2019 Holy Convocation Day 4 - Pregnant with Perversion | Archbishop William Hudson III

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I got a word from the Lord he ma'am I just want to say what God has given me Genesis 38 verses 24 through 30 Genesis 38 verses 24 through 30 Genesis 38 verses 24 through 30 here begin of the reading of God's Holy Word and it came to pass about three months after that it was told Judah Tamar that daughter-in-law have played the harlot and also behold she is with child by horrid them as kanaeva have you ever played the harlot and Judah said bring her forth and let her be burnt when she was bought for she said to her father-in-law saying by the man who's these are and I with child and she said discern I pray thee whose are these the signet the bracelets and staffs and Judah acknowledge them and said she had been more righteous than I because that I gave her not to Sheila my son and he knew her again no more and it came to pass in the time of her travail that behold twins were in her womb and it came to pass when she travailed that the one put out his hand and the Midwife took and bound upon his hand a scarlet thread saying this came out first and it came to pass as he drew back his hand that behold his brother came out and she said how has that broken forth this breech be upon thee therefore his name was called for rest and afterward came out his brother that had the scarlet thread upon his hand and his name was called Zara so far the scripture you may have your seats and the presence of the Lord keep your bibles open cuz you ain't gonna believe it if you don't I want to use for a subject tonight pregnant with perversion [Applause] pregnant with perversion if you notice the entire story of Genesis chapter 38 is about a man by the name of Judah Judah Ju D aah and have you been in church any length of time you know that the name Judah means now I will praise the Lord and so anybody that's from the tribe of Judah it symbolizes that you are a praiser and a worshiper Judas mother's name was Leah and Leah was married to Jacob and he had two wives Leah and Rachel and they were in competition with each other Leah could have children but Rachel could not but Rachel was the favorite wife and Leah was the hated one and Leah thought that if she could just keep having babies that the babies would make her husband fall in love with her and so every child she named them according to what she was going through mentally emotionally physically the first child was Ruben his name means the Lord have looked upon my affliction she says I my husband does not love me can you imagine living in a house with a man that don't love you having a covenant with a man that does not love you but she has a baby and calls him well maybe he'll love me now and the Lord has looked upon my affliction no love yet so she has another child names him Simeon Simeon means the Lord has heard I was hated assuming that after the second child maybe things will change and my husband will love me because God sees that I'm hated by the man I'm in love with I want him but he doesn't want me then she has another child and named chef Levi which means joined assuming that her husband would be joined to her because this is the third child that she has produced but after three children and still being hated still being unloved still fighting rejection something happened between the third child and the fourth child she says I was afflicted child number one I was hated child number two I was hoping that I would be joined to my husband child number three but it doesn't make a difference because child number four I made up in my mind that in spite of my affliction in spite of my hatred now I will praise the Lord do I have anybody in you tonight from the tribe of Judah and you decree in declaring that no matter what's going on in my life I will bless the Lord at all times and this praise shall continually be in my mouth you gotta come to a place in your life that no matter what you see no matter what you feel that you're going to praise the Lord no matter what I'm going through as long as there's breath in my body I've got to praise Him the Atheist owes him praise because the breath that they use to say there is no God came from Jehovah Jireh it came from Jehovah Nissi the agnostic owes him praise the Buddhists embrace the Muslim Olson praise because at the name of Jesus every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus is Lord I just need to find out who in this building is from the tribe of Judah check your neighbor and say if I lose everything I will not lose my place if I lose my child I won't lose my praise if I lose my house I won't lose my praise if I lose some money I won't lose my prayers right now right now right now gotta go to surgery but now lost a loved one but now sickness in my body but now fighting an affliction but now right now right now I will praise but Lord somebody open your mouth and praise them like you're from the tribe of Judah Judah Judah I will praise the Lord I will praise the Lord it is a decision it is the attitude my wheel has to praise Him praise is my strength praise keeps me alive praise keeps me connected praise delivers me praise lifts me praise will not allow depression to remain in your life if you praise them consistently strongholds will begin to come down cuz there's something about a praise when you begin to clap your hands and open your mouth and lift up your voice something begins to happen so as I look at the name Judah now I will praise the Lord Judah had many children but I'm gonna look at the one that he had in this text and I'll come back to it at the end his firstborn in this text Judah and Tamar had a son and the son's name was fur s4s pH a are easy pH a are easy and the name fur ass means breach breach it means division it means rupture breach means a break lord have mercy y'all just missed your time the show I said Judah now I will praise the Lord had a son named Perez and the name for a Smee a break okay y'all still don't have let me say it again jr. now I will praise the Lord gave birth to a son by the name of fir ass and for ass means a break y'all to slow it simply means that when you are a praising a praise will always produce a break shake somebody you tell them if you praise them if your bracelet you will release a break somebody's been heavy all week long but if your praise said my break it's getting ready to happen he says I'm gonna break some limits I'm gonna break some records I'm gonna break some sealants I promise I in this place that this is a record-breaking week that whatever you could not do before this week that you gonna do it after this week is over decree that ceilings are going to break because you can't praise God and not receive a break a break in a break out a break off you're breaking into a ram you never broke in before you're breaking out of something that you couldn't break out of somebody shout praise brings a break raise Judah for ass a break a break a break in a break off a breakthrough a breakthrough the Lord gave me that by the end of holy convocation that everybody that's watching my livestream everybody that's under the sound of my voice you will receive a breakthrough we use that word too lightly we don't really understand what it means but praise will bring a break a breakthrough simply means moving beyond an obstacle a breakthrough means something was blocking you from reaching your goal something was in between you and destiny something was in between you and purpose but when you receive a breakthrough it means the obstacle that was in the way it's moved out of the way and your direction is clear and you're able to walk through and reach your destiny somebody shall obstacles are moving tonight we're going to praise God until nineteen smooth we're going to praise God until judges smooth we're going to praise God until your note turns into a yes we're going to praise God ha baba higher I said you're going to move beyond every obstacle that the enemy has sit in your way somebody shot a breakthrough a breakthrough ah the word breakthrough means sudden advancement it means I didn't know where all of a sudden there will be advancement a sudden advancement it's explosive it's ridiculous advancement it's getting ready to come breakthrough means you will penetrate beyond a defensive line it means you will go past the enemy's line of demarcation it means that line that the enemy has set and said you will only go this far and you will go no further you will go past that line and you will go into the enemy's camp you will not wait for the enemy to come to you you're going to the enemy's camp to take back everything that he's stolen from you because a breakthrough means to penetrate beyond a defensive line tell your neighbor I'm from the tribe of Judah and I'm going to praise God until my breakthrough shows up I'm going to praise God until my break happens I'm decreeing and declaring a breakthrough for every Church a breakthrough for every pastor a breakthrough for the ministries in your church some of you haven't been able to get on TV but he's gonna give you a breakthrough in media media doors I get ready to open up for you I decree and declare a breakthrough in media I decree and declare God is making room for you I decree and declare your message shall be heard well I feel a message but waves now I need somebody open up your mouth and give God praise for a breakthrough in the media of breakthrough in the airwaves up right so somebody shout Judah has a son named Ferg s4s means a break here's another son named Zara say ZAR aah it means to scatter to cast away when you praise God there will be a scattering your enemies will be destroyed your enemies will be dispersed scattered let God arise and his enemies be scattered hallelujah this word scatter not only means to cast away or to disperse but this word scatter means to spread out so God tells me to tell you if you just praise him he will cause you to spread out go ahead take both of your hands and just stretch out I don't care if you hit your name it's alright come on tell him my praise is spreading me up this place that I'm in right now it's too small this house that I'm living in this too small praise is extending me praise it's expanding me my building it's too small praise will cause me to spread out praise brings a break friends praise brings a scattering of enemies praise means to spread out somebody shout out will praise the Lord come on way y'all let's say it again say I will praise the Lord look at the second verse of Genesis chapter 38 it says and Judah Judah means said with me now I will come on praise the Lord it's from the tribe of Judah you from a praise tribe it means you are a appraiser right but verse 2 says and judah saw look at your praise or next to you and say be careful of what you see prese verse two and Judah saw there a daughter of a certain Canaanite whose name was Shula and he took her and went in unto her Judah the prese Judah the worshiper we don't preach this part of praise I'm gonna preach the part of praise you never heard before such a neighbor said this is the other side of praise it's gonna get hard for me y'all prayed me through Judah married a Canaanite woman Judah had no business marrying a Canaanite God did not have a problem with other races but God had a problem with people that were not in relationship with him and God said do not marry outside of your race not because he was prejudiced but because he knew that if you got connected with somebody that was a worshipper of another God it would affect your worship I don't care how loud you shout how many tongues you speak in if you get connected to a Canaanite it will hinder your praise it was out of order they were mixing with other gods praises you must be careful of who you connect yourself with in this season touch your neighbor and say watch who you make covenant with you gotta watch your friends you gotta watch your connections you gotta watch who you fall in love with see brothers and sisters when you are prazer you use your passion to praise God you cannot be appraiser without being passionate because praise takes over your emotions praise takes over your heart praise takes over your mind and when the enemy sees a passionate person going after God he gets jealous Satan is jealous because you use all of your passions to glorify God Satan is jealous because he's sinned one time and God did not forgive him but you've sinned time after time at the time and God keeps forgiving you and washing you and purging you and cleansing you and so when the enemy sees appraiser he gets really angry huh and so if he cannot stop you from praising directly he'll get you hooked up to the wrong person so that your connection with that person so that the salt add with that person will cause your spirit to become dry will cause your spirit to become dead ask your neighbor have you ever connected with a Canaanite it was David who was a brazier but he married Saul's daughter he praised himself out of his robe left his ephod owner and his silly wife looked out the window saying to him you're the king you have no business shouting in your room you have no business dancing but David said it was God that took me from a shepherd to being a king and the girl if you don't be quiet I'll praise Him more vile than this shake your neighbor and say if you're talking about me now watch how I'm getting ready to praise watch I'm getting ready to cap watch I'm getting ready to shout watch I'm getting ready to scream if you got a problem with my praise watch what's getting ready to happen so neighbor watch your connections watch your connection watch who you coming it with because Judah you're valuable Judah you're important and all the enemy wants is to get you connected with the wrong spirit the Bible is mad about Judah marrying the Canaanite woman look at your Bible I know the Bible is man this dis dis tripped me out as I looked at the text as I looked at the text the Bible does not even name the woman that Judah married she is a nameless woman I don't know I just assumed the rider got so mad that appraiser got mixed up with the wrong person it didn't even give her a name y'all don't believe it look at Genesis 38 in 2 and Judah saw their daughter of a certain Canaanite whose name was Shu er that's a man and he took her come on you see what did they call her and went into her and she conceived and bare a son and called his name earth they give us the name of the son but they never give us the name of the mother verse 4 and she conceived again and bare a son and she called his name Onan they give us the name of the second son never the name of the mother verse 5 and she conceived yet again and bare a son and called his name's Sheila they give us the name of the son but never the name of the mother because when you get connected to something that God has not called you to be connected to it's not even worth calling in our name such your neighbor and say have you ever been connected to a Canaanite watch your connections watch your connections watch your connections because if the enemy cannot stop your praise he can defeat you with a connection good god I'm at it this is why you've got to be careful of who you marry check your neighbor and say you better check people out before they get in your heart you better check them out it when they in your man but don't let them get in your heart you better check them out when they in your thoughts before you let them get in your heart cuz once a person get in your heart it's hard to get them out watch who you connect with somebody new tonight is connected with Absalon and you don't even know it touch your neighbors say God has given us discernment razor you need to turn up your discernment i prophesy come on so you never turn up your discernment that God is gonna show you the heart of people the mind of people the spirit of people Absalon spirit is a spirit that takes credit for himself everybody that is in a church the job of us is to lead people to Jesus he said if I be lifted up I'll draw all men unto me and then we're to leave him to leadership there's only one senior pastor in every church and it is the job of every leader in the church if God has given you a realm of influence not to draw people to yourself but to turn them to the Shepherd and the Shepherd turns them to Jesus and Absalon spirit is a spirit that speaks against leadership and makes themself look better than the leader shake your neighbor and say I rebuke the absolute spirit Absalon has an agenda the agenda is rebellion and so epsilon will move through the congregation to get some support that when they decide to rebel they already have a crowd but the devil is Allah I came by the power of praise to destroy every spirit of Absalom I need somebody to go to praise and right now cause every Absalon devil has to die in the name of Jesus we destroy Epsilon it is epsilon that is discouraging our pastors it is epsilon that's making out leaders want to quit it is epsilon that is sapping our strength when we should be using our strengths to build we've got to use our strength to fight demons and bad connections sometimes if you don't have discernment you can be connected to somebody with the spirit of Jezebel I'm just talking about the right connections brothers and sisters Jezebel ain't got nothing to do with no makeup and no lipstick and no short dress can I help you tonight Jezebel is a spirit of control it's a spirit of manipulation it's a spirit of witchcraft and a man can have a Jezebel spirit touch your neighbor tell him you gotta learn how to praise while I may some demons mad already I need somebody up a hotshot come on and get the headshot give God some praise cuz Jezebel has to die that's a controlling spirit that has their own group in their own crew and when they move their crew moves and when they don't come to church they crew don't come to church I'm a NATO support their crew don't support but we come against that Jezebel spirit in the name of Jesus Jezebel loses her power tonight then you gotta be watchful because I've dealt with many Jezebel's cuz I am a prophet and the spirit of Jezebel is always attractive to the Prophet because they come to squeeze life out of the prophetic ministry Jezebel's assignment is to hinder the preaching of the word of God Jezebel's assignment is to tire the gifts of the Spirit most of us are deceived by Jezebel spirit because let me tell you I just about get you cuz she didn't got me a couple of times Jezebel is spiteful [Applause] jessabelle comes to Bible class jessabelle comes to Sunday School Jezebel is a tither Jezebel follows you to preach because most pastors are blinded by faithfulness because that's one thing all of us war is loyalty and faithfulness so sometimes you can't even say jessabelle cuz she's always there and that's important people follow the spirit because it's always present and you gotta be careful how you take just a bill down cuz you'll mess up and destroy the whole church just getting up preaching and rebuking Jezebel which as is as the spirit of witchcraft you need wisdom to pray that demon out y'all don't wanna have no church so never say this kind going out but by prayer and fast when God shows you just a veil you can't let Jezebel know that you see cuz if you move too soon you know go mess up so you gotta learn how to act like you don't know keep on preaching keep on crying keep on hugging keep on loving grace and peace I know so she never said smile let that devil and say grace simply ha terrible shock when you have a connection with God in price he will sharpen your discernment and he will cause you to see in the realm of the spirit and not in the natural touch your neighbors that God is sharper than your discernment he's going to let you see the spirit of these people Jezebel wants promotion Jezebel wants power Jezebel won't do nothing unless she's in charge Jezebel is gifted Jezebel can put a program together Jezebel can raise money Jezebel can gather crowd but they won't lose unless they're in charge and the one thing Jezebel wants to do is get close to the senior leader lord help us such a name said God's giving us discernment he's giving discern y'all and made me go all the way off Lord and mercy but Judah was connected to the wrong spirit Judah got married to a Canaanite let me hurry up verse 6 to 7 I'm heard it says and err shooter's firstborn was wicked in the sight of the Lord and the Lord slew him so the Bible says that the first child that Judah had with his wife was called Earth the Bible don't tell us what he did but he said whatever it was it was wicked in the sight of the Lord it was evil it was ungodly it was sinful and God slew him let me share with you that God is still holy and there's some things that God will not tolerate God is to be reverence we must respect him and honor him and God still judges wickedness I know ain't nobody preaching it but he said if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray before you pray you got a turn from your wicked ways and seek my face we've got to be careful spiritual wickedness in high places air was wicked and God judged him with death instantly the next son was named own and Onan Onan was very selfish because once her died it was old man's responsibility to have sex with his sister-in-law to carry on his brother's name but Onan was selfish and he wanted his own descendants he didn't want to carry on his brother's name so instead of putting his seed inside of the woman he spilt it on the ground this text cannot be used this is not a good deed now masturbation is a sin but you can't use this scripture for that cuz he did have sex he just didn't put seed in the one okay keep going so he put to see on the ground he broke the law and the Bible says this displeased the Lord and God slew him we must be very careful brothers and sisters that we please God the Lord slew him because his actions displeased God we're trying to please everybody but are you pleasing God where people please us but are you pleasing God and so Earth was wicked Oh nan was displeasing and God began to judge them you see people think that because you are appraiser you don't have any issues people think because you are praised her but you got everything together but I'm not praising God because my life is perfect but I'm praising God because he's yet worthy in the midst of what I'm going through Judah had some problems in his life his sons were a mess he was appraiser but his son was wicked he was appraiser but his son was displeasing God told me to speak over this crowd tonight to let you know because of your praise your children will be delivered you will not be appraiser and your child be a atheist you will not be appraiser and your son hates God the seed of the righteous shall be delivered I decree and declare that your son is coming up I speak that your daughter is coming up the curse of seeing is being broken of of your children somebody shout out break every generational curse I believe it was a curse on Judas son because earth was wicked and Onan was displeasing but praise can break a curse and cause that thing that is cursed to be blessed somebody shout hallelujah and so the Bible goes on read this entire 38th chapter and it tells us at the two of Judas sons ER and Onan died because God curse them the wife of her and the wife of Onan is upset and she's saying I'm a widow I don't have nobody to marry and so Judah says I'm gonna give you my third son Sheila but how many know if two of your sons died with the same woman you think twice before you put the third son with her and just thinking you know just I mean I I said them but when the first one died you know I was son but then when the second one died too I'm like oh I love you son just i'ma hold off as long as I can Oh cuz to I'm got killed I want you to live and so he promised her but he didn't follow through with his promise and so Tamra got restless and impatient and now by this time Judas wife died and Judah is burnable Judah is lonely he's open Judah is hot check your neighbors say phrases get hot okay y'all don't believe me Judah is is going through in his flesh I can tell how good you are in the bed about how you praise if you don't move your church you probably the same way okay but verse 14 [Applause] this is a nasty message you all know right pray me through friend me too I'm in the Bible it says tomorrow found out that Judah was on his way to Tim Neff and and and he's on his way to Tim Neff so look at verse 14 Wow he's on his way to Tim now it says and she put her widows garments off from her she was a sad woman a lonely woman a widow two times two men to die nobody to carry on her name no children to work for her she's poor she's lonely she's destitute but she heard that the father-in-law who promised her his son didn't come through with the promise but she heard he was going to Timnath and she changed her clothes she was wearing widow's godless she was wearing memorial clothes looking sad and normally but she changed her clothes and covered herself with a veil and wrapped herself and sat in an open place which is set by the way to Tim Nath for she was that Sheila was grown she heard he was grown and he hadn't been given to her as a wife okay verse 15 y'all still women you got to read this cuz you're gonna leave in about got I heard him close alright it says when Judah saw her then he is again such names say prese watch what you see Nathan already messed up in verse one and saw a Canaanite woman and married the wrong woman now Judah sees a prostitute he thought her to be a harlot he knew where she was because she covered her faith the prese in verse one who's saying now I will praise the Lord in verse 15 is having a conversation with a hole I got to make sure y'all name sleep it's hot in here I got one point I'm gonna get to it I got one point he's he's he's talking to a prostitute I don't need to define that in the Greek doing you you know what that is right so okay uh prese can I help you praise a pregnant with perversion praise you have to make sure that you fight your flesh [Applause] [Music] because the enemy does not bother the appraisal in church he lets you dance he lets you shout he lets you leap I gotta help y'all cause we've been shouting all week dancing prophesy praising God singing preaching touch your neighbors say be careful next week cuz the enemy will wait just this good until the music stops and the singing shop and he set up a trap to destroy you and defeat you touch your neighbors say you better watch your fashions razors fight perversion have you ever wondered why music ministry there's such a great spirit of perverse because those that reach God and those that release glory the enemy is looking for something to block the glory he's looking for something to hinder the move of God because if the glory comes somebody will be healed if the glory comes somebody will be delivered but if he can bind the praise up not at church but on Saturday night before church starts that when you get here Sunday morning you can't get in the presence of God because what you did Saturday night and you can't lead to people in the presence of God now God sometimes will use you when you really miss but plan with me in here like you ain't never been used when you was a messy y'all just play every meaning that you got these robes on and you're playing I wish you can have to wear all this tonight touch your neighbors as the Lord ever used you when you knew you were a mess just gonna tell the truth thank God for the blood of Jesus now listen you're not to take that for granted God did not do that for you to continue in your mess this is the problem in the church nobody's getting delivered with leading praise and worship but we're fornicating we're smoking we singing in the choir we'll get drunk preaching in the pulpit and God is using you and you're not convicted sometimes the Lord will use you not because of you but because he wants to bless his people and he's not gonna allow your mess to him to the people from getting a breakthrough sometime he puts grace on you and cover you and heal these people and deliver his people but shake your neighbors say you still must be delivered you still must be delivered that's what's wrong with this new way of church we don't preach deliverance we don't believe in deliverance we don't think it's real we're one way on Sunday and another way on Sunday night we speak in tongue or doing service and getting out of the parking lot somebody cuts us off and I tongues turning to cuss words I don't understand this new way church I don't understand I knew y'all gonna hear this I'm glad we shot it every night cuz you might not do it no more but shake your neighbor and say be careful be careful that you don't become pregnant with perversion the enemy wants your passions you've got to fight your flesh you've got to fight this devil so he cannot interrupt the flow of God from coming through your life that when God wants to move the move of God will be pure that the move of God will not be infected polluted diluted by what's going on through you I want to be a empty vessel that when God wants to bring glory through me diluted polluted interruptive but it can flow through me as an instrument of praise tell your neighbor your flesh is nasty I know your robe is white but your flesh is a mess you have to fast I might only want to have dirty thoughts oh it's just me huh and not only one that's got a spanking flesh oh you're leaving me out here by myself you only saying that well if you don't saving the Bible all flesh it's great touch Labor's I got on all these roads and all this stuff but I had to fight my flesh too sweet I had to deal with some ugly thoughts in my mind I have to tell myself you're not going to control me I have to make up my mind I'm a walk in the spirit that I may not fulfill the lust of the flesh I just talk about no sex I'm come on you need a consecration you need holiness you got a flight so flesh so you don't lie you gotta fight so flesh so you don't steal you gotta fight your flesh so you don't become deceptive you gotta fight your flesh we're just going through the motions singing in shop nobody's being delivered help us god help us the enemy is waiting until the anointing lifts to tempt you verse 18 is the appraiser and the prostitute tomorrow sets Judah up they having a conversation she sets him up she says yeah I'm a lay with you but you got to give me something he gave her his signet that's his authority his stamp his bracelet which is an article of clothing and his staff this sound like the bishop brick he gave her his signet ring his bracelets and his staff in the heat of the moment you will give up some valuable stuff I wish y'all what recording this like I really talk like I want to talk how many ever been in the heat of a moment not always be sex maybe you just won't position maybe you just want power and the enemy came and offered you something but you lost your authority trying to get it you lost your power trying to get it if you gotta give up your power to get it it's not God's will that you have it you better fight for your authority you better fight for your power don't give in to the enemy they come to Judah and they find out that tomorrow is pregnant Judah and Tamar have sex the prese has sex with the prostitute and she gets pregnant they bring the news to Judah pregnant with perversion why you tempted by what you're tempted with why don't you fight what you fight and don't be looking at other people's temptations like they don't matter just because they don't bother you see if you like a man is short and light-skinned the devil they gonna send nobody tall and dark skiing your way if you never drink don't don't trip on folks that's fightin with alcohol but there's something that you got to fight that will try to steal your anointing you're drawn away with your own lusts the problem in the churches were having church without the presence of God this is the message right here Saints we're having church but we're not having change we're having church without deliverance here's a big one we're watching church more than we're having Church what's wrong with online Church when you're watching Church online you're not having church you're looking at it and you're critiquing everything and you're critical look at her dress look at his suit he sound him they say that's not Church David said I was glad when they said unto me let us go into the house of the Lord you don't be watching Church you need to lift your hands and have I'm never gonna get no help if you sick and you can't get there we understand but you've been watching church for six months and you got help strip the activities of your limps God woke you up gave you your job putting breath in your body and you can't even get up and put some clothes on and get in a car and get in a bus and come to the sanctuary and say lord i love you lord I praise you but you got up for work every day you got up and made money every day you got up and did things for yourself but do I have anybody that knows it's right to show up in the sanctuary I lost a million of you I said it's still right to come to the Saints you there's some stuff you can't get online that you can get in the century there's an atmosphere in the sanctuary that's different than the atmosphere in your house touch your neighbors say there's something in God's house there's not in your haha something about when we all come together and we all one Accord God begins to move and so I'm just speaking as a prophet I'm closing a sound has been compromised because we're praising and no demons are being tormented we're praising and there's a shallow anointing we're praising and people are still getting drunk the problem is the phrases the messed around and got pregnant with perversion oh yeah it was perversion because Judah had sex with his own daughter-in-law and when they bought it to him he they said Tamar is pregnant he said she should be burnt cuz he didn't know he was the father that's good neighbor who is due daddy but the real daddy said son come on so she says the father is the one who's owner of this ring who's the owner of this staff and Judah says she's been more faithful than me my last point God says deliverance must come to the church mmm now I want you to hear me I want you to give I'm through I'm through hitting on my shuttle about Sam he says deliverance deliverance deliverance deliverance Judah and Tamar came together and she had twins she's travailing and she's getting ready to deliver when I say deliver I'm not saying produce perversion when I say deliver I'm saying come out of profession here's the kid a whole message right here I don't know what I want but here's the key or the whole message and I'm through cuz it's 10:09 God is saying prese keep praising but be careful of your associations your covenants and your attachments God is saying be careful appraiser that you're not connected to wickedness and things that displease God be careful appraiser that the enemy does not steal your passions and uses them for himself be careful appraiser that you don't become spiritually dry in the church that you don't lose your anointing in the church that you're just going through the motions without conviction without power and without deliverance but God says this is the season of deliverance come on touch somebody and shout this is the season of deliverance deliverance deliverance here it is right here delivers give me a prophetic sound they love my shot deliverance deliverance somebody shout I'm being delivered I'm being delivered God is gonna break the spirit of perversion in the place what is perversion it's not always about sex it's doing anything differently than what it was meant to do but version means moving from its original intent moving from its original purpose the alteration of something from its original course the spirit of perversion has been sent to destroy the house of God but upon this rock I will build my church and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it your children will not be bound by perversion your sisters and brothers will rebound by perversion my pastors will not be bound by perversion but we will stand and stake a fight we will stand and lift up a standard because holiness is still right and honorable shot I need you to stand on your feet and just declare in this place that holiness is still right come on I want somebody to shop holiness it's still right holiness holiness come on lift up your hands lift up your voice and begin to worship but the holiness of God please our cell has been compromised the sound of praise is not as effective as God wants it to be I'm just going started and you're gonna take this to your churches because God said the sound in your church on Sunday is gonna be different because when everybody comes on one Accord and begins to praise God something is supposed to happen somebody shout deliverance from perversion let me share how God gave it to me the Bible says at the burfi is my old one point the whole one point took me a while to get to right here the Bible says Tamar was pregnant with judas baby and in the delivery the first child stuck his hand out the womb and they tied a red rope around the hand so they could know this was the oldest but as soon as they put the rope around the arm the baby snatched his hand back lord have mercy total about shine somebody's going to receive a breakthrough you're coming out I said you're coming through that's a breach that's a break you've been surrounded by perversion but you're coming out but here's what we miss it most of us come out and when we come out we pull back in y'all won't talk to me is there anybody that got a breakthrough on Sunday and you went back in on Thursday is there anybody got deliverance in one month and you went back to that same thing my god but the Bible says the next baby didn't just break through but the next baby broke out I need you to shout to your neighbor tell them neighbor tonight you not just gonna get a breakthrough you gonna get a breakout come on tell them you're coming all the way up you're coming all the way up you're being set free you're being made whole you're being restored you're gonna get a new anointing that's gonna be a new glory that's gonna be a new power that's gonna be fresh oil on your church on your ministry in your life somebody worship Him come on lift up what shouting this place grab somebody back over there hands I'm gonna pray and I'm finish the prophetic word is God is changing the sound in his house he's changing the sound in his house if we were just travail in prayer just for a moment just travail just travail grab that neighbor saying and say neighbor I'm not playin with you tonight whatever The Devil's trying to do in your life Ray's is gonna destroy it come on grab that hand don't let it go tell your neighbor you're not gonna miss this moment you're not gonna miss this movement come on say a new praise is coming in your belly come on God has given you fresh show every gift that's in you is being stirred up come on start praying we break the spirit of perversion we break every trap we break addiction we break every curse Satan you will not have our children you will not have our churches God we thank you for consecration we thank you for holiness we thank you for repentance we thank you for the gifts of the Spirit we thank you for all the glory of God we thank you for salvation we thank you for conviction oh we thank you for conviction come on just 30 more seconds that break it break it I commend your breakthrough to come I break depression I break it up break it up break it I break mental oppression I break mental oppression I break stress that's the spirit of perversion that stressful demon that wants to pervert your mind I command you to be free in the name of Jesus I set you free tonight by the power of the Holy Ghost God sweep over this place come down in this room move by your spirit in the name of Jesus come on call his name Jesus Jesus sin revival back to our churches sin revival back to our cities stir us up that's the devil out of our mind in the name of Jesus Satan we rebuke you we come against deception we come against Jezebel become a guest Absalom we come against every unclean spirit we come against pornography we come against fornication we come against every demon we come against alcoholism with I guess happy nicotine spirit let habits be broken in the name of Jesus come on we say yes slow come on warm in the spirit just take 10 more seconds and wah wah wah come on wah wah wah War in the holy ghost war in the holy ghost a breakthrough is coming a breakout is coming now loose those hands and give God a price come on pilgrim right price them in this life walk up and down the house lift up your voice lift up your shop let's fresh oil in this place we break the spirit of entertainment we break the spirit of entertainment we break the spirit of the show we degree the glory of God we decree the glory of right through your breakdown right through right through right through up to your breakdown come on lift up a shout I will turn up right get boring you can't blow it give it glory come on price it let it come from your pepper become your pet appraised of conviction appraised of deliberate change calls are coming come on looks are being destroyed praising for your children praising for your see praising for your son praising for your daughter my right there praising for your church praising know your church take your charts but Glory's coming to your church glories coming to your church that's right spirit gotta go set up a mobile shop hallelujah Oh go come on go don't stop this room shape this room an impartation the room again fast again [Applause] hold it hold it hold it that's a lesson in this place Oh I feel the presence of God now come on he's here he's here he's here see when the glory come you can't dance when the real glory come you can't Joe as a price but when glory come you can laugh frustrate the glory can be so heavy you can even move there is the gloom that you've never experienced before there is a place in God that we've never been to people there is a place in them I heard the Lord I want to say don't be embarrassed there's a mighty breakthrough that's already here don't be embarrassed don't be embarrassed any person in this room that felt like giving up in the last six months come down front you felt like just giving up that's many pastors you're gonna walk away from your church come down we don't need no cameras on them just come down put the camera somewhere else but I need some people you're in here you're in here you're in here you were fighting just leaving Church leaving God don't be embarrassed don't be embarrassed just come down I gotta lay hands on you I remember my ha just come on just come I need y'all doctor judge then some of y'all up here you thinking about closing up your church you didn't know what to do you didn't know how to do it I need y'all to come down I need you to come down please come down you're in here this thing is gonna be broken this thing is gonna be broken this thing is gonna be broken this thing is gonna be broken thing is only broken it's gonna be broken this don't be broken it's gonna be broken punished oh it's gonna be broken this don't be Bucky this gonna be broken this don't be broken it's gonna be lucky tonight tonight tonight tonight tonight don't be embarrassed don't be ashamed hi you under so much pressure you didn't know what to do garlic you're under so much pressure you didn't know what to do but God said there's help for you tonight turn me down a little front that's help for you tonight come on I need y'all to praise God for go raise them for glow praise him don't wait on me cuz I ain't got nothing but Jesus start praising and right here right kill this altar right here the Sultan come on come on right your missile right deal this up right the old assault [Applause] they're more God has not released me to move yet and more they're more they're more this why we can't get free in church because everybody always look oh you mean the praise of the worshiper the pastor you don't know what people are going through you don't know what people are dealing with but God is a deliverer come on as anybody believes he's a deliverer hallelujah come on they're still coming hallelujah forget about your title forget about your position this is a spirit that you've been under but it's gonna break today how y'all deliver your shine yeah you gonna leave out of his strong hallelujah hi he's moving through the app right now mm I feel it moving come on open your mouth and say yes to him come on tell him yes lift up your hands and tell him yes come on tell him yes tell him yes hey tell him yes tell him yes talk to him talk to me Jesus I need sort of pray with me see if the enemy can get the leader he can get the whole church some of you you've been under shame you've been under embarrassment you've been through so much and you're embarrassed about what you went through but as your hands are lifted I break the spirit of embarrassment in the name of Jesus I break the spirit of shame come on warriors y'all praying in the name of Jesus shame you have no place in their life I break the spirit of shame those that went back to things that God delivered you from break tonight you went back to drinking but it's breaking to me it's breaking tonight I see you in your kitchen it's breaking tonight Oh I said it's breaking tonight y'all come on break with me it's breaking tonight it's breaking tonight come on it's breaking it's breaking it's breaking tonight this breaking tonight it's breaking tonight in the name of Jesus that spirit of divorce hallelujah canceled it right now trouble in your home trouble in your marriage spirit of loneliness spirit of depression we cast you out in the name of Jesus spirit of death and suicide I come against you right now in the mighty name of Jesus spirit of grief I break your power in the mighty name of Jesus every unclean spirit I break your power in the mighty name of Jesus God I command a breakthrough to get this place today god I command a breakthrough to get this place today get down in our bellies some didn't come come but they need a touch if you need a touch from God if you're tired of Church as usual if you're tired of a sermon in the Sun and you say God I need you come on open up your mouth and cry out to me come on bishops come in the hints go down and touch come on in the name of Jesus come on come on in the Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus if you feel like it in the name of Jesus come on destroy the yoke destroy destroy come on destroyed destroyed destroyed destroyed destroyed in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus come on in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus destroy it got this shot come on come on deliverance workers come on in come on in come on in help me down come on in come on in in the name of Jesus come on power house deliverance workers get up here let's go here cutting of OSHA in the name of Jesus you got to go you got to go you got to go you got to go right your power right your son in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus I command you to be free I speak life to your man I speak life to your emotions I speak life to your spirit in the name of Jesus every demon of the oppression we come against it right now every demon of sickness we come against it right now set free God in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus come on church making a price but in the price you not gonna give up you not gonna make a new strength new strength new strength new power pressure you're not a failure I pick the spirit of failure I break the spirit of failure I broke the spirit of failure the strongman of value you got to go you got to go you got to go you got to go every spirit of failure you got to go in the name of Jesus we break it we break it we break it we break it live live live Laer I speak life I speak life over your children over your family over your man over your emotions I speak life in the name of Jesus set them free set them free set them free set them free set them free come on Church set them free do something in the music do something in the SAP Jesus Jesus glory be revealed let glory be revealed let miracles happen let miracles happen strongholds come down in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of cheese come on calling Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus come on Jesus Jesus that's your seat come on preachers and each other shout chief oh geez geez geez freedom to you 31 that revival has hit this place 14:59 West 74th Street children accompany some revival in this place there's a sound of river a sound of glow a sound of power in the name of Jesus a new anointing this coming on demand of God I'm giving you wisdom beyond your years I'm giving your strategy I'm giving your structure I'm giving your systems in the name of Jesus break out in this church right out in this place let the gifts of the Spirit begin to manifest like never before canceled debts open doors move by your spirit in the name of Jesus and we thank you lord somebody shout glory shout glory glory glory shout glory shout glory move the move the move the move the dragons your spirits been truck trying to please the people your spirits been truck people give me a yes I will take care of you this is my this is my fishing this is my ministry fresh oil in this place come on shout you're coming out of that grave yeah you're coming out of that trap let's you're coming out of that net place for a short grass fire in the name of Jesus hi will the Lord told me I want you at quarry to come he's here now he's here thank you hug your neighbor and tell him you're not going to quit come on hug them tell them you're not going to quit come on you're not going to quit new strength has been release come on you're not going to quit new strength has been released I'm gonna turn it over to my archbishop hi you're not going to quit new strength has been release you're not going to quit new strength has been release you're not gonna quit Michele new strength has been release come on Derek lay hands on that right there Michele Lindsey yes right behind you come on touch that lady right there in the name of Jesus I let I both shine as the man of God touches you I decree and declare new strength come on brace up a new string come on new strength new strength yeah new strength no new strength I'll see you up in there now he's here go whatever you need reach up and get it come on whatever you need reach up and get it's in the room now this in the room it's in the room it's in the room I said it's in the room I said is in the room the show is over the entertainment is over but show is up it's time for glory I said it's time for Laura it's time for glory it's time for glory got so many lay ends on both of you he said pray for the cameraman I don't know what God's getting ready to do but it's something great the Lord told me to tell you he has not forgotten about you you've been in a place and a season in your life that you've been working you've been serving you've been faithful you're blessed but you said God you promised me and it feels like he's forgotten God said I've not forgotten today I remember you he wanted me to call you out to let you know he has remembered you and every attack against your body your physical body hondo the bow shot he conned all the love over baby bo shot hi I haven't talked to you son hi but every assignment of the enemy I guess so physical body it's being destroyed right now and the Holy Ghost said you're being healed from the crown of your head to the soles of your feet I don't know if you've got an appointment set but the next time you'll go back God said everything's gonna be well and everything's gonna be you know today I remember you I remember you I remember you at property I remember you in business I remember you with favor in the name of Jesus the Lord said your gateway don't nobody to do it for you you got to do it for yourself I've given you the wisdom for the business I've given you the knowledge for the business I've given you the divine connections for the business I commanded to come to pass may stress be rebuked out of your mind may stress be removed out of your spirit that the glory of God might be revealed in the name of Jesus and we give you praise come on make a sound to God
Channel: Pilgrim Assemblies International
Views: 64,141
Rating: 4.7521129 out of 5
Id: iobk6VMJ1DQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 44sec (4784 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 21 2019
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