Kokomi Has Finally Returned! [Genshin Impact Spells Only]

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[Music] can I do another 10 pull oh I can I guess we're doing another 10 pull and there's the goal okay look look okay you didn't give me the sucrose that's fine here you know what I see what you're doing give me D Luke I want D Luke I want Mona Jean Chichi kaching any of the standard characters that's what we're after no catalysts whatsoever we don't want those here yeah these ew get it off my screen yucky [Music] I mean she is a catalyst kokumi has finally returned to the banner this is the moment we have been waiting so long for well besides getting a cryo Catalyst user of course and as you can see we took a little trip to watatsumi which I think it's very obvious why we did that and look one wish all it takes is one wish and we just get a Coke me it is that oh oh wait that's today's video sponsor ex there's no way you haven't heard of them by now but they are back with even better features like GX mods with these mods you can change pretty much anything within your browser that means background music typing sounds [Music] the little sound that plays when you open or close a tab the colored theme and dedicated wallpapers for the mods of your choosing within the mod menu you can enable or disable features from various mods to get your browser looking and sounding exactly how you want and there are already tons of mods available to choose from now if you need some more visual stimulation you can even choose from one of many different animated backgrounds so your eyes will always have something to stare at while you're putting off being productive then of course you have the GX corner where you can easily keep track of any free discounted or new games at a glance you can also download any Google Chrome extension and it will work seamlessly within Opera GX so there's literally nothing holding you back from swapping over so go ahead and download Opera GX from the link down below and just think of all of the customization that awaits you big thanks to Opera GX for sponsoring this video apparently it's also a young Fae which is fantastic for us what is that C4 oh this is this is great we already got C4 that's our free Shield so now if I build her with HP and some Er we should have a decent amount of shields okay well that's great that's a fantastic start now in case you want to know where our pity is so do I because we actually can't see since I haven't wished in that long all that we do know is we're at least three billion what I do remember though is we are guaranteed to win our 50 50. so as long as we see gold we know that we're getting kokomy first 10 pull not looking so hot but that's fine because if you actually come over here and stand underneath this water then do a temple you are guaranteed to get another purple but that purple is going to be a yanfei see it's just that easy and then once you do that and you get C5 yanfei you come across diagonally and stand under beneath this water underneath perfect and that is 100 guaranteed to get you another purple which will be your CIA sick your T something uh what's your name again I forget Fire's on of course how could I forget but you see I knew that that was going to happen what I wanted to show you is that most people would say to go there to wish because it makes sense for kokomi but it's actually wrong ideally where you want to come is this little cave over here because this is where kokomi comes to relax you then sit in her chair where she sits to read stuff do a tent pull and finally see Beyonce C6 easy right right hold up right here young face just joking this one's gonna be gold on the next one this young all right it's going well this one surely is wow I guess we did not have much pity built up a young you're not even on the banner excellent is it fine it's fine we can now know not those we can go ahead and grab these and we'll grab these too because why the heck not another Temple I'm assuming we're we gotta be getting close to pity at this point right so we'll see okay there's the gold we're gonna get two five stars we're gonna get a Mona constellation and a kokomi of course and okay a C60 on Fey that is fantastic we should be seeing The Little Mermaid that could the little fish girl right about nope there beautiful we got our kokomi now can we see that another another no okay one of these days I'm gonna get a double five star and it's gonna be crazy there you see that did take a lot more wishes than I actually thought it was going to and as I'm sure most of you are aware there is another Catalyst character the problem with getting scared Moosh on an account like this is he really does require a lot of other certain supports like farzan is great for him yayelan would be really good for him shincho would be good you could even do stuff like Bennett and as your probably see most of these characters are not catalysts however we do have a shield yonfe that we could build and we have some Primo gems left over so even though this video will definitely be more focused on kokomi I am going to spend our remaining Primo gems and just see if we can get a little lucky English broke sorry we could see if we get a little lucky on a scary Moosh though we'd have to get some nice early pity of course now we're getting all the young face wait wait this is probably not the right place to go I shouldn't go to Inazuma either because he probably doesn't have very fond memories of that place I really don't know where the best place to go would be am I allowed in here yet no okay well we'll just stand outside and surely he's gonna like this place right no all right because that's fine this is the last Temple we can do so I'm really hoping to see not that color I was hoping for like a more yellowy color that would have been pretty nice it is a good idea to save these for when Lisa or ning Wang is back in the shop but I also could just get another free Temple so I'm gonna opt for that instead come on Scaramouche come on Moosh you might just you might as well come home right oh look at that look at that go get another one already and what's that we have two whole wishes we can do okay as long as we get a four star we could even buy another one from the shop come on scare a Moosh don't be like this uh we need four more Primos or a four star from this banner and then we can get another one from the Star glitter shop my four star come on four stars no purple purple this is this is kind of sad this is it's just not going well if we did not have a guaranteed kokomi I don't even know that we would have gotten her just gotta quickly collect up for Primos oh wait I could just activate a waypoint easy money oh and we hit level 10 on the battle pass for your queen let's get our four star on the standard Banner first just joking and then let's get our Scaramouche on the stera mush Banner also joking not like I wanted scary Moosh anyways no I was just uh strategically building up pity for whatever Catalyst character comes next yep that's that's what I was doing now we just gotta try to build up this kokomi which I have been farming for a bit in between episodes and as I get more Primo gems during this Banner rotation I'll dump them into scaramouche's Banner to hopefully try to bring him home but let's see just how far we can bring this girl so it looks like level 70 is the furthest I can bring her right now without extra farming because we're out of the pearls I think they might have respawned by now so we might still be able to send her one more time today and if these equate Fates can give us a four star which I somehow stole and not at pity for come on before I start there we go all right anything uh okay nope but now we can grab this we can go back to scary mush and we can bring him home right game no wrong all right it does look like they have respawned so I will go around and collect up as many as I can and yes I did swap Lisa's skin back to this one since we took Mona off this team it's no longer the triple witch team anyways so we might as well get to use our newer skin you see this is what happens I wasn't gonna go for square move so I would have been happy getting my C6 yanfei and Okami but now I'm a little sad because I also want to scare a Moosh don't get me wrong kokomi was definitely the more valuable of the 2 for this account but it still would have been kind of fun to try to make Scaramouche work my plan would have probably been I don't know Barbara wouldn't work that well either but definitely the C4 young Fey just for the shield and then I guess yaimiko as well I don't know I would have done something I would have tried to make it work somehow is it bad that there's a part of me that wants to run kokomi on sacrificial because then I would have a lot more access to her skill which means more Hydro application but like she really doesn't need the EM at all and that weapon is just so much better on sucrose if I can just find six more pearls then we can Ascend to kokomy again oh oh oh wait so many emotions I I thought I missed all of these I only missed the two in the water that's okay we just need four more please tell me I missed it please tell me I missed it I did not miss it well we're fine because we have the interactive map wait nahida can you can you get that no oh it's locked from every entrance all right what about this one come on please no it's so close but over here can I get one in here no I know I'm locked in here here we go give me those and we're good now we need to kill a few more specters and then maybe craft maybe beat up the water boss again and to be honest we're gonna need more drops from the hypo hydrostasis anyways so we might as well go knock it out and I've learned I've learned from the comments all you gotta do is first and foremost actually defeat the boss like a so then you simply walk to the center you stand here with nahida of course hold e and and just Spin and then yeah that's it that makes this fight so easy why is dendro just like good at everything now we're gonna have to try and figure out what we want to do for a second team though and I guess the first team because this one's gonna be nahida kokumi and then we can do Lisa or yaimiko and then a fourth slot of Mona or literally whatever we want really I do feel as though yaimiko would be better on this team than Lisa good but Yang Miku is probably even more important to have on the side with hazel because Hazel needs to be on field to do his damage and yaimiko does not need to be on field but Lisa can only go off field if her burst is up so building one t would be easy but trying to balance two teams is gonna be the hard part after a little bit of crafting we should be able to not open up the wish menu to go into the character menu and send up kokumi yet again I don't think there's any world that I completely Max her out today I mean I guess I technically no I wouldn't be able to get enough of these even with crafting but this is good enough for me at least for now the only other thing I wouldn't mind doing is leveling up her talents just a little bit though apparently level 2 is the highest that I can get it to right now okay I want it a little higher than that so uh sucrose feel free to double like for these three I'll take three that's pretty good I don't know why but sucrose has been absolutely carrying my crafting lately oh oh transient's domain is not open today that's unfortunate so I guess level three is uh is gonna be the max for now and we'll put our normal attack to level three as well because that's what you use during our burst although as a result of getting kokomi Barbara now has pretty much no artifacts so I should take a little trip over to that domain and try to get some replacement pieces for Barbara that way we can try to build up two teams and see what happens if we go in the abyss this is very colorful I like this beware of angry dog is that really an achievement I don't remember ever getting that on a different account this team oh that that's not what I'm looking for what I was gonna say is this team does perform decently well the only issue is again with Lisa having to be on field to apply the electro so if I want to use kokumi's burst then for that whole time I'm just getting no hyperbloom which I must say is not exactly ideal well I gotta say the artifact farming did not go so well I ran the domain a number of times I don't think I got a single piece I can use and every time I ran it I used a different team just trying to test it out none of the teams felt especially um good maybe a better place to start is by first trying to build up the other team and seeing what we need on that side because the thing is we could go for a Hazel main DPS or we could go for a clear main DPS I feel like animal might be a little more important to have just because it is animal but then what would the rest of the team look like it'd be Barbara it'd be on Fey and then one more and then that slot I would probably want something like yaimiko we can just ignore the fact that it's raining but you see if we use this team like this now we have a shield from yanfei which I didn't even know it looked like that to be honest I don't ever use a C40 on FEI anywhere but we can get lots of Swirls and miss our crits you see like this this just has so many different elements being applied at the same time which is exactly what Hazel wants or we could do a team like this using Mona and go for more of an electrocharged build and I guess for the time being I'll just put anything with HP on Barbara and then this team will look a little something like this or we can put up that buff we can kick there we can get some swirls we can punch we get a 51k and that dude just Falls over I just spent quite a bit of time looking through our potential teams in a big issue on this account is the lack of artifacts I'm trying to get a couple no bless pieces that I can maybe put on yonfei like this might not be bad because I had has ER and its HP percent and we're trying to build her as the tank they build so we definitely want HP and er you know I I was thinking maybe we could try out the spiral Abyss today now that we have kokomi but I think we need to farm artifacts for quite a while because just trying to build for HP and ER on yanfei also I have literally nothing to enhance artifacts with at this point and I barely even have any artifacts let's see if you can identify the issue with these stats do you see it yeah there are no stats but this problem is not just with yamfei it's with basically every character at least she has ER but even if we go in here and look at this nothing's fully powered up and then oh look not even touched and also there's just no set bonus sucrose only has two-piece veridescent and it just gets worse the more characters you'll look at the big problem is I only have two fragile resin so it's not like I could even do this quick way I have a wish when did I get a wish uh yes please purple okay it doesn't matter the team that I'm using here like it could work it makes some amount of sense but since Clee is basically the only character here with any sort of artifacts I I it's just it just doesn't it just does not work here's the good thing though since I haven't been farming artifacts on this account as we can see most characters are either Max fully ascended or they're only one away so now that we do have the account in this position and like Talent levels for a lot of characters aren't great but at the same time if you're using something like hyperbloom they don't really matter as much so we could just completely focus on artifacts now and probably make this set count a lot stronger of course but we all know how artifact domains work that is not going to be a very quick task and so I was going to say there's no point in trying the abyss right now but then I remembered we can get some Primo gems if we do it and then we can spend those and get more Blues on scaramouche's Banner that is the only reason I'm even touching this right now I always feel like I include too much of the early floors whenever I show spiral of this in videos so I'm just gonna kind of rush through this and by then of course I mean it's gonna take me a little while to clear it but I'm not going to show much of it in the video because I'm sure no one cares that much about like Florida line and then early floor 10 and even though we're only on floor 9 chamber 3 I can already tell the energy recharge is going to be a huge issue for this side which to be fair is exactly what I expected to happen Okay so it seems like this team just can't clear anything this site is just it's not working we're gonna try it again this time with hazel on the side to hopefully apply a little more damage for us and having Hazel here means that both him and sucrose should get their bursts up a lot faster although I just realized that janfei has the Prototype Amber right now and she's not on that side which means that side has no healing because kokomi and Barbara both came to the hyperbloom side I can't say that's one of my brightest moments but oh well because we're already in here I mean no problem really it's just that all damage is completely permanent that doesn't seem like it could ever end poorly hyperbloom side though is just great it just shreds things I'm kind of expecting to die here again since we have no heels but maybe I'll be proven wrong although we did get rid of the healing boy right away which I forgot to do last time oh Clee don't die just I command you to live and you disobeyed my orders okay only one guy left and he's weak to hydro we should be oh wait there's another side second okay second half that's fine I was worried there was still another whole floor I had to do there we go I wish I could say that wasn't too bad but the Jesus side was kind of bad oh fantastic oh our Mona head apprentices notes equipped how wonderful I also still need to finish leveling up this sacrificial fragments yeah this this is it's not working because these guys will not stop targeting the center thing and I do not have the damage to kill them fast enough and we lost three stars okay maybe haven't been talking quite enough oh well that's what happens when I start talking I guess Focus just goes out the window so now we lose because we won't be able to break the Pyro shield and mono is the one with the Prototype Amber which also means no healing I think that is GG I was trying to leave the cry one alive so I could maybe swirl some of the cryo to kill the Pyro one but the cryo one ended up dying in the process and so I'm about to die too let's go clean let's go break that pyro shield with all of your pyro skills yeah this is gonna work I am not even going to attempt to beat any more than that I will take the pre-motion we got and that's it because we just we need to farm artifacts so bad and that's not something I can really do in a video because it's going to take weeks to try and farm for artifacts and we probably won't even get more than like one or two characters with okay case stats like if we want to get them all with good stats that's a that's a very long process so starting now all resin on this account is going to be going towards either weapons because we still need to finish leveling up some and then I might want to get some seconds like a second mappa in case we want to use Lisa or something like that I don't know exactly what we're gonna do obviously but I have a feeling maybe even just a second prototype Amber would be nice but then besides that artifacts are going to be where all of the rest of the resin goes but of course now that we have Coke me we just want to see how good code I mean I already know how good Coke is but let's pretend that we don't know how good gokami is okay so we we do that we do one of these we do a little bit of this and yeah hyperbloom is just so much easier for us to proc now oh and the only reason that she has this weapon is because I had to swap the Prototype onto Mona but if we do that then we get more HP and very nice it is now the next day I figured I would do a little bit of artifact farming here and the first domain that I'm going to step foot into will be the severed Fates domain I am going to say though feel free to leave your opinions of what two teams are the best for me to invest in I think these are the two I'm gonna focus on which is a little sad because I would like to use Hazel but since Clay is one of our Better Built characters and I feel like she would synergize better with yanfei than Hazelwood I I think this might be a better team to go with so if we do this then severed Fates would be better on Mona here because Nobles wouldn't really help hyperbloom I mean severed Fates is just a fantastic artifact set regardless so with all of our oh we actually have five condensers and I thought we were gonna have four I guess we'll be doing five runs and run number one will give us everything we've ever dreamed of of course like payroll damage no not quite no thank you obviously obvious though obviously though anything that we don't like we can just put into the strong box for either the viridescent or Noble s pieces I guess what we're looking for most is energy recharge though I feel like that's what oh I will definitely keep that I feel like energy recharge is what oh what double double crit huh okay um but as I tried to say twice now energy recharge is probably what most people want when looking for this set I'm not gonna include the other runs because we didn't get anything good but maybe maybe our energy recharge em I mean it's still a it's a piece that it's a this is definitely a piece but yeah I am not the best door am I anywhere close to even being probably half decent at Theory crafting or just putting together teams that make sense so if you have any ideas that are better than mine which I'm sure most of you do well let me know down in the comments what team should I build and maybe you know if you're feeling like it put also what artifact sets they would use on those teams because I've got a lot of grinding I need to do on this account now and it would be a good idea to you know only grind for the things I actually need because I've got a lot of grinding I need to do on this account now so if I have a bed or idea of what I should be going for then I won't be wasting resin but at least we finally have kokomi on the account so with that being said I hope you've all enjoyed and as always I will see you guys next time foreign [Music]
Channel: JavaTheCup
Views: 104,408
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin, genshin impact gameplay, genshin catalysts only, genshin impact catalysts only, genshin spells only, genshin impact spells only, genshin only catalysts, genshin impact only catalysts, genshin only spells, genshin impact only spells, genshin catalyst only, genshin impact catalyst only, catalyst genshin, genshin farming materials, genshin building characters, genshin 3.8, genshin impact 3.8, genshin impact kokomi, genshin kokomi, genshin wishing
Id: vGQI0cUwibE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 3sec (1383 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 30 2023
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