Was that Cast Iron Pan Worth 1,200?! Thrifting at Estate and Garage Sales - What Will we Find?

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welcome and welcome back to stealth Beauty gifting if you are new to my channel my name is Pauline and I am a reseller I love to go out and find amazing Treasures to sell at a profit this is also a gifting Channel it means that I love to give back to my subscribers as a way to say thank you anyone who has subscribed to my channel can enter to win one of the amazing gifts that we give away every month this month we're giving away an 1881 US silver dollar all right let's get started can I enter this way yes okay goes back AAL building back there a bunch of in it and then this is the house the house that way yeah okay oh yeah look okay thank you so much all right well we're entering the house this is the last day of the sale and trying to get a feel for what's still available in the house on what kind of home it was and what kind of collections they might have and now I'm making my way over this is a Wagner Weare cast iron cornbread crusty corn pan 120 for sale and only 11 have sold so I'm going to pass that up but I do spot some cast iron honing in on the cast iron and this is a Griswald which is exciting they sell really well this is the Griswald cast iron number n which is about a 12in skillet I want to show you a couple logos this is the Eerie it's a really old old logo very rare and then also there's a slanted logo and a heat ring to look out for and here is the regular Griswald which is what I'm seeing here on this pan I wanted to show you some comps at the high range for Griswald you saw that Eerie logo and we're seeing some large Skillets with a heat ring and then some unusual things that sell at the very top end of Griswald the number 13 pan is very popular and then sort of mid-range you can start to see the slanted logo still selling for $1,300 which is amazing it's a number two very small pan and also some sets selling and then getting a little bit more towards the bottom we range still very high look at that Rusty thing probably sold for $200 anyway just wanted to you to see sort of the range for Griswald and how much those pans and Skillets go for just amazing now checking out some of the other pans just to see what might be here and I am learning about cast iron I have a ways to go so we can learn together oh hi just oh hi I just want to get a feel for prices today like how much is this today uh Five Buck okay and then how much is this price today you want to go on okay 50 50 okay yeah it's actually a really 50 yeah it looks like it's not in bad shape huh no and it really isn't it's all seasoned perfectly and it's flat too yeah do you guys have a hold area right here set it right you're welcome now into the living room it was a big cavernous 60s California living room lots of silver plate look at all that silver plate but I did in the corner see these These are mid-century modern Harley Quinn Jester wall hangings and these can sell for really good money so I saw two of these for instance that had sold for probably $160 and lots of them online for around the same price but when I turn them over the there was no cardboard backing on these those that was missing so I ended up reluctantly I had to put those back I love them though all right now onto an online auction item I purchased 17 pieces of Waterford for $6 they just had them up as lot of glasswar and I was worried I couldn't tell if these were or were not but as I looked at the feet of these glasses I was pretty sure they were water ferred and when I did a Google search it looked pretty much like they were water so took a chance and they were this is how much a set a fourel for down to 82 so 225 to 82 is the range this is them cleaned up nicely and I have them up now for $1 169 for a set of four and I have three sets of these very excited this was crowded beautiful house and I decided to head out to the pool area because it was less crowded out there so busy in the house right now and there's a lot of pool things out here a lot of toys scattered throughout I'm sure I'm passing really amazing things here and beautiful pool it look like they had a lot of fun with the grandkids at this house lots of toys games and we're seeing what's left over again this is half off day it means that everything will be half price which is why I'm going to scout EX deep today first thing I see is this Westbend crazy six Court corn popper brand new in box you can see they're selling for around probably $85 $90 so I've decided to get it I paid $5 for that in the end just looking around a little bit more this next item I want to share with you is again the online auction set of flat wear no one was bidding on this it's the Gorham ballister stainless studio and when I looked it up I was so shocked by the comps look at this $500 for 69 pieces five pieces sold here for $49.95 five pieces so I jumped on these and got them up 12 of my pieces $249.95 sold within 2 weeks so exciting and a lot of times just overlooked all right now I'm making my way into the house seems like it's calmed down just a little bit in there these are interesting these are vintage C dad dishes for shrimp cocktail but they don't sell for very much I was really surprised by that shrimp so not getting those again this is half off day in this house I'm sure there were some really beautiful things that sold at retail prices but I am always looking for my reselling items this is masasa parling champagne I've talked about masasa in other videos $30 today for 21 pieces but they were not in great shape they had dishwasher issues all sorts of issues so I decided not to get those and now just looking around to see if anything here is bubble wrap worthy as I like to say those are some nice Disney glasses but one of them was really worn out so I didn't get the pair it had a nice picture with it and there's some beautiful Mexican blue glass plates over there but those turn out not to sell for very much so I didn't get those either just checking everything out checking to see if there's any kind of a etched logo on the bottom is it okay to come back and look pleas okay thank you I love to go anytime there's a bar area I love to go in and really Scout around because sometimes there can be amazing oldfashioned glasses and double old fashion glasses at the very back of a shelf somewhere and then I'm looking noticing these Royal Dalton mugs which I really wish I'd spent more time looking at there are some great ones look at all those but I did not see them now into the toy room I am not great at toys yet but I'm researching and learning this looked cute to me this is of course a Mickey Mouse trash bin so I started to look this up if we can find out how much this is worth there is a whole set there somebody's asking 140 for it but the trash bins alone are only going for probably $20 or so so I passed on it now entering what I believe is the master bedroom being used now to display a lot of items on this half off day I'm looking at this vase it's not leik or waterf or backarat and not to be a vase snob but there are a lot of vases for sale on eBay and the ones that are really selling and doing well are those top high quality Brands oh is that more of the Park Lane yeah yeah the masassa there's how about the pr $150 each today they wore three I you can buy as many as you want and there's more of that size out there is that right yeah I think in here is outside they are selling only for a set I don't want that many they're not selling for a set that he just had a total on that as 120 but which put it at $3 when we opened on Thursday all those that are available in the kitchen are one at a time and there's there's water one champagne so beautiful a is too many like 6 21 of them right yeah had 21 of them out there these are beautiful I think I'm going to get some of these but I don't want if you I'll let you go first that's fine that's fine okay oh and then here's the champagne flut champ so I wanted to show you some comps for this Park Lane here are the highball glasses 200 for four of those and then some low ball glasses 140 for six of them and then the champagne which is what I'm picking up right now 110 for 7even and then last but not least these water goblets 80 of them for eight so not as profitable but still great pickup and this goes on for quite a while where we're just going through these box is pulling out these pristine glasses much better than the ones that were out there I ended up getting six of the champagne flutes for $9 and then I picked up four of the water goblets for $6 because she was getting most of the other ones and I have the champagne flutes up for $99.95 crossing fingers on those now entering what I'm referring to as the butter Pat house this is actually a moving sale not an estate sale and the door was closed to keep the dogs in started hiding from us so mean there foxy came back they must be uh wondering why all these people are wandering into your house yes oh nice things we starting to realize something's happening yeah so these things no right oh yeah yeah so the things in the in the bay window are no in the boxes but everything else is is Yes except for the um marble furniture set okay that's going to go with this and then this this furniture has been sold and then the living room as well okay except for the TV and there's that glassware and then there's this cabinet here as well over here yeah yeah okay it's a lot to move isn't it mhm nice things gosh heard of this H I've never even heard of this the butter Pat pans how much are they selling for 2 yeah and then you said the living room M yeah go ahead like all the the sh for is this wallpaper yeah we'll take so some wallpaper can be worth a lot of money I was a little feeling a little shy looking things up in front of them as they were right there so I'm just trying to see if I can spot anything that I know already is valuable for reselling purposes so I'm sure I'm missing things at this point just trying to make my way over to these candles these really aren't worth very much you can see $12.99 oh that's nice how much are your candles okay old creep away like don't no don't sell me don't sell me I'm going to think about those pans sure yeah but I will be in the neighborhood for a little bit the butter Pat stuff yeah that's good stuff they they design it to be it's cast iron but it's a little bit lighter so it's easier to yeah not quite is heavy all right thank you bye take care all right so at this point I ran to my car and started looking up comps cuz I had never heard of butter Pat before and these are the comps now you can see 1,200 1,000 961 these are amazing comps that I was Finding so I went out of my car immediately ran back into the house to buy those very excited about this I have to get that brand new spanking new bills all right I'll have to do this in trips then they don't have any boxes for them do they yeah well they don't have we have some boxes but they're not speci the original boxes did you let them out while I was well accident Lily almost killed herself running in Fr of traffic oh no yeah she did that so I'll come right back in for that you not only got new bills you got sequenced bills oh see I don't know the difference is that a thing well it's just whenever they print them they print them in order and so you have 37 29932 317 29933 okay they were from the bank yeah they must thatten happens some new builds in and there's 3 four and 35 let's see if this is 36 it is look at that oh my goodness it's just a cool little AUD we'll consider that good luck then for both thank you for both of us we're going to the back so adorable dogs their dogs came out they're white miniature snowers oh there they go there comes Wily thank you Hi Five so excited I wish you much success with your bye thought it might be helpful for all of us to go over a little bit more about butter Pat pans so we can all be on the lookout for them butter Pat pans were recently sold to yeti in 2024 but before that they were hand cast in limited quantities using their own Innovative Foundry process taking 21 days to complete the Skillets have been seasoned four times using grape seed oil and the surface is always a rich bronze color that will eventually darken they're guaranteed for a 100 years butter Pat Industries like to name their pans and Skillets and you'll see that name or the initial on the pan or Skillet and then a little bit more depth here is the Homer that I picked up this is what it looks like brand new and they're just beautiful they are lightweight and they're come pre-seasoned beautiful pans so I got these listed fairly quickly and they flew off the shelf I sold the lid for $400 within a day I sold the skillet within a week for just under $800 and then in two weeks I sold a homer for just under $1,200 so excited for all of us to continue to find butter pad I hope you enjoyed that video today thank you so much for watching bye baby I just want to tell you that no all of my friends
Channel: Stealth Beauty Gifting Channel
Views: 3,553
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #findingtreasure, #reselling, #estatesales, #reseller
Id: MsuX7npJlY8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 37sec (1117 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 11 2024
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