Camping in Front of Stores that AREN’T having a Sale

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come to mama oh no this makes ping pong an extreme sport if it's easy for you to you should climb up and sit there and watch us the table falls down that person loses i can beat you in your sleep i let her not move from the movie i watched hey we making snacks while we're up here there you go that was better anyway we were discussing the ethics of capital punishment [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] yeah yeah is your phone broken no i've been trying to get a hold of you what i was calling about your car's extended warranty yeah extended warranty deal they want to sign papers thank you my friend said that the other day oh it was a meme like that's probably true boss in the face yeah he said that he was like a good idea oh look i got him yeah and you actually smack him in the back of the head blew a ostrich to your hand and smack your boss in the head and say it oh my god an ostrich on your head i got him for you a stingray almost got you a ladybug a butterfly a butterfly right i saved you i don't know if i've gone on the beach like with beach clothes in years probably i don't think i have with you ever in my life i was gonna say it's a florida thing but it's not i think [Laughter] break the grip of the rip if you feel yourself in a current just let go and let it take you yes it's just pulling yourself just give up just float out if it's pulling you just let it pull you under you ever have that friend that like as as you're walking forward oh yeah you talking about me again maybe there's lines dude we know how your drawings looked as a kid in school what's what's a word for past like not foreshadowing but after shadowing five shadowing five okay that's right tried to find this peacock the other night because it was screaming all freaking night long and i got poison ivy all over my arms and feet and i was until i'm trying to shoot this bird in the tree to make it shut up dude that is hilarious record them taking a shower [Laughter] nobody wants to hear so today we're camping in front of stores that are not having sale we're gonna go and show up before they're open and then say that we've been waiting there all night and so we thought it'd be funny so we invited a lot of my fans to come too so we're gonna see how it turns out and who shows up yeah stop here stop [Applause] so today we're gonna camp out in front of stores that aren't having a sale this is perfect it's like a black friday crowd when any employees ask you what we're doing we're gonna say we're just really excited to shop and tell them that we've been camping there all night all right so it's a prank on the best buy employees i love how many people came at freaking nine o'clock on a thursday that's awesome see if we got our place in line still oh good we still got our spot i'd say we got here around maybe seven o'clock last night so well i guess best buy is selling things today so we're gonna see what the price on water is two days now yeah today's the second day so how long ago did you set up your thing about a week a week ago overnight probably 26 hours we drove from texas been here since last night [Music] yeah eleven last night what are you guys waiting for oh just we're excited to shop i liked it [Music] can you open up early for us we don't have enough paper fry in there this is exciting all right unfortunately we don't open until now and you guys know that right yeah yeah [Laughter] 25 more minutes guys do you listen here yeah i talked to my boss but he was talking about coming in early okay so what do you guys do you want to videotape like a new release or something like that or what do you um we're just coming into shop and then i mean you could you can just manage it how you typically would we're gonna let you guys in early but i can only let a certain amount in at a time everything in best buy is for sale so all right what are we gonna buy i'm not even sure what i want to get today just a hot lap this is a nice hot lap this looks good memory card wallet [Music] have a great afternoon thank you got a memory card holder i wasn't sure what i was going to get but after looking around for a little bit i was like hey this looks nice thanks so much you bought that what a great man 11 hours ago or nine hours from tennessee you drove dude straight that's awesome man i appreciate you what are you giving it to us it's gotta go i don't need a tv put it on this better be ak dude or i'm sending it back holy crap what in the heck those are all pumps yeah they're all holy crap i'm scared have you ever done this before no front back back left back right that's supposed to sound like yeah that's fine ross you get on top [Music] earlier today cole ingested a toxic plant that we thought was an onion oh what is it what kind is it it's not an onion that's not it's a radish bro so he was started throwing up why did you tell me that you told me and then we took them to the hospital grass leg to me this definitely looks like an onion it looks like it doesn't smell like an onion though who's a horticulturist or like does anybody know we're good and he got all checked out and they said he was cool yeah i was good it was a toxic plant amaryllis bulb they didn't even tell us what it was but we did we told them we did the research that's what it looks like if he lives to eat another day so now he's here getting some real food in his stomach because he threw it all up oh yeah uh cody ate some too yeah we just didn't swallow it but i spit out we don't have a football so this'll have to do i like this idea so i wanted to do it it wasn't necessarily one of the highest rated polls but i just thought it was funny which is basically what we've done with 90 of all the videos on the channel it's just posted because i liked it but all right i can go up to my neck are you kidding me dude this is so not cold all right maybe don't get stuck in the current okay there's rip currents they're fun and all but i've had to save so many people on rip currents dude really oh yeah do you happen to have an extra swimsuit i could borrow do you have an extra swimsuit i could borrow i do not i just don't have underwear on so i don't want to take these off do you have another bikini oh is it part is it close like two miles away oh that's too far once you all you need is a little asphalt seed and then the road starts growing the more you water it huh faith the size of an asphalt seed turtle crossing yeah i was gonna say i heard he uh run over a turtle oh yeah that was actually a good call because one time i like swerved and missed one and a little bit oh my god i lost control of it i mean yeah don't ever swerve brains dude i will never swerve for any animal wow it's like was the squirrel worth your thirty thousand dollar car you can't put a price tag on something's life if you like how much was the squirrel squirrel's medical bill how much are squirrels what's the dumbest tourist thing you could ever do echo echo echo echo echo oh that was beautiful thank you to all you guys that came out with such short notice on a thursday morning at nine it's just like crazy i haven't had a meet up in years or even tried to and i'm just blown away by how many people came and supported and i'm thankful for all you guys and i'm gonna do a proper meet up sometime where you get like more than a freaking day's notice we'll do a weekend or a weekday but in the evening or sometime when a lot of you can come up because i know a lot of you couldn't come we're gonna do it again at some point when it's a good normal time for most people love you guys cole what time is it i don't know i ain't got my phone yo he's kidding right huh is he kidding yeah i think so you couldn't right um yeah i was kidding bombs away over jonah lincoln jojo's dang neighborhood kids on my car roof again i told you i told you guys no more hoverboarding on my car not dangerous stunts because we're going with slow speed hook slide let's start good slide go yeah let's go look at the top of the car unlock the door oh that's pretty good yeah is your phone broken i've been trying to get ahold of you about your car 16 warranty hey could you give me a list over there please even like oh rose no it's the line yes dude thank you did it work then yeah one of you guys left this comment that's why we even did it yeah on youtube
Channel: Vlog Creations
Views: 3,092,413
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rosscreations, ross, creations, funny, hilarious, stunt, vlog, comedy, creationsross
Id: NxY44csmc_o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 45sec (705 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 29 2021
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