Psychic John Edward on Whats In Store for 2023

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hey friends today we're talking with my friend renowned psychic John Edward all about 2023 what to expect what to prepare for you do not want to miss this episode he has so many amazing nuggets that are going to be super helpful John anything to add you have to watch the show that's what I'm gonna say and don't have to watch it subscribe so John you are coming to us from the East Coast I'm coming to you from the west coast of my kitchen as my Studios being built um thank you for being back with us we love having you on and loved you love being here thank you so obviously it's a new year and everyone always starts the new year with their New Year's resolutions and with excitement uh we all got slapped in the face with covet soon after in 2020 but it's a it's 2023 and I'm wondering what do you see for this year for us okay so first things first I want everybody that's listening or watching to this I want you guys to know that we're we have been sliding through not months but years right it seems like legitimately just yesterday was 2019 and now it's 2023 and there's so much stuff that's happened yet there are no benchmarks unless there's been a massive tragedy in someone's family or you know some life-changing thing for the majority of people they've been sliding through the months and sliding through the years so I'd like everybody to start off 2023 with an affirmation that you're gonna mark whether I would love you to do weekly but you're going to Mark the month so it's January of 2023 and retrospectively when you start to come to that last last part of January of this month you want to be like okay what took place what did I accomplish almost like a post-journalizing of what we just did and how can I question what's going to be coming up in February this way we're creating somewhat of a blueprint for 2023 and the reason why Maria is I think that 2023 23 is going to be a year of accountability just in the air it feels like it's the philosophy year where everybody and everything is going to be questioned so the people that are the you know the celebrity celebrities that everybody's like I think they're going to be shown in a very very different light I think people are going to feel like enough with the projections of what's been put out um or the hypothetical projections narratives like words like that that have been the way people have lived are now going to be looked at so I think accountability is going to be a big word for this year are there specific celebrities you're mentioning or is this like a blanket thing well [Laughter] can I feel specifics how are we going initials what are we doing here John I'll text you later okay so I just I think that there's a um about 20 years ago and crossing over was on the air Paul shableson was the producer and he and I were driving back from Manhattan to Long Island and he said I know you do everyday lives but where do where do you think like theater is going so he said theater I heard movies in my head when he said theater and I went superheroes and he went what I go superheroes I go everybody needs a hero I go we're going we're going into superhero land and he's like he goes really and I was like absolutely superheroes and um it wasn't it wasn't the question that he asked but it's the question that I answered so looking back right you said you wanted to look back I can look back and go superheroes and in 2001 2002 we weren't in the Marvel Cinematic Universe we weren't in that world why did I think that I thought that because we just had September 11th in the United States and globally that event impacted the world where we needed a hero right so I think that from that kind of anthropological feeling they're created a safe space for the superhero genre to explode again right so when I talk about accountability I think anthropologically there's been a leveling covid and the economic systems and the political shifts like there has been a leveling of society in a certain way and I believe it's going to continue so because I know that 2020 2023 I'm gonna have a hard time with that um 23 is going to be a year of being philosophical and questioning and introspection I think the people that live in the towers perspective was the people who are celebrating themselves and their bags and their makeup lines and their this is and their that's are going to be scrutinized a little bit different where people are going to be like really maybe read the room like this is kind of what's going on so I think that's gonna be what we're gonna say so almost like The Bling era goes away even though the blinger did go away like 10 years ago I feel like but there's still a little bit of it hanging on well you know disco never died it just morphed into freestyle we just called it something else dance music never went away so celebrity will go away you know the the looking towards that the the I want to be that I want to have that I think there's an inner desire that desire that many people have about being famous or want to be a celebrity or the perceived value that comes with that that won't go away the people who have um achieved the level of notoriety celebrity accomplishment fame um billionaire status I'll use that word I think people are have gotten the peak behind the curtain and realize that not only is there not a wizard there that there's not a Humanity there for a lot of people that's the leveling that I'm talking about because like you know if you could do all of these things and I'm not specifically you know alerting alluding to one person just in general if you have that kind of money then where's the humanity side of that why are we just celebrating the accomplishment side unless there's a Humanity side so I think that's the balancing that we're going to see people doing you know you'll see it in the nursing and the healthcare and healthcare industry I think you're going to see a lot more nurses and Healthcare people um who have been burnt out by the you know two and a half years of covet rise up a little bit and be like no we're we're not going to take care of 50 patients on award 30 patients on award you know very very well what's gone down What What In in healthcare right so you're going to see people say you know and those folks who stand up for what they're standing up for which is part of themselves and their job but it's also for Humanity they're gonna win because they're putting Humanity first they're not they're they're not putting themselves first okay having chills yeah something's true message out there for any psychics astrologers or new AG people that are looking to achieve a level of Fame notoriety and celebrity you're gonna fail you want to put your work first and help people and become known because of your accomplishments famous fleeting accomplishments last forever wow you know it's interesting because we've been talking about Healthcare I mean obviously we're very health focused but I've been talking about healthcare workers specifically a lot lately because I just see how the system doesn't take care of them and they're meant to take care of others and there's just this horrible domino effect and we've been talking about the fact that they um they don't have time to eat they aren't getting any sleep they're slowly dying themselves and and how can a system that's built to take care of us do that to the front line do that to the people that you know are meant to take care of us and you know mistakes are made and things are you know happening that shouldn't um and so it's interesting that you say that because it is going to take like a massive Revolution it is going to take people to say uh 12 hour shifts are stupid who is supposed to be in fight or flight for 12 hours helping and saving people in crisis that their immune systems can't handle that either it's just taking advantage of people it's it's really a system that's built taking advantage of people until they can't do it anymore and then just shuffle them out and get in new people right so the 12-hour shift I think is is a standard thing and it's been around for a really really long time and a lot of people in the Healthcare Community like that because it gives them flexibility but it gives them flexibility and Freedom the problem comes when they're being taxed with how many patients they might have to be responsible for and then they're going to be accountable for any mistakes maybe personally or that's what they were going for last year you know they're going to be personally be accountable for that mistake not the hospital system so when you have a hospital system a clinic or an office nurses are your backbone to that world they are the back burn they are the backbone to Patient Care you know doctors might write the orders doctors are the ones who are kind of like directing care but nurses are the ones who are helping execute that and coming out of a healthcare background and working in hospitals one of the things that you know I would sit back and watch and I would see how many patients that they would have and we're talking like 30 years ago and I'd be like well it seems like it's a lot of patience how do you say how do you do that where they're being asked to go today after the intensity of the pandemic where people were you know every night like ringing bells and banging pots for them well that's great how about paying them how about giving them better benefits how about making sure that the the pay that they're getting is going to be more significant that's the kind of accountability that I'm looking looking that I'm seeing at lunch that they actually get to sit and eat a lunch not a bar they have bars in their pockets and they barely get to eat that but here's what happens so we have all collectively been told if you're a doctor or a nurse you're in it to help and heal people you take an oath right well that's a business Healthcare is a business and I remember having a friend go to a doctor that doctor said There Was X Y and Z wrong with them and that they needed to go for cardiac Cath and then from the cardiac cath they were going to have to do with this and then more than likely they might need open heart and I didn't see that and I was like No And he looked at me goes what I went no no and he goes what do you mean no he goes when did you get your Cardiology degree and I was like I don't have a Cardiology degree I go but you trust me right and he goes absolutely I said okay so I picked the phone I called my friend Lynn who dealt with adult non-invasive got him an appointment with a doctor outside of the system got him to look at what was happening with him and said does he need surgery and he goes no now I already know that Healthcare is a machine I already know and I'm not anti-healthcare like I love Health Care my son's gonna be a doctor like but I'm also aware of the Entre the Enterprise part of it right and there's a business that's there it is not logical that insurance companies should dictate what a length of stay payment is for a patient that if you have an appendix removal they're going to pay you for whatever it is now you know 1.2 days of a length of stay that's not logical right but it happens because it's a system of making money so if we look at that same system that means that the people at the top the people who are in administration the people who are running it the CEOs of now all of these Healthcare organizations are are going to be getting bonuses for hitting their whatevers and all of that while you're asking the nurses to work 12-hour shifts come in for extra shifts because you know the patients need you how could you do that to the patients and then when that doesn't work how could you do that to your co-workers you're going to leave them you're going to let them work short that's not it's it's it's that's it's a holiday you know that on the whole do you know Marie that on the holidays and I know this actually um not psychically that family from Thanksgiving through Christmas and New Year's will drop off their Alzheimer's and Dementia patients for a night or two because they're acting up because they don't want to be responsible for them and they'll be dropped off at a nursing home there's an influx of those types of patients so now that's going to tax the system yeah well and with the explosion of Alzheimer's in the next five to ten years it's going to be a massive right so going back to the 23 the projections accountability the philosophy of looking to the top right so whether it be the celebrities the billionaires the politicians the healthcare people accountability and responsibility for the choices that do Ripple and trickle down um I think are going to be a big theme in focus and I think you're going to see you know a lot of not div not division but like empowerment around people going no enough is enough like and now everybody's got devices so you'll be seeing you know the the conversations where the nurses or the CNAs or the whoever else are going to film themselves having the conversations with management you know they're going to push this so that it can actually try to make a difference so I think 2023 is the year of accountability responsibility and philosophy and those things kind of blending together where they're going to be like yeah I don't care you're a billionaire like what are you doing for this I don't care you're the CEO of the XYZ Healthcare what about the nurses like that type of stuff I think is going to be looked at well I thought that was going to happen a lot sooner I I felt that in covid like year one I was like oh nothing matters anymore right that's that's the shock yeah I was like this this just puts everything in a perspective and then you saw very quickly celebrity coming right back and you know promoting and this and that and I was like does anybody understand what's happening here like what what are we doing and you know and so then you've got we all we all get back on the wheel right we're like okay we're going back okay cool we're going back but it's it's interesting to to look at it because you're seeing so many things happen you're seeing people being ripped from their power and and things blowing up that you would never expect to blow up um so what do we do to work with this flow as individuals so I think that if we look at the universal energy right of 2023 that adds up to being a seven because two plus two is four four plus three is seven seven is a spiritual introspective vibration right so it's a universal year of being the philosopher and introspection and I I'm I'm going to be very clear like I think everybody should use the word evaluate this year I'm evaluating everything so when I when I an analogy that I use for this energy is when you go shopping right you get your groceries with you go get them or they get instacarted too it doesn't really matter you get your bags and you put things where they go right yeah so how often do you take inventory or assess and evaluate the shelf on your refrigerator door never exactly this is the year of the refrigerator door where things went on sale you bought the bigger ketchup you bought the bigger Mayo you bought the bigger you know dressings and you go to put them where they go which is on the door and they don't fit because there's other stuff there that's taking up space so now you have to go through you gotta take a minute you got to go through what's there and you realize oh there's a there's an old Gravy Master that fell over that I even know was there there's an old tube of medication that's been sitting there for God knows how long taking up space there's a dressing from a barbecue that we bought for somebody because they were blah blah blah and now you've assessed evaluated and gotten rid of the things that no longer serve you I think emotionally and physically right and mentally spiritually emotionally financially I think we're gonna see we're gonna see all all of that um but going going back to like how else to do it is be your own advocate like nobody's coming to save you is the is the mentality that I put out I I am very clear that like Healthcare doctors are practicing medicine they haven't perfected it you know people are there to help you and assist you but you have to be your own patient advocate and I think that's everywhere like just because somebody's the plumber don't just trust that they're gonna do their job properly ask the ask the questions be annoying talk about this all the time John I say this all the time you know like explain to me explain to me this again and I'll say to somebody like I'm not mechanical I'm not a construction guy I don't understand this tell me why are you using that material tell me why you're doing it like that and I'm like do I know that most people are not going to do that yes but you know what what if in the off chance my perspective of my house or my life I'm gonna go no I don't want that so for example a very quick recent thing that just took place we're putting a security system in because there was an issue and um and so I got a company to come out love the company I've been watching them for years sent out a camera and it was a miscommunication last month when this took place and the person said oh we'll just do it like that and I went no no no no we won't just do that like that because now there's a 24 7 monitoring person who can listen to every conversation that's happening in in the house like no thanks it's not really feeling comfortable for me so but if I didn't do that it just would have been done right so how many times questions how many times right would you go to a doctor and you go well they're the doctor I never I don't I don't go well they're the doctor I'm the person who you know when you were phlebotomist in a hospital coming to draw blood you had to match the orders to the person with their name on the on the on the wall to their wristband you had to make sure and if that patient was moved that's a big deal right so you have to always double and triple check so I'm conditioned from Healthcare double and triple check when it comes to anything Health Care wise tell me why this tell me is that drug and interact with something else if I know somebody's going to a doctor I'll say to them do they know you take supplements and they go no no it's just vitamins I go no no it's just not make sure the doctor knows what I could do me a favor take photos of everything that you're taking when you go to your doctor because unless you tell your doctor that you're taking all of these other things that you've watched on whatever Channel you're watching then it's not going to help you when things interact in a negative way so that's part of the refrigerator door take an assessment of everything that you're eating it'll help you with your diet and nutrition what you're drinking it'll help you be aware of maybe what you're putting in your body that you don't want to be supplements and medications and interactivities all of this falls into the accountability responsibility understanding assessing the refrigerated door what no longer serves you and what can you get rid of I love that because we talk about all the time and and it's it's so great to hammer home the message of accountability for each of us individually because we do give our power away to everyone constantly well they know no well someone's going to tell me if this is not going to work or someone's they would say and they should and there's a whole belief system around well they should tell me they should have told me this is going to happen or they should have told me that and it's like people are just people trying to get through their day they're all super busy whether they're a premier doctor or a or a you know mechanic or whatever they are not looking at you and your individual life with the amount of care and attention that you would wish for it just it's just not real it doesn't happen you know you might get lucky once in a while but really it's on us and I think that's such an important message for us to really remember that that accountability falls on us to ask the questions when we're making an investment is this an investment I believe in what's the back end of all of this and you know and and evaluating I just recently we went through every Closet in this house we emptied everything out I got rid of everything I cleaned everything out I created new systems I felt so overwhelmed and bogged down by old systems that were not working anymore or were Antiquated and and I feel so much Freer I still have one left to go but um but I did that and and I have all these empty closets now and it feels so good but sometimes Maria those items those attachments have energies that are connected to them and I don't mean possessed I mean like symbolic sentimental memories that whether you unconsciously or consciously realized or attached to people that maybe you're no longer in your circle so now you have these things getting rid of them there's also representation of letting go of the people that no longer serve you as well and for the folks that are watching this I know that's painful and I don't mean through death I mean through choice or circumstance sometimes we have to kind of pull the car over and ask the people to get out of our our car and the car is being our life you know pull the bus over and be like this is your stop this has been fun but off you go because I'm going that direction and you're staying behind because you're not evolving and growing and um that's something that people will say to me like oh you're harsh maybe I am but you know what that's who I am like I'm a boundary driven person and I'll say listen I don't think that we're aligned I do it in readings I had somebody um who who was a can't say but let's just say famous to Jason and I didn't know that doing the reading and long story short it was negative I mean very very negative experience like I mean this wall I can get more validation out of this wall it was just the person's grief was in such a place that and it's not a recent thing it's been a little bit it was tough it was really really tough and then I got to the point where I felt like I was losing a part of me in trying to prove what was actually happening I'm like wait all I could do is me this is what I'm getting and I'm like I might not be the right person for you so I have tactics that I use where I try to get people out of that usually is to get them annoyed at me so I get the promoted me and then they kind of like Drop what they were doing because they're like ew he's an ass and then I can go back to it and then they usually but like in that moment it's like sometimes it's like I'm not the right person for you and if I ever get that feeling in the beginning of a reading I don't even go further like I don't care how long I'm gonna be waiting on my waiting list it's not gonna be a good it's not gonna be good for them yeah it's not gonna be good for me so I just go professionally you gotta trust me you got to go see maybe one of these two people they might be better for you but on a family level or a personal level if something's not serving you well I I think it's important to not stand on ceremony so we've had private conversations about this a lot and and I feel like you know to touch on this would be helpful for people because you're talking about pulling over the car and letting people out and I loved the distinction of I'm going this way and you are maybe incapable of coming with me on this journey right and and I remember over the summer you said that there were going to be um I forget how you said it you said that there were going to be a lot of um maybe changes with friends and and I was like oh gosh how do you know are you psychic because it was already happening and it just happened and it's continued to happen and my heart keeps getting stomped on and keeps getting broken and I think it's really hard for all of us to feel the loss of a friendship you know we hear divorces and that's normalized now right people get divorced but when friends get divorced there's such a failure feeling that I know people feel in their marriages too I'm sure I've never gone through it but I can see how they would feel that but with friends there's such an identity that's confirmed around having long-term friends and and I had fallen into that too where it made me feel better as a person where people would look at me let's say and be like well she has her friends from when she was really young that means she's a good person but why am I not a good person if I don't still have friends from when I was young right and so right then I'm a [ __ ] because there's been multiple cleaning out um because again I think and I have to say this and I was ironically thinking about this last night when I couldn't sleep um I was thinking about the perspective that people have about you and where you're at and what you do and who you are right me so no in general well you could apply it to you I was actually I was actually thinking about it for Olivia because you know she started in her profession right acting and meeting up with success very very young your daughter so yeah so that's my daughter and um and she's now going to be 16. so now I'm I'm thinking like will she kind of go through that well maybe not because people only know her from that like they know her so young doing this it's kind of like normal for me I was 30 years old when crossing over started and when that happened you know I was already known right I was already doing this work I was published at the time um radio up the Wazoo for years 15 years of a career where I felt accomplished that people knew me but I didn't really feel like my circle of friends and family had shifted but when crossing over did crossing over happened wow and I will never ever ever forget I called my aunt and uncle who I grew up in their house and um just checking in like what's going on and my uncle was like calling to his wife hurry up hurry up hurry up John Edwards on the phone I will never forget that moment and I was like what what like what like I was Johnny you know I'm saying like I was their nephew I wasn't but somehow for them even for them I became John Edward and I was like well this is a crappy feeling you know and you know the universe always balances out some of that stuff and I know you know this as well I remember when I did here in Long Island there's a very big theater called at that time the Westbury Music Fair and it's like 3 000 C venue and I sold it out like 10 events in a week like it was a big deal it was a really really big deal the people that showed up for that in like circles friends family whatever and I would see them before the show and I would see them after the show and every night was really funny there was always a conversation that was like okay we're going to this Diner or we're going we're gonna go here for this we're gonna go here for that and I would sit back and just watch do you know that all of those nights I went home and had Special K I went home and had bologna nobody invited me not one person said hey we're going here great event tonight love that reading you want to get a bite I know the feeling and I was like holy crap I'm like wow and it was only like towards the end of not even that tour like like two or three years later where a friend of mine I had invited him to come and he said to me what are you doing after and I and I lit I got like uncomfortable I was like what he goes what are you doing after I go I'm just probably gonna get a bite and he goes well do you want to like go to the diner I was like yes yes I do I know you just made me realize why sometimes I feel so uncomfortable around family it's because they look at you like that now I I think we are so desperate for them to look at us just the way we were with obviously like you know Kudos we did something cool but you just want to still be you and you want to feel that warmth and that that normalcy and it just goes away so quickly um but then you got ego where you have it's the ego of what's happening around them and that ties back into you know for me like being your own patient advocate the name of your show heal Squad right you have to be your own heel Squad you're providing people with an opportunity of understanding concepts topics and contributors to what your program is for them to help be their best Patient Advocate but for 2023 guys I'm gonna say it again like I said it before covet is not done and I think that the rest of the world wants normal so badly that they're willing to sacrifice their health to do it and that might make me sound unpopular that might not be fun for people to do you know if anybody owns a restaurant they were like no no it's just a cold but I haven't changed my tune on this since since we started from my first conversations with you with this I wrote newsletters about it I I lecture about it the ancillary what's coming and I don't mean long covet I don't mean that I mean what's coming later I call it kovingos and the reason why I call it covingles is I want to make the association between if you had chickenpox as a kid you can get shingles later on down in life there's no long chicken pox you know is there long covered yes do I think there's going to be you know low covered for a long time yes do I believe that we should live a life of fear no do I think we should try to live our life as normal as possible yes but while mitigating the understanding that this is something that is is negative so multiple infections of this disease if you look at the epidemiology the Immunology if you look at the stats on this and with what just took place in December in China opening up how that's going to affect the next three to four months of 2023 in every aspect it's very clear Cove it's still real and it's there so I want everybody to be careful and try to mitigate even if it makes you unpopular even if people look at you like why are you wearing a mask um it's not going to be an easy thing to do but I would do it yeah um I have to go back to the the friends thing so because a lot of our listeners um go through this what what do you do how do you handle um if your friends do kind of like because I what I feel is a lot of friends will sabotage the relationship when they see the growth isn't connecting instinctively somehow they know they can't grow with you and they sabotage how do you advise people to handle that because I know that quick Instinct would be you know at some point figure out how to fix it and go back the way it was and try to go there um you know because you don't want to lose a friendship and you know there's that Comfort level that people have with each other how do you how do you advise them to handle I usually give an analogy and I say to people hey I know that you really are hurting over this relationship with fill in the blank and this could be a relative it could be a co-worker it could be a whomever you want to make it and you value that relationship and you tell yourself that story and you think about all the good times and you think about the history right and then I just go so would you sign over your mortgage would you sign over your house to them like just give them your house and the answer to that is always no nobody would ever just hand over their house no matter what the relationship is you know what borrowing your kids like you wouldn't just hand over your bank account or your checking account you wouldn't just do that right and the reason is there's value in that building there's Equity that's in that building so if you wouldn't hand over your house don't hand over your life don't hand over your energetic Equity to someone who's not deserved of it or valuing you depreciating and amortizing your relationship with them based on their perspective and ego and that's hard it's hard really hard I like that depreciating and what was the other word advertising like you know over over a period of time you're trying like well you know I know them for this amount of months or this amount of years or we go back to this place that doesn't entitle someone to the keys to your energy before they were great back then and now they're named great right but on the flip side of that I do have a a an Insight that I would suggest as a as a tool so there's a very long list of people that I've had to go down this path with most of which I've didn't want to um clearly and then wound up having to and when I did I usually cut them off completely and that is by choice and then I do my own type of healing work of understanding what went down and I do the was I the [ __ ] kind of you know I was like where did I you know where can I own this um and then when I get to a certain place I basically say okay no more of that because I know that we're done here then I start mining for the nuggets and those nuggets are the things that sustain that friendship with that family dynamic or that work relationship and then I find those nuggets and then they become the moments that I will carry with me moving forward because if I carry the negative and the anger and the Hostile stuff that eats at me that that still takes away from the that takes away from My Equity yeah so there'll be moments where I'll talk about you know a person from my past that's in that category and I I you know anybody listen to you be like oh my God you sound like such great friends I'm like nope I haven't talked to them in 25 years and they're like dead and I'm like nope still living just on different paths I love that and keep that positive vibration for you because that's you yeah that's part of your experience why take away from your past why give up if you're giving up if you're giving up the friendship and the family dynamic in the present and moving forward why would you give up your past experiences with them because some of them were good right if somebody was getting divorced right and there was a marriage and there's kids not all of that's bad things might have took a turn things might have went different somebody might have wronged somebody else they grew apart whatever the case is but you still got the kids and you still got your shared experiences and that only comes with doing the work doing the healing understanding what the lessons are you know and I'm all about telling people like when you're going through crisis don't go running to a psychic don't go running to a medium run to a therapist and run to an astrologer because your astrologer is going to look at your chart they're going to look at the aspects and whatever planetary things are going on they're going to look at your actual natal chart and they're going to see who you are and what you're learning then you take that information and insights to your therapist and be like help me understand all of this and that's how you evolve through it it's really great advice that's what I do yeah I know well you do get great advice but I think no no I mean it's what I do is like how I live like that's what I do plan and that's really helpful for people go to your astrologers because we've really dived into um astrology here and it's super helpful to understand yourself and then exactly kind of where you are you know Kelsey yesterday what were you saying about my chart right now I was telling her her progressed moon is going into Scorpio which is like super underworld very introspective so I was telling I was like Maria this is like time for you like you gotta be it's it's alone time it's Maria time it's like all these other things are like gonna be happening which they are so anyways I was just kind of talking to her about that and it's crazy like how much you can see John like I think exactly what you just said taking the astrology and bring it to a therapist like boom like that is a recipe I love that yeah because John you had told me that you had you was told me in June you have to get comfortable with being alone and that was always such a scary concept for me and I love being alone now and I feel so good and and you know what's really great I used to fill my time calling my friends I never had a quiet moment in my car because that was my time to call my friends and I would sit with them time after time we already had known everything about what happened in each other's days there was nothing new coming up because there was just never space for anything new to happen we just talked too much and now I can have these like periods of just introspection and thought and and things can come to me and and I can have joy in my own mind because I'm not filling it with someone else's stuff all the time so we just came out of the holiday season and you know it reminds me oh I was probably about 22 years old and I was sitting on the floor and I think I was up to about 300 holiday cards that used to go out oh like I was up to a lot it was a lot a lot of cards a lot of people that I was doing this with and you know I I just loved it I just loved it you know it was like exciting and I would like you know put little notes in it I made it personal and then I don't know I don't know maybe it was my guides I don't know but I just remember thinking what was the return on those cards like how many how many people actually reciprocated and sent them back and I was like well you know you don't do it because you're looking for a card you do it because you want to do that so it's like I pushed that out of the way being the good leader that I am um and then then and then I thought hmm next year I'm gonna wait and see how many of this list because of course I have my list how many people on this list actually reach out to me during the year not a lot of people on that list wow and again granted there was no text emails and you know cell phones back then so you had to actually pick up a phone call I'll pick up a call pick up a phone and make a call Yeah a different time different times but still like it made me look at the the awareness of it like you evaluated I evaluated so I think we have to go through periods of time in our lives that are painful but then you can actually teach from those experiences and you have a platform where you you're very open you share you're very transparent you know and I know you off the camera you know what I'm saying like you're real like I can't say that for a lot of people in the world of celebrity I can't say that for a lot of people in the world so like thank you I'll take that very you're the same person here that I know what I'm talking to you on the phone you know or I'm hanging hanging at your house you know I'm saying like you're the person to be like hey we're doing this if you want to come over where you know other times where that's happened with me in the past I'm not sure what they mean like do they want me the person to come over or you know am I going to be walking around with the people giving out like hors d'oeuvres and I'm sitting in the corner making balloon animals and it's a reading and here's grandma right like that's that's the place when I've gotten invited to places and I'm like you never want to be that person to be embarrassed like you show up and you're like oh you're the help like you're in the back room tonight you know they don't want you the person they want they want you the the concept yeah or what you have to offer yeah it's uh it's it's it's really hard I think um you know to to kind of go through these tough periods but you do grow from them and I have realized the patterns in life now at 44 where it's like something bad happens but something good comes soon after right like I had a really really rough situation happen recently and Kevin goes something Good's coming it's like after the storm comes the rainbow and then um a couple great things have happened you know first of all our Christmas movie crushed and did amazing and you know movies that had five times the budget didn't didn't even do half of our numbers and we were like whoa this is so cool so you know you got to go through the bad to get to the good but those moments you know Kelsey you know without saying too much recently was having a moment too and I said you know what Kelsey I know you're having a moment but you've never been more present and more empathetic and more connected than you are right now so sit in this because this is a good thing for you because she floats she's really up here and I know because I do the same thing and I think it might have given you a little breakthrough right yeah well and it's funny I'm like I always just relate it now that we have touched on the astrology aspect I relate it back to that because my mind my Mercury's an aquarius I'm like oh right and so I'm like always up here and yeah sometimes I'm trying to pull her down here I'm like wait right here talk to me right here yeah and I think you kind of when I feel into those feelings like I was just like having a super like everyone goes in ways but I was just like having a really kind of depressed couple days and it was like but when you actually like acknowledge it and like sink into those feelings and when you're present with it it's like oh whoa it's a whole different feeling so yeah I think you are kind of calling that out to me Maria made me aware of it and I was like oh yeah you're right so so this isn't so bad like maybe yes it doesn't feel great but also there's some really cool positive things that have come with the the crappy feelings you know and I like to tell people Kelsey to honor what they feel not what they fear oh honor what they feel not what they fear and habit doesn't equal happy so you know as we begin this new year of introspection where accountability and responsibility and we're looking for transparency in certain certain certain circumstances where people are like I don't really care about your title I don't really care about you're this or you're that you know how do we get this done or how do we do this and and that title doesn't have to be a billionaire that title can be dad in your family or the matriarch in your family who's being judgmental about someone's sexuality or who's being judgmental about somebody being transgender or who's being judgmental about somebody getting a vaccine because these are all the Hot Topics that you're seeing in the last couple years that people are talking about as if they have knowledge but they don't they have feelings or they have fear right so honors will honor honor the feeling not the fear and sometimes the habitual relationships that we have doesn't always provide us with happy that's so good John what else um what else do you see for 2023 do you see I know you said Co shingles which is interesting because I think we're dealing with a coach shingles now where there's this weird flu strain that's like killing everybody not killing physically right well they might be I don't know but Kevin got it and he was never sicker in his life kovid wasn't even that bad so so is there anything else health-wise that you're seeing um I'm I don't know if I could be objective with that and I just because I know too much about the healthcare stuff like my backgrounds in that and I spend quality time like nerding out with like reading the immunology and looking for the stats and the trends which is why I'm I am the non-fun person in my family who's like you know if you're going out we're going out eating outside you know if we're going out we're doing this like I get I get anxiety if I see like a restaurant that I follow and I see them filming inside and everybody's like crammed in like this and there's like there's like no masks and it's like I'm that person so I'm on I'm I'm a little bit more on the mitigation scale so the question the koshingles I call covingles but that that's coming that's later I think what we're dealing with now is covet has wiped out people's immune responses so where you would normally say covid or also it was funny if friend of mine years ago was very anti-hand sanitizer because he said we're getting rid of our immunity by hand sanitizing all the time and then when covet happened and I thought about all the hand sanitizing I'm like I wonder if that's going to lower our immune systems no I think it's covered um I I actually believe it is the fact that the the coveted response in our body is to um it it kind of like deletes our ability for our immune system to be able to fight back so I know there's antibodies so don't come at me and I know that people have like you know developed antibodies but that's not a pass you know I'm saying like if if you cheat on your partner and they give you a pass and you build up antibodies of trust there and you're going to work on the Fidelity that doesn't give you the ability to to get covet again and cheat again because I have antibodies that's how I see that it's like no you want to be faithful to your own health you want to be your own patient advocate and you want to be careful until you hear somebody's stories where people actually were completely healthy now I am that crazy person and I've had it twice because I already have an autoimmune issue so my immune my immune system is down right so I wanted now the second time I got it I didn't even know I had it I was just that crazy person who tested a bazillion times on Rapids and pcrs and I called it Hokey Pokey covet because it was negative negative negative positive negative negative positive positive negative negative negative so I said to a friend of mine who works in healthcare and I said um have you been seeing a lot of that in the hospital have you been seeing a lot of that if she laughed and I go why are you laughing she's like do you think people actually test the way you test she was like they would have taken one rapid and said Negative and they would have off they would have went to infect everybody but that's not how I am we have our own PCR machine you know that you know we have our own thing I got rapid tests coming monthly like I'm that person because I don't want the responsibility of knowing that I could have actually gotten somebody sick yeah so that is concerning for me so I think the immune responses we're going to see more and more over the next few years that people are going to be like uh hey you know I kind of feel like the government should give a terror alert you know like after 9 11 they had like the red orange yellow kind of like you know we're operating at this level of of you know Terror alert I think we need like we need a simple system like oh look it's it's red so then people can make their smart decisions of you know yeah of doing actually it's not a bad idea we only have a few minutes left I have two questions that just got popped into my head because of what you said do you see any kind of terrorist threat and then I'll ask you another one after um I haven't I haven't gotten that feeling okay good I haven't gotten the feeling earthquakes California yeah it's funny you should ask me that because um I'm gonna say I I haven't but I know that someone else in my field is concerned about it but I don't see it so I just got chills so now I feel it yeah I don't I don't I don't see it but I think sometimes they don't show me stuff that I don't want to know personally yeah okay I was in New Yorker Maria being out there for an earthquake if you would have seen Sandra and I look at each other when the house was like moving like I was like what and that was just a little tremor so I know we've been through a few little Tremors and I'm in the doorway and I'm like oh my gosh this is really scary so you're you're in the doorway because we're like wait what do we do it's always you don't know what to do I'm like we're from New York what do we do who do we call yeah you you panic and you don't really know what to do you're just like uh grab the dogs and and hold them tight that's it and the people like well where's your kit I'm like what kit and they're like your Earth your earthquake kid I was like nobody told me about an earthquake kid yeah no we have them I have no idea where they are they probably got thrown out in the closet cleanup but maybe a good reminder to get a new one um John thank you as always this was such a great uh conversation so many great nuggets in here for us to take into the new year and relationship thank you for always having me I appreciate it oh my God I wish we'd have you more I don't want to bother you but like Kelsey was like can you do like a monthly with them I'm like if he can I'm in um but we we love talking to you and I think evaluating this year and asking important questions and realizing you have to take accountability for everything in your life is super super important and um thank you for that thanks Maria thanks Kelsey this podcast and all related content published or distributed by or on behalf of Maria Menounos or Maria is for informational purposes only and may include information that is General in nature and that is not specific to you any information or opinions expressed or contained herein are not intended to serve as or replace medical advice nor to diagnose prescribe or treat any disease condition illness or injury and you should consult the health care professional of your choice regarding all matters concerning your health including before beginning any exercise weight loss or Health Care Program if you have or suspect you may have a healthcare emergency please contact a qualified health care professional for treatment any information or opinions provided by a guest expert or host featured Within website or on companies podcasts are their own not those of ramen noodles or the company accordingly Maru Menounos and the company cannot be responsible for any results or Consequences or actions you may take based on information or opinions
Channel: Maria Menounos
Views: 1,855,638
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: maria menounos, Better Together, Better Together with Maria, healsquad, heal squad, Healing, energy healing, interview, information, health, education, cancer, fight cancer, cancer remedies, eastern medicine, astrology, EMDR, Therapy, self help, wellness, spiritual journey, growth mindset, heal, mental health, caretaking, psychic medium, john edward, psychic john edward, psychic reading, predicitons for 2023, predictions for 2023 astrology, maria menounos laugh, psychic, medium, vision, 2023
Id: EarPuGj7-Uk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 2sec (3122 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 03 2023
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