Through the Bible (Jeremiah 32)

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jeremiah chapter 32 did you know that it takes 70 hours and 40 minutes to read the bible cover to cover it actually takes 52 hours and 20 minutes to read if you're reading at a casual you know pace like a like they actually call it pulpit pace like if a pastor is reading the bible um i'm not sure what that means but it takes 52 hours and 20 minutes to read the old testament and it takes 18 hours and 20 minutes to read the new testament the old testament psalms takes the longest as far as the books go it takes four hours and 28 minutes and the new testament gospel of luke uh takes two hours and 43 minutes to read and we are now currently on a 15-year plan of as we go verse by verse uh chapter by chapter through the bible with athe creek so we're taking it uh slow and and sometimes people say brett you know you shouldn't worry about the speed but i do and i'll tell you why it's not that i'm just trying to you know hurry us through the bible as much but you know i'd like to get it done before we all die that's one thing uh you know i've heard you know people say well my pastor was in the book of romans chapter 1 for 10 years i'm like that's great but you know you won't even famous romans when you're like a senior citizen like that's not you got to get through the whole bible uh and so there's a certain pace that i do target and i try to shoot for and it's one that i think is really helpful and it's proven over time by the way is some of the young people in our church i want them to go through at least a good section of the bible you know before they go off to college and i want i want you know people to uh you know i've noticed that people do kind of cycle through churches you know 10 15 years uh they kind of say okay we kind of heard that and we've done that and been there and we hate everybody there now so we're going to go to another church or whatever they do but i've noticed there's a cycle of people that happens in churches in church life so i've kind of found that that that pace i've always i've always liked to you know uh keep it at a certain pace in our current study i'm praying about the next time through uh when we reach the gospel of john um that'll be our our that'll actually mark our third time through the bible or you know starting our third time through the bible i'd like to do the old jay vernon mcgee through the bible in five years did you know he did it in five years he skipped some of the chapters if you notice he'll say now chapter 35 36-37 is about spoons forks and knives of the temple and then he just kind of goes along like he just covered that but it's called a survey a survey through the bible and that's totally legit too and i like that and i've prayed about that that might be our next one because getting the bible see that's the second reason not just that i want to finish the through the bible series before everybody dies but also there's a certain context of the bible as it relates to the various speed of the bible like for example if you were to take a you know a bible vacation i just told you you could read the the whole bible in 70 hours uh you know that's an interesting 70 hours and 48 minutes or whatever and so so that that's actually shorter than you think or even the new testament you know i was thinking if you could read the new testament in 20ish hours man take a new testament vacation uh and just go and say i'm gonna i'm gonna take a vacation but you know we're gonna do certain hours of the day we're gonna read through the new testament you know if you have nothing else to do what a great idea just to read through the bible but reading the whole context of the new testament in 20 hours i think there's real value to even that getting context and stuff so that's something we have to kind of remember is the bible is not you know a book that should just be kind of spot checked here and there and we need to read the whole thing and it all fits it within a context of itself and uh and and the reason that's so important is because other parts of the scriptures unlock some of the most uh mysterious scriptures and in other words you wouldn't really know what it's all about unless you actually read other scriptures tonight here in chapter 32 of jeremiah we're going to see that there's there's something i hear that i think's tucked away and it has to do with stuff we've been learning about remember the dual fulfillments of bible prophecy and even triple fulfillments of bible prophecy how it ripples throughout history some of these prophetic events that the bible talks about well as it turns out tonight's one of those things where i think we see a sort of an illustration from the lord to jeremiah that's going to echo not only from his day but all the way to the end of the world and uh we're gonna see that again tonight and i think it's just glorious how the bible is is not a boring book when you start comparing it to itself and seeing the way it interacts with itself and uh the the pictures and the illustrations that really comes to life and i hope we can see that tonight so tonight we have the issue of jeremiah's title deed we're going to see jeremiah's title deed to a piece of property and um we also know that jeremiah is in prison uh you know under zedekiah the king members jeremiah had been prophesying that you know the babylonians are coming and that you he says you guys need to submit yourself to the babylonians don't fight against babylon but just submit yourselves and and and some of you will be taken into captivity but the lord will bring you back into this land at some point well the people hated that and they rejected jeremiah's word punched him in the face and threw him into prison poor jeremiah but while he's in prison the lord shows him something and reveals something about what's going on that i think is going to be interesting for tonight's study so the first thing we're going to see in verses 1 through 5 is the situation uh if you're taking notes number one the situation it says there in verse 1 the lord that came to jeremiah from the lord in the 10th year of zedekiah king of judah which was the 18th year of nebuchadnezzar now pause for a second this just sets the date we know the exact date or i should say at least the exact year of when this uh this took place it was in 587 bc uh because that's that would be the 13th year of king nebuchadnezzar and the 10th year of king zedekiah we know that from other points of history but also other parts of the bible we know that this would be 587. now does this year ring a bell it's close to another year that's probably one of the most infamous years in all of israel's history did anybody know what your that would be right 586. now remember we're going backwards in numbers because it's bc the bc days so the numbers are going down so 587 jeremiah's in prison this prophecy is given it'll be the next year that that final wave of babylonian invasion 586 bc would finally destroy jerusalem destroy israel and all of the jews would either be killed or taken into captivity um horrible time in israel's future so we're right at the cusp right at the edge kind of like the days you and i are living in right now i feel like we're in the 587 only that is you know uh 2021 right at the cusp of something it feels like we're at the cusp of something and all the stuff that's going on in the world points to the the the end of time is near the antichrist this coming world leader is going to come the tribulation period uh you know the rapture of the church and after the tribulation then the second coming of christ and then the millennial kingdom i think we're right at the cusp of that it's possible i wouldn't say for sure and i wouldn't name a day nor the hour but the lord says the times and the seasons you will know and we have plenty of evidence and if you missed our prophecy update on friday i'd recommend that you get caught up on that because i talk about how the united states and our government as it's turning out and some of the events even the last week or two um are only facilitating a world scene that's going to really be co-measurable with what the bible says is going to be the world scene and we're seeing that kind of come together all the pieces of the puzzle are coming together and uh we'll be talking more about that in future uh prophecy updates unless we get raptured first that could happen too but 587 bc um the situation continues here in verse two for then the king of babylon's army besieged jerusalem and jeremiah the prophet was shut up in the court of the prison which was in the king of judah's house now the court of the prison and king of judah's house would probably be there in the palace of jerusalem we might even know where that was archaeologically and you can even see sort of ancient dungeons in some of the archaeological digs of the of this this era of jerusalem um and it's kind of fascinating you can climb down into these dungeons and you almost wonder sometimes i wonder if this is the dungeon that jeremiah was standing in or was stuck in but uh he was there in the prison in the kings of judah's house so there was a palace prison there uh four verse three zedekiah king of judah had shut him up saying wherefore dost thou prophesy sometimes people will shut up people that don't want if you don't want to hear what they have to say um uh once in a while they'll try to stop speech uh and things like that a lot of times in history you see that zedekiah does that he shuts old jeremiah up well all that to say he shut him up saying wherefore does thou prophesy and say thus saith the lord behold i will give this city into the hand of the king of babylon and he shall take it and zedekiah king of judah shall not escape out of the hand of the chaldeans but shall surely be delivered into the hand of the king of babylon and shall speak with his mouth with him mouth to mouth eyes his eyes shall behold his eyes and he shall lead zedekiah to babylon and there shall he be until i visit him saith the lord though ye fight with the chaldeans you shall not prosper so the situation is jeremiah's imprisoned zedekiah threw him there and shut him up so that they could stop hearing what he had to say that's interesting you know the days we're living now this this king says shut up i don't want to hear what you have to say but it's going to be to his own demise one of the things that we uh have to remember and i hope we can remember this as christians you know we can speak the truth and we can preach the good news and share what the bible says but you know we can leave the rest of it up to the lord jeremiah didn't have to panic here he didn't have to freak out all jeremiah was responsible for is doing what the lord called him to do and the lord takes care of the rest and all this you know you think wow jeremiah is at a real disadvantage here he's in prison zedekiah is holding all the cards everything's great for him but we know the story that's not true zedekiah is about to go down by the way this is where we compare ezekiel's account and where some you know goofy bible skeptics that are trying to say the bible is contradictory because ezekiel the prophet said that you know zedekiah would never see babylon and here jeremiah is saying he's going to go to babylon zedekiah is going to babylon he's going to see eye to eye uh you know the the the king of babylon nebuchadnezzar and it's a contradiction did he go to babylon or did he not the bible's contradictory well um the language is great and does anybody remember what's the secret to the answer to that anybody right good i just wanted that's kind of a fun thing to know uh zedekiah's eyes were poked out before he got to babylon so it's true he did not see babylon that's the truth that's ezekiel was correct but so was jeremiah what was the last thing zedekiah saw well two things first he saw his sons killed right in front of his eyes that's the last thing nebuchadnezzar wanted zedekiah to see is his son's slain right in front can you imagine that and then after and then and nebuchadnezzar was standing right there watching the whole thing and so zedekiah saw nebuchadnezzar eye to eye and then they poked out his eyes that's the last thing he saw so it's really something this horrifying day and and zedekiah is just blowing it off yeah it's nothing no big deal and there's a lot of people today that don't realize there's great peril coming i know i sound like one of those you know sandwich poor guys the end is near doom and gloom you know and all that stuff but as christians we know it's only going to turn out good all things are working together for good for those that are called for those that love the lord they're called according to his purpose we know that the lord is gonna protect his people uh through those times and and uh it's good even as even as there's gonna be you know some of the jews like daniel shadrach meshach and abednego that will be taken into captivity that still the lord's gonna protect them by the way once in a while you know post-trib rapture people people believe that the tribulation is going to happen then the rapture that one of the accusations they make of of people that are pre-tribbers like us or the people like that i believe in a pre-trib rapture they say you guys are just trying to escape and i always like to say luke chapter 12 says pray that you be counted worthy to escape these things uh jesus said that uh but but even even to say that i sort of joke a little bit because um if you really pin me down i'm not trying to really escape much and i'll tell you why because throughout history christians have been persecuted brutally like um you know i know that the great tribulation is going to be worse than any other time in history that's what the bible says that's what jesus said read matthew 24. it's going to be horrible i don't believe we're going to be here for that time but that's not to say um that i don't think it's possible that you and i or christians could go through great persecution before the rapture of the church the reason i say that is the post-tribbers are always kind of looking crazy saying you know you've got to prepare the church to go through trouble and tribulation because you know you're just trying to everybody's you know going to be lackadaisical then they'll be thrown into tribulation unprepared to stand for jesus in the last days that's ridiculous um one of the things we talk about all the time is persecution could come before the rapture of the church radical persecution could come before the rapture of the church well brett should we get bunkers and guns and store up cheerios um that's what a lot of the post-trib people are doing right now but i don't believe that's what we're supposed to do now you can be wise and have you know stuff that you know in case uh the power goes out and cataclysmic things happen you can you can be prepared but the whole prepper mentality and you know defend your home and shoot people if they're hungry and come and get food there's definitely not that in the bible about you know knock knock knock on your bunker you know and can i have a bowl of cheerios boom god bless you that's not that's not christian it's not a christian behavior um so this whole prepper and we're gonna we're gonna live through this and we'll be the only ones who live be careful there's a there's there's a balance here i think that we could go through trouble in trials um and and i think in moderation you know being ready for trouble and preparing your heart um but you know there's christians that have been persecuted horribly uh throughout the history um you know and have you ever wondered how will you do if your faith really could cost your life in that in that very moment we have modern examples of that i mean one of my favorite heroes is cassie bernal bernal uh if you know who she is remember the columbine you know school shooting um that girl cassie bernal is one of my heroes she was just a you know uh what 17 year old girl who was at school one day and these guys started shooting up everybody uh in the school but they were asking people crazy questions but it was questions like this this one guy his name doesn't deserve to be repeated held a gun to cassie bernal this beautiful young christian girl and he said do you believe in god do you believe in jesus if you say yes then i'm going to pull the trigger after he'd already killed a bunch of people and he says a stir and this young girl just says i believe in jesus and he killed her right there like that's a true christian martyr in our modern days you know and and that's here in america on american soil that that happened you know now there's been things like that on other countries and other nations for centuries and millennia really the persecution's been something it's been around the world forever the reason i say that is you know as as we enter into a kind of a different era here in america i wonder if you and i should be perhaps more cognizant of the fact that being a christian is becoming less and less popular i remember when rosie o'donnell that bastion of great information there on that amazing true show the view back when she was there uh this is back like in 2006 i think it was she um they were talking about 911 and how we were responding to the various uh you know um radical muslim uh agenda around the world in the united states attacking certain nations and stuff but she she made the case that christianity is exactly the same as radical islam and she made this whole statement just kind of thinking that you know she could just make this remark and i remember thinking wow uh that's that's somebody not knowing their history very well um you know jesus told us to love our enemies muhammad said kill all your enemies uh like if you just want to know what a fundamentalist is look at look at the very fundamental who started the religion a fundament fundamentalist muslim follows muhammad a fundamentalist christian follows jesus and jesus wasn't going around chopping people's heads off and you know fighting battles and stuff that was muhammad muhammad told peter put away your sword peter and jesus laid down his life you know jesus said if you lose your life for my sake you'll you'll gain life um but if you try to keep this life uh you're gonna lose this life like jesus had a very self-sacrificing heart and attitude and i think that's something in in days where we might see christian persecution around the world i wonder if we really could be thinking through and praying about lord how would i deal with real persecution we don't even know what real persecution is so somebody laughed because i was a christian it works i'm really sad about that whatever uh try being someone with a gun to your head and uh on your life on the line if you believe in god if you're a christian man i sense that there's trouble coming it seems like in our world unless something radically changes that thing that rosie o'donnell brought up back in 2003 or whatever that was uh when we were all shocked that she was comparing christians with muslims and by the way after that the academics the college professors and even high school you know teachers and stuff started teaching more and more that christianity is the same as islam and you know they blow up innocent women and children the muslims and streets and christians blow up abortion clinics like that happens all the time uh like they were making really ridiculous uh comparisons and stuff but i think that what i'm seeing happening in our country right now is is sort of echoing some of those those posturing statements that academia has been planting in the seeds of young people you know some some of you older people might be thinking how can people be thinking this way how can people take certain you know things that have happened and just ascribe it to an entire people group and just say they're all you know uh hateful horrible people um you gotta understand they've been for decades planting the seeds of information and young minds and very convincingly so um so you know the thing is what could happen to us as christians i think we could face persecution one of the things you know i always like to do if i want to get really depressed is read fox's book of martyrs have you ever read fox's book of marx how many guys have read fox's book of martyrs raise your hands okay definitely not a fun read but a very important read of early christians from the first century uh well on in through history of christians who died for what they believed in and uh man it will make you feel like a total wimp wow i was really depressed when that person laughed because i went to church on sunday or that person you know got mad at us because we're gathering even though you know you know that the corona virus is killing everyone don't you know everyone's dying because of coronavirus crickets no we're actually going to church and we've been worshipping for almost six months now uh in a church and uh not one coronavirus case that has popped in because of church like what's going on there what's going on well there's a narrative and then there's a control and one of the things that people are not going to like christians for is uh that we don't really like to be controlled by anybody but the lord we like to go with the word of god and say we're going to follow what the bible says and what people are going to find is there there will be those who will say i i will follow the word of the lord over anything else and when when the when the government asks us to do something that's contrary to the word that's the time where you have to say we're gonna follow the word and do what the bible says now that's that's important to to me because that's that's good that you're going with me through the bible because i think there's a problem with those that think they know the bible and they say we're going to go with god on this one and what that means is we're going to go with guns and we're going to revolt and we're going to rise up and do all this stuff well that's not really what the bible teaches it's just not i hope that one of the things that we do is keep our heads and and constantly ask this question what would jesus do what would jesus do about what's going on in america today uh and we need to be more and more like jesus and that's a real key as we get closer to the last days i think we're going to be challenged in our faith and we're going to have to decide what we're going to do are we going to follow jesus and worship him and believe the bible and do what the bible says or are we going to go with the world and the ebb and flow of what the world's saying politically i believe that you and i as christians in america are going to be held accountable for our faith perhaps more than we've ever been maybe in the history of our country uh coming in these in these near near future we'll see we'll see how it goes but things are shaping up that way that's for sure so uh jeremiah this book of jeremiah every time i read this you know i i tend to think wow what a what a 2021 kind of guy jeremiah was he was living in days that parallel in similar ways ours but here he is being silenced here he is thrown in prison and here he is with a message that the the rest of the world doesn't like and that's the situation verses one through five well then we come to an illustration god's gonna give jeremiah another one of these sort of object lessons an illustration and that'll be verses 6 through 12. it says in verse 6 and jeremiah said the word of the lord came unto me saying behold hammermill the son of shalom thine uncle shall come unto thee saying by thee my field that is in anatot for the right of redemption is thine to buy it um so verse eight so hannah and my uncle son came to me in the court of the prison according to the word of the lord and said unto me by my field i pray thee that is in anathot which is in the country of benjamin for the right of inheritance is thine and the redemption is thine buy it for yourself then i knew that this was the word of the lord when did jeremiah know that the word of the lord was confirmed when the thing happened the lord told him in prison verse 6 the word of lord king that hannah the son of shalom your uncle is going to come and offer you to buy a field jeremiah tucked that away and said okay we'll see if that's the word of the lord or that just was the you know bad shawarma i had light in the night before um uh which one was it well suddenly hannah neal hammond meal shows up and offers to solve field so he says well i think the lord was it was from the lord then because it's actually happened who goes to some dude in prison and says i got a piece of property that that i want to sell you now now here's where you and i as the way we do um you know real real estate and and transactions and what have you we miss a bunch of stuff here because the the jews had a very different way of doing this stuff but there's some words here that might be familiar if you've been going through the bible with us what why is this this uncle uh from anathor remember that's where jeremiah was from that's his hometown why was this uncle coming to him in prison of all places uh to sell him a piece of property but using the word redemption uh why why would that word be used in a land deal where jeremiah is buying a land deal well it has to do with the fact that he's the relative of hanomil and um and he says i pray the um by my field which uh for the right of inheritance is thine and for the redemption it is thine to buy it for yourself then i knew this was the lord of the lord what's going on here um this has to do with the kinsmen redeemer role uh someone who has the right to redeem something that's part of a family and uh man i don't have time but we've done whole teachings on the kinsmen redeemer you can look that up on our uh website and you know the book of ruth is a whole beautiful story about the the near kinsman and how that whole redemption takes place but what's happening here is jeremiah has the right to buy this piece of property now this is going to be an illustration god's going to use for all of israel to see of what's going on in the world with the jews and with the land of israel but before we get into that illustration and what it actually means we need to talk about what a a deal would look like in hebrew times you see they had the same thing we do in the sense of a title deed to a piece of property there would be a little scroll that would be uh written the definitions of the property and the requirements though would be to keep that property and sometimes it would be financial requirements or they would require you to use it for farmland or just various requirements and the way they would do this and this is something we don't do anymore but it's important as it relates to the bible and the hebrew way of doing things they would take that title deed as a scroll and they would roll it up but they would they would give certain requirements and each requirement would have a seal one of those wax seals you know with a a seal impressed on it like the signet ring seal you know where you'd roll it up and say this much money is to be paid this time chunk seal roll it up this much money is supposed to be paid by last time seal and sometimes there'd be a few different seals sealing up the scroll and that scroll would be opened only as the seals were sort of the requirements requirements were met with each seal that was opened are you guys with me so far now this is important because um jeremiah we're going to see him with a scroll and it's going to be put in some pots and it's going to be sealed but it's also going to be part of it's going to be left open and you think what's that all about it has to do with the opening and the requirements that will be met of this title deed to the property that jeremiah is about to buy and that's going to be part of our story here in a minute but before we do that can i show you something that a lot of people miss and we see this here in jeremiah but we see it also in the book of revelation would you turn there with me revelation chapter 5. did you know that there's a title deed to the planet earth the entire earth has a title deed um according to the bible and the question is who has the title deed to planet earth well i'll just give you the you know the cliffs notes you can look this up and it takes a bit of study to kind of figure all the stuff out but god gave dominion uh you know the title deed over to adam and eve when adam and eve were created adam and eve had the title deed to planet earth but what happened was they didn't fulfill the requirements and one of the requirements was to not eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil to not sin uh there in the garden um and so what happened there in that sin remember what happened as soon as the you know the earth was in a perfect condition it was paradise if you would but as soon as they said the earth was in a fallen state their thorns and man had to work by the sweat of the brow and pain and childbirth and all that stuff happened where suddenly this world this earth it changed why well it changed ownership from man to satan that's why god in his word calls satan the prince of this world or the jesus called him the god of this world little g he's not a real god he's a false god of course but but satan has the title deed to planet earth and by the way um the reason that's important for you to know is because people sort of wonder well if god is loved then why are bad things happening when you look at the earth and the situation today that we're seeing around the world with disease and death and warfare and earthquakes and tidal waves and uh you know hurricanes and just you know stuff that's just catastrophic that we've watched in the last several decades and we think where is god well right now god does not have the title deed to planet earth nor does man it is satan who is the prince of this world the god of this world the prince of the power of the air is satan the bible says and so we have to realize that's the reason the earth is in a fallen state but we have here in in revelation chapter 5 the story of when the earth the title deed will change back and it's going to have to have someone open the scroll of the title deed who's worthy and by the way the reason jeremiah was worthy to buy that certain piece of land is because he was the near kinsman he was the kinsmen are you guys with me still on this um now who's the beautiful kinsman redeemer pictured from the book of ruth and all that well we see jesus as being pictured there but i digress let's go let's go to the story here in revelation 5 1. it says and i saw in the right hand of him that sat on the throne that's god a book written within or better translated a scroll uh written within and on the back side by the way um very few scrolls had writing on the front and the back but it would be a title deed that would have writing on the front of the back that's what gives us a signal of what kind of a document this is uh written on the front of the back sealed with seven seals what does that mean uh see the average american reader seven seals uh what is this like a circus and seals bouncing balls on their noses no this is a title deed and there are seven requirements that would be for a person uh to have and we're going to see what happens when these seals are opened up but check it out it says verse 2 and i saw a strong angel proclaiming with a loud voice who is worthy to open the book and to loose the seals thereof and no man in heaven nor in earth neither under the earth was able to open the book neither look thereon now that's bad news that means no one is able to get the title deed back from satan there's seven requirements that would be the seven seals that would be required for someone and there's this rhetorical angel running around who is worthy mighty angel who is worthy to open the seals of this book and it's crickets and so because of crickets verse 4 john as you see in this vision and i wept much because no man was found worthy to open and read the book neither to look thereon and then it says verse 5 one of the elders said unto me weep not behold the lion of the tribe of judah the root of david have prevailed to open the book and to loose the seven seals thereof who is the lion of the tribe of judah the root of david none other than jesus the son of david jesus is the only one who would be worthy the near kinsmen the one able to open the book and loose the seals and take back the title deed and and then you'll see um what happens when the seals are opened and the earth is judged and it's the you know the rest of the book of revelation kind of tells us how that all shakes out but the ultimate deal is that the lord's going to take back possession of the earth and after those seven seals requirements are are fulfilled then the lord is going to come and rule and reign and will be brought back into sort of a pre-adam and eve era where there's going to be peace and tranquility and no more sin on the earth it's going to be glorious so this it's quite a drama that's long term the beginning all the way to the very end has to do with this title deep now the reason i share this revelation chapter 5 with you is because this is the same kind of tidal deed that jeremiah is going to be dealing with and it might be the the ripple effect of the prophecy that jeremiah is going to show so let's go back to jeremiah we know the situation but now we see this illustration of this title deed and this land that jeremiah has the right he's the the right to redeem he's the family member even though he's in prison isn't that interesting even though jeremiah cannot reach people and he's just there in prison his uncle comes hey will you uh will you have your banker uh you know take care of this financial thing for me well check it out verse nine and i bought the field of hannah neal my uncle's uh son that was in anatot and weighed him the money even 17 shekels of silver and i subscribed the evidence and sealed it and took witnesses and weighed him in the weighed him in the money in the balances so i took the evidence that was of the purchase both that which was sealed according to the law and custom and that which was open and i gave the evidence of the purchase to baruch um that's jeremiah's sort of secretary by the way baruch the son of neriah uh the son of mayasaya in the site of uh hannah meal my uncle's son in the presence of the witnesses that subscribed the book of the purchase before all the jews that sat in the court of the prison so this is a big deal they're all seeing jeremiah do this deal it's almost like you know when you buy your first house you go down to the mortgage company and you have to go and meet the mortgage broker and sign the documents and you know show your your uh driver's license to the you know to the uh you know the person that makes sure you are who's that person again the notary you gotta have the notary there that's what's going on here you got the notary you got the secretary you got but all the people in the prison of the palace are going what's going on down there and they're all watching jeremiah purchase some property that was his right to purchase because it was his relative so that's the illustration that's going on now the lord's going to give some definition now that's point number three we got the the situation verses one through five the illustration verses six through twelve but then thirdly we have god's definition of what's going on here he says in verse 13 and i charge baruch before them saying thus saith the lord of hosts the god of israel take these evidences signed documents sealed documents this evidence of the purchase both which is sealed and this evidence which is opened the implication is some of the seals were closed still and some were opened um that means that it wasn't fully uh a done deal yet um but take this evidence both sealed and unsealed and this evidence which is open and put them in an earthen vessel that they may continue many days or it'll stand for a long time for thus saith the lord of hosts the god of israel houses and fields and vineyards shall be possessed again in this land now jeremiah's going to go huh what lord what are you talking about i'm confused and and we'll we'll see jeremiah's questioning what's going on here in this whole little ordeal in verses 16 through 25 we'll see that in a second but before we leave this it's basically the lord saying uh jeremiah by the property i want people to know that people are gonna be back in this land and they're gonna live on property again and uh part of it's sealed and part of it's unsealed it's still left in a question mark but i want you to take that halfway done mortgage document and put it in an earthen vessel question for you historians can earthen jars preserve documents we know the answer is yes because of the dead sea scrolls uh does anybody know about i hope you guys all know about the dead sea scrolls it's really quite a miracle but back in 1946 a little um shepherd boy was there uh going around the desert region of qumran near the dead sea in israel and he was hiking his sheep up this little rocky cliff and there's these little cliff holes and caves and stuff i've seen this and been there several times but this place called qumran well he lost one of his sheep and he was trying to find you know the little sheep that maybe snuck away and so he thought one of his sheep went deep down into a cave and so he he threw a stone way down in this cave um and when he threw the stone he heard the crashing of what sounded like a pottery like a shattering um so he was curious so he got a torch and he and he walked back into this cave and he found these jars and these jars contained something that was perhaps the most important archaeological find um maybe ever i don't know but it was hundreds and hundreds of manuscripts of the hebrew old testament that were very very old like the book of isaiah there's a manuscript of isaiah that's 300 b.c like that's going back a ways and by the way what's so great about that for you guys uh that maybe have to deal with professors saying the bible we have today is nothing like the bible of the you know you know the first century the the old testament's been changed around too much and we can't rely on all this well that's ridiculous in fact it shut the mouths of those uh so-called scholars because they used to say the book of isaiah we know nothing of what really isaiah really said because time over thousands of years the book of isaiah has been contorted and changed that was their claim but when they found the dead sea scrolls they found pretty much the entire hebrew bible the old testament and as it turns out it was almost to exact word for word uh all the way back to 300 bc exactly the same words we have today that's an amazing thing if you take a hebrew bible today and the hebrew density scrolls and you match them up there was no changing and the whole idea that it was you know over time changed was was falsified and shown it was called fake news um now all that to say uh i love that we have the dead sea scrolls because it really shut the mouths of so many critics for so many centuries really um but but all that to say by the way you wonder one of the oldest scripts that was ever found you know from numbers where you and i sing the lord bless thee and keep thee lord make his face to shine upon them at the end of wednesday nights um well that they found a little uh little uh vase very fancy one that contained that uh blessing uh from the book of numbers and that's the oldest one of them all is this the one that contained that little blessing of the jews to the to the people but any anyway it's great that that's he scrolls and if you could picture in your mind's eye that's the idea that god says i want jeremiah to stuff that scroll into a vase so that it can last a long time and the implication is that this would take some time before the jews would come back and take the land that's what the dead sea scrolls you know they lasted hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of years thousands of years um really and um and jeremiah's scroll i wonder how long his is gonna have to last well this is where at least 70 years before the jews would come back um to the holy land that would be sort of prophecy fulfilled number one first fulfillment when jeremiah's people uh you know 70 years after the captivity they were brought back ezra nehemiah is rubbable remember those that'd be the first fulfillment of this opening of the scroll and then taking the land back the second big version of that or ripple of prophecy that would take place is remember ad70 the romans would totally drive the jews out of israel crush jerusalem and then jerusalem would be out of jews for almost 2 000 years but guess what the jews would start to and this is where it gets really interesting um and again the narrative is lost because there's political agendas but did you know the jews started buying up their land again the zionist move movement theodore herzl and those guys in the 1700s they moved back to israel starting you know in the 1700s and really flooding in the 18 and 1900s even to today the jews they would come and they bought up the land uh from from the bedwins and whoever was there at the time now this was when israel was still called palestine and what's so funny to me is um the you know if you believe the world's narrative on this you think that palestinians are the ancient people that lived in israel but they're not they're really jordanians they're arab people and they came much much later the jews were there way back all the canaanites for the most part they're all extinct they've been the people the jews drove out of the promised land back in joshua's day they're gone um well brett it's the philistines because palestinian means philistine the same word it is the same word by the way but it was one of the you know it was um uh one of the roman emperors named hadrian who renamed israel palestine because he wanted to spite the jews and he knew that the ancient extinct philistines were the worst enemies of the jews so he thought let's call this palestinia and that's where they got its name and even tried to change the name of jerusalem to elia capitalina which was a you know worshipping of the solar system and stuff like that but that one didn't really stick but palestine as a name stuck from the time of the roman empire all the way to the time when uh 1948 israel becomes a nation again may 14th and they changed the name from palestine to israel well then what about the poor palestinians that lived there for centuries there were no such thing when the jews in the 1700s started moving over to israel they did something that is kind of amazing and nobody wants to talk about this and here's why there's a narrative out there that says those jews in israel they're occupying the land they're occupiers you'll hear that on all the news people these the occupation now one of the things president trump declared is the golan heights which was one of the more contested areas of israel saying the jews are occupying the golan heights he declared it and it's not occupation that's israeli territory that made people mad for like 10 seconds but for some reason they just kind of forgot about that for for uh you know trump to say jerusalem was the capital of israel even though it had been for 70 years he just confirmed it when the united states said that the rest of the world had to say well okay we recognize jerusalem as the capital for the jews that was a big deal but largely because much of the world doesn't want to recognize israel's right to exist they don't want to recognize that the jews have any right to land so they like to call them occupiers they occupied that land and it's it's it in fact it's almost as ridiculous as this let's say just for a second canada attacked the united states tonight because they wanted desperately to have the state of washington and seattle they wanted the canadian border to go and washington would be theirs and so they send their military down and we're shocked the canadians attacked us and took washington now what do you think we're going to do are we going to just sit by and say oh well i guess that's by seattle it was nice knowing yet um and suddenly all the um the seattle people are like uh how you guys doing hey it's like suddenly it's like canada no no we would we would say that's our land so then let's just say pretend we defend uh and we get all the might of the united states army goes and attacks and takes back the state of washington and and we re-draw the border like it was before and then the world looks at the united states and shanks shakes their heads sanctimonious and said oh you americans you're occupying the state of washington i can't believe you've done that you're a horrible people and you've killed canadians and you're horrible that's exactly what happened to israel israel was driven out by the romans there was a few thousand years but but not only did they not take it back with hostile force they came back and just said we'll buy the land and hundreds of thousands of jews came with money that they had gained from europe and other places around the world and started buying up the land how many people groups can say in the world that they've actually purchased the land with money you know and they're calling them occupiers that's the amazing thing uh americans we have no voice in this matter if you're an american and you're saying the jews should give back the land to the poor palestinians then you should give your house and your property back to the american indians because you're way more guilty than any jew in israel you didn't pay for your land like well i did i would no no you gotta understand the jews literally came in before it was even called israel and they paid for the land that's theirs and and then and then brought it back to life okay so brett you're saying that this happened this land thing that we're about to hear what god's saying about with jeremiah it's this ripple effect that god's saying you're going to be brought back to the land and you're going to you're going to own that land again that's what jeremiah's point is here and that happened after the first you know spreading away uh you know 80 or pardon me bc 586 the babylonians the second one romans attacking jerusalem ad70 but the third fulfillment of this was in the 1700s and all the way to may 14th 1948 when israel becomes a nation again and i believe this was the third and final fulfillment of the multi-layered prophecy that the lord's showing jeremiah here and it has to do with property and ownership and has to do with the promised land the jews and israel are you guys still with me have i lost you i'm sorry i jumped into all that history but it's important for you to know that especially with all the false narratives that are out there you go to any you know secular college and university their history profs will totally tweak that story uh if you're interested by the way um there's a great book called from time immemorial um from time immemorial and it goes over the history of the land of israel and it's a it's it's not a light reading uh but it is a exacting and well-documented book on the history of israel but all that to say i forget the author's name anybody remember the author okay well uh number one we've got the situation verses one through five number two we have the illustration of the scroll the property the redeeming verses six through twelve number three we have the definition by god what's this all about in verses 13-15 god says the houses and the fields and the vineyards of israel will once again be for the jews in this land even though you're about to be trounced and dragged off into captivity this is hope do you remember we talked about verse chapters 31 through 33 are the books of consolation we're still in that and this is a consoling book but the fourth section jeremiah raises the question to the lord what you what are you talking about i don't get it but one of the things that you'll notice about the godly people in the bible when they're going to ask the lord a question it's never bad to ask why lord why are we going through this why are we doing this that's not a bad thing to ask if your heart is right but one of the things i've noticed is before a person says why lord and they get a good answer oftentimes it starts with them remembering the good things the lord has done enter into his gates with thanksgiving into his courts with praise that's a good way to approach the lord do you know that brothers and sisters and jeremiah is going to model that he's going to scratch his head and say i don't know what this is all about i'm about to ask you lord but before i do that i'm going to give you some praise and credit for all that you've done and let's see how he does that in verse 16. now when i had delivered the evidence of the purchase unto baruch the son of neriah i prayed unto the lord saying oh lord god behold thou hast made heaven and earth by great power and stretched out arm and there is nothing too hard for thee thou showest loving-kindness unto thousands and recompense the iniquity of the fathers into the bosom of their children after them the great and mighty god the lord of hosts is his name great in counsel and mighty in work for thine eyes are open upon all the ways of the sons of men to give everyone according to his ways and according to the fruit of his doings which has set signs and wonders in the land of egypt even unto this day and in israel and among other men um and has made thee a name as of this day and has brought forth thy people israel out of the land of egypt with signs and with wonders and with a strong hand with a stretched out arm and with a great terror and thou has given them this land which thou to swear to their fathers to give them a land flowing with milk and honey and they came in and possessed it but they obeyed not thy voice neither walked in thy law and have done nothing of all that thou commandeth them to do therefore thou has caused all this evil to come upon them behold the mounts or the catapults they are come under the city to take it that's the babylonians you know besieging jerusalem you say they're here and the city is given into the hand of the chaldeans that fight against it because of the sword and of the famine and of the pestilence and what thou hast spoken has come to pass and behold thou seest it and thou said to me o lord god by thee a field for money and take witness for the city is given into the hand of the chaldeans do you understand what jeremiah is doing here the last sentence there is the question the first part you know versus basically verses uh 16 through 24 is him saying lord you're amazing everything you said has come to pass and you're a powerful and mighty god just just amazing you can just study that praise that jeremiah offers to the lord and it's it's really beautiful but then he's saying and you want me to buy a piece of property lord what in the world does this mean what is me you know the babylonians are ready to slay us all and take our land and you went and had me buy a piece of property what is that all about well that's where we come to the fifth section god's explanation uh verse 26 is where we pick that up it says in verse 26 then came the word of the lord unto jeremiah saying behold i am the lord the god of all flesh is there anything too hard for me now pause for a second i love this because jeremiah answered his question whether he knows it or not before god ever said a word now this is important i think for you to see this god jeremiah already knew the answer because did you see what he said jeremiah says in chapter 32 verse 17 at the end of verse 17 in jeremiah's oratory as he's praising the lord he says and there is nothing too hard for thee do you see that compare the end of verse 17 with the end of verse 27. it's jeremiah saying lord there's nothing too hard for you but i just don't understand what's going on and the lord says jeremiah is there anything too hard for me and jared might be able to say well i said earlier that there's not and the lord might say well then why are you asking the question do you understand what i'm saying jeremiah already had the answer that there's nothing too hard for the lord so this this doesn't really don't worry jeremiah you see what i've found is you and i especially if you're a person of faith who's in prayer and reading the word you and i most of the time we already know the answers we just don't want to admit it or or acknowledge it we might say oh lord there's nothing too hard for you but i have a cold i don't know if i should pray about this i have a cold but you just said there's nothing too hard for the lord do you believe that or don't you um see here's the funny thing i found that if a person of faith who's in prayer and reading the bible have a question if you just kind of say lord reveal to me the answer it's amazing how you kind of already know the answer have you guys ever found that to be true let me illustrate this happened more back in the old days but you know as the church has grown bigger and bigger i haven't been able to meet with as many you know people in the same way that i used to be able to meet with everybody in the church it was so great i remember when the church was 100 people by the end of a year i could say i pretty much met with everyone in the church it was awesome when we got to 200 it was a little harder to do that when we got to 400 it was impossible it was like i could meet with you know when we got to a thousand i could meet with the staff and the elders but meeting with all the congregation that was a thing of the past when we got to five six thousand uh i've lost my mind at this point uh i don't even know what the world's happening who am i where am i why am i here that's where i'm at now um but back in the day one of the things one of my tactics that i learned was really a great thing to do and this wasn't me trying to pass the buck this was me knowing this is where real help found but somebody said brad i'm going through a real difficult time and i need to talk to you and my schedule would be packed you know and so i would just say you know what listen i'll tell you what i'll meet with you but i'll meet with you and i would always book it because i try to keep this open for these certain times sunday night after sunday night worship now in the pre-kovid days we used to have a time where we'd gather and worship uh on sunday nights which we'll probably bring that back soon but sunday night worship it was it was one of the less attended services because it was just strictly prayer and worship and communion i think it was one of the richest things we do at the creek but it was the ill-attended thing at that time there'd be 50 or 100 people showing up to sunday night but i said so come to sunday night and then i'll meet with you right afterwards and it wasn't me putting it off or anything like that there was a tactic and here was my tactic i have found that if somebody's going through really hard times and they came to a sunday night worship where it was just prayer and singing praise the lord and people going to their knees in communion and confessing their sins and then this is always what happened almost always the person would come up and i'd say are you ready to meet this uh i don't i don't need to be with you oh well i thought no the lord just met me tonight he just met me right here right where i'm at and i totally know what to do and i and the communion service was perfect it's just what i needed and i would say check that's why the bible says seek ye first pastor brett no big goof seek ye first the kingdom of god and his righteousness and all these other things they'll be added unto you it's almost like for the believer who's truly seeking the lord man the lord shows up and he'll show you what to do and how to get through your predicament and um and and sometimes we think no i need to talk to somebody the answer is yes but it's that somebody is the lord seek first the kingdom of god it's it's a little bit modeled here by jeremiah i don't know what in the world's going on lord you could you you can do all things there's nothing too hard for you lord but i need to talk to you the lord says okay here's what you need to know there's nothing too hard for me like you just said you already knew the answer i think that's a truth for a lot of you i wonder how many of you are missing some of the great nuggets that the lord's already put right in front of you and you already know what to do but you think you have to talk to a psychologist or a counselor or a pastor or something lord says no i'll i'll reveal my word to you i'll write it on the table of your hearts under the new covenant well anyway the lord starts off with that verse 27 he says that is there anything too hard for me verse 28 therefore thus saith the lord behold i will give this city into the hand of the chaldeans and into the hand of nebuchadnezzar the king of babylon and he shall take it and the chaldeans that fight against this city shall come and set on fire this city and burn it with the houses upon whose roofs they have offered incense unto baal and poured out drink offerings to other gods to provoke me to anger for the children of israel and the children of judah have only done evil before me from their youth for the children of israel have only provoked me to anger with the work of their hands saith the lord for this city hath been to me as a provocation of mine anger and of my fury from the day that they built it even unto this day that i should remove it from before thy my face because all the evil of the children of israel and of the children of children of judah which they have done to provoke me to anger they their kings their princes their priests and their prophets and the men of judah and the inhabitants of jerusalem and they have turned unto me the back and not the face that's a sad line i've got it marked there verse 33 they have turned unto me the back and not the face turning their back on god right now washington dc is in peril and we sense trouble and national guardsmen are piled in the capitol building and sleeping on the floor and it looks like beirut in the 80s if you ask me it's a strange day that we're living in and we can argue about why they're there and and the rationale and all there's all kinds of craziness going on but when i look at washington dc and i see that and i compare it with jerusalem of jeremiah i don't see much difference um why are we in such peril why are we kind of at the precipice of trouble i think largely we as a nation in our congress we've and our even you know our court system you know the three branches largely we have turned our backs on god and we wonder why our city you know our capital city is is on the precipice of trouble um i think that what god's doing here to his city the city that he loves the city that he puts his name on he if he does that to jerusalem i wouldn't be shocked if that's what happens to washington dc just something to think about so verse 33 they have turned their backs uh and not the face though i taught them rising up early teaching them yet they have not hearkened to receive instruction but they set their abominations in the house which is called by my name to defile it they built the high places of baal which are in the valley of hinnom to cause their sons and daughters to pass through the fire into moloch which i commanded them not neither came it into my mind that they should do this abomination to cause judah to sin well brett washington dc may be bad but at least we're not frying our children on moloch's hot incandescent arms look it up on wikipedia another bastion of truth look up moloch there and you'll see you know ancient drawings of what moloch was it was a big iron god bull headed sort of taurus kind of god and he would have his hands outstretched and they would lay their babies on the hands and sizzle the babies by the hundreds they killed these babies by the hundreds meanwhile our city is taking an innocent little child out of the mother's womb and murdering it killing it by the millions by the millions and we wonder if god is going to judge america in the united states for what we're doing this is what god says about the jews who are doing this to hundreds of their babies and saying i'm not going to let that go forever verse 36 and now therefore thus saith the lord the god of israel concerning this city whereof you say it shall be delivered into the hand of the king of babylon by the sword and the famine and by the pestilence behold i will gather them out of all countries whether i have driven them in mind anger and in my fury and in great wrath and i will bring them again to this place and i will cause them to dwell safely and they shall be my people and i will be their god and i will give them one heart and one way that they may fear me over uh for me fear me forever for the good of them and of their children after them this is so good even though they were sinful murderous baal-worshipping moloch worshipping people and lord punish them and and deliver them to the babylon babylonians the lord says but i'll bring them back i will not forsake them mark verse 39 i will give them one heart that's the new covenant i believe and i will give them one way and that's jesus the jews don't know it yet but jesus is their messiah and they don't know it but there's going to come a time romans 11 25 where all of israel shall be saved and they'll believe that jesus is the messiah and jesus said i am the way the truth and the life no man comes to the father but by me the jews are going to see that someday you and i know it now that jesus is the way and so we follow him and hopefully we follow him with one heart verse 39 i will give them one heart and one way i love that verse 40 and i will make an everlasting covenant how long of a covenant with the jews is he going to make everlasting for you replacement theologians that's hard to spit out isn't it everlasting say it i will make an everlasting covenant with them that i will not turn away from them to do them good but i will put my fear in their hearts that they shall not depart from me that's the millennial kingdom and that's going to happen when the second coming of christ the jews are going to be saved they're going to believe in jesus and he's going to fix that yea verse 41 i will rejoice over them to do them good i will plant them in this land assuredly with my whole heart and with my whole soul for thus saith the lord like as i have brought all this great evil upon those people so will i bring upon all them good that i have promised them and the field shall be bought in this land wherever you say it is desolate without man or beast it is given unto the hand of the chaldeans verse 43 is that prophecy fulfilled several times over it was it would be fulfilled in the time of jeremiah in the time of um after the captivity after the roman invasion and even in modern times the jews came back and purchased this land with money the land they live in it's amazing mark verse 43 check it off as fulfilled prophecy man verse 44 shall buy fields for money and subscribe evidences and seal them in other words title deeds and take witnesses in the land of benjamin and in the places about jerusalem in the cities of judah and in the cities of the mountains and in the cities of the valley and in the cities of the south for i will cause their captivity to return saith the lord the lord's explanation of jeremiah just go buy the land go purchase the land because you're the redeemer it has to do with the way the lord is going to redeem the land and it'll be bought back and there's so many layers of that the people will pay money redemption but jesus would shed his blood and instead of silver and gold peter said it was the redemption was bought with the precious blood of jesus what a powerful powerful truth that is and we uh we see this as something that's happening even before our eyes as the jews are moving in israel is becoming a mighty nation the only thing left to happen is is the rapture of the church the the tribulation period and then christ is going to return and rule and reign in jerusalem and the jews are finally going to see jerusalem to be the city of peace that's what it means it means the city of peace uh it hasn't been that at all throughout all the ages but it will be when christ comes and so will all of us will be at peace as well i look so forward to the second coming of christ maranatha amen amen lord we pray that you would come quickly that your word would just continue to unfold right before our eyes lord it's amazing to see how your word is so relevant and so perfect for the days we live give us understanding give us application of your word lord we pray in jesus name amen
Channel: Athey Creek
Views: 3,407
Rating: 4.9649124 out of 5
Keywords: Brett Meador, Bible, Church, Teaching, Study, Christian, Jesus, Oregon, Through the Bible, Athey Creek, Athey Creek Church, Athey Creek Christian Fellowship
Id: Un6g_GnLwJQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 18sec (4158 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 14 2021
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