The Proverbs 31 Woman - Patricia Bootsma (Friday, 16 Feb 2018)

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please help our channel grow and stay up to date with the latest content click the subscribe button below I want to speak tonight out of Proverbs 31 you're like oh no the perfect woman don't want to compare myself to her well get out your Bibles we're gonna look at this I feel a new sense of inspiration out of proverbs 31 I'm gonna take this some of it kind of point by point but let me first of all say that proverbs 31 it's interesting because it's it's the words of King Lemuel and the utterance which his mother taught him so you know who was killing King Lemuel that's whatever we're all wondering it's that he's not one of the Kings listed of the kings of Judah or the kings of Israel but he probably was a king of one of the surrounding regions because there were numerous kings like there was kings of cities so they called him the king of you know Nineveh or the King of Jerusalem or whatever so there were not there were kings that weren't necessarily regional Kings but also Kings of City so he's probably one of those but this is the word of the Lord the inspired word the Lord by the way and so we want to always see that the inherent Word of God is god-breathed and by the way I'll just say this real quick I wrote a new book it's coming out in April called a lifestyle of divine encounters do you have a few books in the bookstore already but this one is a new one coming out in April and it's prayer prophesying the power of God's Word and for the part of the power of God's Word I actually went back and say how did the Bible become the Bible how do we know the canonized or the the closed Canon means the the scriptures that we see as divinely inspired by God how did we get it how do we know that it's real and so just go through in that book just the tests through archaeology through history through you know the proven track record of the Word of God but we're here in proverbs 31 tonight and really it's technically starting in verse 10 about the virtuous wife so father let there be impact but the word of the Lord runs swiftly tonight God changed us and all these precious women here tonight God we ask for your fired fall and bless baby there too in Jesus name I know what that's like walking out with babies crying alright so verse 10 a virtue who can find a virtuous wife and by the way if you're single don't be thinking this is all about married people okay who can find a virtuous wife for her worth is far above rubies okay a virtuous a wife of Valor in the sense of excellence the heart of her husband safely trusts her you know um just stop right there the the sense of excellence you know I really believe that God wants to impart in us a sense of I want to do whatever I do with excellence because you do it unto the Lord do it unto the Lord you know I it's kind of crazy I know probably you guys have this to where I'm maybe I'm out you know outside or maybe I'm in in a bathroom or toilet or a public toilet and it was just I feel the Lord speak to me say pick up that bit of garbage you know and I'm like I have more I'm busy you know there's people paid to do this sort of thing God you know but it's just like this this thing of I want to leave wherever I go in a better state than when I came there does it make any sense to you sometimes I ignore it I have to confess to you but you know more often than not if I feel that I will just pick it up you know just I don't know there's a sense of excellence there's a sense of hey I'm doing this for God I'm actually doing this for God so what does that look like you know in our in our relationships and there are homes and and gosh I know what it's like raised six kids you know in the midst of raising six kids and know what it's like to feel like this is a bit of a thankless job you know anybody felt moms out there felt like this a bit of a thankless job you know it's like the hours and hours at you in the middle of the night and all this stored stuff but it's like you know no we do it for love but we do it for the Lord and I want to do it with a sense of excellence so her husband trusts her she's a virtuous woman got his peers in our hearts for a sense of excellence so he will have no lack of gain he will have no lack of gain her husband trusts her you know I remember after I don't know if John I probably been married for two three years when I sensed the Lord speak to me one day he said Patricia I want you to tell John everything you ever did before he got married like as in you know when the spirit of stupids was on me you know and I'm like why god I don't think so because you know I'm forgiven and it's under the blood and that is true it's forgiven another to the blood but there I it was just like you know God was just saying I don't want there to be any lies I don't want there to be anything hidden in this marriage so I I'm I just telling you what he told me I'm not saying that this is necessarily the case for everybody but did you believe that God doesn't want lies in marriage absolutely but it was like he was asking me to back up to pre marriage and say where I just did this dumb thing and this dumb thing and this dumb thing that I would rather I drag ette but anyway so I'm kind of nervous to be honest like I'm thinking oh man John's gonna think this is like really bad or you know he's gonna be upset with me or and so I just uh it made me kind of built it up to say you know really got something to tell you he's like you know so what what's going on so when it came to all this is all the stupid stuff I did pre-marriage I think he was actually relieved you know but but um it was there was something freeing about that there was something that actually went deeper in our marriage after after exposing just the things that you know were sins that I had committed that were that were I don't know it was like God wanted it out of the closet in terms of my communication with my husband and so yes I had been forgiven by God but it was almost the sense of getting forgiven by my husband even though it was pre meeting him and so there was a new level of intimacy there was a new level of trust that came after that time and so I can honestly say that you know if if somebody says something to me like I don't want you to tell anybody about this I will right away say well I have to have the freedom to tell my husband because there's no secrets there there's no secrets between us and I just want to speak to those that are married that that that this heart of her husband trusts her so I don't know what it looks like for you you know we have this kind of thing where if this over a certain amount of money then I need to communicate with Jonna do give money without asking him but there's a certain amount like 100 bucks usually or more and that I'll except for when it's the tithe you know which goes with no with no no saying so there's this thing of trusting there's this thing of no lies let's keep going she doesn't good and all and not she this verse 12 she does him good and not evil all the days of her life now single people here today I want I want to speak to you isn't that interesting she does him good and not evil all say all all the days of her life that means the days before you even meet him because that's included in all I remember this story it really stuck with me where this single gal she'd been dating this boy a guy and they were in a movie theater together and I I don't know he reached his arm around her and started kissing her and this was in the movie theater and so you know she was you know receiving all this affection and kissing back and and I know that and then when she got home that night the Lord spoke to her he said I forget her what her name was be um how do you think oh no this what the Lord said he said do you think that young men in the movie theater do you think he's your husband she said no no I don't think he's my husband and then the Lord said what do you think your husband would think about watching you tonight and she said he probably wouldn't like it and then the Lord took her to the scripture he does her good all the days of her life and you know what she went broke up that relationship and she purposed in her heart that she was not gonna kiss any boy anymore or even date somebody that she did not feel in heartless is marriage material she does him good all the days of her life some of you know our story that we I had so many dating relationships of ridiculous okay so it was not my life that we're talking about here of a good example but the Lord did teach us that there was a better way so we taught our children you don't have to date all these guys okay you know five daughters and one son that we have you don't have to do what we did you know especially me way too many boyfriends can't remember them all and so what what I want you to do is hang on to friends and group friends stuff and we're all gonna agree together you know by the word of the Lord who you're gonna marry and we're just you know just gonna wait for that so anyways so that that is praise God we have three kids married and that is exactly what happened given the the one I have a Mexican son-in-law so I was mentioning I was just literally in his hometown we were last night 11:30 at night out with his parents having dinner in a hotel and so this young man when he met our daughter four years ago on Valentine's Day which of course was this week and he looked at her and said that's got to be my wife God and then he fasted for forty days for her to be his wife he didn't even talk to her really but he just fasted for forty days said God she's got to be my wife so after the forty days when he asked her on a date then she said well you got to talk to my parents and I actually knew him from before but it's a long story but he got permission from us and they've been married for two and a half years that was her first date that was her first kiss on engagement so there is a better way single people out there guess what God has a plan and I'm convinced that unless he's called you to be single like the Apostle Paul then who there are people who have the calling to be Jeremiah was not allowed to marry Prophet Jeremiah was not allowed to marry but if God hasn't like appeared to you and told you that then you are called to be married because meaning it's not good that man should be alone the woman should be alone but then I would be praying into that and I would be also just locking in with God saying God who is the best and I want to do him good all the days of my life thinking of the future so God has got this phenomenal phenomenal pant let's keep going she seeks woolen flax and willingly works with her hands she's like the merchant ship she brings her food from afar she also rise as well as yet night provides food for her household in a portion for her maid servants does she not sound perfect I want to combine those verses with verse 27 she watches over the ways of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness I love what Joyce Myers said one time when she said before you take authority over the devil you need to take authority over the sink full of dirty dishes like in other words if we want to go and you know totally win the world which let's do it let's do it but if our household is a disaster literally our our kids are a master our house is a mess then maybe we just need to focus on that first does that make sense to anybody you know like meaning come on I like don't eat the bread of idleness Wow that's a that's a word right there I think that there is something to be said for a good strong work ethic meaning you know I just want to put my hand to the plow and do what God's called me to do and so there's many verses in the Bible that say a little sleep a little slumber a little folding of the hands to rest and poverty will come upon you now that doesn't mean that you have to work like a workhorse because there can be the other extreme - it's like it's it's Psalm 27 that says you know it's vain to rise up early and retire late and eat the bread of painful Labor's think this is Psalm 1 to 127 for the Lord gives to his beloved even in their sleep so there is this aspect where let's work let's do what God's called us to do let's not be thinking that you know it's all gonna get handed to us in the silver platter but at the same time not be so over overdone I come from a Dutch you know work ethic where my mother just works like constant you know so that was actually a weakness on her part is where we've been trying to say many times moms sit down we're here to visit you please stop making food you know you just eat anybody go their mom's place and eat and eat and eat and eat you know and I don't even eat that much at home but she just that's her love language make food they should add that to the six love language making food for people that's her love language so you know what when I go to my mom's house and I'm fasting I just actually break the fast for the time I'm I forgive me Lord you nonsense I'm sorry but I just cannot fast in front of my mother because she would just feel insulted you know it's true so I'm like okay I type take little portions but so um you know just just there's so there can be this overdrive but you know how God helped us also to do what needs to be done somebody hearing me out there it's not a good idea to have a messy house can I just say that Melanie where are you going she just cleaned my house today thank you it's fair to have somebody else clean your house okay does that count it's a little hard to clean your house when you're in Mexico but anyways so the point is is like she she watches over the ways of her household she does not eat the bread of idleness now check out this next part sixth verse 16 she considers a field and buys it and from her profits she plants a vineyard she Gerdes herself with strength and strengthens her arms she perceives that her merchandise is good and her lamp does not go out at night does she not sound like a businesswoman come on what do you think she purses she Percy she buys the field wow you know that sounds like especially in biblical days like for a woman to just go out and buy a field I mean that's quite something but I think really what the Bible here the Bible is validating women in the marketplace women business women saying hey you've got smarts here you can go and see and perceive and see a good deal I remember this was in 2010 I was in Kansas City with our daughter Gabriel who was starting University that year there in Kansas City and we figured this is I hop you International House of Prayer University and we kind of figured with you know five daughters and probably there's more coming there to do University it's a great university great Christian University so we were thinking at that time it was it was remember when the par that Canadian American dollar was at par that was a nice a day it wasn't it well um we just thought you know I think we need to buy a house it'll actually save us money in the end with renting for all our kids so anyway so I'm there with Gabriel Jones back in Canada and so I'm just looking around and thinking what can you buy you know cuz we didn't have loads of money and we couldn't really get a mortgage but anyways I just remember walking into this one house and thinking this is it now he was even beyond what we could afford but I was like this is it this is the house we need to buy this house and then I'm thinking how are we gonna buy this house cuz we don't have the amount of money that they're asking and anyways it was a long story but just I had this inspiration to ask the real estate agent to ask the owner if they would hold the rest of the mortgage that we would just pay it off little by little if they would hold the mortgage now that's they don't know us from Adam or from a different country you know they couldn't even come after us if there was a problem because we're up in Canada but the truth is is that it was from God these people were Christians and it all worked out and I'm calling John saying honey this is the house we need to move on it how do you like who buys the house without their husband never seen the house you know it's like yeah you know what proverbs 31 says pulled the trump card you know you know what he said he said it's the Lord go and so we bought the house you know and I was like well good good on you John that you trust in that house has been a blessing in our daughter and her husband living it right now and and just you know maintain it but there was something to that I feel like God is saying he wants to release the women business women here you know God's giving you I is God's giving you ideas money-making ideas maybe it's something that you're creating or making maybe it's it's an authorship that your to write a book maybe it's a you're to get into some of these companies that are just flying you heard the testimony on Sunday if you were here and sunny from I know maybe a lot of you work because it was the first service Daphne Clark was talking about doTERRA Kimberly isn't doTERRA there's a number of women that have other businesses marketplace where's the women businesspeople yeah father fire more more making money for the glory of God you know and God's giving you ideas go for it step out you know when you feel that inspiration I may the Lord bless it this is exactly what she did and she has this this wisdom and that I looked up that word perceive it says she perceives that her merchandise is good now that word perceives it comes from the Hebrew word tak whom to whom it means to taste to perceive to evaluate to discern so the capacity to choose and delight in good things that were the same Hebrew word to whom is used in the negative for Proverbs 11:22 which says this it says there as a ring of gold in a swine stout that's a pig so is a lovely woman who lacks discretion or lacks to whom meaning lacks perception lacks discernment you know I saw one of them today you you wouldn't know somebody on the airplane you know and I was just thinking oh this girl's really pretty you know she's got nice hair she's got a nice face but gosh she is wearing the tightest shirt you could ever fit on and you know what they're very big you know and it just looked so not good you know and I'm thinking yeah it just needs a little bit of mentorship but I think there's this thing sometimes if I got to draw attention to my body because what else you know it's it's a it's a form of control isn't it it's a form of insecurity really have to draw attention to my body so there's a aking of discretion a lacking of perception but here it says of this proverbs 31 woman that she perceives well and interesting she perceives that her merchandise is good you know what I think that's interesting discerns merchandise you know I have a friend hopefully she's not watching on the internet but she she shops way too much like seriously I do not want to go into a mall with her I did that once and it was bad I am not kidding I'm in a mall with her and I just totally lost track of her like and then she like doesn't answer her phone because she's shopping shopping shopping and and you know her husband is like you know the credit cards are maxed and I know this pretty extreme example and she doesn't go this church by the way in case you're looking at who is that by the way it's another country but you know her husband is so fed up because of all the all the bills and everything but I don't know there's something there it's it's really a lack of discretion if you will a lack of perception when it comes even to merchandise does that make sense you know what maybe you just don't need that extra pair of shoes I even think I made an error this week on the other side though I was in a town called Texaco Texaco it's the mining silver mining town in Mexico and we bought jonno a wedding bed do you want to know something this is my original wedding ring 28 layers later somebody say hallelujah John is on like ring number five okay five first wife fifth wedding ring and I'm like John you know and even after he lost his original ring then I gave him my grandfather from Holland you know this gold ring that was in the generation I said do not lose this ring she lost that ring too so we bought our silver wedding band for him this week in this town guess what eight dollars eight dollars maybe I should have said that oh my goodness but I'm like I should have bought those silver earrings that I was trying to barter for am I gonna anyway so sometimes I go the other way but my point is there's a perception what to buy what not to buy is that okay if I preach this honest and I so like as in you know what I okay I'm really don't like shopping I do confess I know I'm really weird I'm not I didn't inherit my mother and my sister shopping abilities which is seven hours of shopping I'm just bored out of my mind you know but anyway so when it comes to Christmas shopping literally I was like okay I have a little bit of time on my hands I guess I have to go Christmas shopping and I just felt like the Lord spoke to me said Zara now Zara euros are really expensive shop right and so my daughters are kind of into that you know the name-brand thing and I'm like Zara all right I've got like five minutes God give me I'll give you five minutes and Zara so I gone and Sarah and I me I'm seeing this this sweater and I'm like wow like I think you know that looks like a really nice one so anyways whatever I buy the sweater Christmas Day my daughter is freaking out she's so excited I've watched her it is Gabriel who does some online teaching by the way this really sounds like I'm advertising the boots my family I guess I am no but boots Gabriel Nathania Nathaniel middle name Gabriel Nathaniel on YouTube oh my goodness she's got great teaching on there but she's on YouTube's got a YouTube channel so she's teaching I'm like oh there's my sweater that I bought her now I know she likes it if she's wearing it on her YouTube channel but you know what that was a god inspired moment I know that seems weird but I need them I need that for shopping and so you know she perceives she has discernment she has a discernment you know what I recommend you do seriously pray when you shop pray when you shop seriously invite God into shopping it's a whole new level of fruitfulness and like easy and I love it it's so fun because it's like it really has saved me a lot of time and money and so anyways she perceives and she has this incredible sense of discernment let's look at verse 20 she extends her hand to the poor and yes she reaches out her hands to the needy she extends her hands to the poor women of God here today I'm telling you something I believe all of us say oh all of us should have something that you're doing for the poor it's like I could go over them all but that's not the main part of my sermon tonight it's like there's so many verses I thought he who gives to the poor lends to the Lord he who scatters will will gather in other words you give and it comes right back to you and there's something about the poor yes Jesus said the poor you will always have with you there's something about us making room for the poor now this is what I recommend if you've heard me preach a lot you know this already but I recommend that you have a child that you sponsor in some country and then get your kids to get involved in it and so we've had I've had a compassion child I had a compassion children because we just got a new one every time we had a kid one of our kids we got another compassionate child for every child that we had so we actually had six compassion kids at one point and then so we're sponsoring them and then I just shifted to iris ministries which is Heidi Baker's ministry not too long ago that's an easy way I've just make making a difference in the life of somebody who doesn't have money to be educated or shoes for school or food even we need to be so thankful for what we have come on and so she extends her hand to the poor what what's God speaking to you you know 700 club I love 700 club i watch it i online 7 which is but give to them they do in a phenomenal work all over the world with cleft palate surgery for those who can't afford it feeding orphans digging water wells you know what I do lately and maybe this is a bit controversial but I have money in my car or my wallet like change or small small bills or something for the guys that that beg on the streets in we're seeing out and see a lot more of them don't we but I'm like you know whatever god I you know I'm gonna leave it up to you and sometimes I just give food as well but I just feel in my heart I can't quite pass them by without something you know so that maybe like well you shouldn't do that because of they're gonna keep begging forever and all that stuff but I just it's just my view on that one but she extends her hand to the needy into the poor have something in your life get your kids involved with something your life that helps before my son Judah his wife they're so big on giving to the poor again we've given a compassion child for every one of our kids and we told our kids you write the letters we'll pay the money until you get married then you pay the money and so Judah our son has three kids of his own there he has three compassion or three Irish kids that he's sponsoring but it's interesting because guess what I get for Mother's Day from Judah hopefully he's not watching on the internet either but he look at a mom happy Mother's Day a happy birthday in your name we have donated money to to something about birthing packages for women giving birth into and you know what I'm like good on you get on yeah that's great I don't really need more whatever and so every birthday and every Mother's Day that's what I get I get a card about how in my name they have donated money to some woman thing around the world somebody say hello yeah I think that's good all right let's keep going so we're in like let's skip to verse 25 verse 25 so she strength in honor are her clothing and she shall rejoice in time to come she opens her mouth with wisdom and on her tongue is the law of kindness wow there's a big one right there first of all strength and honor are on her and she rejoices in the time to come you know I believe that God wants to break lies that we believed about ourselves that were weak or that were insecure or we can't do anything there's something I think that also God wants to inside of us that we love to learn that we love to learn don't ever say I'm too old to learn computers that say are I'm too old to learn whatever I just think that God you know strength and honor are her clothing she rejoices in the time to come she's not worried for the future she's not worried you know there's maybe more inside of you than what you think is inside of you you know I remember years of insecurity and years of thinking I can't do this you know I until I'm too little you know I'm a woman and by the way of Nursing women do stuff like prophesy and preach and and then it was like God was just one by one just not that's a lie that's a lie you're believing a lie you're believing a lie are you gonna start to believe me you know I'm like okay yeah I'll believe you and in Joyce Meyer said this really spoke to me when she said you can't yeah you can be pitiful or you can be powerful but you can't be both what are we gonna choose I think I'll choose powerful what about you let's choose powerful let's get rid of pitiful you know it's like come on that's not getting it that's not doing much for us so I I want to say strength and honor or her clothing in God we conquer in God we can do all things in God you know wrist take wrist step out she opens her mouth with wisdom and then their tongue is the law of kindness I tell you I that's one of my daily decrease I decree that every day over myself because I've needed to you know in other words God changed my tongue change the way I speak she opens her mouth with wisdom of God I want wisdom I want to speak with wisdom and on her tongue is the law of kindness kindness you know those of you that are married here tonight you can say things a certain way to your husband that can just be like fingers on the blackboard and it just stirs stuff up come on you know what I'm talking about I know how to do that very well by the way or we can say we can say things in a kind way in a loving way that really goes far she opens her mouth with kindness and by the way there should be in our family's way more words of affirmation and way more words of accolades than there is words of correction and you need to come up higher that includes parenting where it's like you know hey you're doing great on this and come on this is awesome and yeah I don't worry about this and I remember when glory our daughter Gloriana our youngest our she's in youth right now but how she was devastated and she got a really bad grade I one of her she's homeschooled but she doesn't this year an online homeschool program and so she was she just got really bad great she was devastated like she was super devastated and she's oh you know that's like I'm stupid no you're not you're not allowed to say that and I just remember you know what it's fine it's totally you are smart you are super super smart so you you couldn't get understand this question let's let's just work on it and by the way sometimes I'll go on to bat for her and say hey can she reduce something here or there but you know it's so important at those moments isn't it come on moms not just moms but for friends for whoever - don't let them buy the lie don't reinforce the lie come on there's lies at the enemy just at those moments of weakness at those moments of where they're so vulnerable and it's like you know we're if we can in God have a word of wisdom say we're stopping that right here right now and we're gonna speak the truth of what God says about you and it's okay you know that you need help in this subject totally fine but let's speak kindness and life verse 28 here children children rise up and call her blessed her husband also and he praises her blessed that means prosperous successful straight right contented its original meaning is to be straight you're blessed come on children rise up call you blessed I love this ending of proverbs 31 many daughters have done well but you excel them all charm is deceitful and beauty is passing but a woman who fears the Lord she shall be praised give her the fruits of her hands and let her own works praise her in the gates so what counts you know what matters that there's this fear of God what does that look like in all a reverence a reverence for God as for me in my household we will serve the Lord as for me you know what I'm gonna reverence the Lord and I and I just look at society and I think ah such an incredible over emphasis on beauty such an incredible over emphasis on this temporal earth earth shell you don't think and how it's it's oh yeah you don't take this with you do you you don't take your earth suit with you and so we're spending way you know so much time time on our Beauty you know charm is deceitful beauty it's passing it's passing guess what you're all gonna get wrinkles so just accept it just okay whatever I gotta get rid of those crow's feet oh no devastating good guess what John okay now I'm really getting in trouble but guess what he gave me on my birthday it was this doTERRA to get it from you but he gives us doTERRA what is it called age serum something about taking away it gave me on my birthday John that is not a good gift to give a woman on her 52nd birthday okay whatever I had her I rubbed it in for a while you know but I haven't even used the thing yet but anyways the point is this beauty is passing if we're just putting our stock and you know come on it's not gonna last but a woman who fears the Lord come on a woman who all reverence come on kids let's just love God let's love God let's just make it our lifelong passion to really reverence and awe and love the Lord what does it say what does it say there give her the fruit of her hands and that her own works praise her in the gates you put God first in your life you're gonna get fruitfulness you put God first in your marriage blessed of Lord you put God first in your parenting not your kid by the way that they don't take precedence over God you do put God first it's like you see the fruitfulness of that you see the the ripple effects of that women of God you know he's really he's really calling and this put but you you put your money where your mouth is meaning put your time into this put to our our efforts into this put our our time with God because I want to all in reverence and love the Lord why don't have time with you one of all reverence the Lord and our giving and our financial giving when all and reverence the Lord and our time and our schedule you know what it looks like and what it looks like when we're making decisions that are you know for righteousness or not righteousness I don't you know what sin is really hard to do when you truly fear God come on it's true it's like in love God it's like what I don't want to do that because that's just stupid for one thing and because I love God so much I don't want to hurt him and I don't want to ruin this relationship and they're in any attraction to sin or any attraction to compromise it just really goes out the window when we're like ah Oh in reverence you Lord giver the fruit of our hands let's all stand together Melanie do we have you back up here come Holy Spirit father we ask that you would break in with your power with your glory Holy Spirit we welcome you Holy Spirit we welcome you to help us to be as is said here the virtuous woman the woman who has no lack of gain the woman who steps out and takes those risks the woman who extends her hand to the poor who has undertone the law of kindness watches over the ways of her household children rise up call her blessed her husband as well she fears all reverence you God we say yes that come on sign us we sign up we sign up we sign up we sign up all over again sign up you know the Lord wants to remove guilt things that maybe we didn't do right didn't do well failed stumbled you had the spirit of stupid maybe on you for a period of time too you know what I love about God is forgiving and he's really good at pushing the reset button he's really good at at reset reset reset let's reset this and in the thing of the law of kindness is on her mouth I believe the Lord is speaking to women here today about how you say things to your husband how you say things how you put it hiya how you formulate those words what's the tone what's the attitude what's the heart behind it as well as what's the actual words reset on the way that we speak comes out of these mouths that are powerful powerful to build up or tear down those around us powerful the words that we speak come Holy Spirit we ask that you break in and God even where we need to just ask for forgiveness tonight let's just do it together with the Lord the Lord forgive me forgive me for where I haven't spoken life forgive me where I stumbled forgive me God or I could've should've forgive me where I was too caught up in that you know whatever and by the way I just feel right now the Lord saying somebody here you need to stop watching soap operas the day the day soap operas is too much sex on there there's too much affairs are too much you know cruddy stuff it's time to stops time to come on just ask the Lord to forgive you God forgive me I've wasted time on the soap opera I've wasted time on reading books that were just not oh they had such an edge about them God I'm sorry just reset reset reset right now reset on your mind reset on your eye gates reset on what's going in huh she does not eat the bread of idleness come Holy Spirit give us a good godly excellence in what we do break in with your power tonight break in with your glory reset forgive us and reset where we need to make adjustments Lord come come this chapters in the Bible for us to learn break-in break-in
Channel: Catch The Fire Toronto
Views: 11,614
Rating: 4.7241378 out of 5
Keywords: Catch The Fire, Toronto, Proverbs, Bible, Teaching, Prophetic, Patricia Bootsma, Women, Womanhood, Godly
Id: 43h45VkAL8I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 26sec (2486 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2018
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