Pub Crawl with Marisha, Taliesin, Liam & Sam

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hi goodbye hello hello guys everyone alright we're only playing to one camera yes the one with the red tyre time well I mean we have I don't I don't know we have no idea hi everybody it's us sam riegel Liam O'Brien Dallas and Jaffe Marisha ray your friends from critical role that is true here to serve the hardcore gaming community with a little bit of crawl with games cheers it's a good time also to welcome you to our subscribable twitch feed I don't know we have subscribers now yeah it's amazing that's what we're celebrating right yes and we have this beautiful new pub set oh my god it's gorgeous oh goodness that we would plate crawl and have a little I don't know what crawl is but we're celebrating this set the channel or friendship the community friendship is magic in my experience yeah yeah and September is a beautiful one mm-hmm that's actually a good question if this were my little pony and we were each ponies what would your guys's cutie mark be that is I've actually already answered that question on the Internet have you I'm trying I know it actually it might have been I was we that was a Wednesday Club episode we actually had to all design our cutie marks yeah including including Matt Mackey his I don't know my little pony too well but I do remember the Care Bears would that be like what was printed on my Care Bear Tom said they each get their own yeah they're little hindquarters their little mark that represents who they are right right maybe this was too complication how do you represent navel-gazing in a simple graphic hmm I guess it's just a belly button it's a belly button on your thigh really should be there towards a belly button chousen you've got to choose who you worship I mean like we all have to like what yeah it's true we're doing the thing all right video game okay yeah so crawl we're also talking to the chat locked live okay before I get too distracted by these guys big news oh yeah what's the news oh we are giving away as a gift 100 this is huge 101 month subscriptions to this twitch channel this was a thing we discovered that we could do on giveaway we can like gift you can gift subscriptions to people as a part of twitch so we were like wool that's a cool mechanic that we kind of just discovered does that gifted subscription line one month we're gifting people one month just doing some quick math here yeah giving away eight years and four months worth of subscriptions right now 101 months 100 months eight years worth of subscriptions we're about to give out that's enough to send Liam to college once or clown college college Brian Foster zero zero times foster for his bail yeah cool so there's that so I think that's kind of random in the chat if you're how do you wait how do you enter what happens these are all questions do none of us know they have definitely quite no look at the chat to see if there's any so you should have been briefed on that how do you participate we do we just pick people at random no it's an algorithm that will do it I think does it I think there's a thing anyway it's based on that's happening Rachel's in the chat now we're not playing favorites yeah Rachel's watching yo how does the contest how does the internet work send help well that says end help things gonna stop now the worst a man died today by accidentally texting Intel so we're given out subscriptions in a subscription yes we're celebrating this new amazing set has anything been broadcast from the set other than like the state of the roll is this the well last bit of programming that's been assist the first live programming I think that we've done right it's exciting like I was excited like Hamburger Helper was vaguely in this location but none of this [ __ ] existed around us when it happened that Astraeus was just the white matrix void a contract which we're still exists no we have just built on we have built we have filled our void with liquor as one is one I'm very proud of that metaphor justnow thank you there was like one hour that we turned on the livestream and showed people the process of building this out for a show the time that's cool so people saw a little bit of this as human did you pick up tools and actually help build no I pointed Oh and made demands at a distance that was a lot of Foster and Ashley in towels and rolling around from the camera right different livestream no we turned in on the cameras for a hot second while this was being built and all the flip this [ __ ] guys were here and I it's fun to say let's guys I have a I have a terrible question does this mean we have to make content now yeah forever and ever and always myself this question I love this why are we done this holster is great yeah this table was custom if you notice the leather of this table matches the leather on the chairs yeah it's like a poker table a little bit a little bit I'm sure that's intentional it can be used for do we have stogies and some cards I still have the stogies that you handed me a comic-con like three years ago I had me in a bag and I just never got rid of the bag it's just still sitting there I'm sure I'm sure they can do you not remember that this was like three years ago yeah I think what stogies to give to Travis assuming that he was a manly man and would enjoy smoking a cigar I went to a cigar shop by the way going to a cigar shop and just hanging out with cigar guys is a whole day yeah I don't know though travis willingham not traditionally masculine no well I gave him the stogies and he's like yeah no no no thanks though I was like how about Alison definitely but they're still they're still uh the others there's still something wishes upon this on this set I'm pretty sure that's a terrible idea good about yeah no there's no this there's no good win there no anyway anyway so with that we thought we would celebrate this joyous occasion with a little bit of crawl who's p1 I am well you got a you got a hit okay by the way Rachel tells me it's random we don't need to do anything happens did anyone in chat so far get get get one somebody mentioned they did oh wow it's happening already moving fast so one 100 people randomly you'll get a free they already win congrats winners it already happened Congrats winners those who are winners Congrats those who are losers well welcome to the table without subs yeah wait do my season emotes you've seen them right there's a salmon serum Manson well I like that yeah there's wrong this week is that our after rainbow CR I'm very happy with that that's really great oh did you see the [ __ ] one no that's how it works that's that's exactly how all of this works yeah oh my god these are great oh the permits are really cool this is great this should be the show just us watch okay so crawl for those of you who are not aware of what crawl is nice it's magical I love this game I love this game why are actually huge fans of this game it's kind of a 16-bit situation where so all four of us are gonna start in a dungeon okay so imagine if not in Caleb and caduceus in BO ended up in a dungeon maybe tomb of horror style very kind of tomb of horrors and we all went mad okay so the game's gonna start and we're all gonna kill each other and one man will be left standing and then the rest of us yeah are going to be ghosts or poltergeists so every game or round of this somebody survives there's no oh no no no it's so much better yeah thank you once there's only one person alive the three ghosts then get to either summon creatures or hot objects in the dungeon to try and kill the remaining player right when they do you take over that body and now you're the player and everybody else has to piss so is it it's tag you're it tag and you're all fighting over one body okay trying to be the person inhabiting that body and it's and it's nuts and it's hard and it's easy and it's great it's very yeah there's a boss at the end that we only get three attempts to try together no it's like whoever is there oh yes you can try and and fight the boss if you're the person if you're the adventurer you can try and fight the boss and the rest of us won't have it the boss and Marisha yes I'm not sure how twitch works when we're playing the game will the people at home watching be able to see the game or will they just be watching us do this No they will be able to see the game in fact it's just part of the game yeah yeah this is how you drive you don't really turn unless you actually like yeah you have to you have to use the whole arm my mom sure this was this was playing any video game in any television or film in the 1980s oh oh let me play my man I'm on my Nintendo's hold on Travis just texted and said we're not being entertaining enough kick it up all right do your stand-up material let's talk about sports let's talk about football oh man week one okay is that we're that's Liam yo oh he's alive again evil mother look so fast I'm a ghost so we're ghosts yellow blobbies no huh there's a little yellow blobbies that I'm scooping up see that's your Lobby okay yellow blobbies you're sweeping them up while saying no you took my yellow blobby thing in the middle okay so the yellow blobby is our ectoplasm okay there your ghost power again this if you go over this you get to turn into and and move what the hell am I am i unknown what what hitting me oh god oh god yes oh god oh man I'm like Oh I'm like the little gnomes in that game what's that game called I have no idea what's happening like literally nothing okay not you are you a debt are you doing I'm right Golden Axe I'm like the little yeah a little going go max right now I am ace of some sort oh I can throw myself so and I'm a ghost and I need more ectoplasm to come back to the world you're an ectoplasmic you see these little blah bees are floating next to you you can drop those see I'm gonna do that right now and they create little blue slimes and now I have to fight a blue that blue slime now I have to yeah and telus in can't leave the room if there are still bad guys in the room I keep dying I don't know well I don't know where I am your go to the light okay so now we're in the shop I gotta talk to the barkeep now listen can't I can bite no it's stilt Allison and we just float around doing nothing no no no you collect ectoplasm but you keep guy you guys keep getting it very good Bill Cosby impression okay we can't we gotta we can't do more Cosby yeah this impression is now offensive will you do it Susie well trained weapon by weapon that's not for me is it now how do I go from being a ghostie this is your tell me in response this what our channel is is you being confused that stuff is actually to be fair is like taking today our whole theory of having a channel with Sam Baily really confused all the time I mean I'm okay I feel like I just became a loaf of bread that killed me well see my job is to kill anything you build and sometimes what you are I will I will kill so see how Allison has half of a life when were left almost got him I think the last person to killed Alison takes over his body that's gonna be no one Oh see now this is a room where things so you see these fender Grahams hover over them and hit and then you get to turn into a thing and now we tried to kill telson I just I just hit Tolleson yeah you did that's what you want just hit him again yeah see how he is almost dead that's what you want that's what you want in life I just hit him again I'm the best at this game I will kill you all I don't know how but I will oh I'm just going around slicing things who you know you're doing pretty good you're gonna lie what am i doing what's that do oh I just jumped oh do I get back to you see that worm you're gonna want to try and kill that worm oh that guy yeah okay he's shooting at me yeah he doesn't like you what'd I do what's happening I'm the best okay so you have 22 gold you can buy things if you have enough gold for them okay I'll go over to the man oh I'll say I want to buy a potion okay now what does that do for me um you you bought a potion in which potion did you buy I don't know raging raging Bowl maybe you bought that I don't know but you did say you did something you did a thing I get out of you I need to kill the followers on battle battle who do that mean oh you got a thing I don't know kill keep walking yeah so kill that that's good I killed him who there's there's purple slime now hope someone shot me yeah no oh oh gosh they're shooting me all over the place huh I can use my potion I don't know how no it's just like a constant it does a thing best at this game oh oh wow I am so good he's just got to eventually leave that okay so you have to keep exploring the dungeon so there are signs you guys see the signs on the wall oh yeah they tried to get me but I'm too fast I hid yeah how does this ectoplasm economy work okay those slimes that we drop so you see when you see how we're ghosts yeah see how we have these the orbs floating around us that are the same color as us yeah yeah if you hit B you drop a slime okay those orbs or slimes meant to be born okay attack my friend because slimes attack Sam and you want to kill Sam because you want his body there's a door over here see see how I dropped a slime yeah how the slimes about to try and kill slam he's not going to because I'm the greatest player in the history of players so that that's you the goal is so you want his body I'm also Sam's pots and stuff around the room that if I had a button near them I I inhabit go into them and then they're tire thing yeah all right uh-huh you're getting it you're getting it all I know is I think I've won the game I've never won anything like this before the door closed on me that's not cool hey stop jiggling life comes out you're pretty fast man yeah you can't leave a room if they're bad yeah oh that's a shot you're gold in the shop all you're doing is picking up a crow flies yeah okay I got nothing that's about so the longer you're here the more powerful the ghost gets theoretically uh-huh whoa this must be so boring to watch you're going the wrong way what do you mean wrong way supposed to go go down you guys or at least a little slime [ __ ] oh he's almost dead you guys know I'm not dead I'm the greatest player ever um can't kill me and do you need a full gauge to drop a slime yeah you need you need enough ectoplasm to have a blue next to you where am I supposed to mean you see that there's a door you see the draw the char wait you guys made ectoplasmic go down go through the door there we go and now we're talking Lola Italian oh man so many of these these things are oh you almost got me Wow I don't know what I just did I'm jumping I'm going through here yeah Oh Oh No so what's slam oh no I [Applause] damnit Alison ha ha where am I oh my I'm a ghost again ah damn it and how do you turn into a monster again you go over the pentagrams and you hit oh yeah this is a weird game this is a very weird game I think so many viewers I feel like people have unsubscribed you undoubtedly on where Douglas give me give me give me I'm the gold guy everyone by the way so when you go into a shop there alright guys weapons potions and then stuff for your monster form Oh for pete's sake there we go Leslie I don't you see if there's a question yeah yeah yeah oh good it call oh man I can answer uh you I'm sure that will beam can you play this game one player versal computer not you can't can you can't no man that's a good party game it's such a good party game you have a slime do you Hammer that a button to make the slime attackers you want to give itself me and then it'll hammer it'll do its thing you can also an inhabit slime buddies okay hey you killed me again we love oat Sam what is OT Sam we original territory everyone knows that Sam you are living your best life are M what is RN means yeah no nice write me out write me out oh you dick okay so now this is where [ __ ] gets really what happened okay so so you're trying to get through the dungeon and you go deeper and deeper and then why does mine say to and yours guys says one because talisman was the human the most so but your wrath you used to upgrade your monsters so if you're a humor a human for longer than your human form upgrades if you're a monster for longer than your monster form upgrades and that's kind of how you get more balanced I think I don't understand it's okay okay you don't have to just let it just enjoy the ride man yeah there you go you just want to upgrade one of your monsters and I'll see you know yours you can okay now that's now you've got a slightly bigger a slightly bigger thing spider so the different combinations of monsters get weirder and weirder the more you play the game yeah I love the aesthetic though I guess library game is different you unlock more gods the more you play yeah the more you know anything whether the game gets this is the word ha let's horse go just click and spin yeah whoever said just click and spin that's just just do that just do that oh I'm a box I'm a box I'm rolling around on the floor are you a box oh he's a mimic I can throw gold yeah no your mimics can actually do really really good pets oh and I don't like that I will [ __ ] kill you tell us Mr you are you I will uh do you see that you see that oh I can't leave through these spines ah stop it Marisha I don't oh I'm a big guy Oh you killed me you smited me but I got some wrath you got held back I did get health back isn't that weird I'm not ready so this is where you would normally go to like fight the main bad guy killed him you really forgot what this is like Oh God what does it feel like to lose because you guys are gonna be better monsters right now my monsters are weeks off Oh God oh my blood lust is growing I'm just going to sit here and wait oh no I hate missing oh I keep getting hurt oh wow that one's crazy [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] wait all right I feel wait something's happening I'm slow what happened damn it level four what does that do I'm the greatest oh no I wish I had Sam's confidence you guys I know it's through everything in life oh yes you got nothing I'm the grand untouchable I'm an invincible god [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] oh wow someone's bleeding out on the oh no no that's no that's me you're leaving like acid trails I haven't been to the store to the store I'm [ __ ] I'm a mushroom that runs around throwing tees yep yeah that mean I mean like there you go it's hockey on the ground man to the store to the store aren't it what do I got first one at the store Lu unwielding magic store ok ok dagger cutthroat yeah I'll take that I'll take that man that's good we can't do anything in the store we can't we can collect oh you can collect a power the power yeah this is the stupidest yeah I'll take that I'll take that ok what death is like me and you're just collecting ectoplasm I literally have no idea what's happening ah how did you do that in one shot Oh Sam I believe is in a tight second second place I mean you and and Nareesha there are no winners in close with my amazing feats oh pretty easy to be me Munson you're such a quiet gamer Liam I'm trying to understand how the game works and I'm not succeeding yeah pretty good there we go I'm happy that God upgrade my some things I don't know it usually takes about one round of this game to actually get a handle on it does it's like I don't know what the [ __ ] is going on still what other questions can we ask someone said I sometimes I forget Sam is an old dad man easy to forget I except for the fact that I'm super old or never forget that no I was born in the fifties guys that's 1850s the internet was made for 40 year old yeah Oh God I'm already about to die yeah but I'm already about to die wait wait where are you you don't know what [ __ ] what what game where we fight oh there you are oh-oh-oh I'm not gonna go well for you no it's not no it's not about mine get him no it's fine what my manager is it fine I'm sure you are a dead Ranger now how do you know tell isn't you could see that I I can see the matrix man I've played this game enough oh oh oh actually that's right there's a I can get some money out of the trash and now I can go to the store what'd you get yourself get yourself something nice I'm gonna get myself a sword or me I mean you're not my wife is texting me what did you write why why are you not home who I'm gonna get it I bought that I bought an article where's over here oh there it is is over there cool cool oh hey hello cue to turn on twitch sure sure yeah that'll that'll be fun Oh what we got she says what are you doing well how do I explode you explain this I'm playing video say well we do this I'm doing business development business development sure aka oh do I want to [ __ ] is up to you yeah let's do it you're gonna do it okay a bunch of strangers on this hour if you're attack attempt one of the boss ocean what do you do as a ghost in this friggin situation you you get to help those help the boss help the boss generally we can inhabit certain elements of their bodies okay like the PP o on my subway like okay let's see what boss we got okay so this is a dragon okay yeah look at that and that's the dragon dragon oh yeah that's that's a lot of it can each inhabit one of its heads I will I'm going for the right head I'll take this one I can't shoot fire oh you're so going down whoever is in control of the man definitely tell some and we're dead I think my head is dead you can also still be ahead and you jump around yep where is he I gotta say the graphics on this art oh really we're going there leave a lot to be desired oh I'm still a floating head uh-huh oh stop hitting me Towson the feverish sounds of clicking controller gives me like that was me friend you got your bed and then all the heads are gone so now we're just a meal awaiting no no we're still killing them so local towels in here who's running for me don't don't worry about it it's always you why is it always you but if there's nothing to inhabit what do we do to [ __ ] with them oh well no if you're yeah salvation did you just win round one oh this ad helps so much helps you know now I have to concentrate on this 8-bit [ __ ] a half day ah we got to running some stuff and now bigger orcs and then I came here and recorded along some content made some content and stuff and now I'm playing cool which with Mauritius accent sounds like crawl so I was really excited to play croc technically do get to Paris Kentucky crawl can't we cause let's take it let's take a break I'll take a quick break just like go to the chat hi guys someone said that was painful to watch shrinks bad well not as painful as it was to experience uh-huh we can we can work on that my wife by the way replied to my text I said I was doing business development and she said ok which means she has twitch that's exciting yeah I guess if anyone has any questions yeah or it's just people talking about how valuating our gaming yeah how upset they are at our gaming life I feel like I feel like I I held my own I was feeling very good about although to be fair that was the best game I've ever played with this that was pretty great yeah I'd normally get my ass when I played video games I was pretty good [Music] what kind of game what games were we're go to what was your favorite when I was a heavily playing because not to date myself well mine was Tecmo Bowl you're going further back I had a machine call of Vectrex when I was five six that's a little black box about this big vector graphics and in fact it's kind of on the glitch I've got in my office at home and there's a place in the valley that I'm gonna take it to this month to try to get up and running I'll bring it to the studio cool okay I should bring it to the studio Oh a little show-and-tell me well Google backpack it's an amazing machine a video game night show-and-tell would be pretty fun we all bring like the games that made us yeah I can bring it we're accidentally answering one of the questions from chat from REM SIA but some of the other questions are are you excited for New York Comic Con I'm excited really I don't like New York there's a ton of people asking about what we're drinking um which is not the expertly made love you everyone I think we need to thank Danny with a ton of her emotes you know I'm on a purely liquid we're so glad we snap so many emotes Danny Danny emotes oh my god Danny isn't a moat look at all those Danny heads look at those they're everywhere okay it's okay if we ruin this set I feel like I feel like there's like there's like some hidden message in like in like the typography of Danny right now mostly I was I was I was the favorite until about five minutes ago there are secret messages in here about gambits yep and what Danny did you think when you moved to LA about two years ago that you would become an emot-- you have you have to let me know when you finally finish reading the 40th birthday issue because that's why we're gonna do a Wednesday Club episode okay I can't have you on the Wednesday Club until you finish reading that volume Danny Danny Danny does your mother know you're on the moat I want you to explain it to her and report back to us okay yeah man that's another good shoe idea just bringing on our mom's and trying to explain to them out my I could this shall be called young mama yes welcome to blue this is literally how development happens here yeah that'd be funny that would your mom what is amazing could be a whole miniseries no it's true story I still have critters coming up to me at cons being like I was at the first chin con live show I met your mom and it always has that to shift there's like a a road show or we put your two mothers in a car and you get my mom to drive got a pretty funny that'll be great feel like The Odd Couple yep you know mom's gonna be around New York comic-con was definitely coming to the to the live show we have a live show guys yeah if you don't know 1004 and theater tickets available now at search for critical role that's it for my club my big sister all because I like that someone noticed that everyone la knows yeah my big sister's gonna come I'm like I might get my little sister to come to the New York show too I got a bug I got a bug my little sister about that oh she's pretty spectacular yeah little caesarian dinner at her place yeah while we were at Burning Man she invited us over that's what she does I don't know that my sister is going to understand what she's seen when she sees it oh heavens no my little sister only has the vaguest notion but like she does have a vague notion to the point where I did get a text message like I like going like you have to you can explain alignment first time we see each other what is this [ __ ] well sister has a crush on sam riegel IV oh man no no if he knows I'm not I'm trying not to embarrass my poor sister please yeah on the Internet did Sheila she's home she's got a tailor his jokes she's in situation she's in her she's in her early 20s Oh nineteen all right no she's well she has great taste yeah she appreciates your chaos she is an agent of chaos I love it she has more life experiences and all of us combined that's very useful yeah bless her that'll be a thing Oh God I'm sure she's question his critical role ever coming to Australia I'd like to I've never been to Australia mean me neither they do have like a bunch of cons I've always want to go to but I've never because they do they like the Australia New Zealand thing have you yet on that Marsha I have Matt and I have done both Australia and New Zealand we did McKay McCoy Cory we did McCoy in Australia and then we did draw yeah Australia what's the other city in Melbourne Melbourne Perth no no not Rockland Wellington which I've done yeah like they do the traditionally like that you would do were like the first con and the second is there back to back or just contemplate on it Oh Ashley Johnson just texted us it looks like a butt-dial random squiggle or or maybe an orangutan space or yep there's a yeah Ashley just indefinitely just butt-dialed us all and texted a drawing oh yeah that's amazing Oh someone thinks it's a mouse I don't know about that Travis no Travis is wrong okay that's not a mouse Travis is watching right now anything you guys want to say about Travis or two trout that is not a mouth man yes you don't know what you've been watching Ashley just texted again saying whoops I have no idea what that was yeah this pokeball is the best part of the game crawl well we could this be a show just just Ashley texting us and us reading the text loud we're a few miles from New York yes what isn't a show I think we need to make a list of what can't be a show hashtag everything is calm everything is content everything has gone to him there is nothing that is in the show what is a are we getting Ashley New Yorker we Macintosh in New York we do not know yet the answer is probably no probably not would be the but I don't know how much say yeah more hygenic people are asking Vancouver I mean like there's a did anyone get to play spider-man yes I played oh you you said you were playing it all day I was i I was hard not everybody's and like a lot of people are in it it's very well directed the viewer man are you spider-man Laura I brought the show your is is Mary Jane Travis I believe is mr. Fisk Fisk so cool you know I played soccer man in his rock a video game I was not asked to participate in this one so yeah I think I can say that I'm you can you can I saw you said you're a today I'm lying it's like Kings are here in this is oh man I love this is what I love about like the modern superhero vo is because is it is like it just like watching Shakespeare now which I'm really excited the notion of like there's not like a definitive Hamlet you can't have like but like the same way there's not a definitive Spider Man I'm always excited by a new take mm-hm I always love seeing what people bring to the party what else chances take on Hamlet ya know and you have a show writer and you show pitch left stream everything Travis picking up heavy things and placing them in weird spots around the studio he's a dad now I don't know if he can his back and handle that anymore that's true that he's been looking to baby things yeah to be fair they're not from a day in the life in this studio mm-hmm which is called Oh God we only have a limited amount of square footage where do we store this mm-hmm that is kind of our life now is finding places to put things very serious part of my life when we got this studio my first thought was great now I have a place to let it all my do my props and costumes and stuff no there's nowhere to put it right no it's the worst we understand I can't keep the [ __ ] that I own in my own house it's the side pillow Matt and random places we already do that ya know I've been really enjoying spider-man I've been having a lot of fun and it's filled with nerd candy and it's it's pleasing content idea have the cast and play games they voiced that they never had a chance to play there's quite a few of those yeah find them there's a lot out there all right only to 300 hours of anime that I've never seen that I thought oh my gosh I'm very like what you guys care dude I'm very proud of the bits of these two that I've gotten to direct in my life that's all I'm very proud of all of that there there is something to that a lot of that issue becomes to licensing legalities yeah and we're we're allowed and so many of these companies don't like us to be potentially disparaging against the things we were in it's us we would oh yeah Darren's amazing as well it's us we'd have a hard time not making jokes yeah [ __ ] that we're in we've touched it's it's difficult content creation cuz you're like why don't we just do this this would be easy and then you kind of run into 30 differently oh I would've I would've done my UV Club I would have known the Movie Club ages ago I've got like I've even talked about it so long ago like the people wonder why does mst3k do movies that are 30 years old and no one cares about it's because there are reasons exactly his because that's right you can afford question from the chat what's your go-to wedding drink I don't know what that means whatever what is what is what is the most get you through yes you through the process whatever they're offering that doubled the delicious sandwich yeah fire my wedding a deliciously offered mojitos and sidecars bless you but one of the servers well I'm that's that's an assumption someone stole all of the mojitos before the sir before that that's very you got a cart here so the ingredients Jesus the cans of mojitos so somewhere there was like some sort of underground bar where someone was just like mojitos like sushi yeah and they knew that they were making like sweet profit on the fact that this guy just haulin ass through the re dollar mochi you know with a hot dog hot dog stand with the covered in mojitos buck apiece but he's on rollerblades can I get a hose wait oh hey bro let's go bro how busy aren't we on a regular babe we are busy people we have we're all multitaskers I don't know what the reality is there is no way to describe living in this city without explaining that like okay here's here's an LA thing as no one in LA hangs out in LA if you want to see people you have to get involved in whatever project they have that's that's how you see them yeah you're friends with here you work with you no one just sits down and watch it you watch sit down watch Netflix alone yeah but you have a lot of like industry Thanksgivings those are my favorite like because the industry is your families I'm in like yeah yeah literally yeah you met Matt Matt Mercer I met him at at what was the place where they've recorded a cowboy bebop uh that's where we did that essential squeaker then no no way about a magnitude eight yeah it might have been with the one with the spaceship in the back that's my snack today yeah I'd like that their Thanksgiving thingy yeah yeah they had a Thanksgiving party they did many many many couple years ago I asked you and Matt what you were doing for Thanksgiving and you said like staying home I was like yeah [ __ ] you come over yeah it was great cuz Thanksgivings weird it's right before Christmas so you can't really afford to go home or go anywhere and your parents don't want to fly out for it so you either are one of those people that try to double up and go home for Thanksgiving or you're just kind of an orphan every now and then you get lucky in this Neil and is empty yes every now and then not every year we did that last year we did it was the weirdest experience of my life from a multitude of reasons and I'm not gonna get into tonight that that Thanksgiving at my house two years ago was really nothing so I loved watching you and Matt sort of play charades and or improvise or my daughters we're hearing about this really we played volleyball with with little boy and little girl for a little bit which was awesome hi son eavesdropping we know either hi guys I can't last year little okay I can take one year that they are now reduce it if it was an F farmer what it was you dropped in front I said [ __ ] you said [ __ ] in front of my kids and I was like or spilled because I had been good mm-hmm all god damn [ __ ] [ __ ] day I got here but after what happened in front of my my my and it was very family-oriented so it was like beer and wine no liquor and I was like the whole day cuz we got there like fibers you know four or five and I was like got to be good can't say bad words gotta be good okay let's see got to be good got to be good and then like five hours past and then you said something and I was like [ __ ] and it just went like this it's your but I had been good all day that's for something right you and I thought the way Liam reacted that like I had just streaks through Thanksgiving winner who is I did so good I was I was like amazed and room for you when it happened I just I didn't know how to act in that moment Amy did not look thrilled she would not be Amy was not a succeed mother my mother but my mother's was weird my mother's but literally I was jumping on the trampoline with Kayla's volleyball with Killian monsters and then get to like the [ __ ] finish line and I saved [ __ ] and that's all that Liam can remember kids don't seem to remember all that other stuff they just remember the unusual hearts so like you can be great with the kid all day but the second you say Nazi that's what they'll remember months my daughter to turn a romper home around for summer say Mercia like Nazis I think a year after that I entered a time line you gave my daughter a birthday present I think was a birthday present it was that rejected princesses book Kerrang which we have shelved it for a little while cause I didn't think she was quite ready and then we dug in and we're about 3/4 of the way through reading it at bedtime stories she's very aware of where the book came from remembers the night that you said [ __ ] punch over the future everything picked apart every time punch is definitely a thing you say I'm gonna be the biggest monster by the end of the stream the best monster you're welcome in my house to my siblings emerges said let's flip this [ __ ] oh sorry work email about the set I'm trying to build through you guys thank you all yeah we're a happy family and one of the questions I just got one of the questions was how excited are you for all work no play so excited I'm vibrating from top to bottom I think the pictures you guys have been sending have been pretty we've been we were allowed Marissa to say by the way where is the greatest person ever it's true [ __ ] person [ __ ] person Marisha are we allowed to say that we've been shooting I'm not content we're all work no play yeah yeah it's been announced they know that we are working on it yep that did not go well no they went very early we're not gonna get to anymore crawl sorry you're hanging around for crawl it's probably how's it work today we are in pancake maker we've been shooting fun and we've shot discussions of fun okay to something to you guys for a second about the pancake makeup thing yes you guys understand that the lights and the camera or let's not read that way oh I know it's still fine like a shiny / grateful technically okay well that's fine I'm grateful fun living my name is mo horrible 75 year old man this is great I love it don't look at day under 60 I just I've heard so many people be I look in the mirror and I look like a wax Madame Tussauds and I'm like yeah but your pies are on there bring it down Liam look great why don't you post a little a little more Danny emotes and if we look awful I'll post a little stay turn will see what on that stay turn okay okay bring it all right there's a delay so we'll just have to wait show maybe 30 Danny cause she'll be Danny come come on Danny come on while we wait we do we do is Danny's there's definitely a lot of metagaming a lot of these people are too naive as a state this is what we get for causing fear on this show guys is that your final answer [ __ ] you Spartan Jake 130 I'm so proud I believe in you 30 Turner c'mon here yeah there's some Puma which all look terrible no cars I'll take it there's about half and half about half and a half oh and liquor to make us feel better that's so nice they break up the Danny's name they do that's nice oh and ghosts because we're pale sure sure yeah why you got why you got to go negative I do favorite soup oh man creative director of this channel yeah only care if you guys have a good time in life we had when we've had fun so far shoot on the outside sure yes if you're not enjoying yourself through the process of filming all work no play then there is literally no [ __ ] reason to do it so I wrote up reading the joy of having fun that's pretty much I begin the story oh we're gonna release the photos of what I'm not gonna say what happened about what happened to Sam's back at some point which I'm really excited about I've got a picture that I'll post all my it's time and it's time I got bruising here and here I got got your safe word man my my wife some went back and she was not pleased well look all I can say all I can say is when I play I play rough do your wives hate us though my wife does not hate us oh you know no I think our wives well might not understand fully yeah that's all it is is like you all and there's so many couples in this group right and and Sam and I are not married to two fellow nerds I would put it that way we're married to real people real yeah there was definitely like a an application period for I'm only speaking for my own wife who like when we played this game at home when we played D&D at home it was like where are you going every six weeks off your bowling night okay and then became a show in the first couple of months it's like what are you doing where are you going what is this what is this and then it became this isn't so then it was undeniable you know it made it was under it was just undeniable yeah baby yeah it's true I am married to a unicorn so I don't know what it's like being married to a real person he has to grind that thing down every morning and put latex oh it's a hazard he's a really probably information to tennis ball on that hope it is I hope he still likes us after all the [ __ ] we give him every week no we're talking about that good talk about that about how we like to take the piss out of every name that he invents I have to remind him that it's because he's so brilliant and incredible that it's how we keep him on our level that's right we have to drag him back down and drag him down we wouldn't be good friends if we weren't terrible friends that didn't drag him you know it's like dragon he's Pete's dragon and we're all the floor all the villagers having to remind him that he's imaginary he has to come back he's Falkor and we're just riding that [ __ ] ya know weighing him down he really is you know but what's a Smee is that that's that's a really happy unicorn that's like yeah I guess we're wrapping up this stream in three minutes oh man that's what that means so we should probably end as we began by thanking everyone for checking out our new twitch I don't know certified what is it we have a twitch channel before but this is at which something channel you can support us now okay it's a it but what does it have a word like it's a twitch Supreme twitch twitch mega man mega twitch it's a twitch channel that you can subscribe right great should really come up with a name for that and switch with benefits I feel like I just watched a man dig his own grave it's a twig we're here to celebrate that we're here to celebrate the new set beautiful new siding new shows that are coming out and and mostly Marisha ray you're putting this all together my rant of erect or or to finally build your build your bar obviously took like three four years of talking about this jewelry vanity we're threatening this bar before a critical role man Minister children Marisha right not along those words somewhere threatener of Thanksgiving dinner yeah yeah span Durham expand render of lexicography broadening children's minds browsed influenced I think we're legitimately proud of what we're making here yeah and we're happy that we're doing it together and we're happy that you guys want to come along and uh please tell us if we suck I mean there's bill that's ok given but special folder there's like thirty tweets waiting for me that tell me that yeah send those comments to i'm sam riegel no um guys what do we do now do we shoot something else after we wrap this i mean we can that would be the very la thing to do is just to keep making content until we pass out on the floor totally by the show after this what kind of show do you want to make pictionary show the same one you've had for ages okay that is it because draw jimmy fallon stole it one okay yeah i know you can do it again he took it once and is never done it show you show you too much of the car i know what you're talking about but you're showing them too many mercer ray cards chill hold on tear off we can do that though we should really do that versus a child in a swear off [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] mother mother [ __ ] [ __ ] mother mother [ __ ] the child is crying and running away the whole show bitesize content viral just murdering cursing at children actually watch that show credits roll no no no one suspects the unassuming white girl all right everyone was impressed with your Kevin Smith Kevin Smith a role yep with that string of random profanity sure is are we are we is it I can't do we end this now it's what are we supposed to do a thing twist in the wind yep thank you for joining us oh hi there on this incredible impromptu pub crawl event in which we pubs and we attempted to play crawl we pub din we crawled and we crawled more than we pubs do we pubs we pups pretty hard maybe I'm trying to weigh more than we crawled but one always leads to the other doesn't it dance that's true I hope a hundred people got free months of twitch illusion nope no clue if they did I'm assuming that all happened and we're gonna grats we're gonna do this again right yeah we're gonna do this so there'll be more coming up so much more and between the sheets premieres next Monday next Monday one week from today you're the first episode yeah oh man I don't even remember what I said did you cry did you cry I'm Brian cry have thrown I I don't know if I cry but I definitely threw up he that's good I know it's gonna be a good show I just know that I had to send a whole bunch of weird picture Steve to you and that's that's all I know and I begged it a few of them please not get used so we'll see it'll be great it'll be great this is fine stay crawl everybody stay Carol thank you and thanks for subbing if you did and as always think for your thank you for your continued support here at whatever critical role and continues to be we love you all more where this came from you don't unsubscribe good night [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Critical Role
Views: 280,534
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Critical Role, Marisha Ray, Taliesin Jaffe, Liam O'Brien, Sam Riegel, Dungeons & Dragons, Crawl, Crawl Game, Crawl Gameplay, Crawl Game Trailer, Pub Crawl, Twitch, Twitch Moments, Crawl Gameplay PC
Id: IMC7km5oVZo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 44sec (3584 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 12 2018
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