Pulling Trees AGAINST their LEANS

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here we are people i'm gonna try to hold my hands straight okay this whole thing needs to go needs to go that way okay so we're gonna make a face cut and point it the way the ropes go in there and then we're gonna leave more holding wood on the far side okay hope this is making sense [Music] i was watching uh billy ray pull a stem down the other day and i have to agree with the things he was saying about you don't run around in a big hurry or whatever you don't have the guys pulling when they don't need to you pull when you need to you give yourself a relief of pressure to make your back cut you cut the hinge to where you want it and then you pull it over it's like no surprises it's not like you have you just got somebody just squealing tires on the thing until it goes over and barber chairs up you know and splits and not none of that drama that's not how it's done it's very deliberate go for it keep going you're gonna be cranking it aways okay that's enough that's enough for me to make my cuts helmet communication is awesome for pulling when one guy's cutting and one guy's up on the winch so much better than shouting across the neighborhood if i get my way it'd be right here but it's probably gonna be over here on this little cottonwood when i'm pulling i like to put it in four wheel drive because it's kind of more of a of a braking more than just like the e-brake more than just park this is a one ton four wheel drive van so it's it's it's substantial [Music] ah what's that okay youtube now we're just gonna pull it over i've got it cut where i want we're gonna be shoving it through that other canopy okay go ahead stop perfect that's what i expected uh remember that little cottonwood i was talking about that we'd be crashing into i'll show you that this is the little cottonwood that i was thinking we might hit but i ended up getting it bang on really where i wanted it maybe a little bit into the cottonwood but awesome really i mean pretty predictable i think pulling when you know how to cut and pull in unison with each other not working against each other fatter here see fatter because we were forcing the tree through this canopy pine is very nice to work with it's got some hinge power ponderosa pine does tree number two coming up it's always good to have an audience yes it is chicken took a dump right when i said that pulling a back leaner it probably goes without saying but i always put some tension on the rope before i make the face cut because you're making the face cut on the side that would trip the tree for the direction it wants to go you know so you kind of are making like an artificial lean when you pull a tree it has wood called reaction wood that's been forming over its life in response to the pressures against it and you put a new pressure against it then you kind of make a lean and there's different ways to do it you can saw a lean that's a deep undercut if it's possible you can it's called sawing the lean when you undermine the center of gravity when you're pulling you kind of make an artificial lean as long as you compensate and pull in the right spot for the lean because if you don't do it right and your hinge isn't adequate for what you're trying to do then the tree ends up splitting the difference between the pole and the way it wants to go and it falls in some terrible place like over there on that camper shell so there's some things to think about if a few plumbers and electricians and and stay-at-home moms and there's probably like one of those i know there's some little ladies that that watch that are kind of gear done types that like got a saw and work around the farm there's a lot of young people so are you ready go ahead yeah i have at her i'll tell you when okay another thing i should mention while i'm thinking about it is you see us a lot of times still cutting hinge as the tree's falling we don't have to do that here there is a time for that and it probably is like the subject of a whole nother video and there are skeptics and people who argue against it but they aren't people who um are out driving stakes with trees they're not people with the right kind of experience and they are people with a very good experience oftentimes who do it their way all the time but there are there are other things that can be done with with cutting steering the tree as it's falling and i guess we're not going to talk about it right now we're going to do this instead a bunch of nails i'm going to pull here for a minute so i'm wanting to pull out some fence staples and just like tree work my whole life there's usually what you need somewhere around you i mean the staples aren't what you need but you know i'm looking like i don't have a hammer i don't have a screwdriver or nothing and i look up in the tree hanging over my head over there 10 feet above me hanging in the trail as a screwdriver oh that's cool see no doubt they were using this as a weight to get something over a limb so this is one of those where we have so much tension on it that there might be enough stretch in the rope and weight on the cable and stuff that we don't need to winch once i start the back cut we'll see we might not have to have him pull it oh joe joe says that as it was going he ran with the rope to keep it out from under the tree he says he kept up with it that's awesome yeah this is what we wanted see perfect perfect perfect uh we would cut stumps lower if we were logging but they're gonna just cut this up and burn it i fine-tuned my face cut just a little bit to make it more wide open right before i dumped it because the hinge works longer the more open the face is and so it stays committed to the way you've gunned it for a longer period of time thanks for watching i had fun i had a blast today you have fun joe yep see you next time hey i'm trekking back to the van here it's kind of like over the river and through the woods and it occurred to me that my t-shirt was really super cool and uh that you guys could get one on monkeybeaver.com if you wanted i would help our all of our little efforts all of our little efforts to to make content what do you think of that is that too much one more thing is i was using my modified 460. this is a 28 inch bar uh port and polish 460. i've been using the 500i so much that this thing felt heavy and i feel like the 500i is pretty cool yeah mine's good today yeah good let it warm up i guess that last job i didn't and it was struggling in the tree so he's saying he used the 500 eye in the tree on that crane crane job today yep and on the last one i did so he had the 500i with a 28 inch bar and i had the 460 modified with 28 inch bar 28 inch bar my rakers were a little high i can see from here a little bit of polish a little bit of shine on them i felt like it would have been a little better if they were a little shorter
Channel: August Hunicke
Views: 21,192
Rating: 4.9824176 out of 5
Id: ZgTfk7FpfBs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 25sec (685 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 13 2021
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