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you see a damn troll I don't know if it's a damn one or not but I see a big old troll see that big oh might be actually a grandma troll it kind of does look like a damn one thank you so much let's go check it out good morning good morning hello hello look at these little Clos EG guys huh little Clos PE Banks I've never seen such those are cute aren't they I like them how much are your pigs um those ones would be five each five each yeah nice MH I'm willing to negotiate as well okay all righty not horrible I love those guys one's missing his Quirk he's missing what one's missing The Quirk one SC it oh okay those are very interesting corks too very unique shape there's a cute little owl here sitting on some books might be a good one for Kinsley cute enamel over brass your little reader look at that a uh sand dollar but it opens oh oh it has R sand dollars collect all your sand dollars that's cool that is cool how much is your sand dollar oh that one's five five how about your little owl guy two two bucks on the owl yeah all right I got to start asking the prices I get better deals in again I can negotiate everything if you want to get a lot of stuff okay yeah yeah appreciate it as long as it gets out of my garage there you go I will be happy how about your big big grandma troll Grandma troll I wanted 10 for 10 okay yeah she is very old and well loved okay never heard of norin norin troll huh okay thank you so much yeah I will not sell it I promise you that thank you you going to take a look at it yeah okay so I don't see her in Orange but there's that one that's over 63 okay 63 on that Grandma there's 83 look I think she's worth putting in a pile and here's one thing I don't want to Sidetrack you but I think that's a t-shirt in there oh cool okay hang on this one is the same grandma with the Hang tag so that's closest to ours okay ours has a tag on the back awesome we'll put her in the pile huh you have a little box going or something I can get you box sure that would be great yeah box will be awesome is that the Pokémon one chick I think so yeah 1999 Nintendo thank you all right got a lot of cool stuff here thanks have you had a lot of people coming through yet or no oh wow no I didn't have a chance to put up any signs it was honestly spur of the moment okay a very last minute thing that I decided to do this morning I'll just set this down here do you know if the full T oh the t-shirt's cut out yeah it's cut out which is so disappointing my mom did that well she's trying to keep it a memory right yeah exactly if it were the full shirt I would totally get rid of that too too oh yeah do you have any old t-shirts you're selling or no okay all right I'll put that back sorry I'm actually going to step over here and dig in this box yeah dig in it yeah what's up oh what'd you get there some poly Pockets this one sounds like it might have pieces the other ones don't have pieces let's see oh cool oh we got pieces couple little guys in there nice cool little find oh wow pretty rare to find them with all their little guys in there huh yeah whole baggy full of them I think I see those ones I haven't gone through just yet okay yeah these are the classic '90s ones huh they sure are that's cool they were my favorite thing when I was growing up yeah I loved them too oh my godra them I was too and I would always lose the little pieces and I would go mad trying to find them yep they were technically my older sisters I always got into them I was over the moon for poly Pockets best thing ever I was too and I was really disappointed when they remade them and they did like the big ones I'm like those are not like same that's what my kids think are poly pocket I'm like no these are not what they really like yeah try to make them safe but it made them less less fun right yeah for sure how much do you want for for these for your poly Pockets right there the poly Pockets I know are a little rare yeah so for those ones honestly I'd probably want like 15 a piece okay 15 a piece yeah cuz some of them alone are like 20 to 30 worth worth that a little bit so I wouldn't want to let him go for too much too okay there more toys in that one too um this one I do have more toys in I think it's Barbie Miniatures Barbie minis okay yeah like the McDonald's Barbie Miniatures B to these little guys oh okay yeah nice I collected these too a bunch of different Pokemon or something yeah some Pokemon stuff U like McDonald's things I don't know I honestly couldn't tell you okay how much did you want for these five bucks five for this little bag here yeah for both these for both bags together okay cool yeah all right we might grab those I you'll take those off my hands that would be wonderful yeah oh you want try to would you do 30 for all of them um oh there's four of them in there yeah I do 35 for all of them 35 okay what do you think to you there's two of them have pieces two of them don't oh okay so two are complete okay well I don't know if they're complete or not or just have things in them okay I don't know what has what okay well we'd probably do 30 if you don't mind but yeah I'll do 30 okay yeah 30 is fine yeah thank you you thanks all right so we got that and then I was thinking about getting these okay I don't know what they are maybe like Little McDonald's things we we'll check them out at the car later okay yeah see what's going on with them yeah else stuff in there if you want to look around might have more take little the toys so that's kind of what I ended up with we're definitely into the toys was that too much I'm sorry I think it'll be okay cuz there's some pieces in there it's okay okay and I would like to do it just to look them up and see like you can't pass up the poly pocket I didn't want to leave them yeah sorry it's okay you did fine you did fine we're going to have to maybe check all these out later in the truck or the car depends on how many sales there are in this neighborhood I know looking through old toys is always the most fun thing isn't it great yeah as I've been putting them out I'm like I remember these like this if you found the kitty remember the pregnant kitty cat she got stuffed in yep we had like the little kitty kitty kittens that would par yes oh my gosh have you seen the remakes of these though they're awful they're like kitty corns I'm like they're so awful they should have stuck with the original not the same do you guys care about like SCE Bears uh sure we can check them out I have a bunch of SCE bears are they all bears or you got anything else other them Bears Alice and Wonderland set like Alice characters and then there's like random ones okay yeah we take a peek at them I'll pop them out all right thank you to get rid of them anyway yeah do you have any old like Pokemon cards or video games I have old cards of sorts in yeah I'll check out some cards if what you got s little oh down in there okay oh a whole thing of cards huh wow so sports cards and then there's some Pokemon ones in there too do you mind if I take them over the table and okay Co take look Kay you want this for a second what oh this come no no no for you and a lot of those ones do have the S offc Crystal in them or on the band oh cool so it's like a combo yeah that's awesome they were holiday ones okay oh gosh so that one was empty you don't have any old like video games I see you got a Nintendo thing there um no old video games now no nothing okay no just newer one okay cool all right you got some stuff huh mhm couple good ones so this one right here has a Suvari necklace on okay you unwrap this it's a crystal Christmas tree underneath there there's a crystal Christmas tree on the necklace that's cool it's pretty cool okay this one's The Christmas Bear oh wow that's cool isn't that gorgeous yeah that's pretty and then so this one saws for 130 you said 130 yeah oh wow and then this one's sealed still and I found one that sold for 1110 used 110 used okay I wonder if that's sealed or resealed I don't know kind of looks like it's been ripped off before oh okay you want to just take a peek at it just to make sure or yeah I want to see what's in this one really quick okay nice I don't know if this one's stif though bully Bear yeah that was actually bully bear branded I guess okay he's interesting special tribute I'll look it up tribute to the bully yeah oh little squirrel stuff that's cute very cute these are all oh that's the Alice and Wonderland oh man I think I saw this one huh these are both Alice and Wonderland oh wow the B with the stopwatch we need a price those are cute very cute I'm going to check in be really quick and then to actually should we open that one you think uh yeah I can get this one open this one has tape on it do you mind if I open it just to look at it okay cool awesome thank you yeah do you know about how much you want for the Bears and stuff um I would have to see which ones okay they I mean I know they are up there usually yeah they're fancy Bears they're crazy Bears H yeah all right ready the last one oh that one has a candy cane necklace little Crystal on that guy too yeah oh he should have a candy cane outfit just a bear he's cute he is cute is he missing the nose no oh it's just some he's just all te or minty green oh yeah he's like a mint green minty guy okay well we might be interested in um the stti ones I don't think that one's a stti no that one's just it's a different brand or something yeah we can see maybe we might be interested in that too I think just I think just these ones right here these ones okay those there those ones and those ones both have the are they both sovi ones these ones yes they are okay so for the Swarovski ones to be honest I would want 50 for each of them 50 each on the sovis because they have the crystals with them and due to them being boxed yeah how about the little loose guys ones I would take um 30 Al together for those little 30 for the three that's a 10 a piece for the three 10 a piece for the three yeah so 130 total mhm what are you [Laughter] thinking um does this Alice not go with them or is that no she's just like a PO dog she's just a dog if I remember correctly there's an ALICE that's part she's part of the set but it was a combination with another like doll maker oh okay so it's like a merge of the two oh okay yeah just try to complete it yeah okay well we can put them over here for a second and think about it with our pile sure take your time yeah so I know you said you have newer video games are you selling those today or no not those okay cool yeah yeah no problem you may close that for you no I was just processing I was just mathing doing a little math yeah okay let's see where we're at over here so it was 30 for those uh 10 for that so that's 40 45 50 62 then I don't know just throw that in there 62 and then what's 6 2 + 130 192 192 would you do 170 for everything I would take 175 175 yeah okay cool sounds good thank you yeah yeah appreciate that yeah I love this rabbit oh good U if you want to I do think that Alice does complete the set because CU it was stif with somebody else so if you want to take Alice you can but it's up to you I believe she completes it if I remember correctly cuz my Grandma had a picture at an event with it and everything oh okay yeah okay okay but I won't charge you for the Alice oh w we appreciate that with coroy nice how much is that steep guy um that one I would let go for 30 30 I don't want to drop them sorry oh that's okay okay all right do you remember what we were at we're at 175 here okay with a little Alice I guess oh yeah I'm going did you want Alice she's cute she is cute I don't I can't imagine that she well we'll just grab it and then figure it out later look at this big folk manace puppet I've never seen a big one oh big folk Manis that's cool Isn't that cool you can Tu him in the sh oh that's funny I saw some of the little finger puppets for like 15 to 25 so I'm curious about this guy they're expensive those are the ones kin likes from Pottery pot Barn um Joseph Beth bookstore there I believe it has Crystal it has a c oh wow okay you can just keep on bringing stuff out for me yeah oh he's cute little Christmas Crystal yeah okay yeah she'll look at it for sure good how much for the turtle puppet Turtle puppet's a dollar okay all right so 176 now good for I almost said 76 okay thank you to dang I'm sure we want this one too yummy let me see it okay so that's that one yeah more styes yeah oh jeez all right I see more svari boxes in there too I had no idea that uh stif did stuff with sari like that I didn't either yeah is that like a normal thing or just something that of 2005 2005 early 2000s I guess tradition okay but this one has the crystal for it too okay um so she wants to take a look at that one man yeah she could take a peek at it we might go broke here right no that's good you're only the second people to come today I'm trying to get rid as much as I can we we'd prefer to go broke yeah get done with the day early yeah there we go find some good stuff at I'll show her that real quick sure thank you I'll see if there's anything else yeah here's another one 2005 this one sells for 75 I already looked oh okay all right up to I'll leave you with that up to up to 110 but usually 75 well ours has the Box 7 the 75 is without the Box oh okay these ones yeah and then got with the bo that one's not with the Box either 110 110 okay all right well I feel like we should probably just pay her for that stuff and then like just make a whole new pile our car's still on too every other cell was very fast yeah no Crystal but this one's a tree topper just oh a little tree topper ster okay he is cute I just took out it outer shell and it was wrapped in okay I think what we're going to do is probably get you paid up on that stuff and then just start making a whole new deal cuz I don't want to get it all confused stuff yeah is that if is that stuff out of the box or um this one just EMP don't know if there's anything oh that one has something in it I just don't know what it is you're welcome to open it all right here's another one to peek at I guess oh man only worth like 30 bucks oh okay oh he's oh is that the one that was against the rules to sell yeah it is okay it's banned on eBay yeah all right we' be interested in the bottom two so far the bottom two okay we don't want this one right cuz we can't do anything with it I wonder if she wants M her on the table or back in there so this is the one that was banned on eBay that you already told us about sorry that's okay do you know if you have any other stuff like other animals other than Bears or um I did but I sold them circus that I had oh okay cool yeah sorry I wasn't prepared for you two to come in no you're good show up today no this is fun it is fun look at this little guy I think that is is everything I have that's everything okay yeah that's everything that's cute oh the Little Panda yeah yeah so all right we're at 176 176 and then we might be interested in these three things here these three here yeah okay this size is a dollar um Dollar on the panda yeah Dollar on the panda okay um and then this one I know is the crystal one and then this one was that's the other Crystal one oh is it another Crystal one I don't know I think know I had that many I'm losing track too I know right let's put this in the Box 172 yeah 177 oh that's the candy can one gotcha so both Crystal ones yeah M okay for the two of them together yeah I would do it for 75 75 mhm okay what do you think I think what' she say 75 yeah so that would make it around like 250 but I don't have the box I'm sorry to interrupt Oh no you're fine sorry it's the three bears in a tub Three Bears rub du Three Bears a baker oh my Gosher you have some cute ones that I've never seen before thank you they're a little Dusty I'm sorry oh that's okay oh they were displayed yeah the only downside is that one doesn't have a box so the original box I saw on eBay for 10 bucks I think somebody was selling it really ridiculous it's cute didn't want any he has a little apron oh and the little little hat a little cooker guy yeah little chef okay nice ooh starting to get warm already yeah I'm might have to take off my jacket here in a second oh that's another Chef another Chef Guy 1987 okay uh let's see you overwhelmed yet a little bit I'm trying to do math here okay so those prices that be 250 so it's right around like 250 there right um we're 176 yeah that'd be 251 251 would you throw in those guys maybe look is that okay or is it's your money I can't speak for you um no I think it should be fine that's okay I guess you want to try to throw in more stuff no you already said it you can't backtrack yeah so these is what you're talking about yeah okay don't forget their tub too oh cool with the tub oh nice oh wow okay little Chef's in a tub okay so what was our total 251 yeah well thank you I accidentally took out 100 so at least I'll be able to that works out pretty good huh get this yeah I was mad cuz I was like I need this for yard sales oh I've done the same thing usually I'm the one that's out doing the shopping yes finding stuff for like decorations that's my whole house yeah exactly that's how you get the best stuff though that everybody else doesn't have 100% okay so 1 2 220 240 2501 thank you thank you awesome thank you so much appreciate the deal thanks for stopping by and taking some of these yeah I'm going to go back to the car up real quick okay does that sound good okay cool thank you so much yeah thank you you got them all right there yep we're right here all right this is a nice little stash oh oh gosh that's a lot of stif all at one spot uh that's way cooler than shoes I'm excited about this yeah hopefully those uh bath guys are decent I'm curious if they're actually bath bears with rubba du do they have Chef stuff I don't know it's kind of uh I don't know I don't know anything about these Bears well I don't either I know what I looked up right there I wanted to look up those Pokémon things but they're on the bottom that now we can do that later maybe at the end of this video okay but that's uh that's a fine right there that's crazy I'm so excited to find all those with the St necklaces I mean sari saris yeah I always feel bad like putting out numbers for you but I just feel like all that was really good but it's just like I'm also thinking of adding cost of shipping things home and all that so I'm like just trying to no it's okay it's okay and this is all really cool stuff that I would love to list you're saying that one of those bear sells for like 150 right yeah yeah I think they were all over $100 all the spari ones okay cool and and you got the granny that sells for 85 we got I mean there's a lot of money there St oh the craziest thing was the um I don't know if this is actually Alison Wonderland or not it could be cuz it is Cheshire Cat colored but it doesn't have I would assume he'd have like a big grin or something yeah but this guy sold for like 250 250 okay s some money back just on that guy yeah this guy here covers everything I think all right so that's why I was okay with hu doing that feel so bad anymore let me grab these Pokémon things just just in case I'm just wondering what I remember getting these as toys at Burger King oh Burger King yeah I think so okay cool do you want me to grab that last stif uh corduroy guy real quick was he worth grabbing I never looked him up did he have there's so much going on I don't know we're just mids that's why it's like you know oh God those ones were all just great because of the boxes or the sparis okay cool um I'll look it up really quick all right cool thanks again yeah thank yeah have a good one you green corduroy man that was fun that was a lot of fun I'll start going to uh we're in a community cell so we're going to keep on rolling was the stif bear itself made out of green corduroy no he was just a regular his outfit was just green corduroy all right I'm not seeing anything I see one quartery overalls it sold for $12.99 okay all right well all right cuz a lot of their stocks were newer and so those normally don't do as well but those were where they were sari like kind speci those were all over 100 bucks it's nice that we found that squirrel one too I don't know we have a squirrel buyer so we do have a squirrel buyer shout out to you and her cute little squirly pet yeah Allison Wonderland I'm going to see if that's the chesar cat yeah check it out if he's Alison Wonderland he'll probably be big bucks too oh for sure what if it's just like $500 just in a oh that'd be crazy Alison Wonderland I'm just driving around it's okay you're fine I don't see any stif Cheshire Cat oh jeez it's okay maybe uh they're just so rare that it's going to be worth 2,000 all right so that's awesome we got the whole set of those excited it's really cool there's none by itself hopefully there's none listed by itself yeah all right well I guess we'll uh that's the end of this video oh is it okay here's our here's our staff guy that sold for 245 with the papers and ours doesn't have the papers but still 245 heck yeah yeah we like that yes all right guys we'll see you soon with another video not sure what channel it's going to be but it's going to be one of ours cu the music all right let's go guys I've never seen [Music] cute there's a cute little owl here sitting on some [Music] books sand opens oh oh it has collect all your sand dollar how about your big big grandma [Music] troll [Music] cool bag here yeah for both together okay cool yeah [Music] okay okay [Music] cool these are both [Music] oh nice cute cute you missing the nose no oh you can just keep on bringing stuff out for me yeah was [Music] cute I'm that right no that's good you're only the second people to it's fun look at this this is not that's everything you have some cute ones that I've never seen [Music] [Applause] [Music] before
Channel: The Homeschooling Picker
Views: 145,395
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #ebayreseller, #workfromhome
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 48sec (1668 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 14 2024
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