Putting Automatic Stickers on Manual Doors Prank

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how you doing this freaking raining right now these guys are just out here like getting the soap breaks my heart no it's falling off okay that's up there you go since I had all right you guys looking good oh yeah we'll do 12 nuggets chicken sandwich with no pickles bless you no thank you we've got the shot oh we're good we'll take it huh this is weird you're driving you have to coordinate so many different things we're here at Dakin dairy farm day we got Lee he's a professional pair of seller we got a parachute we got a side-by-side Mike's driving we got a big open field we're gonna try to tow me up in there over land he's here to keep us safe you keep going that way tricky tricky tricky all right [Music] [Music] [Music] about the little Frick who's crazy dude Oh I got a freaking bike dude stop paddling [Music] boom bang pow that was awesome what's so cool we're going to Jack's house now I've seen him for a while I'm gonna say hey to a good buddy there's cops everywhere dude we're in Clearwater there's cops like on every single corner every beach entrance I don't know I don't know the answer I'm gonna cross the road walking backwards wish me luck if I make it to Jack's house I'll be happy to see him if not you know just how it goes you only live once may as well die now as Eminem what's that yeah one of the diners recently show us those are wisdom teeth you only had three right because some people don't have all their wisdom teeth no it's not a beach chair with a hole in the bottom so you literally just never have to get up the other version you could sit here for days okay so you go Beach you bring this chair you get you breathe you just literally poop right where you are you never have to get up so you don't an only fans Ross what's your necklace huh okay loominatee hey buddy how you gonna have to walk you there's some Long's do you got a big cigarette use this as a rod holder for actually Louie light that in for me I don't have one next to you here every time you light it with your giant lighter oh the head hits good oh don't show it you had to be here sleep puppies we watch them to be born in the other video a while ago and now they're like now all the gross placenta is off of them and now they're cute and dry ow I want one no on my own mom can I get one mom won't override them I get on their backs and just their legs immediately crushed do they think my thumb is a nutter no milk comes out of my thumb okay there we go I look over and the employees are like yeah there's a strange man trying to breastfeed our cows to put my work here's done putting this and this one these doors are normally wide opens with them being shut the new stickers on them tools to people's Sutter I'm gonna just take the handle off completely so they have no choice but to be confused the one we tried for a long time with the handles on but people just kept going in so we had to take them off and that's how we end up getting reactions goodbye goodbye thanks to mowers thing for letting this always use replace for the random ideas that we get I try to give him my phone too many times and said now it's disabled you gotta push the phone around on a little wheelchair for five minutes and then you can use it again House not bouncy at all damn I'm supposed to bounce like this they got a pond in the backyard oh these freakin knock-offs like at least make your own I made my own legitimate authentic Gucci slides my friend caught like a six-foot Basset here the other day one time my friend caught a ten-foot bass in here yeah someone big took my lure I just bit the whole thing off that's all right we were just pull it anyway no biggie hey you think we can do it on a pogo stick this time yup since 30 you thought golf car out here where'd you get that golf cart mic is for a picture over there I was thinking instead of a bike come on a broom cuz I'm a witch [Music] don't get stuck don't get stuck oh my god Daniels got stuck out a drop go go go go let me draw those drop dadgummit I'm calling for you [Music] blue dang it man if I just landed in the van on top of the van yeah I'm the sunroof get in and drive off okay then it takes my van up oh man so close dude my phone's got stuck in the mud he gets stuck faster he starts spinning out and I start coming down like oh my god I'm dying dang it the GoPro thing broke Britt Haley she didn't break I broke a little he's like I usually could I just didn't feel like it [Music] after all that Paris oh it feels so nice in there and we'll just hang out in here for a while that free that's me topgallant That's not me I'm a tall drink of water I don't know about a half gallon coming through oh wow it's beautiful up here on out there it's the knelt bus screw it dude back flip this is a little shorter than I'm used to I don't know it looks kind of scary you're used to it when you first have you doing this I thought it was gonna die years ago cutting water tower yeah the first time yeah how do you do it you're like dude you can do it as little tiny like 100 feet in the air yeah like bro just come on you're like it's no big deal is to look down I'm like my heart's beating out of my chest you did it though I did what matters is that you did it yeah all right house both of us yeah no you're not dude it doesn't matter how you feel it's just what you do with it I feel scared all the time but it's like yeah dude it's just a matter of what you do when you feel that way same thing with like getting upset and angry like you're not a jerk unless when you're upset you be a jerk this is to fuse warehouse that we're on top of we explored the whole inside and we're like now we have to go on the roof so I'm gonna run okay what's my time ten minutes ah I'm satisfied now we can get down well I'm holding it so that I can shake the ladder not keep it sturdy thanks to this we can keep the pool nice and dirty [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Vlog Creations
Views: 5,507,906
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rosscreations, ross, creations, funny, hilarious, stunt, vlog, comedy, creationsross
Id: dkEe9Ub-9c0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 45sec (705 seconds)
Published: Mon May 25 2020
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