Protect Your Synology with a UPS! - 4K Tutorial

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all right what's up guys today we're gonna be going over why you should get a Ups to protect yourself from power failure on your Synology nas alright so first off what is a UPS a UPS stands for uninterrupted power supply it's basically a big battery that in the event of power failure it kicks on and powers all the devices hooked up to it now the reason this is really important with a Synology is this analogy is a surfer and surfers do not do great with unexpected power failure say a storm takes out power to your house your Synology without a UPS would power off unexpectedly and that means that you could have data loss and a volume crash especially if you have drives with right caches basically most modern performance hard drives have little RAM caches on them for data anytime you're writing to a drive it'll first write it to that little cache then whenever the head is near a sector where that's going to be writing it will then write the data to that sector basically it speeds up the performance significantly because it gets the time when to write the data when it's most optimal rather than writing the data perfectly sequentially it can do it in the most efficient order however with unexpected power loss this data goes away which can cause a drive pool to crash now in almost all circumstances the drive pool probably will be recoverable but you could still lose data and take a long time to get everything back and running and sort of fight against this it is highly recommended to have a UPS hooked up to your Synology so the UPS I have is an APC 750 volt amp battery and it has about a 300 kilojoule battery in there which means it can power a hundred watts for about 50 minutes and so this is good enough for everything I need then the really nice thing they have is they actually have a connection from the ups to your Synology basically you plug in a USB port to both the devices and it allows them to communicate and this is great because it allows your Synology to power off safely if the battery is running low this way you're not going to have any data loss even if the power does not come back on by the time the battery runs out because the UPS will tell your Synology to shut down before this happens so one thing to note about UPS is is they're really heavy so you're not gonna get be getting into that pretty b-roll footage that I normally shoot because I don't want to take this thing out of my rack and take down my entire network right now but just trust me it's in there so another reason why Synology is really great is they've worked with manufacturers to create a compatibility list it split up into two different tiers there is Synology tested which means Synology has actually gotten a unit and gotten one of their NASA's and guaranteed that they will work and then there's also vendor recommended which is pretty good still so you know it probably will work but Synology themselves have not been able to test it and so when you're buying a UPS I would highly recommend making sure it's on this list so that way your Nass will safely power off if the battery starts to run out alright and so now once you've hooked up your ups and connected it to your Synology with the USB port go ahead and log in to DSM and we're going to go into control panel hardware and power and then UPS and it should say UPS has been connected and that means we can enable UPS support and so it's really easy all you have to do is click enable UPS support and we have two different ways that we can set up the UPS to shut down our Synology you can either say okay if the power's not come back on after five minutes go ahead and turn off my Synology and basically put it into a safe shutdown so you don't lose any data or you can wait until the UPS tells the Synology low battery so the way I've got mine set up is just a five minute timer and if the power has not come back on by then I shut down my Synology then this is because what I'm running on the Sena Knology is not mission critical for uptime but I really do not want data loss then since the Synology is powered down it just powers my Wi-Fi network and things like that until the battery runs out and if the battery runs out it's a hard power failure but the only things that are going to have a hard power failure on them or like my network switch and stuff which is not a big deal they are totally fine with you pulling the plug out of them you can also go in and click device information and see the device information this is actually one of the things I've noticed is this estimated battery time left is actually inaccurate for my Synology it says zero minutes but according to the LCD panel I think I've got an hour and a half on here and so watch out for that but you can see the percent charge which is the really important thing if you have multiple syn ologies you can also enable a UPS server which basically has this main Synology tell all of the other Sun ologies hooked up to the network that the Power has gone out and that the UPS says shut down and then you just enter their IP addresses here and so another thing I would recommend doing if you've got a UPS is to go into general and select under power recovery restart automatically after a power failure this way when the power comes back on your Synology will boot back up meaning you don't have to go in and turn it on and if you're accessing it remotely it'll turn back on without you having to call your neighbor it's turn on and then just go ahead and hit apply and so now if there is unexpected power loss and the power does not come back on for five minutes my Synology will safely boot down meaning I don't have any data loss which is really critical another nice thing is once the Synology shuts down there's very little power draw on my UPS and so we can actually run my Wi-Fi network for about two hours after that so it's nice being able to still have Wi-Fi even if your powers off because most of the time it's only going to take out either your internet line or your powerline but rarely both alright and so another thing to note if you do want to test out and make sure this all works with your UPS when you're simulating a power loss don't just pull out the plug from the wall because that removes the grounds pin that's that bottom pin on a three-pin plug instead what you should do is you should take a power strip put that in between the wall and the UPS plug and use that to turn off the power to the UPS that way that ground pin is still hooked up to the ground line of your house meaning if something does go wrong and there's a short your circuit is still grounded that is why any high voltage appliances always have that ground pin hooked up to the chassis of the appliance if a live wire were to hit anywhere on the chassis rather than dangerously charging it it would simply cause a short circuit because it would be put to ground and the breaker will be trip safely cutting off power hopefully all right and I think that's it for this go ahead put in the comments below any other tutorials you'd like to see me make and have a good one bye [Music]
Channel: SpaceRex
Views: 38,767
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Synology Smart UPS, Synology Drive Crash, DS1819+, Synology Power Failure, NAS Battery Backup
Id: tugxPSGUqGw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 21sec (501 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 18 2020
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