Psalm 139 Detachment From Overthinking 🕊 Christian Guided Meditation for Anxiety, OCD & Depression

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welcome to this sleep story from abide a bible meditation to focus your thoughts on the lord bring calmness to your soul and help you fall asleep i'm jennifer and i'm blessed to be able to spend this time with you seeking the lord through his word and through prayer tonight we will seek god for deliverance from overthinking as king david once said you lord perceive my thoughts from afar search me and know my heart test me and know my anxious thoughts let's seek the lord together asking him to test our anxious thoughts every single one of them and deliver us from the negative cycle of overthinking but before we get started please make yourself comfortable settle your head on the pillow pull the soft covers around you and breathe inhale and exhale allowing yourself to fully relax feel every muscle unwind feel the crease in your forehead relax and your jaw loosen feel the turning of your thoughts come to a halt as the gears of a machine slow down and eventually come to a full stop allow your mind to slow down gear by gear until all of your thoughts are fully settled in the lord rest peacefully in the stillness of god's presence feel the holy spirit drawing your attention to the things of god to the wonders of his love to his mercy to his peace [Music] breathe in and let it out [Music] feel the steady beat of your heart aligning with a heartbeat of god he is with you he loves you [Music] holy god we come to you in search of peace and soundness of mind we are weary of overthinking things we are worn out from negative thoughts circling around and around we are tired of stressing about things we cannot control oh how we need your calm presence and spirit of peace lord please touch the mind of this listener tonight and break the cycle of overthinking as a weak chain is pulled apart with ease please set them free from unwanted thought patterns turn their hearts and minds toward you your word your will your way these are the things we think of tonight as we find rest in your holy presence [Music] thank you god in the precious name of jesus amen now take one more deep breath in and let it out think only of jesus [Music] whisper his name jesus [Music] feel the turning of your mind come to a safe resting place of tranquility calmness and ease it is time to be delivered from constant thinking god is your deliverer rest in that truth for a few moments overthinking is a human tendency to dwell on the past fixate on the present or worry about the future but these thoughts do not deserve our time and attention overthinking can make us feel as though we are being pulled into a spiral of mental activity without any way to stop it perhaps you know exactly what i'm talking about but don't worry there is a clear peaceful solution to these destructive thought habits all it requires is to follow the words of paul to the corinthians when he said take captive every thought and make it obedient to christ please let me repeat that take captive every thought and make it obedient to christ imagine yourself with a large net that easily captures every wayward thought that enters your mind with a quick swoosh of the net you capture all negative thoughts before they get stuck in a cycle of overthinking as you catch them you're able to evaluate them and determine if they are worth your time and attention ultimately you're able to bring your thoughts into obedience to the lord you are able to release them to him catch and release every thought captive to christ jesus [Music] as you release every thought in obedience to the lord ask him to replace your thoughts with whatever is true whatever is honorable whatever is just whatever is pure whatever is lovely whatever is commendable and whatever is worthy of praise [Music] think about these things lord jesus help this beloved child finally be free from overthinking deliver them as only you can set them free from endless cycles of negative thinking and dwelling on things that aren't honorable settle their minds on truthfulness loveliness and holiness in your name amen being free from overthinking requires the simple practice of mindfully stepping down from the treadmill of revolving thoughts and getting in step with the holy spirit take god's hand as he leads you out of negative thinking and into a peaceful state of mind [Music] with him you find sanctuary from everything going on around you you are completely safe secure and shielded from unwanted thoughts rest in the sanctuary of his love it's going to be all right the lord knows all about what troubles you he knows your thoughts from afar [Music] there is peace here tonight be still in god's presence let his words of comfort wash over you replacing every turning thought be transformed by the renewal of your mind set your minds on things above set your mind on the spirit who is life and peace do not be anxious about anything let not your hearts be troubled there is no need to be troubled no need to think about things from the past no need to replay things in your mind your savior wants your mind to be set on him on the wonderful things he has done for you and the wonderful things he has yet to do [Music] he alone has done great things [Music] recall his favor on your life recount his promises spoken over you renew your mind on his purpose for his glory and your good lord god in the presence of your holiness and peace help this listener find rest tonight [Music] please lord calm their mind hush their soul and ease the troubles of their heart in the name of your son jesus i pray for complete deliverance from overthinking i pray for you to halt the constant activity in their mind and help them settle on one thing only your presence [Music] for it is in your presence we find true rest as you said to moses my presence will go with you and i will give you rest thank you god for being with this beloved child tonight thank you for drawing their attention to you and away from restless thoughts in you they find serenity stillness and peace of mind [Music] be with them lord through every hour in jesus holy name amen for so long you've wanted to be delivered from overthinking from dwelling on negative things from replaying conversations in your mind and from being fixated on certain situations now is the time for deliverance as john 8 32 says you will know the truth and the truth will set you free [Music] there is freedom in the truth of god allow the holy spirit to pattern your thoughts on jesus the way the truth and the life come to the father through jesus his son be set free from toxic thought patterns tonight remember john 16 13 that says when the spirit of truth comes he will guide you into all the truth for he will not speak on his own authority but whatever he hears he will speak hear him now words of truth and peace thoughts of clarity and assurance [Music] holy god we hear you now speaking words of truth and life into our souls all other thoughts are fading away as your spirit fills us with divine words of faith and trust please help this listener to hear you tonight help them hear your still small voice of comfort that says i am with you there is no need to think about those things anymore release them to me and find deliverance [Music] the transformative power of god's love casts out all fear you can trust him in all things be still and know that he is god trials may last through the night but his love endures forever cast all your cares upon him he cares deeply for you he is your protector deliverer and vindicator simply rest in god's goodness you belong to him you do not belong to your thoughts or to this world you belong to your father in heaven who is the wonderful counselor and mighty god like an eagle that hovers over its young so the lord spreads out his wings over you allow yourself to drift into a deep restorative sleep knowing you are safe under the shelter of god's wings heavenly father please grant this beloved child a very real sense of your presence so they can release overthinking to you i pray that you would pleasantly fill this child of yours with so much peace that every anxiety stress and worry will be replaced with thoughts that are lovely pure and good [Music] and the peace of god which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in christ jesus set your hope fully on the grace that will be brought to you at the revelation of jesus christ peace of god beyond understanding guard our hearts and minds turn our hope to you lord each and every time every thought captured in the net of your grace released into your care never ours to embrace delivered from the burden of dwelling on hurtful past delivered into your truth for eternity it will last lord god our mighty deliverer work as only you can in the life of this dear child tonight as they sleep cleanse their minds from every thought that isn't from you help them awake in the morning renewed by your spirit with a clear mind to discern every thought give them a sense of purpose to live with intentionality focusing on your will for their life teach them how to take every thought captive in obedience to your son help them make it such a practice that all overthinking will become a thing of the past be with them tonight every minute of every hour in jesus name amen [Music] tonight we will seek god for deliverance from overthinking as king david once said you lord perceive my thoughts from afar search me and know my heart test me and know my anxious thoughts let's seek the lord together asking him to test our anxious thoughts every single one of them and deliver us from the negative cycle of overthinking [Music] but before we get started please make yourself comfortable settle your head on the pillow pull the soft covers around you and breathe inhale and exhale allowing yourself to fully relax feel every muscle unwind feel the crease in your forehead relax and your jaw loosen [Music] [Music] as the gears of a machine slow down and eventually come to a full stop allow your mind to slow down gear by gear until all of your thoughts are fully settled in the lord rest peacefully in the stillness of god's presence feel the holy spirit drawing your attention to the things of god to the wonders of his love to his mercy to his peace [Music] breathe in and let it out feel the steady beat of your heart aligning with a heartbeat of god he is with you he loves you holy god we come to you in search of peace and soundness of mind we are weary of overthinking things we are worn out from negative thoughts circling around and around we are tired of stressing about things we cannot control oh how we need your calm presence and spirit of peace lord please touch the mind of this listener tonight and break the cycle of overthinking as a weak chain is pulled apart with ease please set them free from unwanted thought patterns turn their hearts and minds toward you your word your will your way these are the things we think of tonight as we find rest in your holy presence thank you god in the precious name of jesus amen now take one more deep breath in and let it out think only of jesus whisper his name jesus feel the turning of your mind come to a safe resting place of tranquility calmness and ease it is time to be delivered from constant thinking god is your deliverer rest in that truth for a few moments overthinking is a human tendency to dwell on the past fixate on the present or worry about the future but these thoughts do not deserve our time and attention overthinking can make us feel as though we are being pulled into a spiral of mental activity without any way to stop it perhaps you know exactly what i'm talking about but don't worry there is a clear peaceful solution to these destructive thought habits all it requires is to follow the words of paul to the corinthians when he said take captive every thought and make it obedient to christ please let me repeat that take captive every thought and make it obedient to christ [Music] imagine yourself with a large net that easily captures every wayward thought that enters your mind with a quick swoosh of the net you capture all negative thoughts before they get stuck in a cycle of overthinking as you catch them you're able to evaluate them and determine if they are worth your time and attention ultimately you're able to bring your thoughts into obedience to the lord you are able to release them to him catch and release every thought captive to christ jesus as you release every thought in obedience to the lord ask him to replace your thoughts with whatever is true whatever is honorable whatever is just whatever is pure whatever is lovely whatever is commendable and whatever is worthy of praise think about these things lord jesus help this beloved child finally be free from overthinking deliver them as only you can set them free from endless cycles of negative thinking and dwelling on things that aren't honorable settle their minds on truthfulness loveliness and holiness in your name amen being free from overthinking requires the simple practice of mindfully stepping down from the treadmill of revolving thoughts and getting in step with the holy spirit [Music] take god's hand as he leads you out of negative thinking and into a peaceful state of mind with him you find sanctuary from everything going on around you you are completely safe secure and shielded from unwanted thoughts rest in the sanctuary of his love it's going to be all right the lord knows all about what troubles you he knows your thoughts from afar there is peace here tonight be still in god's presence let his words of comfort wash over you replacing every turning thought be transformed by the renewal of your mind set your minds on things above set your mind on the spirit who is life and peace do not be anxious about anything let not your hearts be troubled there is no need to be troubled no need to think about things from the past no need to replay things in your mind your savior wants your mind to be set on him on the wonderful things he has done for you and the wonderful things he has yet to do he alone has done great things recall his favor on your life recount his promises spoken over you renew your mind on his purpose for his glory and your good lord god in the presence of your holiness and peace help this listener find rest tonight please lord calm their mind hush their soul and ease the troubles of their heart in the name of your son jesus i pray for complete deliverance from overthinking pray for you to halt the constant activity in their mind and help them settle on one thing only your presence for it is in your presence we find true rest as you said to moses my presence will go with you and i will give you rest thank you god for being with this beloved child tonight thank you for drawing their attention to you and away from restless thoughts in you they find serenity stillness and peace of mind be with them lord through every hour in jesus holy name amen for so long you've wanted to be delivered from overthinking from dwelling on negative things from replaying conversations in your mind and from being fixated on certain situations now is the time for deliverance as john 8 32 says you will know the truth and the truth will set you free there is freedom in the truth of god allow the holy spirit to pattern your thoughts on jesus the way the truth and the life come to the father through jesus his son be set free from toxic thought patterns tonight [Music] remember john 16 13 that says when the spirit of truth comes he will guide you into all the truth for he will not speak on his own authority but whatever he hears he will speak hear him now words of truth and peace thoughts of clarity and assurance [Music] holy god we hear you now speaking words of truth and life into our souls all other thoughts are fading away as your spirit fills us with divine words of faith and trust please help this listener to hear you tonight help them hear your still small voice of comfort that says i am with you there is no need to think about those things anymore release them to me and find deliverance [Music] the transformative power of god's love casts out all fear you can trust him in all things be still and know that he is god [Music] trials may last through the night but his love endures forever [Music] cast all your cares upon him he cares deeply for you he is your protector deliverer and vindicator simply rest in god's goodness you belong to him you do not belong to your thoughts or to this world you belong to your father in heaven who is the wonderful counselor and mighty god like an eagle that hovers over its young so the lord spreads out his wings over you allow yourself to drift into a deep restorative sleep knowing you are safe under the shelter of god's wings [Music] heavenly father please grant this beloved child a very real sense of your presence so they can release overthinking to you i pray that you would pleasantly fill this child of yours with so much peace that every anxiety stress and worry will be replaced with thoughts that are lovely pure and good [Music] and the peace of god which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in christ jesus set your hope fully on the grace that will be brought to you at the revelation of jesus christ [Music] peace of god beyond understanding guard our hearts and minds turn our hope to you lord each and every time every thought captured in the net of your grace released into your care never ours to embrace delivered from the burden of dwelling on hurtful past delivered into your truth for eternity it will last lord god our mighty deliverer work as only you can in the life of this dear child tonight as they sleep cleanse their minds from every thought that isn't from you help them awake in the morning renewed by your spirit with a clear mind to discern every thought give them a sense of purpose to live with intentionality focusing on your will for their life teach them how to take every thought captive in obedience to your son help them make it such a practice that all overthinking will become a thing of the past be with them tonight every minute of every hour in jesus name amen tonight we will seek god for deliverance from overthinking as king david once said you lord perceive my thoughts from afar search me and know my heart test me and know my anxious thoughts let's seek the lord together asking him to test our anxious thoughts every single one of them and deliver us from the negative cycle of overthinking but before we get started please make yourself comfortable settle your head on the pillow pull the soft covers around you and breathe inhale and exhale allowing yourself to fully relax [Music] feel every muscle unwind feel the crease in your forehead relax and your jaw loosen feel the turning of your thoughts come to a halt as the gears of a machine slow down and eventually come to a full stop allow your mind to slow down gear by gear until all of your thoughts are fully settled in the lord rest peacefully in the stillness of god's presence [Music] feel the holy spirit drawing your attention to the things of god to the wonders of his love to his mercy to his peace breathe in and let it out feel the steady beat of your heart aligning with a heartbeat of god he is with you he loves you holy god we come to you in search of peace and soundness of mind we are weary of overthinking things we are worn out from negative thoughts circling around and around we are tired of stressing about things we cannot control oh how we need your calm presence and spirit of peace lord please touch the mind of this listener tonight and break the cycle of overthinking as a weak chain is pulled apart with ease please set them free from unwanted thought patterns turn their hearts and minds toward you your word your will your way these are the things we think of tonight as we find rest in your holy presence thank you god in the precious name of jesus amen [Music] now take one more deep breath in and let it out think only of jesus [Music] whisper his name jesus feel the turning of your mind come to a safe resting place of tranquility calmness and ease it is time to be delivered from constant thinking god is your deliverer rest in that truth for a few moments overthinking is a human tendency to dwell on the past fixate on the present or worry about the future but these thoughts do not deserve our time and attention overthinking can make us feel as though we are being pulled into a spiral of mental activity without any way to stop it perhaps you know exactly what i'm talking about but don't worry there is a clear peaceful solution to these destructive thought habits all it requires is to follow the words of paul to the corinthians when he said take captive every thought and make it obedient to christ [Music] please let me repeat that take captive every thought and make it obedient to christ imagine yourself with a large net that easily captures every wayward thought that enters your mind with a quick swoosh of the net you capture all negative thoughts before they get stuck in a cycle of overthinking as you catch them you're able to evaluate them and determine if they are worth your time and attention ultimately you're able to bring your thoughts into obedience to the lord you are able to release them to him catch and release every thought captive to christ jesus as you release every thought in obedience to the lord ask him to replace your thoughts with whatever is true whatever is honorable whatever is just whatever is pure whatever is lovely whatever is commendable and whatever is worthy of praise think about these things lord jesus help this beloved child finally be free from overthinking deliver them as only you can set them free from endless cycles of negative thinking and dwelling on things that aren't honorable settle their minds on truthfulness loveliness and holiness in your name amen being free from overthinking requires the simple practice of mindfully stepping down from the treadmill of revolving thoughts and getting in step with the holy spirit take god's hand as he leads you out of negative thinking and into a peaceful state of mind with him you find sanctuary from everything going on around you you are completely safe secure and shielded from unwanted thoughts rest in the sanctuary of his love it's going to be all right the lord knows all about what troubles you he knows your thoughts from afar there is peace here tonight be still in god's presence let his words of comfort wash over you replacing every turning thought be transformed by the renewal of your mind set your minds on things above set your mind on the spirit who is life and peace do not be anxious about anything let not your hearts be troubled [Music] there is no need to be troubled no need to think about things from the past no need to replay things in your mind your savior wants your mind to be set on him on the wonderful things he has done for you and the wonderful things he has yet to do he alone has done great things [Music] recall his favor on your life recount his promises spoken over you renew your mind on his purpose for his glory and your good lord god in the presence of your holiness and peace help this listener find rest tonight [Music] please lord calm their mind hush their soul and ease the troubles of their heart in the name of your son jesus i pray for complete deliverance from overthinking i pray for you to halt the constant activity in their mind and help them settle on one thing only your presence for it is in your presence we find true rest as you said to moses my presence will go with you and i will give you rest thank you god for being with this beloved child tonight thank you for drawing their attention to you and away from restless thoughts in you they find serenity stillness and peace of mind be with them lord through every hour in jesus holy name amen for so long you've wanted to be delivered from overthinking from dwelling on negative things from replaying conversations in your mind and from being fixated on certain situations now is the time for deliverance as john 8 32 says you will know the truth and the truth will set you free there is freedom in the truth of god allow the holy spirit to pattern your thoughts on jesus the way the truth and the life come to the father through jesus his son be set free from toxic thought patterns tonight remember john 16 13 that says when the spirit of truth comes he will guide you into all the truth for he will not speak on his own authority but whatever he hears he will speak hear him now words of truth and peace thoughts of clarity and assurance holy god we hear you now speaking words of truth and life into our souls all other thoughts are fading away as your spirit fills us with divine words of faith and trust please help this listener to hear you tonight help them hear your still small voice of comfort that says i am with you there is no need to think about those things anymore release them to me and find deliverance [Music] the transformative power of god's love casts out all fear you can trust him in all things be still and know that he is god trials may last through the night but his love endures forever cast all your cares upon him he cares deeply for you he is your protector deliverer and vindicator simply rest in god's goodness you belong to him you do not belong to your thoughts or to this world you belong to your father in heaven who is the wonderful counselor and mighty god like an eagle that hovers over its young so the lord spreads out his wings over you allow yourself to drift into a deep restorative sleep knowing you are safe under the shelter of god's wings heavenly father please grant this beloved child a very real sense of your presence so they can release overthinking to you i pray that you would pleasantly fill this child of yours with so much peace that every anxiety stress and worry will be replaced with thoughts that are lovely pure and good and the peace of god which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in christ jesus set your hope fully on the grace that will be brought to you at the revelation of jesus christ peace of god beyond understanding guard our hearts and minds turn our hope to you lord each and every time every thought captured in the net of your grace released into your care never ours to embrace delivered from the burden of dwelling on hurtful past delivered into your truth for eternity it will last [Music] lord god our mighty deliverer work as only you can in the life of this dear child tonight as they sleep cleanse their minds from every thought that isn't from you [Music] help them awake in the morning renewed by your spirit with a clear mind to discern every thought give them a sense of purpose to live with intentionality focusing on your will for their life teach them how to take every thought captive in obedience to your son help them make it such a practice that all overthinking will become a thing of the past be with them tonight every minute of every hour in jesus name amen tonight we will seek god for deliverance from overthinking as king david once said you lord perceive my thoughts from afar search me and know my heart test me and know my anxious thoughts let's seek the lord together asking him to test our anxious thoughts every single one of them and deliver us from the negative cycle of overthinking but before we get started please make yourself comfortable settle your head on the pillow pull the soft covers around you and breathe inhale and exhale allowing yourself to fully relax [Music] feel every muscle unwind feel the crease in your forehead relax and your jaw loosen feel the turning of your thoughts come to a halt as the gears of a machine slow down and eventually come to a full stop allow your mind to slow down gear by gear until all of your thoughts are fully settled in the lord rest peacefully in the stillness of god's presence feel the holy spirit drawing your attention to the things of god to the wonders of his love to his mercy to his peace breathe in and let it out feel the steady beat of your heart aligning with the heartbeat of god he is with you he loves you [Music] holy god we come to you in search of peace and soundness of mind we are weary of overthinking things we are worn out from negative thoughts circling around and around we are tired of stressing about things we cannot control oh how we need your calm presence and spirit of peace lord please touch the mind of this listener tonight and break the cycle of overthinking as a weak chain is pulled apart with ease please set them free from unwanted thought patterns turn their hearts and minds toward you your word your will your way these are the things we think of tonight as we find rest in your holy presence [Music] thank you god in the precious name of jesus amen now take one more deep breath in and let it out think only of jesus whisper his name jesus feel the turning of your mind come to a safe resting place of tranquility calmness and ease it is time to be delivered from constant thinking god is your deliverer rest in that truth for a few moments overthinking is a human tendency to dwell on the past fixate on the present or worry about the future but these thoughts do not deserve our time and attention overthinking can make us feel as though we are being pulled into a spiral of mental activity without any way to stop it perhaps you know exactly what i'm talking about but don't worry there is a clear peaceful solution to these destructive thought habits all it requires is to follow the words of paul to the corinthians when he said take captive every thought and make it obedient to christ please let me repeat that take captive every thought and make it obedient to christ imagine yourself with a large net that easily captures every wayward thought that enters your mind with a quick swoosh of the net you capture all negative thoughts before they get stuck in a cycle of overthinking as you catch them you're able to evaluate them and determine if they are worth your time and attention ultimately you're able to bring your thoughts into obedience to the lord you are able to release them to him [Music] catch and release every thought captive to christ jesus [Music] as you release every thought in obedience to the lord ask him to replace your thoughts with whatever is true whatever is honorable whatever is just whatever is pure whatever is lovely whatever is commendable and whatever is worthy of praise think about these things lord jesus help this beloved child finally be free from overthinking deliver them as only you can set them free from endless cycles of negative thinking and dwelling on things that aren't honorable settle their minds on truthfulness loveliness and holiness in your name amen being free from overthinking requires the simple practice of mindfully stepping down from the treadmill of revolving thoughts and getting in step with the holy spirit take god's hand as he leads you out of negative thinking and into a peaceful state of mind with him you find sanctuary from everything going on around you you are completely safe secure and shielded from unwanted thoughts rest in the sanctuary of his love it's going to be all right the lord knows all about what troubles you he knows your thoughts from afar there is peace here tonight be still in god's presence [Music] let his words of comfort wash over you replacing every turning thought be transformed by the renewal of your mind set your minds on things above set your mind on the spirit who is life and peace do not be anxious about anything let not your hearts be troubled there is no need to be troubled no need to think about things from the past no need to replay things in your mind your savior wants your mind to be set on him on the wonderful things he has done for you and the wonderful things he has yet to do [Music] he alone has done great things [Music] recall his favor on your life recount his promises spoken over you renew your mind on his purpose for his glory and your good lord god in the presence of your holiness and peace help this listener find rest tonight please lord calm their mind hush their soul and ease the troubles of their heart in the name of your son jesus i pray for complete deliverance from overthinking i pray for you to halt the constant activity in their mind and help them settle on one thing only your presence for it is in your presence we find true rest as you said to moses my presence will go with you and i will give you rest thank you god for being with this beloved child tonight thank you for drawing their attention to you and away from restless thoughts in you they find serenity stillness and peace of mind be with them lord through every hour in jesus holy name amen for so long you've wanted to be delivered from overthinking from dwelling on negative things from replaying conversations in your mind and from being fixated on certain situations now is the time for deliverance as john 8 32 says you will know the truth and the truth will set you free there is freedom in the truth of god allow the holy spirit to pattern your thoughts on jesus the way the truth and the life come to the father through jesus his son be set free from toxic thought patterns tonight remember john 16 13 that says when the spirit of truth comes he will guide you into all the truth for he will not speak on his own authority but whatever he hears he will speak hear him now words of truth and peace thoughts of clarity and assurance holy god we hear you now speaking words of truth and life into our souls all other thoughts are fading away as your spirit fills us with divine words of faith and trust please help this listener to hear you tonight help them hear your still small voice of comfort that says i am with you there is no need to think about those things anymore release them to me and find deliverance the transformative power of god's love casts out all fear you can trust him in all things be still and know that he is god trials may last through the night but his love endures forever cast all your cares upon him [Music] he cares deeply for you he is your protector deliverer and vindicator simply rest in god's goodness you belong to him you do not belong to your thoughts or to this world you belong to your father in heaven who is the wonderful counselor and mighty god like an eagle that hovers over its young so the lord spreads out his wings over you allow yourself to drift into a deep restorative sleep knowing you are safe under the shelter of god's wings [Music] heavenly father please grant this beloved child a very real sense of your presence so they can release overthinking to you i pray that you would pleasantly fill this child of yours with so much peace that every anxiety stress and worry will be replaced with thoughts that are lovely pure and good [Music] and the peace of god which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in christ jesus set your hope fully on the grace that will be brought to you at the revelation of jesus christ peace of god beyond understanding guard our hearts and minds turn our hope to you lord each and every time every thought captured in the net of your grace released into your care never ours to embrace delivered from the burden of dwelling on hurtful past delivered into your truth for eternity it will last lord god our mighty deliverer work as only you can in the life of this dear child tonight as they sleep cleanse their minds from every thought that isn't from you help them awake in the morning renewed by your spirit with a clear mind to discern every thought give them a sense of purpose to live with intentionality focusing on your will for their life teach them how to take every thought captive in obedience to your son help them make it such a practice that all overthinking will become a thing of the past be with them tonight every minute of every hour in jesus name amen [Music] tonight we will seek god for deliverance from overthinking as king david once said you lord perceive my thoughts from afar search me and know my heart test me and know my anxious thoughts [Music] let's seek the lord together asking him to test our anxious thoughts every single one of them and deliver us from the negative cycle of overthinking but before we get started please make yourself comfortable settle your head on the pillow pull the soft covers around you and breathe inhale and exhale allowing yourself to fully relax feel every muscle unwind feel the crease in your forehead relax and your jaw loosen feel the turning of your thoughts come to a halt as the gears of a machine slow down and eventually come to a full stop allow your mind to slow down gear by gear until all of your thoughts are fully settled in the lord rest peacefully in the stillness of god's presence [Music] feel the holy spirit drawing your attention to the things of god to the wonders of his love to his mercy to his peace breathe in and let it out feel the steady beat of your heart aligning with a heartbeat of god he is with you he loves you holy god we come to you in search of peace and soundness of mind we are weary of overthinking things we are worn out from negative thoughts circling around and around we are tired of stressing about things we cannot control oh how we need your calm presence and spirit of peace lord please touch the mind of this listener tonight and break the cycle of overthinking as a weak chain is pulled apart with ease please set them free from unwanted thought patterns turn their hearts and minds toward you [Music] your word your will your way these are the things we think of tonight as we find rest in your holy presence thank you god in the precious name of jesus amen now take one more deep breath in and let it out think only of jesus whisper his name jesus feel the turning of your mind come to a safe resting place of tranquility calmness and ease it is time to be delivered from constant thinking god is your deliverer rest in that truth for a few moments [Music] overthinking is a human tendency to dwell on the past fixate on the present or worry about the future but these thoughts do not deserve our time and attention overthinking can make us feel as though we are being pulled into a spiral of mental activity without any way to stop it perhaps you know exactly what i'm talking about but don't worry there is a clear peaceful solution to these destructive thought habits all it requires is to follow the words of paul to the corinthians when he said take captive every thought and make it obedient to christ please let me repeat that [Music] take captive every thought and make it obedient to christ [Music] imagine yourself with a large net that easily captures every wayward thought that enters your mind with a quick swoosh of the net you capture all negative thoughts before they get stuck in a cycle of overthinking as you catch them you're able to evaluate them and determine if they are worth your time and attention ultimately you're able to bring your thoughts into obedience to the lord you are able to release them to him catch and release every thought captive to christ jesus [Music] as you release every thought in obedience to the lord ask him to replace your thoughts with whatever is true whatever is honorable whatever is just whatever is pure whatever is lovely whatever is commendable and whatever is worthy of praise think about these things lord jesus help this beloved child finally be free from overthinking deliver them as only you can set them free from endless cycles of negative thinking and dwelling on things that aren't honorable settle their minds on truthfulness loveliness and holiness in your name amen [Music] being free from overthinking requires the simple practice of mindfully stepping down from the treadmill of revolving thoughts and getting in step with the holy spirit take god's hand as he leads you out of negative thinking and into a peaceful state of mind with him you find sanctuary from everything going on around you you are completely safe secure and shielded from unwanted thoughts rest in the sanctuary of his love [Music] it's going to be all right the lord knows all about what troubles you he knows your thoughts from afar there is peace here tonight be still in god's presence let his words of comfort wash over you replacing every turning thought be transformed by the renewal of your mind set your minds on things above set your mind on the spirit who is life and peace do not be anxious about anything let not your hearts be troubled there is no need to be troubled no need to think about things from the past no need to replay things in your mind your savior wants your mind to be set on him on the wonderful things he has done for you and the wonderful things he has yet to do he alone has done great things recall his favor on your life recount his promises spoken over you renew your mind on his purpose for his glory and your good lord god in the presence of your holiness and peace help this listener find rest tonight please lord calm their mind hush their soul and ease the troubles of their heart in the name of your son jesus i pray for complete deliverance from overthinking i pray for you to halt the constant activity in their mind and help them settle on one thing only your presence for it is in your presence we find true rest as you said to moses my presence will go with you and i will give you rest thank you god for being with this beloved child tonight thank you for drawing their attention to you and away from restless thoughts in you they find serenity stillness and peace of mind be with them lord through every hour in jesus holy name amen for so long you've wanted to be delivered from overthinking from dwelling on negative things from replaying conversations in your mind and from being fixated on certain situations now is the time for deliverance as john 8 32 says you will know the truth and the truth will set you free there is freedom in the truth of god [Music] allow the holy spirit to pattern your thoughts on jesus the way the truth and the life come to the father through jesus his son be set free from toxic thought patterns tonight remember john 16 13 that says when the spirit of truth comes he will guide you into all the truth for he will not speak on his own authority but whatever he hears he will speak hear him now words of truth and peace thoughts of clarity and assurance [Music] holy god we hear you now speaking words of truth and life into our souls all other thoughts are fading away as your spirit fills us with divine words of faith and trust help this listener to hear you tonight help them hear your still small voice of comfort that says i am with you there is no need to think about those things anymore release them to me and find deliverance [Music] the transformative power of god's love casts out all fear you can trust him in all things be still and know that he is god trials may last through the night but his love endures forever cast all your cares upon him [Music] he cares deeply for you he is your protector deliverer and vindicator simply rest in god's goodness you belong to him you do not belong to your thoughts or to this world you belong to your father in heaven who is the wonderful counselor and mighty god like an eagle that hovers over its young so the lord spreads out his wings over you [Music] allow yourself to drift into a deep restorative sleep knowing you are safe under the shelter of god's wings heavenly father please grant this beloved child a very real sense of your presence so they can release overthinking to you i pray that you would pleasantly fill this child of yours with so much peace that every anxiety stress and worry will be replaced with thoughts that are lovely pure and good and the peace of god which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in christ jesus set your hope fully on the grace that will be brought to you at the revelation of jesus christ peace of god beyond understanding guard our hearts and minds turn our hope to you lord each and every time every thought captured in the net of your grace released into your care never ours to embrace delivered from the burden of dwelling on hurtful past delivered into your truth for eternity it will last lord god our mighty deliverer work as only you can in the life of this dear child tonight as they sleep cleanse their minds from every thought that isn't from you help them awake in the morning renewed by your spirit [Music] with a clear mind to discern every thought give them a sense of purpose to live with intentionality focusing on your will for their life teach them how to take every thought captive in obedience to your son help them make it such a practice that all overthinking will become a thing of the past be with them tonight every minute of every hour in jesus name amen tonight we will seek god for deliverance from overthinking as king david once said you lord perceive my thoughts from afar search me and know my heart test me and know my anxious thoughts let's seek the lord together asking him to test our anxious thoughts every single one of them and deliver us from the negative cycle of overthinking [Music] but before we get started please make yourself comfortable settle your head on the pillow pull the soft covers around you and breathe inhale and exhale allowing yourself to fully relax feel every muscle unwind feel the crease in your forehead relax and your jaw loosen feel the turning of your thoughts come to a halt as the gears of a machine slow down and eventually come to a full stop allow your mind to slow down gear by gear until all of your thoughts are fully settled in the lord [Music] rest peacefully in the stillness of god's presence feel the holy spirit drawing your attention to the things of god to the wonders of his love to his mercy to his peace breathe in and let it out feel the steady beat of your heart aligning with a heartbeat of god he is with you he loves you holy god we come to you in search of peace and soundness of mind we are weary of overthinking things we are worn out from negative thoughts circling around and around we are tired of stressing about things we cannot control oh how we need your calm presence and spirit of peace [Music] lord please touch the mind of this listener tonight and break the cycle of overthinking as a weak chain is pulled apart with ease please set them free from unwanted thought patterns turn their hearts and minds toward you your word your will your way these are the things we think of tonight as we find rest in your holy presence thank you god in the precious name of jesus amen [Music] now take one more deep breath in and let it out think only of jesus whisper his name jesus feel the turning of your mind come to a safe resting place of tranquility calmness and ease it is time to be delivered from constant thinking god is your deliverer rest in that truth for a few moments [Music] overthinking is a human tendency to dwell on the past fixate on the present or worry about the future but these thoughts do not deserve our time and attention overthinking can make us feel as though we are being pulled into a spiral of mental activity without any way to stop it perhaps you know exactly what i'm talking about but don't worry there is a clear peaceful solution to these destructive thought habits all it requires is to follow the words of paul to the corinthians when he said take captive every thought and make it obedient to christ please let me repeat that take captive every thought and make it obedient to christ imagine yourself with a large net that easily captures every wayward thought that enters your mind with a quick swoosh of the net you capture all negative thoughts before they get stuck in a cycle of overthinking as you catch them you're able to evaluate them and determine if they are worth your time and attention ultimately you're able to bring your thoughts into obedience to the lord you are able to release them to him catch and release every thought captive to christ jesus as you release every thought in obedience to the lord ask him to replace your thoughts with whatever is true whatever is honorable whatever is just whatever is pure whatever is lovely whatever is commendable and whatever is worthy of praise think about these things [Music] lord jesus help this beloved child finally be free from overthinking deliver them as only you can set them free from endless cycles of negative thinking and dwelling on things that aren't honorable settle their minds on truthfulness loveliness and holiness in your name amen [Music] being free from overthinking requires the simple practice of mindfully stepping down from the treadmill of revolving thoughts and getting in step with the holy spirit take god's hand as he leads you out of negative thinking and into a peaceful state of mind with him you find sanctuary from everything going on around you you are completely safe secure and shielded from unwanted thoughts rest in the sanctuary of his love [Music] it's going to be all right the lord knows all about what troubles you he knows your thoughts from afar there is peace here tonight be still in god's presence let his words of comfort wash over you replacing every turning thought be transformed by the renewal of your mind set your minds on things above set your mind on the spirit who is life and peace do not be anxious about anything let not your hearts be troubled there is no need to be troubled no need to think about things from the past no need to replay things in your mind your savior wants your mind to be set on him on the wonderful things he has done for you and the wonderful things he has yet to do he alone has done great things recall his favor on your life recount his promises spoken over you [Music] renew your mind on his purpose for his glory and your good lord god in the presence of your holiness and peace help this listener find rest tonight please lord calm their mind hush their soul and ease the troubles of their heart [Music] in the name of your son jesus i pray for complete deliverance from overthinking i pray for you to halt the constant activity in their mind and help them settle on one thing only your presence for it is in your presence we find true rest as you said to moses my presence will go with you and i will give you rest [Music] thank you god for being with this beloved child tonight thank you for drawing their attention to you and away from restless thoughts in you they find serenity and peace of mind be with them lord through every hour in jesus holy name amen for so long you've wanted to be delivered from overthinking from dwelling on negative things from replaying conversations in your mind and from being fixated on certain situations now is the time for deliverance as john 8 32 says you will know the truth and the truth will set you free there is freedom in the truth of god [Music] allow the holy spirit to pattern your thoughts on jesus the way the truth and the life come to the father through jesus his son be set free from toxic thought patterns tonight [Music] remember john 16 13 that says when the spirit of truth comes he will guide you into all the truth for he will not speak on his own authority but whatever he hears he will speak hear him now words of truth and peace thoughts of clarity and assurance holy god we hear you now speaking words of truth and life into our souls all other thoughts are fading away as your spirit fills us with divine words of faith and trust please help this listener to hear you tonight help them hear your still small voice of comfort that says i am with you there is no need to think about those things anymore release them to me and find deliverance the transformative power of god's love casts out all fear you can trust him in all things be still and know that he is god [Music] trials may last through the night but his love endures forever cast all your cares upon him he cares deeply for you he is your protector deliverer and vindicator simply rest in god's goodness you belong to him you do not belong to your thoughts or to this world you belong to your father in heaven who is the wonderful counselor and mighty god like an eagle that hovers over its young so the lord spreads out his wings over you allow yourself to drift into a deep restorative sleep knowing you are safe under the shelter of god's wings heavenly father please grant this beloved child a very real sense of your presence so they can release overthinking to you i pray that you would pleasantly fill this child of yours with so much peace that every anxiety stress and worry will be replaced with thoughts that are lovely pure and good and the peace of god which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in christ jesus set your hope fully on the grace that will be brought to you at the revelation of jesus christ peace of god beyond understanding guard our hearts and minds turn our hope to you lord each and every time every thought captured in the net of your grace released into your care never ours to embrace delivered from the burden of dwelling on hurtful past delivered into your truth for eternity it will last lord god our mighty deliverer work as only you can in the life of this dear child tonight as they sleep cleanse their minds from every thought that isn't from you help them awake in the morning renewed by your spirit with a clear mind to discern every thought give them a sense of purpose to live with intentionality focusing on your will for their life teach them how to take every thought captive in obedience to your son help them make it such a practice that all overthinking will become a thing of the past be with them tonight every minute of every hour in jesus name amen tonight we will seek god for deliverance from overthinking as king david once said you lord perceive my thoughts from afar search me and know my heart test me and know my anxious thoughts let's seek the lord together asking him to test our anxious thoughts every single one of them and deliver us from the negative cycle of overthinking but before we get started please make yourself comfortable settle your head on the pillow pull the soft covers around you and breathe inhale and exhale allowing yourself to fully relax feel every muscle unwind feel the crease in your forehead relax and your jaw loosen as the gears of a machine slow down and eventually come to a full stop allow your mind to slow down gear by gear until all of your thoughts are fully settled in the lord rest peacefully in the stillness of god's presence [Music] feel the holy spirit drawing your attention to the things of god to the wonders of his love to his mercy to his peace [Music] breathe in and let it out feel the steady beat of your heart aligning with a heartbeat of god he is with you he loves you holy god we come to you in search of peace and soundness of mind we are weary of overthinking things we are worn out from negative thoughts circling around and around we are tired of stressing about things we cannot control oh how we need your calm presence and spirit of peace lord please touch the mind of this listener tonight and break the cycle of overthinking as a weak chain is pulled apart with ease please set them free from unwanted thought patterns turn their hearts and minds toward you your word your will your way these are the things we think of tonight as we find rest in your holy presence thank you god in the precious name of jesus amen [Music] now take one more deep breath in and let it out [Music] think only of jesus whisper his name jesus [Music] feel the turning of your mind come to a safe resting place of tranquility calmness and ease it is time to be delivered from constant thinking god is your deliverer rest in that truth for a few moments [Music] overthinking is a human tendency to dwell on the past fixate on the present or worry about the future but these thoughts do not deserve our time and attention overthinking can make us feel as though we are being pulled into a spiral of mental activity without any way to stop it perhaps you know exactly what i'm talking about but don't worry there is a clear peaceful solution to these destructive thought habits all it requires is to follow the words of paul to the corinthians when he said take captive every thought and make it obedient to christ please let me repeat that take captive every thought and make it obedient to christ [Music] imagine yourself with a large net that easily captures every wayward thought that enters your mind with a quick swoosh of the net you capture all negative thoughts before they get stuck in a cycle of overthinking as you catch them you're able to evaluate them and determine if they are worth your time and attention ultimately you're able to bring your thoughts into obedience to the lord you are able to release them to him catch and release every thought captive to christ jesus as you release every thought in obedience to the lord ask him to replace your thoughts with whatever is true whatever is honorable whatever is just whatever is pure whatever is lovely whatever is commendable and whatever is worthy of praise think about these things lord jesus help this beloved child finally be free from overthinking deliver them as only you can set them free from endless cycles of negative thinking and dwelling on things that aren't honorable settle their minds on truthfulness loveliness and holiness in your name amen being free from overthinking requires the simple practice of mindfully stepping down from the treadmill of revolving thoughts and getting in step with the holy spirit take god's hand as he leads you out of negative thinking and into a peaceful state of mind with him you find sanctuary from everything going on around you you are completely safe secure and shielded from unwanted thoughts rest in the sanctuary of his love it's going to be all right the lord knows all about what troubles you he knows your thoughts from afar [Music] there is peace here tonight be still in god's presence let his words of comfort wash over you replacing every turning thought be transformed by the renewal of your mind set your minds on things above set your mind on the spirit who is life and peace do not be anxious about anything let not your hearts be troubled [Music] there is no need to be troubled no need to think about things from the past no need to replay things in your mind your savior wants your mind to be set on him on the wonderful things he has done for you and the wonderful things he has yet to do [Music] he alone has done great things recall his favor on your life recount his promises spoken over you renew your mind on his purpose for his glory and your good lord god in the presence of your holiness and peace help this listener find rest tonight please lord calm their mind hush their soul and ease the troubles of their heart in the name of your son jesus i pray for complete deliverance from overthinking i pray for you to halt the constant activity in their mind and help them settle on one thing only your presence for it is in your presence we find true rest as you said to moses my presence will go with you and i will give you rest thank you god for being with this beloved child tonight thank you for drawing their attention to you and away from restless thoughts in you they find serenity stillness and peace of mind [Music] be with them lord through every hour in jesus holy name amen for so long you've wanted to be delivered from overthinking from dwelling on negative things from replaying conversations in your mind and from being fixated on certain situations [Music] now is the time for deliverance as john 8 32 says you will know the truth and the truth will set you free there is freedom in the truth of god [Music] allow the holy spirit to pattern your thoughts on jesus the way the truth and the life come to the father through jesus his son be set free from toxic thought patterns tonight remember john 16 13 that says when the spirit of truth comes he will guide you into all the truth for he will not speak on his own authority but whatever he hears he will speak hear him now words of truth and peace thoughts of clarity and assurance holy god we hear you now speaking words of truth and life into our souls all other thoughts are fading away as your spirit fills us with divine words of faith and trust [Music] please help this listener to hear you tonight help them hear your still small voice of comfort that says i am with you there is no need to think about those things anymore release them to me and find deliverance the transformative power of god's love casts out all fear you can trust him in all things be still and know that he is god trials may last through the night but his love endures forever cast all your cares upon him [Music] he cares deeply for you he is your protector deliverer and vindicator simply rest in god's goodness you belong to him you do not belong to your thoughts or to this world you belong to your father in heaven who is the wonderful counselor and mighty god like an eagle that hovers over its young so the lord spreads out his wings over you [Music] allow yourself to drift into a deep restorative sleep knowing you are safe under the shelter of god's wings heavenly father please grant this beloved child a very real sense of your presence so they can release overthinking to you i pray that you would pleasantly fill this child of yours with so much peace that every anxiety stress and worry will be replaced with thoughts that are lovely pure and good [Music] and the peace of god which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in christ jesus set your hope fully on the grace that will be brought to you at the revelation of jesus christ peace of god beyond understanding guard our hearts and minds turn our hope to you lord each and every time every thought captured in the net of your grace released into your care never ours to embrace delivered from the burden of dwelling on hurtful past delivered into your truth for eternity it will last lord god our mighty deliverer work as only you can in the life of this dear child tonight as they sleep cleanse their minds from every thought that isn't from you help them awake in the morning renewed by your spirit [Music] with a clear mind to discern every thought give them a sense of purpose to live with intentionality focusing on your will for their life teach them how to take every thought captive in obedience to your son help them make it such a practice that all overthinking will become a thing of the past with them tonight every minute of every hour in jesus name amen tonight we will seek god for deliverance from overthinking as king david once said you lord perceive my thoughts from afar search me and know my heart test me and know my anxious thoughts let's seek the lord together asking him to test our anxious thoughts every single one of them and deliver us from the negative cycle of overthinking but before we get started please make yourself comfortable settle your head on the pillow pull the soft covers around you and breathe inhale and exhale allowing yourself to fully relax feel every muscle unwind feel the crease in your forehead relax and your jaw loosen feel the turning of your thoughts come to a halt as the gears of a machine slow down and eventually come to a full stop allow your mind to slow down gear by gear until all of your thoughts are fully settled in the lord [Music] rest peacefully in the stillness of god's presence feel the holy spirit drawing your attention to the things of god to the wonders of his love to his mercy to his peace breathe in and let it out feel the steady beat of your heart aligning with a heartbeat of god he is with you he loves you [Music] holy god we come to you in search of peace and soundness of mind we are weary of overthinking things we are worn out from negative thoughts circling around and around we are tired of stressing about things we cannot control oh how we need your calm presence and spirit of peace lord please touch the mind of this listener tonight and break the cycle of overthinking as a weak chain is pulled apart with ease please set them free from unwanted thought patterns turn their hearts and minds toward you your word your will your way these are the things we think of tonight as we find rest in your holy presence thank you god in the precious name of jesus amen [Music] now take one more deep breath in [Music] and let it out think only of jesus whisper his name jesus feel the turning of your mind come to a safe resting place of tranquility calmness and ease it is time to be delivered from constant thinking god is your deliverer rest in that truth for a few moments [Music] overthinking is a human tendency to dwell on the past fixate on the present or worry about the future but these thoughts do not deserve our time and attention overthinking can make us feel as though we are being pulled into a spiral of mental activity without any way to stop it perhaps you know exactly what i'm talking about but don't worry there is a clear peaceful solution to these destructive thought habits all it requires is to follow the words of paul to the corinthians when he said take captive every thought and make it obedient to christ please let me repeat that take captive every thought and make it obedient to christ imagine yourself with a large net that easily captures every wayward thought that enters your mind with a quick swoosh of the net you capture all negative thoughts before they get stuck in a cycle of overthinking as you catch them you're able to evaluate them and determine if they are worth your time and attention ultimately you're able to bring your thoughts into obedience to the lord you are able to release them to him [Music] catch and release every thought captive to christ jesus as you release every thought in obedience to the lord ask him to replace your thoughts with whatever is true whatever is honorable whatever is just whatever is pure whatever is lovely whatever is commendable and whatever is worthy of praise think about these things lord jesus help this beloved child finally be free from overthinking deliver them as only you can set them free from endless cycles of negative thinking and dwelling on things that aren't honorable settle their minds on truthfulness loveliness and holiness in your name amen being free from overthinking requires the simple practice of mindfully stepping down from the treadmill of revolving thoughts and getting in step with the holy spirit [Music] take god's hand as he leads you out of negative thinking and into a peaceful state of mind with him you find sanctuary from everything going on around you you are completely safe secure and shielded from unwanted thoughts rest in the sanctuary of his love it's going to be all right the lord knows all about what troubles you he knows your thoughts from afar there is peace here tonight be still in god's presence let his words of comfort wash over you replacing every turning thought be transformed by the renewal of your mind set your minds on things above set your mind on the spirit who is life and peace do not be anxious about anything let not your hearts be troubled there is no need to be troubled no need to think about things from the past no need to replay things in your mind your savior wants your mind to be set on him on the wonderful things he has done for you and the wonderful things he has yet to do he alone has done great things recall his favor on your life recount his promises spoken over you [Music] renew your mind on his purpose for his glory and your good lord god in the presence of your holiness and peace help this listener find rest tonight please lord calm their mind hush their soul and ease the troubles of their heart in the name of your son jesus i pray for complete deliverance from overthinking i pray for you to halt the constant activity in their mind and help them settle on one thing only your presence [Music] for it is in your presence we find true rest as you said to moses my presence will go with you and i will give you rest thank you god for being with this beloved child tonight [Music] thank you for drawing their attention to you and away from restless thoughts in you they find serenity stillness and peace of mind [Music] be with them lord through every hour in jesus holy name amen for so long you've wanted to be delivered from overthinking from dwelling on negative things from replaying conversations in your mind and from being fixated on certain situations now is the time for deliverance as john 8 32 says you will know the truth and the truth will set you free there is freedom in the truth of god allow the holy spirit to pattern your thoughts on jesus the way the truth and the life come to the father through jesus his son be set free from toxic thought patterns tonight remember john 16 13 that says when the spirit of truth comes he will guide you into all the truth for he will not speak on his own authority but whatever he hears he will speak hear him now words of truth and peace thoughts of clarity and assurance holy god we hear you now speaking words of truth and life into our souls all other thoughts are fading away as your spirit fills us with divine words of faith and trust please help this listener to hear you tonight help them hear your still small voice of comfort that says i am with you there is no need to think about those things anymore release them to me and find deliverance the transformative power of god's love casts out all fear you can trust him in all things be still and know that he is god trials may last through the night but his love endures forever cast all your cares upon him he cares deeply for you he is your protector deliverer and vindicator simply rest in god's goodness you belong to him you do not belong to your thoughts or to this world you belong to your father in heaven who is the wonderful counselor and mighty god like an eagle that hovers over its young so the lord spreads out his wings over you allow yourself to drift into a deep restorative sleep knowing you are safe under the shelter of god's wings [Music] heavenly father please grant this beloved child a very real sense of your presence so they can release overthinking to you i pray that you would pleasantly fill this child of yours with so much peace that every anxiety stress and worry will be replaced with thoughts that are lovely pure and good and the peace of god which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in christ jesus set your hope fully on the grace that will be brought to you at the revelation of jesus christ peace of god beyond understanding guard our hearts and minds turn our hope to you lord each and every time every thought captured in the net of your grace released into your care never ours to embrace delivered from the burden of dwelling on hurtful past delivered into your truth for eternity it will last lord god our mighty deliverer work as only you can in the life of this dear child tonight as they sleep cleanse their minds from every thought that isn't from you help them awake in the morning renewed by your spirit with a clear mind to discern every thought give them a sense of purpose to live with intentionality focusing on your will for their life teach them how to take every thought captive in obedience to your son help them make it such a practice that all overthinking will become a thing of the past be with them tonight every minute of every hour in jesus name amen tonight we will seek god for deliverance from overthinking as king david once said you lord perceive my thoughts from afar search me and know my heart test me and know my anxious thoughts let's seek the lord together asking him to test our anxious thoughts every single one of them and deliver us from the negative cycle of overthinking but before we get started please make yourself comfortable settle your head on the pillow pull the soft covers around you and breathe inhale and exhale allowing yourself to fully relax feel every muscle unwind feel the crease in your forehead relax and your jaw loosen feel the turning of your thoughts come to a halt as the gears of a machine slow down and eventually come to a full stop allow your mind to slow down gear by gear until all of your thoughts are fully settled in the lord rest peacefully in the stillness of god's presence feel the holy spirit drawing your attention to the things of god to the wonders of his love to his mercy to his peace breathe in and let it out feel the steady beat of your heart aligning with a heartbeat of god he is with you he loves you holy god we come to you in search of peace and soundness of mind we are weary of overthinking things we are worn out from negative thoughts circling around and around we are tired of stressing about things we cannot control oh how we need your calm presence and spirit of peace [Music] lord please touch the mind of this listener tonight and break the cycle of overthinking as a weak chain is pulled apart with ease please set them free from unwanted thought patterns turn their hearts and minds toward you your word your will your way these are the things we think of tonight as we find rest in your holy presence thank you god in the precious name of jesus amen now take one more deep breath in and let it out think only of jesus [Music] whisper his name jesus feel the turning of your mind come to a safe resting place of tranquility calmness and ease it is time to be delivered from constant thinking god is your deliverer rest in that truth for a few moments [Music] overthinking is a human tendency to dwell on the past fixate on the present or worry about the future but these thoughts do not deserve our time and attention overthinking can make us feel as though we are being pulled into a spiral of mental activity without any way to stop it perhaps you know exactly what i'm talking about but don't worry there is a clear peaceful solution to these destructive thought habits all it requires is to follow the words of paul to the corinthians when he said take captive every thought and make it obedient to christ please let me repeat that take captive every thought and make it obedient to christ imagine yourself with a large net that easily captures every wayward thought that enters your mind with a quick swoosh of the net you capture all negative thoughts before they get stuck in a cycle of overthinking as you catch them you're able to evaluate them and determine if they are worth your time and attention ultimately you're able to bring your thoughts into obedience to the lord you are able to release them to him [Music] catch and release every thought captive to christ jesus as you release every thought in obedience to the lord ask him to replace your thoughts with whatever is true whatever is honorable whatever is just whatever is pure whatever is lovely whatever is commendable and whatever is worthy of praise think about these things lord jesus help this beloved child finally be free from overthinking deliver them as only you can set them free from endless cycles of negative thinking and dwelling on things that aren't honorable settle their minds on truthfulness loveliness and holiness in your name amen being free from overthinking requires the simple practice of mindfully stepping down from the treadmill of revolving thoughts and getting in step with the holy spirit take god's hand as he leads you out of negative thinking and into a peaceful state of mind with him you find sanctuary from everything going on around you you are completely safe secure and shielded from unwanted thoughts rest in the sanctuary of his love it's going to be all right the lord knows all about what troubles you he knows your thoughts from afar there is peace here tonight be still in god's presence let his words of comfort wash over you replacing every turning thought be transformed by the renewal of your mind set your minds on things above set your mind on the spirit who is life and peace do not be anxious about anything let not your hearts be troubled [Music] there is no need to be troubled no need to think about things from the past no need to replay things in your mind your savior wants your mind to be set on him on the wonderful things he has done for you and the wonderful things he has yet to do he alone has done great things recall his favor on your life recount his promises spoken over you renew your mind on his purpose for his glory and your good lord god in the presence of your holiness and peace help this listener find rest tonight please lord calm their mind hush their soul and ease the troubles of their heart in the name of your son jesus i pray for complete deliverance from overthinking i pray for you to halt the constant activity in their mind and help them settle on one thing only your presence for it is in your presence we find true rest as you said to moses my presence will go with you and i will give you rest thank you god for being with this beloved child tonight thank you for drawing their attention to you and away from restless thoughts in you they find serenity stillness and peace of mind be with them lord through every hour in jesus holy name amen for so long you've wanted to be delivered from overthinking from dwelling on negative things from replaying conversations in your mind and from being fixated on certain situations now is the time for deliverance as john 8 32 says you will know the truth and the truth will set you free there is freedom in the truth of god [Music] allow the holy spirit to pattern your thoughts on jesus the way the truth and the life come to the father through jesus his son be set free from toxic thought patterns tonight remember john 16 13 that says when the spirit of truth comes he will guide you into all the truth for he will not speak on his own authority but whatever he hears he will speak hear him now words of truth and peace thoughts of clarity and assurance holy god we hear you now speaking words of truth and life into our souls all other thoughts are fading away as your spirit fills us with divine words of faith and trust please help this listener to hear you tonight help them hear your still small voice of comfort that says i am with you there is no need to think about those things anymore release them to me and find deliverance [Music] the transformative power of god's love casts out all fear you can trust him in all things be still and know that he is god trials may last through the night but his love endures forever cast all your cares upon him he cares deeply for you he is your protector deliverer and vindicator simply rest in god's goodness you belong to him you do not belong to your thoughts or to this world you belong to your father in heaven who is the wonderful counselor and mighty god like an eagle that hovers over its young so the lord spreads out his wings over you allow yourself to drift into a deep restorative sleep knowing you are safe under the shelter of god's wings heavenly father please grant this beloved child a very real sense of your presence so they can release overthinking to you i pray that you would pleasantly fill this child of yours with so much peace that every anxiety stress and worry will be replaced with thoughts that are lovely pure and good and the peace of god which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in christ jesus set your hope fully on the grace that will be brought to you at the revelation of jesus christ peace of god beyond understanding guard our hearts and minds turn our hope to you lord each and every time every thought captured in the net of your grace released into your care never ours to embrace delivered from the burden of dwelling on hurtful past delivered into your truth for eternity it will last lord god our mighty deliverer work as only you can in the life of this dear child tonight as they sleep cleanse their minds from every thought that isn't from you help them awake in the morning renewed by your spirit with a clear mind to discern every thought give them a sense of purpose to live with intentionality focusing on your will for their life teach them how to take every thought captive in obedience to your son help them make it such a practice that all overthinking will become a thing of the past be with them tonight every minute of every hour in jesus name amen tonight we will seek god for deliverance from overthinking as king david once said you lord perceive my thoughts from afar search me and know my heart test me and know my anxious thoughts [Music] let's seek the lord together asking him to test our anxious thoughts every single one of them and deliver us from the negative cycle of overthinking [Music] but before we get started please make yourself comfortable settle your head on the pillow pull the soft covers around you and breathe inhale and exhale allowing yourself to fully relax feel every muscle unwind feel the crease in your forehead relax and your jaw loosen feel the turning of your thoughts come to a halt as the gears of a machine slow down and eventually come to a full stop allow your mind to slow down gear by gear until all of your thoughts are fully settled in the lord rest peacefully in the stillness of god's presence feel the holy spirit drawing your attention to the things of god to the wonders of his love to his mercy to his peace breathe in and let it out feel the steady beat of your heart aligning with a heartbeat of god he is with you he loves you holy god we come to you in search of peace and soundness of mind we are weary of overthinking things we are worn out from negative thoughts circling around and around we are tired of stressing about things we cannot control oh how we need your calm presence and spirit of peace lord please touch the mind of this listener tonight and break the cycle of overthinking as a weak chain is pulled apart with ease please set them free from unwanted thought patterns turn their hearts and minds toward you your word your will your way these are the things we think of tonight as we find rest in your holy presence [Music] thank you god in the precious name of jesus amen now take one more deep breath in and let it out think only of jesus whisper his name jesus [Music] feel the turning of your mind come to a safe resting place of tranquility calmness and ease it is time to be delivered from constant thinking god is your deliverer rest in that truth for a few moments overthinking is a human tendency to dwell on the past fixate on the present or worry about the future but these thoughts do not deserve our time and attention overthinking can make us feel as though we are being pulled into a spiral of mental activity without any way to stop it perhaps you know exactly what i'm talking about but don't worry there is a clear peaceful solution to these destructive thought habits all it requires is to follow the words of paul to the corinthians when he said take captive every thought and make it obedient to christ please let me repeat that take captive every thought and make it obedient to christ imagine yourself with a large net that easily captures every wayward thought that enters your mind with a quick swoosh of the net you capture all negative thoughts before they get stuck in a cycle of overthinking as you catch them you're able to evaluate them and determine if they are worth your time and attention ultimately you're able to bring your thoughts into obedience to the lord you are able to release them to him catch and release every thought captive to christ jesus as you release every thought in obedience to the lord ask him to replace your thoughts with whatever is true whatever is honorable whatever is just whatever is pure whatever is lovely whatever is commendable and whatever is worthy of praise think about these things [Music] lord jesus help this beloved child finally be free from overthinking deliver them as only you can set them free from endless cycles of negative thinking and dwelling on things that aren't honorable [Music] settle their minds on truthfulness loveliness and holiness in your name amen being free from overthinking requires the simple practice of mindfully stepping down from the treadmill of revolving thoughts and getting in step with the holy spirit take god's hand as he leads you out of negative thinking and into a peaceful state of mind with him you find sanctuary from everything going on around you you are completely safe secure and shielded from unwanted thoughts rest in the sanctuary of his love [Music] it's going to be all right the lord knows all about what troubles you he knows your thoughts from afar there is peace here tonight be still in god's presence [Music] let his words of comfort wash over you replacing every turning thought be transformed by the renewal of your mind set your minds on things above set your mind on the spirit who is life and peace do not be anxious about anything let not your hearts be troubled there is no need to be troubled no need to think about things from the past no need to replay things in your mind your savior wants your mind to be set on him on the wonderful things he has done for you and the wonderful things he has yet to do he alone has done great things recall his favor on your life recount his promises spoken over you renew your mind on his purpose for his glory and your good lord god in the presence of your holiness and peace help this listener find rest tonight please lord calm their mind hush their soul and ease the troubles of their heart in the name of your son jesus i pray for complete deliverance from overthinking [Music] i pray for you to halt the constant activity in their mind and help them settle on one thing only your presence for it is in your presence we find true rest as you said to moses my presence will go with you and i will give you rest thank you god for being with this beloved child tonight thank you for drawing their attention to you and away from restless thoughts in you they find serenity stillness and peace of mind [Music] be with them lord through every hour in jesus holy name amen for so long you've wanted to be delivered from overthinking from dwelling on negative things from replaying conversations in your mind and from being fixated on certain situations now is the time for deliverance [Music] as john 8 32 says you will know the truth and the truth will set you free there is freedom in the truth of god allow the holy spirit to pattern your thoughts on jesus the way the truth and the life come to the father through jesus his son be set free from toxic thought patterns tonight [Music] remember john 16 13 that says when the spirit of truth comes he will guide you into all the truth for he will not speak on his own authority but whatever he hears he will speak hear him now words of truth and peace thoughts of clarity and assurance holy god we hear you now speaking words of truth and life into our souls all other thoughts are fading away as your spirit fills us with divine words of faith and trust please help this listener to hear you tonight help them hear your still small voice of comfort that says i am with you there is no need to think about those things anymore release them to me and find deliverance the transformative power of god's love casts out all fear you can trust him in all things be still and know that he is god trials may last through the night but his love endures forever cast all your cares upon him [Music] he cares deeply for you he is your protector deliverer and vindicator simply rest in god's goodness you belong to him you do not belong to your thoughts or to this world you belong to your father in heaven who is the wonderful counselor and mighty god like an eagle that hovers over its young so the lord spreads out his wings over you allow yourself to drift into a deep restorative sleep knowing you are safe under the shelter of god's wings [Music] heavenly father please grant this beloved child a very real sense of your presence so they can release overthinking to you i pray that you would pleasantly fill this child of yours with so much peace that every anxiety stress and worry will be replaced with thoughts that are lovely pure and good and the peace of god which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in christ jesus set your hope fully on the grace that will be brought to you at the revelation of jesus christ peace of god beyond understanding guard our hearts and minds turn our hope to you lord each and every time every thought captured in the net of your grace released into your care never ours to embrace delivered from the burden of dwelling on hurtful past delivered into your truth for eternity it will last lord god our mighty deliverer work as only you can in the life of this dear child tonight they sleep cleanse their minds from every thought that isn't from you help them awake in the morning renewed by your spirit with a clear mind to discern every thought give them a sense of purpose to live with intentionality focusing on your will for their life teach them how to take every thought captive in obedience to your son help them make it such a practice that all overthinking will become a thing of the past be with them tonight every minute of every hour in jesus name amen you
Channel: Abide - Sleep Meditations
Views: 31,569
Rating: 4.9000001 out of 5
Keywords: guided meditation, meditation, mindfulness meditation, mindfulness, meditation for anxiety, meditation for ocd, OCD, meditation for depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, sleep meditation, meditation for sleep, anxiety, depression, thinking, positive affirmations, detachment, thoughts, clear, negative, energy, stress, relaxation, sleep, relaxation music, meditation music, Christian meditation, guided meditation for sleep, Christian meditation for sleep, Let go of stress, Psalm 139, Relax
Id: XmqcBNddsoc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 176min 10sec (10570 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 06 2021
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