Hope For The Hurting

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this week has been high I've had a high bad-news meter this week you know when you do what I do you get a lot of bad news just nature the work I do but whether you pasture or not you probably get bad news all the time just I gotta do is read your text messages or go on Facebook or you know open up email and one tragic story after another I mean lately it's been shocking stuff shockingly tragic and disappointing and a lot of people are hurting all around us and because of loss and tragedy and bad news it can be the loss of a job or the loss of a family member or some bad medical news I got medical news this week I'm still hopeful but one of my best friends is told that um that they the cancer is too aggressive to do anything about it and young man have to be put in hospice care you know these things can overwhelm you in and so if you're here today I hope that something that you hear over the next 30 minutes or so will give you hope as the video said hope for the hurting is my subject day I want to give hope to hurting people and so what I want to do in order to do that I want to turn to a passage of Scripture in the Old Testament in the book of Isaiah chapter 43 and if you have a Bible you can turn there I want to welcome everybody joining us online thank you so much for being with us today and I'm grateful that technology allows us to have church from wherever we may be if you've got a cell phone or a laptop or desktop you can come to Zion Church Zion Church live.com I welcome all of you who are with us live right now thank you for being with us I say I have a 43 and also if you have a Bible you know mark 1st Corinthians chapter 10 I'm gonna look at that to 1st Corinthians chapter 10 in your Bible if you don't have one that's cool the verses will come on the screen 1st corinthians chapter 10 isaiah chapter 43 but God does in Isaiah chapter 43 is very interesting he does what my mentor dr. Hiawatha be fountain used to say a lot of times before God the way God will prepare his children for trouble is he would give his resume first and then he would give his resume to let his children know and be reminded of who he was in light of what they were about to face and he does that here in Isaiah chapter 43 look at verse 1 it says new King James Version says but now thus says the Lord who created you O Jacob he who formed you O Israel fear not for I have redeemed you I have called you by your name you are mine verse 2 when you pass through the waters I will be with you and through the rivers they shall not overflow you when you walk through the fire you shall not be burned nor shall the flame scorch you for I am the Lord your God the Holy One of Israel your savior what God does here for the Israelites for the descendants of Jacob is he sandwhiches who he is in between a very difficult season in their life he says first of all you all need to know who I am I am the Lord your God I am the one who created you I'm the one who formed you I'm the one who redeemed you I've called you by name you belong to me but you're gonna go through difficulty in verse 2 but you're gonna make it out because I am the Lord your God the Holy One of Israel your savior and I think it's very important when you're going through difficulty in your life you have to remember who God is no matter what you're facing it doesn't change who he is and it doesn't change your relationship with him let me turn over to 1st Corinthians chapter 10 and first Corinthians chapter 10 I believe there's a parallel verse in verse 13 the parallels to isaiah 43:2 first windiest 13 10:13 says this there is no temptation no temptation has overtaken you except such as common to man the word temptation there can be used interchangeably with there were a trial or test it can be a temptation to sin or a trial or test of our faith no temptation no trial or test has ever ever overtaken you except such as common to man but God is faithful he will not allow you to be tested beyond what you're able will we with the Tesla temptation also make the way of escape that you may be able to bear it when I see in in isaiah 43:2 and in first corinthians 10:13 is four things that I want to give you today if you're hurting and that I hope will give you hope now let me just say this right now if you're hurting today this sermon can not go too long for you I'm gonna preach too long for some and not long enough for others if you're going through difficulty right now you gonna want me to follow you to your car and keep reaching to you because when people are hurting the service is never too long you can't worship long enough because usually it's rare that preaching and singing ever gets to the depth of pain that people really experience so whenever you hear somebody talking about something that's reaching where you are you can't get enough of that I want you to understand that right now but I want you to know that if you're not hurting right now you need to pay attention because life hurts there are only three stages in life you either hurting right now or you just came out of some hurt or you're on your way into some hurt we trust me you will go through that cycle in your life and what what I want to give you four things now go back to Isaiah 43 one where God sets this up by first of all telling the sons of Jacob the people of Jacob Jacob's name was changed to Israel and so the descendants of Israel are called Israelites that really could be called Jacob ice there Jacobs descendants when he talks to them he says first of all I need you to know I created you network created means to make out of nothing that's that word means to make out another the second word when he says I formed you that means to make something out of something that currently exists but the word created means I started from nothing and made you you didn't even exist I caused you to be he says I created you that the same thing he saying to the Israelites is comparable to what he can say to us as believers and followers of Jesus Christ today that no way we have there's no way we could have made it to this earth on our own like how would we have gotten here like it's not like we were somewhere and said now I'm catching that bus and I'm gonna get there no more than the reproduction reproductive process that that had to happen for your biological parents to come together and there to be some kind of consummation that caused your existence more than the science of it it takes a miracle for birth to happen birth is a miracle in and of itself and not only were you born the fact that you were born a miracle the fact that you're still here is a miracle God calls you to be everybody isn't existence because God allowed it to be so there are no accidental people there might be an accidental pregnancy but there is no such thing as an accidental person you're a real person even if your parents didn't mean what they meant to do you're real and not only that he creates you and I but he formed us too that means he wired us and designed us the way we are your complexion your eyes your ears your speech your style everything your are your temperament whether your phlegmatic melancholy choleric or sanguine all that was designed by God whether you're a blend whether you're introverted or extroverted that was designed by God whether you're quiet and contemplative or you're loud and boisterous that was designed by God if you're artistic you can't take credit for that God made you an artist if you're outgoing you can't take credit for that God made you outgoing if you're smarter enough to not even study and still pass the test or to cram right before the test and memorize everything on a test isn't that because you're smart you would be dumb if God didn't make you that way everything you are is by the grace of God he formed you he made you who you are and he says when he finished making you you're fearfully and wonderfully made I did a great job on you God did a great job on everybody that he made but not only does he said he says after he says I created you and I form you he says these words he says fear not now whenever God says fear not that means you're about to go into something that can make you scared he says fear not fly have also redeemed you the word redeemed means to ransom something back to buy back somebody what happened with the Israelites were they were enslaved they were they belonged to the Egyptians they were Egyptian slave and God redeemed them even he used that his leadership and his power and his authority to redeem them and set them free out of Egyptian bondage he did the same thing for us spiritually we were slaves to sin and God redeemed us not by money he used the blood of his son Jesus Christ to redeemed us God says it costs me to love you redeeming you was expensive then he says and I've called you by your name in the verse and the end of the verse says and you are mine so I created you out of nothing I formed you into the person you are i ransomed you and by giving up my son i've called you by your name and you belong to me now this is what makes verse 2 a dichotomy the whole spirit of the passage changes when you get brush to after all less celebration of God's resume and who we are a connection to him then he says in verse 2 now when you pass through the waters I'm gonna be with you and when you go through the rivers day and going overflow you and when you go through the fire you won't get burnt the flames won't scorch you that's the difficult thing for a lot of believers to grasp because what God is promising in verse 2 is trouble I promise you you're gonna have trouble in fact the words water if you have your own Bible I would circle or underline the words waters rivers and fire because they represent trials and trouble in our life they're person they're just a metaphors of trouble in life and watch the verse as diverse continues the trial gets worse so you start off in waters and somebody that's an inconvenience somebody is in water right here today but somebody is in a river today the waters will get you get on your nerves but the rivers can take you out of here and then somebody knows what it's like to be in a fire right now a fiery trial and he says and their promises for each stage in that passage there are things that he says to us and here's the first thing I want to give you and that is this first point I want to give you there to hopefully give you hope as a hurting person is this that trials are guaranteed to happen in everybody's life they're guaranteed he says when you pass through the waters not if you go through when you pass through you're guaranteed to go through trials and difficulties in your life in fact in 1st Corinthians chapter 10 verse 13 over there he says that the trials and the temptations are common to man those three English words common to man a good week is where we get our one great English word from Anthropologie in the Greek it's the Greek word when we get to English we're anthropology 4 and what it means is is that the sufferings and trial that you in our face are like mankind they're human like they're not superhuman they're they're they're common to this life that in which we live and so understand this is very important because a lot of people are going through stuff and one of the things Satan wants you to think is that you're the only one going through it and so he makes you think you're the only one that got mental problems you're the only one that got financial problems you're the only one got problems on your job you know only one can't get along with people in your family you're the only one got problems with your parents you don't really got problems with your children you don't even got marriage problems let me tell you some anybody's married got married on anybody that has more than one child has a problem with at least one of them children if you got one that one might be straight but if you get to our Gertie you one of them Joker's got your friend more than usual it's just a part of life it's common to man everybody has problems everybody has difficulties everybody goes through hard times everybody nobody can escape from it doesn't matter you could be a nice person you still having problems you could be a mean problem three person you still have problems you can go to a big church you don't have problems you can go a little sure if you don't have prob I like going through a little Church because everybody knows each other you still have problems over there no matter where you go you can go to a church where they sit quietly and just listen and rock and move like this and don't whisper anything don't make any noise or you can go to church with a buck while they run around shouting hallelujah knocking over chairs people fall know they gotta lay a sheet over them because they slain the spirit you can go there don't make no difference wherever you go you gonna have problems you can go to Presbyterian Church Pentecostal Church Catholic Church charismatic church Baptist don't make no difference you're gonna have problems you can have no Bible you can have a Bible in your phone you can have a nice Bible with a handle on it with the little zipper you can do all that you want and have praise the Lord they didn't wait upon the Lord shall renew that strip you can have checks with your name on your address you can have for God so loved the world on your chicken don't make no difference which you do you can have Jesus save on your bumper sticker you can have a little fish on your bumper sticker you can say God loves me huh God loves those who love other people all that stuff it doesn't make a difference no matter who you are black white man woman young Oh fat cause give me many whatever you are you gonna have trouble in the world you shall have tribulation you can't get around it you can't get around it everybody's got to go through trouble it's guaranteed it's common to man it's a part of the human experience and it blows us away because as soon as we get connected to God we look mediately soon well my trouble should go away but no here's the good news is this first guaranteed to happen in everybody like everybody will have trouble but watch this the second thing he says in Isaiah 43 he says but watch this when you go through the waters that represents trouble I would have loved for him to say right there when you go through the rug truck when you go through the waters Keith what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna dry them up so you can walk on dry ground that's what I'm talking about right there in fact Lord don't even just ride up so I can walk on dry ground make sure to dry the ground is clean I don't even want a dirt on my feet but easy I want it but he says no I'm not gonna remove the waters he says put the verse up when you go through the waters I will be with you that's what I'll give you over in 1st Corinthians 10:13 it is it's common to man you got to go through it but here's the promise verse 1st verse 13 but God is faithful those 9 words changed the passage right there I will be with you but God is faithful here's point number 2 the faithful the presence and faithfulness of God will meet you in every trial God is present and faithful in every trial you face in life he says he says he says in isaiah 43:2 he says when you pass through the waters i'll be with you i'm here in the hebrew he would that name forgotten jehova shamma the Lord is here one of the things that they just needed to know was that God was there he's pressing jehova shamma I don't know who I'm preaching to today but I need you to know that though everybody else forsook you he's there the the crowd is dwindling on you people are abandoning you people are leaving you people you depended on thought you could rely on through your most difficult times everybody she left you and he'd left you and they don't call you anymore and you thought the church would be there and your small group don't even look at you no more and nobody checking on you anymore and you would think see because when you first go through something real bad everybody check it on your everybody call fall and blow up you all right you are just checking on just checking on you but there's been three months nasty situations nobody wanna mess with you because they don't want to catch that whatever that is that's problem you got is a long-term problem people with you for two weeks there bring you groceries and everything for two weeks but two years you ain't working yet but I'm here to tell you that no matter how long the true duration of the problem God is with you jehova shamma he's there he's there he's there you may not feel like he's there but he's there and I know he's there because he's omnipresent he's present everywhere at the same time there is no place that God is not that's why I crazy when you try to send God somewhere God didn't have to go anywhere so you had to tell him stop by the hospital and go by Alabama stop by the prison he's already there he didn't have to go anywhere when you left home he was there when you get back he's gonna still be there when you got in the car he was already in the car when you got out the car he was still in the car and walking with you into the church there is no place that God is not he's president everywhere at the same time I love the 23rd psalm for a lot of reasons but I love it partly because it shows the omnipresence of God in that song if the song opens up by saying the Lord is my shepherd the word mine's a possessive pronoun no adjectives it means belonging to or having possession of and the reason why I can say the Lord is my shepherd and you could say the Lord is your Shepherd is because he's in you he cannot be yours if you don't have him inside of you he's my shepherd because he's in me that's biblical doctrine the print the indwelling person of Christ the Bible says what is the hope of glory it is Christ in you there's a song it says what a wonderful change in my life has been wrought since Jesus came into my heart floods of joy o my soul like the sea billows roll yelling about that in this service since Jesus came into my heart Jesus in revelation 3:20 behold I stand at the door knock If any man hear my voice and open the door I will come into him and sup with him and he would meet first John 4:4 says greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world so one of the reasons why I see his presence I see the presence of God is that he's in us but not only does that song show that he's in us but it also shows that he's over us because it says he makes me lie down in green pastures and he anoints my head with oil and he can do those things because he's over me he watches over me he anoint my head with oil he makes me lie down but not only is he in me and not only sin over me but the text also says in Psalm 23 that he's in front of me because it also says that he leads me beside the still waters and he leads me down the path of righteousness for his name's sake but not only is he in us and not only is he over us and not only is he in front of us but the text also says in Psalm 23 that he's behind us because verse 6 says and surely goodness and mercy shall follow us all the days of our lives and we should dwell in the house of the Lord forever but not only is he in us and not only is he over us and not only is he in front of us and not only is he behind us but when we feel his presence the most is in verse 4 where it says and yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil why because it's then that I know that you're with me you're with me seems like God gets closer when we're in trouble but it's not because he moved closer to us it's cuz we move closer to him but not only is we get his presence when trouble comes you have his presence but also in first where they sent 13 it says but God is faithful but God is faithful whatever you're going through his counterman but God is faithful this really blessed me this morning I was thinking about this morning I was thinking by my own testimony now that would be my testimony anybody want to ask me how did you make it but God is faithful that's all I can say but God is faithful because when I look back over my life I have to see I got a lot of but God's you understand I got a lot of but God's I should have died right here but God they came to pick me and my brother up we're supposed to go to an amusement park somewhere in Georgia and I remember Addison Chapel apartments and and the family came to pick us up and any two kids who want to go to a music park but for some reason I was crying and I didn't want to go and it turned out so my brother didn't go because I didn't go and we stayed there and I'm not you know I don't know how to even make the sense of this the whole everybody in that car was killed in the car accident and I'm not saying I'm better than them I'm just saying I should have been in that car but god that's all I'm saying but God I'm not saying I deserved it more than anybody else but God I've been in situations where other people got shot at and people had guns put on them and for some reason the bullet didn't hit me but God I don't know about you but I when I look back over my life at a trail of trials I had to say that I'm here today because God has been faithful that's even when I was unfaithful he's been faithful God has been faithful I don't know why he's so good to me I don't know why he hadn't allowed my sins to catch up with me I don't know why he hadn't give me what I deserve but I know I'm here today because God has been faithful not because I'm so smart and not because I make all the right decisions but because God has been faithful don't you play with me here today somebody else is here today knows that's the only reason you here right now is because God has been faithful over your life you should be crazy by now you should be in a psych ward by now you should have lost your mind everything that that happened to you but God has been faithful over your life can you just praise God for five seconds for his faithfulness over your life this ain't no concert this ain't no show I'm not up here to entertain you God has been good to you don't you play with him to date he woke you up this morning he started you on your way and if you can clap for the Oklahoma City Thunder and the Miami Heat and the Dallas Cowboys and Drake and Lou in him stay wake you up this morning they've done none for you they died for your sins God has been faithful who didn't have to be here I know you cool slim I know you down but the same time to be cool it's time to be grateful it's time to give God hears it's time to give him his props and you better get up off your butt and give God some praise because he's the one that made a way for your butt don't play don't play don't play this ain't a time to be showing off tryna act like you ain't got it like that listen man God has been faithful faithful faithful faithful faithful faithful I've been through a lot but he's been faithful lost a lot but he's been faith she left he left they dogged me they criticized me but I'm still here cuz he's been faith whoo whoo I'm a survivor but I couldn't leave you not you but I'm living thought I couldn't dance without you but I'm dancing I can't remember the song women are little girls who sing that I'm a survivor still here he's faithful faithful faithful should be in jail right now but he's faithful great is thy faithfulness morning by morning new I mean Radner o mercies I got new mercies today today today faithful faithful he's faithful yes rough but he's faithful and guess what if he did it before he can do it again if he pays your rent before he gets you out again if he brushed you through it before he can do it again and guess what even if he don't it's still alright because even if what you're going through kills you guess what if you're a Christian you're going to heaven so guess what if it kills me I'm a dying go to heaven God hideous if it kills me i'ma go to glory if it doesn't kill me he's gonna get glory so I win either way cuz guess what guess what whatever you're going through it can't last forever whatever you're going through cannot be permanent even if it lasts the rest of your life that went over your head whatever you're going through can't be permanent even if it lasts the rest of your life you know why cuz when this life is over I'm gonna fly away I'll go to a place where there's no more sorrow no more sickness no more death so even if it lasts the rest of this life it's okay it can't follow me to glory I'll say goodbye I got another thing the third thing the third thing I love about this passage is after he says it he says I'll be with you he says and when it gets worse when you go through the rivers they ain't gonna overflow you anywhere from water to rivers let me ask you a question has it ever gotten worse I like this service has it ever got work I mean it was bad it was bad last month and these start going to church stop praying about it fasted send our prayer requests when ho uh-uh what else do we do started giving started doing anything went to counseling has anybody ever seen bad get worse on you he says when it gets worse guess what it ain't gonna drown you even when you walk through the rivers they won't overflow you know they're saying up to the neck only god controls his the Third Point the dimensions of your storm he knows how high you he knows you can't swim he's just read that water threatened their water I keep it right there keep it right there 39 and the water go up in your nose and you hit the headache and everything but you ain't going down I'm hurting but I ain't going down he controls the dimensions you know what he says and over in first when they sent 13 he says even though it's calming the man even though I'm faithful watch this I won't allow it to test you above what you're able to handle I'm controlling the dimensions that there wasn't some of y'all are going through a whole lot right a whole lot that's a compliment that means he can trust you with that much pain okay let me put a parentheses on it some of the stuff we going through is our fault can I get a witness on that somebody here no it was my decision my choice my stupidity my sin that got me in this but then there's some things I'd like to happen we had no control over and if God let it happen he's saying I trust you with this because I know what's in you I said his game I don't know was because I think it's called mr. Potato Head but basically the idea was all you did with this game with this toy was hit it just try to punch it in the face and knock it down any time you knock it down they would come back up and then you know over time you start realizing it's because it was honest it had attracted it was on so the apparatus that was on would always allow it to spring back up but it also in order to get the potato here to grow you had to blow it up and he had this little thing you pump it up with helium right so it had it has something under it and something in it that no matter how hard you hit it it kept bouncing back I can't even preach that good enough right there that was good right it was good I said no matter how hard you hit it and no matter how many times you knocked it down because of what was under it and because of what was ended it kept bouncing back some of y'all been hit real hard in your life and you in church today with your hands up just like this because no matter what Scott is put something under you call grace and mercy and he's put something in you called His Holy Spirit and every time they knock you down you keep rising back up and saying I still love God I still worship Him I still bless him and you really confusing Satan because Satan is confused he said I don't believe she still got her hands up I don't believe he's still worshiping God all the hell I don't put him through you confuse the devil when you worship like that but I wish somebody would just confuse them for five seconds and let them know I'm still here by the grace of God I'm still here everything you don't thrown at me I'm pouring my pigeon - I'm still yeah doridori by the grace of God man I forgot what I was gonna say ah yes hmm he says I'll control it then last thing he says he says at the end of verse 2 he says he says he says and when you go through the fire it's worse than rivers you go through fire you won't get burnt and neither will the flames caught you now how is that going on this one this is my last point he protects you in the trial and he delivers you from it he protects you in mister some of us want to be protected from the trial but God has a way of protecting us in it so you're in the fire and you're not getting burnt then then then over first-graders tent he says he says this he says he says I I'll make a way for you to escape so he can deliver you hmm but watch this we're looking for the exit but the way of escape is right there in the verse the ability to bear it that ain't what I want I went out of this here's your escape I McGee this stuff you need to stand up under it so did you so did you stop being a punk about it I'm gonna give you some power to handle your pain whoo let me go back to Isaac can I finish I don't care I'm finish anyway what so here's the only situation I was seen with isaiah 43:2 came to pass it was three guys in in the Book of Daniel Shadrach Meshach and Abednego and they they were in a fire and didn't get burned there's actually happen in the Bible these three boys were standing up for what they believed in they were under a king named Nebuchadnezzar was a foreign land Nebuchadnezzar was the idol worshiper he erected this Idol and he says when the music plays I need everybody to bow everybody 99.999% her people bow to cept these three boys he said we can't bow we serve God only he heard about he got angry he says you know what I can kill you all for that they're coming here looky y'all one more chance when the DJ starts playing at this time ain't nobody looking I was between the army let y'all slide just give me a quick one and we're done with it it's a king we know who you are but and we're you know we just can't do that we're we're ready to go and die but we cannot bow before this Idol so they didn't he got angry he says throw him in the furnace roaming the fiery furnace and he said before you throw him in heated up seven times hotter than this supposed to be that's off the chain that's extra violent right the fire was so hot that the men that throw men died it killed the executors they go in to fight they tied him up right they tied him up in ropes and threw him down in the fire so now they're laying in a fire bound and down in a fire Nebuchadnezzar from his palace windows looks into the furnace from where he could see him and he calls his staff and he says hey then we throw three people in there he said yes they named the three people he says I see four people in there one two three four see if y'all read the Bible this would be better than y'all than y'all feeling me right now he's asking for people in there and he said and the fourth one doesn't look like somebody we threw in it look like he walked in y'all ain't ready for this if y'all read the Bible y'all would be killing this right now he said that one looks like the Son of God that's who it was because God will reach you in your fire he said I got another question weren't they tired up when we threw him in yes they were tired up why did not tired up man because in the fire God's loose their chains in the fire he says weren't they down in the fire he said yeah they were down he said ain't down no more then now walking around loose in the fire they just walking around playing ring-around-the-rosy in the fire now when I first saw that I'm like God you need to get Devon out of that fire now cool they got up you got it yeah wouldn't you God open the door let him out deliver them from the fire because that would be awesome you just set him free from the fire praise the Lord God deliver me from the fire but God doesn't want to deliver him yet he going to but right now he's flexing God was so offering their there cuz God's gonna get some glory out of this since the devil throw it on him God's gonna rock it for his glory cuz God says look I can get fired I can get glory I could bring you out of that situation I could make your child act right I can make the situation turn around but I get more glory and instead of delivering you out of a trial I give more glory letting people watch you function in the midst of one so here you are fire burning in your house and you're going to work every Sunday every day here hell is breaking loose in your life and you're still preaching still serving still praising still worshiping still free in the fire I'm gonna get glory out of this situation because people need to see this god thing work when you're in trouble we know he's a deliverer is he a keeper who is he a keeper now unto Him who is able to keep me I gotta go I gotta go oh okay how do how do you apply this how do you apply this to your life so we just jumping in happy I hope you're getting encouraged though but how do you apply this to your life here it is here it is here's the takeaway grieve your pain and be grateful for your blessings whenever you're hurting just think mothers grieve your pain that's cool and be grateful for your blessings how do you do that you real simple you cry if it hurts cry people don't want to cry AHA can't cry got to be strong for everybody stop I'm strong and family need me you're gonna die like that cry if it hurts cry even if it was inappropriate you shouldn't have never had it but you took it you lost it now you need to cry all the stuff you lost you when he was there but still her cry you lost it cry all loss requires grief under grieve losses as well got a lot of people sick now he'll know how to grieve go through anger and upsetting bruise your goddess hurts so much grieving because you ain't gonna be able to be grateful for your blessings to you really take time to grieve your losses this is very important ain't nothing wrong with grief I don't know where people get this from God and give me knows where degree ain't even in the Bible Jesus cried at a funeral at a funeral that he knew he was going to raise a man up from the day that he was crying cuz the people's crying he said he's here sad but I'm a mother fix me but it is saying Oh crying is natural but once you grieve your loss now you can thank God watch this don't just grieve your loss praise him for what's left I lost so much but I got so much left I lost my job but I got a still got my house I lost my house but I got someplace to live I lost my car but you know what the Metro comes right by my house y'all ain't feelin me I lost my spouse but I still got my child I lost my child watch this don't just don't just read what you lost thank God for how long you had with your lost yes I lost my child but I thank you Lord for the 12 years that I had the child for the 12 days that I had each other better 12 hours at a higher shot instead of dreaming with your Lord why don't you thank God for what you have and thank you for what's left don't just grieve be grateful let's pray father thank you so much for these truths may they transform us maybe not be just informed and inspired but transformed I pray to somebody who needs it the most we get hope this week in their pain thank you for it in Jesus name amen
Channel: Zion Church
Views: 18,479
Rating: 4.8977637 out of 5
Keywords: Hope, Pastor, Keith, Battle, For, The, Hurting, zionchurchlive, zionchurchmd, zionchurchonline, Zion, Church
Id: T7XywUnpLUk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 33sec (2253 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 05 2012
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