Pulling $288 out of this Goodwill!!! @thehomeschoolingpicker

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all right I got a challenge for you oh no okay okay so we're at a really big Goodwill yes we are I challenge you to fill up your whole cart with things to flip on eBay my whole cart the whole cart are you crazy yeah you think we can do I'm not crazy they sell pillows here so it might only Take 5 Seconds we just saw a lady coming out with like six pillows she cleared out half the section she bought them all okay so what's your challenge is your challenge not to help me fill up said yeah I mean it's a Team Challenge we're going to try to fill it up okay okay oh man that would have been a good thing for the cart the launch right a $40 cart find hello hello how we doing hi he hey we need a big stuffed animal that's what we need stuffed animal yeah okay well we'll start are we trying to cheat though we'll start with standard stuff and then we'll go from there cheat if we have to yeah we'll definitely cheat if we have to no shame in a little cheat cheat think you're going to find another sealed video game uh probably not uh yeah we'll take one thank you so much has your name mom okay whatever you know it's nice and smooth too thank you all right oh it is a smooth one I Know Much appreciated thank you she this up okay look at this this is I mean this is got the whip gang I know dang I've never seen a cart so smooth jeez it's have found in the thrift store normally they have like 87 lbs of hair well like that yeah there's a little bit of hair there okay it there always is so it's to be expected all right let's uh it's big I'll allow it you can look it up let's find the biggest things we can I'm upset because I was so happy about finding the small items today yeah like all the small bags we did find a lot of that was probably the last video you guys saw oh yeah different video yeah but we've had some good luck today oo little bows sometimes these are worth a bunch of money but is that a car bows yeah how did that not even know they made those the bows yeah a lot for their car yeah I know mhm a lot of the cars come with the bows I have no clue all right let's go find our first item okay send big please oh radiator uh-oh oh brand new cart coming out right now are you kidding me any glob oh he's got gloves on though huh if they have gloves on that means you can't dig through them maybe he just had gloves on for the previous cart it looked like a cart full of shoes maybe maybe that's pretty funny it is funny I don't know why that's so funny to me I'm hot you don't want to put that in the cart no does that look like something I would uh probably calling myself hot I did find this little uh t-shirt so I don't think it's anything really but it's an older Anvil red bar made in USA with a single stitch on the bottom okay and uh yeah it's a Jesus Castle View Centennial yeah I don't think we're going to get it but I just wanted to show you it is cool I like the Sleep tis way is that a new cart what's that is that a new cart oh jeez or a shoer I think it is a new cart should we go for it like you do a little stocking action yeah and I see you got something in the cart too so we're going to have to show that off here in a second okay okay I the reseller was in here and actually like shopped him out of my car go get it no way okay let's see here little Coach bag what is it anything oh are you sure okay awesome I'll take a little peek yeah I appreciate that help did you want to look at this one Kayla sure okay awesome take a little Pak Seas on that I'm going to put this thank you I'm going to put this shirt back real quickly look at that oh it's a little dirty you where on the inside is this standard price probably cuz the inside yeah probably okay it's really nice on the outside interesting have you already looked at the purses no I haven't okay yeah yeah that we think about it and then bring it back over there if we want thank you so much all right that inside is a bummer but the outside is too nice to leave that for $5 that's a nice bag that is very nice like just those would sell for more than $5 mhm the little things yeah the little tags they sell can you already tell right off the bat that it's real it looks like it's perfect because like see how this is like lining up identical on the side and the the Seas like the fake ones are not going to be lined up that perfectly going perfect line up yeah awesome then you got the good attachments yeah this thinks the inside's dirty that's an older I remember this blue velvety liner okay not velvety silky silky liner so something like this can you just throw it in the wash it might wash up no I mean I wouldn't how about like a dry clean maybe I just sell a dirty sell a dirty for half the price of everybody else literally half the price well that's nice okay I'll make sure it's decent enough Tock up not bad I'm going to put this shirt back real quick and then we're going to come back and talk about those okay okay deal look at those little wood carved Critters there gosh that looks almost German she got a parale she's got it does look almost German that was my first thought too cuz that dude up there holding it yeah that's interesting it's a cool little piece would take up some room in the cart too is that a cat oh man I forgot about that dang challenge that's a cool piece look at this one it's it's like a he's coming out of a little circus tent right there yeah let me see oh wow okay for only 12 bucks only dang it's probably what it goes for on eBay probably okay put your thing back put this back and then we'll talk about that little silverplated thing all right what size are you medium okay welcome to your new home hopefully you get adopted soon okay are you prepared to talk about those right now I mean not particularly like I haven't looked them up or anything but I feel like they're so amazing they're going to be got no matter what yeah yeah so I have no idea what that says on the bottom it looks like oh jeez Russian maybe okay yeah I don't know I don't know but just look at them yeah that's very intricate design it is and this one has all different little peeps on there and then this one's like a complimentary okay maybe these are Asian I don't know but they look beautiful and then there's this one more that is not little tray like these are like have heavy poatoa on there this one where it's in the plastic is a little the years yeah yeah that's nice so for $3.99 a piece feel like these are grabs they're probably grabs huh I'll glance in a second to be sure but I'm thinking we should buy them don't you think they're really cool yeah I think they're nice and we could always look into them and if they're bad we can leave them but yeah I feel like one I saying somebody tried to grab on my cart and they're like can I look at this yeah yeah he you said he was looking for the 925 yeah he did he pulled out his jewelers loop and everything crazy what' you see remember the lady that lets us just let you look in the cart yeah I just saw carrying something away remember she left with an empty cart so I'm thinking she's going to be back with a new cart okay so I was wondering what you're looking at you go investigate oh she had something in her hands like maybe she's put see she's putting her gloves on right now so I'm thinking she might just come out the new C she's about to be coming out with one okay she's going in right now okay okay okay while you stalk her I'm going to go check the overpriced pures okay let me go stock this lady stalk her up all right we're just sitting here waiting for a new cart to come out yeah SS like we've been sitting for a minute cuz unfortunately we already kind of looked through this whole thrift store I know I'm trying to find these bowls over here the bowls okay well I just looked up this thing okay the Black Dog by Martha's Vineyard Massachusetts okay sells for 15 to 20 oh nice isn't that crazy yeah how much are these like 59 cents yeah 59 cents it's like the cheapest thing in here well we can grab that at least right we got action P action all day oh yeah oh that dang look at all that good stuff another dude's waiting too here this is going to be heavy competition right here dang let's see what we got mind if I take a little peek sir yeah go there thank you dang the whole Game of Thrones [Music] series okay what else we got here old Durham that's kind of cool new sealed would mind if left the last season out oh yeah I still haven't even seen it is it good you mind if I look at that video game right there this one on the bottom thank you man the first four or what that's like some of the best TVs pretty good okay after that you can drop it off okay yeah let me take something for you uh look at that new seals cool South Park what sorry dely McCart you're is that's such a good movie is it what is it What's Eating Gilbert Grape Gilbert Grape listen that's the best Leonardo dicapro movie ever made is it really yes dang and look that's young Johnny Depp at the top sorry you dig you dig yeah keep on going that's nice that's a nice Orvis right there oh it's Orvis too yeah nice dang I've never seen an Orvis belt but that is nice this the card of all carts right here man that's nice one I think I think we got everything we're going to need to get oh little brand new PC game usually PC games aren't that great but we can check we can look it up yeah oh here's another Game of Thrones do you have your uh your phun on you so I can I don't know do you have it or do I have it uh I think you have it here oh it's right there right where here you keep on going we'll we'll situate ourselves on a little thing there look up this media real quick okay oh my gosh so I was trying to do a little Google Lindsay search and try to identify that Russian maker that's on the bottom of oh yeah okay and I actually one popped up and of the smallest Bowl here was um on Etsy for $300 of my little $300 yeah there I think it was called a monk begging Bowl I don't know if that's correct or whatever but I'm trying to identify this did you want to show what you were just I think I I just started the search and I found one just went away you went you you you ruined my search I messed up your search dang it my bad but we're going to search the South Park game right now yeah search it up okay here we go South Park The Stick of Truth okay okay that's an obscure title okay didn't do anything okay here we go brand new sealed okay we're going to sort condition new okay I can't get over there 30 bucks 25 bucks 20 bucks okay I think these are going to be our comps here cuz those are the actual new ones the plastic yeah for only $1.99 yeah we'll take that I was really hoping is going to be much better than that but we'll take it we will take that why do we have to keep finding small stuff though for the cart so let me search these real quick now too you can uh whatever you're thinking I'm just happy about this little belt I don't know why but belts are my favorite thing to belts are your favorite one of my favorite things cuz they're so small I think we sold two or three this week yeah they they're they've been pretty good for us right yeah this is gorgeous Bill Durham only sells for five so we'll pass on that this is a Bruce Springsteen something something something and the East Street Band live in New York City live in New York City is there a little scanner on that see okay sells for five bucks six bucks okay so we'll pass on that what's next we got this uh spore game new sealed okay 10 bucks 13 free shipping so probably pass on that for four bucks yeah all right last thing we're going to look look up these Game of Thrones DVDs one two and three see if that brings us up anything oh what is that you okay yeah I'm fine what it's crazy that these things don't have a scanner huh yeah that is crazy kind of messes me up a little bit well have you ever seen a vase like this with a bottom like that seen a what look at this oh what the heck is that interesting like with the bottom yeah that's the biggest glass piece I've ever seen oh my goodness okay condition used oh HomeGoods oh no look they first of all can we just appreciate this fact that they have a legitimate look at that they have a security thing security thing on we just tuck it under my shirt and run off the door that'd be funny oh my goodness okay these are really hard to look up hard to find yeah so I mean this guy sold all three seasons for 6.45 okay all right I wish I didn't just waste my time luring those up but now you're know for next time yeah we got a video game that's right for two bucks that sells for 25 exactly for 2 minutes of looking stuff up felt longer but we actually are 7 minutes into this CP so it is quite a bit longer okay I'm going to go put this one back if I pretend like I need this tote right here and put it in the the cart I goodness look at that full cart are you pretending or do you really need that I do not need that at all but the card not counting it not counting it sorry what if I get in the card I would count that I'm not going to do it though you might though oh you have if you get desperate I might yeah okay you better find something big oh let's go look at the pillows pillows let's go please let there be a pillow I don't even know where the pillows are anymore they used to be right here oh no I don't know but mama's ready to go home so let's find a big fat pillow takes up the whole cart yeah or a big comforter or something oh I found these shoes that I didn't show them oh yeah so algas I've never sold the style have you even seen that style before no usually they're leather right yeah normally they're like a traditional Mary Jane this one's a little bit different style they're all quite bold like this though but every time we buy these they sell within like a couple weeks for like 30 35 bucks I think the last two both sold for like 40 and 45 oh okay yeah so yeah those are cool for $5.99 we'll pick it they're funky and fun right cool little nurse shoe or something yeah exactly yeah we going in they're going in huh sorry I was saying they're going in what were youing they're going in but but they're not I thinking we should we can start putting all this stuff right there so we can fill up the C fluff it up a little bit I know like take those neatly stacked things out and just put them all upside down and poop them up a bit make sure I got this bat cuz we're going to be with the boys soon all together so they're going to want to play with yes a baseball bat yes wole ball or something spring break T minus 3 days there's a gentleman behind you so don't go back any further excuse me sir does he got a new cart nope he does not he's just shopping doesn't even work here that's actually really cool it is really cool I like that I don't know they cut off the tag though so we don't know who made it that would be an easy one for a Google image though right it's really nice quality too even the back it's like super thick yeah let me just uh do a lindsy search on that real quick so we you just go to Google the Google app and then you just take a photo of it no results okay should I type in pretzel um maybe I'm honestly thinking just I'm honestly thinking it's worth it for $1.99 no matter what PR okay feel like that's somebody would at least pay $20 for that that's very cool it's heavy too it's very heavy and again every bit of it is oh we can here let me help you out sure is said bingo bango bingo bango 100% wool nice made in China that's okay this is beautiful the wool's cool though I think we should snag that either way yeah we've had success that last pillow you picked up sold while you were gone to or no we actually sold a pillow now yeah we sold a pillow the the really cool one you got in the last one with the what's it called the pool push the oh the needle oh what's it called push needle push needle needle push push needle I don't remember push needle but yeah that one so pretzel pillow wool What's this called uh carpet it is the car it is like the latch rug pillow wool I get the carpet Bud yeah okay nothing on just searching P of pillow wool in my opinion we should just snag it okay let's snag it that is a vantage oh dang what is that dress right there with a little Pearl all the all the pearls on there you ever pearls look at that snazzy this is nice too what the heck someone donated all their uh Neo neop poly hybrid Supreme $24.99 not bad from 2012 yeah you want to know why this is probably not going to be a pickup why is that cuz it's a blue tag so that means it's been here for a week there you go and probably 100 sellers look that up so we're just going to pass on it is that okay yeah I think we should pass oh no he's got all the big pillow dude dude can I borrow those really quick just put them in the car check out oh my goodness check out we I don't even know what I was trying to say just now we're a hot mess that's all I know oh okay man let's uh let's just do it you want to see hot mess keep going and they're in my fair warning oh jeez are you ready for this please warn me about those those look nice those would look good on you they need to lose like 4 Ines that's like Britney oh yeah it's Britney B you know y definitely a Britney these are definitely from a costume too cuz there's no way that oh super Cheapo like yeah very umum yeah should we go to the dress fitting room absolutely not I'm not no are you sure no okay if we had a challenge that I lost maybe I'll put something crazy on oh I should have put some see I want that to be a thing but I won't be able to find anything to fit you if I win and you know I'm probably going to win I could wear like a nurse's outfit or something nurse's outfit what are we talking about yeah you know how they're like baggy and stuff oh scrubs scrubs yeah oh okay he said a nurse's outfit I was thinking nart just came out uh oh should we go was that what the Bell was did you hear that it was it okay she went to the hard Goods oh let's go go what are you doing I was readying that I Was preparing my fling for next camera sheet let's get real my hair is never amazing but oh your hair is the best what are you talking about I love your hair okay so we're heading out of there with not a full card not a full card but we got some good stuff we got some good stuff yeah I'm going to let you decide what's the next on the agenda what time is it we have orders to ship Sir oh no that's what I'm worried about should we go home ship some orders real quick we should go home and ship and then if we need two then we can scur on to another Goodwill cuz I know they love pulling orders with us don't you don't let go home and uh pull some orders and tell him it's way more fun when he does it with me all right so we made it to the house we're going to start shipping yes we have very limited time right now so we're going to hop right to it what's our first item the first one is this beautiful Fus it's so dark out here maybe take it over here a little oh yeah let's check it out okay Nick cook signed on the bottom handspun bold made out of Fus and we just got this in Arizona at auction that was part of the little like $15 box $1 box and this spot self sold for $40 no way yeah okay cool all right so up next we have this little hippopotamus this is a nice little brass guy H yeah so uh this little dude sold for $19 yeah dang isn't it cute with his fat little crinkles that's a steel yeah okay the next one is over here this one we just picked up that long ago yeah so we picked two beautiful paintings at the same estate sale and this is the last one the last and the biggest and this one sold for $75 oo that's a good deal it was I think we paid $10 for it uh we got it 50% off day about 10 7 to 10 but yeah that's going to be a pain to ship now you know what I was actually organizing all the boxes and I haven't checked yet but I'm really cross your fingers with me guys I think I have the perfect box one of those might be it please okay yeah that might work it's going to be perfect o oh look I thought going have to make a box but I've got the perfect one that's nice I'm going to set this down safely and we'll pull the next one F1 okay so we sold a little cream little Eaves how do you say it uh yees ro yees yees ro okay how much does this one sell for $21 21 bucks and I think that's the fourth one of those that we've sold yeah we got a bunch of them yeah and I'm just meeting that particular one and there's all those other ones too yeah you already sold a bunch too but uh how much does it sell for again $21 21 bucks okay I think that's what I spent for all of them okay now we're going over to March 1st have to pull oh this one's all wrapped up okay we're going to have to show them a photo no it's okay this is a beautiful vintage tree topper made in West Germany oh I remember the original box yeah look at that beauty yeah so uh that video by now should be out yeah that was a good deal 10 bucks for all that vintage Christmas deal yep and this pays for everything we got there we go y love it okay all right so we got another item here that is from West Germany cool little miniature Mouse guy when did we get this we got this in Arizona right I think so the first time yeah and I don't think we thought anything of it but he ended up being worth some money so $15 on that guy yeah he had a sticker on there so oh he do I know it was a yeah he does that was before I knew they were the Miniatures were goodies before you really taught me okay the next one is this Fisher Price oh jeez listen Okay from a tiny mouse to a huge village uh no the good thing is I've already got it pretty much ready to go yeah just bubble it and put it in another box but this was unfortunate cuz there was a mess inside of there there was like a little yeah it had to be cleaned up and okay anyways bck sometimes you got to yeah that's the one we got at the basement that was I think we paid up for that too maybe like 105 bucks yeah it was 50% off but still yeah and it's sold for $75 I just listed it there was a lot Ed so I just listed ours very competitively considering the box is a little little damaged yeah a little damaged at least they got the box though yep okay so 75 on that bad boy yep 75 and uh let's see we got anything else and now we've got on that tray right there on our purse rack purse rack okay we have a Vera Bradley makeup bag ver Bradley makeup bag whoa on this thing right here I think it is right there oh we Bradley okay nice so this is is a jewelry organizer actually and it sold for $20 oh we just got that recently I remember that there's actually something else on this rack too on this rack okay oh right here this vintage denim let's say sorry this stuff is extra crinkly something Black Block Island it's funny I actually put Black Island on the listing and a viewer messaged me and was like hey yo Caleb that's actually Block Island I've been there so shout out to you by the way thank you for that yeah thanks for the help yep we paid $3 for that and it sold for $30 30 bucks 10x profit can't beat that yes sir all right okay we have a basket a basket basket all right leave me to the baskets this pretty little basket we got this one at Goodwill together I remember that the hand painted that's a really nice one sold for $20 20 bucks on that and that was like a dollar or two yeah it might been like $2.99 be careful my o I don't want to break the FL we have one thing left one thing left should we do it right now yes o we need to go all the way around here to plush tote plush tote the plush tote oh we actually just talked about this in the video oh yeah the the Bumblebee the Bumblebee that sold for $30 so this is him okay there he is I don't think we paid too much for that guy no he's cute he has little wings on top he's like 25 cents right yeah something crazy okay and what did he sell for again $30 dang okay so look out for the bumblebees and the ladybugs that we know of for sure that's right and both of them have little baby pillows too if you find those like the set myself for a little bit more that's right all right so that's it that's it it looks like it's perfect because like see how this is like lining up identical on this side I mean not particularly like I haven't looked them up or anything but I feel like they're so amazing they're going to be G I'm trying to find these bowls over here the bowls okay well I just looked at this thing here we go South Park the Stick of Truth [Music] okay dang I've never seen it before this Bel that is nice the card of all CS [Music] right allegri is I've never s the style have you even seen that style before no that's actually really cool it is really cool I like that I don't know they cut off [Music]
Channel: Part Time Pickers
Views: 113,335
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: dEqB_B77MI4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 19sec (1579 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2024
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