Prophecy Update | January 2021 | America in Crisis

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good evening everybody welcome to our january 2021 prophecy update we're glad to have you with us and we're just going to dive right in why don't we uh why don't we ask a blessing on this time before we get too far and lord we're so thankful that we can gather on this online live discussion about your word and what's going on in the world today lord and i pray that you bless this time that you by your spirit just awaken your church lord help us to be stirred to do your will to have your heart and your mind um lord i pray that we wouldn't just get into these things for the sake of politics or just trying to be right or trying to do stuff that is really out of our league lord we just want to leave everything to you and then have you lead us and guide us lord help us to be be able to walk with you closer because of this time uh lord to know your word better because of this time so we pray your blessing in jesus name amen amen and so glad to get into the scriptures i'd like to begin by setting a little bit of the ground rules uh which i haven't done for a long time but it has to do with some of the stuff that i hear out out there with bible prophecy updates um and um i see the way they've kind of uh been going and and people that i like to listen to and see uh but it's become something different than i think what athe creek at least what what we're called to do as far as bible prophecy and prophecy updates you know what is a prophecy update well uh speaking for athey creek um we have a an objective you know and it's and i'll just tell you it's i'll tell you what it's not it's it's not a prophecy update here at eighth grade is not to figure out all the answers to the political issues of today uh good luck with that one there's a lot of questions that people have um you know it's not about uh you know getting getting out the vote or uh you know uh and by the way some people have a calling on their life to be very political and to try to be the ones coming with solutions i have friends that are in politics and and i pray for them and good luck with that i'm glad i'm not a politician praise the lord for that i'm a preacher and i am a bible teacher and i like to share what the bible says so so you know when it comes to bible prophecy some update guys bible prophecy update guys online kind of have a hard time separating the difference between saying here's what's happening as it relates to the bible versus saying here's what we all need to do we need to motivate we need to activate or or there's it kind of comes off where they're angry and we got to do something about this or we were upset you know that israel is being treated badly or you know this administration's doing it one way and the other administration's doing another way the thing about what we're doing here is we're not trying to get into politics but the thing is when you talk about end times and bible prophecy you will touch on political issues that have to do with the biblical end times narrative um so it's not as much saying that we're pro this or against that we do get into that and it does sound political when it comes to just clear biblical truth uh you know let me just give you a big one abortion you know that's that's a hot political topic but the bible is clear and if you're a bible teacher you're going to teach that god believes the baby is uh a person long before it passes through birth canal um and the lord at very much conception very much uh deems out a person and is doing a wonderful and fearful work in making that life and we believe it's it's really murderous to take that life um it's not the mother's life that we're talking about it's the baby's life um and so it's a very political issue but when you're a bible teacher you teach what the bible says so some people deem that as political but when you deal with prophecy updates you tend to touch on political themes that are not as much biblical but they might have to do with the way the bible speaks of prophecy so we're not trying to get into politics as much but we are talking about what's happening in the world as it relates to the world as the bible explains it in the last days um and uh that's kind of an important part you know so what is prophecy our objective in bible prophecy a prophecy update is is to look for uh the coming of jesus christ um when we talk about what's going on in the world it's it's that we're to watch and be ready uh number two to be salt and light um we live in a dark world and we'll talk about that in a second making disciples seeing people saved those are the things that we want to do um i love what titus the book of titus says about this in titus chapter 2 especially as it relates to that little list i just showed you it says this in titus chapter 2 verse 11 it says for the grace of god that bringeth salvation hath appeared unto all men teaching us that denying ungodliness and worldly lusts we should live soberly righteously and godly in this present world looking for that blessed hope and the glorious appearing of the great god and our savior jesus christ you know these prophecy updates that's really our big objective is to look for the glorious day of his appearing the second coming of christ the rapture of the church we're looking for jesus we're excited about jesus and the world as dark as it could get is uh pointing us to the light that's coming that jesus is coming so i love that little scripture there in titus that's really part part of the deal when we're doing a prophecy update it's hopefully helping us to look for that blessed hope of the glorious appearing of our lord another scripture there is um in matthew chapter 5 where it says this in matthew 5 13 it says you are the salt of the earth but if the salt hath lost his savor wherewith shall it be salted it is thenceforth good for nothing but to be cast out and to be trodden under the foot of men you are the light of the world a city that is set on a hill cannot be hid neither do men light a candle put it under a bushel but on a candlestick and it giveth light unto all that are in the house let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your father which is in heaven man i love this now as we look at this verse i want to show you kind of the highlights and this is really where it's leading us tonight these these yellow sections here that i've put in there um this is the stuff that we want to achieve with a bible prophecy update to remind us that we're the salt of the earth um that we are called to uh add flavor if you would to uh to the world by the way salt what does it do when you eat have you ever had a really salty meal the salt uh makes you thirsty and i kind of believe that's what it's talking about not only are christians to sort of flavor uh the world uh salt is good but we also want to promote thirst um have you had a really salty pizza i've had a one or two in my lifetime and man you're thirsty afterward and and as christians we want to be that salt but if you've lost your saltiness uh is the idea here um then what's the salt good for nothing um but to be cast out and trodden under the foot of men so this idea of salt promoting thirst for people to be thirsty for the living water jesus christ that's what we want to do with the prophecy update is have people go man we are thirsty watching what happened in the capitol this week uh and the riot and the protest and the anger and the all the stuff that's going on we're going to talk about tonight hopefully we're not driving people away from jesus by our behavior we want to be salt where people are thirsty for jesus people should say to the salty christians there's something about you that creates within me a thirst for what you're enjoying i want what you have uh that's what we want as christians to to have people say that um that that we have that that uh that effectiveness now um salt also by the way uh preserves and heals uh those are things in biblical times they would have thought of salt for a preservative you preserve meat you know with salt um and so if our culture is in uh decay uh if it's going through a time of putrefying uh the meat's starting to stink i think it is uh then it's the salt that should you know reverse that uh that you know decay um and instead of us you know just being uh political beasts one of the things we want to do is preserve and save and and have people come to a place of repenting um you know and and that's the question i would ask us on this matthew 5 13-16 you know have we lost our saltiness as a christian bunch um uh you know are we are we um you know losing our effectiveness as christians you are the light of the world it says there and let your light so shine before all men that they see what your good works it says there uh and you glorify god your father which is in heaven this week you know we had this um you know just just on wednesday we had this massively giant event in here in america and um and it was a big deal our capital you know we had the president speak in the morning and hundreds of thousands of people at least over a hundred thousand people showed up uh trump supporters um and then they marched to the capitol and kind of took over the capitol building and you know there's there's huge arguments about who were the people that broke through crashed the windows fought the police um and um and uh you know some people were saying they were just protesters nice protesters uh but then we know there were not good protesters um uh we'll we'll talk about that in a second um um but you know what's interesting about this is i look at that and see um you know see what what's going on today it makes me realize are are christians being very good witness and i've been asking this for a long time but you know al jazeera not many of you read al jazeera but but uh um it is you know the muslim arab kind of news agency around the world and when you go to israel we watch al jazeera news and it's a whole different deal they they're not afraid to show stuff on that news but they also have an agenda and all that stuff like all the new news agencies but um how does al jazeera report this whole thing that happened on the the capitol steps and whatever these are the pictures they show they show you know with the guys with the cross storming the capitol um they show the pictures with jesus signs that it's the christians who are uh you know this and that and and um and they love that the al jazeera news people love that and it makes me wonder are are we are you know what do these people think they're doing uh now if a person wants to protest in this in this country um i've always felt that you it's a good thing we can protest here um and you know what's interesting to me is um somehow we got it foggied up what a protest is versus a riot and it's amazing to me to see some of the hypocrisy that's happening even right now on kind of on both sides because you know in the summer time for a lot of the you you know the st the cities in america in portland we've we've just had a non-stop we've had it from the beginning of the coronavirus all the way till now we're having riots probably even right now i mean it happens every night here in portland the last several nights have been mayhem uh in portland so we've been having riots and glass breaking in our fellow federal building last night they smashed another window in the federal building in downtown portland this is just this is just what happens every night um we've had people shot in cold blood in the streets of portland uh so so it is a little strange like for for some of us to kind of see wow there's a this is bad that happened at the capitol building on wednesday um but it is a little weird when it happens every day in your own hometown you maybe you get a little calloused toward uh what a riot is and all that but here was the narrative all summer long all over the country where um you know the people that were uh antifa and black lives matter there was groups in those protests um that got ugly and were writers and i called them out at that time i really did i said man that's ugly and stupid and wrong um and then i talked about black lives matter and i very vehemently disagree with them and i had one person bless her heart she said brett you know you talk about black lives matter when are you going to talk about these guys um first chance i get i'm going to right here right now uh it's uh well wednesday night well wednesday night it was happening uh right then i'm usually one that doesn't say something on the very night as it's happening i like to pray about stuff before i say stuff but a couple nights later i'm gonna say this to me it's the same thing people going in and smashing windows and fighting cops and stuff that's never right that's always evil and it's wrong i don't even know who that that group is uh if they are trump supporters i'm not on their side i don't agree with them those people that smashed into the capitol building i can't stand with them and i reject vehemently their behavior the thing is about black lives matter if you're wondering why i came out against that organization it wasn't because that some of them seemed to be writing it didn't have to do with their protest it had to do with their website that said here's what we believe uh i haven't seen a website what these people believes and if it came out i probably would disagree with some of their stuff too but when the black lives matter thing came out and said uh we're against the nuclear family uh that they're marxists um and uh you know basically uh pro lgbtq uh to a nth degree i i just can't stand with black lives matter i can't stand with them now am i against racism and do black lives matter of course of course but i don't follow or ascribe to black lives matter so if somebody's looking for hypocrisy with me i'm just here to say i don't even know who that was that went into the capital if it was trump supporters i condemn what they did there and i and then to see these guys with the jesus save signs to me that's just pouring salt on a wound now i use that i use that term because you know what's interesting about salt um salt is great if you spread it out if you sprinkle it on but if you pile it in a pile and then eat it it's horrible patooie spit it out of your mouth and in some ways i think sometimes when you get a lot of christians together doing stuff um it doesn't always taste so good um i think salt spread out is good i heard one old preacher say i think it was j vernon mcgee or somebody who said christians are like manure spread out they can do a lot of good that's piled up makes a big stink and i think that that could be true but all that to say al jazeera loved this jesus saves and the cross as they're storming the capital is that a good testimony um are we being a good witness does do you think somebody got saved when they saw that jesus saves like oh drop to their knees oh i want to accept christ what must i do to be saved do you think that happened with the dudes carrying the cross i think not uh if anything it turned people off to jesus it absolutely did i remember as a youth pastor tadd slaughter and i we both were youth pastors back in the day and we were driving a load of junior hires uh through this the mean streets of medford oregon back in the day and uh i remember one of our kids you know rolled down the window of the school bus wearing one of those big yellow school buses you know with probably 80 kids packed in this bus and the window came down and this this girl yeah and she just at the top of her lungs she was screaming that thinking that she was going out and witnessing to all the world and we we actually took that as a teaching moment and we shared with the kids you know let's talk about what happened there as we were driving down the streets you know i'm sure people are calling the cops and saying there's a church bus with kids screaming out the windows or whatever um but uh we had to tell them to sit down and close the window and stop screaming but then we did a teaching on um being salt and light and is that really effective screaming out a window that jesus loves you if anything that probably turns people off and i've noticed that whether you're a junior higher or an adult there's still a lot of stupid christians going around thinking that they're blessing jesus because they're going to scream at the top of their lungs or do stuff like this you know where they're marching and protesting with a cross and jesus saves signs i don't think we're doing ourselves as christians any service at all and we're definitely not serving the lord we have to ask ourselves this question um when it comes to being salt and light in the last days these days that we live um how does that work out well you have to ask yourself are the things that i'm into the stuff that i'm passionate about you know does it make people want to follow jesus does it make people want to know more about jesus or do the things that i do or the activities i'm a part of does it drive people away from jesus that's that's largely a good question and and largely that's a question i try to ask myself um brett is is what you're teaching at the creek dr driving people to to want to know christ is it the saltiness that's going to promote a thirst for the living water is it a light that illuminates the darkness or or are you just getting political for the sake of being correct or you know a political beast and that's where i think these prophecy updates can go awry and some actually are i think and have so if if you're a person out there saying brett let him have it tell them about this and tell them about that and convince them that you know the trump should be the president or or convince them that this that's not even close to what i want to do um that's not now when i talk about election and fraud and stuff like that i'm not trying to make a point i really am not i'm just saying here's what the situation is here's what people are thinking and doing uh it it's more about what is i'd like to talk about what is now you can talk about what we should do about it uh you can pray for our leaders and our country you can elect people and you can run for office you can do you can do whatever you want to make change and stuff like that for me as a as a bible teaching pastor i want to show people what the bible says about the days we're living and what's going on around us um and by the way i think that uh with that a lot of what we're supposed to do is going to be embedded in that and i've already shared with you some of the to be salt to be light to promote thirst for the living water of jesus christ man there's some things we should be doing no matter who you are so that's really important for me to make sure that people understand these prophecy updates that's why i often share revelation chapter 19 verse 10 that reminds us it says for the testimony of jesus is the spirit of prophecy it's what prophecy is all about it's jesus it's speaking of it's a testimony of jesus christ um also matthew 24 42 um we're we're supposed to be watching and jesus told us this these are jesus's words when he said watch therefore for you know not what our your lord doth come so all of that said you know this idea of um you know what happened this week and you know with the trump rally and and the invasion of our capitol building and uh the guy sitting in pelosi's desk and like crazy times we're living in crazy times and and five people dead as of today from that uh incident there in washington d.c the one woman was shot former air force vet a horrible thing that happened but four other people died as well in that one police officer who was smashed over the head of the fire extinguisher and just unspeakable horrible things that took place and so i hope that uh those people that did those things and that were in the wrong are uh you know get what is do justice with our legal system criminal criminals that was criminal behavior and uh nobody should be doing that stuff um so um all that to say you know when i this past summer and you know condemned uh antifa and what they were doing uh i'm an equal opportunity offender when it comes to condemning things that are just sinful and wrong i really am uh and all and i'm happy to to uh go on record and say man that can't happen what happened there and it's wrong equally wrong um now uh but don't confuse why i'm not going into whoever those people are in their world view i don't know what it is uh and we'll probably find out more and more the guy with the bull horns the horns and the furry hair thing and he's a q anon guy as they've dug and found that he's been at all a lot of rallies trump rallies but he's one of the guys that went in there and you know climbed into the seat there in the in the house and um you know just just crazy stuff uh but you know these guys are all in trouble the guy that went into pelosi's office turned himself in yes yesterday i think um and uh you know he's gonna go to jail for doing what he did and i would uh concur with that that that's what should happen but but the thing is what's interesting the hypocrisy that i see you know during the summer we were saying you know you have to look at your riots and your our buildings are burning and the news guy's standing there with the building burning this is a mostly peaceful ride remember that news clip uh mostly peaceful uh protests as the buildings there in minneapolis were burning down the police precincts were being taken over um and that's the the liberal you know progressive side was saying it's just a few bad apples that were misrepresenting the group and the conservatives were saying uh it's all black lives matter and all antiphon they're all bad um and i can't say that that that's all true either but that's what the narrative was and the but the liberals were all saying this and and they're saying that you know uh no it's just a few people now the shoes on the other foot and uh the conservatives are saying it was just a few bad apples that went into the capitol building but there were a hundred thousand people who were peacefully protesting but the liberals they know they're all bad all those trump supporters are all like it's it's just flip-flopped now i i do have to say what's interesting to me again is the hypocrisy on both sides uh i'm going to admit that but i also marvel how uh i think the liberals forget you know especially us here in portland we've been watching this for days and months uh almost a year now riots in portland our streets on fire people you know bashing each other over the head with concrete milkshakes and um you know innocent people walking by being forced to say black lives matter like we we've had some serious crazy stuff and it's every night here in portland um and and and yet uh to see the uh the indignation uh that comes from a single event that happened to their side and how they're just gonna you know that's that's that's the worst thing that ever happened in the world it's i don't see an equitable debate going on about all this stuff but um here's here's where we kind of start to get to what i want to talk about and that is the everything i've talked about thus far is stuff that we in these prophecy updates have predicted why because we're nostradamus no we've predicted that this is where america continues to go in its decline because of what the bible says about the world and i believe the bible in its silence about america tells us a little bit about what's going to happen to america and that's sort of our theme if you could call a theme for tonight last week we or last month i talked about you know um uh intentional chaos intentional chaos that this chaos is meant to stir up trouble that's gonna usher in uh some of the things of the end times we talked about that last time if you missed it i'd recommend going to our previous you know december prophecy update where we talked about you know an intentional crisis and and i believe everything we're seeing uh is intentional by and large but but tonight i want to make our our main emphasis america in crisis because this has much to do with what the bible teaches about the end times you know this this capital uh is only a small symptom of something that actually is really bad that's going on in america we're more divided and we're in more trouble perhaps we've never seen such things here in america where our capitol building was stormed by american citizens shutting down the house and the senate during an important uh meeting like that we've never seen anything like that this is just a symptom that that america is real in real trouble now you know we are a nation they call it the great experiment why because we're a democracy for the people of the people by the people like it's all about you know us being able to vote in our the people we want to have in office and and this experiment has gone really pretty well thus far we've had a few hiccups along the way but my question is where we are today is it repairable or is this the decline and the fall of the american great experiment that's the question we have to ask and you know no matter if you're a and by the way i hope that um progressive liberal people are listening to this tonight and and conservative you know right wingers are listening to this tonight i really don't care what political spectrum or part of the spectrum you lie on i just want you to kind of think through what the bible says with me about what's going on in the world and we see crisis right now one of the things that i say that is a problem whether you want to admit it or not and and and i would speak to my you know liberal friends if they would have ears to hear that if you have half the country half of this nation that has lost faith in our electoral system is that what's that gonna what's that going to do where's that going to go like we have to think about that and and and and we we whether it's you know if you're a liberal you're saying well there was no um no uh uh trickery there was no uh cheating on this election there was no fraud if that's your position you still have the problem with half of the country thinks there was fraud now if you're one who's saying there was fraud and man and i've taken a lot of time to look at it and man everything that i see there's evidence of real evidence of fraud and i'll admit that's my position i think there was amazing fraud and and the election you know whether we could say it was stolen for sure well you know there's people even now still saying it's not over until the it's over remember what was it dandy dawn in the nfl monday night football you say you know it's not over until it's over it's not over to the fat lady things or whatever you know he used to say i remember and it's true when you're watching a game you thought it was over but then in the last you know 30 seconds something massive happened um there's still a group of people a large group of people are holding on even though there's only 12 days left of the trump presidency people holding on saying he's still going to be the president now let's just say that's true for a second i'm not saying it is but let's just say it is if that's true and trump remains president how's that going to go for this country like let's just say the courts uh say say uh yeah we found it it's true and they proved all the fraud and they proved that everything was bad and do you think that's gonna go over well uh starting you know january 20th um if that happens i i suggest we have to prepare for like civil war like i i predict horrible things if that happens um and some of you are saying i hope that happens well i i'm not going to say which way i think on that but i think we're headed for real trouble either way if it if it happens where trump uh gets stays in office like some of the people are saying out there um there's gonna be huge riots and problems mark my words you know we boarded up our windows of all of our cities here in america because of the election and when the election night happened uh all now i'll tell you i don't think all those uh towns like portland boarded up all their stores uh you know on election night in november um they didn't board them up because they thought well if trump you know loses everybody's gonna riot they weren't worried about that they were worried about riots if trump won that night we used to have elections for you younger people uh elections that you actually knew the night of who actually was elected uh but now you have to wait weeks and weeks and wonder who really is the president but that was the thought board up all the stores uh there in november because uh if trump gets elected you better believe there's gonna be riots and they're gonna burn down the cities can you imagine if by january 20th even if it's legal in the court system and the supreme court steps in and says nope there's fraud and hundreds of thousands of dead people voted and all this stuff that that's being said i'm just saying that's going to be a bad day in america some of you say it's a good day because you know truth is ruling going over tyranny you might be right about that but i still predict uh our cities are gonna burn it's gonna be and and i think there's a lot of people sick of their cities burning and they're not gonna let that happen so i see america in real real crisis because of people losing their faith in the electoral system now if there was any hope for fixing america i would say whether you're a liberal or a conservative a republican or a democrat you know um i would say we all need to maybe focus on making sure people feel a little better about the election uh next time uh if if we're gonna fix stuff but like i said i'm not here to tell you how to fix stuff and here's the here's what i have to tell you this is where it gets kind of dark in bible prophecy update i believe what we're saying is something that may not and i'm not be trying to predict this it may not get fixed we might be seeing the decline in the fall of the american experiment to a degree that is going beyond repair and i as a patriot it saddens me to even say that but as a bible student i read the bible and i see america nowhere you know all these other nations are mentioned in the bible in the end times prophecies uh whether by their modern name or by their ancient names but the united states were mysteriously absent when it comes to uh the end times and all the nations and what have you china's talked about you know russia turkey iraq you know even sudan and ethiopia like all the nations are talked about you know but but uh really there's no mention of the united states and and the question is why why wouldn't one of the greatest powers that have ever been in all the world be not even mentioned in bible prophecy the the general thought is we're not going to be an issue in the end times of the tribulation period after the rapture of the church uh the day of the lord as we've talked about it in in what have you so um so what we need to remember like we brought up last week last month when i was talking about intentional uh you know chaos um i think the downfall of america is part of the chaos that is perhaps intentional i want to show you why it's intentional are there people that are trying to see america go down i think there are people doing that and i'm not trying to get all conspiracy theory but does george soros or even you know bill gates are there reasons why these people want to see us go more global and spread the love and take america down if you not just sort of evil even level the the playing field if you would um well it has to do with i think an agenda and that agenda is what we started to talk about last week let me remind you of that verse in second timothy chapter 3 verse 1 where it says this know that in the last days perilous times will come you know days of real peril and i i remember i showed you last time i want to show you again the new international version of that is but mark this there will be days there will be terrible times in the last days the esv but understand this that in the last days there will come times of difficulty and then finally the new revised standard version you must understand this that in the last days distressing times will come did you see the the four descriptions there those four descriptions perilous terrible times of difficulty distressing times um that pretty much nails the days we're living and uh last time the the focus was intentional chaos around the world with the coronavirus and with all the other things we were talking about last time but um as we kind of turn our attention to the united states what does all this have to do with the last days what is the united states and the trouble that we're in have to do with the united states some of you might say well bro you just said it america is not here it seems um now there's there's traditionally been two thoughts as to why america is not in the prophetic picture one there's the theory the rapture of the church will disable this country and boy i'd love to think that's the truth that when the rapture happens that america largely is empty because there's a lot of christians in this country and i think that may have been true a lot more 30 40 50 years ago but we're seeing america exponentially becoming more and more irreligious that's happening the decline and fall of faith in the true and living god and believing in jesus christ the messiah that's on the decline it seems from what we see in america so so the rapture of the church that could be i mean if the rapture happens america has come out of the and i could still see that as a possibility the the second theory was that we were beat in battle by the russians or the nukes maybe if you lived through the cold war like me and as a kid you know learning to sit under our desks in elementary school in case a nuclear bomb hit our school like that little tiny desk would would save you uh from the nuclear attack but you know the truth is we we we realized that that just um wasn't wasn't going to help you but we thought maybe it will be destroyed and in america's not even in the picture because of that but i think that what we're seeing now is even more telling what what is the decline of the america's americans faith in the electoral system what is the dividing of americans and the hatred that i see on the streets in america what does that have to do with the last days well it's not all about america but with this decline of america we see several things i'm going to show you three things uh sort of juxtaposition uh three juxtaposed issues um that have to do with what's going on today here in america and so you know you can jot these down in your notes or maybe review this later but number one as we look at this one of the things in the decline of america and the united states globalism versus nationalism um you know uh you know people are saying brett what is this election why is it so contentious um you know some would say because trump's just irritating people don't like trump's personality um uh and and i think that is true there's people that don't like uh what he says and what he does and um and that's understandable but the level that is of attack on this single president from the time he went down the golden escalator there in new york city to the present is there something more to it than people just don't like him i believe there is and and this is what a lot of people fail to see that it's not just about his horrible tweets or the things mean things that he said or the vile things that he's said in times past it's not just that it's it's it's more about his worldview and how he sees america again this sounds political i'm just stating a matter of fact his mantra make america great again um american independence um uh you know america first uh this is this is this is the issue that that the whole world hates about donald trump yeah and again i'm just stating a fact and and whether you like him or hate him you're a republican democrat we can agree that's donald trump's world view and and that's what he's done you know the promises that he made to become more independent uh with um you know energy and oil and stuff like that he's done that in the four years of this administration he's he's become more of a nationalist now now this is interesting i gotta clarify this for those of you that um went to public school um there's a difference between nationalism and white nationalism a huge difference the white nationalist is a uh kkk skinhead wacko who needs to be thrown in jail uh and a racist that's a white nationalist but it's funny when they were saying trump's a nationalist and then everybody said yeah he's a white nationalist because he's white and he's a nationalist and they said that makes him a racist i'm sorry but that's just intellectually dumb that's not what you know and this whole narrative of trump's and his racism we can talk about other things that he said or we could argue about all that stuff i'm not talking about that just the fact that they called him a white nationalist because he was a nationalist um is embarrassing uh to intellectual people um when trump was called a nationalist originally it's because he believes america first um and he's not a globalist there's a big difference in a politician that's a globalist versus a nationalist now again you might say you're getting into political stuff here yeah but i'm getting into bible prophecy this is really important globalism versus nationalism as long as trump is in office globalism is largely thwarted the globalists and we could talk about um you know some of these groups and high hoity-toity committees that meet in belgium and other places around the world that are globalists and they're trying to make a more global worldview and and level off you know it's basically socialism and communism but it's global they want to make everybody equal and everybody answering to the same people and it's all a global we are the world and the world is all in compliance with itself and that's you know globalism once it's all about forget the united states forget russia forget china we're we we're all one world and one world government that's more globalism they're trying to bring the world together um and it sounds really nice by the way uh and uh and theoretically in theory it could be beautiful if there was a thing called sinless people but when you have sinful people in the world globalism is not going to work just like nationalism hasn't worked because you have sin that's the problem with the world is you have sinful people which makes all of these isms not work so trump is a big nationalist and he's america first by the way people that criticize that you know say well trump's not giving money to other countries first he wants to give money to ourselves and what about people in south america what about the israelis what about this and that we need to give money all over the world well the globalists would give money all over the world to friends and enemies and whoever just throw money all over the world that's spreading the love spreading the wealth that's globalism trump was saying nope america first we need to pay our own bills we need to pay make sure our own families have money and how and our own economy is strong then we can help other people do you remember by the way when you're flying on an airplane and you watch that video or the flight attendant gets up there with a little demonstration but i always i always kind of think about this when when it comes to the the time where you're supposed to put on the yellow oxygen mask um and it drops from the little compartment and she shows you how to put on the mat but in the video or the flight attendant will say make sure that you put your own mask on first then you put the mask on of your child why do they really harp on that one what's the big deal with that well as it turns out if you if you don't do that quickly in a real emergency where oxygen is gone from the cabin you could pass out fairly quickly uh because there's no air there um so so what they think is you know the knee jerk is for a mother to say oh i gotta protect my child and you go there first and you pass out and you both die um so that's why they say you put yours on first so that you can then save your child uh adequately uh and stuff like that so that like that's that's what a nationalist believes you got to make sure america's strong healthy wealthy powerful uh military economy that we're all so strong and dialed in then we can help other nations that's the trumpian sort of view you say brett who cares he's got 12 days or whatever and they've pretty much driven him out not only of office but they kicked him off twitter they kicked him off facebook did you see that if you're not a news junkie maybe this is the first you've heard it but they've they've kicked trump off of twitter and some people are like yay no more tweets from trump but you know it's an interesting thing as a person who's grown up in america but you know freedom of speech is one of our constitutional fundamental rights and it's amazing to me that these mega you know corporations like facebook and twitter can can just say we're taking that guy's the president of the united states love him or hate him they're taking away his freedom to the way he communicates uh largely uh you know he's got millions and millions of followers on his twitter account and they've locked him out for life as of today of twitter and facebook um and so you know some people are celebrating that for me whether you love or hate trump to me it's a loss in america that we have really taken away the freedom of the speech because if you can do that to the president you could surely do that to old pastor brett you could shut me down in a heartbeat nobody would even care except for maybe the you know 200 000 people that might watch this uh prophecy update uh you know maybe um maybe they'll silence me because i'm talking about stuff that they don't like i'm sure if twitter heard what i'm saying right now they probably shut me down um and uh prophecy updates have been shut down by the way by uh you know uh youtube and and some of these media outlets and what have you so it is a funny thing that our freedom of speech is is to me this was the nail in the coffin when the president of the united states loses his ability to communicate as the president they took it away from him today we are no longer the america that i grew up in um it's part of this decline and fall of our nation some people might not even sense this on the richter scale to me this was a big one today a huge uh tremor in america when our president was shut down and silenced now that's an interesting thing so you say okay that's trump globalism whatever what does that have to do with anything well let's move forward to the next administration should there be a peaceful transition uh uh on january 20th um joseph biden he is not a nationalist uh and the democratic party platform and again i'm just stating facts you can look it up in their own part i'm not i'm not saying this as an insult or anything it's just what it is biden is a globalist and largely the democrat party is a globalist they want to they want to you know that's why there's one party that wants no borders and no walls uh and the uh the um you know trump administration wanted to build a wall and separate uh keep people out of this country and and make our country safe internally the the globalist says no we are safe we are the world open our borders forget walls send money all around the world and biden and the obama administration as biden was the vice president at that time he very much was a globalist at that time and he will be this time and biden's you know uh staff and his cabinet will be very much globalists um uh way back in 2019 when they were talking about what if joseph biden was a president the delaware gazette wrote about how biden would be in a globalist in chief that's and that's what they were saying um the author of this article said joe biden recently unveiled his foreign policy program and he made one thing very clear he wants to return to the globalist agenda that president trump has thoroughly dismantled why because he's a nationalist i respect no borders that cannot be contained by wall by walls biden proudly declared during a recent speech um so you've got these two very different world views you've got donald trump and biden and the administrations are very very different and the trump administration nationalists strong borders energy independence stronger military america first pro-israel the biden administration is going to be very much the opposite of that more globalists remove borders uh world climate change rules we need to all comply as a world nationally and globally uh redistribute wealth um and um and even the biden administration is hostile toward israel because israel is also a nationalist kind of uh uh nation uh one of the few that are left um so you got this globalism versus nationalism um uh but basically um as biden wants to return to more of a globalist agenda um it's remember how um the the obama administration was more lead from behind that's the way they talked and you know bowing to the other you know our president was bowing to people in a apologetic you know apologizing to her remember that in the previous administration with obama that's the more of a globalist thing to to let them let the rest of the world uh you know sort of flex their muscles and what have you well you say brett okay got it what does that have to do with me and bible prophecy here's the thing globalism has to be the thing during the time of the tribulation period so if trump were were reelected uh and if he would have won with and there was no fraud and all this stuff if it would have just been a clean election like it would have been in previous times and trump was the administration that was going to do four more years i would probably have to say you know what i think that maybe the uh the end times scenario might be delayed um or slowed because you know you really can't see the globalist biblical prophetic way of of the world uh with a trump administration in fact i would make this statement trump being president you could not really see the tribulation period scenario and the coming world leader that the bible calls the antichrist which is not joseph biden and it's not kamala harris or any of that um uh but it it's actually uh some world leader that's on on the scene i believe he very possibly could be alive today and being readied for global leadership right now but you see that's why much of the globalist world community hates trump too um you know some people say why why is soros so sort of anti-trump and puts you know millions and millions of dollars to fight everything trump stands for it's because soros is more of a globalist and he wants to see america taking down a few notches so that we can fit in with the rest of the world and there's kind of this way of doing it but if you recall in our previous studies the bible teaches about the tribulation period that it will be one world government one world religion one world economy and a one world leader to imagine that in the world even 20 years ago was kind of hard how are we going to go from all these this multinational sort of world but what we're seeing right now is because of globalism and the the the fast and furious drive that not only the the biden administration openly embraces but much of the world now is embracing this globalism now there's a few other nations that still need to probably change a little bit the russians under putin that's an interesting thing how does that fit into globalism as well as china but what's interesting is if you follow the biden administration he is supportive of china and he doesn't see china as an enemy um boy we could talk about that and and we could get into politics uh there but the the truth is that's just a matter of fact biden has quite a relationship and his son does too uh with china and um and that's why you always hear biden speaking nicely of china um and so you can almost see more of this globalist thing sort of saying hey china we're with you and all this stuff um but that's the problem globalism versus nationalism once we get the biden administration in i see the end time scenario so much more likely as far as easy to happen if we have this globalist worldview by the way what are the things that are making people so open to globalism you know uh 20 years ago 10 years ago the world wasn't really ready for globalism there was still too much sense of nationalism you know um countries were too proud to be part of their own country and and what is it that shifted um some invisible things have made the world start to say yeah we need to be more global one of the invisible things is the coronavirus you know tracking the coronavirus uh making sure people are uh you know vaccinated keeping record of who's vaccinated and who's not um and uh and that you know uh it's a what a convenient thing that we have this invisible enemy uh in the coronavirus that has made the world so scared everybody's so freaked out because of the coronavirus that they're willing to say yeah we'll give up some of our liberties and we'll give up some of our identity so that we can be safe and and i can see the clamp down globally where unless you have a vaccine and you're marked with that saying you have had the vaccine and you've got proof of that you won't be able to travel could it be that you won't be able to buy or sell or go shopping uh are you bible prophecy people this should make you start thinking what is it that the the chronovirus could do it makes people open to ideas like being sort of recorded as a person who's taken the vaccine and wearing a mask and doing these things but could it be in the form of a mark we've talked about quantum dot tattoos where you just stick a sticker on your skin but it's got these microscopic lead needles that leave little radioactive signals stuck in your skin that can be read with a scanner that can hold all kinds of information about you you can't see it with your naked eye but with a scanner it'll scan the quantum dot that the tattoo that's been in your skin that will hold records some argue um that you could use the quantum dot tattoo as a two in one it can be a vaccine and also a record uh keeping a way of who who's marked with a vaccine and who's not marked i'm using that term purposefully um but you can see how the world will say yeah stick me with a sticker and i'll follow that world leader who's making us all do that see that's the thing the coming one world government will be one world leader and i believe that whatever that world leader is the antichrist will come up with some system where he'll demand that everybody be marked with his mark and somehow that mark will include the numbers 666 which is the number of his name the book of revelation talks about that we've done whole studies on that but you can see how the world is starting to say tap me up so i can travel so i can go shopping so i can leave my house and have thanksgiving and have more than six people at my house but if you're not part of that mark you're on the outside and you're in trouble and eventually during the tribulation period if you're not taking the mark they want to kill you and they will kill you um you can almost see that today where people are just furious um i have a good friend who was in the post office yesterday and um was not wearing the mask perfectly correctly according to this one person and this man started yelling uh at this lady and furious because she wasn't wearing her mask perfectly that's insane to me that just shows we're losing our marbles and uh i can see a scenario where there's a day where there's a world leader that says you must be marked you've got to have that quantum dot tattoo or the mark of the beast whatever that is it could be any number of kinds of technology but you can see the scenario where the world's saying i'll do it i'll give up certain liberties and i'll give up certain rights so that i can be more free to do what i want to do one of the things i have to say though about this the mark of the beast that's coming um and you can see the handwriting on the wall right now on that one the one thing that i hear people say i'm not getting a vaccination because i i think it's the mark of the beast well i don't agree with that and i'll tell you why the bible indicates that when you take the mark of the beast you know what you're doing you're aligning yourself with that one world leader and uh you will be clear on that you're not going to actually oh no i've taken the mark of the beast what do i do because the bible does talk about if you take that mark it's over your mark you are going to be lost if you take the mark of this coming world leader the antichrist um so don't don't be one of those feelings well i might accidentally take the mark if i do this or do that uh no it'll be a cognitive decision you're aligning yourself with this coming world leader now i believe that the church is not even going to be here when all that happens i believe the rapture of the church could happen tomorrow we'll be taken up out of here but you better believe once all the christians are gone in the world this idea will even be more doable globalism will be even more acceptable than it is with all the christians on the world so all that to say relativism versus morality is my second point globalism versus nationalism as we change administrations the biden administration sets it up for more of a end time scenario it's just it's easier to engage in what the bible says the end times will be so some of you might say well we've got to change that no we don't that's just what's happening and guess what we're closer to the rapture of the church i believe now uh with an abiding administration again i'm not arguing you shouldn't fight for this or stand up for that i'm just saying from a biblical prophetic worldview one of the things we can be glad about is you and i we have a front row seat of watching the end times becoming closer and closer and i think it could happen in our time so you got globalism versus you know nationalism that's changing number two relativism versus morality relativism versus mortality relativism again by definition is the philosophical position that all points of view are equally valid and that all truth is relative to the individual and by the way that's a more of a college professor liberal uh democratic kind of worldview i'm just saying um you know my truth is my truth your truth is your truth but there are no absolutes that's more of a liberal world view it's the liberal worldview that says if you if you think you're a woman but you're really a man biologically then you are whatever you say you are um that's relativism but the the the um the moralist or those that want to uh embrace morality say there's right and wrong and there's a doctrine the definition of morality is a doctrine or system of moral conduct and if you're a person who's a relativist you say there is no there are no moral absolutes you can do whatever if it feels good do it um and you know whatever but the other side basically says no we we believe in doctrinal truth now as christians if you're a christian um it used to be where you said well we believe the bible and the bible is the moral absolute with liberal christianity which doesn't look like christianity to me in a lot of ways and this is where people get all judgy and say who do you who are you to say that you're a christian or not a christian and you know brett don't judge all that but you'll know that by their fruit and if if there's a person whose moral relativism is their worldview you do not believe the bible you're not going with the bible you're saying the bible is just this book of do's and don'ts and it doesn't mean anything to you um that's relativism um and really that's that's the second divide that we're seeing with this changing you know trump is a morally saying that abortion is wrong um and there were even strides that we saw during the last four years where abortion is being questioned more now than it was before praise the lord for that i wish we would have gained more ground on the abortion issue because it's such a biblical issue um but but a united a u.s led by the trump administration's uh people um you know it slowed some of the things that the end times require the trump admin administration sort of slowed those things for example religious freedom religious freedom was defended way more uh during the trump administration than the obama administration when when biden gets in it's going to go back to the other sort of not for religious freedom abortion is the question the supreme court justices that were placed um during the trump administration they were more uh of moralists less relativists uh and people that want to strict to the constitution the constitution was written by moralists and that's why the relativists don't really like the constitution and want to see the constitution sort of um rewritten or thrown away altogether you're seeing that very much today in politics um moralism israel was supported jerusalem was declared the capital by the trump administration the golan heights were acknowledged by trump as israel and it's not you know occupied territory trump made peace deals with you know israel and the united uae and the bahrain and the the people of sudan like these are amazing um uh things that trump did uh and and by the way you know love him or hate him he made a bunch of promises four years ago and in my lifetime i'm just gonna say uh whether you hate his promises that he said and he he's largely kept a lot of his promises that he would said he would do uh the supreme court justices that would he would place uh making jerusalem the capital city like these are things other presidents in the past have promised obama bush clinton bush all said they were going to acknowledge jerusalem as the capital they never did because it was too hot of a political potato but trump just did it and cautioned to the wind and that's that's a done deal iran was weakened and hanging by a thread really during the trump administration because there was a moral doctrine that said that the iranians cannot have a nuclear weapon to blow up israel that was a morality issue uh the trump admin administration was slowing down iran's success of getting nuclear weapons the obama administration and the nuke deal that he and biden made uh previously that all is coming back with the biden administration that iran's gonna have pallets of money like in the obamas remember they had the pallets of millions and millions of dollars pallets they're shipped to iran uh by the obama administration you know the the biden administration will go back to restricting religious freedom you know churches are not essential uh you know i think it's going to be interesting to see what happens with churches like ours in the biden administration because in the trump administration our president was saying churches need to meet and churches are essential and uh we even the attorney general at the time you know said uh go to church and um and we we had the chief law office of the united states the attorney general saying go back to church even though the governors were saying no um but you better believe the biden administration is going to clamp down he uh he made claims that you know 100 days of masks for everyone that's that's uh going to restrict freedom in general uh in america making people wear masks is a whole new level uh that we've never seen in america but we're going to see that all change churches are not essential people will be forced under the by an administration like in the obamas to do things they don't want to do christians will have to bake cakes for gay couples even though it's against their religious views a lot of these cake makers by the way like the ones that were here in oregon that got so brutally treated um it's it's not as much they made cakes for gay people it's just if you're gonna say something uh and write it on a cake that you know it's against your religion we used to be a country that didn't force people to do stuff that was against their religion but the biden administration under relativism says no you know you can't say what's wrong for you is wrong for someone else whereas a moral system says you can stick with your morals your doctrines your system of moral conduct and we will not force that on you um it's a totally different worldview so um you know abortion is okay the supreme court what do you do with the supreme court that trump left that's um now perhaps leaning toward a moral uh more of a moralism and less of a relativism well the answer is the idea of packing the supreme court that's a biden thing when asked about that um the npr writes about this when asked about court packing biden said he will convene a commission to study reforms and most people believe that he's going to try to pack the courts and that is right now instead of just you know the nine supreme court justices they're gonna put a bunch of them in there and they'll be able to throw a bunch of uh you know relativists moral relativists uh rather than moralists in there um some people say liberal or conservative or all that in the supreme court we're not supposed to talk about that but that's what people are thinking you know are if a person's going into the supreme court are they pro-abortion or against abortion that's always a big one and if biden packs the court like they said our supreme court will become uh further away from the bible closer to more of an end times sort of worldview globalism and relativism that's what we're going to see you know israel will be condemned once again because the biden obama administration was the the most belligerent administration in the history of the united states toward israel hands down uh i remember being in jerusalem with joey we were walking down the street by the jaffa gate there and this young college guy uh walked up to us with his newspaper and he threw it on the ground and there was a picture of obama and he spat on it he said you're president and he spent and he walked away uh that's what they thought of obama in israel because he was anti-israel pro-palestinian pro-dividing up the land of israel which the bible says in the last days they're going to try to do that so a biden administration is going to go back and that's why the israeli minister warns of war if biden returns to the iran deal according to the jerusalem post in fact it's interesting because the israelis believe that if biden gets into office and they re-engage the nuke deal that biden says he's going to do then it will be war between israel and iran that's what israel is saying right now newsweek had an article just uh november 9th 2020 why iran's ayatollahs may be the biggest winners of a biden president this is newsweek not exactly a conservative uh publication but the ayatollahs of iran will be thrilled to have the biden administration uh because they'll be uh more against israel and try to schmooze uh the relationship with iran and send more money and lift sanctions and all that stuff that we've been doing the last four years that has really crippled iran's ability to uh wreak havoc in that region of the world um by the way much of the world is holding their breath now because with the trump administration a lot of the nations around iran were going at least we're not going to be attacked by iran but as soon as biden gets in a lot of the nations are warring up gearing up for battle against iran because it's going to change the whole dynamic in the middle east now with all that said you know the jerusalem post article by the way it says if biden stays with the policy of the obama administration there will be an end a violent confrontation between israel and iran um the position on biden's iran deal could lead to war between iran uh and he goes on no one sees iran's behavior creating instability in the middle east and thinks it's right to let them win neither the americans nor israel will allow a nuclear iran but with biden they just might they might even pave the way for a nuclear iran and so under obama administration you know the trump administration built up our military uh the the more globalist worldview says that they're going to make our military settle down uh and not uh reinforce it uh give china more space to do what they're doing and iran will be emboldened and what have you so um so all this to say what's been happening with the trump administration and again i'm not saying i'm not trying to make an argument pro-trump or against trump i'm just saying if you're looking at the end time the world end time scenario the trump administration slowed that down what the end times is supposed to look like not not globalism nationalism so as long as trump was in slowed down that process with the biden administration we're going to race toward globalism and more of an end-time scenario that sets the stage for a one-world government a one-world economic system a one-world religious system and and once once you know it's almost like they wanted the reason there was such hatred and vitriol from the beginning with trump is he was in the way of globalism and there's a lot of powerful and rich people who really didn't like that and that's why you see if you've ever wondered why why everybody are so hateful and so against like what's the deal if you if you sense sort of a weird level of animosity and a weird power behind the hatred toward toward the trump administration it has to do with these powerful people and institutions that have a global world view and want to really usher in what the bible says is the one world government one world religious system one world economic system so it's like there's something holding back the end times one of those things in the trump administration let me tell you another thing that's holding it back the church of jesus christ let me remind you what we read about in second thessalonians chapter 2 verses 7 through 9. it says for the mystery of iniquity death already work only he who now letteth that's the king james holding back like let in a tennis game if the ball is held back by the net it's a let now he was holding back letteth will let until he and i'll just quickly tell you i've done whole teachings on this but the he there is the church or the holy spirit that is in the church until he be taken out of the way then shall that wicked be revealed whom the lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth shall destroy with the brightness of his coming even him whose coming is after the working of satan with all power and signs and lying wonders um so ii thessalonians reminds us that the church is holding back with the holy spirit in the church holding back we're the moralists we're the ones who are saying the bible is the moral standard as soon as the church is taken out of the world then globalism and relativism and all this stuff will just go rampant right now we're the ones holding back in in sort of a similar way that the the um the trump administration was holding back end time scenario i'm not saying trump was the the church or was a godly guy or i'm not saying anything i'm just saying it's funny to see how there are things that have been holding back the end time scenario with trump out of the way the only thing that's left to kind of be taken out of the way is the church of jesus christ that's what second thessalonians chapter 2 verses 7 through 9 says so as the united states continues to weaken the church of jesus christ is stuffed down and not essential anymore in our nation the rapture of the church could be the final thing lifted off so that globalism and one world government one world system is kicked into gear so what we're witnessing in america what we saw on the capitol steps and in the capitol building um just a couple days ago is the evidence of a weakening america a weakening of nationalism a weakening of moralism uh and uh the end time scenario sort of being brought in by the way a few other quick things china called uh the breaking in of the capital building a beautiful site china goes online to mock u.s capital chaos now if you follow politics nancy pelosi said when she saw the riots in hong kong she said what a beautiful sight and so the chinese are just sort of uh kind of slapping back uh with pelosi they're kind of interesting um the owl monitor uh can you believe is who's scolding the united states turkey calls for common sense amid post-election unrest in the united states um you know in in in iran they've put out you know a wanted debtor like that poster is a real poster the one that looks like the old west wanted dead or alive uh and um you know the um the mullahs and the leaders of iran are calling for his death uh in fact check this out president hassan irani now rouhani he's a real president of of the iranians and listen to what he said just a few days ago he said president rouhani said that trump will be disgraced for his crimes will not only be ousted from power but also life in the next few weeks in other words he's going to be killed in the next few weeks according to hassan rouhani he added that iran and the middle east nations will avenge soleimani's assassination we talked about soleimani's assassination and a couple prophecy updates ago but all that to say the globalists um are wanting to move forward and they're gonna use i didn't tell you what the second invisible uh tool is the first invisible tool the globus want to use is the coronavirus the second invisible tool is climate change uh globalism is going to use that to clamp down on the bad nations and and force nations to do what they want to do that's what i believe well there's one more we're almost done leadership versus submission so we've talked about globalism versus nationalism that's something that's changing right now uh because of the obama trump change or pardon me the biden a trump change uh and but the third thing that we're going to see is leadership versus submission with the trump leadership he was leading from ahead and maybe maybe some people would argue dragging people around they didn't like his leadership but it seems like the world wants a weaker america that's more submissive to all the other nations where we're compliant with the u.n where we do what all the other nations want us to do even though they aren't doing it themselves uh whether we're paying for everything and they're not um trump held people's feet to the fire um in a way of leadership um but the biden administration wants to lead from behind that's even what they they think that's more of a positive term that we just kind of you know acquiesce um and by the way uh i had a lot to say about this tonight but i i'll just say it this way um when there's a lack of strong leadership there there creates and this is true all throughout history i'm somewhat of a historian i love studying history i love reading about ancient world powers and battles and you know wars and world wars but whenever there's a submissive leadership and not a strong leadership it leaves a great vacuum where leaders will step in if you don't have strong leadership in the world um then then someone will step up whether he's good bad or ugly just ask the people during the time of genghis khan what an amazing story that is uh leadership versus submission and um and and that's just the way human nature is leadership in america under biden um the question that everybody will he even really be under in control um there's a lot of people that think he's more of a figurehead and it's actually uh uh kamala uh uh who um i always try to think how do you say her name but she can't even say her name she said it wrong too so kamala kamala she you know some people think she's really the one um who's going to lead but the weakness of leadership as the president of the united states leaves a vacuum for this coming world leader that i believe is going to be the stage set it's more set under the leadership of a biden type administration than uh a trumpian sort of administration um by the way uh speaking of kamala she's she i a lot of people i think there was even some freudian slips in some of the speeches that were given about that she's really the one who's the president i'm not trying to make a political statement uh just we'll just hear their words i've got a few snips watch this this is con kamala a harris administration together with joe biden harris pride administration is going to relaunch that effort and keep pushing further to take the vaccine once it's available i took it to instill public confidence in the vaccine president-elect terrace took it took hers today for the same reason president-elect harris wow that's interesting there's been several goofs where they've said that some call it freudian slips i don't know but the truth of the matter is um with the whole georgia elections and the way they went now you know we have this balance of power that's interesting in the senate you know before uh you know a few days ago there uh you know the republicans had the majority in the senate the democrats on the majority in the house and so it was hard to get things done from either party and that sort of was maybe some might call it a check of balance of power but as of a couple days ago with the georgia elections and the way that all turned out um it's a 50 50 vote right now 50 50. and when they vote down the line guess who gets to split the vote and come up with the deal it's kamala harris as the vice president she gets to cast the deciding vote and so these next two years if you know a biden steps into this is a trans peaceful transfer of power and it all goes the way it's all looking like it's going to go then right now the biden administration will have kind of free course to do whatever they want to do all that to say i believe that sets the stage for this coming world leader um in first john chapter 2 verses 18 through 23 you can read that whole thing but um it basically says you know little child it is the last time at the end of time and you have heard that antichrist shall come even now there are many antichrists um what is that all about well first john chapter 2 verses 18 through 23 but also the second part i'm trying to hurry through this it says i have not written to you because you know not the truth but because you know it and that no lie is of the truth who is a liar but he that denieth that jesus is the christ he is antichrist that denieth the father and the son so this antichrist character i believe the stage is set with a vacuum of leadership not a strong leadership and the world is moving toward globalism antichrist is um sort of you know uh on the way and the word antichrist by the way it means two things against christ and in place of christ antichrist is both a person uh revelation 13 16 and 19 talks about who he is um but it's also there's a spirit of antichrist first john chapter 4 uh verse 3 says every spirit that confesseth not that jesus christ is come in the flesh is not of god and that is the spirit of antichrist whereof you have heard that it should come even now already in the world by the way the spirit of antichrist includes those like hitler stalin nero those that were anti-christian anti-jew there's a spirit of antichrist we've witnessed in the world but the meaning of that term antichrist one of the key things is he will deny jesus's deity which is what we're going to see in the world as we get closer now with trump gone biden is the kind of leader that would set the stage for this it even create perhaps a vacuum for this coming world leader the bible talks about um and so all that to say um you know i believe that that we are right at the cusp you and i are right at the edge of this all coming down right before us you and i have a front row seat to the end times uh scene i believe that uh brent why are you so happy shouldn't you be depressed about all this um i'll tell you why you know you've got to remember and this is where i hope you prophecy update people and maybe even some of you prophecy update pastors that are tuning in to this we always as christians need to remind each other that it's all good for us all things are working together for good to those who love you know god those that are called according to his purpose uh romans 8 28 makes that clear and even though the world is in a tough situation and our hearts break for the united states and for the poor woman who was shot in the capitol building and the poor police officer that was killed with a fire extinguisher and our hearts break and stuff but in the big picture of things you and i we have so much to really be thankful for and and um don't forget what the bible says about these days that we're talking about in first thessalonians chapter four uh i'll remind you what it says then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up greek word harpanzo latin word rapture together with them in the clouds to meet the lord in the air and so shall we ever be with lord check it out wherefore comfort one another with these words one of the most comforting words i can give you right now is to say the rapture of the church can happen at any moment so as christians we should be of good cheer we should be happy that we're seeing changes in the world of the signs of the times that are indicating we're getting close you know i kind of liken it into surgery some of you you know you've had surgeries like a knee surgery or something and you kind of dread it because you know it's coming it's going to be painful there's going to be recovery time but a lot of my friends have had knee surgeries after a while they're walking good and they feel a hundred times better and it's all good in a way the rapture of the church the end times the tribulation is like a giant surgery the earth's gonna have to go through the time where god pours out his wrath on a christ-rejecting sinful world and the sin and the cancer of sin is gonna have to be removed but once he does that after the tribulation period the rapture of the church the tribulation period then christ returns and that's when we're healed that's when we live in peace and prosperity and that's why you and i can comfort one another with these words as christians we're not even going to go through the time where the antichrist is here that's why more than ever i think the rapture can happen tomorrow or the next day like i don't know when the rapture is going to happen well what if it doesn't well we lived our lives as if the rapture could happen tomorrow and that's how we're supposed to live our lives uh that's good news it's not just first thessalonians four first thessalonians five and this is my last scripture of the night it goes on with that same theme the wrath is going to be poured out upon a christ-rejecting sinful world but it says for god hath not appointed us to wrath but obtain salvation by our lord jesus christ who died for us that whether we wake or sleep or we're alive or dead we should live together with him wherefore here it is again comfort yourselves together and edify one another build each other up as the word outify even also as you do what do we do should we go around complaining about the trump administration or mad about that or complaining about the biden administration and mad about that or about masks or coronavirus or quantum dot tattoos should we be upset and freaked out and getting or should we we need to ask the question i started with at the beginning of tonight is my passion is my things that i'm doing and the things i'm tweeting and texting and instagramming and the stuff am i drawing people to christ with my my rants and the things i'm saying or am i driving people away and think man this person's nuts or this person's angry or this person's unhappy remember we're the salt we need to be flavoring the world and reminding people that we can comfort one another with these words the rapture of the church is happening comfort each other with that um we're not appointed into the wrath of god the tribulation bread but to obtain salvation through jesus christ comfort one another with that and my hope and prayer is that if you're a person who's not a believer maybe you're a political liberal and you're watching this and you're saying i don't know about all that stuff what i've said is you know just factual information about what's going on in the world whether you agree with it or not it doesn't matter i mean but what i'm saying is the world is the united states is in turmoil right now we can agree with that we have a problem when our capitol building is being crushed and opened and people going in we've got issues that we have to deal with but you know the way that you should deal with it in my uh biblical understanding is to to just look to and look for jesus christ comfort yourself knowing that you can be saved you're a sinner who needs jesus and when you confess your sins and repent and say lord i believe that your son jesus died on the cross for my sins then you'll be saved because it says in romans 10 verse 9 and 10 if you confess with your mouth and believe in your heart the lord jesus christ that god raised him up from the dead it says you will be saved romans 10 verse 9 and 10. so that's what i want uh prophecy update should make us look to jesus hope for jesus jesus is the spirit of prophecy and so don't be discouraged in these days be excited front row seats to watching the things of the earth unfold just like the bible said it would and i think we're living right on the cusp of the day of the lord these are exciting times i counted a privilege to be a christian alive during these times looking to looking for jesus christ well thanks for joining us tonight and don't forget to share this teaching uh share it pass it along on your youtube channel or friends or instagram or facebook if they don't throw you off first but uh uh pass it along because i think that what we're sharing here from the bible is of key importance and people are hungry to know what the bible says about the last days so share it even if it people think you're a wacko uh never stopped me so uh you can do it too if you want that'd be great but uh let's close with prayer and then we'll call it a night and lord we're so thankful that your word brings clarity in times of confusion and how thankful i am that you're not the author of confusion but of peace and you are the prince of peace and we know that this world will not really know peace until you come and rule and reign on this earth so we wait and we watch we look with readiness for the rapture of the church and the second coming of your son jesus lord when that all happens we know all the wrongs will be righted all the hurts will be fixed and all the the disease will be done away with um lord we look forward to that day where you come and rule and reign on this earth but until then show us how to live our lives pointing people to your son jesus and this we ask in jesus name amen amen and thanks for joining us god bless you we'll see you next time you
Channel: Athey Creek
Views: 93,499
Rating: 4.7001271 out of 5
Keywords: Brett Meador, Bible, Church, Teaching, Study, Christian, Jesus, Oregon, Through the Bible, Athey Creek, Athey Creek Church, Athey Creek Christian Fellowship, Prophecy Update, Prophecy, Update, End Times, Tribulation, Rapture, End of Days, Jesus' Return, Israel, Iran, China, Capitol, riot, protest, Washington, DC, Trump, Biden, President, World, Christ
Id: gAGuzmaQpJg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 4sec (5404 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 09 2021
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