Where Do We Go From Here? | Interview with Dr. David Jeremiah

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so i guess a more important question then what in the world is going on is the title of your new book where do we go from here why did you choose this title you know one day don and i were i don't know if we're having breakfast or it was usually we sit and talk a little bit in the in the morning and i said something like this to her i said it seems like we're watching america being dismantled that's what it seemed like to me everything that we hold dear is up for grabs and i wondered if there was some way to find out what was behind all of this and was prophecy involved and so i began to do some digging and that's where we came up with the title and and i decided this wasn't going to be the normal prophecy book no because most prophecy books are this is what's going to happen deal with it and there's no hope in that so we came up with this idea that we would write these chapters like this where are we now what does that mean and where do we go from here there's an old adage when you study prophecy that says future events cast their shadows before them in other words if there's an event out there that's going to happen it's not just going to pop on you one day it's going to cast its shadow before us we're living in those shadows right now are we living in the end times there may have never been another time in history when end times prophecy has been more aligned with the culture and circumstances of the world than it is today [Music] i believe there are ten phenomena we are witnessing today that were recorded centuries ago in bible prophecy seeing our circumstances in light of these prophecies should give us resolve purpose and hope and help us answer the questions what are we to do with the world around us what hope do we have in times like these and ultimately where do we go from here before dr jeremiah begins his teaching series he sat down with sheila walsh who interviewed him about these 10 phenomena we are witnessing today ladies and gentlemen bible teacher author and television host please welcome sheila walsh thank you so much dr david jeremiah has been studying and teaching from god's word for more than 40 years his practical manner of explaining what scripture says what it means and what it means for us has been life transforming for millions and i am one of those millions one particular feature of david jeremiah's ministry is that through the years he's dedicated a portion of his teaching to explain bible prophecy which for many people is often confusing and daunting to understand but it doesn't have to be in dr jeremiah's new teaching series where do we go from here he points to the prophecies that reveal insight into the problems that you and i are currently experiencing won't you help me welcome dr david jeremiah well this is fun that we get to do this again before we dive in to your new teaching series which by the way i have to tell you it is one of the best i have ever i mean i've read all your books this one had a huge impact on my life but before we dive into this let me ask another question what in the world is going on have you ever seen such a chaotic time as the one we're living in now no it seems like something happens and before you can totally respond to it something else happens right on top of it and it's just one thing after the other and most of them are unprecedented in thanksgiving they're not things that oh well that happened before no this never happened before what is this you almost don't want to turn on the television because what's going to happen today that's never happened before i mean especially in our schools and what's happening in culture we're in unprecedented times no question about it you have always devoted some of your time in teaching and writing to biblical prophecy why is that so important for you there's a wonderful blessing that awaits those who will dig into what god has in store for us in the future so many promises and i think if all you do is live in the present you don't see what god has in store for us in the future you can get pretty bleak because you know if this is all there is this isn't all that great god has some great things ahead of us and to know that and to look forward to that and the bible says set your affections on things above that's a good thing to do yeah so i guess a more important question then um what in the world is going on is where do we go from here why did you choose this title you know one day don and i were i don't know if we're having breakfast or it was usually we sit and talk a little bit in the in the morning and i said something like this to her i said it seems like we're watching america being dismantled that's what it seems like to me everything that we hold dear is up for grabs and i wondered if there was some way to find out what was behind all of this and was prophecy involved and so i began to do some digging and that's where we came up with the title and and i decided this wasn't going to be the normal prophecy book no because most prophecy books are this is what's going to happen deal with it and there's no hope in that right so we came up with this idea that we would write these chapters like this where are we now what does that mean and where do we go from here there's an old adage when you study prophecy that says future events cast their shadows before them in other words if there's an event out there that's going to happen it's not just going to pop on you one day it's going to cast its shadow before us we're living in those shadows right now and you address problems or phenomenon happening in our world today our directly tied events will transpire in the last days so let's just begin with something we're all very familiar with and that is pandemic is a pandemic part of biblical prophecy well you all know when coveted 19 happened everybody wanted to know okay is this in prophecy are we at the end of the world because in the bible there's a lot of times in the tribulation period where pestilences happen and the bible says that in the end times there will be pestilences in matthew 24 when jesus was setting the stage for the beginning of trouble that's one of the signs one of the six signs was pestilence so i ended up preaching a whole message on it what we learn from that is a number of things sheila number one when i first started studying prophecy and i would read about worldwide plagues i believed it but only because it was in the bible i couldn't imagine that yeah i can imagine it now can't you i mean this was the whole world 114 different countries that were plagued by this terrible virus do you think that god can bring good out of something that was clearly so bad he has he's brought so much good out of it you know when we first started after covert 19 we couldn't have church so i preached right here to nobody wow i remember saying to donna when i left i don't ever want to do this again this was really hard and then the next day i found out how many people watched the first week a hundred thousand people watched no it didn't stay there i mean first week everybody was highly motivated but but even today it's 30 40 000 people who watch online just maybe three weeks ago we had 70 people come to christ he gets a lot of glory to himself let's move on to the next issue discuss is globalism which you call an international prophecy you know we're definitely way more in touch as a world now and some people think that's a good thing what does the bible say about a global society well you know the first globalist was a guy named nimrod in the old testament who built the tower of babel and we found out in the very beginning that when all the people get together and try to build something to show god up god doesn't put up with that and so he as you know he confused the languages and that project sort of didn't do so well the problem with globalism sheila is it's the one thing that has to happen for the end of the world events to take place because as you know the scripture tells us that at the end of the world there will be a world leader who will galvanize people behind him and he will be a very evil man who will take the world down but he has to have the following of the world galvanizing the power behind one person is just a setup for what's going to happen in the future as believers how do we deal with that kind of world when we see this i mean we all see it happening around us how do we live in days like this one of the things i really believe i've learned from the study of this book is that we cannot live in lies let's be honest sometimes even as christians we know what everybody's telling us isn't true and we live in the midst of it like it's okay and we cannot do that we have got to learn how to live in the truth part of that is when things come up that we know are not representative of the biblical worldview we can't just sit there and take it we need to raise the objective and not do it most of what we hear today most of what we see most of what's on television is untrue it's just not true and if you stop and think about it you say you know what wait a minute that's not true but we allow it to affect our lives to the extent that it changes our daily behavior and we as christians have got to ask god to help us be set free by the truth and follow the truth god is not a globalist god is a nationalist god created the nations it says in acts he created the nation so that they would know god you read in the bible look at all the nations that are in the bible you know there are so many nations and god created it that way he wants it that way let's move in and talk about the nation that that god shows for his people because whether it's in the news or political debate israel has a constant spotlight on it small country constant spotlight and so you dedicate a whole chapter to this and you call it a geographical prophecy why is jerusalem so important well where does jesus come back to he comes back to antipolis the mount of olives from whence he left yes and when when he sets up his kingdom where does he rule in jerusalem and what happens after the old jerusalem you get a new jerusalem so jerusalem is really important and sheila i gotta tell you i had kind of like a really special moment when i was working on this chapter i love the the people of israel and i love studying i learned a lot about jerusalem that i didn't know before but one of the things that i learned was this the bible says numerous times that god chose jerusalem to put his name on it in other words he chose jerusalem as his own special city that's not said about any other city in history god chose jerusalem as his very own city jerusalem's mentioned in the bible way more than any other city it's the most important city but i've always wondered why don and i have talked about this when we go to israel and i am in jerusalem i have this sort of like unreal feeling about everything and i thought well maybe it's because that's where the bible took place that's where jesus walked all those things are true but now i understand it more than ever before i have that feeling because this is god's city wow it's a very special place god has set his name upon it in the book of deuteronomy there's a chapter where that is mentioned five times in one chapter this is god's city when you go to jerusalem the next time just realize this isn't just like going from city to city no this is god's city as you know it is a very hot topic there's so much discussion going on in news there's a lot of controversy as believers how do we address jerusalem how do we pray for this city what is our responsibility as god's children the bible tells us specifically pray for the peace of jerusalem so you you don't have to wonder about that the bible also tells us that if we bless israel god will bless us there's no question about what our role is that we should be positive about israel but i think we should be positive about them in a number of ways perhaps the most important is for their safety they are surrounded by 37 nations that would take them out in a minute if they could some of them are now making peace with them the the abraham accords are really encouraging but they have way more enemies than they have friends i think we as believers have a responsibility to make israel a prominent part of our prayer list that's what god tells us to do absolutely next in your series you discuss economic chaos you call a financial prophecy why does money play such a central role in end times you know it is a really big deal did you know that um babylon which is in the new testament is the financial headquarters in the future and the bible describes its dismantling babylon has fallen is fallen and it talks about how in that day when god gets control the the financial enterprise of this world which is so important everybody will just be gone the chapter that i wrote on that has to do with what's happening in our world today to universalize monetary transfer yeah there's a country in europe right now where they're actually embedding chips underneath the skin of people's hands and it's several thousand people and this chip is radio controlled so you can do all your business from this chip you can walk in the store and just run your chip by the scanner picks up all your information you can do business with this you can transfer money from your hand to somebody else who may have this it's preparing the way for the mark of the beast because in the book of revelation in the 13th chapter it talks about how when the antichrist comes to rule you will have to take the mark and if you don't take the mark you won't be able to buy or sell so if you aren't loyal to the antichrist you will be starved out of existence you will go to the store collect all your groceries but when you go to check out if you don't have the mark of the beast you won't be able to do any business that's the way the antichrist will control his population does that sound kind of familiar i mean it's changing it's rapidly changing and it's not hard to understand that read revelation 13 and revelation 13 cast a shadow before it and we're living in that shadow right now what would you say to those who might be afraid that they might accidentally take the mark of the beast is that something that we as believers should be afraid of i don't think anybody will ever take that accidentally you will either take it or you won't well first of all i don't plan to be here when that happens me either that's going to take place during the tribulation there will be some people who become christians during the tribulation but i doubt very many of them will take the mark it will be a tremendously challenging time on this earth when that happens and we're just getting a little glimpse of it by what's happening now and what's happening in our world wow i think a lot of believers are concerned about finances and about money how do we find the peace of christ in the midst of things are changing so rapidly in our culture i believe with all my heart that if you don't understand what money is it will ruin your life money is nothing else but a tool that's all it is and it's not to be hoarded it's to be invested and used you got to have security obviously i don't know what the answer is for everybody you can ask my wife about this money means almost nothing to me except as a tool what i believe about money is that we have that money to use for the kingdom of god to take care of our families the bible tells us to do that but if money becomes your god and interesting enough in the bible there is this contest between god and mammon and what the bible's telling us is you better get your mind right about money because it's the number one competitor to god in your life if you don't get it right you will become an idolater wow let's move on to something that i believe is really destroying a lot of people at the moment and that is cancel culture which you call a political prophecy it's despairing to me to see the way that people are canceled their whole life not just an opinion but their whole life how does council culture play into end times prophecy totalitarianism says nothing is allowed except what we allow so there's no chance for there to be any dialogue because they don't want the truth they want their lie and so if you come against it if you say something or if you're on the wrong side of an issue and you have something that you did in your life 25 years ago that's long been forgotten they will find it and they will use it and they will destroy you so how do we exist i mean how do we share the good news without being silenced well this is no time for you to live in fear or to live a wimpy life i think we have to be who we are and be honest and pray that god will give us wisdom we have to live in the truth we've already made that point you have to live in the truth you cannot live unless you live in the truth yeah you move on to talk then about spiritual famine which you've identified as a spiritual prophecy what do you mean by spiritual famine well let me tell you about that amos who was he was a really interesting prophet in amos chapter 8 i think it's verse 11 he said i want to tell you there's coming a day when there's going to be a famine on this earth not a famine of bread and water but a famine of the hearing of the word of god that's going to happen in the future it's happening now in the parable of the soils it talks about how satan can steal the word out of your heart or you can be the word can be marginalized in your life because of the cares that you have for life so your business your distractions so what that is it's satan taking you away from the word of god but satan also takes the word of god away from you and how he does that is he gets you in situations where you think you're you're being in a church but nobody ever opens the bible you know i say to everybody and i mean this sincerely you need to be in a church where christ is lifted up and where the word of god is taught we talked about a lot of things which technically really are happening outside of the church but this chapter heartbreaking you call it the falling away a theological prophecy what is the falling away thessalonians says that before jesus can return there must be the falling away and so what is that well the word itself is the word apostasy it's from two greek words which means to stand apart to have stood in one place and then to stand apart and the bible says in the tribulation period there's going to be a great departure from the faith of falling away an apostasy that's in the tribulation period but here we are today and it's happening today i almost don't want to read the christian news sites because every time i turn around somebody that i know about is saying i i'm not a christian i wasn't a christian there's a guy up north i read about i told his story without mentioning his name he decided he was going to put god on trial for a year he said i'm not going to read my bible i'm not going to pray i'm not going to go to church i'm not going to do anything i'm going to see if god survives well he gets to the end of the year and he decides i don't believe there is a god he was a pastor of an evangelical church but he was not a believer because you cannot be a believer and be an apostate if you are a believer a genuine believer you don't do that so what's happening is a lot of people are in the churches who claim to be believers but they're not and then when the trouble comes or when stress comes they walk away and the damage that's done is huge as a pastor if you had just a minute to encourage a believer who's afraid that they might fall away what would you say to them you know the best thing you can do to keep from ever worrying about falling away is to keep growing in your faith isn't that true you know and the bible says in ii corinthians 13 5 examine yourselves to see whether or not you are in the faith the most important thing you can ever do if you have any doubts is to make dead sure you know there was a time when you accepted jesus christ as your savior sometimes people say to me oh pastor jeremy i've been a christian all my life no you haven't you know suppose i came and asked you when were you born physically and you said to me i've been born all my life no there was a day when you weren't born and you got born right and then when you got born you became a living person there was a day when you weren't a christian and then you accepted jesus christ and you were born again right so i like to tell people you may not remember the exact day when you were born again but you better remember that there was a day when you were born again the best thing that can happen if you have doubts about your faith is to examine yourself to see with you in your faith and then if you're a christian get on a growth project that makes you aware of the fact that you are a living growing christian on your way to being who god wants you to be you use in this teaching series you use a term i find so interesting i never heard this before end times people which you call a biographical prophecy what are end times people you know this one really caught me by surprise i never dreamed i would write about this and then one day i was reading it and it says in this passage that in the latter days people will be like this lovers of themselves instead of lovers of god and there's a whole list there's 19 things on this list that describes the way people are going to be just before jesus comes back and one day it dawned on me i know these people i see them i talk to them they're everywhere there are more people like that than i can ever remember and i'm not a pessimist and i'm not a negative person i'm just saying something's going on with people the culture is not going in the right direction we know how to do things we just don't know what to do with them when we get them done we're not smarter in terms of how to live and i don't need to make that case you all know that so there's always been difficult people there always been people who were lovers of money and not lovers of god people who didn't love their families people who didn't care everything what i'm saying is the trend in that regard is not going in the right direction we're not getting better it seems as if those characteristics that are written in that passage are more true than they've ever been i love the way that you finish the series the best possible place time prophecy back to the gospel the final prophecy the triumph of the gospel what does the gospel message mean for us today well it's absolutely the good news and there's a new channel on siriusxm called the billy graham channel and they play all of dr graham's messages from way back when he first started preaching and you know he preached for 70 years for seven decades so you have messages from us way back when he first started preaching and just before he died and they're all on this channel and they just play him back to back and i've been listening to him and the interesting thing is it didn't matter what was going on he always preached the gospel he preached the gospel through 12 presidents he preached the gospel during assassinations he preached the gospel during impeachments he preached the gospel during war during peace he preached the gospel all the time and the gospel was always what we must never forget about because the gospel is what really changes the world so triumph with the gospel amen when we walk out of these doors or turn off the television set where do we go how do we approach the world we're living in now well first thing i hope people will do is realize we have so much to be positive about so much to be thankful for we have the message we have the real message of what life is all about we know what to do and we most of us have come to christ we're christians is life challenging yes but we're not alone god has not forgotten us and we are on our way to be with him forever so the journey can sometimes be challenging but it's always exciting i'll tell you the truth i've been here in this church for 40 years i've been discouraged sometimes i've been triumphant sometimes but one thing i've never been i've never been bored i'm sure well dr jeremiah i just want to thank you for putting the hope in these days the hope and end times prophecy for giving us encouragement one more time for putting peace into the problems that we see and i wondered would you pray for us to bring this to a close father we thank you that you have listened to this conversation you've been a part of what we've been thinking and talking about you know every situation that's represented not only in the lives of the people who are here in our audience but those who are watching and listening sharing i pray that you will speak into every one of our hearts the wonderful truth of the gospel and the hope that is ours in christ and lord don't let us become discouraged with the things that are happening around us help us to know that the one in whom we have put our trust to take us to heaven is surely able to help us get through the journey with our hands up high i pray that you will fill us with a sense of your presence and help us lord to know that there's a wonderful opportunity for us to make a difference in our world help us to reach out to those that we know with this wonderful message of truth and encouragement lord i pray that you will also help us to be determined that we will not live in a lie that we will live in the truth we will be your people in the midst of this time whatever that means help us to be wise and help us to be courageous help us to be good and godly people that we might bring the testimony of jesus christ not only in word but in our life as well thank you for the privilege of talking about these important issues in jesus name amen amen would you help me thank dr jeremiah [Music] thank you for joining me today on turning point the more we study scripture the more we understand that our loving god desires to have a personal relationship with each one of us if you would like to begin that relationship and ensure that you will spend eternity with christ you must simply repent of your sin and ask jesus christ to become your lord and savior if you've taken this step of faith today i encourage you to share your decision with other christians at a trustworthy ministry or a local church and to continue growing in your faith may god bless you and i look forward to seeing you next time right here on turning point [Music] you
Channel: David Jeremiah
Views: 109,459
Rating: 4.8133039 out of 5
Keywords: Dr. David Jeremiah, David Jeremiah, Turning Point with David Jeremiah, Turning Point, God, Jesus, Christ, Bible, 2021, church, the word, Sheila Walsh, interview
Id: gY8_NNunaXI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 55sec (1795 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 10 2021
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