Veteran Dies And is Shocked When Jesus Says This…

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hi Randy K here with Heaven encounters my guest today died went to heaven and met to Jesus and then subsequently he received a heart transplant so Brian hoyland uh it's great to have you with us today thank you it's great to be here now Brian you had suffered from uh severe illness your uh a veteran uh in the uh from the Army and we want to hear what led up to this event because it's absolutely amazing well I uh was exposed to toxic chemicals when I was in the military and due to that that exposure I developed several autoimmune diseases and unknown to me one of the autoimmune diseases particularly devastating it attacks all of my organs it's called sarcoidosis and I have what's called multi-system sarcoidosis so it's just it's attacking every organ in my body but it really particularly attacked my heart and devastated my heart to the point that it ate my heart completely away and so in 2017 I ended up having a cardiac arrest for over 10 minutes and when I died I like you said went to heaven and saw Jesus but what was really cool about it is when I was dying you know I was experiencing so much pain and this has been going on for several months this just intense pain a lot of suffering that was going with it but as soon as I died I snapped and I popped I felt this like physical exertion that my body came you know my soul came out of my body it was it was a really powerful experience and then I'm in this this dark tunnel and it was just peace and love and joy was just filling me I all the chaos to the hospital room completely stopped I didn't even care about it anymore my all my emotions were very level and very very calm very very peaceful you know they had a a sense of balance to them so having just experienced all that trauma and Terror particularly for all those months but really cultivating it at the end there and coming to A A fruition it was it was terrible and it was all of a sudden gone in just seconds you know it just boom it's it's gone and so I'm I'm looking and you know I'm gonna make this kind of quick I I want to make sure I get my whole story in but I uh I saw this this Dark Void in front of me and I could see in all directions so I could see that there was this light behind me it was a magnificent light and it was shining into the darkness overpowering the darkness to where I could see the depths of the darkness in that void so I I immediately said I wanted to be with that light I was just this thought that came into my mind that there was nothing else I wanted other than to be with this light and instantly I was there except I could remember every step I took to get there and it was a long distance you know like I said I could see in 360 degrees but my vision had had drastically changed I could see as far as you could imagine seeing but I could see like I said every direction I could see behind things and still see the front I could I could follow my vision it was it was as if I had complete control over my vision to where I could see what I was still looking at here and what I was seeing extended down as far as I wanted to go there were no limitations to my vision so I was really cool and what was even more impressive maybe is that the just the wealth of of wisdom and knowledge that flooded into me it was as if I was just all of a sudden connected to this high-speed computer and I could just whip out all the the answers you could ever imagine I wouldn't have needed Google search I mean that would have taken too long I had access to everything immediately it was it was so cool and to be able to to learn about my vision with that increased intelligence and kind of manipulating it I was having a lot of fun it was it was a really cool experience to be able to to see all these changes and and removal of limitations that we have in our physical bodies so I I'm standing before this light and I was looking both directions up and down I couldn't see the end of this light it was it went on for ever I I assume there was just it I got the impression there was no end to this light and as I'm looking at it it was so bright and so magnificent that I I was staring at and I could not believe it wasn't hurting my eyes to be able to look at something so bright you know that's just not something we commonly can can do and I was I was so taken by this that I I said it in my own my own head I couldn't believe that this isn't hurting my eyes and I could feel how how wonderful it was making me feel was as if this light was was really palpable it was it was the source of the love and peace and it was emanating directly into my soul and so I heard the lights say you can come in if you want and so of course I I went right into the light I was so excited and so I'm walking in this light it was as if the love and peace was just flooding into my soul and removing everything from me that was just negative or hurt or broken it was as if I was being mended as I was going through this light and I was walking through it for quite a while and then I I just got this this impulse to to see Jesus I I just the only thing I wanted was to see Jesus and I knew that he was there I could feel that feeling you know that we get when when we pray and we know we're close to the Lord I could feel that but I wanted to I wanted to be able to see I wanted to be able to to to see him and talk to him and as soon as I thought that light opened up and it was in this great room and this room was huge and it was full of beings you know I I really don't know how to describe how many beings I saw I would say you could you could name it as a trillion you can name it as 10 trillion I don't know but it was more than you could ever imagine seeing and there's just no way you know I could ever contemplate how much I probably could have known how many were there when I was there because of my increased intelligence but sadly when I came back my intelligence went back to normal so I can't I can't do anything with it but I know it's even if I as I think about it that that amount of people was just so huge and I could like I said I could see in front and behind each individual there was nothing that was limited to my vision and that was just incredible to be able to to experience how many people I was seeing and and every being was just like this beautiful light they had a torso of a human being but it was like this magnificent light that was shining and glimmering but in the midst of all these beings was one that was just so profoundly more beautiful and so full of light that it was clear that you know the source of light was coming from there and that was the same as the light that had encapsulated the whole room and and it was Jesus there was just no mistaking it and as I I said Jesus I want to see your face and his face started to come together for me right when I said that and and it was so beautiful to see his his features his smile but the the thing that really struck me is that I wasn't able to lay down the memory of what I was seeing of his face the only thing that got into my memory was was this beautiful light the the same light that I had been seeing but it was the light shining off his face the rest of his body looked like you know just The Shining beautiful light but the the face of his light in my memory is so magnificent it was as if it's popping into into my eyes and into my my memory but when I was there I was able to see his face just not lay down those memories it's kind of like if you took one of those little picture books and you know you you flip through it and the little figure moves and it does something it was kind of like that you never ever have the same picture in your mind it's always the next one's flipping there so quick and that's what it was like as I was seeing Jesus's face I knew he was smiling at me and I knew that that he was showing me love with his features but I just couldn't remember what I was seeing but what was really interesting is with as I was seeing his face we started to review all of my my sins and and you know my good things that I have done too unfortunately that wasn't probably as many of those as there were of of the bad things that I had done but what really got me was some of the things that I had done that you know I I thought were horrible were things that I had already I had already been forgiven of I had really meant I was sorry for him I didn't want to do them again those things God knew but it was there was things that I had held on to that I I never even thought of as being a sin I thought it was me sticking up for myself or me doing something that was was right but the way that I had done it wasn't right or I I didn't help somebody when I should have and and that lack of of courage in those situations you know that's that's something that that really it really bothered me when I was when I was reviewing this with Jesus and the whole time I was reviewing all of my sins is that I was seeing what was being done to him when I was when I was sinning you know my sins were contributing to his passion and yet this whole time whether it was other people that I had hurt or and his pain that he was feeling what he was doing is he was taking all of my my shame my guilt what the the injuries that I had done to myself as well during these these sins he was helping me to heal from it and you know I I can feel now that he removed so much of my pride that I had contributed so much of my Center to my lack of of effort and my my just you know my inability to to manhandle my my Temptations and and muscle through it and the reality is is that I wasn't relying on God and that's what I was seeing when I when I was talking to him that you know I didn't put my my whole trust in him to allow him to work the good in me and through me and so as as we were doing that I remembered this one of the the things that I went through was my uh prayer that I had prayed when I was six years old and I had you know just seen my great-grandmother die and I didn't want to have you know all my family members cry like they were over my great-grandmother I just didn't want to have that that experience and you know I was just a little kid I didn't really understand necessarily but I knew I didn't want to see people that sad over me and so I prayed and I prayed a long time I I mean I was a little kid and I was praying for quite a quite a while and I felt like like my prayer was answered and I was I got that confirmation when I was there Jesus said he remembered that prayer and that he did answer it and that I would have a long life and it was up up to me whether I stayed here now or if I went back and you know that's still I still think about that and it kind of blows me away that you know my time to die was when I was 42 years old and and so to be able to be given this extra time it was it well I guess I should explain kind of the process that we went through but it just still blows me away to think about how and why he let me do it and what what happened was is you know he asked me why do I want to go back or why would I want to and you know I I thought immediately well my family will need me my wife my wife needs me my kids need me and immediately I realized that error in in my saying that because he loves my family more than I do and and that really struck me I I I guess you know I kind of thought that God probably loves everybody more than than we do but I don't know inside my human heart before this I I really felt like how could anybody love my kids more than I do and it was so apparent that he did it was just magnificent to see that but how reassuring that was to me is that he loves me like that that same way that same kind of care and I felt like I was able to just be free with him and just to be myself it wasn't you know a lot of people always talk about well you know I don't want to go to heaven because God Will Take My Free Will away and it'll I'll become a robot and I won't do all this stuff and that's not how it is it's like The Temptations are gone there were no temptations there I was free to be me without all the Temptations that the world throws at us it was so wonderful to be with them and not have that just burden some problem of that pressure of of all that Temptation that we always go through in life and so as I'm reviewing that with them and thinking about all the reasons the only thing I could come up with and and it was the only thing that even made sense to me was that I wanted to go back to do more for him and the reason I wanted to go back to do more for him was I was seeing how much he loved me and just that care that he had for me and I I just thought well I could do way more and he he looked at me he smiled and he said that's it and then he gave me three things that I needed to do and that was to pray more and you know I always thought I had prayed enough but he really wanted me to to live my life as a life of prayer not just in the the prayers that I say to him but even in what I do for my work putting everything I can into my work not not for the necessarily for the job I should do it for my job but more so for God I'm whatever place I find myself in is he wanted me to do my best in that place and live my life as a life of prayer is offering that service up to him as a prayer to him and so even in my my daily you know driver or things like that I'll say quick little prayers and I know that that that's meeting what he wanted he wanted me to be in constant communication with him to always draw my strength off of him as opposed to what I used to do just draw it off myself so then he said that I needed to to suffer joyfully and you know this was easy to see when I was in heaven it was so simple to see because I saw how he is God and he came down from heaven and became man took on all of our sins for us and died for us you know I I look at it as human beings and we would say if this group of human beings are hurting these other human beings we're going to squish them we're not going to have them part of our of our world anymore we're going to get rid of them but God loves us so much that he gives us all these chances although hip to when when he knows that there's no more possibility for that person to turn and and so he he he has this endless love that just constantly is being offered to us and when I realized that I I looked at my my suffering that I had just went through in the hospital and I I saw that there was no pain no resentment no holding on to that I was completely free from that suffering and I realized in my life I can go around and I can suffer and life we're going to but I can either suffer miserably or I can offer that up to the Lord and say well this is what you're allowing to happen to me right now and I know you're a good God and that you have the best interest of my of my interest in your heart I don't have to worry this is going to change something is going to happen when it's the right time and to have that kind of comfort to come back to the body that I had to go back to I was able to go back with this freeness that I've never had in life before and I always thought I wasn't afraid to die you know I was I was a soldier I wasn't afraid to die in battle I wasn't afraid to die you know something happened to you Randy I would have I wouldn't even have known you if As We Were Strangers before I would have ran up and I would have saved you I would have done that that but that's that's a human kind of Courage you know that's from my human sense of Honor not from a sense now where I I would risk everything to save somebody for God I would and I would also risk just getting rid of my own Pride for the sake of God that's how much I love him is that I've I've learned to to get rid of a lot of things that I used to hold on to very very dearly and didn't even realize what I was doing with those and so then the last thing he told me it goes right into share his love and you know that's that's a harder harder thing to do I think we often say you know we we want to share God's love and I think we all do but that's a heavy load to carry because his love is so immense you know it's it's it's just this this overpowering thing that allows or should allow us to sacrifice what what we think is in our best interest for somebody else who we know is really needing something at that moment and you know it's it's nice to have an ice cream but somebody hasn't had one for several weeks and I just had one yesterday might not be a bad idea to sacrifice a little thing and I know that seems like a really dumb analogy but in the grand scheme of things when we see our brother or sister hurting and struggling and we can do something you know that's that's part of sharing his love is doing that for them praying for people and just showing kindness all the time those are the things that we can do to really help each other's lives and that's ultimately what God wants us to do is to try to will each other to Heaven this is this is a hard enough road to try to do it by ourselves but if we try to help each other that's that's that's the way to do it and we can win souls so that's that's the things that he told me to say and or told me to do and then you know then he said that I had to go back and then I started making my way back and went back to the to the tunnel and saw my my hospital room from from the end of the tunnel where I came out of the light and I could see now that it wasn't the Dark Void it was my hospital room that was at the at the end of this tunnel and I could see you know they had some equipment on my body they had this thing called a Lucas machine it was doing chest compressions for CPR and they had you know all the crash team in there and they're working on me and so when I came back and I you know I spontaneously revived is what they put in my medical records that you know and I think that what they had done is they were about to call call it the the services or whatever they do to to rescue me they were going to call that done and they had already taken off the Lucas machine and I popped forward as much as I could they had me strapped down because I guess they were you know were shocking me before I died so they were trying to regulate my heart rate when it was really high in vitricular tachycardia but they uh had me strapped down a little bit and so I pop forward as much as I could but I was trying to talk to the doc and he couldn't quite hear what I said but I was asking you know did I just die and when he came down the second time I told him I reset it again he said yeah you just died but he's the look he had on the space I I laugh every time because that look is just it's emblazoned in my memory but I was like yeah you just died like he couldn't believe I just came back but I think it was this Rush of emotions of having just thought he lost a patient to to now this patients just surprisingly coming back and so then they you know they worked on me they and ended up having to put in a new defibrillator and pacemaker but after that I had to live with with that bad heart that had already killed me once for another two years before I was able to get to my heart transplant and I'll I'll send you a copy of my heart that they did the biopsy on it afterwards and you got to see it it's just it's ridiculously gross but it's impressive to see that I was able to live with this heart for two years and you know I can only tell you that it's because God had my heart in his hand and he was waiting to get me to the to the transplant to give me the right heart but it wasn't just just that I mean you know my wife has thought well that's a lot of suffering to go through why didn't he just heal you right away you know and I think as as people we care about each other and we we kind of Wonder those things but I know for me that if God would have just healed me right away I wouldn't I wouldn't have had the kind of just pure faith that he has he has developed in me this perseverance and patience that he's he's cultivated in me these Graces that he's developed have been so profound and so helpful in my life that I don't know what I would have done without him but it's that making me wait those two years having known that I just seen him that he was giving me extra time I wasn't really worried about dying so I knew that that there was a plan that he had in place and I just had to wait for it to come through and had he just given it to me right away I don't know that it would have solidified that lesson that he really wanted me to learn and when when I did get that phone call I was like God I knew you're gonna do it and I really did my heart for one time I just felt like I had put every bit of my trust into God and it felt good it was like he rewarded me for just doing what I should have been doing anyway and gave me that that consolation of just feeling good about having having waited and being patient and you know that's really been something I was I had a lot of difficulties with I like to control things in my life but he he took that away that need to control things by showing me how much care he has for us and you know to get my heart to heart transplant like that I'm telling you if he if he loves me that much he's gonna do miracles in people's lives because that is amazing that he did that for me and I I just I just hope that people hear this story and they they know that God loves them and you know even when we go through some tough things and and life will throw it at us you know life life isn't meant to be easy but allowing things like me to wait two years for a heart transplant to some people seems like it's it's con it becomes confusing and it's a puzzlement to them why would God let us do that but I can tell you right now it makes me feel so good to know that my God can hold on to that heart for as long as he wants and get me to a heart transplant to get me the right heart that he wanted for me I just think that that's amazing and then to also fill me with Graces that I've never had before it's like he gave me two miracles in one I just can't I just can't thank him enough for all the things that he's done for me wow you know that uh Brian you had an account that um is incredible for a number of different reasons but um you touched on the change post heaven and meeting Jesus one of the things you said was you had seen the light and the light was speaking to you is was there an audible Voice or the was there an impression that you had and you also said that your intellect or uh your ability to discern all of these things was enhanced in heaven uh so what what uh what happened there that was different and how did that translate to how you live today yeah well the uh for the first one you know I I think um let me think how I wanna maybe actually just go to the second one first so the uh everything was enhanced in such a way that that like even even when I was I'll give you an example recalling my sins when we were doing doing you know the re the life recall and you know having all these memories all at once everything flooding I mean I it wasn't like I I didn't have access to what happened when I was three I did I had access to everything I had done at three at 12 you know all the years all of my whole life had access to every memory at every single second of the time and it wasn't confusing I was able to keep track of it all kind of like we have memory now but we have to actively pull on it to be able to think about that memory it wasn't like that there everything was just there I could have every memory and see every memory at the same time it wasn't it wasn't as if I had to actively pull on it but it was it was as if the things that I focused on those are the things that I can I can still remember now everything else is once my memory or once my intellect went back to normal all that other stuff that was kind of in the periphery I I've lost it all so like with that that prayer that I remembered when I was there I still have that because I focused on that but there were other things that I had also remembered that I just don't remember to that same kind of detail now what was the first part of that question well I just wanted to uh go back to your family and how they reacted to this because your family still uh was at the time this happened was relent was young yeah and so what was their reaction to this uh during during your failure and and also uh after you uh accounted for what happened I mean did yeah did you share openly uh subsequent to your Revival your resuscitation this has been a real challenge for my family um you know seeing me go through I was I everybody thought I was healthy before all this happened so when it came on it was a real surprise so it shocked everybody and then when it did start coming on it was it was real powerful after that first heart failure I had it it went to like every I mean it seemed like every day I was having heart issues and I was going in and out of the hospital so regularly and that was for like five months leading up to the to the first to that cardiac arrest my wife really checked out I she she just was overwhelmed with with all the stress and everything that was happening she she was blatantly telling me that you know that it was so traumatic to her to see me going into the ambulance all the time and you know she cried every time that it would happen and she tried not to let me see it but you know what can you do it's she's got to sit right there but you know we tried to keep the kids from it as much as we could you know they like you said they were young so it was hard to keep them from it and luckily most of my issues like when I would go to the hospital most of the time happened at night so you know we didn't wake them up for Mo for most of the situations that happened well that that's an amazing amazing account there um I wish we could uh continue on Brian but but we've come to a close in this episode of have an encounter so I want to thank you so much for joining us today and sharing this incredible and edifying story so uh thank you and uh to our audience um be of good cheer uh because if you are in Jesus Yeshua Heaven is in your future until next time goodbye thank you for watching this episode of Heaven encounters if you'd like more information you can go to Randy K Ministries at take care and God bless
Channel: ISN – It's Supernatural! Network
Views: 690,101
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Heaven, afterlife, NDE, faith, prayer, testimony, Heaven encounters, Jesus, God, Holy Spirit, angels, Randy Kay, ISN, It's Supernatural! Network, Brian Hoyland
Id: taGVO9bLAyo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 5sec (1685 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 15 2023
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