Proxmox Backup Server Install Tutorial

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Proxmox released their first public beta of Proxmox Backup Server (PBS). Here's a walk through of backing up all your machines. Hope you like it!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 7 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Techno-Tim ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jul 25 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I donโ€™t get it: whatโ€™s the benefit of using this server instead of any remote storage as a backup space??

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/gotamm ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jul 25 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
let's face it backing up proxmox traditionally has been pretty hard it requires a lot of manual steps on your part and it also requires a lot of additional configuration for you i mean wouldn't it be great if you could manage all of your backups in one centrally managed location well i think so and so does proxmons hey welcome back so i'm techno tim and today we're going to talk about backing up your proxmox server as a quick reminder i stream every tuesday thursday and saturday so if you want to continue the conversation about proxmox backups there we can so let's talk about backing up proxmox let's face it backing up in general is a good idea keeping a good state of all your data and services can help out when things go wrong but i'll be the first to admit that i'm not the greatest at backing up a lot of my proxmox data so far my backup solution has just been backing up critical files knowing that i can restore those files and get my virtual machines up and going again but rarely have i backed up whole entire virtual machines this is because it took a lot of extra config and a lot of work on my part but proxmox has just announced a solution for all of this they call it the proxmox backup server and although it is currently in beta it's better than my current backup solution which is not much so today in this video we're going to set up a proxmox backup server and backup some of our virtual machines then we no longer have an excuse now to back things up so with that out of the way let's hop right in so the first thing you're going to need is a server that's because proxmox backup server is a standalone server now the cool thing about this is is that this isn't a hypervisor this is a standalone server that you can actually virtualize if you want to which makes it very flexible and a little inception but if you know me i like to get the most out of my hardware so i'm gonna virtualize this and also i have two proxmox servers so i'm gonna virtualize the proxmox backup server on my second one so that i can backup all the virtual machines on my first one my second proxmox server isn't very critical at all and i can restore the virtual machines along with all of the data very easily so the first thing we're going to do is download the proxmox server this is on the proxmox downloads page next you'll want to make sure that your proxmox servers are up to date the first version of proxmox that supported the backup agent out of the box was 6.2 i'm running 6.2.10 right now and i found that a lot of the features are already there and if you need help updating your proxmox server i've got a guide on that so once you've downloaded the iso you'll want to upload it to your proxmox server and once it's there let's create a new virtual machine so let's create a new virtual machine i'm going to call this pbs for proxmox backup server the os we can keep is linux choose our iso for the proxmox backup server we can keep most of these as default settings i'm only going to use 32 gigs for the os cpus i'm going to give it 8 cores and for memory i'm going to give it 8 gigs a network you'll choose the network you want it to connect to and we don't want to start this after it's created you'll see why here in a second so then we click finish okay so we have a virtual machine created now we need to add some storage to the server this will be the location where our backups go so what i did on my second proxmox server was installed two three terabyte hard drives that's where all the data will live and i want to create a mirror with those but i don't want to create a mirror here i want to actually create the mirror inside of the proxmox backup server and to do that i'm going to pass these drives directly through to that virtual machine here's how to do it first we're going to ssh into that machine then we'll want to see the details on all of our disks so we'll run lshwh and that command's not found that's because we need to install it so run app get install lshw and now it's installed then we're going to run this command it's lshw dash class disk class storage and this will list the details of all of our disks now in here i'm looking for my two three terabyte drives that i just installed in my proxmox server now it might be hard to spot so if you're gonna do this before you do take note of the serial numbers on those drives before you install it in your proxmox server but i see mine right here at the end then i'm gonna run this command it's dash l slash dev slash disk slash buy id and then i'm going to graph for the serial number there's one and there's the other now we actually need to add that disk to the virtual machine before we do that we'll need to know our id you can find that just on the summary page so right here you can see the virtual machine 102 pbs node on proton so our machine id is 102 and then we'll want to run this command right here this is qm set 102 that's the idea of a virtual machine dash scsi 2 and then slash dev slash disk by id then our disk id next we'll want to run the same command but be sure to increment this scuzzy flag that's on there so this is going to be a scuzzy drive 3 we used 2 prior now we're using 3. then you should see the success message echo out okay then we'll check our work by grabbing that file for our serial number c1 there and we see our other drive okay let's get back to proxbox now and configure the rest so if we go into our proxmox backup server and go into hardware we should see these disks now so just to clarify we have one disk for the os and two disks that we're going to add to a mirror within the os okay i think it's safe to start this up now once it started up let's choose to install the backup server click i agree if you agree next we're going to choose our target hard disk be sure that you choose the one you want for your os for me it says 32 gig drive say next next you want to choose your time zone and then your root password then you'll set your email address here you'll just want to confirm the ip address of your server and then you'll just want to confirm all the settings then hit install now this should only take a few minutes to install it's rather small okay it was successful take note of your ip address and the port and we'll reboot and we're up and going this thing boots super fast it seriously takes like about five seconds to boot which is awesome okay so once it's up and going now we can back stuff up probably asking yourself well how do we back stuff up it's pretty easy and pretty awesome okay so once it's up and going let's go out to the admin ui keep in mind that this is on port 8007 and it's over ssl so let's sign in here and once here we'll see our backup server ui so it looks very familiar to proxmox but a little more focused on backups i'm sure like all their products this will continue to evolve over time so first we have the dashboard nothing really to see here because nothing's really happening next we can go into our configuration and these are some of the settings that we configured during installation in user management we can add users and then we can configure permissions as well and in the remote section i think this is for adding multiple backup servers and sync job seems to be syncing between those backup servers which is really awesome to think about and then if you have a subscription you would update it here and then administration this looks pretty familiar so we get to see data visualizations of all of our system metrics in services we can see all the services that are running and if we go into updates we should see updates here you notice that this is 404 they do say in their documentation that if you use the iso that this update is already configured and you can check by sshing in and look at etc sources list dot d and look for pb test beta list if this is there you're fine during the beta syslog is where we see all of our logs and then task is where we'll see running tasks and now on to disks we'll see our disks here we'll see the two that we added as well as our os disk so while we're here let's configure zfs so we'll go into zfs we'll create cfs name this backups and we want a mirror we'll keep compression on keep a ship to 12 and let's select both of our disks hit ok and there we go we just created a zfs mirror with two of my three terabyte drives and then you'll notice this automatically created our data store for us backups so now we can use this three terabytes to backup our virtual machines and just a quick call out here i know i mentioned this earlier but i'm actually virtualizing this on a second proxmox server now i'm not going to back up any of the virtual machines on this proxmox server to this backup server that would be kind of inception especially if i tried to backup the backup server to the backup server gets really confusing but anyway treat this virtual machine that i'm working on here as if it's another physical machine and so now my primary proxmox server can now back up to this proxmox backup server makes sense so now you're thinking well how do i backup proxmox well let's go into our proxmox server so this is my primary proxmox server take note of the version i'm running 6.2-10 6.2 is where they started adding support for proxmox backup server and in this latest release they added lots of things to the ui so let's actually add our proxmox backup server now to this proxmox server so first we'll start at the data center level so if we choose backup and we choose storage then we click add we can now see we have an option for proxmox backup server so let's choose that here we're going to give it an id i'm just going to call it pbs for now the server this is the ip address of your server then we're going to give it our username and password that we used to sign in with datastore this is the datastore we just created mine with backups and then the fingerprint we'll actually need this fingerprint from our server so let's go back there so winter proxmox backup server we'll see the show fingerprint button let's press that and then we'll copy this to our clipboard then we'll paste our server certificate here we won't change anything in nodes we will enable backups and i won't set the max backups for now but you'll notice our user account is telling us we need a domain too now i've tried root at pbs which is the name of my server and if you hit add it doesn't seem to work so after trying a few things the clue for me was up here root pam so let's try that and that seems to work so now you'll see a new storage device we can see our storage summary the contents which nothing's there and permissions so let's back up some machines i'm going to do this at the data center level now you can do this on individual machines but i'm going to choose data center so we go to data center and then we go to backup we can click add and we can see our storage there and so we can create a backup job for this server my storage is already set but this is pbs and then we can schedule our backups so we can choose the day of week the start time we can include or exclude certain vms we can set an email notification then we can choose whether or not we send an email on failure or just always send one we can choose our compression they recommend zstd and then we can choose our backup mode which is snapshot suspend or stop i recommend snapshots so the vms keep running but you'll want to choose what's best for you and then we created our backup job so you can see here this nice little notification some guests are not covered by a backup job we can click show here we'll see which guests are it's kind of nice and if we edit we'll select all say ok and you can see the backup job i just created was all nodes saturday start at midnight the storage is pbs and the selection is all of the ids of those virtual machines but i'm going to change it to two for the sake of this tutorial so let's run this job down click run now say yes and we can see in our tasks that our backup job is kicking off and if we go into our proxmox backup server we can see this starting to back up so if we look at running tasks here's a backup job i just kicked off so if we drill into that job we can see an output log as well as the status and we can see it's starting to use some cpu and memory and if we go into the data store we can start to see some statistics about these backups if you expand that backup for that virtual machine you get a little additional information so we can see the time and the size this will complete once the backup's complete count is only one because this is the first one who the owner is whether or not it's encrypted and then the files that are on there if we go into statistics for our data store we can start to see that this is getting populated now we can see i have close to three terabytes left we can see that the writes are starting to increase our iops are starting to happen and then we can start to see some of the i o delay and then once your backups are complete you can restore them as you normally would you would just go into that virtual machine click backup you would see your individual backup and then choose restore and then choose the storage you want to restore it to as you start backing up multiple machines you'll want to make some adjustments on your data store so if we go into the backup server and go to data store choose our data store and then we'll click edit here we have some options to prune the data store so here we have the option to keep last so keep the number of last backups so this will help us set how many backup snapshots we want to keep so in keep last we can choose the number of backup snapshots we want to keep here we can choose how many days how many months how many hours how many weeks or even how many years so this is going to be something you want to figure out based on your data store size for me personally i'm going to choose one daily one weekly and one monthly i probably don't need the monthly one and i'll revisit this as my data store grows i know that this is only beta but it only seems like it's going to get better from here and even though it is just beta i've actually found that it's really stable and runs really good now i know they say not to use this in production use and i totally agree and if you are using this in a production scenario you probably have a backup solution in place already but for me personally i think i'm going to keep this around in my infrastructure i think moving forward i'm going to use proxmox backup server to backup my virtual machines and even though right now this is just backing up virtual machines with the option to backup lxc containers too proxmox also seems to give a way to install this on a linux machine which makes this kind of interesting to think about if you could back up more to this than just virtual machines which makes it really interesting to think about that this could be a backup solution for more than just proxmox it seems like you can do file level backups on linux machines and who knows maybe someday windows and mac but i'm just speculating at this point but it would be a really nice addition in the future so what do you think about proxmox backup server is this something you could see yourself using in the future is it something you can see yourself using now what's your current backup solution look like i'd love to see your answers in the comments section below and while you're down there don't forget to give this video a thumbs up and subscribe if you haven't already so i stream every tuesday thursday and saturday so if you want to continue the conversation about proxmox backups or anything else that i talk about in any of my videos hop in my stream and i'd love to have you so thanks so much for watching and until next time stream on my friends what is looks older but still looks awesome like this totally oh yeah 56 kbs technology courier everything i i mean you can tell this is old one without even looking at any of the markings on here like i can tell this is old because it's black and has just this red you know led like every single alarm clock that ever exist in 19 you know was it 80 mid 80s late 80s maybe i don't know because i feel like things you know flip-flop between this black and wood grain for a while but i mean outside of what this being looks like a modem it looks awesome like the design on his suite just looks so retro it's not really retro because it is of the era so i don't know looks awesome i'm totally not knocking on any of this stuff because i love looking at older stuff
Channel: Techno Tim
Views: 57,406
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pbs, proxmox backup server, virtualize proxmox backup server, install proxmox backup server, configure proxmox backup server, pbs tutorial, proxmox backup server tutorial, proxmox, virtualization, proxmox backup client, install, configure, config, snapshots, sync jobs, remote, proxmox disaster recovery, 321 backup strategy, backup virtual machines, restore virtual machines, vm, zfs, kvm, pass drive through proxmox, passthrough drive, physical isk to vm, proxmox ve, Physical disk to kvm
Id: jLBNm0fNIog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 29sec (929 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 25 2020
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