus that is taking over the highway oh whoa oh whoa okay we've got this burn burn Hot Wheels set that's got this big giant make a dinosaur oh now all these cards looks like they're flying right into the dinosaurs now okay this jumbo jumbo set right here comes with a teeny Hot Wheels cars whoo that are gonna be lunch for the dinosaur cars can zip around on this track and do a loop-de-loop oh but don't go right into the team X's mouth or you'll get chomped you can swoop down underneath the dinosaur the dinosaur will try to attack you maybe you can jump over dinosaur and move right down to its tail ramp zip around on this super fun playset oh don't fall into the Piranha pit they are ready to munch on some cars - it's the t-rex take that track set super Hot Wheels carving ooh I do not want to get trapped into his jaws whoa it looks like there's a ramp that swirly worthies right into his mouth - oh no so cars will have to speed away this way all the way around down this ramp loop-d-loop down this like slime trail whoop in order to escape the t-rex but you better be fast you don't want to fall into the hungry car well hopefully if they go down this ramp they can maybe miss the t-rex is down and swooped all the way down underneath them and hit this tree here comes a car now oh no all right let's see if this other car can make it pass whoa oh no it looks like this car is right here locked and loaded I hope he doesn't get trapped in the t-rex and mouth here we go oh no he crashed crashed under the t-rex Oh looks like we got another car ready he freed the one car Oh now he's stuck in there whoa uh-oh all these cars are getting stuck on this trapdoor Oh No that was a close one he almost made it into the Piranha pit oh I don't know if this car is so lucky whoa go ahead and move with our car in the launcher and we can launch them past our t-rex whoa they can also slide let's see that in slow motion actually maybe he'll feel better now that he's gotten some chocolate YUM well these drastic world cars don't want to let the Hot Wheels have all the fun they want to ride around a t-rex - here they go alright we've got our Questor car ready to take action and our Jurassic world Sahara survivor look at those tires both of them are equipped it with extra tires right on the tops of them just in case things get a little bit too rough and they're off there you go all right past the Piranha pit under our dinosaur down the tail ramp there's that ice cream truck again oh it looks like our next drastic world vehicle is in the launcher ready for takeoff you're aiming for the dinosaur cookie fans thank you so much for joining me on this SuperDuper fun smokin curly wurly where eyes with this t-rex who don't forget to subscribe for more stupid fun drive on over to my next video see you there bye cookies did you notice oh that our little shopkins candy cookie what was actually in this video did you happen to see where she was hiding was she on the t-rex on the jump ramp or next to the Piranha pit did you happen to see her where was she she was only there for just a second moving she sure does know that dinosaurs love chocolate cookies
Channel: CookieSwirlC
Views: 8,022,257
Rating: 4.0836401 out of 5
Keywords: video, friends, family, cookieswirlc, kinder, boy, friendly, juguete, playset, cookie swirl, play, unboxing, toys, toy review, set, toy, brinquedo, kid, review, shopkins, season 3, shopkins season 3, feeding, cookie swirl c, channel, fun, car, hot wheels, hot wheels playset, hot wheels cars, playing, fast, t-rex take down, race, track, t-rex, dinosaur, tyrannosaurus rex, jurassic world, matchbox, matchbox cars, hotwheels, match box
Id: UkjXvr72cmE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 19sec (319 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 25 2015
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