5 Kinds of Power - Dunamis power

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to this day I just it's you know miracles are easy don't let anyone fool you miracles and life is easy you want to know what's hard doubt unbelief depression fear anxiety miracles D if you know who you are in Christ they're the easiest things you'll ever do amen like dozen times more I'll never get tired of it miracles are easy say it miracles are easy miracle life is easy when I know who I am in Christ the Bible says that all power and authority was given to Christ right and then Christ said now I give it to you do l's and he moves and he breathes inside of us we all know the right things to say we know the right prayers to pray we know the right songs to sing but are they words of life to us in other words are they alive are they breathing and living and moving on the inside of you not just your body but your mind see the biggest obstacle in every Christian that I've come across that does not believe me when I say miracles are easy it's because it's not because that they've got you know big demons or maybe they've got a lot of you know all these generational curses or whatever it is that the next Christian thing is the problem is really just between their ears you're not convinced in your mind that Jesus does miracles today through you that's why we can look at someone like her and with all confidence say dear today I give you life not Jesus come heal this woman of cancer Jesus if you don't mind today could we bother you I know you're busy and but oh Jesus if you could just please let's groveling do you know who you are in Christ are you a son are you a daughter of Christ do you have authority are you Christ on earth then act like it then act like it not in here you walk out these doors and you act like it you know you where we're showing you some of this stuff here like in the church and stuff but we do this all the time we go to the grocery store and we are looking for somebody to heal and bring life to we're looking for that why because miracles are easy I have the answer and you may not feel so confident but I'm telling you the problem is not Jesus the problem is not the Holy Spirit the problem is not you don't have a good bible-believing Church to go or you didn't hear the best sermon this week the problem is between your ears and you don't believe you don't believe the problem is not the lord's stop praying about it start walking in the opposite spirit just start doing the works of the kingdom the disciples said Jesus teach us O great rabbi teach us what must we do to do the works that you do and he had one word believe believe in other words you don't believe and that's why you're not seeing what I do and doing what I see the Bible says that the Father loves the Son and shows him all things so we are sons right we are Christ on earth amen I am Christ when I walk into the grocery store I am Christ I am Christ to the cashier I'm Christ to the lady in the meat department I am Christ I Know Who I am do you know who you are could you say to the Lambs rise up and walk like Tom said today I don't know you know I don't have silver and gold or Wiggles pastor you said I don't remember but what I do have here I'll give it to you here's some Christ right we're always looking for unalloyed thing too he'll give me the anointing to do this and the anointing to do that that's rubbish that's trash it's it's just garbage throw it out you have the anointing what more do you need Jesus is sitting down at the right hand of the Father his work is done he's done friends stop stop it stop start to grow up as sons as mature heirs of Christ let's figure out who we are that is what's gonna save st. Paul Minneapolis Minnesota in the Midwest that's what's going to bring a revival stop praying for revival start being revival for goodness sake start being revival by manifesting the kingdom of God the kingdom has come the Pharisees were the ones that said to Jesus what will the kingdom look like I'm not a Pharisee I'm a believer there's two though those are two big differences either you're a Pharisee trying to raise it figure everything out I gotta wait until I get an anointing I gotta wait for a man of God to pray for me till I get an anointing or believe or be a believer amen so tonight's gonna be good happy birthday again we had a wonderful time got to see some family we hadn't seen in years it was wonderful thank you all for welcoming and receiving us you know some places we go to and were not so welcomed and received like I was saying and but you know most thank God for that some places were not and so you just have to you know shake the dust off but here in this home and in this house we leave our peace and we leave our portion with you amen we feel more like family you know visitors so thank you for that it's very unique so thank you again from from my heart I'm humbled thank you so much so all right and I'm I'm gonna pick back up where I left off this morning and we'll just kind of see where God takes us so good go to the book of Matthew chapter 11 now I love the word we Susie and I love the word of God because the Word of God is life the Word of God gives us the answers come on write the Word of God is is the very thing that gives us the answers and many times what's happened over the years in the church throughout church history is we see that what is what has taken place is is people get hurt and when they get off of the word they come up with weird doctrines come on somebody many things that we have today like Susie was talking about some things many things we have today that we hold true and and I won't go into them tonight and stuff I couple the other night but but I want to say this to you that many things that we hold true if we really sought it out in the word I wonder if we would really find it you know certain things you have to have your mind has got to be tainted with a teaching before you read it in the scriptures because if you just sat down and read the scriptures you would never come up with conclusions come on somebody talk to me here tonight right you had never come to the conclusions that some people that have certain beliefs and so that's why I tell people all the time bring your Bible bring your Bible look at your neighbors say bring your Bible I say it like this you know John you know John Huss was burned alive so you could have a Bible in your hand not a Bible in your house so bring your Bible to church right so one of them when the man at God speaks you ought to have your Bible right there you know and Kenneth Hagin used to say this to us when I went to his Bible School used to say if you can't write in your Bible just throw that Bible away and get one that you can write so you ought to be able to write I mean shouldn't be able to even read it it's so much written in it but in the book of Matthew it talks about several different things we went into let's look at Matthew chapter 10 the end of Matthew 10 okay the end of Matthew 10 I hid this this morning but I'll hit it again tonight it says verse 40 he who receives you receives me he who receives me receives him who sent me and he who receives a prophet because he is a prophet come on right shall receive a Prophet's reward right and and then it goes on and say who receives a righteous man in the name of righteous man shall receive a righteous man's reward and he who gives one of these little ones a cold cup of water in the name of a disciple I say surely he'll by no means lose his reward now here we we talked about this morning the word prophet is a the majority of the time both in the old and the new testament when someone's when God speaks of her prophet nine times out of a ten out of ten you look it was always a healing ministry I promise you you look it up first you know there's a there's an old Bible interpretation rule that you look at the first time something was written it's called the law of firsts so when God refers to something first it's a prophetic statement in it I'll give you a great example God raises up a man in Genesis 6 by the name of Noah how many of you know Noah right so Noah means rest that's what his name means rest so every time God spoke his name he said rest so the only one that was saved from destruction and judgment was rest right so that that alone will preach are you with me and then God went and spoke to Noah the 40 days and 40 nights etc etc etc and you know and we know this even further back than that God made seven days and six days he worked and on the seventh day he he arrested so God says he blessed the day of rest are you getting this amen so we see these these patterns especially in the book of the word Genesis means beginnings so God has patterns so there's there's so many different things so so you even go back and you find as I said this morning Abraham's the first time ever a prophet is mentioned most people never talk about Abraham is the first prophet in the Bible did you know that the very first prophet was Abraham and he never prophesied one lick how about that now what do you do with that but he did heal because God said to abemolik in a prophetic dream God said Abimelech he said you know humbly pray that the Prophet the man Abraham will have mercy on you and he will pray for you and you will live and then you'll see that pattern all throughout the Old Testament even in the New Testament the first time jesus healed they said ah a prophet has been raised up he didn't prophesy he healed okay so then you keep going and it came to pass that when Jesus finished commanded his twelve disciples he departed from there to teach and to preach in their cities and then you keep on going verse four Jesus answer said to them go tell John's the thing that you hear and see the blind see in the lame walk right and the the lepers are cleansed and the Deaf hear the dead are raised up the poor have the gospel preached to them right we talked about that this morning that's a prophetic picture of revival what is revival supposed to look like it's supposed to look like signs wonders and miracles so what is God gonna do in in in Minnesota he wants a revival of that's what Jesus describes what his revival looks like okay and then you keep on going and listen you know some people try to pattern their ministry after John the Baptist I mean how dumb can he get and still breathe that is a stupidest thing I've ever heard he was the end of the Old Testament he why would you go back I mean that's that's as dumb as you can get because he was the end of the old he was just to prepare for the one to come come on right he was he was the best of the old but he still lived under a shadow he didn't walk in the light come on right so and then in verse 11 I hid this this morning I surely I say to you there's none born of women that has not risen one greater than John the Baptist and he who is least in the kingdom is what greater than he so why would you want to follow after John the Baptist you're going backwards okay from the date and then I brought this scripture up from the days of John the Baptist until now the Kingdom of Heaven suffers violence and the violent ones are trying to take it by force now for years I preached it wrong until God showed it to me that if you just let the Bible interpret itself it will interpret itself here he says from the days of John the Baptist's till now so it was only a two-year span that Pharisees were trying to come into the kingdom another way this is not even talking about us this is talking about Pharisees trying to come into the kingdom by force how many of you are not a Pharisee raise your hand okay so let me ask you this when you got saved did you seize salvation by force or did you fall in your face and say God but have mercy on me come on talk to me you didn't seize nothing by force you fell on your face and said god I messed my life up right is that true so you fell on God's mercy right okay so this is not even talking about you it's talking about Pharisees are trying to come in Jesus calls some snakes vipers you tried to come in the kingdom another way but I am the gate I am the door I am the only way to the sheepfold he that tries to come in another way he is a thief and a robber come on right so he's talking about these same Pharisees okay so we talked a little bit about that this this morning but I want you to go over to first Corinthians chapter 2 actually look at the end of chapter one awesome verse verse 30 but of him are you in Christ Jesus who became for Adam from God and righteousness and sanctification declaring to you the testimony of God for I determined not to know anything among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified us as Protestants we don't like that verse so we just ripped that out of our Bibles leave it to the Catholics and I was with you in weakness and fear and in much trembling Jesus is not on the cross anymore you know I had one person they got all upset because I had a crucifix Jesus is not on the cross anymore he's raised from the dead I go with him why at Christmas time do you put him in a manger I told the one minister wanted to argue with me about the crucifix I said okay what is the gospel if you were gonna preach the gospel to hurt what's the gospel say it out loud Christ what Christ died for you not Christ was raised from the dead for you what is the gospel pastor Sam Christ died for you right so Christ on the cross is a picture of Christ okay so there's nothing wrong with it amen Martin Luther at the end of his life he repented for getting rid of the crucifix because he said that's the whole gospel but by then the damage was done so as Protestants threw it away so this one Minister wanted to argue with me about the whole crucifix oh I don't like that that Cruz you know it's an image and stuff like that I said pull out your wallet please pulled out his wallet I said let me see the pictures of your children pulled out pictures I go that's an image I can't look at that image I said number two I said how old is your son now oh he's a grown man I said why do you have him as a baby throw that picture away you can never look at it he's not a little baby anymore he's a grown man now throw it away never look back at it again come on somebody just think about it okay and I was with you in weakness fear and much traveling in my speech and my preaching we're not with persuasive words of human wisdom but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power that your faith now watches that your faith should not be in the wisdom of men but in the power of God that's what I'm talking about tonight I want to talk about what the Bible talks about the five kinds of power in the Bible the five kinds of power here here he says listen that your faith should not be in the wisdom of men now the majority of churches not only in Minnesota but throughout our country and throughout many parts of the world they they had the Sunday morning service and much of it was on the wisdom of men hello and it was about the wisdom of man and as much about the wisdom of man as is physically possible but here Paul said listen that you I want you to have faith but I don't want your faith to be in the wisdom of man I want your faith to be in the power of God everyone say have faith in the power come on say it like you mean it now okay all right so faith I want your face to be in the power of God right so the Bible talks about five different kinds of power of God now I'm just gonna read them to you and and then we'll just kind of see how we end up there number one the Bible talks about the Greek word now you have to understand the New Testament was written in Greek okay now in English English is great in certain ways but it's not super descriptive with one word we need an adjective to describe something you understand so if I want to describe a coat to say a black coat I'm wearing I have to use two separate words in Greek often it's one word you understand so in the Greek language it's the most colorful language probably that the world has ever seen and I believe that's why the New Testament was written in it and so the New Testament Paul and some of the disciples use this word power but they use it in five different ways number one I'm just gonna use is the least used of all it's only used nine times in the Bible it's the word ACLU's exudes a goose it means physical power or physical strength you can look at it later it says in mark chapter 12 it says that you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart all your soul all your mind in all your physical power okay so that's the word physical power ikh thooose power so number one the first kind is the physical power okay and there's several other ones that that we see seasons 119 is also the same word and what is the exceeding greatness of his power toward us who believe according to the working of his physical okay so it's the same exact same word the second kind is the word that we get the word energy from it means energy it's the greek word energy up where we get the word energy from and it means energy god's energy working and efficiency okay Ephesians 3 uses it and it says wherefore I was made a minister according to the gift of the grace of God given to me by the effectual working of his mighty energy power okay that energy power okay so that's the second kind all right then the third kind the third kind is the word Authority which is actually the Greek word exuse eeeh exuse eeeh is the second most used of all exuse eeeh is the word it means authority okay it means delegated or given authority this is where Luke 10:19 we just read here yesterday morning behold I give unto you power or exuse authority that you may tread on serpents and serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt you so it's the word a delegated power delegated unknowing ting or not delegated Ella gated power that's what it means okay so that's the third one but the fourth one and the fifth one they're the ones that I want to just talk about for a few minutes here tonight and and the fourth one is the most use of all in the entire New Testament it's the Greek word Dunamis or Dunamis however you want to say it in Dunamis actually means one thing it means miracle-working power everyone say that okay now I want you to go over to the book of Acts this is one of the times that it's used in Acts chapter 1 Acts chapter 1 the very first chapter is the first not the first time we see that word but this is a time that it's used up y'all okay tonight this alright okay so the former account I made oh Theophilus of all that Jesus began to both do and teach until the day that he was taken up or caught up through the Holy Spirit and given Commandments to the Apostles whom he had chosen to whom he presented himself alive after his suffering by many infallible proofs being seen of them for forty days and speaking of things pertaining to the kingdom of God and here's just a side thought Jesus after you died before excuse me and risen from the dead and before he ascended to the Father he roamed the earth for forty days and did a forty day conference now we did a three-day conference Jesus did a forty day conference on the message of the kingdom of God right there it says and he taught them things pertaining to the kingdom of God all on the kingdom for 40 consecutive days walk through walls ate fish with them disappeared back through the walls that's that's a conference alright so and being assembled together with them he commanded them not to departure from jerusalem but to wait for the promise of the father which he said you have heard from me for John truly baptized with water but you'll be Balise spirit not many days from now and therefore and they had come together they asked him Lord will you at this time restore the kingdom to Israel you know it's just like today the church gets sidetracked they want to know eschatology end times is this the end of the world Lord we're still in the same day people still do the same thing and he said to them it's not for you to know the times or the seasons which the father has put in his own power but you shall receive Dunamis miracle-working power when the Holy Ghost has come upon you and you shall be witnesses of me in Jerusalem Judea Samaria and to the ends of the earth come on right so here Jesus is ascending up into heaven he's lifting off the grounds the last words he doesn't make a suggestion to them he makes a commandment to them he commands them he doesn't say if this fits with your church he doesn't say if this works for your lifestyle come on somebody but he says everybody must be baptized with the Holy Ghost and that's what happened in here last night come on right and in truth be known I here I preached on creative miracles and people got baptized in the spirit and I didn't get to pray for creative miracles as much as I tried to turn the service that direction last night still God was really wanting to move along that lines of the baptism of the Spirit and deliverance and everything else so but but I say that for this reason is that there's a purpose for the baptism of the Spirit why that you may receive power or it's a saint whereas miracle-working power this is not notetaking power this is not friend-making power this is not sin keeping from sin power this is miracle-working power come on talk to me so that's why I like what's you know what Susie was saying earlier is she was trying to say is in what she was saying is this is that you don't have to wait for an anointing if you got the baptism of the Holy Ghost you got miracle-working power it doesn't say you feel it or if you have you know if somebody's playing a special song or something any given time any given place that's why I wanted to show you that first video there was nobody playing any music there in the park when I administered healing to that guy come on somebody and that was four months ago the man just went and sent a picture of himself to a to us he steals walking without his crutch he's got no pain his back is completely healed he's off all medication come on somebody so III tell you that for this reason is that God wants to use your hands that's why last night I refused to pray for people for the baptism of the Spirit you notice that I didn't want to do it because otherwise people think that I'm the one that doesn't but I wanted you to see that it's already on the inside of you I wanted you to do it I wanted the people to see that you can do this anytime anyplace why because when I got here in this state some 32 years ago over 32 years ago when I got saved I wanted the baptismal holy spirit friends couldn't get me baptized the Holy Spirit so here I was in western Minnesota out in Herman and my friends told me I had to drive all the way to Fargo to get the baptism of Holy Ghost I said what do I gotta drive 110 miles to go on out and get the baptism yeah we can't do it we don't know how we got it but we got it I wanted to slap them all all 15 of them I'm like so you got it and you don't know how you got yeah we got it but listen people need to have this thing I said people need the baptism of the Spirit now that same day that you saw the video of us there in in Boston I shared this yesterday morning but I'll share it again we went down to the boardwalk and we were healing the sick on the boardwalk and we were just showing God's love and the first couple that came and we ministered healing to was a beautiful young couple they were about 17 years old and the girl was the Baptist pastors daughter now they just came out of the ocean they were swimming and they walked up on the shore and we ministered to him because the guy was limping and stuff and we prayed for him and he was healed so immediately we asked just like Paul did Paul did in acts 19 he said when he went to talk to them about the way of salvation we started talking about the Lord they said were saved baptized in water we said great then Paul said in acts 19 he said have you received the Holy Spirit when you believed I won't say that out loud have you received the holy spirit since you believed now that was a part of New Testament discipleship that we don't do anymore because it's not politically correct in churches come on somebody amen but they put it right in the midst of discipleship this is a part of the whole package I mean you sign up for this you get the whole you know you get the full meal deal with brother you get like I said last night you get that happy meal right you get it all right and so I think we shortchanged some people because we don't give them the option that you need the Holy Ghost so right there in the middle of the boardwalk I we I said to this girl have you guys received the Holy Spirit since she believed they said no we we don't know what you're talking about she said I'm the Baptist pastor's daughter and so I started to explain to her in Acts chapter 2 this is given to you this is a promise to you this is God's promise to you he wants you to have it and she said well when I get home I'll pray for it I said no no get home we do it right here right now right in the middle of the boardwalk the girl and her boyfriend are standing there we say lift your hands right now thousand people are walking by us and they're I mean they're speaking in tongues and she's crying hysterically and getting set free of stuff and at the end of this for about five minutes everybody's watching us we said to her me or my friend I don't know which one of us said it but we said to the girl we said have you ever had the girl and her boyfriend we said have you guys ever prayed for someone to be healed she said didn't you hear me before I'm the Baptist pastor's daughter no we don't pray for sick people and so we said well this is your day so my friend our friend Torben from Denmark and I in the end we were looked around and I said I said there's someone right over there with a walker and she's dragging her leg and stuff because her knees are all busted up and so we said excuse us so we brought the girl over I forget her name now the girl and the boy and and we said this these people I said scuse me ma'am I said no I know this sounds crazy but these people pray for sick people and they get well the girl looked at me and said I do I said yes you do you do now you do this now and so so the woman said all that be great she said I was just looking for a place to sit down because my knees are all swollen I'm in so much pain and stuff and so I just told the girl I said okay you're gonna pray a five-second prayer everyone say five seconds five second per not a fifty five second prayer you know like I said yesterday morning we don't need you to pray old God your God we're not and everything else Lord we thank you for the book of lamentations and we thank you for our dog Lord God he's a good little dog Rover he just rolls over whenever we want to roll over roll over you know you hear some Christians you know they pray and they're trying to selves and they're kind of looking out of one eye oh god that's just keep bait he them they need to get bathed and come on somebody but Peter when he went and ministered in Acts chapter three he just looked at the man I have none but such as I have get up in the name of Jesus rise up and walk be healed and five seconds he was healed so we send that to the girl we said put your hands on the lady's legs she puts her hands on the woman's legs power God hits the woman the woman says oh my knees are on fire she said so I said to the young man I said take away her her Walker so he took her Walker away see what God did she took off walking she wanted to leave the Walker right there she was totally healed - come on somebody come on New Testament evangelism come on right hallelujah everyone's a miracle working power miracle working power that's what this power is for I'm I remember the one time we ministered in about 1998 I ministered in broadhead Wisconsin and mother of this child she brought this young girl with her to service and she was hysterically crying she said my daughter was bit by a mosquito and got spinal meningitis comes walking in on these two crutches and she can't walk she's swinging her legs sixteen years old completely incapacitated I said for a miracle so the girl comes up the girls crying the mothers crying the girl was deteriorating like that for six months she went from a normal girl I just completely healed absolutely normal walking girl to totally incapacitated could hardly speak and here she is she's swinging her legs like this here she has just six months later and not even six months later and this spinal meningitis had completely just ravaged her body I just went in and just pretty short quick seconds didn't feel anything come on nothing about feeling I put my hands on the under girl's legs I said in the name of Jesus be healed took my hands off took her crotches away in about the first ten steps she struggled and then all of a sudden she she took off and she ran around the church was completely healed come on amen and we were ministering in South Africa just not that long ago in Durban where's my friend from South Africa I saw you earlier I think he stepped out all right we were in Durban South Africa and it's primarily Indian people from India the largest concentration of Indian people anywhere in the world outside of India is in Durban South Africa there's one point five million people in Durban South Africa and one point three of them are Indian people so this real handsome guy comes to the service and he's got a skin disease that's eaten all of the skin off of his face all over 80% of his body the skin is eaten off 80% of it we laid hands remember that night it was like a hundred and five degrees in that church and they had no they had no air-conditioning there so oh wow well you pray for the rapture quick so anyways Wow that was rough and so Susie and I laid hands on this guy and as we laid hands on this guy BAM this guy just laid under the power of God the spirit of God do not Dunamis the Dunamis of God the Dunamis of God just was shaking this man's body he laid in the floor and at the power of God shaking uncontrollably for the whole service never got up he was a keyboard player we lost the keyboard player all night and so here this man was just getting ministry in and so they had to carry him home they brought him home that night the next day brand new skin began to grow all over his body totally healed not even a sign of it that any of it was ever eaten off come on somebody amen hallelujah hallelujah everyone's a miracle working power I mean I could tell you of one after another after another just like that and not even come close to how many times that we've seen God moved this way Susie and I were in Leeds England and we were ministering in Leeds England and all these people came to be healed and then one afternoon the pastors and Susie and I we said listen let's let's go heal the sick and we went to take people out to go heal the sick so we went between these two malls there they're the two real wealthy malls in that city and so I'm right between the two malls we went and we we got a giant I don't know what you would call it I'd call it a feather sign it's a giant sign they haven't met gas stations it catches the wind like this and it blows and all the signs said was free healing so they thought we were New Agers I thought was great to come you know so these people came up these two young girls came up and we've got it on video you can go on our YouTube channel and watch it and these two young girls they come up never had prayed in their life both of them agnostics never had gone to church one day in their whole life and both girls came up they thought we were in New Agers they thought we were gonna cast a spell on them some kind of wicked thing and both of them had been in in wicked car accidents they were both professional ballerina dancers and both of them could not dance anymore because their backs were so messed up and they were in so much pain and Susie and I right there you'll see in the video we minister to both these girls and they freaked out they couldn't believe instantaneously God healed him on the street and bam both of them got saved as a result of that miracle come on somebody amen come on New Testament evangelism I said New Testament evangelism that you know you know in the past now I used to do things differently and Pastor Dave you know that and we used to do things differently but several years ago I had a prophetic dream and as I had this prophetic dream I was talking about prophetic dreams this morning right so I had this prophetic dream and in the prophetic dream several things took place but the one thing the Lord said to me in the dream he said this now listen he said many today will go out and try to pray for the masses hoping to keep just one he said I would key I would minister to one and I would reap the masses I'll say it one more time he said many today they'll go out and they'll try to pray for so many hoping that one sticks as a disciple and the Lord said to me in the dream he said I would minister to one in the power of God and I wouldn't and I would impact a thousands and so we begin to instantly change how we did evangelism how we minister to people as far as with the power of God you know in other words instead of saying well we had 1,100 people pray the sinner's prayer with us but yet none of them are here in the service hello I mean you know but the the real fruit is is when you pray for somebody to be healed and all of a sudden they've tasted and seen the Lord's good they didn't just say a prayer but there's an impact of the Holy Ghost Dunamis power impacted them at that moment come on somebody everyone's a miracle working power and and and that's the only thing that'll change people's lives hello I mean that's what God was doing last night right here in this church right here in the altar last night here I get done preaching the message call people forward for the baptism of the Spirit and all these people came forward people being baptized in the Holy Spirit some were getting delivered others were getting healed and stuff like it was just a demonstration of the spirit of Dunamis power burn of your own eyes last night come on somebody amen and that's what God was doing he was setting one free here and he was baptizing another one here and at the same time he was ministering miracle healing power to somebody right over there in one person after another came and testified this morning already and shared some of the things that God did come on Alleluia amen everyone's a power hallelujah now another kind of the power of God is a kind that John G Lake used to minister a lot about is the the Greek word Kratos kr Atos Kratos or Kratos it means Dominion it means Kingdom it means corporate power or dominion that's what it means that's what the scripture when the scripture says here's one right here Ephesians 6:10 finally my brethren be strong in the Lord and in the Kratos or power of his might come on right Ephesians chapter one we are now seated together with Christ in heavenly places far above all authority Dominion and even Kratos of Satan or power of Satan Dominion of Satan listen we have Dominion we are we are people of Dominion now some time ago Susie and I were just talking about it earlier is this is one of the things the Holy Spirit began to minister to me about is that we in Christianity today we have divorced the head from the body I'll say that again we have divorced Christ the head from us the body we say no he's up there we're down here and we separate ourselves from him Oh Lord would you come and just drag your the just the hem of your garment by us no that's not what we're supposed we're supposed to be the ones with the hem of our garment now he sat down he gave us all authority come on everyone say all authority and he gave us not only all authority but he gave us all miracle-working power that we would demonstrate in what in Dominion this is what John G Lake ministered over a hundred years ago and he saw a hundred and twenty thousand documented miracles in Spokane Washington I mean he saw so many miracles that the United States government said it's the healthiest city in all of America come on somebody just not that many years ago Bill Johnson went and stood up on a Sunday morning in Bethel Church and said I just I just declare war on cancer I'm sick of cancer in our church he said I'm not gonna bury another person with cancer and he just stood there and he just cried on a Sunday morning he said I declare war on cancer if anyone in this church here's the c-word you attack it with a vengeance and that day they saw a massive decline in in cancer in the city of Redding California it massively declined in the entire city more than they had ever witnessed before and the city official says it's because of Bethel Church come on amen what if I OC stood up and said no more cancer we don't allow it any more into Burnsville it can't live here no more come on somebody oh come on somebody what I said what have you said no more cancer living in this town no more what if I OC said now we declare war on cancer never can it live in this town people walk into this town it leaves them that devil comes out of them they drive through whoa I got the Holy Ghost all over me come on amen come on Brother come on come on come on come on come on come on what if you just everybody on this congregation that's here tonight what if we said listen if we hear the c-word we attack it with a vengeance we cast it out come on arrows they cast out Devils we don't pet Devils we cast them out we don't counsel Devils we cast them out people been trying to counsel in pet Devils for years and they don't come out come on milquetoast churches that have no power no authority and they've divorced themselves from the head and they they don't speak with any authority at all but when Jesus spoke the Bible says he does not speak like the Pharisees because he speaks as one that has Authority or Dominion come on somebody amen so you know what that's how God wants you to speak Jesus help me tonight God help me tonight I said this is how God wants you to speak tonight come on somebody God wants you to speak this way no more cancer no more sickness no more disease come on amen that you just absolutely declare war on sickness no matter what it is no more whatever blindness or deafness or whatever it might be whatever disease it might be come on somebody I mean Susie and I did this in in our minister years ago we went and we said we want to see more lame people rise and walk so we started a fast every Wednesday we said this is it we fast every Wednesday to see cripples walk and we started to see now since that time in 2006 we've had over 600 cripples rise and walk in our ministry come on somebody over nah we actually stopped counting it could be seven eight hundred I don't know but since 2006 we've had over 600 my wife will tell you we used to collect hundreds of crutches for the walls of our offices we just I just we kind of got tired of carrying them on the plane all the time that's how many times we were carrying crutches and wheelchairs and there I kind of had a funny instance that took place when we were in Detroit though I went in and and I was waiting to get on the airplane and and I had three crutches and a walker and I was waiting to board the plane and so I was just leaning on the walker like this and so the lady said excuse me if you need extra time to get on the airplane you can come on right now so all these people go on and then she's looking at me so I don't know why she's looking at me so funny I had no idea honest before god my heart is totally pure and so the woman looks at me she goes sir do you need help to come down here I said no can I go on now and she said sure I just picked it up and I just walked on just like that I thought she was gonna have a heart attack okay and I just picked it up and threw it under my arm and it just walked right onto the plane I think she thought she saw a miracle right there is everyone's sake Dominion come on say it like you mean it say Dominion this is the one missing element that I've noticed that God breathes on more than anything else in this modern day an age when people catch the spirit of Dominion they really catch the message of the kingdom please hear me on that tonight if you forget everything else I say tonight you have to catch that element tonight how many of you want to live on fire for Jesus raise your hand any one lemon the only way you maintain the fire is by Dominion that you speak with Dominion now when I first got saved even I I knew these truths I I don't know how I knew it I just I heard it through brother Hagin or whomever it was even as a young 18 year old going to Morehead State University I went one year to Morehead State and so I remember going to Morehead State University and in I would get all the students I was much shorter than cuz I was in wrestling dieting all the time and I don't dye it anymore Priscilla you could tell but anyways so I was much shorter than and I remember I would gather all the students that we would gather into this room to pray and we were power pastor I mean we pray with authority and Dominion right and figure that we met every morning to pray in tongues for one hour and we're in this small room whew man this room wasn't even the size of the stage and about 40 of his students would pack in there and I mean I mean we're just praying the Holy Ghost like this right and I take authority in the name of Jesus and we're just speaking with Dominion and stuff like that and this upperclassmen she walks in and she walks in she's she looks at me because she knows I was the instigator she said um she said do you know I could hear you all the way down the hallway God is not deaf I said no and he's not nervous either God's not deaf and I said and not only that I hope that devil heard it as much as you could hear it come on somebody and I told her I said that I told her that I said that's why you lost the fire years ago cuz you have no authority and no power in your life and you're afraid of everything and everybody and the fear of man rules you instead of the fear of God she's now a dead pastor's wife right here in Minnesota but I won't tell you where so but they're in the lukewarm Church dead still twice dead plucked up by the roots no power no authority they don't talk about the blood anymore they don't talk about the cross anymore they talk about you're in all of this religious crap that's what it is it's total hello somebody come on amen it's time that we get back to preaching the truth I said it's time to get back to the truth I'm not ashamed of the gospel Paul said I'm not ashamed of it I'm not ashamed of it on Larry King Live I'm not ashamed of it no matter where it might be come on somebody I don't care who it is Jew Gentile saved not save baptized in the Holy Ghost not baptized in the Holy Ghost I'm gonna speak the truth in love but I'm gonna speak truth come on we have to be people of truth we have to be people with a backbone come on somebody there's let me just say cuz I love you okay we love Minnesota Minnesota runs through our veins all right so you have to understand it but listen to me there is no Minnesota nice in the kingdom come on we have to break our culture and come out of our the kingdom culture come on somebody we ministered in Scandinavia in this one church I forget where it was exactly and they said well we're just not excited that's just not our culture I said this is not your culture you're in the kingdom now you lost your culture come on somebody come out of your culture amen we're not in your culture this is not about you this is about him Paul came out of his culture did you know Paul never called himself a Messianic Jew did you know Peter never did either did you know that none of those guys ever did that why cuz they came out of their culture Paul said now there is no Jew and no more Gentile that's in the Bible why cuz they came out of their culture and they stepped into a realm that was out of their culture come on somebody out of well it's not my person now this is not my person now well it's not about your personality it's about his personality coming through you amen now I stopped preaching and now I'm prophesying tonight so if you don't have ears to hear I'm telling you that's what I'm saying tonight amen God's calling you out of completion see God's calling you like pastor Lindsay said tonight right man I loved it come on girl she was preaching truth come out of that lay your apathy down and say God I'm going wide open for you otherwise just what in the world are we doing Paul said were the most miserable of all men I'm telling you what I want to live in Dominion in power come on somebody I didn't get saved to follow some milquetoast thing I didn't get saved to go and and leave sin and go and say okay now I sit in a church and now we do nothing and we can't wait to get out we're in one church one time and they said what times this get over I said you just got in you don't go to the movies and say what times this get over you go say man I'm enjoying it you sit there with a great big tub of popcorn big as the Buffalo sitting on top of your lap you sit with a tub of coke that until your spleen is about ready to explode you will not go to the toilet no matter what during that movie you will you a rupture in appendix before you leave the movie you will be taken out by ambulance before you leave the movie come on is that true I got I you have a jet pack on your back sucking on that coke the whole time during the whole movie and your oh my god my whole my whole bladder is dragging on the ground right now paid $6.50 for this movie I'm not leaving this movie and then people come to church and they pee every four minutes did he say it in church I already said it it's on the tape it's already on there come on God's wanting the light of fire I said God a fire come on amen I said God's wanting the light of fire in you he wants you to walk in Dominion he wants you to walk in authority come on amen he wants you to walk in true power and the power of the Holy Ghost so that people say ah he's been with Jesus people didn't say ah they've been with Jesus because of who they look so holy no no no because of the miracles there was a constant stream of the miraculous amen that your faith should not be in the wisdom of men but in the power of God come on amen I I heard one prophet say this out I won't tell you where but somewhere in Africa and this prophet said this he said what we should do today is bring somebody who's dying and bring them in before some of these men of God who who are on all of these Christian channels and say okay show us your garden and see whose God is money in whose God is the Lord Jesus Christ that's what he said I said his name you know it come on amen can we do miracles signs on one can we show the gospel or can we only tell the gospel amen it's time to show it Minnesota it's time to show it it's time to show it in the high school it's time to show it in the Universities come on somebody it's time to show it in the streets it's time to show it in the Walmart come on somebody it's time to show it in the cub come on we've got to have revival in the cub come on somebody in the Cubs store come on cripples walking blind eyes seeing people baptized in the Holy Ghost on aisle four come on somebody speaking on tongues and aisle nine come on I just can't wait for the day when the guy comes on the loudspeaker oh we need something we need more catchers in aisle nine two people are in deliverance and aisle eight quick quick quick quick quick get down your boys come on somebody amen look at your neighbors say it's time for a revival it's time to go for it amen blessed be the Lord thank you Father tonight Lord we thank you for your holy written word Lord we thank you this is the season this is a time this is the hour there's not coming another day Lord we're not dangling a spiritual carrot in front of people for a one day gospel one day there's gonna be an explosion no now's a day now is the time Jesus said today is a day not another time not another day all we need to keep laboring in prayer for that note it's already God's will that his church would rise up and stop divorcing the head stop and be married to the head and say if Christ is a miracle worker I'm one too if he can do it I can do it too and miracles will flow from my hands just like a river wherever I go I've got a river of life come on help me pastor Lindsay flowing out of me makes the lame to walk and the blind to see come on somebody help me opens prison doors sets the captives free come on I've got a river of life flowing out of me come on somebody amen spring up a well somebody in this house down in my soul come on you
Channel: Tom SCARRELLAministries
Views: 15,221
Rating: 4.6909089 out of 5
Keywords: Tom Scarrella, scarella, revival, revival history, signs and wonders, dunamis, power of God, Pete Cabrera, Perry Stone, Creflo Dollar, benny hinn, john hagee, tom fischer, tom fisher, pete cabrera, last reformation, street healing, bethel church, bill johnson
Id: yVGRv2GibGE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 13sec (3373 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 23 2015
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