NEVER QUIT - Powerful Motivational Speech

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[Music] how much time you really waste for real we waste so much time on our little gadgets is unreal and we talk about we have no time we all have time which you don't have is you haven't prioritized your life correctly you didn't prioritize yourself you didn't prioritize that look [ __ ] I got to get up and win this war today against myself we get one opportunity in life one chance in life to do whatever you going to do to lay your foundation and to make whatever Mark you going to make whatever Legacy you going to leave leave your legacy and it's found through effort wins and losses come a dime of dozen but effort nobody can judge effort cuz effort is between you and you effort ain't got nothing to do with nobody else expand yourself take yourself out your comfort zone if you stay in your comfort zone that's why you will fail you will fail in your comfort zone success is not a comfortable procedure so you got to get comfortable being uncomfortable if you ever want to be successful we have two voices in our mind this that one voice is that soft [ __ ] voice that says sleep the again it's okay well there's another [ __ ] voice that wakes you up in the middle of the night it's that Dem [ __ ] voice that says get up [ __ ] you're not [ __ ] good enough you got to work [ __ ] harder it's that voice you want to run away from it's that voice you don't want to hear but it's that voice you need toing listen to what could you be if you worked as hard as you could what could you be if you imposed real discipline in your life I say you crank up the volume on that voice crank up the volume on that question Max it out and then go get some we don't get this again we don't get this again the clock runs too fast that's why we got to save with these moments cuz they right now cuz every day is a new day every moment is a new moment so now you got to go out and show them that I'm a different creature now time's running out on you wake up you want to win you want to be a millionaire you got to quit being so casual you walk slow you talk slow you implement things slow you talk a good game like you're going to be somebody like you're going to make hundreds of thousands of dollars you're going to get your ass kicked dude you got to get focused and get in a hurry if you make that shift I'm going to win we're going to play to win now we're not playing to play we're not playing to see how we do we're not playing for fun once you start getting some winning you start changing you talk different you walk different all of a sudden this isn't the same damn human being you'd be surprised how good you'd be if you just decide to win be number one in your office number one in your region cuz I'm pissed off for greatness cuz if you ain't pissed off for greatness that mean you okay with being mediocre every single day of my my life I feel like giving every single day somebody said yesterday ET you gave 120 what you going to do tomorrow I said I don't know get 140 I don't know but I don't have days where I don't feel like it why because I'm counting on me my wife's counting on me I don't have days to waste we're all being tested in life and guess what this is one test you can't cheat on and the only way to overcome it is for you and you alone to face it you have to do your best work when you're at least motivated so those days you don't want to do it guess what you got to do you got to Su the up and do it but no one's around it's just you and your Shadow what are you going to do man when everything says quit what keeps you going life is going to test that will every time life is going to see how bad you want what you say you want it's how we deal with these things in life that we find out who we are these moments of depression when things go wrong a girl breaking up with you getting fir from a job losing your money these are all lessons the presence in a way but it's the perception of how you see that present you're allow to destroy you or you allow it to change you and I'm telling you right now I know it's hard I know it's hard we not going to sit here and pretend like it's going to be easy I know it's not but I'm telling you the sooner you deal with it and the sooner you get past it the sooner you can get on with the rest of your life I want to ask you what are you going to believe are you going to believe in yourself you're going to believe everybody else's judgment on you you see I will Trum 100 times to get up and if I fail 100 times if I fail and I give up do you think that I'm going to get up no but if I fail I try again and again and again for as long as I try there's always that chance of getting up and the problem with most of y'all every time something go wrong you start running and doing what other people tell you to do and what you need to learn how to do is you walk into your belief system look at your belief system every single day and stick with it don't rush the process trust the process don't rush the process trust the process don't rush the process trust the process storms happened to all of us losers losers get weak and give up losers surrender losers give in but winners they are fued by the storm pain actually pushes them to Greatness they actually love it they actually feel it they like the pressure and if you can grind your way through the hell if you can grind your way through that defeat if you can grind your way through that pain if you can grind your way through it I'm telling you it's going to come to pass say it with me and breathe life into whatever that thing is whatever your circumstance are say with me I can I will I will get through this I must it's going to rain sometimes I can you going to feel discouraged sometimes I will no matter what the obstacle I must I I am a winner I will not give up I will not surrender and in the midst of hell and in the midst of Trials and in the midst of tribulations I shall rise I will not give up and I will not give in I will use the pain to push me to Greatness why cuz I am a winner and all I do is Rise Above It All I do is win all I do is conquer I Will Never Surrender I will grow grind my way through the disappointment I will grind my way through the defeat I will grind my way through it and I shall be [Music] victorious the real challenge of growth mentally emotionally and spiritually comes when you get knocked down how you handle it that's where the growth takes place well life's going to punch you right in the face life's going to fire you over and over again you're going to be told you're not good enough your faith is going to be tested your family is going to look you in the eye and say how do we got health insurance the next month I don't know but I know we're going to make it life is hard man that's what it's about life is a challenge if you don't work as hard as you can if you don't sacrifice everything if you don't get rejected and keep coming back for more if you don't get your loyalty tested and your faith tested you don't love that thing if you bail out so if you fought through all that that's love your greatest moment your greatest hour will be right after your worst hour of Despair because in that worst hour of Despair who are you who's talking inside is there anything left you at the bottom of the barrel no place to go but up that's the voice that carries your weak ass and everyone said goodbye to and left to get the up on the intestinal fortitude stand back up in a cloudy day until the sun comes out that is your finest hour listen to me everybody you can't give up you can't give in if it was easy everybody would do it but if life's got you down I need you to get up and prove them wrong I had no advantages but I woke up one day and realize all men are created equal I don't need none I'm my advantage you're your advantage why you waiting for somebody to call you why you waiting for somebody to affirm you why you waiting for somebody tell you you got a dream or go why you waiting for somebody take you by your hand and give you what's rightfully yours however much money you make whatever kind of life you have that's yours and so when I speak to you I speak from the pain of taking 12 years to get a 4 degree I speak to you as a failure who had to get back up every single dog on tie and say brush it off and keep going and so I've been through what you've been through and I got up and I kept going it is the size of the fight here in the dog I ain't smart I ain't never got age I ain't never graduated top of my class I ain't never been the man but I got heart I got will and I go take everything I want and can't nobody stop me bring on the fight and I'll match your intensity I will match your fight and you will not Outlast me do you know how many people have had Visions ideas and huge career moves that they were about to make and they allowed the word no to stop them when you make the decision to do what you want to do with your life just know this because the family and the friends in your life do not share your vision in most cases they will be the first person to try and talk you out of what you want to do with your life but know this only those that can see the invisible can do the impossible people that don't have any any dreams for themselves they tend to be dream Killers they'll laugh at you they'll call you names because they have no dreams they don't want it most people go through life holding back if you get into the habit of just being mediocre it will become a part of your Consciousness if you get in a habit of giving less than what you have within you to give it will begin to reflect itself in your personality it will begin to damage you psychologically and you don't want to be a part of that kind of self-destructive Behavior you want to set some high standards for yourself there's greatness in you and you've got to learn how to tune out the critics outside and the critic inside and says I'm going to do this I'm going to harness my will and I'm not going to let anything stop you have to be relentless you have to never let off gas never stop never quit never allow anyone to talk you out of the dream div vision and ideas and understand that for every level there's another devil it is the devil's job to create challenges issues and conflicts insecurities fear cuz he wants to put you to a test but I can tell you now I P the devil off every day because I just don't stop and the devil is so mad this [ __ ] guy does doesn't matter if he gets sick it doesn't matter what happens to his money or his finances every time he gets out of his bed and he's on a mission to get it done and as you begin to look at your life decide that you're going to start working on that dream you're going to work and nurture that idea now there will be people that will criticize you there will be people that won't see it for you but I say to you don't let nobody turn you around you don't need anybody to understand it you don't need anybody to approve you you don't need anybody to say goe on and do it if you get that that's fantastic if you get that encouragement that's great but I say stand up within yourself boldly and say this is my life I'm controlling my [Music] destiny the guy was the new owner of a team a baseball team that was in the basement of the lead when he took it over he went to the picture and he said what is your best throw he said well I got a good curveball and I've got a good fast ball and he went on talking about his different throws he said but tell me this what is your best throw he thought for a moment he said I've got a good fast ball he said that's all I want you to work on nothing else just develop your fast ball the next year they went to the World Series most people don't know what their fast ball is most people go through life never discovering what their talents are most people never develop their talents they have skills and abilities but if you don't nurture them if you don't develop them they will never serve you your gifts can take you many places if you develop your gifts and you'll be surprised at the things that you're able to do when you learn how to block things out when you learn how to keep th eyes single learning how to concentrate learning how to focus in deciding that you're going to focus to develop your skills you'll be surprised of the ideas that will come to you of the people that you'll be able to attract of the opportunities that you'll be able to see you begin to see things that been standing there looking you in the face say I can't believe this has been here all this time but you can learn all the techniques in the world if you don't believe in yourself it won't happen for you you've got to focus on you and as you convince you as you sell yourself every day every day every day you will begin to see a difference in the things that you're doing selling yourself on your ability to perform a job to achieve a certain objective telling yourself every day here I go again and I got what it takes this is my day and nothing out here is going to stop me decide that you're going to push yourself you have something that you brought to the universe and that if you decide that my life deserves my developing this what I do well and becoming the best at it and mastering myself and seeing what I have within me I grant you that your gifts will take you places that will literally Amaze you so you've got to work on it when other folk are having a good time you've got to have the strength of character to concentrate to read to digest information never ever allow anybody to make you feel bad about being so blessed when you've worked your ass off to get it you decided all the clubs partying hanging out popping bottles with models and all that [ __ ] that ain't for me I'm going to be out here running in the hot sun practicing playing basketball shooting on weekends while everybody else is clubbing and hanging out you got your focus right as you begin to develop and expand your skills and your talents and your vision of yourself you will always be in control of your destiny there is no passion to be found playing small and settling for a life that's less than the one you're capable of living you got to get tired of losing you got to get to the point of your life where you say I have had it I've had it with going in a restaurant looking on one side to see what I want to eat and then look on the the other side to see what I could afford I'd had it living like that I'd had it borrowing money from people I'd had it living like a cringing animal when you don't have any money it runs your blood pressure up you hear me pver sucks make no mistake about it and you've got to decide I have had it I'm not going to live like this anymore no there's got to be more for me and let me tell you something you deserve it you deserve a better life there is more to your life than You' have been living you deserve it there's a certain delusional quality that all successful people have to have you have to believe that something different can happen the first step before anybody else in the world believes it is you have to believe it he who says he can and he who says he can't are both usually right only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go I want to see how far I can go I want to see what I can accomplish I want to see what I can do what I can be what I can have I want to see I don't want to see what I think I can do I don't want to see what I think is possible I want to see what my life would look like if I didn't count the cost when you want something bad you can't count the cost because if you count the cost and you see how much it costs you might quit you might give up so you got to go in knowing that I don't count the cost I do as many push-ups as it take as many sit-ups as it take as many reps as it takes I study as long as it takes I pay whatever the price is why because if I start counting the cost I might quit I might give up I might Sur don't count the cost you get to a point where you don't count it you just do whatever it takes to get whatever you want following your dreams is a lonely solitary scary dangerous Pursuit you can't wait for somebody to think you can do it cuz they don't think you can do nothing they can't do nobody knows but you nobody knows what you are even sometimes you don't really even know what you are you got to take your shot have opinions and feelings about yourself independent of the feedback look at your belief system every single day and stick with it don't rush the process trust the process don't rush the process trust the process you got to be Fearless you got to be relentless you've got to learn how to become resourceful you've got to learn how to become creative at the core of a creative person is they believe there is always an end if you don't think there's an answer how creative are you going to be how long are you going to hang with that idea how long are you going to try to work it and percolate it and create it and make it something bigger and you've got to be so relentless regardless of what comes down the pipe that you're always looking for a way to get over always looking for a way that you can break through always looking for a way that you can win always looking for a way that you can strike a telling blow but you got to understand you can always get a little bit better you can always Excel a little bit more you can always push it a little further you can always climb a little bit higher you can always better your best you can always go beyond anything that you have ever done and so all you're looking for new breakthroughs through practice and practice you'll get better and better and when you know what you want you will do anything it takes to get it you're going to do whatever it takes do you hear me you're going to go your own way you're going to do what they won't do you're going to be smart and you are going to win far too many of you worry way too much about other people and not enough about youring s you know how you get good at business you worry about your owning you know how you get good at your job you worry about your own sh you know how you get in good shape you don't worry about how many reps the other motherucker in the gym is doing you worry about how many reps you're [ __ ] doing if you're going to run a business do you think I sit in the [ __ ] back room and talk to my key guys about what everybody else is doing no I don't [ __ ] care I don't care what anybody else is doing I care what we're doing I care if we're making the calls I care if we're providing value I care if we're making the best products I don't give a [ __ ] if anybody else is doing that I care if we're doing that and you know what that's how you become a leader that's how you become the industry leader because you're not following anybody else's lead you're innovating a unique path of your own when you spend your energy focusing on what other people are doing instead of executing on your own opportunity you are setting yourself up to fail time and time again and this goes against what Society is Right Society is all about gossip it's all about talk it's all about who's doing what it's never about worrying about what you're doing go to aing Bar what's everybody talk about what their company's doing what their boss is doing what their co-workers are doing what their aunts doing what their mom's doing what their dad's doing nobodying cares and it doesn't fing matter that's why you don't see successful people hanging out with people like that because they worry about their own sh they worry about their own actions they worry about what they execute on and they worry about how they can get better at it you should be grinding and you looking at the score the score is what it is the score ain't about to change cuz you looked at it keep playing the game keep grinding keep working and that other stuff will take care of itself and let me tell you something I don't know if I'm number one or not and I won't know I won't go look at that list why cuz I'm too busy grinding and some of you should be busy practicing and you staring at yourself in the mirror and many of you cannot get to your level of success you cannot get to dominous because you are worried about everything that's coming in your ear guys you got to learn to Kill The Noise who cares what they say dominance who cares what they think dominance listen to me nothing succeeds like success you want to kill your haters you want to shut them down You Want To Kill The Noise nothing succeeds like like success and I'm telling you if you can learn to Kill The Noise and dominate your space your lane stay in your lane and dominate your lane I'm telling you not only will you compete not only will you dominate but you my friend will leave a dynasty I dare you to dominate I challenge you to find your space stay in your space and create something in your space that has never been created before control your lane I I dare you to believe in your uniqueness I dare you to believe in you I dare you to stand up for yourself I dare you to dominate your space your world and to leave a legacy you might be smarter your family might come from privilege your Daddy might own a company but you will not outwork me this top spot is number one that's mine because not one of you can out will me you may have been born with more genetic press than I have but you cannot out determine me you can't outre me you can't out want me you can't outwork me you can't out desire me the bigger your dream is the harder to grind some of you in this room you might have Small Beginnings you might not have a lot of money you might not have a lot of resources but there's no excuse and I need you you to understand that the bigger your dream is the earlier you going to have to get up the longer you going to have to stay up the more effort you going to have to put in you know how hard I work to get here I put in too many hours I sweat too much blood too much tear I worked hard to get here didn't nobody give me this I didn't grow up with wealth didn't nobody pay me I work for this sweat blood tears I earn every time I get I work for this you will not outwork me cuz your height has nothing to do with my work ethic your face has nothing to do with my work eth your two parent backround has nothing to do with my work ethic you will not out work me every day is a new day every moment is a new moment so now you got to go out and show them that I'm a different creature now cuz I'm pissed off for greatness cuz if you ain't pissed off for greatness that mean you okay with being mediocre ain't no man in here okay with being just p and I dare you to exhaust yourself I dare you to leave every single thing on the field one season everything walk off exhausted wins and losses come a dime a dust but effort nobody can judge effort cuz effort is between you and you effort ain't got nothing to do with nobody else I want you to know when you dream your dream that there are other people who are dreaming the exact same dream when you say to yourself this is what I want to accomplish you're not the only person that wants to accomplish it and now I ask you this question what do you do do when a thousand other people want exactly what you want what do you do when you're not the only one that wants to make a million in your company you're not the only one that wants to be the CEO what if you're not the only one that wants what you want what if there are thousands of other people who want what you want you have to outwork them you got to out grind them you got to get up earlier you got to stay up later you've got to execute and you've got to go from 70 to 120 you know who's going to bail you out you know who's going to come and rescue you you know who's going to come and save the day no one nobody's going to lift the weights for you nobody's going to do the Pull-Ups for you nobody's going to go out and put in the road work for you got to do all that yourself now I know in the morning got that blanket giving you a warm hug and you got the pillow which is whispering in your ear telling you it's okay tell you stay just a little longer but don't listen to them they're lying to you listen to your alarm clock which is telling you to get up and get some listen to The Wait room the pullup bar which is telling you to face reality and listen to your will which is telling you to get up and Crush everything thing too tired too hungry too sore too hot too cold too whatever people ask me what I do when I get those little feelings running around well let me tell you what I don't do I don't tell everybody as a matter of fact I don't even let those words run around inside my own brain housing group I keep it secure lock it down it's actually not that complicated all are you going to work out today yes or no are you going to eat the donut yes or no are you going to win yes or no don't allow for any gray area in there get rid of the debate make the binary code decision yes or no and you know the right decision to make so go and make it don't really want to work out I work out don't really want to hammer on a project I hammer on a project don't really want to get up and get out of bed I get up and get out of bed don't give in to the immediate gratification that is whispering in your ear shut that down do not listen instead go through the motions lift the weights Sprint the hill work on the projects get out of bed and by going through the motions you overcame that weakness that is desire to take the path of least resistance the downhill path the downward path you stayed on the righteous path the discipline path you stayed on the war path commit yourself to 15 years commit yourself to 20 years don't try to look at it as a one-year thing or 2year thing that's where most people [ __ ] up it takes real fing time and real commitment it takes a conscious effort to be more valuable to be better than the next guy every single day Focus down lock down commit to something for 10 years to be great at it and guess what wherever you are in 10 years it's going to be a hell a lot better than where you are now there is no easy way and only [ __ ] that win long T are the ones that are willing to do the that they know they need to do when they don't feel like fuing doing it you're going to get punched in the mouth by life you'll be left flat on the ground gasping for air and thinking to yourself will I ever be able to get back up sometimes you'll feel trapped in the chains of defeat and it'll feel like everything is going against you maybe you're walking through depression right now maybe you're in a valley right now that you've experienced the worst failure of your whole entire life and you're on the verge of quitting I don't care how strong you are I don't care how tough you are I don't care how resilient you are I don't care how mean you are eventually you get to a Breaking Point eventually even the strong get tired even the strong get weary even the strong get to the breaking point and come to the point that you feel like if one more thing happens to me I'm going to lose it listen to me don't give up stay in it stay focused one of the things that we have to do as we're pursuing our dreams and our goals is that we have to know that failure is not an option you got to tell yourself despite the circumstances the situations you have to tell yourself that I'm not going anywhere until I get to go until I make my dreams become a reality I'm not quitting I don't care how much money I have to invest I don't care how much time I have to invest I'm going to continue to do this until I become successful you could pretend that you care but you can't pretend that you're there the only way you can be there is to show up and what I'm asking you to do for me you'll never be a failure if you show up every single day every single day when I come I show up and I let failure know failure is not an option you can't even let it sink into your brain not even a second you have to know that this thing is going to work come hell or high water whatever it is that I set out to do it may not happen in 6 months it may not happen in a year it may not happen in 2 years but at some point my dream is going to become a reality it's the perseverance of the individual that overpowers all obstacles all challenges all issues it's the one who's willing to get knocked down find the strength to get back up again and again and again for as long as it fing takes the one with the Never Say Die attitude the one who refuses to be denied the one who never surrenders you can't complain cuz things are getting harder you got to get tougher you got to thicken your skin stop throwing in the towel at the first sight of failure and stand up inside of yourself you got to let the world know that you ain't leaving without succeeding Thomas Edison said I have not failed have just found 10,000 things that do not work it's 10,000 things that didn't work and all I have to do is the next one and once I do the next one or the one after that or the one after that bam I'm going to be successful I'm telling you every time I stand up here and do what I'm doing all I can remember was sleeping in abandon buildings that's all I can think about but I kept trying and I kept trying and I kept trying I kept going I was consistent and I'm standing here today I don't see failure I see grit determination Drive sacrifice failure means you're trying whole bunch of people out here never fail cuz they never tried now looking as failure I look as my first second third attempt whatever your dream is whatever your goal is you're not going to be able to make it happen if you don't have a dream party every day you got to have a dream session you got to take out 10 minutes 15 minutes 20 minutes however much time you have and you got to actually go in a room close the door and you got to see yourself doing it you got to feel yourself doing it you got to actually walk in it you got to go in the field future live it out come back in the present and start working toward it every single day we're not waiting for it to happen we just don't have sight sight is for people who live in the present we have Vision we're going to make it happen before it happens for every minute that you think you can't do it I need you to offset it with dreaming about the fact that you can if you have a 30 minute pity party I need you to have an hour success party you know what crazy means crazy means that you have the ability to see things that other people can't and if you're not fing crazy you're never going to succeed at anything in life everybody has got to be a little bit off anybody that's done something great they don't think like anybody else they can't and the people that tell you you can't do it you know what your response to them is watch me you're going to prove to everybody you're going to prove to yourself that you can handle this for it's not the critic who counts not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of Deeds could have done them better the credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood who strives valiantly who HS who come short again and again because there is no effort without error and shortcoming but who does actually strive to do the Deeds who knows great enthusiasms the great devotions who spends himself in a worthy cause who at the best knows in the end the Triumph of high achievement and who at the worst if he fails at least fails while daring greatly so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid Souls who neither know Victory nor defeat one thing in life that's for sure the vant [ __ ] always wins a war and there are people out there and there are things out there that are trying to take you down things are going to go wrong wrong and when things go wrong it's pretty easy just to say you know what I'm going to stand down or I'm going to give up and you can do that but I think no I think no I think keep fighting and you keep fighting and you keep fighting and you keep fighting no matter what and you never quit you never never quit and if you feel like your life is in a place where you can't get any lower and you don't think you can find any way out good cuz that means the ultimate challenge is ahead of you it means you can only go up and it also means that things are going to be tough things are going to be tougher than anything you can imagine but that storm that you're in from your perspective it seems like that storm is enveloping the whole world but I'm telling you it is not the storm that you're in in it is hard to see out of that storm it's hard to see past it it seems like the storm is everything but the storm is not everything and it won't last forever you can get out of the storm and you will get out of the storm and when you get out you're going to see the sun again but right now you're being tried you're being forged you're being tested by fire and by pain that's the test don't fail the test don't fail the test don't give in don't quit don't ever quit fight on fight through the storm fight through the pain and come out the other side stronger and tougher and better a fighter a Survivor a winner Victorious and free from that storm free from the darkness free life can be hard but you know what it's the one life you've got so go and live a life that in the end allows you to look back and say hell yes I do it all again everybody has a turn back moment everybody has a cross world you can either decide to continue or to quit to go forward or to go back I need you to evaluate yourself and ask yourself the question how are you wired when you have a trial or a tribulation how are you wired when you hear the word no does it break you I'm wired differently I get excited I no I love no I love it it turns me on no Eric I'll be back I'll be back I'll be stronger when I come back don't shun the know every no you take the no and you recycle it you hold on to it you Embrace every no and you let each no make you callous to know you get so strong that when you hear no it turns you on and for many of you you have robbed yourself of a full life because you don't want to deal with crisis because they're uncomfortable and because you're timid and impassive you run from them there going to be some scars the scars going to come you might as well get blessed by the scar they going to come there's going to be scars that's going to be defects there going to be Pro you running from the blessing there going to be scars this is Earth there's going to be some hiccups we going to take some LS we going to get hurt we going to cry we all go through it you think you're the only one you think you special some of you though you let your pain punk you you let your pain make you quit I'm telling you do me a favor just don't let it break you if you get past it on the other side of it it's going to be phenomenal I don't want to go through this process but nevertheless take me through the fire and then those of you you were this close but you compromised you let your feelings get the best of you and you let a little pain stop you from your dream girl you was there you was running your business you were there I didn't quit cuz people didn't understand I worked harder but people didn't support me you better grind because if you don't you'll be stuck at that adversity for the rest of your life whatever it is you'll be stuck there why don't I get something for us you ain't got to have the best hand in life you ain't got to start with the two parent background you ain't got to start with wealth you ain't got to start with your parents graduated it's not the hand that you dealt it's how you play your hand when people die or people get sick or something happens in your life if all you're doing it for is a car and a house that can stop you but if you're doing it for your mom for your siblings for your family for your community nothing can stop you you cannot be broken when you have an intrinsic goal when you're doing it because you value it when you're doing it because you can when you're doing it because it represents who you are when it's internal nothing can stop you no mountain no trial no tribulation nothing can stop you when it's deeper than just money and stuff I can I can I will I will I must I must it's going to rain sometimes I will I will you going to feel discouraged sometimes I will I will no matter what the obstacle I will I will I will I I will I will I must I must what's that thing that's going to pump you up and get you over that mountain what's going to pump you up and get you past that disease what's going to pump you up and get you past has bankruptcy what's going to pump you up and get you to the other dog on side despite the circumstance you can win despite the adversity you can win I'm trying to tell you you can win I'm trying to tell you I don't care how big the giant is you can win I want you to go in confidence that you've never had before and every Giant in your life slay them you go back and slay them don't kill them slay them you know sometimes you get that feeling in life that things aren't going my way you hear people say that things aren't going my way right now listen things just don't go your way that's not the way the world works you got to make them go your way you think things are going to just happen for you well they're not just going to happen for you you got to make them happen go make things happen do what you need to do to get up to make yourself get up and get going and I know you just want to get 5 more minutes of sleep just 5 more minutes and I'm telling you no rise up and aggressively move forward down the path get yourself in the game shut down all those pathetic excuses and get after it it doesn't matter how I'm doing it doesn't matter how I slept last night it doesn't matter how I feel it doesn't matter when the last time I ate it doesn't matter I don't care how you're feeling and neither should you it's actually not that complicated are you going to work out today yes or no are you going to eat the donut yes or no are you going to win yes or no don't allow for any gray area in there get rid of the debate make the binary code decision yes or no and you know the right decision decision to make so go and make it if you're not consistently congruent and if you're not consistently contributing each day then of course you're not going to be happy with yourself it's that lack of daily consistency that ends up hurting our own self-esteem because listen everyone can show up good or happy or joyous or nice or kind or give once in a while but those who do it on a consistent basis because they demand that of themselves every day those are the ones who achieve true confidence true self-esteem a true life of greatness even if you're nervous you got to do it anyway even if you're the first one in your family you got to do it anyway you got to just do it anyway why because the people that are living on purpose the people at the top they don't make excuses they make a way like you just got to do that like with some people it's like if I'm not being encouraged I can't no even if you're not being encouraged do it anyway even if you're not being validated do it anyway like can you just be faithful in the small things can you be consistent can you be persistent can you be faithful in the dark can you be steadfast can you be unmovable say it with me and say it like you mean it I am determined come hell of high water to win from this day forth all I do is win start it make up in your mind that you going to finish it and if you can get to a point in your life where you finish everything you start you are going to be miles ahead of everybody else I don't care how difficult it is I need you to finish I don't care how you feel I need you to finish I don't care if you feel defeated finished anyway get yourself on the path to health the path to happiness the path to success the path to freedom and that path is the path of discipline it is the way of discipline get on it and get after it discipline equals Freedom how much time you really waste for real you how much time do you have left when you start thinking about that we don't know right now we have the most valuable asset on Earth on our side time but it's running out and to make that first step towards greatness is the hardest step and you going to have to fight and fight and fight and fight and most of you won't be successful not because you can't do it but you can't Outlast your old you long enough to get to your new you cuzz let's face it when the alarm goes off you got your head on that soft pillow it's all nice and cozy and warm in there you do not feel like getting up you should not that snooze alarm is the dream killer when you press that snooze button you're killing your dreams every single day when you wake up you got two options you can look at the clock and hit the snooze you can look at that snooze button boom you can hit the snooze button and go back to bed and dream about what you want to have or you can look at that snooze button kick that clock and get up and go pursue your drink names it's so easy so easy to put things off so easy to say you're going to do it tomorrow well I want you reprogram your brain and tell yourself that tomorrow is not a viable option tomorrow doesn't work you do it today you get it done today that's what you do if you can get through to doing things that you hate to do on the other side is greatness no more excuses no more hesitation no more procrastination no more negotiation no more go on the attack and don't stop until it's done don't expect front row seats if you're giving those B effort everybody want to win everybody want to be on the winning team everybody want to win but everybody don't want to work everybody want a reward but everybody don't have want to work we all got to work I got to show up and show up 120 every time where much is given much is required but you going to get the rewards rewards come after you work not before the only place where success comes before work is an a dictionary we not going to wait we going to do work we going to put in work because every time you put in work you get the same consequences you get paid you get rewarded discipline is you do it so long and so hard and you're so passionate about it that even when you don't feel like it you still operate at the highest level Beast mod is I will not stop one other stop I will not quit when it gets hard I will not complain I will not worry I will not fret I will find a way when there is no way I will make a door when there is no door I will create a window when there is no window I will create Finance when there is no Finance I will find an opportunity when it doesn't exist but I will not be defeated cuz I know what my desires are and I know what I deserve the reason why you stop and you start and you stop and you start is because the goal is not meaningful enough you don't have enough skin in it you don't have nothing to lose if you don't do it what I'm telling you is you got to create the type of scenarios that if it doesn't work you lose everything and because you cannot lose everything you got to make it happen if you just decide I'm going to keep my word if I say something I'm going to do it regardless being more considerate more trusting more disciplined you owe it to yourself to give it your best effort if you get in habit of being mediocre or doing just enough to get by you're not hurting anybody but you you're cheating you if you follow it through if you keep your commitment to the commitment you feel strong and powerful that kind of commitment that kind of spirit that kind of personal power that kind of vision is in you decide to be better decide to get better decide to get after it
Channel: ardus
Views: 24,309
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: NEVER QUIT - Powerful Motivational Speech, Tony Robbins, Les Brown, Eric Thomas, Zig Ziglar, Mel Robbins, Jim Rohn, Lisa Nichols, Brian Tracy, Nick Vujicic, Simon Sinek, Motivation, Inspirational, Success, Empowerment, Positive thinking, Self-improvement, Goal setting, Personal development, Achieve greatness, Persistence, Motivational speeches, Encouragement, Ambition, Empowering stories, Leadership, Mindset, Confidence, Determination, Growth mindset, Success stories
Id: Xvx1d7H7pfA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 53sec (2993 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 02 2024
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