help... [Genshin Impact Catalysts Only]

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so I want to upgrade nahidav uh this uh try that again so I want to upgrade yaimiko but we need these and the only way for me to get these is either do all of and konamiya again which I ahaha don't want to do or do the J chamber Rising quest which guess what I don't want to do that either so the only other option is other people's worlds fun it's such a dumb way of doing this I really should just take the UI never mind never mind I someone labrin you declined are you sure you want to decline that request I'm gonna say I'm gonna call it right now we're gonna die mark my words see this is when I'm gonna die because I'm also trying to look at chat too there we go called it boom what did I say what did I say no one's healing what I try to spawns you here I'm back your carry has returned just think of how many times we get to do this isn't it so exciting to think about that like this is just one of many probably shouldn't be standing in that well time to fall back down into encodomea oh the three of us die I gotta go get my drops assuming we beat it unless it's still alive I'm coming it's oh I thought I was here today huh oh oh good I wanted to fall back in here beautiful good start good so back when I said we get to fight this nine times make that ten let's try again I thought we would do like tons and it'd be over in 10 seconds I was a little mistaken just slightly I'm gonna die time to fall into economy again it's good stuff and I know I could teleport out of this while I'm falling but it's just funnier if I don't I was working on my ning Wong the other day she is slightly less crappy I can't say good I can't even say decent but she's slightly not as terrible as she used to be I can show artifacts after if you're oh so curious all right one of them is almost down after how long has it been how long have we been at this not counting the failed let's go we get to fall again oh it's my favorite part and splash oh wait I want to see the first time it dies look I was part of it in spirit I was there let's go and now we can claim our first boss drops em with amazing substance wow that's crazy only way it could have been better is if we also had the flight defense there we go my ning long doesn't look as terrible we got a lot of geodamage bonus I feel like these stats aren't that bad but she still doesn't do much and while we have to wait for the boss to respawn to Samurai Island we go oh I see you've already wiped out your samurais I see there are no samurais to be had here they're all dead this person's been bullying them all because of wander you shouldn't know that we don't know Talent stuff are you looking at leaks are you people looking at leaks I would hope not you you shall now be shamed for looking at leaks chat shame them shame them chat this is a leak-free Zone we use Flex Seal on our pipes so there are no leaks shame yes public shame and good good it is time to take the stupid bath salt water demon boss on for the second time I didn't look at their health bars for a second and I look well okay let me rephrase that I didn't look at their health bar for a while and then I looked up expecting one of them to be dead and they're both pretty much at full this is great thank you for those wise words I feel so much more motivated and encouraged now you drowned don't bully I was bullying you for what you wrote not for drowning but now that I know you drowned I'm gonna bully you for that imagine drowning in this fight you died to something that doesn't move honestly I can't even imagine dying to these bosses because I never have but like I know some people struggle with it fortunately I'm not one of those people I'm blessed to not struggle against this boss all right there we go run number two three drops three drops three drops three okay good I can't complain I can complain about that though that sucks I hate it would you mind if I go yoink some of those blue endodermolid just things and they'll endoderma and draculus the endothermal reactions if you don't want me to say no yeah the ganoderma sounds like a skin disease or maybe I'm just thinking of like dermatologists the ganodermatologist go ahead okay thank you the nahida only helps in Sumer as far as I'm aware people in the last stream told me it only works in sumeru look I got an achievement for stealing she could pick anything I was lied to in the last stream people told me her passive only works in sumeru so that's why I haven't been using it outside of sumeru this person has completed a lot of stuff on their map is that what it's like to only have one account it's like I'm noticing all of the puzzles are done all the places you can go are available what's that like here we go for round three it is a nice four four four four beautiful look at this look I'm like a professional now I found the winning Strat to this fight only took four attempts and this amazing okay we're gonna ignore that three okay three is good though yeah Miko what do I need oh just those I could probably craft enough for that oh it's okay we're gonna we're gonna double it every time we're gonna double and triple and quadruple and we'll get enough somehow watch see I'm not gonna use Stardust Stardust is for oh well while you remind me of Stardust let's use our five acquaint Fates all right here comes my widget refinement finally okay ignore that it's nothing here comes my blue and then followed by three two more blues and then another purple so this is the last blue and then here is our last purple okay I tried so we're gonna head on over to another account this person loves their boyfriend soon that's nice I have infiltrated another world no no no no no I've already been with you this this is blasphemy this is no no winter don't do it winter don't do it fine you know what we'll do one we'll do one boss oh we got double kokomi this time so what they're saying is I shouldn't die but I think it'd almost be more impressive if I do that because isn't that a prototype Mona with double kogamy it's almost tempting to try and die oh I could do this yeah this is my job easy my job this is my job this is all me I could do this look at how good I am at that that's crazy no one is better at that than me I am the best wall breaker in all of the engine oh I did it I've done the impossible I died with a kokomi give me wait excuse me excuse me can I not claim it cause I wasn't here huh I don't get to claim drops that's cool I'm not like I'm farming this for the drops or anything no no I'm doing it for the fun the fun of the fight wow okay cool I can't wait to do it again hey hey are you opposed to me taking those dermatologists like they're just sitting there because you don't need them like you see like this one go ahead oh thank you can we craft four more if sucrose is nice to us then yes oh thank you nice I want morning long constellations I really hope that she's on the next Banner like if she was on scary mush's Banner it'd be even more reasonable but I don't think she will be oh look I can actually claim it this time at least we're getting threes basically yes physical damage for all my Catalyst let's go I appreciate the assistance but we're popping over to another world all right everybody ready we ready to suffer maybe die a little I see so many healers on the team this is good this is good it's a challenge I need a challenge because I'm it's just too easy the less healers the better I'm just thinking back when we died and then couldn't collect the drops it's weird because if I just stay dead and didn't try and help I would have been able to collect drops but because I teleported away to try to get back or I guess was brought away to try and teleport back I didn't get dropped so they punish you for trying to be helpful interesting oh the best wall breaker back in Action look at my huge damage I'm glad that they're giving me a handicap and just not having the boss move I need that right now that's good you stay right there sir I can do it now I'm gonna survive when the boss doesn't work I can win anyone want popcorn sure I'll take some but you have to have some butter on it butter and salt at least you can't just have like the plain butter salt free stuff and it's just like eating paper you love eating paper I remember back in like Elementary School for some reason you were cool if you would just rip off a little piece of paper and eat it I remember there's one kid in class who would do that one's like oh my gosh that's that's so impressive that you're eating paper that you're becoming a goat that's so cool I like this piece I just wish it wasn't on this account if that was like any other account it'd be better because I mean there's no DPS HP Catalyst hey you don't want those dermatologists in your world right those pesky little dermatologists you want me to go get them right right Roman right you don't even want them I mean I know you didn't want them but like you didn't want them right oh thank you all right we're going for another round I should go do the hypostasis event on this account and I could use that in the video too it's just that event is such pain it's fine the first time but this will be the third time I'm doing it ah this went a lot quicker this time why couldn't it be this fast every time what was different swimming prohibited I wasn't planning on it as much as it pains me to do this event for the third time I think we should so it is time for cryo and that does not stand for cryo hypostasis or the cryo domain that stands for crying because that's what I'm gonna do while I have to go through this for the third time oh nahida's gone and there's no Reviving here I don't think unless there is because when I was doing the co-op video in here I swear the person I did it with died 10 times oh no there is Reviving okay you can only revive ten only ten times wow what a shame only 10 revives there we go Fearless difficulty complete I mean look at this look at these stats you can oh I forgot the swapper weapon foreign we're ready let's go you brought a Mona in here you brought a Mona to the hydro domain we thought it was dendro that's almost as bad as coming in here with no weapon which is like one of those basic Apprentice books or whatever they are why didn't anyone bring in their cryo Catalyst that would have helped you oh right what are my thoughts on TCG I think it's a game mode not sure if you guys share the same opinion or not kind of a hot tape we're getting three new people for the dendro hypostasis look it's Jin from BTS that's crazy I'll pretend that I know who that is I know what BTS is but I don't know any of their names except for what like Jungkook something like that there's a cook somewhere in there Jordan is the oldest one ah information I will never use in my life thank you wait you're bringing I would not bring nahida in here uh it's it's dendro it's immune to everything that you can do oh you're right I'm so stupid you know what I know I'm the streamer here just ignore me just pretend that I don't exist we're just gonna pretend everything that I just said did not happen okay it's sad because I was so confident about it too I was like this is not a good idea and you should swap characters oh are you gonna light this that's crazy wait you missed this one yeah just just make sure you light those up for us and then we should be good oh not here I think I think one of these lamp things went out if you could just light that again oh I was killed all I've done is contribute good things to this fight and I was killed for it that doesn't feel Fair it was something still at full HP how has this occurred why do you put the things out why does who put the things out what things are referring to okay that time I wasn't trying to attack that thing not that I ever have Tata see first try and look at that we got tons of free things why do I feel so empty inside then if I get so much free stuff what I feel so empty as a result the live stream has ended and it's now the next day as expected this stuff from the live stream even though it lasted us I don't know three plus hours maybe four hours I don't know it condensed down to about 10 minutes at best for the video but since it is a new day we can go around Farm some more samurais and then also spend our resin again I mean I don't know what you expect at this point there's only so much we can do on these accounts I mean at this point about all we can do on these weapon only series is either spend resin spend Primos or yeah no that's about it I do kind of feel like it might not be a terrible idea to put some sort of end goals on these accounts because just farming events Primos dailies weeklies grinding materials all that on three to four accounts forever it's it's not something I want to or really can do because there are other series that I wouldn't mind doing at some point but right now there's no way I'm starting another one anytime soon and I don't know I'm having an actual end goal might give us some more purpose to work towards and this isn't to say that what I'm talking about right now is set in stone and going to happen even if we were to set a goal of something like say clear spiral Abyss floor number 12. that would mean that we would still be on this account for a very long time because we're quite a ways away from that but I'm just saying for the future it might not be bad to put an end goal on some of these accounts so that we can move on to other projects and I know that there's some of you who'll say no don't don't end these are my favorite series well first off I'm not quite sure why other than cryo we have all of the elements and it's not like the beginning of the game where you have to get through those domains somehow at this point the only real challenge is pulling the characters that you want on banners and if people want me to pull on banners I could just as easily do that on my main but also who's to say that the next project we work on and won't become your new favorite obviously I want to keep playing this game for a long time I do enjoy it still but do I want to keep playing this game for a long time across three different accounts that's the thing that doesn't sound too enticing to me and I only say three because the noselock account does have an end goal so that won't be a thing forever but yeah I'm just kind of throwing that out there you guys can let me know what you think down in the comments maybe the end goal of this account should Simply Be get a cryo Catalyst user I'm sure you guys would like that because if that was the end goal I don't think we would ever finish this account I think the point of this account is just to see how far you can go in the game with one weapon type only or how strong of an account you can have so I think that being able to clear spiral Abyss floor number 12 and beating every boss in the game ideally without losing any characters is a good spot to say we beat the game at least with the challenge we set for ourselves on the account oh we hit AR 53 apparently and we're rewarded with another defense percent artifact wow well regardless of the decision that we come to this account still has a long way to go now I know this video is kind of short right now but I've got to be honest with you we've already done all of the events that are out right now skyrimush is currently two days and nine hours away we have no resin left and so in this specific video I don't know that there's much else we can do I mean I can go out and kill a bunch of slimes if you guys want to see a compilation of that but I think we'll just go ahead do this last wish on these standard Banner get a blue as always and then we'll wrap this one up here because in the next spells only video we have about a 10 pull there plus the Genesis crystals left over from yamiko's Banner which is about 30. so we will have 40 pulls to try and bring the wanderer home is that gonna be enough let's be honest here most likely not but we can hope it will be with that being said though as always I will see you guys next time [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: JavaTheCup
Views: 254,208
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin, genshin impact gameplay, genshin catalysts only, genshin impact catalysts only, genshin spells only, genshin impact spells only, genshin only catalysts, genshin impact only catalysts, genshin only spells, genshin impact only spells, genshin catalyst only, genshin impact catalyst only, catalyst genshin, genshin 3.2, genshin ningguang, genshin wishing, genshin yae miko, genshin yae, genshin miko, yae miko, genshin wanderer, genshin impact scaramouche
Id: ygvNL3geCuI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 27sec (927 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 04 2022
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