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[Music] hey y'all hey y'all hi guys it's nicole and welcome to vlogmas wait what day is it welcome to vlogmas day 22. christmas is in three days for today's video madison why'd you leave guess who is here oh hi guys i'm pulling an all-nighter with my best friend this is madison i think you guys know me already you haven't even been in a video in a while though look she was supposed to go to my birthday party but she didn't miss girl miss ma'am christian's also here because for moral support she's probably gonna like stay bro it's already 12 11 a.m we're getting delirious so this is gonna be fun a little bit yeah usually when we have sleepovers oh yeah she's sleeping over by the way obviously we usually stay up to like three or four so might as well just film an all-nighter video but yeah i'm tired just hearing that so we're gonna make some hot chocolate but we we don't have any milk or no we have like one tablespoon we have this much milk so i think we're gonna make it with water look at our assortment over here my jazz hands okay so we have four different christian he just bottle flip the milk pretty smooth that was pretty good oh my god christian we have four different hot chocolates s'mores milk chocolate dark chocolate and ginger and gross i'm not even gonna lie we also have like s'more ingredients what are y'all doing i want s'mores i want darth vader right now dark choc what dog chuck why do you want that one dude who doesn't it's healthier for you who wants to be healthy come on i know everyone can be like tastes like gasoline no it doesn't what that's what i hear everyone's like it tastes like gasoline okay and then christian which one are you doing milk chocolate everyone get your packet and go like this we don't have enough milk for all of us so we're just going to make it with water they're arguing oh exactly that's okay and what do we do nice that's really rude honestly all right everyone pick your mug here are all of them i think you're gonna pick this one because it's christmas and this one's false i feel like you're gonna pick that one i'm gonna pick this one it's like am i correct christian's gonna get that one i'm gonna get this one and maddie's gonna get the fall one wait why organizing what is wrong with you madison stop organizing the magazine where is the water and maddie i'm gonna go and eat some patties we're gonna use a tea kettle to hit but to heat up the water speak english please we'll be back when the water is boiled i don't know how much water i'm putting in like up to half oh my god thank you why does it look all chunky then we're gonna add some mini marshmallows you go mine's pretty good oh it's hot yeah my tongue like me you guys hear this abuse get out of our house excuse me this is my house who are you again you're like a sub character in my life everyone rate your hot chocolate you know i think they could have done better on the presentation i'm gonna do a four yeah like four i'll give mine a seven it's not that bad what should we do next i don't know what that is not the point of this one yeah my ears like hurting i'm gonna like pinch it and it feels better what time is it time check 12 33 maddie on three you're gonna look right okay me i'm gonna look left and nicole you have to pick one direction ernie what just pick a random left one two three have you seen that trend where you like yeah yeah and then you look okay ready go ready one wait here you go one two three one two three you know you that well also when you were going like this i already saw your finger going that way so i already knew which way to go oh we can make tick tocks gonna say hi to the vlog are you ready that was so boring give it some effort do it again and put some energy into it okay now we're gonna make tick tocks my phone's gonna rest on a cup we're gonna do what is this called like the i don't know it's like the challenge like you do the backpack yeah you guys will see it freaking noob talk room what is wrong with you [Music] you should get my let's get the first one yeah we're not doing the backpack wait how am i gonna tackle you on oh you're supposed to jump up and i'm supposed to get you a video should we just do a dance okay ready we're gonna well like five of we've spent trying to do the backpack oh true go like the new take talk if y'all haven't already wait what time is it 1 45 it's 1 45 a.m and we're gonna watch the grinch we also have a bunch of candy we're currently eating haribo star mix and then sour patch kids we're gonna watch this movie until we get hungry again 12 seconds later we're eating oreos we're gonna be eating this whole night there go ahead okay okay guys tell them what time it is oh it's day 51 y'all it's late it's early maddie want to vlog so she's holding the camera right now i'm not doing anything guys we're going to delirious like even more yeah like hours ago reminiscing reminiscent of some old pictures yeah she tried putting a tick tock together but then it kept getting reviewed for the community madison dot tang with two g's not my best angle guys i'm sorry okay we're gonna go downstairs and eat some ramen go pick your ramen yeah i'm gonna eat some gin i'll i asked you guys to ask us questions on my instagram story so we're gonna be answering about our friendship when did you guys meet pretty school where you go like 2009 2010 yeah one of those yeah it was in preschool we were each other's first ever friends how did we even like introduce each other like was it our it wasn't our mom no no it was our mom's day school you had to like sign up unless you like room yeah yeah and then we just gonna yeah we're like hey how long have you guys been friends for eleven years i think it's eleven wait was i three or four i was doing through four and maddie was four yeah so it's been 11 years over a decade can you all believe that it's literally past four in the morning is it it's 409 jesus everyone's sleeping in the house beside us was there anything bad that happened in your friendship stay strong no no we've never really like fought before yeah do you remember when we were younger we used to like play fight yeah really we're just acting like yeah we would act do a scene where we would fight let's let's do it let's do it i can't remember i don't remember either like what's wrong with you yeah you're so rude like what happened no girl shut up we would pause and be like you're acting right yeah okay and then we would resume yeah we used to do that just for fun because we would go over to each other's houses like all the time yeah that was when we were like yeah yeah yeah early elementary school when is maddie's birthday july 19 2005. yeah she's she's about six months older than me yeah oh wait no hold on july seven seven months yeah she's seven months older january february march april may june july it's seven oh hold on ramen bite what do you think your aesthetic is oh that's a fun question i honestly don't even i don't really know the aesthetics um right yeah yeah i feel like you're just kind of soft i think i'm so soft i can see you being like indie but not like the not like super not like super indie but like i'm like a little bit of like everything i agree just a little bit yeah zodiac compatibility so i'm a sagittar she's a cancer i'm a sagittarius do you know it i think i don't think our compatibility is really high really it's not like 90 or anything what is yours because i'm a fire sign what are you i'm a water sign i don't know if that matters i don't know i'm like kind of into zodiac but like not really it says cancer and sagittarius need to allow each other time and space to comprehend and appreciate each other when we were like little we saw each other a lot but then there were like periods of time we wouldn't see each other for like a month we were busy with like our other things we didn't need to always be together in order to appreciate each other yeah we probably only see each other once or twice a month lately if we if we're like really busy in our own lives but whenever we see each other it's just like normal you know like yeah yeah right favorite snack ooh ramen's one yeah we like all types of candy i guess gummies gummies just like anything honestly no but like our main thing we eat together is ramen yeah definitely and also she just eats it on the daily yeah what are your favorite sports the one i play she plays basketball i dance i don't know if everyone considers dance a sport but that's a it's a very big argument it's like i know because it's where art art my favorite board to watch is basketball she used to come to our games those were fine yeah i missed basketball games so bad too like the high school ones what was your first impression on each other okay well we were four so i don't remember you i mean from what i can't remember though you were really like smiling and happy oh good how do you i don't remember when i was younger i was really shy you were i feel like you were more outgoing than me when we were younger i think things have switched the opposite honestly i think so too we balance each other out but like we match each other's energy yeah who is older madison is older by seven months seven she's in a grade above me because my birthday is in december and it like cuts off at the deadline or something yeah right now i'm in ninth and she's intense i could have been a sophomore right now what are you doing come on now i kind of like how we're in different grades though yeah good because i feel like if we were in the grade together like i wouldn't be friends with the friends i'm with right yeah it would just be me and you i agree i with different lives but yeah and also a life together yeah when she graduates it's gonna be sad i'll be a junior when she's a senior have you ever liked someone in the vlogs um no anyways guys don't say anything ever next question question among us are minecraft minecraft so yeah i agree minecraft's just like an og game yeah okay i honestly got kind of tired of among us after playing it so often yeah what do you look for in a boyfriend i like you to be funny because i like to laugh yeah yeah that's too big to laugh oh my god can you not be dry i'm in the freaking sahara desert walking and i mean can you just respond back with some content please yeah you know i know they just gotta have like a fun personality yeah well they have to be loyal of course and supportive oh yeah especially for her oh respectful to their parents and like when they have good relationship with their parents like their family like if they can maintain a good relationship with their parents and i also feel like it makes them friendly like to other families too you get what you're trying to say yeah okay i also say like i like it when they pay attention to like this small stuff like little things guys the little things matter matter they matter and it lets the girl know that the guy's like listening what is y'all's favorite button on the mic the start button come on now have you guys ever got into a big argument no no we haven't no argue over and we don't argue over boys because we don't have really the same liking right i mean we do like couple like oh he's cute and like yeah we'll agree but like we haven't had like a huge argument also we're in different grades but like that's true that's another thing like since she's in a grade above me we just don't get to fight that normal people in the same grade would yeah like we have different drama who's taller she's taller she's always been taller i've always seen birth since birth she's five two right now i'm five four five two in three quarters okay basically by three who is your celebrity girl we're talking like celebrity we're talking about like tom holland and we're talking like tik tok vinnie and then isaiah i would say mine is damon salvatore oh not ian because he's it's kind of old now sorry but damon hate my lie are you guys dating anyone no we've not even had okay oh we'll tell them maddie had a little like a middle school relationship for people what gosh this went to middle school with me no you're not watching you're not watching this she liked a guy guy liked her but we were like way too like awkward awkward and like i could not talk to him i could not for the life of me i haven't been in one she hasn't been into a real one a real one best trip you guys were in together palm springs palm springs was pretty fun i vlogged that wasn't that 2019 right it was last year's spring break we rented out like a house airbnb both our families came it was really relaxing like there was like a loft at the top and i remember like the pool was nice too oh yeah i'm gonna go back how to keep a healthy friendship communication giving each other space yeah talking things out like we i mean we don't really have problems if you do just talk it out like don't think the silence yeah if you truly want to keep that relationship just talk even if you're like scared to confront them about something try to be the bigger person in each situation yeah and just handle it maturely dream vacation let's say one where we would want to go like together to hawaii and like zip line oh that was so cool it was so fun like a tropical place to be down for like japan to eat their food yeah somewhere with good food definitely good food yeah please gosh have you both ever liked the same guy not at the same time but the same guy yes yeah it was like staggered because like it wasn't and then like i stopped liking him and then she liked him but then like she was like yeah and then like he didn't know and then i started liking him again but then i stopped and she liked him yeah that's true he already knows if he watches he knows that we like yeah who's crazier i feel like i can be crazy at times i can be crazy at times i think me maybe yeah just a little bit just a little more i feel like she's crazier but like i'm louder if that makes sense those are all the questions i have really girl it's been 30 minutes we're going to finish our ramen because we've been talking all the time dude you finished so much i leave so much left i hope y'all enjoyed the q a yeah 36. it's almost five in the morning that's when my mom wakes up i'm not even tired yeah i'm really tired either like usually when we have a sleepover we get tired yeah at this time yeah we'll see what happens next i don't know bye we're back in my room and we have my leds and my skylight on so that's why the lighting's all like this it is 5 50 in the morning we were downstairs like finishing up our noodles we were talking for a while yeah and then my dad woke up because he wakes at like 5 30 every day so he's literally downstairs but we're she gonna talk in bed i don't know when we're gonna go to bed because he's going to bed like 6 30 but that no how can you have to upload the vlog i have to literally wake up at 7. i think i might just stay up till seven but yeah we're probably going to talk another hour we'll see you guys later bye good morning it's 12 55 p.m what time do we go to bed like six like 6 20 6 00 yeah we went to bed at like 6 20 and then woke up again at like nine went back to bed yeah i was like yeah got up around like 11 30 or something this is gonna be the end of the video technically we didn't pull an all-nighter but we were up it was close it was close it wasn't all night like seven i think so we're eating pickup sticks right now and we're gonna watch some dreams thank you guys for watching i hope you enjoyed maddie finally is in a video oh my gosh hopefully she's in more we'll see yeah i hope so too make sure to like this video go comment on my community tab subscribe to my channel turn on my post notifications and go cuff some kohli merch i'll see you guys tomorrow back with another video i love you guys so much stay positive bye so you
Channel: Nicole Laeno
Views: 4,319,381
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ElP8x5yswwc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 28sec (1108 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 23 2020
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