The Story of Taliesin's Golden Snitch - A Critical Role Video (Campaigns 1 & 2)

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there was no way to get a good a good view of who it was no one do you want to make an active perception check I actually I would love to possible you say kill them and eat the dogs normally if they pass by now actual 20. what another 20. I'm looking at it I'm looking at it I'm looking at it yeah the golden snitch wins again it may be its name now and I'm going to fire again with Sharpshooter and I'm going to use uh I'm going to do a head shot okay so I'm going to attempt to make him have issues doing things natural 20. the golden snitch Strikes Again from here all dice roll double this is going to be angry yeah it is Warlock 42 points of damage of fire damage at 42 points plus and that's uh with Five Points of fire damage 42 points okay I think it's just you if you're a cheetah die all for yourself there yeah 21 points of damage the non-criticals and the two third one what is he doing what's happening over there so everyone else will initiative order new combat round what the hell Percy's pissed who got him that dice [Laughter] thank you no I was on I was on group hug last last week with different with somebody else's Dice and I was just it was comedy it's just you talison yeah thank you thank you you are the anti-weeton uh so if you guys were to play in the same group like all RPGs would fold into themself and no longer exist it's like then Define cop would be terrible okay so initials we have uh 25 to 20. 28 28 21. um I'm gonna pull out bad news okay and I'm going to make a targeted shot at its wings I'm going to try and put a hole in its wings okay go for it go take the shot what the [ __ ] my golden snitch natural 20. I'm back baby let's go ahead and roll some damage on that tiny ray of sunshine so that's uh 4012 for the hit on that all right okay all right all right yeah I'm gonna just just for shits and giggles I'm going to also catch big money big money okay just because they're my Goblin logic a natural 20. golden snitch man don't [ __ ] with the golden snake you take this tiny Goblin I'm ready lick your grimy's finger feel the wind point I'm making sure root style and shot put Sizzler forward [Music] much farther than you expected it's a bony so I have I have one last shot you do uh can I spend a can I spend a grit to try and shoot the shoot the Rope that's holding that guy in the tree or do that go for it yeah so I'll spend a great point on that uh natural 20. oh the golden snitch with that you you aim take a moment fire the bullet you catch it in a way where it doesn't completely cut the rope it's it's a it's one of those rare perfect shots where it takes two of the three threads that holds the rope together as they untether it causes his body to and it causes him to begin to sway a little bit as the counter sway comes back it snaps and imagines it manages to catch him to hit the edge of the tree fall into a few branches that break his fall and he tumbles out only taking damn you're taking one point of damage can't even kill the kid with that he can't even kill a kid that was a 100 million shot right there for anybody else would you would you trade out if your character died would you trade out all your dice no like I have a weird thing I'd have to start freshers yeah snitch snitch goes with Percy have it no no yeah I used to buy a new set of dices whatever you want I heard it I said I offered I offered to Laura every now and then I'm like if you're feeling nervous when I roll my new rogue uh half elf in the next campaign it's it's it's not the right die for my next character so everybody's experience there everybody thinks you have like weighted ones that just land on 20 every time I do I do it's Hollow yeah it's a hollow dice yeah yeah we've been through this the other side could be a little heavier you know the side where the 20 is facing up yes it's so minimal yeah no I'm if I rolled this Niche I wouldn't roll it no it wouldn't it be good no you just probably I want to watch it I've rolled this thing I want this ninja is supposed to go into the jail and then break out all the dice that are currently in your jail it's there it's like this oh my gosh it's waiting for the fish box if I roll poorly again I expect you to come over to our table and just roll the snitch over on my side just to freshen up the area oh happily you kind of ain't [ __ ] though in the last episode I I no one notices when I eat [ __ ] food that's why magic is like the story people want to see there there is some like weird statistics statistically I'm doing really well but I'm I'm not like I'm I mean like I'm not magic I'm not like a unicorn or anything statistically crit roll stats help us out yeah I very quickly go through scanlon's Pockets to make sure there's nothing else that I need to take back from him make an investigation nope oh my God I let him out Madness he's natural one of Maine you have to scream it from a Mountaintop man Trail foreign [Laughter] Matt do you still have the golden sneaky that's from um oh yeah I very much I had a conversation about it that that I have I have acquired it's not a real thing yeah I give the ring back to Sauron why don't you I I got I got something out of the deal and you'll find out uh I just found out what the Colton snitch was the whole time I thought it was such a cool name for a dice oh that's right because you're finally reading Harry Potter yeah hey I am too I'm on book three what are you on I got to the equity scan like the day before our final episode and you're like oh I got what I finally understand what the golden one is wow wow yeah that is a great yeah it is it is a great name yeah yeah it is it's really clever it's for Dungeons and Dragons I found out what it was because when I was reading The Dark Tower he brings it up in the later books and I had to look up because I hadn't read Harry Potter either and I had to look up when Ash was like that's from Harry Potter you idiot and I was like don't talk to me like that in front of our friends Allison what did Matt give you in exchange for letting him keep the golden snitchy his eternal gratitude there had to have been a better uh his life I mean no I mean like I mean like here's here's here's the thing about about about luck is that you have to be Brazen otherwise it doesn't matter you can't conserve luck you can't you can't hoard it yeah you have to be like it don't matter yeah [ __ ] don't matter do you peek to see sometimes if he's rolling it uh I honestly don't want to know it's it's it's kind of like an X that way like I I love it I'm sure it's great right now I just don't want to know what it's doing right now no not for the first year minimum no yeah you wait later yeah yeah yeah you wait till they get pregnant [Music] that's true most of them yeah but no it's yeah no it's it's yeah no I I didn't give him anything for it he just dared me he was like I'll take it I'm like I'm you can't back down from a Derrick and your chicken I'll take it he says take all his Dwarven Forge I guess then you don't have a card big enough to hold all that Dwarven Gorge well guys that welcome to the first campaign of the new campaign season two I guess oh my goodness I use 100 new dice no repeats from Achilles yeah totally new dice didn't do it I kept the guild eye I used salmon oh what are you talking about some new dice I use this beautiful little ways the snitch is mine look at all the 20s apparently he wants to die I know I'll get a fancy he wants to see us die with it oh man we'll give it away it's still standing wow and your blades kind of stuck in the abdomen renewed on the screen all right that is your turn Molly oh man it's gonna take its first slam swipe at you since you're immediately in front of it uh that's a natural 20. I'm rolling some good 20s what other dice [Laughter] 11 points of budgeting damage oh my God it just clocks you across the side of the temple your vision goes blurring for a second you spit across the ground and you're used to the side of your own blood but now it's across uh the grass and dirt at your foot and you start to feel yourself get a bit woozy it's going to go ahead and spin around and strike you with its open claw with the other arm I swear I thought I could kill it that's going to be a 16 to hit that hits all right man down come on baby that is nine points of legendary books so you guys watch as as the first hit clocks Molly hard the second one is just this clawing uppercut that [ __ ] he just goes back we're dropping one Scimitar the other one being left stuck in the body of the undead guard as it now glances back towards bow to its right [Music] this calls into question something very very interesting and I I would like honest answers out of everyone okay uh this is from at absintheiana everyone makes fun of Laura for her dice superstitions and rituals everybody yeah because that's [ __ ] it's widely known it's widely known that we all do and yet everyone believes in the power of the golden snitch to the extreme explain oh you don't that is also [ __ ] I think that is I know you do well listen if you put enough stank on one gold die right it's gonna carry your musk and your magic however a bunch of rando ass orphan gift dye that you just collect off the streets at any second into a giant tub o die is all super important and should be respected I think the actual magic of the snitch is not in the snitch it's intellism and I don't mean that he's lucky I mean the towels and is a extremely mysterious charming and charismatic dude and he rolls just as [ __ ] as anybody but he's woven we've and helped him weave the occult of the snitch or the lore the dye is weighted could be although we had it at mamokin when him and I and Matthew and Marisha Mercer sounds awkward uh he was rolling it at the table and it did about 50 50. did about 50 years ago yeah I'm at Round it's now the pack floor's turn the pack Lord turns returns to this way and is gonna turn this way and we are back for a giant kick oh no um it's gonna make it it's gonna make a shove attack against you it's a contested Athletics versus your this is my strength right versus your uh Athletics or acrobatics come on ninja it's a contested role what's your natural 20. [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh my God pick the dice pick the dice that I use a natural 20.3 strength on this stuff that happened before it was almost an 18 and it went to a four so he shoves you uh not actually with the shield he'd pull back and just like Sparta kick you uh and right as he turns trying to defend it hits you right in the sternum and you get pushed back five feet so for it's natural 20. uh and then for the bite attack that's gonna be a 23. uh yeah they both God damn it all right so the Harpoon it's gonna be 24 points of piercing damage jams right into your chest pushing you against the wall go ahead and make a concentration check if you don't mind yeah not a problem you have to beat uh 12. uh just uh 21 21 alrighty uh and it's gonna go with him to bite you in the face or the bite did actually bite me in the face yep yep and that's going to be a d h four plus five that's eight points of Pierce I don't know I can't add this about my apps no the snitch fell away I need to keep it let's touch the ground you're turning them against me yeah I do that it tried to run come home yeah some Treasures abandon their masters alrighty right I'm not throwing away my shot that's a 22 to hit that hits let's get through that first thing that's a uh six seven eight twelve points of damage 12 points of damage already next trick strike um that's definitely a hit that's even it's like 24 to 24. yep Goodwill damage in this one um six so that's ten points of damage ten points of damage how do you want to do this oh so lucky I'm in the whole metal object kind of hits the ground all the legs go limp and it just kind of rolls a little bit to one side now inert and no longer functioning as a construct that was a chowion fat moment it doesn't look familiar [ __ ] is it the snitch it's the it's it's the it's the Nega Smith the [ __ ] snitch where did you get that I found the place where the snitch came on I had to make make me one out of iron iron I love it [ __ ] we'll see how we'll see how it fares so Mr magnetism did Matt end up releasing the golden snitch back to Percy for the search for garage one shot oh he did not no didn't need it yeah first 156 points of damage or whatever that was the golden snitches I have an anti-snitch now people don't know but the golden snitch is gone I use an anti snitch the golden snakes was stolen yeah literally in real life yeah wait what it's gone it's literally gone stolen it's somewhere out in the world uh [ __ ] up games some of Matt's stuff got stolen and that was that broken into it's yeah it's gone I had no idea yeah yeah the anti-snitch worked out very yeah The Ballad of the golden snitch there was a die the golden snitch was shiny and it was yellow it rolled more than its share of crits for tal the lucky fellow but then when Percy's tale was done the snitch he did discard and Matthew Mercer snatched the snitch and kept it in his car the snitch now rolled from Mercer's hand against its former master and every time it rolled a crit the cast yelled tal you bastard the story's not quite finished yet though this next part is hard a thief broke in and snatched the snitch from Matthew Mercer's car now where the snitch is none can say and thus its ballads done we only hope that to this day the thief rules not but once
Channel: Birds&Critters
Views: 24,457
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Id: V2Npy49f7o8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 24sec (1104 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 06 2023
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