Calvary Chapel Prophecy Update 2021 // Part 1

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[Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] be the sustenance to this life [Music] is [Music] you share praises [Music] of love [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] hi you guys this is steve winter from calvary chapel tri-cities and i just wanted to thank you for tuning in online um we're especially blessed by the fact that we've got people from all over the united states that are tuning in and all you guys in other countries that are tuning in just really blows us away we've got some we've gotten some really neat emails from you um i just want to give you an invite to be more involved with what's going on around here especially in areas that we can serve you so if you have anything that we uh can pray for any needs that you think we might be able to meet for you we'd love to be involved in that and you can let us know by sending an email to calvarychapel tri-cities and so again we'd love to hear from you tell us how we can minister to you uh we'd just be like to be of service for all you guys that are listening in in our area uh online uh again just a just a great opportunity for us to be involved in your lives and to be able to minister to you i want to encourage you though if you're staying home because it's convenient and you don't really have a reason not to be in church you know that fellowship is something that we need as believers in fact the word koinonia in greek is a word that means a community it has the idea of assembly in fact the the word for church is assembly and you're not involved in church if you're not assembling and so i understand the need to stay home if you're in danger with the whole covid crisis and uh that's obviously the reason that we're doing this but if that's not the case with you you guys need to get to church we need to see you and so just want to encourage you in that area also in any case uh in all these areas we'd love to serve you glad you're listening in just pray that god blesses you through the studies whether it's me or one of the other guys and again we just want to be a servant to you so god bless you check this out it's going to be a good time we're going to be in the word good evening hi guys 2021 prophecy update every year we do this um we get together and just kind of go over the uh issues of the year some of the things that are prominent in the news media you know things that are going on in the world and just talk about how they relate to bible prophecy one of the things that uh most of you probably know is that the the bible talks about certain specific things that have to be taking place specifically during the tribulation period and so uh when i look at the book of revelation that's that is a an overview that well it's the it's the most um specific overview of the of the tribulation period that we have uh in a lot of ways it follows what jesus said in matthew 24 specifically uh revelation chapter 6 follows point by point what jesus said about the tribulation period in matthew chapter 24. and that makes sense because jesus wrote the book right and so what he was talking about in matthew 24 he revealed to john in revelation chapter six the rest of the book of revelation is uh uh more of an in-depth view of uh what's taking place during that time and so you know there's specific stuff that we always talk about so there's got to be one one world government there has to be an israel there has to be a persecution of israel by a guy named the antichrist the antichrist has to rise up uh through what looks to be a revived roman empire uh when you put the book of revelation the book of daniel together um the things that you find in the book of revelation have not been fulfilled in history never been a time when a quarter of the population of the earth was killed in warfare there was another never another time when a third of the population of earth of the earth was killed in warfare we've we've never had an asteroid strike that that destroyed a third of the ships and you know when you go to go back through church history there there's been such a desire specifically for christ to come back and to be in the last days that people have taken those things that are that are um flat out written about in the book of revelation and daniel and isaiah isaiah and other places and spiritualized them to try to make themselves be in that period of time and the difference between what was happening in the ancient church and what was happening in the the middle age uh the middle ages and the in the church during that period of time and this time the difference between those those two things is you don't have to spiritualize anything so there can be a battle where a quarter of the earth gets killed we all know that there can be uh warfare where a third of the planet is dead there can there can be a situation where everything in the sea dies there can be those situations uh just with the technology and some of the problems that we that we have in our in our modern times and then you have things like the mark of the beast and cashless society and you're living in it um i uh you know anytime i ever talk about this stuff the only reason i have cash in my wallet is because i have children you know and and so it's an easy way to you know give them 20 bucks and and and now it's not even that because i use you know what is that zelie or something like that i use you know i i don't even know what the names are called i just push buttons on my computer and on my phone and send money places and and and uh and that kind of thing those are times that we're living in and there are times that were predicted 2000 years ago in the bible a time when you would not buy or sell with cash uh uh that there was a mark that was involved with that and so uh again it's really cool to go through and talk about this stuff um we just did 2020 and i have limited time you know so i'm not going to be able to hit on everything that that occurred in 2020 uh but i'm i'm going to try to give a a pretty good overview of uh end times events as it relates to the united states and obviously we're in the united states and so this is of import to us and and so i'm gonna be talking about uh for for most of the study uh that's what we're gonna be speaking about where is the united states in prophecy and why is it not there uh basically and so um let's pray before we get started and then we'll jump right in father we we just thank you for the time together um thank you lord for the fact that you are god uh and you're a god who uh predicts the future um lord we thank you that when uh we look to you um you've made promises that you'll give us answers you said that um you don't do anything unless you reveal it to your servants the prophets and it's something that you you promised to us and so lord as we're going through and looking at what the prophets have to say look at looking at what uh is happening in our country lord we pray that uh we'd walk out of here encouraged because uh we know that we're close to the end and if we're close to the end we're also close to uh you're coming to take the church out and that's really what we're looking for we want to see you jesus and so we just pray that you bless the study and that you do this all in jesus name amen okay first off i want to i want to just open up to ezekiel chapter 38 ezekiel chapter 38 and this is this is one of those passages that's uh that we deal with all the time because this is the next thing uh besides christ coming back for the church that's always something that's imminent but this is the next thing that is imminent as far as events that will take place just before during or just after what's called the rapture of the church where christ comes to take the church home to to be with him uh it is something that's going to be occurring before or at the very start of the great tribulation period there's a war that takes place in that war uh when you when you read in revelation 6 the first thing that happens is there's the rise of the antichrist and it tells you that he rises through warfare and it's in that warfare i i've already mentioned it that a quarter of the earth is killed and so that is detailed in the book of ezekiel in chapter 38 it says now the word of the lord came to me saying son of man set your face against gog of the land of magog and prince of rosh uh meshech and tubal and prophesy against him and say thus says the lord god behold him against you o gog the prince of rosh meshech and tubal i will turn you around put hooks into your jaws and lead you out with all your army horses and horsemen all splendidly clothed a great company with bucklers and shields all of them handling swords and i'm not going to make this the the center of what we're doing i just want to to make sure that you know that there are certain nations that are mentioned as being in an alliance during the times that lead up to the tribulation period and so um one of the things i do when i go through this passage is i let people know that hebrew is vague and the terms that are useless used for horses for example it's not a word that means horse it's a word that means leaper and it can be used of horses or it can be used birds for example sword is a word that means a weapon for laying waste and so in ancient israel that would be a sword all the way up until the middle ages that would be a sword and when you get into modern times a weapon for laying waste that you would give to an infantryman would be something else altogether wouldn't it and so in our times it's rifle right and if uh the lord delays it may be something more intense than a rifle uh when you when you're looking at uh modern warfare but it just means weapon for laying waste uh the the term that is used for spears for example is or excuse me arrows and bows the word for bow means launcher the word for arrow is something that can be translated missile it has the idea of coming down like a lightning bolt and so again hebrews hebrew is a vague language and and so when they're translating the language what they what they do is they put it into the vernacular in english that's appropriate for the time and in 1611 when the king james version was being translated uh all of those weapons were on on the level of bows and arrows and horses and that kind of stuff that's not the case today if you were translating it and putting this in modern times it would be different words altogether okay so i just want to take that out of the way if you're wondering about it and then let's look at the nations it says persia ethiopian libya are with them and so he's talked about gog and magog and rash and meshech and tubal and i'm not going to belabor this either that's talking about russia those those are family names for tribes that live in what we call russia today when you look at persia persia is iran ethiopia is ethiopia libya is libya if you have cush and put in there that's that's the nations that we're talking about and so you have northern african nations and then you have nations that are north of the um uh blanking out um the the persian gulf duh gomer and all its troops gomer is a little harder to uh identify it has something to do with eastern european nations um togarmah the house of togarmah is specifically turkey and they've been calling themselves the house of tagarma forever and so if you know anything about what's been going on in the middle east and and the uh change of alliances then that becomes pertinent to the to the whole thing these these armies come down it says verse seven prepare yourself and be ready you and all your companies that are gathered about you and be a guard for them uh uh literally these these smaller nations are a guard for the for magog and gog and so it's like they're auxiliaries that are coming down with them after many days you will be visited in the latter years you will come into the land of those brought back from the sword and this is being spoken to israel and gathered from many people on the mountains of israel which had long been desolate they were brought out of the nations and now all of them dwell safely the issue with the four peace treaties that have been taking place between israel and some of the muslim nations around israel are pertinent to that the fact that israel is dwelling more safely literally the word safely there is a word that means securely um and a lot of times when it's used in the old testament it's a picture of false security and obviously that's going to be the case in this passage it says you will you will ascend coming like a storm covering the land with like a cloud you and all your troops and many peoples with you thus says the lord god on that day it shall come to pass that thoughts will arise in your hand in your mind and you will make an evil plan you will say i will go up against a land of unwalled villages i will go to a peaceful people who dwell safely all of them dwelling without walls and having neither bars nor gates that's common to modern building tel aviv is an unwalled city most of the modern villages in israel are unwalled depending on which side of uh the uh um when you're when you're talking about the um oh gosh i'm blinking um the west bank which side of the west bank you're on if you're on the the palestinian side of the west bank they will put walls around the villages but if you're on the israeli side um they're you know there are unwalled villages just as it says here that was not common back in the times that this was written and so it's being pointed out um to take plunder and to take booty that's another issue that's come up within the last eight years or so before about eight years ago israel didn't have any plunder to take to speak up but now they have huge gas supplies and that's an issue with russia right now because russia's main income is gas and oil specifically gas for europe israel is looking at taking away russia's monopoly on gas to europe and that's something that is causing problems between israel and russia and turkey specifically and so that's in the news um to take plunder and to take booty to stretch out your hand against the waste places that are again inhabited and against a people gathered from the nations who have acquired livestock and goods who dwell in the midst of the land sheba di dan the merchants of tarshish and all their young lions will say to you have you come to take plunder have you gathered your army to take booty to carry away silver and gold to take away livestock and goods to take great plunder and the passage goes on it describes the battle these armies are destroyed on the mountains of israel and not only are they destroyed their homelands are destroyed and not only are their homelands destroyed it says the coastlands are destroyed those are those are gentile gentile occupied areas from the perspective of jews so it's gentile occupied areas that are destroyed it is the homelands of the specific armies that come against israel at this time that are destroyed and it's the armies themselves that are destroyed and i would just um uh present to you the the fact that that may be talking about that that battle that starts the tribulation out where a quarter of the earth is killed and they're destroyed with fire and brimstone that comes down from heaven and so that can be a judgment that comes from god that can be an ancient description of some of the weapons systems that we have nowadays one or the other either way god uses it to take these guys out um one of the things that you have in this passage is that israel is alone the only thing and and i read to this part right here specifically just to get you to some of the other nations shivan di dan or saudi arabia and then it says the merchants of tarshish that's a that's one that's hard to identify tarshish was a land that was far to the west of israel it was being it was pictured as being as far far away as you could get from the area of the middle east at the at the time that the old testament was written it was known for 10 specifically and um it was the place that jonah was trying to get to and there's some question as to what tarshish was some people think that tarshish was a city on the basically in portugal or on the coast of spain in that area but there's uh gathering evidence that the middle east or actually the mediterranean area had trade with great britain and great britain is known for ten and so there's an ancient trade route that went out of the mediterranean through the pillars of hercules up the coast and to great britain and so some people believe that tarshish is great britain and if that's the case then that's england being mentioned in the passage and then it says the young lions the merchants of tarshish and all their young lions will say to you have you come to take plunder that is the only passage in the bible that i can point to specifically that may be speaking about the united states because if tarshish is england then the young lions of england would be canada and australia all the colonies and we were an english colony and so that may be talking about a diplomatic protest from specifically saudi arabia england and all england's young lions in that instance that's the only place i know in the bible that may be mentioning the united states and that is significant because we are the top world power at this point and that is weird that we're not mentioned because russia is mentioned and iran is mentioned and turkey is mentioned and libya is mentioned and ethiopia is mentioned when you get to the to the new testament we're going to talk about this too china looks like it's mentioned they're called the kings of the east or the kings from the east and they're mentioned and all those nations that i just spoke about are prominent in the news right now um including the nation of israel and that's the first thing that i wanted to go through and talk about um because a lot of the stuff that that i'm going to be uh throwing out to you can be conjectural in the sense that this may be a you know a precursor to a fulfillment that we have but there is one fulfillment that we have in scripture that is rock solid uh that puts us specifically in the last days and that's the rebirth of the nation of israel and this part of the study i'm doing specifically for for those of you who may be new or are not familiar with biblical prophecy or who may not be christians and you're you're here this evening because what you want to walk away with what i want you to walk away with is the fact that the book that we hold we christians hold in our laps when we come to church is something that's different than any other book that the planet has ever seen it is specifically something that that foretells the future in detail and uh before i was a christian i wasn't you know i wasn't born a pastor and so before i was a christian i was into uh things that my parents were into and they were into frankly some occultic stuff and so i was familiar for example with nostradamus i have i i have his book i have a book of nostradamus uh quatrains uh in my office right now and so whenever somebody comes in and talks to me about nostradamus i just whip it out and we go through and we we we actually read what the guy had to say and when you're when you're looking at the difference between the bible and the difference between other books in including books like that that people refer to all the time you have to consider the fact that no other book in the world contains fulfilled prophecies there is not a single fulfilled prophecy in the hindu hindu vedas in the quran in the book of mormon or specifically in nostradamus nostradamus as quatrains are so they're all over the place and so it's one of those things that you could make mean anything in contrast the bible contains hundreds of fulfilled prophecies concerning cities and nations and empires and persons there are people named in the bible before they're born and and so what i want to do is talk about the nation of israel we started in chapter 38 here and i'm not going to go into chapter 37 but chapter 37 specifically is about the restoration of the nation of israel before this battle takes place and so the israel is gathered out of all the nations so i'm going to really quick go through a number of passages that speak about the return of israel and so first one has to do with the dispersion of israel this is in deuteronomy chapter 28 if you've got your bibles you can open up there deuteronomy chapter 28 verses 58 through 64. i'm gonna do mostly out of deuteronomy here it says if you do not carefully observe all the words of this law that are written in this book that you may fear this glorious and awesome name the lord your god then the lord will bring upon you and your descendants extraordinary plagues great and prolonged plagues and serious and prolonged sicknesses moreover he will bring back on you all the diseases of egypt of which you were afraid and it shall be that just as the lord rejoiced over you to do you good and multiply you so the lord will rejoice over you to destroy you and to bring you to nothing and you shall be plucked from off the land which you go to possess then the lord will scatter you among all the peoples among all peoples from one end of the earth to the other and there you shall serve other gods which neither you nor your fathers have known would in stone okay deuteronomy 28 58 through 64. and so what god says to the people of israel is that disobedience would bring dispersion among the nations that came to pass in 70 a.d it didn't come to pass in 722 it didn't come to pass in 586 bc in 722 bc the northern kingdom was dispersed to assyria one nation in uh 586 they were dispersed to babylon one nation it wasn't until 70 a.d and then later on in 132 to 136 a.d that they were literally dispersed among all the nations and that was the situation that we had for over 1900 years up until world war ii basically actually a little bit before that and by the beginning of the 20th century when you when you went to the land of israel then called palestine there were less than 40 000 jews in the whole country and so they were dispersed and they were dispersed among all the nations so fulfillment of prophecy god said that and they were literally on every nation on the earth persecution is the next thing that god promised these guys he said and among those nations you shall find no rest nor shall the soul of your foot have a resting place but there the lord will give you a trembling heart failing eyes and anguish of soul your life shall hang in doubt before you you shall fear day and night and have no assurance of life in the morning you shall say oh that it were evening and at evening you shall say oh that it were morning this is what i felt like on on inauguration day [Laughter] i'm just messing around at the evening you shall say oh that it were mourning because of the fear which terrifies your heart and because of the sight which your eyes see and so persecution and so were the jews persecuted during that time and yeah they were one of the most persecuted peoples on the earth when you hear the word pogrom not program pogrom that's specifically talking about jews when you hear the word ghetto ghetto is something that was was specifically speaking about jews jews that lived in eastern europe jews that lived in western europe jews that lived in russia they were put into ghettos there were places that were designed for them to live in so they could be an easy target when they wanted to do a pogrom which was going in and persecuting jews killing them and so this was the case all down through the middle ages and up into modern times so this this is a description of the history of the jewish people after their expulsion from the land it's been fulfilled specifically as stated without question in the persecution annihilation of the jews in the time leading up to the 20th century and has its ultimate fulfillment in the holocaust in which 6 million jews were targeted and tortured and killed and that was literally what brought about around brought about the nation of israel and so another precise fulfillment okay then you have desolation of the lamb and this again is in the book of deuteronomy same same passage this is in chapter 29 so that the coming generation of your children who rise up after you and the foreigner who comes from a far land would say when they see the plagues of that land and the sicknesses which the lord is laid on it the whole land is brimstone salt and burning it's not sown nor does it bear nor does any grass grow there like the overthrow of sodom and gomorrah which the lord overthrew in his anger and his wrath all nations would say why has the lord done so to this land what does the heat of this great anger mean then people would say because they have forsaken the covenant of the lord god of their fathers which he made with them when he brought them out of the land of egypt for they went and served other gods and worshiped them gods that they did not know and that he had not given to them then the anger of the lord was aroused against this land to bring on it every curse that is written in this book now we're not familiar with this part but one of the things that happened with the nation of israel down through the ages is it just became a desolation and so by the time that you get to the 1800s uh the the land of israel is nothing but swamps in the valleys all the trees there were very few trees in the land of israel in fact there were more people than trees in israel and um it was specifically because people were cutting them down uh there was a situation first off with uh armies coming in they would cut down the trees to make siege works against the uh cities of israel and then later on the turks the ottoman empire which is what um erdogan wants to bring back the ottoman empire specifically taxed people based on their fruit trees and so if you didn't want to pay taxes you went down you went out and cut your trees down and so by the time that mark twain got there in the 1800s this is what he said about israel mark twain who visited the land in 1866 described it with these words in his book innocence abroad it is a blistering naked treeless land of all the lands there are for dismal scenery i think palestine must be the prince it is a hopeless dreary heartbroken land palestine sits in sackcloth and ashes it is desolate and unlovely unlovely and when you look at pictures from the time that's exactly the case the next thing that you have is the preservation of the people of israel but zion said the lord has forsaken me this is out of isaiah 49 and my lord has forgotten me can a woman forget her nursing child and not have compassion on the son of her womb surely they may forget yet i will not forget you see i have inscribed you on the palms of my hands jeremiah says this thus says the lord who gives the sun for a light by day the ordinances of the moon and the stars for a light by night who disturbs the sea and its waves roar the lord of hosts is his name if those ordinances depart from before me says the lord then the seed of israel shall also cease from being a nation before me forever thus says the lord if heaven above can be measured and the foundations of the earth searched out beneath i will also cast off all the seed of israel for all that they have done says the lord so when are the jews going to cease to exist and that's going to happen when the sun stops shining when the universe passes away when the heavens are measured and the foundations of the earth are explored that's when it's going to happen and none of those things have taken place in fact they think that they had the heavens measured back in the late 90s in the early 2000s and they've just come out with a new um estimate of galaxies in our universe and they just halved it so they don't know how many galaxies we've got and then when you're looking at the universe they can't even see the end of the universe because it's moving away so quickly that it basically disappears because from our perspective it's moving at the speed of light there for all you science people nobody's measured the universe and so hasn't happened so again precise prophecy precise fulfillment um you know one one guy was asked does god exist and he said look in a phone book banks department stores doctors lawyers accountants you'll see jewish names everywhere you guys know what a phone book is yeah you'll see jewish names everywhere despite the pogroms despite the holocaust you know when when you're talking about the jewish people they're full-blooded jews about 14.6 million people on the planet 6.7 million in israel 6.5 in the united states that's a new thing too because new york used to have more jews than israel did and now most of the jews are back in the land of israel which brings up the regathering this is a promise again back in deuteronomy that the lord your god will bring you back from captivity and have compassion on you and gather you again from all the nations where the lord your god has scattered you if any of you are driven out to the farthest parts under heaven from there the lord your god will gather you and from there he will bring you then the lord your god will bring you to the land which your father's possessed and you shall possess it he will prosper you and multiply you more than your fathers here's another verse this is isaiah it shall come to pass in that day that the lord shall set his hand again the second time see the underlying portion israel has been brought back to the land twice the first time was after the babylonian captivity and the second time is in our times and so there was a promise that there was going to be a second time the lord shall set his hand again the second time to recover the remnant of his people who were left from assyria and egypt from pathros and kush from elam and shinar from hamath and the islands of the sea uh many of those are north african and middle eastern nations um he will set up a banner for the nations and will assemble the outcasts of israel and gather together the dispersed of judah from the four corners of the earth here's another one this is out of the again out of the book of jeremiah it says therefore behold the days are coming says the lord that it shall no more be said the lord lives who brought up the children of israel from the land of egypt but the lord who lives the lord lives who brought up the children of israel from the land of the north and from all the lands where he had driven them for i will bring them back into their land which i gave their fathers again precise prophecies precise full men eat fulfillment even to the vernacular because when jews talk about the regathering now or they're they're coming into the land they're not talking about coming into the land from egypt back in the old testament in the book of exodus when they're talking about coming from back into the land now they're talking about coming back from the diaspora or the dispersion amongst all the gentiles and so in the book of jeremiah they're prophesying not only the fact that they're going to come back but what's going to be the major issue as far as israel coming back then um you have jerusalem promised to be restored to the jews behold i will make jerusalem a cup of drunkenness to all the surrounding peoples when they lay siege against judah and jerusalem and it shall happen in that day that i will make jerusalem a very heavy stone for all peoples all would heave it away all who would heave it away will surely be cut in pieces though all nations of the earth are gathered against it and they this is in luke 21 24 jesus speaking and they talking about the jews will fall by the edge of the sword and will be led away captive into all nations he's talking about 70 a.d and 132 a.d into all the nations and jerusalem will be trampled by gentiles until the times of the gentiles are fulfilled and so the jews would be led away captive and dispersed among the nations until the time when gentile domination would end and that came to pass on june 7th 1967. um i was alive during that time some of you weren't um the city had been ruled and occupied by gentiles for 1897 years on that day rabbi gorin the chief rabbi of the israeli army came to the western wall blew a shofar it's a ram's horn and then proclaimed we have taken the city of god we are entering the messianic era for the jewish people the prophecies teach that when the jews re-enter the land messiah will come and so prediction made prediction fulfilled and then finally jesus said the generation that saw the return of the jews would see the great tribulation and the return of christ this stuff you guys is rock solid there you you you cannot look at that stuff and say that that hasn't come to pass god specific um about what was going to happen with the jews and one of the reasons i could have picked a number of passages in the bible uh to prove my points and those things because those are not the only passages there's a bunch of them um but one of the reasons that i that i took the passages specifically out of the book of deuteronomy is because what god was doing in that book was he was telling the jews who were going into the land what their future was going to be before they ever even got started before they ever even got into the land the book of deuteronomy was given to these people when they were outside the land it's the second law that that moses wrote to the generation that lived through the time of wandering in the wilderness and so he lays out their whole history before they start their history and tells them exactly what's going to take place and that's the kind of prophecy that you have in the bible and when i was a young christian i went to certain bible studies and when i found this stuff out you got to remember i came from a family that was into weird things you know you know astrology and nostradamus and all kinds of cultic things and that kind of stuff and when i found out that the bible said this kind of stuff i was just blown away because you can't do that 1440 bc and be it's just it's just a ridiculous thing to try to predict the future well over 3 000 years in your future nobody in this room could do this no committee could do it it and with the with the specificity that happens here it can only be god that's done this okay so that's for all you guys that are here that may have never heard about bible prophecy before that's what we're dealing with when we're dealing with the word of god it's something that god has proven is supernatural he proved it by telling the future in ancient books now there are people if you if you went to college and you took a religions class they will tell you that deuteronomy wasn't written until after the babylonian captivity okay that's that's 500 bc okay so this stuff is predicted 2500 years ago i don't care where you put the book of deuteronomy it's biblical prophecy and it's been fulfilled and there are good reasons to state that it wasn't written after the babylonian captivity so what's missing is the united states so where's america and that's what i wanted to talk about most uh tonight here so we've got some possible scenarios for um the united states missing in prophecy um possible scenarios for removing the most powerful prosperous and influential nation the world has ever seen and that's the nation that you're sitting in right so here's one option the rapture this is the one that i want and so the rapture for those of you guys who don't know and i'm not going to go into a whole big study on this but jesus talked about the fact that all these things are going to be happening in the last days but he said there's one thing and one thing only that you need to be watching for and he said it's me you need to be watching for me because i'm coming when you don't expect me and so you need to be paying attention to what's going on around you because i'm coming like a thief in the night and he said two people would be in one bed one's going to be taken the other is going to be left two women will be grinding at one one mill one's going to be taken the other is going to be left two people will be working in one field one's going to be taken the other left obviously believers versus unbelievers one taken one left right and so some people are going to be bet in bed while other people are working that lets you know it's a worldwide event that takes place at the same moment in time because some people on one side of the planet are sleeping because we live on a planet that's round look at the moon look at mars look at the sun everything's round and so we live on a planet and what jesus is letting you know is that planet-wide this thing is going to be taking place and so the rapture of the church jesus comes to take his church out he says he's coming like a bridegroom coming to get his bride and the bible says specifically jesus said that he's going to take us to the father's house where there are many dwelling places and he says if if it weren't so i would have told you if i'm going i'm going to come back and i'm going to receive you to myself that where i am you may be also and so that's what we're looking forward to and so in the rapture people disappear they're they're taken home to be with the lord and so the bible the bible calls it a resurrection also the dead rise and those who are alive and remain are caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the lord in the air okay and so you know if you're if you're looking at the united states and you know basically about a third of people in the united states say that they are born again bible-believing christians about a third of people i don't know if i believe that i think our country would be significantly different if that was the case if you're talking about people who claim to be christians it's better than 60 at this point and i certainly don't believe that right and so but but if you're talking about a large group of people like that say say it's even 25 of the united states that just disappears you're gonna have some issues right and they they just go away and so maybe there's chaos that comes from that on top of that jesus when he was describing the rapture of the church he compared it to noah and noah's day and he compared it to lot and the destruction of sodom and gomorrah when you read the rapture passages there's a deliverance of the believers and there's sudden destruction that comes down on the unbelievers and so again uh we read in ezekiel 38 about this battle that takes place and you have fire and brimstone coming down on all these nations and maybe those are coincidental so we're taken out fire brimstone comes down and whatever that might be if it's nuclear if they nuke seattle they're not looking for disappeared people they're just trying to pick up society and move on right and so you have that um maybe what takes place is that there is a huge revival because people get sick of lockdowns and government tyranny and and that kind of thing people come to jesus and um that number goes up from about a third to about two-thirds and then the whole nation is depopulated that's my favorite scenario let's do that one okay here's another one uh sneak attack that removes the us from meaningful influence in world affairs so let's talk about this for for a minute this is from the asia times the u.s is unprepared for a two-front great power war heritage foundation says u.s military is underfunded and undermanned for a long-term war with china and russia the world has changed russia and china have both bolstered their military strength in vital sectors the latter at an unprecedented rate reflected of these changes and according to a heritage foundation report if the u.s wants to be ready to wage long-term war with foes like russia and china at the same time it remains underfunded the report calls for more troops planes ships and high-tech assets claiming it is only about two-thirds the size it should be writes richard sisk at this in a nation which is already recording record military budgets in the range of uh 740 billion dollars as currently postured the us military is only marginally able to meet the demands of defending america's vital national interests the heritage index assessed u.s military strength across the service branches on a five-tiered scale of very weak weak marginal strong and very strong the ratings for the army air force marine corps were marginal but the rating for the navy was trending too weak based on the number of ships their age and the time it takes to produce more reported the navy currently has roughly 300 ships and over half of those ships are more than 20 years old of the 300 only about 100 are available on a daily basis of those hundred perhaps 60 are deployed into the western pacific so 60 u.s ships going up against a chinese navy of 350 ships it's now 400 ships quickly growing to 400 in the next few years not only that but an incredible asymmetry exists in the region due to the people's liberation army rocket force according to admiral philip davidson who spoke at the halifax international security forum this week china will test more missiles conventional and nuclear associated missiles this year than every other nation added together on the planet they're creating very advanced platforms and weapon systems to go with those platforms in the naval or maritime sphere with their air forces and with their rocket forces he said what they're trying to do is nullify our carrier groups so you sink a carrier you're sinking 5 000 people and a whole boatload of of jets and the ordinance that goes with it and they're going to do it with missiles and so that's a that's a big issue that's taking place right now here's another issue new emp warning you guys know about electromagnetic pulse so this is the stuff of sci-fi and so what you shoot what you do is you shoot a nuclear weapon up into the upper atmosphere it blows up and what it sends off is an electromagnetic pulse so if you've watched any uh movies where a nuclear weapon blows up you have helicopters falling out of the sky that kind of thing it's because of an emp um and so one of the ways that you can decapitate basically a nation's infrastructure is with this kind of thing and it's an issue in the united states washington examiner 2019 at a time when the military is starting to take the potential for an attack on the national electric grid more seriously a newly declassified report is warning of an electronic world war launched by russia iran north korea and china that could wipe out north america europe and israel with ease and using a primitive nuclear weapon a new axis of those aggressive nations could black out the western world dismantle all electricity and electronics and water and food supply and lead to millions of deaths in america nine out of ten americans are dead from starvation disease and societal collapse the united states of america ceases to exist warned the report declassified by recently decommissioned u.s commission to assess the threat to the united states from electromagnetic pulse attack he predicted that an attack would lead to damage too broad and too deep to repair requiring years if the u.s could survive for years everything is in blackout nothing works the emp sparks widespread fires explosions all kinds of industrial accidents you know that the fires in southern california were caused by uh transformers so you hear about all those wildfires that are going on a lot of them are caused by uh busted transformers and that's what would blow up firestone storms rage in cities and forests toxic clouds pollute the air and chemical spills poison already polluted lakes and rivers in seven days the over 100 nuclear power reactors run out of emergency power and go fukushima spreading radioactive plumes over the most populous half of the united states there is not even any drinking water in the national food supply in regional warehouses begins to spoil in three days there was only enough food to feed 320 million people for 30 days anyway nuclear emp attack scenarios and combined arms cyber warfare this is from 2017. nuclear emp attack is part of the military doctrines plans and exercises of russia china north korea and iran for a revolutionary new way of warfare against military forces and civilian structural uh civilian critical infrastructures by cyber sabotage and emp significantly because emp attack entails detonating a nuclear weapon at such high altitude that no blast or other prompt effects injuries to humans are delivered only the emp that immediately damages only electronics potential adversaries do not appear to regard nuclear emp attack as an act of nuclear warfare you get that they blow an emp up in the stratosphere and they're going to say we didn't start a nuclear war that's not what we're doing potential adversaries understand that millions could die from the long-term collateral effects of vmp and cyber attacks that cause protracted blackout of national electric grids and other life-sustaining critical infrastructures at least some regard this relatively easy potentially anonymous method of inflicting mass destruction as an attractive feature of what they describe as a revolution in military affairs russia china north korea and iran appear to regard nuclear emp attack as the ultimate weapon in an all-out cyber operation aimed at defeating u.s and allied military forces on the battlefield and in a theater of operations they also see emp and combined armed cyber warfare as a means of defeating entire nations by blacking out their electric grids and other critical infrastructures for longer periods of time than technologically developed societies including the us can tolerate without major disruption and loss of life emp won't work in africa because their society is primitive emp works in the united states because we're so dependent upon electronics final worst case scenario would be a coordinated emp attack by russia china north korea and iran to advance their common global strategic and ideological interests by what amount to an emp world war russia and iran are magog and persia china and north korea are kings from the east in the bible or the common strategic and ideological interests of a new axis comprising russia china north korea and iran strategically these states are all dissatisfied with the established world order dominated by the united states and its allies like germany before world war one world wars one and two they perceive themselves as threatened victim nations hemmed in territorial and economically by an international system built by rival powers moscow beijing pyongyang and tehran would all like to overthrow the existing world order and replace it with a new world order dominated by themselves also i'll also see the world's only superpower that is the united states as the greatest threat to their existence no matter how benign the us really is they do not perhaps cannot see anything but that the us is a great potential threat the new access are what might be called national security states or militant dictatorships because they are obsessed with survival and dominance to the point of sacrificing prosperity coexistence might be a temporary necessity but real security is achieved by dominance by the annihilation of rivals i d ideologically contrary to common western assumptions these outsider states do not perceive the united states and the west as necessary to their prosperity but as impediments actively hostile to their existence totalitarian and authoritarian societies see politics and economics power and wealth as a zero-sum game russia china north korea and iran do not blame themselves for their economic and political problems they blame the us and the west so that's their mindset this um next slide if i get to it is a um slide speaking about uh the possible uh attack uh that could take place that would specifically decapitate the united states take out western europe and take out israel and egypt which has become a problem to tehran and libya and other places turkey for example they could also take out japan and taiwan that's that's what being shown up there evidence is uh substantial that russia china north korea and iran are tacit allies russia and china conduct military exercises together support each other at the u.n and typically have a united front on most international issues china's new and growing military power is largely built on russian technology russia and china have both helped north korea and iran's nuclear and missile programs and often protect them from sanctions at the u.n an emp world war might unfold by sequencing the already described theater emp scenarios as follows and so this is a description of how they might take out these nations iran strikes israel comes first while russia china and north korea wait for u.s forces to concentrate in the persian gulf the u.s military is now so diminished by cuts in budget material and manpower that it can no longer fight more than one big theater war after perhaps a week when u.s forces and crucial c-31 assets are committed and enroute to the middle east simultaneously or in rapid succession north korea strikes south korea and japan china strikes taiwan russia strikes european nato finally if necessary north korea strikes the united states and russia strikes the united states the sequencing of emp attacks would maximally exploit the u.s hollow military where the u.s is no longer able to support major military operations in more than one theater the proposed plan would confront the u.s nearly simultaneously with an emp world war in four theaters in five theaters if the us itself is attacked 103 emp is or excuse me that's that's not that's a note so emp is essentially an anti-technology weapon and perhaps the perfect silver bullet to defeat and humble the high-tech military of the united states that is the basis for its claim to be the world's only superpower okay so that's one possible scenario and that's something that is arguable people argue about this kind of stuff but it's it is something that we're looking into nowadays because the electric grid is so vulnerable to attack from different places so you have that so maybe that's how we're taken out of the picture here's another possible scenario isolationism and so this is something that was promoted during the trump administration we need to get out of foreign wars we don't need to be fighting wars every place we don't need to be taking care of the rest of the world we don't need to be the world's policeman right and so that may be the situation uh that takes us out of the picture and so that's that's a possibility that's why we got into world war ii because of isolationism uh we've refused to be uh involved in the european theater during the rise of hitler and so what happened was he he rose up took over and it wasn't until there was a real threat to the united states and obviously the japanese attacked pearl harbor that we even got involved in that war it was very unpopular before the attack by the japanese and so that could easily become a situation in the united states here's another one financial collapse and so i don't even know what the deficit is now you know i don't i don't even know what our debt is now it's well over 20 trillion dollars it's just a ridiculous number all you young people i'm about to croak and you're gonna pay you know it's like it's it's it's ridiculously huge and so the the only reason that uh basically the united states uh is still a major economic power is because we we are the major purchaser of goods on the planet that's that's basically it we're not the major producer of goods on the planet we are we are a nation that consumes more than it produces that's a problem and uh basically the reason that our economy is propped up is because if it's not the rest of the world economy is tied to it so everybody's scared to go away from the dollar but china and russia and these nations that we just mentioned want to go away from the dollar and so when that happens there's no there's no reason to prop up the united states anymore and we have a financial collapse we have to pay our bills and so then you you have a major depression that would take place specifically in the united states and here's here's the final one that is brand new to me and it's an internal civil collapse um just uh again you know just kind of just kind of scary stuff um i knew that the days were coming when this could be a possibility it it had to happen you cannot have a document like the constitution of the united states or the declaration of independence in a world that is run by the antichrist you cannot have it you can't have that kind of freedom the bible specifically says that this guy is a world ruler and he's a dictator he's a he's a tyrant and um his word is law to the point where people worship him as god and so that's specifically what the bible says is going to take place on this planet in the not too distant future and so again to get that out of what out of the way something happened has to happen to the united states we have half the country right now who could give a rip about the constitution it's in their way as a matter of fact and they would like to get rid of it or rewrite it or just ignore it and they've they've effectively done that we just had a um just as a side light we just had a a conference actually it was just a one night thing where we went through and talked about opening up churches in washington state and uh civil uh liabilities and that kind of thing we had a lawyer uh who goes to our fellowship from pji pacific justice institute who came and talked about these things and one of the one of the things that she really is that she really made clear uh in her presentation is that we don't have um three uh parts of government we have four and so we have the executive branch and that's the president and the cabinet and we have the legislative branch which is the congress and the senate and we have the judicial branch which is the supreme court and the and the federal judges those are the branches that we have in the constitution but we have another branch of government that's called the agencies and most of the laws that circumvent the constitution come from the agencies and what that is is the bureaucracy and so they feel free you know there's a there's a whole and i didn't know this before friday night but there's a whole set of law that has nothing to do with the constitution that is used in regards to agencies and that's how political parties circumvent the constitution and that's the biggest form of government that we have in the united states the agencies and so that's pretty wild that's that's something that's interesting in any case let me go through and i'm gonna i'm gonna read you some stuff this is out of the book of daniel and um if you got your bible we're gonna start in daniel chapter 7 verse 23 and this is just a description of the government of the beast it says thus he said the fourth beast beast is also called the antichrist in the bible the fourth beast shall be a fourth kingdom on earth which shall be different from all other kingdoms and shall devour the whole earth trample it and break it in pieces the ten horns are ten kings who shall arise from this kingdom and another shall rise after them he shall be different from the first ones and shall subdue three kings he shall speak pompous words against the most high shall persecute the saints of the most high and shall intend to change times and law then the saints shall be given into the into his hand for a times time and times in half a time but the court shall be seated and they shall take away his dominion to consume and destroy it forever and so you have a guy who arises through a ten nation confederation and he is pompous he speaks against the most high he persecutes believers and he has ultimate power over them for a time and times in half a time that's what it says in that passage uh just to let you know that's talking about three and a half years in chapter eight in verse 23-25 it says in the latter times of their kingdom when the transgressors have reached their fullness a king shall arise having fierce features who understand sinister schemes his power shall be mighty but not by his own power he shall destroy fearfully and shall prosper and thrive he shall destroy the mighty and also the holy people and so again a king arises who brings in general persecution specifically of people who who are believers he has sinister schemes conspiracy stuff going on i have never been a conspiracy theorist until 2020 and all of a sudden there's all kinds of crazy stuff going on in the united states government i can't i can't believe the the stuff that i've seen it says through his cunning he shall cause deceit to prosper under his rule and he shall exalt himself in his heart he shall destroy many in their prosperity he shall even rise against the prince of princes but he shall be broken without human hands and that's talking about the destruction of the antichrist by the second coming of christ daniel chapter 11 in verse 36 through 39 it says then the king shall do according to his own will he shall exalt and magnify himself above every god shall speak blasphemies against the god of gods and shall prosper till wrath until the wrath has been accomplished for what has been determined shall be done he shall regard neither the god of his fathers nor the desire of women nor regard any god for he shall exalt himself above them all but in their place he shall honor a god of fortresses and a god which his fathers did not know he shall honor with gold and silver and with precious stones and pleasant things as military dictators what this is saying thus he shall act against the strongest fortresses with a foreign god which he shall acknowledge and advance in its glory and he shall cause them to rule over many and divide the land for gain then you have revelation chapter 13. turn over there if you if you got your bible revelation chapter 13 verses 1-10 it says i stood on the sand of the sea and i saw a beast rising up out of the sea later on this is uh described as being nations the sea is like a bunch of nations uh specifically the mediterranean nations uh beast rising up out of the sea having seven heads and ten horns and on his horns ten crowns those ten crowns are the ten kings that we read about in daniel and on his head's a blasphemous name now the beast which i saw was like a leopard his feet were like the feet of a bear in his mouth like the mouth of a lion the dragon gave him his power and his throne in great authority those descriptions right there are out of the book of daniel and they are descriptions that come from nations that are identified as being babylon and persia and greece and rome and uh the dragon that's being spoken about there in the previous chapter was identified as satan satan gives this nation its its power its strength he specifically gives power to the antichrist to rule so this is not only a military dictatorship this is literally a satanic dictatorship that takes place in the last days and those nations those places are involved in this iraq is the area where babylon is found i saw one of his heads as it had been mortally wounded and his deadly wound was healed and all the world marveled and followed the beast probably an assassination attempt right there so they worshiped the dragon who gave authority to the beast that's satan they worship the beast saying who is like the beast who was able to make war with him and he was given a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies and he was given authority to continue for 42 months that's three and a half years then he opened his mouth in blasphemy against god to blaspheme his name his tabernacle and those who dwell in heaven it was granted to him to make war with the saints again you have persecution and to overcome them and authority was given him over every tribe tongue and nation it's a worldwide dictatorship all who dwell on the earth will worship him whose names have not been written in the book of life of the lamb slain from the foundation of the world if anyone has an ear let him hear he leads into captivity shall go into captivity and so on if you look at verse 15 last part of verse 15 it says that he'll cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed he causes all both small and great rich and poor free and slave to receive a mark on their right hand and on their foreheads and on that uh and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast or the number of his name here is wisdom let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beasts for it's the number of a man the number is 666 666 right so that's an overview of the antichrist so let's get into this good evening and welcome to tucker carlson tonight our capital city washington is under military occupation tonight by inauguration day they're expected through and i put together uh my um prophecy update usually what i'm using is newspaper articles and i'll use videos at times and and that kind of thing this um some of you have probably seen this i believe this was last tuesday that tucker carlson did this on fox news this is one of the most succinct overviews of the things that are going on in the united states as far as issues with uh political collapse and and anarchy and and that kind of thing that i have ever seen this is this is one of the most adept analyses that i have ever seen in my life i was sitting there watching this and i was like that that is my whole prophecy update that's everything i want to talk about and so that's why we're looking at this right now and we're going to we're going to branch off this um let me let me start it again let's go back here and then bam good evening and welcome to tucker carlson tonight our capital city washington is under military occupation tonight by inauguration day they're expected to be more than 26 000 armed federal troops in washington no living american has seen a moment like the one we're watching now 26 000 soldiers that's more than five times the number of american military personnel currently stationed in iraq and afghanistan combined that is more than twice the number of troops that president lyndon johnson ordered to washington in april of 1968. in april of 1968 washington dc was literally on fire race riots had broken out after the assassination of martin luther king whose memory we celebrate today more than a thousand people were injured in those riots and at least 13 of them died much of the capital was leveled and it stayed that way blocks of charred rubble for decades if you visited washington in the 1990s you remember what it looked like but according to our current leaders the so-called insurrection of january 6th was much worse than any of that so far here is the death toll from that day a police officer was hit in the head by rioters then later had a stroke and died at a local hospital an unarmed protester was shot to death by authorities as she tried to climb through a window a woman may have been trampled to death by the crowd as of tonight those are the three casualties we can confirm from the riot at the capitol building on january 6th in response to that our leaders have assembled the largest military presence in washington in all of american history during peacetime in 1864 as the civil war raged on the other side of the potomac and americans died every day in large numbers in battle there were fewer federal troops protecting washington d.c than there are tonight and it's truly a national force the guardsmen you see in washington have come from every state in the union as well as from puerto rico and the question is why is that there's no practical or operational justification for it for decades washington dc is in the highest per capita law enforcement presence in the country and one of the highest in the world so there was no need to fly in troops from alaska to keep the city safe but keeping the city safe was hardly the point of the exercise the murder rate in the district of columbia has risen with terrifying speed over the last six months men women and children shot to death in the streets but no one in charge seems to care about that or even notice their deaths so no matter what they are telling you those 26 000 federal troops are not there for your safety instead unmistakably the democratic party is using those troops to send the rest of us a message about power we're in charge now we run this nation from honolulu to our colony in the caribbean and everything in between very much including where you and your family live do not question us men with guns enforce our decrees we control the pentagon and indeed they do control the pentagon republicans have spent years ignoring the leftward drift of our officer corps but we can't ignore it now the mask is off our military leadership the very same generals who howled at the idea of deploying american troops to stop an invasion of our southern border those same generals sent tens of thousands of soldiers with rifles to washington purely as a show of force on behalf of the political party they support and once they did that they then allowed democratic politicians to degrade and politicize the military itself democrats in congress demanded that the troops sent to washington this week submit to a political purity test ideological vetting as they put it to make certain that every soldier professed loyalty to the new regime not loyalty to our country not loyalty to our constitution but loyalty to the aims of a specific political party nothing like that has ever happened in america and just a few months ago it would have been unimaginable suddenly it's compulsory um the the whole issue with politics um is not an issue that i'm interested in at this point the issue is specifically bringing the military in in this kind of in this kind of manner and um one of the things that he's going to make a point of uh later on in the article or in the in the presentation that he does is that this didn't happen all summer it just happened just now and it happened in dc and one of the things that the bible says has to take place is you're going to have a military dictator a guy who's uses military force to keep the populace under control that's what's going to have to happen not only in the area of europe and the places where his strongholds are it's got to happen worldwide because he controls the world is what the bible says it's the it's the ultimate answer to jesus he's the ultimate false false christ he's bringing in the kingdom of satan is is the idea behind what's happening in the book of revelation satan always copies god and so that's that's what's taking place and so what i'm telling you is that you're likely to see more of this as time goes on one of the passages that we read was in daniel chapter 11 in verse 36 through 39 he shall act against the strongest fortresses with a foreign god which he shall acknowledge and advance its glory and shall cause them to rule over many and divide the land for gain it's talking about military might and so that is something that has to be taking place there has to be absolute military rule that again is what you see in revelation chapter 13 verse 4. we read that verse also here's this is kind of fun tonight our capital city washington is under military occupation oh wait what happened there oh i i hit the wrong thing yeah so this is the passage that we just read i'm not going to read that again this is the revelation 13 4 passage so they worshipped the dragon who gave authority to the beast and they worshipped the beast saying who's like the beast and who's able to make war with him and again obviously an ultimate military dictator this is this is just kind of a cool thing because everything tonight is going to be scary and a bummer but this is just fun most popular president in history to be inaugurated in secret behind giant wall guarded by thousands of soldiers president-elect joe biden will be inaugurated this week and due to his incredible popularity with amir the american people he will be inaugurated in a top secret location behind a massive 12-foot wall guarded by 30 000 soldiers the reason president-elect biden has to do this is that he's just so incredibly popular said don lemon on cnn he has so many rabid fans that they might try to rush the stage as they're overcome with enthusiasm and love for biden who is by far the most beloved candidate who has ever run for a president in addition to the 12-foot electric fence topped with razor wire and the 30 000 heavily armed soldiers who've been vetted as democrats there will be flying drones programmed to target maga hats a platoon of ninjas and a moat filled with crocodiles dug all the way around the capitol building and the white house biden will then be escorted to a secret underground bunker patrolled by attack choppers where he will give the oath of office in a dark concrete room with all the recording equipment turned off this is a slight break in tradition but it's necessary because biden is just so incredibly popular and loved by the people said nancy pelosi sources say that biden will be brought to an undisclosed location after the inauguration to live out his remaining days peacefully until kamala harris's inauguration next week that's the babylon b what's wild about the babylon b is they do this kind of stuff and then it happens you know so i don't know we'll see anyway i thought that was kind of fun uh you do realize he's the most popular president in history according to the votes according to the votes over 80 million most popular there you go next part here's congressman steve cohen of memphis explaining why it is the guard is 90 some odd percent i believe male 1 um only about 20 percent of white males voted for bible you got to figure that in the guard which is predominantly more conservative and i see that on my social media and we know it they're probably not more than 25 of the people that are there protecting us who voted for biden the other 75 are in the class that would be uh the the large class of folks who might want to do something we should pause that tape and we should consider for a moment and think deeply about what congressman steve cohen of tennessee just told us on television he said that every white man in this country is a potential murderer every white man in america should be under suspicion purely on the basis of being white and male of planning a presidential assassination he told us the national guard is overwhelmingly white and male therefore congressman cohen says white male national guardsmen must undergo government background checks to prove they're not planning murder steve cohen didn't couch any of that he just said it and the cnn anchor nodded as he did again sorry this is out of the book of matthew um chapter 24 and jesus says this you will hear of wars and rumors of wars see that you are not troubled for all these things must come to pass but the end is not yet for nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom and there will be famines pestilences and earthquakes in various places he's talking about things that are going to be taking place leading up to what the bible calls the great tribulation see this on the bottom here this is greek see this right here ethnos epi ethnos when you have this phrase here for nation will rise against nation this is the term that means will rise and um this is ethnos epi ethnos it literally means ethnic group against ethnic groups and so that again is one of those things that you're seeing specifically in the united states it's not only in the united states you see this in china you see this in russia you see this in western europe you see this in africa you see this all over the place and obviously there's been racial tensions for a long time in various places in the world but not like we are seeing it in the united states right now i i grew up in junior high in high school in southern california with lots of black people lots of brown people lots of white people all around me i played football with these guys took showers with them in the locker room and that kind of stuff they were just my friends and so i'm not used to this this is different than anything that i've experienced in my whole life and all of a sudden racial intentions have become a huge uh issue in the united states it's ethnos against ethnos and so now we don't have what i was taught was a a melting pot where people from different nations and different ethnicities come to the united states and we become american citizens that's out the door and so now we have different groups in the united states that are vying for their piece of the pie and this is called balkanization this is what led to the wars that uh took place in the in the countries that are just um east of italy uh over in eastern europe and it destroyed that area of the world and it will destroy ours too and so this is this is again one of those things that you see you see it all the time in the news and it's everything that everybody's talking about and again it's something that's prophesied in scripture ethnic group against ethnic group is what's going to be taking place right before christ comes back war collective punishment is now the official policy of the federal government and it's enforced by the pentagon you'd love at some point to ask congressman cohen about the implications of this since we've established this new standard this new requirement of collective punishment what other groups of americans congressman cohen should be denounced and hurt simply because of the way they look simply because of the dna they were born with or does this new standard apply only to white men and if it does apply exclusively to white men which is definitely the impression we're getting from you how does targeting white men contribute to your stated goal of reducing white male extremism because doesn't attacking people on the basis of qualities they can't control make them more extreme not less extreme aren't you persecuting them into behaving in precisely the ways you claim you don't want them to behave and since you're not a wouldn't all of that be obvious to you so why are you doing it why in the name of fighting extremism are you congressman cohen creating extremism by the way dead certain no question about it that's exactly what you're doing what steve cohen is your motive for doing that that's a sincere question by the way congressman cohen is invited on this show any time to give us his answer you have this uh again this whole situation where um you have uh politicians in the united states who are trying to pit one group of people against another and one of the things that i like about what mr carlson did here is he's asking questions about why he's not just saying this is what's going on he wants to know why it's going on so why would you take one group of people and pit it against another group of people in a country that's supposed to be one country why would you do that um and there there are ways to uh address issues in people's lives and that kind of thing and it doesn't have to be a situation where you take one group of people and you start persecuting them so that another group of people can have more power and it doesn't matter which way that goes that that again is not something that i was raised with and i understand that this area may be different than the area that i grew up with grew up in but this was not an issue when i was a kid it was it was not an issue amongst any of my friends and and so uh it's again this is something that's that's foreign to me and i don't think that it's what the united states should be it is something that the bible again talks about being uh an issue that the antichrist will will bring up um deceit and persecution are taking place specifically against the followers of god uh and again this is out of daniel 8 23. it says in the latter time of their kingdom when the transgressors have reached their fullness a king shall arise having fierce features who understands sinister schemes his power shall be mighty but not by his own power that's talking about his satanic he shall destroy fearfully and shall prosper and thrive he shall destroy the many many and or the mighty and also the holy people through his cunning he shall cause deceit to prosper under his rule and he shall exalt himself in his heart he shall destroy many in their prosperity he shall even rise against the prince princess talking about jesus but he shall be broken without human means and the point that i want to make in this passage is that this guy has plots he has sinister plans he has an underlying motive to everything that he's doing and this is what i was talking about uh you know when uh i was saying that i didn't used to be a conspiracy theorist before but when you know some of the conspiracy theorists things are happening around me just like oh well that that weird guy was right about that whole thing and you know and i'm still not a conspiracy theorist in the in the way that most people think of but i used to think of politicians as idiots and they're just doing stupid things because we elect the dumbest people possible and that's what i used to think about them and now i think that maybe they're not idiots i think that maybe some of these people are smarter than i'm giving them credit for and that they have underlying motives to everything that they're doing and so again this whole thing with packing the packing dc with over 26 000 troops there was a signal behind that there was a reason that that was taking place some of it had to do with fear on their part you know they had to duck for the first time in their lives they weren't you know a business owner in milwaukee or in the other places that were being burned down so they had to duck for the first times in their l in their lives and they had an overreaction but there may be way more to it than that and if and you know i still kind of default towards a lot of these guys are just dumb i still do that but the guy who's behind them is not right and so you know whenever i've talked to conspiracy theorists before you know a lot of times they're coming up with the illuminati and all these you know secret meetings amongst amongst people and that kind of thing i still have a hard time with that because i just don't think that these people are that smart but satan is he's wise and he manipulates and he tools people and people who are not armed with the power of the holy spirit are under his control is what the bible says and so there is a big conspiracy going on and you can see it again moving in this in this kind of direction so you have that next one in the meantime you've got to wonder about what the guardsmen themselves think of all of this this new policy serving in the national guard is not easy work guardsmen aren't paid much some you've got to imagine are doing it for love of country now they've been deployed to their country's own capital city and they've been given orders to shoot their fellow americans if necessary that's a lot to ask now suddenly on top of all of that they've been told that if they were born a certain way if they're white and male and therefore evil and dangerous they themselves are under suspicion of being the enemy they're potential killers assassins betrayers of a nation we're not overstating this for a fact here's a national guard commander in puerto rico describing to his troops the enemy they will face in washington they are white nationalists he tells them they are proud boys if you wanted to stoke an irreparable civil conflict you would talk this way and you would keep talking that way you'd tell armed men under your command that they might have to shoot people who voted for the wrong candidate in the last election you can see where this could all go it's really scary so where's the pushback from our defenders well we didn't get any calls today from republican senators begging to come on this show to talk about any of this or to push back against it the democratic party is using the military of the united states which they do not own as a political weapon but republicans in congress just can't be noticed bothered to notice that you think officers at the pentagon would be outraged by this it's such a total betrayal of everything our country and the military are supposed to stand for it as far as we know tonight not a single officer has resigned in protest background checks on people because of their race and sex because their political views why aren't they protesting why aren't they resigning we can't say we know some clearly agree with all of this and they'd like to see it accelerate quote i was chief prosecutor at guantanamo for over two years a former air force colonel called moe davis announced on twitter today and there's far more evidence of congressman madison cawthorne's guilt than the guilt of more than 95 percent of the detainees it is time we start a domestic war on sedition by american terrorists that's a verbatim quote and we'll repeat that sentence in case you thought you heard it incorrectly or we're making it up we are not a career american military officer has now called for quote a domestic war on sedition by american terrorists a war among those terrorists the ones he says are literally more dangerous than al qaeda and therefore must be imprisoned and killed is a 25 year old wheelchair-bound madison cawthorne who was just elected by american voters to the united states congress but according to colonel mo davis congressman cawthorne and the millions of americans who agree with him the ones who voted republican in november must be subdued by force they are the enemy our military exists to fight now keep in mind that colonel davis colonel mode davis spent his life under arms so you can be certain he isn't using the term enemy in some metaphorical sense as in oreos or the enemy of an effective diet no he means enemy in the way osama bin laden and his co-conspirators of gitmo were our enemies and you remember what we did to osama bin laden okay that last section there um i went through and researched that those two guys the guy who was in the wheelchair and moe davis the ex-air force colonel were in a bid for congress i believe it was from south carolina south carolina or north carolina can't remember which one it was and so they were on opposite sides of that whole thing davis was the democrat and the other guy was the republican and the republican won in that and he the democrat accuses the republican of sedition in that situation and not only him but all the people who showed up at the maga rally when the capital was invaded you you realize there were probably there was a good couple hundred thousand people there there may have been up to 400 000 people there at that time and you realize they didn't all go into the capital right it was a small portion of that and what the politicians have been saying is that all of them were responsible for that and painting them with a broad brush and at the same time that they're doing that what they're what they're doing is they're taking extraordinary measures against people who might do that in the rest of the united states you know what happened last wednesday in every state capital in the united states so they brought out increased police forces and that kind of thing because they thought that there was going to be a general uprising and obviously there wasn't and so again when you when you're when you're looking at this whole thing there is a there's a painting of half the populace as being somebody you know a group that is evil and out to destroy the rest of us and a group of people that needs to be put down and admittedly that goes both directions because i don't i don't like a lot of what the democrats are doing i'd never say that you need to throw them into you know detention camps or something like that but i don't like what they're doing and i don't like the things that they say and there are some republicans i don't like either you know and so i'm kind of an equal opportunity don't like politician kind of guy there's there's uh there's some politicians that i really like i've got some friends that are politicians that are godly people but for the most part a lot of these people are ego driven and they they they have issues and a lot of this has to do with power and i've never seen anything like that and i was around during the 60s when you had the civil rights riots and and that kind of thing i've never seen anybody who was a politician that came out and said those kinds of things about um american citizens and the the general populace specifically um this is a pretty frightening article um it's a quote from general mcchrystal he uh was the general who for i believe eight years uh ran the military in afghanistan and he said homegrown insurgency general mcchrystal compares maga rioters to al qaeda this is in uh the 16th of january this year retired army general stanley mcchrystal has compared the maga riot to the evolution of al qaeda saying in both instances people followed a powerful leader who justified their violence as he warned america is headed for a homegrown insurgency i did see a similar dynamic in the evolution of al qaeda in iraq where a whole generation of angry arab youth with very poor prospects followed a powerful leader who promised to take them back in time to a better place and he led them to embrace an ideology that justified their violence mcchrystal told yahoo news this is now happening in america that's crazy talk from a guy who ran the military talking about half the voters in the united states and again this is something that i see coming up that's going to take the united states into a period of time where there's there may be civil uprisings and and even warfare there are a lot of people who are talking about civil war in the united states so let's proceed has twitter seen mo davis's tweet has the secret service do they care does anyone will you know the answer will a single one of colonel mo davis's many allies in the democratic party denounce what he said or even tell him to cool it a little bit and what about the news media reporters are perpetually on the hunt for what they describe as dangerous extremism have they noticed colonel moe davis on twitter probably they have but of course they agree with him just today the daily beast the home page of our highly credentialed but not super bright ruling class ran a piece with this title can u.s spy agencies stop white terror other countries the story pointed out have domestic spy agencies to fight extremists at home so of course we need one right away what the piece does not mention that those other countries would include china north korea kazakhstan domestic spy agency is a not very subtle euphemism for secret police that is what they're calling for now you'd think talk like that would constitute a big red line for the many professional freedom defenders in washington the ones you send money to the think tank libertarians for example they're everywhere but not tonight where are they tonight a former us military officer declares war on american citizens members of the media call for a secret police agency this is the stuff of libertarian nightmares it's what they claim to hate so where are they now why isn't billionaire libertarian man of principal charles koch spending billions of dollars to stop this these abridgements of liberty these unprecedented attacks on liberty he's definitely not spending billions to stop it doesn't seem doing anything no one is and so it continues unabated democrats in congress support a new secret police agency but why wouldn't they support it what better way to protect your own power than funding a quote domestic spy agency to fight extremists at home those extremists needless to say will be their political opponents so you don't have to worry about them anymore because they'll be in jail just last year congressman brad schneider of illinois sponsored legislation to begin the process of creating just such an agency empowering current agencies to spy on americans based on their political beliefs and guess what schneider's bill sailed out of the house judiciary committee all but two republicans voted for it nor did republicans say a word when congresswoman grace mang of new york sponsored a bill to criminalize the quote purchase ownership or possession of body armor body armor not the ownership of guns or bombs or even knives that's where you thought we were sheila jackson lee of texas just introduced legislation to require a license from the government in order to own ammunition well that seems nonsensical in extreme especially from a party that released thousands of violent criminals from prison in just the last year but no it's much crazier than that it's banning body armor devices that cannot under any circumstances be used to hurt another person body armor is purely defensive body armor exists only to protect the person who is wearing the body armor it is already a crime to use body armor in most places while committing a violent felony this is different this would make it a crime to possess body armor at all why would you do that why would you make it a crime to possess something designed to save your life that'd be like banning seat belts or banning helmets and actually now that we mention it grace meng's bill would ban helmets any helmet that might protect you from gunfire for real and honestly you should pause when you hear that what could possibly be the motive for it we can't think of a non-sinister explanation for banning body armor it should make you nervous to hear it's even being considered but again republicans never said a word about this okay so with this the whole spy agency thing is really scary and so this stuff started with 911 and the the fact that there were foreign agents that came into the united states and they were trained in the united states to fly aircraft they flew them into the twin towers and do york and flew them into the pentagon and did that whole thing and so they started opening up the the uh ability for our spy agencies to check out the united states specifically that's always been the job of the fbi and and so it's not that we don't have criminals and we don't pay attention to criminals it's when you get spy agencies involved in this whole thing and and you you start having a surveillance state and you you understand that people can hear you through this and people can hear you through this whenever you know some of my secretaries are conspiracy theorists and they'll say steve you're saying things in front of your computer that they can hear you and we're joking around and stuff but it is the absolute truth they can they can do those things you have alexa in your home they can hear you and so you have a perfect situation where the united states has literally set up a surveillance state the populist has done this willingly and it's things that the east german stasi would have loved to have in east germany or the russians would have loved to have the chinese are using it right now against their people and again one of the things one of the places that we have to go is to a place where the populace can be controlled by the government and that that again is the point of why i'm showing you this stuff um you know with the whole thing with the body armor one of the points that he made there you know it's like when we think when i think of body armor it's like why would i get body armor it's because you know i'm a radical second amendment guy and you know i'm afraid that the you know that the government's going to come in and take my compound and that kind of thing and that's why i would wear body armor right and um that is what uh carlson was talking about when he said it is already a a illegal to wear body armor in the commitment of a felony you can't do that but the idea that you take away the ability of the populace to be protected from bullets that would come from the military just to be protected from that is kind of a weird thing in the united states one of the things that that happened in well it happens in every tyrannical government the first thing that they do is they disarm the populace because you you cannot have a population in the united states you know like we have right now that has all these guns so let me give you a prediction the second amendment is going away it's going to go away for us to get to what the book of revelation has to say it may not go away before jesus comes back for us but it is going to go away because you can't have people going out with guns and saying no to the government to have what you have in the bible you cannot have that and so again you have that whole situation so but again republicans never said a word about this but again republicans never said a word about this they were too busy agreeing with democrats that what happened at the capitol was a white supremacist insurrection senator jim lankford oklahoma who tells his voters he's conservative just apologized to african-american voters forever mentioning the possibility of voter fraud since somehow that is now racist how is that racist exactly we'll tell you exactly the truth what happened on january 6th was awful we don't like mobs we don't like vandalism we don't like violence we said it at the time we'll say it again now we'll never stop saying it but what happened on january 6th was not an insurrection and there was nothing racial about it that is a total lie it is told and repeated purely for political advantage here's what it actually looked like inside the capitol when the first demonstrators burst in glad to see you guys you guys patriots look at this guy he's got covered in blood god bless you yes you good sir do you need medical attention i'm good thank you all right i got shot in the face where are they i got shot in the face with some kind of plastic bullet any chance i could get you guys to leave the senate wing we will i've been making sure i ain't disrespecting the place okay i just want to let you guys know this is like the sacred place just chatting with the cop on the house floor the guy in the viking hat chewbacca man you've seen him before is a real life person his name is jacob chansley chansley is sitting in jail tonight he's being held without bail bail was denied on friday the judge who ordered him to rot in jail presented no evidence that chansley was violent or a threat to anyone nevertheless the judge concluded quote this is an insurrection and jacob chansley was quote a symbol of what occurred he now faces 25 years or more in prison if convicted you just saw the crime the real crime though was being a symbol of insurrection no matter what happens jacob chansley will almost certainly do more time in prison than countless murderers rapists and armed robbers actual criminals aren't a problem for the democratic party in fact they're an important constituency and it shows since memorial day about 90 percent of the people arrested for gun crime in new york city for example have been released back onto the streets free to do it again gun crime really from the party that is against gun crime right gun crime gun violence yeah 90 percent released because unlike jacob chansley they are not symbols of insurrection and who else is not a symbol of insurrection these people [Applause] [Music] [Applause] uh that was your country for months and months on end now they're pretending none of that ever happened but it did happen mobs have politicized thugs virtually every one of whom supported the violent overthrow of the elected president and said so loudly at every opportunity and spray painted on buildings went on to torch and loot and vandalize major american cities in the city of minneapolis minnesota alone b l blm and nt for rioters burned or destroyed more than 700 buildings how many innocent people did they kill we've counted more than two dozen nationwide not including the many hundreds murdered by criminals who were sprung from lockup in the name of george floyd we don't know the full death toll probably never know nobody's keeping track there's no political advantage in tallying the people that your side kills but it's not a problem they tell us because none of that was an insurrection not even symbolically so um obviously there there's there's an overreaction to what takes place in the capital versus what took place for you know the last seven months in other parts of the country and that has to be politically driven and again this is this is the kind of world uh that we're seeing the united states in and it's designed to drive the united states apart and that again has to take place united states is not in prophecy except in the instance that i that i shared with you and so this is a good way to make it happen chaos insurrection uh one group of people against another group of people that kind of thing and and so you know uh one of my favorite photos of the of the capital riot was a dude sitting in nancy pelosi's office with his feet up on her desk and i saw it and i just laughed you know the the chewbacca guy i was like yeah that's not a trump supporter i don't know he might be but that guy's you know he's he's pretty crazy and so i had a hard time with that but the guy at nancy pelosi's desk i went that's a trump supporter right there and uh one of the things that he did was he apparently took up a letter that was going from nancy pelosi's office to uh another congressman in the in the congress uh he uh he bled on it his fingers were you know his hand was bloody for some reason he bled on it and so he ended up leaving a quarter on the desk and taking it uh because he didn't think it was appropriate to leave it there and he said i'm not a thief and so they're charging him with theft because of that and when i heard that i was like he should have took her tv because apparently you can bust into places and rip off people's tvs but you can't you know take a letter and so obviously there are issues there [Laughter] that's what it's been like for seven months nothing to see here please disperse and so i just thought that was funny too so i just kind of threw that in there again matthew chapter 24 for nation will rise against nation kingdom against kingdom there will be famines pestilences and earthquakes in various places all these are the beginning of sorrows then they will deliver you up to tribulation and kill you and you will be hated by all nations for my name's sake this is specifically talking about followers of god you'll be hated by all nations for my name's sake and then many will be offended will betray one another and will hate one another then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many and because lawlessness will abound the love of many will grow cold another prophecy concerning this time lawlessness is going to abound the love of many is going to grow cold people are going to be betraying one another people are going to be hating one another so do you have people who are all ticked off at you because of the political things that have been going on in the last month how many of you are like you have that situation going on family members that kind of thing because of this kind of stuff and this is only going to increase when you're talking about tyrannical governments you have a government that specifically wants to turn the population against the population so that the population actually polices people and not the government itself you you want people ratting each other out is what you want and again that's more of what we're seeing in the united states so how long will this cycle go on if you're hoping america will revert to normal on wednesday afternoon after joe biden is sworn in as president you are an optimist you probably assume the quarantines and mandatory face coverings were temporary too probably not something awful has been unleashed on our country unchecked it will inevitably lead to more awful things every action provokes a reaction that is physics it's also human nature abraham lincoln understood this well in january of 1838 lincoln spoke to an audience in springfield illinois about what happens when a society refuses to punish thugs and vandals it's not a small thing citizens lincoln said see their property destroyed their families insulted and their lives in danger their person's injured and seeing nothing in prospect that forebodes a change for the better they become tired of and disgusted with a government that offers them no protection at that point lincoln noted they become radical they do things they never would have considered if the authorities had bothered to enforce the laws they made in the first place in other words they become liable to show up at the capitol building in viking hats and face paint you could have scripted what was going to happen on january 6th what we can't know is what happens next and let's pray that the people planning a war on american citizens find their reason and their decency and stop talking like that immediately much less planning to act on it let's hope the biden campaign didn't really mean it when they promised to make quote the same commitment to root out domestic terrorism as we have to stopping international terrorism think about that how would that project end you know the truth is we don't deserve that very few americans deserve to be treated like osama bin laden because they're not terrorists they shouldn't be treated like isis most americans are good people even if you hate how they voted we don't need a war within our borders stop calling for one people in charge only the worst people will win that war here's a response from the left specifically from president biden witness yesterday was not dissent it was not disorder it was not protest it was chaos they weren't protesters don't dare call them protesters they were a riotous mob insurrectionist domestic terrorist it's that basic it's that simple and i wish we could say we couldn't see it coming but that isn't true we could see it coming the american people saw it plain view and i hope it's sensitized into what we have to do did you get that last part yeah um again this is one of the reasons that i think politicians are dumb because what they you know what these what these guys do is they amp it up and so you have this this situation taking place in in washington dc they you know they blame it on the on the president's speech that's one of those things you know whenever i see this stuff on the news you guys i i just go and check things out and so you know on on the one side people are saying that trump didn't do anything on the other side people are saying that trump uh you know caused the riot and that kind of thing and so what i do is i go start looking stuff up and found out that the riots started 20 minutes before trump's speech ended and so how'd they get there because it's over a mile and a half away and so i got a google earth and i know where the speech was and i you know you can i use google earth all the time and you can track things and you can figure out how far far apart things are it's over a mile and a half away you know better than almost a mile and three quarters away from there you get you know you're talking walking speed because they weren't driving cars talking about about walking speed if they came from the ellipse it would uh uh you got 20 minutes that they weren't there because the attacks started before that point and then you've got at least another 20 to 25 minutes for a walk with a crowd going over there so they missed three quarters of the speech so you can't say that the speech was what was driving the whole thing and that was a really easy thing i i did that in 10 minutes you know it was a really easy thing to figure out and you know i i grew up in in uh in rowdy neighborhoods and i know how to start a fight and that's how you start one right there you have you have somebody that goes over the top in some area and you have another person who just comes up and gets up in their face and tells them this is what we're gonna do you know this is what i'm going to do to you that's how you start a fight and i don't know why they want to start a fight again i kind of think it's because they're dumb politicians but there is somebody behind the scenes that pull in the strings at the very least so they want to start a fight and one of the uh one of the reasons could be is because we can't have the united states being involved in last days events not in the way that we could involve ourselves so no unity amp it up fighting words a call and then we have calls for deep programming and re-education there are millions of americans uh almost all white almost all republicans who somehow need to be deprogrammed they're members of a cult the trumpist cult uh and and who have to be deprogrammed do you have any idea how we how do we start that process trump is the spiritual but i will also say operational leader of this domestic terrorism effort he tells them where to go he tells them what to do he tells them why they're angry um and so uh we need to start at the top like any counter-terrorism effort which is total isolation of the president of the united states impeachment yes 25th amendment yes deplatforming yes all of the above no money no access to campaign funds a complete isolation enough with the let's unity and stuff this is a tactical effort there's absolutely a commission that's being discussed several members of congress and some of my discussions have brought up uh media literacy because that is a part of what happened here we're going to have to figure out how we reign in our media environment so that you can't just spew disinformation and misinformation i like it when she's talking about spewing misinformation that's funny um that's first amendment stuff you cannot have the first amendment in a worldwide tyranny you cannot have the second amendment in a worldwide tyranny and so again this is where the world's going and so you are going to make to be made to be afraid to say anything that doesn't go along with what the government says and uh again that's specifically stuff that the uh the bible uh points to uh in the last days okay and as much as i'm worried about these loons who break into government i'm actually more worried about the loons who did get elected because i i mean what do you do about these people there's 147 republicans in congress who still don't concede that trump lost the election what do you do about people who are in the government who don't believe in our way of government it is so shocking not only do are they not conceding bill but there's thoughts that there might have been some collusion among members of congress some are refusing to go through magnum magnometers or whatever you call them to to check for weapons they're not wearing masks during the siege i mean it's really bizarre isn't it when you think about how awol so many of these members of congress have gotten but i also think some of them are believing the garbage that they are being fed 24 7. on the internet by their constituents and they bought into this big lie and the question is how are we going to really almost deprogram these people who have signed up for the cult of trump deprogramming there are calls that are being made for detention camps and that kind of stuff and these are by serious politicians that are saying this stuff and again this is stuff from world war ii this is stuff from from stalin's russia and again it's being it's being uh put out by the united states uh bill maher just said that these guys don't believe in our way of government don't believe in our way of government where the one when where when one side cheats in an election and refuses to be transparent in their practices declares victory and then tells half the populist to shut up that way of government because that's what most people in the united states think happened in the elect in the last election did you know that talking about democrats and republicans most people think that that's what happened in the last election and we'll be talking about that in a minute here too huey long understood this huey long was maybe the only true economic populist ever elected to the united states senate he was a democrat back at a time when you could be an economic populist and still a democrat and for that he was more hated than donald trump ever imagined he could be hated by everyone not just republicans but by the sitting democratic president franklin roosevelt hugh long was a very flawed guy they always are but he wasn't stupid in fact he had flashes of wisdom in 1935 huey long had a flash of wisdom here's what he said if the united states ever winds up with a fascist government quote we will have it under the guise of anti-fascism that's right that's interesting uh fascism in germany uh uh usually when you're talking about fascism you're talking about germa germany or italy in germany it was a socialist government the nazis were socialists it was a socialist government in collusion with corporate entities to control the economy and the people of germany by determining manufacturing and supply priorities the government in collusion socialist government in collusion with corporate entities does that sound familiar yeah one of the things that that we have in our nation right now is the democrat party can't pass their agenda with law and so they're using the courts they can't undermine the free speech legislatively and so they're using big tech they also use the populist or route out their fellow citizens that's shades of east germany that's shades of the soviet union again and that's in america and again i'm not just talking about republican democrat because i can go through and talk about some of the stupid things republicans have done too but this is stuff that is pointing specifically to government control on a worldwide scale and it's happening in the united states right now and again i think i think that's you know pretty interesting stuff this is revelation 13 15 through 18 again it says he causes as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed he causes all both small and great rich and poor free and slave to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast or the number of his name here's wisdom let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast for it's the number of a man his number is 666. so you have government in collusion with commerce in collusion with corporations specifically to control how people buy and sell and it's one of those things that has to be taking place during the last times and again we see that clearly here's the whole ratting out thing this is called the insurrectionist next door this is from january 16th the tv crew had set up the set up on the street in front of matthew council's riverview florida home and that was how his neighbor learned the man who lives a few houses down from him and had been arrested arrested for storming the capitol the neighbor was taking his dog on his regular walk when reporters popped out of a van and asked for a comment the neighbor declined to go on tv that struck him as unwise given the circumstances but he later told the washington post that uh council seemed like a normal guy who waved to him whenever they encountered each other in the neighborhood and who lived in a plain looking house that unlike many others on the street in the conservative leaning area did not have any signs in support of president donald trump out front counsel according to the department of justice unlawfully entered the capitol building and when stopped by law enforcement pushed an officer the radicalization of trump supporters from all walks of life became jarringly apparent this month when a phalanx of lawyers nurses police officers real estate agents and stay-at-home parents found common cause terrorizing lawmakers for not overturning the results of a presidential election with conspiracy mongers and violent white supremacists amid the throngs were a university professor a hairdresser a school therapist a ceo a piano teacher an olympic gold medalist swimmer and a state representative from west virginia a frisco texas woman jenna ryan flew to the rally from texas on a private plane and posted a video from the riot where she hocked her professional services you all know who to hire for your realtor she said jenna ryan for your realtor she's been arrested back in the quiet well to do neighborhoods of america the constitution of the mob raised unnerving questions do i know any of these people and is anyone i know capable of this the last time the us capital was sacked in 1812 the perpetrators were british soldiers uh there have been bombs blown up in the u.s capitol in my lifetime come on this time it might have been the guy a few houses down who always keeps his lawn immaculately mowed or the woman across the street the one who was always getting in trouble with the homeowners association or maybe the man down the block with whom they'd always politely change the subject whenever politics came up the insurrectionists next door they might have been people like michael gans whose neighbor in the indiana dunes indiana area described him as a well-known contractor and restaurant owner owner he seemed a little bit more like one of those wealthy guys who likes the low taxes and dismantling regulations rather than an ideological trumper says his neighbor catherine like some others the post interviewed for this story she asked to be identified by her first name only she had heard from another neighbor that gans was posting photos on social media from the capitol steps and then saw that he had done an interview with the chicago tribune about his participation the riot falsely blaming the riot on antifa a loosely defined group of militant left-wing activists i like that description i so not i saw no violence nothing destroyed no fights said gans who claimed he did not enter the capitol building in an interview with tribune columnist jerry davich this handful of antifa probably staged by very powerful people to make trump supporters look bad were handled quickly catherine was appalled so she reported gans to the fbi for standing on the capitol steps she reported him to the fbi i felt like i was participating in a necessary movement to start to make things right again in this country she says of her decision to turn in her neighbor it felt sort of like a patriotic kind of obligation a recent a recent release from the department of justice said that the fbi has opened approximately 200 subject case files and received about 4 140 000 digital media tips from the public notably many of the tips are coming from friends co-workers and other acquaintances of those allegedly involved in the attack a chicagoan named alex made the same calculation when she saw one of her neighbors posting snapchat footage from the riot in the video she observed her neighbor very close to the capitol and shouting through a megaphone he was instigating violence saying we should destroy this stuff and steal all of this another friend had taken screenshots of the video which alex included when she filled out the fbi's online form to report him she says she has not heard back from the bureau and the neighbor's name has not appeared on any lists of those who have been arrested alex and her neighbor used to be friends two years ago she says but she started keeping her distance after he behaved rudely toward her now she says she plans to ignore him completely if she sees him on the street it's kind of scary that i was so close to what we call now a domestic terrorist says alex i never thought that ever in my life i would live next to somebody that has malicious intentions against our country the problem with the insurrectionist next door says laura residents of salome springs arkansas is that they think their intentions are good laura and her neighbor who attended trump's pre-riot rally in washington are both christians or claim to be which is really confusing she says he really believes that this is god's plan for america her neighbor had described the dc pilgrimage in religious terms she says he went to pray for trump to somehow be made the winner of the election then laura saw he'd posted on facebook that he had made it to the back steps of the capitol and shared a photo of the rubber bullets he picked up there as a souvenir this to laura was proof that he was somewhere he was not supposed to be so she too reported her neighbor to the feds for standing on the steps i didn't enjoy it but it was the right thing to do she says i'm white i have a lot of privilege i don't have to be afraid but that's not true for everybody what was once an unsettling but untimely funny quirk about a crazy neighbor now seems like part of something larger and more sinister it's like a little more disturbing now jake says you see the online violent rhetoric of the true believers turn into actual violence against a republic you know you don't know what somebody is capable of a woman from coos county oregon who asked the post to withhold her entire name because she lives in a small town and fears for her safety has a neighbor whose political posture was never funny to her he has said racist things about muslims she says and taunted her for being a democrat when he put up a trump pence sign during the election he pointed it not at the street but directly at her house [Laughter] she responded by blocking his sign with one of her own advertising the candidacy of a local democrat their proxy fight continued eventually leading to a shouting match the day after the capital riot she heard gunfire coming from her neighbor's yard she says she peeked through a gap in the fence and saw that her neighbor and a friend had erected a target range her thoughts turned to news reports about armed demonstrations that trump supporters planned to hold at all 50 state capitals i thought oh my god the woman says could that be what her neighbor was practicing for my stomach started turning she says my hands were shaking was she even safe in her home what about her cats who sometimes roamed into his yard target practice no i like cats cats like me too she's planning to keep tabs through the window in the days leading up to inauguration she's going to watch and see if his car is gone for a few days she's going to watch to see if his face turns up on the news as for matthew council's neighbor he'll be watching too at some point he knows he'll run into his neighbor on his dog walks but he's not sure if he'll act different i'll still wave to him he says i don't know i've got to keep the peace you know what i mean it's a 30-year mortgage that's wild you got people who are acting that way towards each other i like the battling science thing though that's that's pretty funny i don't usually put up political signs but i might do that with a neighbor next door like her according to a new survey a record high 71 percent of president trump's supporters believe the country is headed towards civil war what's more forty percent of president-elect joe biden's supporters agree here's the chart for that so do you believe our country maybe may likely be headed uh to a civil war or other significant upheaval so 40 percent of biden supporters said yes 71 percent of trump supporters said yes 31 of biden says no percent of trump said no 29 of biden was unsure 20 of trump was unsure i did some stuff with this um actually other fine details from the findings when asked who won the election technically the responses were if you believe civil war is coming that's that first group 71 percent and 41 percent whatever that was if you believe civil war is coming 17 percent of biden won uh 81 of trump won uh said that civil war was coming 3 was unsure if you believe no civil war was coming that was that second group 55 of biden supporters uh thought that um trump uh won or excuse me 55 percent of the biden guys thought that biden won 25 percent of them thought that trump won and 14 were unsure uh if you were unsure on on the civil war actually that's that whole group if you're unsure on the civil war 40 of the biden supporters were unsure uh that biden or uh thought that biden won and 48 of that group thought that trump won 12 percent were unsure with a poll of 500 you know they didn't tell him how many people were in the poll and look it up but i just went with a thousand people if you take a thousand people divide them down the middle trump supporters and biden supporters uh you would have in that first group right here of trump supporters 355 people thought that there was a civil war coming okay and if you're talking about the biden group that's 200 people out of those the people who thought that trump won the election actually there were 94 biden people out of 200 who thought that trump won out of trump there were 450 or actually there was a total of 400 uh 450 who thought that trump won and unsure there was 16 people out of this group of people um there were uh 40 trump people who thought that uh who did not think that trump was or that there was going to be a civil war and 155 people who thought that there was going to be a civil war or not going to be a civil war and out of that group 107 biden supporters thought that trump won and then out of this group the unsure group um you would have had a hundred trump guys 145 biden guys out of those there were a total of 245 people um who a total of 245 people 71 of them thought biden won 98 of them thought trump won and 30 of them were unsure so what i'm telling you is from this poll most of the people in the united states states think that the election was rigged talking not just trump supporters but biden supporters true that is not good that's not a good thing and again you know you have a situation where we could be going into something chaotic and there could be civil war how late are we going here i think we're over this was my next part china is in prophecy so the united states isn't in prophecy china is in prophecy you know what we'll we'll we're going to have to do this again because i'm not i'm not going to there's no way i'm i'm getting through all this stuff and so we'll pick it up here next time but again you know when you when you look at the stuff that that we're dealing with these are all things that again have to be taking place before you can have a worldwide tyranny before you can have the things that the bible talks about these are these are issues that are going to have to be um settled and it's not going to go good for the united states of america now one of the one of the things that i i did want to share with you let me get to something here if i can make this happen is that all up on my screen okay jesus said next thing that's happening is the is a rapture it says that night two people will be asleep in one bed one will be taken the other left two women will be grinding flower together at the mill one will be taken the other left that's that's the next thing that prophecy talks about all this other stuff that we're talking about are precursors to stuff that you have in the book of revelation stuff they have in isaiah stuff that you have in deuteronomy even stuff that you have there but this is the thing that jesus said that we're supposed to be watching for he said i'm coming like a thief in the night and you need to be prepared for me and there's coming a time when people are going to be taken out of here and that's the thing you have to be prepared for in this passage he says one will be taken the other left this is what this means in greek to take the people who are taken it means the word means to take to one with oneself to join to oneself as an associate as a companion not to reject them when you see the the phrase and the other was left here the other left that word for left right here is this to send away to bid going away or depart of a husband divorcing his wife to let go to let alone to let be to disregard to omit to neglect to give up to keep no longer to leave to go away from one in order to go to another place to depart from anyone to depart from one and lead him to himself so that all mutual claims are abandoned to desert to go away leaving something behind to leave one by not taking him as a companion to leave one dying leave leave behind one to abandon to leave destitute and that's what jesus warned about jesus said however no one knows the day or hour when these things will happen not even the angels in heaven or the son himself only the father knows when the son of man returns it'll be like it was in noah's day in those days before the flood the people were enjoying banquets and parties and weddings right up to the time that noah entered his boat people didn't realize what was going to happen until the flood came and swept them all away that is the way it will be when the son of man comes two men will be working together in the field one will be taken the other left two women will be grinding flower at the mill one will be taken the other left jesus says watch therefore for you do not know what hour your lord is coming but know this that if the master of the house had known what hour the thief would come he would have watched and not allowed his house to be broken into therefore you also be ready for the son of man is coming in an hour you do not expect and that is specifically stuff that jesus had to say to the disciples before he left it's the last thing that he said to these guys before he left a lot of times when um a parent or somebody in authority is leaving the last thing that they say is the most important thing this is it it's the most important thing christ is coming he's coming at a moment that you don't expect and they're going to be people taken out of here and other people are going to be left and it's all based on whether or not you actually know jesus it's all based on whether or not you've actually given your life to christ and if you haven't given your life to christ what the bible says is that you're going to be left there's coming a time when you are going to wake up you're going to roll over and your wife is not going to be there you're going to wake up and you're going to roll over and your husband is not going to be there you're going to go looking for him because you think he's lost wandering in the backyard or something and he's not going to be there you're going to be at work and you're going to lean back look over your shoulder at somebody that you work with and they're going to be gone the crazy christian person who keeps inviting you to church they're going to be gone and you're going to be left and a lot of the stuff that i've been talking about this is all everything that we're seeing right now is just a precursor to this stuff the stuff that we're talking about is real live nazi germany stuff real live soviet union stuff real life uh vietnam after the fall of south vietnam stuff real life scary stuff that's going to be taking place with a worldwide dictator in tyranny and you're going to be in the middle of all that by yourself is what the bible says or you can choose to give your life to christ and you know it's like i know i'm i'm scaring you into the kingdom if i were you i would i would be scared that's why jesus did this stuff on purpose because the alternative is not good it's not good and so you need to do something about this if you're not a christian here tonight you probably came with some christians and i'm going to give you an opportunity to give your life to christ but if you don't want to do that right now you need to have a little you know serious talk with the person that you just came with because this stuff is not a joke and again the things that i'm saying you guys i've never seen this in my lifetime we're i'm seeing things that are coming to pass that are some of the scariest things that i've ever seen and again i lived through the civil right uh uh civil rights riots uh uh during the 60s i saw all that stuff this is way scarier than that is and it's because of the things that that people are saying and obviously i know what the bible says about where this is gonna go you should be frightened you should be frightened um if you don't know jesus if you don't do know jesus you need to be looking up because um if this stuff is close the coming of christ for us is even closer than that and so we need to be paying attention to these things so have you given your life to christ have you asked jesus to be lord lord and savior of your life has there been a time when you went to the lord and said god i want to follow you i want to give my life over to you i want to know you jesus and if that hasn't happened then you need to do something about it god doesn't just bring you into the kingdom because you walk into a building you're not a christian because you go to church you're not a christian because your family is christian you're a christian because you committed your life to jesus christ personally and you said jesus i want to follow you that what's that's what makes you a christian jesus went up to people personally and said to them you follow me and then they had to do something about it have you done anything about that because he's been doing that with you and you know the times that he's been doing it here's another one it's happening right now so what you're going to do what are you going to do you're going to keep going the way that you're going keep doing the things that you're doing live the life that you want to live and you're allowed to do that and god's allowed to give you the consequences which is not him you get this world without him that's the consequences and we've been talking about some of those things tonight i would counsel you to choose wisely [Laughter] in this situation and i don't want to make a joke out of it because it's not a joke but you need to choose wisely you need to decide what you're going to do with jesus jesus said that if you will confess me before men i will confess you before my father in heaven if you deny me before men i will deny you also before my father in heaven jesus said to be decided and to be undecided is to be decided you're either for me or against me that's what he said you are either for me or against me you either gather with me or you scatter people it's it's one of the two and jesus didn't do an in-between type of thing and so somebody who's for him is somebody who said yes to christ ask jesus to come into the life and wants to follow him that's somebody who's for him you're in a room full of those people somebody who's against him is somebody obviously that says no i don't want to do that i don't want to follow him and i don't care what you say bald guy right that's somebody that's like that here's who else is against him is people who go i'm not going to do anything about it because if you're not doing anything about it what you've said is no and you may be saying well i'll revisit it in 10 years but the answer is still no isn't it and jesus said you're either for me or against me so where are you at you form against him and if you want to be for him god want god is for you he wants you he loves you he wants you to be in in his kingdom he wants you to be part of his family he wants to forgive you for your sin and he wants to cleanse you wants to make you something that you could never be on your own and so i'm going to give you a chance to do that right now i'm going to pray with you this is a prayer asking christ to come into your life if you've never done that before then you need to do something about this and so what i'm going to do is i'm going to pray and if you've never asked jesus into your life you don't know if you died today if you go to heaven that's the simplest way to put this you're afraid that if you died you would you have no idea what god would do with you some of you have a good idea of what god would do with you and it's not good right if you're in that position then what you need to do is you need to say yes to jesus because he will forgive you so i'm going to pray and then i'm going to ask those of you who don't know if you're going to heaven if you want jesus i'm going to ask you to raise your hand and i'm going to have you pray a prayer with me asking christ to come into your life okay and so you'll be thinking about that while we're praying let's close this out father thanks again for the time together thank you for uh i don't know we live in exciting times this is you know there's just really cool things going on all over the place and i'm pretty excited about the fact that bible prophecy is being fulfilled in all kinds of areas lord i think it's pretty cool but it can be scary i remember when i first heard this how frightened i was uh by a whole set of circumstances that i had no idea was taking place um lord i know that there are probably people in this room that are like that too and the reason that they're frightened is because they're not sure they don't they don't know what's going to happen with them they don't know what you're going to do with them and lord again we know that you want them to be sure you said come unto me all you who are laboring and are heavy laden and i will give you rest take my yoke upon you and learn from me from my for i'm meek and lowly in heart and you'll find rest for your souls you always invited people to come to you and you're doing exactly that right now so lord i just want to pray for anybody that may be here tonight that doesn't know you and just ask that you give them the boldness to make a stand for you and to finally say yes to you so while your heads are bound your eyes are closed if that's you here this evening you want to know jesus you want your sin forgiven you want to know that you know that you're going to heaven if that's you why don't you raise your hand up and i'm going to pray for you raise it up high so i can see it you guys all christians what's your deal if you are that's cool if you're not this is dangerous so anybody raise your hand if you want to give your life to christ okay wait who are you seeing i don't i don't see this person raise your hand high oh i'm sorry all the way up in front forgive me anybody else i got people back in the pa in the back cheating back in the back okay i see you god bless you anybody else last moment okay oh um you guys on on uh facebook and on uh youtube you too if you're watching this and you need to give your life to christ um i want to pray with you also and so um you can do this too you guys said just raise your hands why don't you look up at me look up at me here i'm going to pray a prayer with you and this is a prayer asking god to forgive you and for jesus to come inside and the bible says that if you'll call in the name of the lord that he'll do exactly that he'll forgive you for your sin and he doesn't care what you've done um he doesn't care where you've been he doesn't care what you've been he knows you and he wants you it's why you're here it's why you're hearing this stuff jesus loves you okay and so you call on his name and the bible says that he'll hear you and he's gonna save you and he's going to come inside and he's going to change your life okay all you have to do is you have to give your life over to him so what i'm going to do right now is i'm going to lead you in a prayer you guys on on facebook and online you too i'm going to lead you in a prayer and this is a prayer asking jesus to forgive you you guys could put your hands down now this is a prayer asking jesus to forgive you and to come into your life okay so all you got to do is mean this from your heart you don't have to play games with this god knows your heart he knows what's going on you just you just need to mean this okay and so just pray this out loud with me and and say this lord jesus come into my life i know that i'm a sinner and i've sinned against you i'm sorry please forgive me please write my name in your book of life and make me a christian i thank you that you love me and that you died for me and that you rose again from the dead and i thank you that you're coming for me please fill me with your spirit and give me the power to live for you i give my whole life to you now in jesus name amen okay if you prayed that prayer raise your hand up high so everybody knows who you are raise it up up high get it up there up [Applause] high i'm going to get you guys out of here but you guys have just gave your life to the lord we've got a bible and bible studies for you they're free um if you already have a bible you can give this one to somebody else or you can keep it or whatever but mitch is back in the back and he messed up like a prepper you got camouflage on yeah he's going to be up front he'll have this stuff for you and so come on up and get it god bless you guys isn't that fun i love this stuff
Channel: Calvary Chapel Tri-Cities
Views: 16,871
Rating: 4.8611712 out of 5
Keywords: The Bible, prophecy, current events, news, usa, Book of Revelation, Jesus, God, Calvary Chapel, Steve Whinery, christian
Id: 0QIxAGzE3iY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 152min 56sec (9176 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 24 2021
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