PROTECT YOUR FAMILY - Andrew Tate Motivational Speech

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you're tired you don't want to work you want to go to sleep and just relax you do it anyway that is the most basic imperative of the masculine frame which has been destroyed in real time they are trying to convince you that you should act how you feel you should show more of your feelings if you feel this way you should show it if you want to cry cry what I'm saying is the reason they're trying to bring out emotionality in you is because of exactly what Myron said most of the time you don't feel like doing the things you're supposed to do but the true masculine and frame throughout history was doing the things they didn't want to do but they knew they had to do because they had honor and Duty that's what honor and duty means do you think the men on the Titanic wanted to stay on the Titanic no we're men we have to stay we're scared but we must it's our duty to let the women and children on the lifeboats this is masculine Duty a good man controls himself I have absolute self-control emotional control is absolutely and utterly important as a man I'm saying that you need to understand as a man there are certain principles under which you act regardless of how you feel I can wake up in a terrible mood I can wake up sad I can ache I can have a a busy day stressed Etc I will complete the same tasks as if I woke up in a fantastic moood I'll do the same things because how I feel has no bearing on the things I'm going to do in my day because I have duty to myself and to my bloodline cuz you think there's something wrong with you you go I don't I lack motivation I don't have the motivation to go to the gym well here's the news flash neither did I and I still did it so now what you going to say now you have no excuse right oh you're scared to get in the ring so was I still did it scared to get in the cage so was I I still did it being a man isn't about not feeling things it's about acting the way you're supposed to act irregardless of how you feel we act We're Men of action we get things done so World got built all of them all The Men Who Built skyscrapers felt scared they did it anyway you to become a man of action stop worry about how you feel and startop woring about what you're suppos to be doing how about that I I've always been disciplined myself cuz I've always lived a disciplined Life I Lived in a disciplined household like there was no such thing as I don't want to so even now if I wake up and I don't want to do something I don't need someone to tell me to do it cuz I'll do it anyway I mean who wants to run a marathon nobody who wants to do that you just do it don't you cuz you know it's it's thing you're going to have to do when you're have to Blood Sweat dears there is a version of the world where you can feel things and really not give them how you feel like I I can I if I feel sad it does not change how I act and it does not change the things I do if I don't feel like going to the gym I go to the gym if I don't feel like working I will still work if I wake up in a happy mood and I have a business to run if I wake up in a sad mood I have the same [ __ ] to do I'm going to get get it done so where's the importance of it it's in my mind that's how I view it like how does it affect what I'm going to do well nothing it doesn't motivation in and of itself is a scam I don't believe in motivation I believe in discipline I am not motivated to do the things I'm supposed to do it I don't wake up full of like Joy I have to go to the gym or that I have to work or I deal with crap I don't feel motivated to do them I'm disciplined I do them regardless of how I feel whether I'm in the mood to do it or I'm not in the mood to do it it gets done that's dis discipline's a real thing motivation is fleeing you're never going to be permanently motivated if you're the kind of person who can only try hard it's something he enjoys then you're going to fail if you truly want to win you can't only want to win when you're happy and you can't only want to win when you're motivated you are competing against men like me who will perform even when it is raining not only when the sun is shining and if you're going to be the kind of person you can only do it one of those scenarios you are going to lose you must be prepared to perform all of the time I have a lot of people who message me and say oh I struggle with motivation and my answer is simple then say a loser if you you can't find the motivation to not be a loser then I strongly recommend you just stay a loser stay in your lane stay out of my way I have no time for people who cannot find the motivation to fix themselves and fix their own lives I've been the kind of person who will perform 7 days a week doesn't matter how I feel doesn't matter what's happened doesn't matter if I'm happy or sad things must be done this is the mindset you need to adopt if you want to be a with I think a man should have absolutely no interest in whether he's actually happy or not if I wake up and I'm happy I will do the exact same things as if I am happy I will go to the gym the same I will work the same how I feel has no impact on how I live my life I don't think happiness as an index is a healthy view for a man to have on life success if you're waking up and going ah am I happy am I not you're looking at life wrong I think as a man if you put happiness far if you move it down the scale right and you start looking at am I successful am I competent you know am I Achi aing things am I respected if you start to look at these indicators of your life you're going to end up being happier without actually analizing if you're happy or not
Channel: The Motivational Suplex
Views: 3,320
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motivation, motivational, motivational speech, motivational video, speech
Id: Cb2sZmi5jrY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 10sec (310 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 17 2024
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