What is Proxmox Virtualization?

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so why am i talking about proxmox well cause it's free and it's awesome [Music] so i have been a vmware esxi enthusiast for my whole life and i still am i still love vmware hypervisor allowing you to create virtual machines and many other things uh for free there is a free version of vmware esxi and limited notice the difference between what i said about proxmox at the very beginning also a virtualization hypervisor right also free but awesome versus limited that's that's one of the reasons that i'm i'm putting this whole series together vmware is followed has followed the model that many have followed for years and years and years give a pretty cool free offering right but if you want the ultimate features you have to upgrade to this but the challenge is some of those ultimate features are like you can't survive well without them things like you know capping the the amount of processors or memory to a certain amount and and you know what they cap is different based on the version of esxi that you're using or or limiting features like high availability you can't do that in the free version of esxi you have to pay for it which means if your server goes down you lose all the vms on that server right it's it's there's no instant failover likewise backup virtual machine backup nope sorry that api is closed you can't back up your virtual machines on the free version it's like like come on like it's it's killing me and so what proxmox is is a matter of fact here i'll show it to you right now an open source so so wide open open source uh hypervisor and it actually runs linux based containers as well you can see it up here create virtual machine create container which think of think of containers just like docker doc actually docker started on the same technology that that proxmox uses for these containers but then evolved to be just one application right docker equals application level virtualization whereas the the kind of container that you have in proxmox is a full linux environment you can install multiple applications it's just all on the same kernel so so you know whether you like docker whether you like using containers like this that means it's totally totally up to you but regardless proxmox supports both of them it supports high availability it supports backup you can see i'm running an ubuntu machine right here i'm running well it's shut down right now but an eval version of windows 2019 all sitting on this i mean you can map it to to a variety of storage and by the way i'm i always record my introduction at the end so i can accurately tell you everything that's in here mapping the storage to to uh nfs file stores right off box which allows high availability to work you can see that here that we have a full data center environment this is centralized management where as i add servers of which i only have one right now this proxmox server right here but i could just keep adding servers start clustering them together manage them all from a single pane of glass which is again another vmware paid feature now there just just to be fair and then i'll then i'll wind this introduction down there are four primary uh virtualization platforms out there uh that people use for hypervisors or linux containers or docker uh today uh vmware the biggest hyper-v microsoft solutions uh proxmox which i'm talking about right now open source um and and uh xcpng another open source one that that is uh also fantastic um i'll leave it to you to go google and youtube you know to find the different offerings that work for you or which one's better i mean they've all they all have their own their own features but really in the end the only thing that you pay for with proxmox is support the whole thing is wide open but if you want support that is you're in a production environment something's down you need somebody to bail you out that's where the cost comes in and if you don't think that's essential you've never been in a production environment where something's down and you would literally saw off your left leg if if you could just have somebody come help you and give you guidance because the world is i mean that's that's part of the game of being a system or network engineer right is to be in those circumstances so the best thing that you can do is make sure that you've you can phone a friend uh in those kind of circumstances and that's that's where proxmox and the organization that supports it makes their money right this series is going to be essentially that how to get started with proxmox which which i think will launch you into a whole world that you may not have known before right this will be fun let's keep it simple
Channel: Viatto
Views: 8,053
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 34sec (274 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 05 2021
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