I Shopped 5 Goodwill Stores! | Thrift with Me | Vintage Haul

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good morning everyone I'm actually doing a Goodwill thrifting day yes I'm hitting several in a row I never do this usually I'm hitting up Goodwill and my thrift stores when I'm outr running errands so I'm just like in and out don't get to do much filming if I'm doing a dedicated day I usually go to antique mall because I can typically find more stuff in like a short period of time where Goodwill doesn't always deliver for me so I am hoping today I actually get some really good stuff so I can't wait to take you along with me [Music] so you guys might not know this but I'm actually very superstitious about not getting a cart because I feel like anytime I get a cart I don't get anything so U we'll see if that holds true today usually I feel like if my arms are breaking then I'm like oh okay that's when I need a cart that's how that's my [Music] sign you guys know me in litted pot especially round ones this one's so cute $3.99 in pretty good shape I feel like there's a little bit of maybe some marks and stuff that doesn't bother me so this is a good sign first thing coming home you guys know I love brass this is a good one I just ran into someone actually watches my channel hello and she said I found a brass piece I think you're likeing another aisle so this is it so I think this is going to come home with me okay am I crazy for liking these I do like a novelty candle these are really cute oh they're oldies they're oldies based on the felting on the bottom so $4.99 they're pretty cute I'll probably pass on them because they're going to melt in my car today if I put them in because it is like going to be like 90 but they're very cute [Music] so this is a really interesting piece I need to like peel the sticker off to see what it is I would have like thought it was maybe Native American because of the way the clay is but I don't know it's definitely markings I've never seen before so it probably isn't if you guys know let me know but this is coming home it's only1 .99 that was really pretty so this artwork is not great but the floating frame is really good would I could probably take this out but I don't know if it would ruin the finish on the back what's see $4.99 I don't know what the color is so I need to look that up but this might be worth getting just for the frame so if this was a vintage piece I would be all over it but it's the blonde wood and the BR or the hardware is not brass and so I think I'll pass on it but yeah card or rather index catalog are so they are money people so you can find them but I feel like this one's just too new so I think I'm going to pass and's see what the back is you made in Thailand it just doesn't have that same you know charm as the actual vintage ones do but yeah it's tempting but I think I'll pass so I love the shape of this lamp but the Finish is kind of like that faux like more plasticky brass than the actual aged brass I think I'll pass on it but the shape of it is very cute I tend not to pick up a ton of lamps cuz I hate to store them and ship them but for the right lamp I definitely grab it but I don't think this is the right lamp today so first stop I got three things so not bad especially these Goodwills I'm going to I never get stuff up I have terrible luck here so three things that that one was like amazing for me so hopefully I can get three more or even more things this one so I really like this but it is not sitting straight and I've been trying to screw this in and it looks like that's why it's here that it's just like stripped and it won't actually I mean I guess you could glue it but I don't usually like to sell things I have to like repair with just glue but yeah this a beautiful piece from I probably India based on the etchings so such a bummer so this piece is kind of cool it's more of like a mid-century holder for wood I wish this was like not plasticky like more like loose or something cuz then I think it would be even more like highend but it's definitely older and has the feet on the bottom so it's not too bad I want to say it was like $7.99 when I turn it over so I think I may get it it's really neat I've never seen one like this before so this is beautiful handmade it's 10 bucks which is a little bit more than I would like to spend on this but it is long and in great shape and you guys know boxes are doing well so I think I may get it even though it's a little bit when I'd like to spend because it is such a beautiful piece so this is going to go on this is my makeshift you know like cart tray basket this piece here so luckily I grabbed this now I can put all my stuff on it never come across this blue before these are really pretty $3.99 seems steep though e each I don't know seems like a lot but I do think that the blue Tona is really pretty so not super exciting for you guys but I need a butter dish really bad so $4.99 hopefully there's no lead in the glass um but yeah I think I'm going to get this one cuz I actually really like all the swirlies and it's a good size it's not super huge and it has a little handles so this is coming home with me okay you guys now I'm freaking out these are so interesting I mean the frames are crazy but I really like this one so I got to turn them over and see how old they are because they look original but they may be like original made in a factory elsewhere original um because some original paintings are actually like factory made paintings you guys didn't know that so yeah I'm going to check this one in particular I like um so I'm just going to see cuz maybe I can reframe them because the frames are kind of they're a lot oh there's me hi okay you guys was right look at that tag HomeGoods so you got to be careful cuz even original art can be HomeGoods art not that that's a bad thing but for me selling vintage um you know I'm try not to sell homegood stuff so anyways glad I turned them over they're still neat pieces but just not what I'm going to pick up today okay so this is a cool piece I think this is I think this might be plastic and then metal so again it's not my favorite type of gold metal it is a really cute little side table but it's 20 bucks which seems a little steep for something that I don't necessarily know is your vintage I think it's made to look like I think it's newer now so I'd have to like turn it over and look and see if there's any sort of markings on it but 20 CS high so I don't think I'll get it but it's kind of a cool piece so I found this ice bucket it's definitely vintage it's in good shape it's Alco I looked it up it doesn't doesn't seem to go for a ton it definitely would be a lot to ship because it's you know bigger um so I'm not sure I would make much money on it it's kind of a cool piece but oh it's $3.99 that's not too bad it has a little bit of damage though to the surface so I think I'm going to pass on it then sadly I think I may pass on this cuz I was just giving it a once over glance and there's a few spots that are kind of splitting the top so I usually like to give a good look at everything before I buy it and go cuz sometimes of my excitement I miss stuff so this I will not be getting but these two I am for sure so you guys I cannot believe it I just realized that this piece is an nurn yes it held a dead body of some kind ashes I don't know if it's a person like maybe their arm or an animal but yeah I was just thinking like oh I really love this like you know box that I got very cool had a lot of texture then I noticed the writing and thought I was like oh God it's one of those like tourist you know boxes where they say like Mexico or Hawaii on them which I don't usually tend to pick up but then I realized it had writing of a person and a date or an animal I'm hoping an animal but nevertheless is it haunted now like no I feel really weird about the purchase man like thrifting is an emotional ride anyways okay so I'm going to go into another Goodwill hopefully that will uplift uplift my spirits now I said Spirits ghost Spirits oh anyways I know a lot of drama thrifting so hopefully this St produces some good finds another round LED box $3.99 I'm not sure about the color and the little like wooden part on Top um but yeah I definitely like manifesting boxes now I find them everywhere but these shelves at this store are really really full I have not seen the last store I was at last Goodwill was basically empty and this one has lots of stuff so hopefully I can find some more Treasures as I'm going through so I actually sold a pink version of this years ago and it is a brand called Alfie made in Poland and it's just really cute like the design is really cute the inside is like I can't tell I guess glass oral actually I'm not exactly sure but it looks like it's in really good shape other than just a little bit dirty um but yeah very cute it's $4.99 I think let me see yeah $4.99 so I think I'm going to get it because I did sell this before and I don't know if that's because the style it is or if it was because it was a fun pink color but I think $4.99 makes it worth a try so I really love the scallop detail on this bowl I'm not a huge wood bowl gal like I mean I like them but I don't usually use them but the scalop you guys know scale helps her in so this one is definitely coming home with me okay I absolutely love frames like this this is an oldie 99 it's definitely brass very cool so this is coming home I'll probably take out the picture inside and put something else in because it looks like it can be removed so I really like these candle holders they're so interesting really interesting appear to be handmade yeah I love the glazing on them and they're both different but they're part of a set so I think I'm going to get them $3.99 each yeah really beautiful [Music] so I kind of like this there's a pair you can see back there but uh I don't know I feel like they look too like newly manufactured um so I think I'll pass on them but yeah I'm always on the hunt for candle holders for the wall like anything wall mounted because they definitely sell well for me okay so I spotted some brass pieces this is lovely $4.99 is really solid and I like the edge detail and then back here are some brass and either ah sorry for this out brass and kind of like loose sight candle holders so $4.99 you guys know I makes eclectic set so I think I'll probably get these since they're in really good shape and then this one obviously I'm taking this off of it but see $3.99 so and this is a nice solid one I'll just take off that awful Dusty floral thing on top so yeah good find so far ooh this is interesting oh I wish that it wasn't like the faux brass this is like that faux brass um cuz otherwise that'd be a really neat one I can't believe it I actually had to go to the front and grab a basket cuz I actually found a few things so miracles do happen [Music] okay you guys I have like an hourish before I pick up my son so it's time to do some antiquing pallet cleanser shopping more curated spaces can we to see what I get so I really like the this necklace and I don't know I'm assuming it's 12 bucks but it's actually vintage designer so may have to get this you guys look at how big this Swan is it is huge and then there's that one too I thought the swans I got the other day were huge these are giant and I feel like they're solid and then these are very cute napkin rings I may have to get those this mushroom meal sorder is very cute it's only 20 bucks hand painted mushrooms are so popular I may have to get it found a bunch of beautiful needle point pillows so this one they're going to call on cuz the price tag has gone missing but the rest of them are between 18 and 20 so let me hopefully they can get back this is an old I love that you guys know me needle point oh my gosh you guys I'll W her cat and a licker dog they're 64 each so not bad oh I do not have a cat that big so tempting I'm trying to like slow down especially if they're pricey but how cute are they I didn't get as much antiquing done as I thought because the stores were definitely more retail so not great for sourcing for me they have great stuff mind you really good selection of stuff like stuff I would have wanted to buy but outside of my margins so at least I now have time to eat lunch I actually packed a lunch for myself and maybe actually hit up like another thrift store on the way home so I'm a little ahead of a schedule actually now so have some lunch cuz I've worked up an appetite and then hopefully you can fit in one more stop so I have never seen an Indian etched metal lamp before this is beautiful look at that it's $12.99 comes with the shade I just wish it wasn't red because red is like a tricky color for people you either like red or you don't but this is just so great really really good so I'm going to look up comps on this cuz like I said I've never found one before to see if they're worth anything obviously if this was a vase like I would absolutely pick it up but I'm not sure how lamps do so I found the side table which is really nice I like the spindle style legs it's pretty solid pretty solid it's 20 bucks to turn it over and see if there's any identifying things on it but I think for like a booth this would be a great piece to display with and then sell this is a people statue that I have not seen before that's like they ears I think they're laying their head down so it is $7.99 so a little bit more I've been not picking these up as much but I have sold some recently so I don't know this is a question mark for me they have another one up top here this one the kissing one which I always think is sweet but I don't know it's not as cool as like this one is especially just really like the ear like the ear so I got to decide if I want to get that one but I am getting the table so welcome to the haul portion of the video I'm just going to warn you right now I'm going to be a sweaty mess throughout this whole thing because it is like a billion degrees in my studio I have an ice pack literally down the back of my pants to try to keep me cool I can't turn my air on because it is so loud when it comes to the vent that you guys would hear it on YouTube so the things I do for my YouTube videos so anyways forgive me if I start to get really like shiny and sweaty and gross looking we will just persevere through the video but I have a lot of really great stuff to show you I have some things that I got obviously from the Goodwill hul I'm going to show you I'm not going to do everything again I'm just going to pick out a few pieces that I got really excited about and I want to kind of style up and show you and then I did do some garage sailing recently so I'm going to show you some pieces from that shopping day too okay so some of the pieces I'm very excited about for my Goodwill shopping day is this very cool person statue now I know many of you are probably thinking Andy didn't you say in one of your videos that you don't pick these up anymore cuz they don't sell and you would be right and after I made that statement I started to sell them again surprise to me sometimes you have to like put conservative angry effort around something and then all of a sudden it would like turn kind of the tide and the fortune of it around so that seem to be these types of figurines so I will say the people statues that are like families I'm not picking up anymore but individual people like this that are very sculptural and interesting I am picking them up I love the fact that his ear is on top of his head so he's like laying like this I thought that was just very interesting so in my boo space these have sold so anytime I found one that's kind of interesting like this especially if they're in like a yoga pose or something very sculptural like I said it sells so this will be going to my booth space now anything that's slated to go to my booth that you guys want here on YouTube that are not local to Portland where I am just let me know because I can always listen on Etsy too so just always let me know but anyways this I was very excited about and this will be available for you guys you guys know I love brass candlestick holders because I make sets so anytime I can find them especially unique ones like this they don't come across with like the loose sight um or smaller shorter ones like this because they help with like the different heights and the sets that I build always grab them when I can find them and I don't find them as much as I used to which drives me crazy cuz it makes it harder for me to find enough to accumulate into sets I usually have to go to my reselling friends and ask them if if they have any that I can buy off of them to build my sets but I can sell these sets of six or seven for about $100 which I think is great they're easy to ship you guys have heard me say that and I also love to put together the color story through the candles that's really exciting for me too so anyways hopefully I've put some footage on the screen of what my candle sets look like but definitely something to keep in mind is you're seeing one-offs when you go to the thrift store you can actually accumulate them and build out set set actually can give you a really good return so hot tip there speaking of brass piece that I'm excited about I was really excited to find this vintage designer brass necklace it's very cool and long snay skin it's actually um xoni which I think is very cool that I found this for $12 so comps on this actually were quite a bit higher than $12 and that's one thing that you can actually find a lot out at thrift stores or especially estate sales is way undervalued designer pieces because most theate sale companies are looking for precious stones precious metal and that's what they're pricing up pieces like this to them they're like oh this is like cheap costume jewelry it's not worth anything and the logo and the actual like I mean this is teeny tiny you have to have really good eyes in order to see the brand on it and a lot of people would not have noticed that that's what that says and so very excited about this find um I love jewelry and but I probably will sell it so we'll see I'll list it and then I'll enjoy it while it's being listed and then once it sells and I will give it up to whoever wants it but I thought it was very cool especially since it's so long gold jewelry and Brass jewelry like this really ins still so very excited to find another undervalued brass item that I picked up is this Indian etched Bell I had no idea that etched Bells wor worth something until recently I don't know why but I didn't and this one is particularly lovely cuz it's huge usually I'm finding teeny tiny ones like this so very excited about this find I got this at an antique shop and yeah I'm really starting to get into Bells now that I know that people want them collect them and use them I don't know what they're doing with them I guess just decorating I mean if you're into sound baths um I don't know if you've ever been to a sound bath they are wonderful and very therapeutic so if you have one someone near you that does it sign up it may sound a little woooo but it's actually built on sound scientific health research which is sound waves in sound is very therapeutic like physically and mentally for the body so it's not just woo woo it actually is something that is rooted in science so I thought this Bell was very cool it reminds me of the sound bath bells that when you hear it you kind of just get you into a meditative sink so anyways this will be available for sale um but I've never seen one this big so I was very excited about it so the last piece we're going to talk about before I show you all the cool stuff that I got garage sailing is this very drama filed litted pot that used to hold someone's body parts and I still don't know what I'm going to do with it I I thought I would like talk about and show show you how I was planning to style with it so that way you can see why I got so excited when I found it before I knew it's uh interesting past but you have to let me know in the comments below if you would be freaked out too if you found this because I don't know if I'm just being silly I know that I have probably picked up things that were earns before but I didn't know they were but this I like definitely know it it was and it's kind of sad because the person who passed away their name was Ashley and they were only 15 and that makes me really sad really sad so anyways I don't know if I'm being silly if I should just embrace it and it's history anyways you have to let me know in the comments below what you would do with this piece okay so let's move on to some happy new stuff things that didn't hold people's body parts so you guys know that I'm always picking up Florentine trays and I got this little cutie for eight bucks so it's thought really good deal I love the blue these sell for 38 or more bucks um and they're really easy list really easy to ship so that's why I pick up the small ones particularly so I was very excited about this this will be available on Etsy and then speaking of brass Candlestick sets I'm thinking about building some wood candle sets now I do sell wood candle you know sets of two all the time and this was $5 for the pair and I love the fact that also it has a brass piece but I thought it'd be fun to build out a wood set I've done that one other time and it sold actually really quickly so it's just coming across these is even harder than brass candle holders so we'll see what I'm going to do with this I think as a set of two it's going to be beautiful too so yeah if you like these and want these cuz I'm going to kind of sit on them until I build up enough to list but if you want these in that process you know I'm happy to list them for you too but I was really excited to find a pair for five bucks so cabbage wear has been really in lately and I have not found at the thrift stores like other people have on Instagram that I see but I did just find this adorable creamer that I thought was so cute this is dated 19 87 which is fun technically vintage now because it's older and I love the fact that it has a carrot handle I just thought it was really cute so was only two bucks I thought even for flowers it could be kind of cute like hydranges or something I don't know but I don't know what I'm doing with this I don't know this is one of those things where I was finally excited to see something that was like more cabbage wear and then I bought it not realizing what am I going to do with this now I can bring this into my boo bace I don't think it's particularly valuable but it's definitely popular right now so if you have like a cabbage wear set definitely get those listed get those into your booth space because people are looking for them cuz they're very cool and on Trend um but yeah I don't not sure what I'm doing with this not sure so TBD on that but I was very excited to find it in the moment so I'm always looking for frames and picture frames and I thought this one was absolutely stunningly beautiful because it's hand painted with the gold and wood I even like the way the back is I think that's really really interesting so I I got to find a picture for that and so I don't know if I'm keeping this or if I'm going to sell it I haven't quite decided because I really do love the green and kind of the turquoise color and I'm redoing my bedroom which I told you about which I keep teasing I know it's coming I promise we're actually starting to build the shelves for our floating shelves for all of my decorative objects in our bedroom as we speak my husband has been working on that today because I have a hard deadline of needing to get it done basically by the end of next week so anyways I am looking for cool things to put on my new floating shelves and I do want a few family photos or small art pieces like this so this may be for me I don't know but this was only I want to say two bucks or maybe even a dollar it's one of those like really good deals at the garage sales now I will say the garage sales they were pricey they were like thrift store or more pricing yeah so that was less fun so I did find I managed to find a few things that were cheap but my God I was like this is like everything around here sourcing is expensive I always get really jealous for people that get stuff for like 25 cents still at a garage sale I also feel bad for the seller of 25 cents like what are you buying I guess maybe it's not as expensive as Portland but anyways more fun things to show you so one of my reselling friends also had a garage sale and so I got a set of art books they were a doar a piece now she has been using these for flatl and styling on her Instagram account I've always really liked them because I like the size I like the spines and then of course you know this one for sure always like this one so anyways I thought it was really great and so I was really excited to get these cuz I've always thought they were really lovely books that she had and here they are they are now mine so anyways you guys should W you guys should rather follow her because she has a beautiful eye beautiful aesthetic she does like limited vintage and art Dr and she also is a Potter she is pottery and so I got this piece of hers so it's just a beautiful handmade very lovely candle holder and it's just a single which I think is fine I love that it's black with different like gray tones I thought it was just a really cool sculptural piece so I was very excited to have a piece of her Pottery as well because she's extremely talented so definitely worth a follow I'll put her information on the screen and then down below but you should definitely check her out because she has really great stuff so sometimes I will pick up utensil sets and they have Mi been mixed on whether or not they sell but this bundle I thought was particularly good because it came with the actual metal like rack that they go on and then each of these had wonderful brass and copper patina so I've never picked up copper utensils always just brass utensils and usually they've been very ornate in from like either India or elsewhere and so that's a particular style that I don't think as is as versatile in people's minds as you know this type of piece here which is very much you know traditional European style I think that it's a little bit more applicable to people's decorating styles so anyway that's why I got it I think it was $10 for the set which I thought was good because it got all the utensils with amazing patina and then like I said the rack so very excited about this this will be available on at se cuz I think it would probably sell the best there and also this thing will take up a lot of room in a booth space and I'm always thinking about okay I want as much stuff in my booth as possible that's not like taking up a ton of real estate so anyways some things I'm thinking about now as a person who has a boo space so yeah these will be available on Etsy so I have two more items to show you one of them I actually dropped off at my boo space and totally forgot to bring it here to show you first so it's this beautiful litted pot with these sweet little handles on it so anyways I fell absolutely in love with it I think it was only 16 bucks which was great for a handmade piece love the blue color so yeah I dropped that off at my booth immediately because I actually came from that thrift store to my booth space picked up some stuff that actually sold on Etsy that I had to bring home to ship and then I just dropped it off there so that's why you did not get a chance to see it but I do have my last piece that I'm going to show you that I'm very excited about actually and it is this very cool exhibition poster from the Tate museum in London so very excited about this for a few reasons one is I AB absolutely love Picasso and this is a Picasso print and then I love uh the art museums in London I spent a ton of time in London my husband's a Brit so I was very excited about this piece and then the third reason is it's framed in a metal frame that happens to be mauve I cannot believe it like how could I have them manifested an art print that has a mauve frame and my mauve Studio space like here mauve my giraffe mauve mauve everywhere so anyways I I bought this to sell because exhibition posters can actually be really really valuable surprising to me I don't know if this one is I have messaged my friends who sell a lot of them I'm like is this anything I mean if it's like a valuable one I may like part with it but if not I don't really care because I like it too so anyways TBD on whether or not I'm selling this or not um it was Mark 25 I got the person down to 20 which I thought was great and yeah very very excited about this find it's definitely professionally framed you can tell on the back um oh yeah the Beard frame shop wherever that was but yeah really cool awesome exhibition poster I don't always like art posters um but this one being one of my very favorite artists absolutely love it so anyways yeah so that's my haul guys so thank you so much for watching you'll have to let me know if you liked that Goodwill style of video now I know like most of you are probably watching Laura cwell she's doing her big Goodwill tour somewhat inspired me to do mine cuz I actually went to lunch with her and a few other gals that are resellers and I was talking about how I don't have a lot of great luck at Goodwill like she does she's like oh no go in the morning do that you're trying to give me some tips and so usually I'm hitting Goodwill midday or later just because that's with my schedule so decided to do morning I feel like I still didn't have as good as luck as she does although we shop for different things so that could also be why I'm looking for very specific specific things that I just probably am not going to find at Goodwill that often but anyways if you like this style of video I mean I know you love her Goodwill videos if you want me to do more Goodwill videos especially because that is a shopping experience that you guys could you know do in your own town because there's Goodwills and such over there so you can get like a similar experience versus like the antique mods and estate sales that's all you know very unique and different based on where you live in the country so anyways let me know I if if you really enjoyed it and you like want want me to do more specific Goodwill videos just let me know in the comments and I will try to do more of them otherwise I'll stick to my you know flea markets and estate sales and you know all those that I get get better deals at in my opinion but anyways thank you so much for watching if you're looking for more thrifting and decorating between my haul videos here on YouTube make sure you check me out on Instagram and Tik Tok thanks again so much for watching and I can't wait to see you in my next video take care just going to pull my ice pack out of my trousers and now my butt is very cold very very very cold
Channel: All Put Together
Views: 39,961
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vintage home decor, huge thrift haul, vintage reseller, thrifting, etsy seller, decorating, shelf styling, goodwill haul, decorating for less, budget decor, thrift with me, thrift haul, goodwill vlog, thrift vlog, goodwill shopping, shop with me, resale, boho decor, Mid century modern, Thrifting mid century, Goodwill, antiquing, andi jenkins, aesthetic, laura caldwell, vintage bombshell, xo macenna, Hannica Rose, crazy lamp lady
Id: L8vgUqnNk5Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 3sec (1983 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 23 2024
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