7 Biblical Qualities To Cultivate As Christian Women | A Bible Study On The Proverbs 31 Woman

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hey guys welcome back to my channel today's video we're going to be talking about seven biblical qualities to cultivate as christian women so if you saw a couple weeks back i did a video on six biblical qualities to look for in a christian husband and that video is based off of a sermon series by jonathan pacluda where basically he takes the passage first timothy 3 which talks about the qualifications of an elder or a man who would lead god's church and says look if these are the qualities or the standards that god has set for the men who would lead his church which is his bride then it would follow that those same qualities should also be present in christian husbands who are leading their wives so check out that video if you haven't already the concepts have been super helpful to me personally and one of the things i talked about in the end of that video is that while it's important for us to have these certain biblical qualities that we are looking for in a spouse it is equally important that we ourselves are also cultivating these qualities in our own lives we cannot hold somebody else to a standard that we ourselves are not meeting or at least working toward and so this video is going to be sort of the counterpart to that video and we're going to talk about what qualities we as christian women should be cultivating in our lives and you'll notice that i don't have this titled as qualities to develop as a christian wife but rather qualities to develop as a christian woman because while this is specifically talking about wives these are really biblical qualities that we as christian women should be seeking to cultivate whether single dating engaged or married and so this video is also going to be based off of that same sermon series by jonathan pacluda it was the fantasy series and so the other video on husbands was based off of his fantasy guy sermon and then this video is going to be based off of and inspired by his fantasy girl sermon and so for this sermon he looks at proverbs 31 which is the quintessential proverb on an excellent wife and he is breaking apart this passage and sort of parsing it down to identify these seven qualities that again we as christian women should be seeking to cultivate or for a christian man qualities that they should be looking for in a future wife obviously there's a lot of other qualities that we could include in this list that we should be seeking to cultivate as christian women but this is just going to be again based off of this passage and off of this sermon that inspired it and so for the sermon jonathan pacluda created sort of an acronym for these qualities and it ends up spelling out fantasy so i'm gonna read through the passage proverbs 31 10 through 31 first so we can get the full context of what it's saying and then i'm gonna go through the seven points of these seven qualities that we should be cultivating i also wanted to mention as well that i will have jonathan pacaluda or jp his new book outdated linked down below i've posted about it a couple times on my instagram stories because i've been reading through it i actually just finished it last night and it is so good so helpful he basically does the same thing that he does with this sermon series where he's taking different biblical principles and passages and applying them to dating and it is just seriously filled with so much wisdom and so i highly recommend checking that out if you are single dating or engaged but let's just get into it i'm going to go ahead and read proverbs 31 10 through 31. it says an excellent wife who can find she is far more precious than jules the heart of her husband trusts in her and he will have no lack of gain she does him good and not harm all the days of her life she seeks wool and flax and works with willing hands she is like the ships of the merchant she brings her food from afar she rises while it is yet night and provides food for her household and portions for her maidens she considers a field and buys it with the fruit of her hands she plants a vineyard she dresses herself with strength and makes her arms strong she perceives that her merchandise is profitable her lamp does not go out at night she puts her hands to the distaff and her hands to the spindle she opens her hand to the poor and reaches out her hands to the needy she is not afraid of snow for her household for all her household are clothed in scarlet she makes bed coverings for herself her clothing is fine linen and purple her husband is known in the gates when he sits among the elders of the land she makes linen garments and sells them she delivers sashes to the merchant strength and dignity are her clothing and she laughs at the time to come she opens her mouth with wisdom and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue she looks well to the ways of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness her children rise up and call her blessed her husband also he praises her many women have done excellently but you surpassed them all charm is deceptive and beauty is vain but a woman who fears the lord is to be praised give her the fruit of her hands and let her works praise her in the gates now let's get into the seven qualities i'm just looking down at my journal from when i first listened to this sermon so the first quality to cultivate as a christian woman is faithfulness asking myself the question am i trustworthy do i do what i say i am going to do within that do i have integrity am i given over to gossip the second quality is attentive to the needs of her home we see all throughout proverbs 31 that this woman is doing all these things to provide for the needs of her home to care for her home and while not all of us have households we might be managing currently i think that this core quality is attentiveness to the things that are in your care whether that is a home a community a job children friends am i are you attentive to the things and the people that god has placed in your care the third quality is not lazy another way that this could be said is obviously hard working but we're you know working with that acronym here and so not lazy this proverbs 31 woman we see her working both in the home and then also outside the home and obviously as individuals we're going to be called to different things some of us are going to be called to the home to being wives and mothers some of us are going to be called outside of the home maybe some to both the point is again where god has called you to whatever is your sphere of calling are you hard working in that number four is tender to the needs of others am i somebody who says encouraging things to people when they are in need of it do i serve and give of my time and resources am i others minded thinking of other people thinking of their needs thinking of ways that i can care for them and serve them number five is an aesthete that's how he worded it in the sermon and an athlete is someone who has an appreciation of art and beauty and so are we somebody who care to create beauty out of things i think that oftentimes we automatically label beauty as something that we shouldn't care about and even later on in this passage it says how beauty is vain and there's certainly a wrong way that we can care about beauty that becomes vain or superficial or when it's super focused on our looks and all of that but this here the term athlete is specifically referring to creating beauty out of the raw materials around us so this isn't a focus on doing our hair or our makeup but it's talking about how god himself is a god of beauty and when he made the world he didn't just make it to be practical or functional but he also made it beautiful if you look outside at all the different aspects of nature you know that it is beautiful he is a god of beauty and a god of order and i think that he is instilled in women specifically a unique bend to want to create beauty to want to make a beautiful home or a beautiful space or to just create beauty for other people we see this in the passage where it talks about the proverbs 31 woman as making bed coverings for herself and her family and it's not just a practical bed covering she makes but it says that her clothing is fine linen and purple and these are terms that would refer to something that is beautiful and making that a beautiful space and so having that eye for that truly is a character quality that reflects god because god also creates beautiful things number six is sensible and preparation the word sensible means chosen in accordance with wisdom so is she are you am i preparing for the future according to principles of wisdom are we being wise now in the way that we are spending our money or spending our time to prepare well for the future and this is referred to in the passage where it says she laughs at the days to come she is not worried she is not fretting she is able to laugh in this carefree manner at the days to come because she is prepared number seven the final quality is yielded to god this is far and away the most important quality somebody who is yielded or in other words submitted to god submitted to his word and to how he has called us to live it talks about this at the end of the passage where it says charm is deceptive and beauty is vain but a woman who fears the lord is to be praised do we fear the lord do we have a healthy reverence in awe for who he is and a submission to him in our lives so there you have it seven qualities to cultivate as christian women if you hear this list and find yourself feeling overwhelmed keep in mind that none of these qualities are qualities that any one of us do perfectly but every single one of these qualities are qualities that we can all continually be growing in and the best way to grow in or to cultivate these qualities is one to be spending time with god in prayer and in reading his word romans 12 2 says to not be conformed to the pattern of this world but to be transformed by the renewing of your mind and so instead of gleaning from the culture around us what is desirable or what we are to be as women we are to let our minds be continually renewed in what scripture says so that it can give shape to the way we think and the way that we live and it is through spending time with jesus that he continually makes us look more and more like him ask him to continually cultivate these qualities in your life by his word and by the power of the holy spirit who lives in you i also love how scripture says multiple times that the older women are to model for the younger women how to live godly lives how to love their husbands and their children for those who are wives and mothers and so i would also encourage you as well that if these are godly qualities you are wanting to grow in to find a godly woman you admire maybe in your church community or just someone you know in your life and maybe ask that person to be a mentor to you find ways to start spending time with that person and learning from that godly woman how to also live in a godly way in your own life i hope you found this video encouraging and helpful if you did please be sure to give it a thumbs up and then also hit the subscribe button if you haven't already and then maybe share it with a friend who you think would find it helpful thank you so much for watching and i will see you in my next video [Music] bye
Channel: Kaci Nicole
Views: 10,807
Rating: 4.9737878 out of 5
Keywords: the proverbs 31 woman, qualities of christian woman, qualities of a good christian woman, proverbs 31 woman, proverbs 31 woman bible study, biblical womanhood bible study, biblical womanhood study, biblical womanhood, fantasy girl sermon jonathan pokluda, 7 biblical qualities to cultivate as christian women, christian woman, christian lifestyle, proverbs 31:10-31, qualities of a godly woman, godly womanhood, godly women, unpacking the proverbs 31 woman, biblical womanhood p31
Id: C1NlFX01yAw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 51sec (711 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 02 2021
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