Pulling Fake Fire Alarms in Front of People

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so we're gonna do a smash room today I have a ton of pent-up positivity but I'm gonna let it all out in that room this is your opportunity to live vicariously through me little privacy please thank you dude I just want to do it all at once [Applause] all right I've been dealing with stuff and personally I don't always like to tell you guys about it just because like I try to keep the channel more about you know fun and you know enjoying life but honestly it just feels good to like let it out well there's more [Music] okay that was fun was just enjoyable yeah I know I didn't want to break it it's your stuff oh I'm not gonna break it you're supposed to break it no I'm gonna be I don't I'm gonna be considerate I like it so I feel good I feel better no I don't wanna breathe at see guys stuff you can reuse it no this is your body you keep it did we already pay yeah oh okay that's it yeah that I told you liked it I enjoyed it thanks guys you know I had fun thank you they're like waiting for us to say like alright we're just joking weed peppers I got way more satisfaction out of that than breaking anything and we paid for it too you're like so it's like hi they're not gonna be mad at us for somehow somebody would find a reason that that was mean of me to do what I enjoy a little time dude baseball player I just played baseball you know like slugfest on PlayStation you win you did good job through all of you guys and yeah that's all I was when I played I quit when I was like 13 I just didn't like seeing the other kids dad's like scream out and whenever they did bad I was like this is not fun anymore you can't scream that you when you strike out sigh does your heads thank you whenever you strike out with your parents emotionally abused you when you do bad does mama beat you when you don't do good with no pickles and a big double with no pickles large french fries and a Big Mac with no pickles yeah Oh it will erode no pimples on here prank no pickle yes no pickle know those pickles oh those pickles no no pickles those pickles yes no Pagels those pickles see see see those pickles now it moved into the house dude what was the down payment for the mortgage I muffin muffin so we got these fire alarms we put sticky tape on the back we're just gonna put them up right here and then I'm gonna see if I can convince aisle yet to go pull a fire alarm in front of somebody okay you ever pulled fire on before it's a lot of fun we'll see if people will I try to get on the stop no I'll let them do that go ahead and press it so obviously doesn't do anything it's fake or it's not active oh you like video games see that red thing on the wall see that right behind him see that fire alarm on the wall right there see that red thing have you ever pulled one before you ever pulled on before it's like a video game it's fun if you go and press it and pull it down and you can be the game you wanna go do that come on it'll be fun come on it'll be fun come on go up to it and press it and pull it down don't do it whenever you do candy falls out of it go ahead go do it go ahead go do it I say important she's like you guys are action I think she said that we're leaving it's like no he is I didn't do it Oh who's home if you go up to it and you push in and you pull it down you can win it's a game it's a video game yeah confetti will come out just go around right there in the world see if you can press it in you got it you won it's activated okay good thing you didn't go off that's the bad thing to do don't do that hear me if I ever tell you to pull the fire alarm again don't listen you got to know when I'm just joking with you and when I'm not okay I was just joking with you and you got to know that say yes I understand say it louder you okay okay see don't listen to the things that I say pull it Kennedy comes out of it go press it to see what you get go try to pull on see if we can get some carries from up but but [Music] [Music] they're talking for yeah yeah take a bath like this there yeah don't ever do that again did you learn your lesson all right we got to take our alarms and go home perfect and now this one time it's you the one at you hey guys so I got a new room I decorated it I've raced cars on the wall of a lava lamp of a flashlight did you see that big race car and do see my fast closet this is where my baby sister sleeps and I make her go to sleep at night by playing music for her but she just keeps crying so I have to play a harder and louder and touchy business and this is how I sleep we painted these walls blue this is my car there's my hiking stick I don't I parents have to wait till I moved out to make my room cool again well I didn't matter enough then what just cuz I'm 25 years old they couldn't make my room cool they'd have to wait till I leave then they make it cool Oh cuz they want me to come back and say hi that's probably why they did it they're trying to get me to come back and live with them well I should move back in mom do you only move back in sure your curfew you have to go to church with us you can't go to jail anymore is that why you've made the room so cool yeah you know that's my favorite I've raced cars on the walls hey come to crib yo yeah you made this coffee for me yeah thank you I'm Batman thank you so good yeah we talked the other day didn't we yeah you used to be going to bed when I got that my mom helped me through my first breakup it was like the hardest time of my whole life and she like Kaufmann she like understood me and heard was empathetic and her solution wasn't just like well there's other fish in the sea this things happen like yeah I know died the other day that's the answer but there's nobody in this mall so I wonder if like security is still gonna kick us out I just scale the walls and climb up and all the raptures of the roof is gonna be bigger up here there's a light up there I had to fix it just for the story it was broken so I unscrewed it and just set it on the thing I was like it might fall like what what is open all right I won't say anything else oh man first try Johnny being on his leg there's a yellow jacket like oh my flash before your eyes yeah I said why would you wait until I move out to make my room pool game you picked your colors I dude I've always been so bad with color coordination and art those two things are like it's half girl colors no girls allowed in my room it was a rule I remember like having girlfriends and they're like they're like keep the door open uh yeah you know I read about it online with real fire alarms you shouldn't do that unless there's a fire but it's something that all little kids want to do like growing up like I wanted to pull a fire alarm device noise no it'll just make it click we might change it and how like a speaker there and I'll play some music or something that [Music] our own business I have the police come down then I'm not just turned out Hey look at me you okay does that guy scare you he wasn't me and wasn't it you didn't want to have fun doing it you wanna go right now okay I mean you can still go out in the beach and dance or dance somewhere else we can even dance here if we keep it low okay that's all right we don't have to to hook it up sighs sometimes and we just gotta be like okay sorry dude hey guys okay it's okay don't cry anymore all right look at me it's okay we don't have to keep doing that but I mean you cannot find do someone else yeah don't let your head hang like that it's okay you get sad but then you get happy okay don't stay sad be happy now
Channel: Vlog Creations
Views: 3,946,238
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rosscreations, ross, creations, funny, hilarious, stunt, vlog, comedy, creationsross
Id: ejYGlInEZAo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 45sec (705 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 29 2020
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