EXTREME ROOM TRANSFORMATION + TOUR 2021! *aesthetic + cute*

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[Music] hello everybody welcome back to my channel for today's video i'm gonna be doing a room transformation i know what you're probably thinking didn't you literally just do a room transformation like four months ago yes yes i did and i'm doing another one there's gonna be links to everything that i show in this video in the description and there's also gonna be a tour at the end where i say where everything's from so with all that being said let's just get started so i thought i'd show you guys what my room looks like now here's the before here's what we're working with i'm a perfectionist so basically my goal for this room is to make it perfect i thought i did that when i redid my room like four months ago but i guess not because here we are now i feel like i've just grown out of this room first order of business is to take down this wall don't hate me i know a lot of you guys love this wall trust me it wasn't an easy decision because i love it so much but it's got to go say goodbye to the wall rest in peace [Music] okay that was crazy like look at my floor right now they're just all stuck together i made a mistake when i was putting them up and connected them all more to each other than i did actually like to the wall which actually ended up looking really bad when it was on my wall which is one of the reasons that i wanted to take it down but it made it really easy to take off so i guess that's good now the only thing is i have to take all of these apart and take all of like the um the stickers off of the back of them just because i don't want them to all stick together when i'm storing them if you were wondering how i put them up some of them i used like little rolled up pieces of duct tape some of them i just used like plain tape some of them i used little like um i don't know mounting like scotch double-sided like tape strip thingies that was a great description you can really use anything honestly i feel like i get that question all the time but yeah there you go now i'm gonna take all these apart all right so now that that's all cleaned up it's time for the fun part which is putting together my new wall here's my inspiration for it this is kind of what i'm going for i got these pictures off of pinterest so here's some things that i'm going to be needing for my new wall vinyls these stickers from wildflower that i've saved from my cases polaroids that i printed out from my phone my youtube plaque these pictures from walgreens that i got off pinterest these same pictures but in a bigger size from fedex so that i have some options by the way if you want to know how to print out the pictures from fedex i'll leave a little tutorial on the screen also if you'd like to use any of the pictures that i printed out i actually made a pinterest board with all of them on it plus just some inspiration for my new room in general so that you guys can do it too if you want and that's about it let's get started okay so now what i need to do is arrange all the pictures like how i would want it to go up on my wall i definitely need to do it on the ground first before i actually put it on the wall i have like no clue how i'm gonna do this and it's kind of stressing me out i know i'm gonna hang everything up with this blue putty that i got from amazon it was like three dollars i'll find the link and put it down below i don't even know where to start this is gonna be kind of stressful but i'm gonna figure it out [Music] okay so it is actually several hours later this took a lot longer than i thought i just really wanted to make sure that i took my time on this one i think it's finally done so i'll show you guys so here it is all laid out you guys already saw everything i used to make this also these flowers that you're seeing are also a part of the fedex posters that i printed out i just cut them out and then there's a few blank spots that is because they're supposed to be polaroids that go here but this printer that i bought it's been giving me so many problems and it'll only print like one picture at a time and it'll say like that i need to charge it even though i've charged it like overnight so i'm basically just waiting on that to print out more polaroids but yeah other than that that's what it looks like and then i know this is kind of extra but i put this on my wall with tape just as kind of like a stencil to see where to put the pictures i measured my wall and made sure that it was like in the center of this part right here this isn't like level or anything but i'll make sure the pictures are so i'm going to use the measure app on the iphone and then go to level and then basically just make sure everything is perfect so yeah now everything is all ready to be put up on the wall [Music] hey guys so it is the next morning it ended up taking like all day yesterday to do this wall but after several hours i finally finished it so i'm gonna show you guys i think it looks so good oh by the way broke two of my nails yesterday trying to open my polaroid printer and put more film in there so that's cool so here's the wall this is the finished collage i am actually so happy with it i was really stressing about it because i'm just a perfectionist and i knew that if it wasn't perfect i would literally just take it all down and do it again and i didn't want to have to do that so today what i'm going to do is build a shelf that's going to go over here and then i want to put up some vines uh in this corner right here because this just looks so blank so there's going to be stuff filling up the space i did not do my hair good does anyone else struggle with doing like this hairstyle like what is that i'm just gonna go with the scrunchie because i can't seem to get that hairstyle right i have no idea how hard this is going to be it's like this little ladder shelf this is what it looks like oh my god my nail so sad but yeah that's what it's going to look like here's all the pieces i'm going to start building it okay i just finished here's what it looks like it was actually super easy to build i got this off of amazon for i think like 40 dollars i think that's good right there but it says to like drill it like to the wall you just don't want to put a hole in the wall right there that really scares me so i think what i'm gonna do is put like a ton of that blue putty stuff on the back of it oh my gosh also if you are like hanging any sort of posters on your wall or like anything like that go buy this stuff right now it is amazing it came with like five of these strips for like three dollars and i only used one and a half for this entire wall highly recommend i wish i would have done that with my wall when i did the huge collage last time because it would have looked so much better but oh well i just put the blue putty on there and it's stuck on pretty good that way i don't have to drill a hole into my wall so yeah i'm gonna get to decorating [Music] okay so update i have three shelves done but i kind of just like don't know what to do from here my mom might come home for lunch in a little bit from work so i might ask her if she has any ideas for the bottom two shelves i'll show you what i have so far so on the top shelf right here i have all of my crystals on this shelf i have this little heart dish that i think i might put some rings in i have this light please go buy this right now i got it from five below this is what the box looks like and basically you connect it to your phone i'll show you so you can just choose what color it is and they're literally all so pretty so i have it on this like yellowish color right now literally five dollars go buy it all you need is three aaa batteries i won't go too much into detail because i'm gonna show you guys everything in the tour anyways and say where everything's from but yeah this is what i have so far oh shoot i just realized i forgot to take the little stickers off of the shelves i'll make sure to do that so oh i know right i love it it was easy right uh-huh it was super easy so i don't know what to do with these two shelves what about some books what about i tried it and it just didn't look good i have them right here can i see it can i do something yeah i don't know that's that's cute that's cuter than i had it okay so the shelf is all done i'm gonna show you guys again i won't go too much into detail because i will show you guys that later i think i'm gonna do my vines now oh this smells so bad they smell like fish food i think i actually said that in one of my clean and decorate with me videos when i put these vines up these are actually completely different vines i got these off of amazon and these are from urban outfitters but they still smell just as bad oh cool these ones come with zip ties i don't know what i would even use the zip ties for but that's cool i guess i use thumbtacks to hang them up these look very very similar to the ones that i already have these ones just come with way more for like the same price these come with 14 strands and the urban outfitters ones come with five i believe i'm just gonna try to ignore the smell it's very strong right now it does go away very quickly i'll say that okay so here's all the vines i don't really know how i'm gonna do this like should i make it look just like this side or should i kind of make it do its own thing i don't know we'll see update i just want to take a nap so bad i decided to take some down that we're on this corner just to kind of balance out with this corner i'm also kind of thinking about taking them all down and just completely starting over i don't really know but yeah i'm gonna figure out the vines i'll just update you guys later [Music] [Applause] [Music] jewelry more louis v my mama couldn't get through to me the drama people suing me i'm on tv talking like it's just you and me now that you guys have seen the finished room it's time for the tour really quickly i will say that if you want to redo your room literally do it this was not expensive at all i'll kind of walk through the prices too during the tour but literally this whole thing cost me about 200 and my room looks drastically different in my opinion that might sound like a lot to you that might not sound like a lot to you but for a room transformation that is not a lot especially for how different my room looks now but yeah i highly recommend doing this anyways let's get into the tour so first up when you walk in i have this little memo board right here it also just has some thumbtacks on it i got this from target it was like five dollars in the dollar section if you know me at all you know that i love the target dollar section and you're gonna be hearing that a lot in this tour i haven't done anything to it yet but it is going to be my vision board for 2021 so i'm just gonna get some pictures off of pinterest maybe print them out from walgreens or something and put them all over this board also do you want to mention these are the led lights i have the set that i have comes with two strands of like 32 feet or something instead of just one 64-foot strand but basically what i did was i ran them both up this wall and then split them out going different directions i'll link these down below the switch is just right here also comes with a remote and an app for your phone all right moving on so if you walk into the room this is what you see i have these three tarot tapestries right here i have the sun the moon and the star i asked for these for christmas they're from amazon and i think they were about 13 for all three fun fact urban outfitters sells them individually for like 20 bucks each so it would have been like 60 bucks if i had gotten it at urban outfitters but found them on amazon instead thank you to my sister and her husband for getting me these for christmas and then right here we have my vinyls i put these up in one of my clean and decorate my room with me videos these are both from a thrift store and then right here we have my dresser i have this little wooden tray thing i just have this little barrette and these bobby pins from princess paulie it came in a pack this plant it was a gift i do not know where it was from this little polaroid holder thingy it's a picture of my best friend this little candle holder this is from five below and i really like it it looks like it would be expensive i feel like urban outfitters would sell this for so much more but it was only five dollars and then i have this fake candle in it should probably turn that on and then i just have some lip products right here in case you were wondering this is the lip combo that i use right here just the too faced lip injections lip gloss and the nyx lip liner in the shade natural and then i just have some glossier stuff right here then i have this candle that my friend maddy got me for christmas and then right here you're probably wondering what this is i'm going to call this my crystal cleanser so i saw this on tiktok i made this out of clay it's very poorly made as you can see i did it really quickly it's more for functionality than cuteness so you put incense in it and then you put this little lid on and then the smoke will like go through the wires right here and you can just put your crystal on the wires and it'll cleanse it so i painted it to look like kind of like a little mushroom but it doesn't really look like a mushroom but i don't really care it's still cute then right here i have this little heart tray it's from the target dollar section it was one dollar what i wanted to do with this was paint those little brown hearts on it like those wildflower cases if you know what i'm talking about i'll have a picture on the screen i just haven't had time to do it yet but i will probably be doing that but yeah it's just right here for now and then this is from my friend alexis she has a jewelry business and she sent me a little like crystal cage necklace that i'll show you guys in a second and she sent me this little note with it and i just thought it was really cute so i wanted to keep it and she even drew this little frog because we have matching frogs if you didn't know she's the reason that i bought this frog which i will talk about in a minute and then moving on over here we have this little salt lamp this is from five below it's not even plugged in because it's very dim it doesn't work very well but i don't really care because it was five bucks so i don't ever turn it on and then i have this incense burner i got this from my best friend for christmas and then i have this little tray basket thingy um this was from the target dollar section i showed this in a tick tock that i made and a lot of people were asking about it the tag said tiered tray if that helps at all it was five dollars but i could not find it online by the way i will be having links to everything that i can possibly find in the description so if you're wondering where something's from check the description and then if it's not there just comment down below and i will try to get back to you so on the top i just have these glossier uh lip balms i can't remember what they're called oh yeah bomb.com i just have a bunch of different flavors of it and then on the bottom i just have these like clips these are from amazon they are amazing these are the only clips i found that actually hold long hair really well definitely recommend these it comes with a set of four colors i think so i have another one back there it's just black and then i have these sunglasses from princess paulie and right here i have this plant i think this is from target i got this a while ago then if you look up here i have these two posters so basically i was going to use these on the wall behind me but i didn't end up finding a place for them so now they're right here and i actually think they look really good like i feel like they fill up the space really well and then right here i have this plant so i made this plant hanger thing out of a green yarn from michael's it was like seven bucks and then the plant itself is fake it's from target and i think it was like 20 and then i have a hook up here that was from lowe's that my dad hung up for me thank you dad but yeah i decided to use yarn instead of macrame because i just thought it looked more fun and it's colorful and i think it's cheaper i don't really know but i like it then i have this mirror thing right here so you can open it and it stores all of your jewelry there's a ton of storage in here and it's amazing behind here there's like stuff for rings and then this is for all your earrings i actually ran out of necklace hooks so i started using this to hang up my necklaces too by the way these necklaces are both from honey by lex along with this one and this one oh yeah here's the crystal cage necklace that i was telling you guys about this is what it looks like it's just amethyst in here i don't know if these are on the website yet but they might be by the time this is being uploaded so i will have the link down below this is from target i got a ton of questions about it the last time i did a room makeover i don't think i've been able to find it online but i'm not 100 sure so check the description just in case but i found this in the store with all of like the dorm stuff and um like storage stuff if that helps at all i think it was around 80 and then right here i have this banana light this is from amazon and then right here i have this record player so before i even get any comments about this i will say i'm aware that this is definitely not the best record player for your vinyls this is just a cheap one from walmart i don't actually use it to play my vinyls i actually use the bluetooth feature on it and i use it as a speaker for my room i do just like collecting vinyls i have flower boy on here right now maybe later like once i move out or something i'll get like a real nice record player that i can actually use my vinyls with and then underneath i have a bunch of my vinyl stored and then some books then moving on over here to this table i love this table so much i use it as a nightstand it's from amazon it was really cheap and then right here i have this cereal bowl from target i found it in the valentine's day section and it was three dollars i think and i'm just using it to keep some of my nightstand things on and then right here i actually made this out of clay i forgot to mention it when i showed the little uh crystal cleanser thingy but i used the crayola air dry clay for this it's like five dollars from target and then i just painted it it's supposed to look like this flower right here but it's a little goofy looking again i made this in a rush so don't judge it um i think it adds character honestly but yeah i use this as a coaster because i always have drinks on here and then right here i have this really really cute candle once again it's from the dollar section at target it was like three bucks i love the design i love how it's like green just so cute so yeah that's my nightstand and then moving on to my bed i get so many questions about this bed it's from like a local furniture store i actually have seen other people that have this exact bed though that don't live in my town like i'll just see it on youtube sometimes so i know it's not only carried at my local furniture store so i would just go check yours if you really want this bed i know it comes in other colors too i would tell you the name of my store if i could but i do not want to expose my location and then the white bedding is from target this flower pillow right here is from amazon and then this little frog right here is from target and you can find it in the valentine's day section it comes attached to a little swan with some candy on it so i just had to cut it off shout out to alexis for finding this she posted it on her instagram story and i immediately went and bought it because it's just so cute and then right here this tapestry is from amazon you can't see right now but when you move the pillows it says the moon on it it's like a tarot tapestry again that does kind of suck that it covers it up but when the pillows are like laying down when i'm actually about to go to bed you can see it and also these led lights that i have behind my bed are a lot brighter too i'm not sure if you can tell but i have them over here too so it looks like my bed is glowing and it shows up mainly at night time but i still kind of like it and then this blanket i want to say it's from nordstrom but it was a gift i got it for christmas i think a couple years ago from my sister and now moving on to one of my favorite parts of the entire room is this wall so i'll go through everything really quickly up here i have the fine line vinyl i got this for my birthday from my best friend and then i have this poster of a place in italy i don't know how to pronounce that i have this frank ocean poster and then these like golf flowers then i have my youtube plaque and some polaroids that i printed out and a picture of the sunset that i found on pinterest i have some of my wildflower stickers that i've collected this other picture that i found on pinterest it's ariana grande just about her new album positions which i love so much and then the igor vinyl and then another positions poster and then up here i just have some more pictures that i printed out from walgreens and i have some polaroids down here i have this la la land poster because that is probably one of my favorite movies of all time some more polaroids and some more flowers then i have this little libra poster right here that i cut into a circle because obviously i am a libra then i have the flower boy vinyl and some more wildflower stickers that i got from my cases another sunset picture from pinterest another libra picture from pinterest and another amalfi coast picture and i didn't even notice this when i was putting my wall up but i accidentally used this picture twice because i printed out all the same pictures in two different sizes so that i could have options and yeah i accidentally used both sizes but i honestly think i'm gonna leave it because it's not very noticeable and then i have two more flowers and some polaroids and then i have this um knights poster from pinterest again more flowers and another positions picture i have the daniel caesar case studio one vinyl right here and then over here i have this green hearts picture and then another wildflower sticker and that is everything on this wall i think i mentioned this earlier but i do have a pinterest board with all of these pictures on it and just other inspiration that i used for my room so if you want to go check that out my pinterest will be linked down below next up is another one of my favorite parts of my room i think this literally just makes the whole thing before i put this shelf here this wall just didn't feel complete this shelf is from amazon it was like 40 i think you guys already knew that though and then on the top row right here i have all of my crystals i think i have about 30 now i literally love them so much and then hanging off the side i have this tote bag from princess paulie second shelf i have this glossier perfume that smells really good this little plant from the target dollar section this light it was from five below and then right here i have this little heart dish it's from the target dollar section once again and i have just a bunch of rings in there on the next shelf right here i have this plant from the target dollar section this glossier uh body lotion and then this little box right here this is from my best friend i got it for christmas and then on this shelf i have a few books and a plant i think this was also from target from the dollar section big surprise and then right here i have this little teapot my grandma got this for me for christmas and then on the next shelf i have my tarot cards and my tarot book and then this little candle snuffer and this altar bell and another plant from target i still forgot to take off the letters from when i was building this also the vines that i have are from target no did i just say target at this point i'm just used to saying that something is from target but the vines are from urban outfitters and from amazon now we have my closet i'll show you guys inside of my closet but keep in mind it is not clean it's not the messiest either but it's just not very organized i have a few coats up here pants right here purses sweats my yoga mat my old keyboard i have my tripod in here just some more backpacks and stuff and then on this side i have my dirty laundry right here i do have a laundry basket but it's in the laundry room right now so that's why they're just laying there they're not usually like that and then i have my like more cropped tops up here i also have a few longer t-shirts right here and then i have most of like my long sleeves and sweaters on the bottom right now and then i just have some shoes on the bottom like i said it's kind of messy right now so don't judge me and now moving on to my desk i love my desk area so i have this salt lamp this is from urban outfitters and then this candle from bath body works and then i just have my phone laptop and ipad this thing opens up right here and you can charge your stuff so i just have my ipad charger in here right now and you can just tuck the charger through the hole right here if you want and then i have this little organizer thing from target it was like six dollars so in it i have this notebook i think this notebook is from amazon i have my scissors i have some mild liners right here these are from target and then i have another set on this side these ones are pastel though and they only came in a set of five these ones are from walmart and i would recommend these over these and then i have a pack of colored pens in here from walmart too i have some mechanical pencils and then a plain black pen and then i also have my favorite pen which is my rose quartz pen and then it just says love and crystals infuse my words i love this pen so much it's from goddessprovisions.com my mom got me their subscription box for christmas and this came in the second box again i'll have their website linked down below and i have my hard drive and the wire for it and some post-its and then i have my air pods oh my gosh that i decorated with these little heart stickers the stickers are also from target then i have these little pills these are from amazon they're these natural pills that are for stress relief so i just like to take these whenever i'm feeling like anxious or stressed out or something then i have this essential oil this one is lavender and it's supposed to help you sleep and then i just have this desk lamp from target this mirror is also from target along with my desk and my desk chair so basically everything in my room is from target target should just sponsor me at this point i think the only thing that i forgot to show was my trash can which is also from target i know shocker so yeah i think that is pretty much everything if you have any questions make sure to comment them down below also super random but i am selling some stuff on depop so if you want to check out my depop i will also have that in the description if you stayed up until this point comment down below um frog if you like this video make sure to give it a thumbs up and subscribe also don't forget to follow me on my socials i've been posting on instagram and tick tock a lot more recently everything will be on the screen or in the description or you can just look up mckenna salazar so yeah with all that being said i hope you guys liked today's video thank you so much for watching and i will see you in my next one [Music] you
Channel: Kenna Marie
Views: 1,647,522
Rating: 4.9698038 out of 5
Keywords: room, makeover, bedroom, transformation, aesthetic, indie, alt, tiktok, colorful, collage, 2021
Id: WVPnUmcfJaI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 46sec (1486 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 20 2021
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