Prove Them Wrong - Elon Musk | Motivational Video

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you know there are American heroes who don't like this idea Neil Armstrong Gene Cernan have both testified against commercial spaceflight in the way that you're developing it and I wonder what you think of that I was very sad to see that because those guys are yeah you know those guys are heroes of mine so it's really tough you know I wish they would come and visit and and see the hardware that we're doing here and I think that would change their mind when we do something difficult tend to be the things that make a big impact Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos and others always say that the the real steps forward the real innovation in in a society in a civilization occur at the frontier and it it hasn't been a physical frontier for a long time now it can be again but it occurs at the frontiers of knowledge and at the physical frontier you need to get people to that front [Music] and to see them casting stones in your direction it's difficult did you expect them to cheer you on so they hoping it would [Music] what I'm trying to do is to make a significant difference in in spaceflight and and and help make space life accessible to to almost anyone and I would vote for as much support in that direction as we had refueler see crazy things can come true because I said like I didn't really think this would work and like when I see the rocket liftoff I see like a thousand things that that not work and it's amazing when they do [Applause] but I think it's gonna open up a sense of possibility I think it's gonna encourage other companies and countries to say hey if SpaceX which is a commercial company can do this and nobody paid for Falcon Heavy goes pay forward and with internal funds then then they could go to so I think it's gonna encourage other countries and companies to raise their sights and say hey you're bigger and fatter which is great we want any space [Music] if something didn't happen to improve rocket technology would be stuck on earth forever just wanted to get people interested in space I guess yeah capture the imagination yes that would though was the idea I was showering in the at the Y and sleeping on the office floor one thing I really admire about you is you don't just talk about the future of humanity you actually start companies and do things about it so what made you so audacious if you're sighs think technology just automatically gets better over year but actually doesn't it only gets better if smart people work work like crazy to make it better that's how any technology actually gets better why I don't really think of these things as all out of daesh's they seem like natural things to do it's sort of more of a long-term optimization rather than a short-term one and yeah I just but not that I think you know everyone should be doing these things but someone needs to do them so if I see that well somebody is not doing this and maybe I could be helpful then then then I try to do something in that regard and there were less people that tried to talk me out of it and the joke was you know how do you how do you make a small fortune in the rocket business where you start with a large one I already thought the probability of failure was was high and that you know with that the likelihood of success was low and so this was not new information I thought maybe SpaceX had I don't know ten or twenty percent chance of success just you know all the ways they can fail and and that's like the sort of mental checklist that's scrolling through your mind because all the things that can can to break I mean there's thousands of things that can go wrong and everything is to go right once look once the rocket oh there's nothing opportunity to do a recall or upload a software fix or anything like that it's like you see the passengers in Harper Sam and I've seen Rockets blow up so many different ways so you know it's a big relief when it actually works you want to be inspired by things you want to wake up in the morning to think the futures gonna be great if SpaceX and Tesla almost didn't survive I mean came very close to perishing his companies in 2008 and 2009 with the Great Recession was extremely close coal I mean there lots people that said that the likelihood of failure was extremely high and that it was a she would thing to do
Channel: MulliganBrothers
Views: 421,737
Rating: 4.9490571 out of 5
Keywords: motivation, motivational video, mulliganbrothers, mulligan brothers, motivational speech
Id: pcfHh3kMCn8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 21sec (441 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 12 2018
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