Elon Musk Incredible Speech - Motivational video 2017

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60 minutes had to later apologize after Neil Armstrong wrote a letter correcting their misrepresentation of his and other astronauts testimony to congress. They had actually stated it would be very hard for a commercial company to achieve spaceflight but they wished them well.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/marktsv 📅︎︎ May 27 2019 🗫︎ replies

This video helped me today, thankyou for posting.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/enetheru 📅︎︎ May 27 2019 🗫︎ replies
But those Tesla shares sliding lower as you move through the day, they're down a little bit more than 10% right now somehow, it's Levitating and I think it's Elon Musk is the greatest salesman in the world he paints this Vision of an unlimited future, I think they're doomed I'm skeptical private enterprise will not ever Lead a space Frontier Tesla sell sell so you don't own this you don't You shouldn't even rent the door It's an overpriced car company And they have to become a car manufacturer and becoming a car manufacturer is a lot more difficult than becoming a high tech darling Nothing's nothing's working This is an elegant the Titanic taking on water after hitting the iceberg and then tying up to a freighter That's going down. You know there are American heroes Who don't like this idea the Armstrong gene cernan have both testified? Against commercial spaceflight in the way that you're developing it and I wonder what you think of that I was very sad to see that because those guys are yeah? Yeah, those guys here's mine, so it's really tough Rock verify range do The flight computer has controlled the vehicle a wealth a well-thought-out Critique of whatever you're doing is as valuable as gold When you had that third failure in a row Did you think I need to pack this in that one? why not I don't ever give up I Mean I'd have to be dead Or living faster eight weeks later must bet the company on another flight This time around everything worked perfect If that fourth launch hadn't work that would have been it We would have not had the resources to the amount of fifth Successful entrepreneurs, probably come in all sizes shapes and flavors some of the things have described already. I think I'm very important I think really an Obsessive nature with respect to the quality of the product. We're really really liking what you do whatever area that you get into Given that you know even if you if you're the best the best there's always a chance of failure So I think it's important that you really like whatever you're doing if you don't like it life is true for When my brother and I was starting our first company Instead of getting an apartment. We just rented us a small office, and we slept on the couch We had just one computer so the website was up during the day and I was coding at night Seven days a week all the time you just keep going You put 90 billion dollars Like 50 years worth of breaks into into solar and wind to suck it Solyndra and Fisker And Tesla and r1 I mean I had a friend who said you don't just pick the winners and losers you pick the losers I'm available 24/7 just hope to help solve issues I Call me three a man of Sunday morning. I don't care We didn't just repay the principal we actually repaid it with interest and a bonus, man So ultimately the the US taxpayer actually made a profit of over twenty million dollars on this most work like hell I mean you just have to put in You know 80 hour 8200 ro Weeks every week if other people are putting in 40-hour work weeks, and you're putting in 100 hour work weeks. You will achieve in Four months what it takes them a year to achieve a natural human tendency is wishful thinking so The challenge for entrepreneurs is to say well, what's the difference between? Really believing new ideals and sticking sticking to them versus Pursuing some unrealistic dream that doesn't actually have merit your product or service needs to be much better can't be a little bit better And I think Wyatt might sort of drive to get it done is somewhat disconnected from hope enthusiasm or anything else, I just I Actually, just don't care about hope or enthusiasm motivation we just Give her give it everything. I've got irrespective of what the circumstances may be But I think people can choose to be not ordinary you know they think they can choose to not necessarily Conform to the conventions that were taught to them by their parents Yes, I think I think it's possible for Denari people to choose to be extraordinary I Think also, just just don't don't be afraid of new arenas. You know you can get a book you can learn something and and experiment with your hands, and you know just Make it happen find a way. You'll make way to get something done Not being motivated by Personally by money it's not the same as saying that I think SpaceX shouldn't make money in fact It's very important that SpaceX is profitable or we will not be able to earn the money necessary to continue future developments It's like the Nike Slotin you know just do it, that's you know You know just showing up is half the battle You got to try hard to do it and don't be afraid of failure you also need to be rooted in reality So you shouldn't it's easy to get high in you in supply You've got to Not be afraid to innovate, but also don't delude yourself into thinking something's working when it's not Or you can get fixated on a bad solution You go to the very basic laws of physics the things to which we believe to be Extremely well demonstrated in other words the reason they call it a law is that no one has ever demonstrated exceptions that ever As Edison said you know it's 1% inspiration 99% perspiration I Think it's it's really a mindset. You have to decide we're going to try to do things differently Well provided that they're better you shouldn't do things differently just because they're different made you're different better But I think you just have to sort of decide them. Let's let's think beyond the normal stuff This is a great Holy Grail potential in the future you have to stay grounded in the short term So you know because if you don't do things that pay the bills You're not gonna have you know can achieve the offering launch an objective, but it's nice to have that sort of Holy Grail Long term potential out there as an inspiration for for coming to work I know I'm a volunteer. I mean I don't need the money There's nothing I mean I I'm something like I'm sitting here saying I wish I could buy such a such a thing I buy it I Get paid minimum wage actually don't even get overtime But I think people can choose to be not ordinary you know they think they can choose to not necessarily conform to the conventions that Were taught to them by their parents Yes, I think I think it's possible for Denari people to choose to be extraordinary Well it's like the Nike Slotin you know just do it Definitely one the best days of my life, and I think also for a lot of people here at SpaceX it's the culmination of a dream I Messed up the first three launches the launches failed unfortunately the fourth launch which was the That was the last money that we had we felt the one that fourth launch worked Or it would have been that would have been it for for SpaceX But fate liked us that day the fourth launch worked - today is the is the ninth anniversary of that launch Very emotional day actually It's about it naval extension of life beyond Earth Fundamentally the future is vastly more exciting and interesting if we're a spacefaring civilization and a multi-planet species than if we're not It you want to be inspired by things you want to wake up in the morning you think the futures gonna be great And that's what What bring a spacefaring civilization is all about? It's about believing in the future and thinking that the future would be better than the past And I can't think of anything more exciting than going out there and bring among the stars This is the first time in the four billion year history of Earth that that has even been a possibility You have the greens, but you've got to have some sense of how you can make those a reality You got to make sure that success is one of the possible outcomes Becoming a multi-planet species beats the hell up out of being a single plant species And if we're building this thing to go to the Moon and Mars then why not go to other places on earth as well Except to sort of decide let's let's think beyond the normal stuff When you try new things you try this idea that idea a large number that we're not going to work And that has to be okay I'm a big believer in in us becoming a space sparing civilization and ultimately extending life beyond Earth The extension of life to multiple planets for the first time Extend life to another planet is a huge quantum leap The long-term mission is to help make life multiplanetary Yeah, thanks to the hard work of basically SpaceX team guys. I mean that's really But you know it's fourth time's the charm So I mean this this really means a lot to SpaceX obviously, maybe getting some of it, I mean that's just a huge mile So there's only a handful of countries on earth that have done it so only a country thing not a company thing So it's just an amazing achievement You know the you know my minds kind of frazzled, so it's kind of hard for me to say anything but man definitely This is one of the greatest days of my life, and I think probably for most people here It's you know We've shown people we can do it and this is just the first step in many I mean we're going to You know get to Falcon 9 to a little bit next year get the dragon spacecraft going I mean you know we're gonna be taking over from the for the space shuttle when that retires I mean this is yeah, we're gonna do a lot of things You know ultimately I think even They're getting to Mars and things like that so I think this is definitely the future of SpaceX is really great, I don't know what I don't wanna say cuz I mean it's just like so freaking awesome my mind blowing so it just Yeah, except just like reaffirm. This is just this is just the first step of many And this really opens through a way for us to you know Get Falcon 9. Going get me or a manned space flight. I mean there's so many cool things that There in the future And Actually the chief designer of the rocket I mean I could tell you I could redraw that rocket without without benefit of blueprints for the most part. Yeah So it's like seeing my baby go up there. You know and it's It's pretty scary Like the battery reasons that you get up in the morning and you want to live Like why do you want to live what what's the point what what inspires you what what do you love about the future? And if we're not out there if the future is not include being out there among the stars and Being a multi-planet species I find out that it's incredibly depressing if that's not the future that we're gonna have Look at the future from the standpoint of the probabilities, it's like it's like a branching stream of probabilities and There are actions that we can take that affect those probabilities Becoming a multi path species and spacefaring civilization, this is not inevitable. It's very important to appreciate. This is not inevitable If you look at at the progress in space in 1969 we were able to send somebody to the moon 1969 Then we had this the space shuttle that the space shuttle could only take people to low-earth orbit Then a space shuttle retired and the United States could take no one to opens So that's the trend the trend is like down to nothing I'm mistaken when they think that technology just automatically improves. It does not automatically improve It only improves if a lot of people work very hard to make it better By itself degrade actually You look at great civilizations like ancient Egypt, and they will to make the pyramids and they forgot how to do that And in the Romans they build these incredible aqueducts they forgot how to do it I think I think the the value of U T an inspiration is very much underrated no question But I want to be clear, I like I'm not trying to be anyone's Savior That is not the the I'm just trying to think about the future and not be sad SpaceX's got five five thousand people and I Get a lot of attention, but it's there really did the work so awesome team 20 seconds and counting and guidance within Journal I think we're at the dawn of a new era and and it's it's I think it's gonna be very exciting What we're hoping to do with SpaceX is to push the envelope and provide a reason people to be excited inspire to the human Dimension c3 launches, but they they failed And I actually only had the money for the three launches But we managed this that was the original client the world after three if we haven't succeeded will you know Maybe that doctor that should be that that's it We managed to scramble and put together the parts for one one final launch and it worked every Now and again those graphic company was I think this will be one of those times Three two zero all engine running liftoff we have a liftoff I think it's important that humanity become a multi-planet species I think most new would agree that a future where we're a spacefaring civilization is inspiring and exciting Compared with one where we are forever confined to earth until some the eventual extinction of it yeah that that's really why I started SpaceX What I'm trying to do is to make a significant difference in In spaceflight and and and help make space life accessible to to almost anyone When something is important enough you do it even though flowers are not in your favor You know there are American heroes Who don't like this idea I? Was very sad to see that because those guys are yeah you Know, but those guys heroes of mine, so it's really tough No, I wish they would come and visit and and see the hardware that were doing here, and I think that would change their mind It's been fifteen years to get to this point taking us a long time a lot of Difficult steps along the way Creating a company is almost like having a child so it's sort of like How do you say your child should not have food even if it in ruins you? Yeah? I Remember waking up the Sunday before Christmas on in 2008 and thinking myself And I never thought I'd someone who could ever Be capable nervous breakdown And but I I felt this was the closest I've ever come So many people try to talk me out of starting a road company it was it was crazy one good friend of mine Collected a whole series of videos of rockets blowing up and made me watch. Those. You just didn't want me to lose all my money And in the end I had to invest everything and I was borrowing money from friends to pay the rent What we'd like to do is to establish a city on Mars and and help make Humanity of multi-planet species and a true spacefaring civilization, that's the ultimate goal. I'm not saying we will do it I'm just saying we're gonna try you had that third failure in a row. Did you think I need to pack this in ever I? Don't ever give up NASA cold and told us that we'd won a one and a half billion dollar contract if you need is firing woods don't do it I Think wishful thinking is innate in the human brain Having civilization and life as we know it extended beyond Earth to the rest of the solar system and ultimately to other star systems But that's the best the future that's exciting and inspiring Any kind of eat things like that to make intuitive to be glad to wake up in the morning We're doing these things that seem unlikely to succeed and if we've been fortunate and this thus far They have succeeded that life Can't be just about solving problems like they have a few things that are inspiring and exciting that make you glad to be alive Ultimately be out there among the stars That's actually been a very difficult journey I have to say Here's a path to do it even if that path Has a lot of danger associated with it risk and maybe won't succeed Why it's important and even if the odds are that it won't succeed. It's worth trying to do it I just incredibly proud of the SpaceX team for able to achieve this Incredible milestone in the history of space
Channel: MulliganBrothers
Views: 2,033,711
Rating: 4.860342 out of 5
Keywords: motivational video, elon musk, elon musk motivational video, motivational speech, motivation, elon musk incredible speech, elon musk motivation, inspirational video, motivational video 2017, success, tesla, new motivational video, motivational, spacex, speech, video, elon musk interview, motivational video 2016, elon musk life story, best motivational video, elon musk tesla, elon musk documentary, inspiration, entrepreneur, motivation video, musk, be inspired
Id: wD3pflBggMQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 42sec (1422 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 29 2017
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