Pre-Creation: Origin of Demons | Jim Hammond | LW

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listen um I'm just gonna let you guys know we're gonna have a right at the end we're gonna have a healing line and it's not okay just to let you know back there in TV I'm gonna look you didn't you don't have these scriptures TV so Roma's 416 Romans 5:1 and the King James I'm gonna need those in about one minute all right so good luck and so this is not what the sermon is on this this first five minutes oh I'm just you know I feel like this sermon is important it's a teaching type sermon and I'm just tired of people falling away from the Lord because they can't figure out what science says and how science says all this and it doesn't match up with the Bible and and it's just they don't know they don't they're not taught what the Bible actually says and it's important it's important in this day and age that you at least hear this you hear this one time you're not going to be able to argue it but you'll know you won't be deceived you won't it'll keep you from being deceived but before we get in that I want to talk about that healing line romans 4:16 says therefore it is of faith that it might be by grace I feel like the grace message exploded you know that with the word grace is in the New Testament over a hundred times most of the time 75% of time it means undeserved unmerited favor all right and I know I'm crossing some other people's fields that other people have plowed here it doesn't always it's not you can say okay you can be favored for empowerment favor for power but 75% of the time it's flat-out unmerited favor and that can come in many ways and it's almost like the it exploded and everybody got it no yeah grace and righteousness and I've I've just slowly in the crook you know I listen to a lot of messages podcasting it's like slowly you're you're watching it fade and I'm hearing more and more and more you got to do this to get that you got to do this to get that and if you don't do this you're not gonna get that until you're all wrapped up in that kind of thinking where you're thinking you deserve you're mad at God because you didn't get that healing that you were believing for and you did this this this this and this and in your mind you deserved it well you're living under the law and opening yourself up to the curse of the law yeah you're redeemed from the curse but not if you're a Christian that is operating under the law law principles law rules that is the law what you do is what you're gonna get and so therefore it is of faith Romans 4:16 that it might be by grace to the end that the promise might be sure to make the promise sure and I know faith is the currency but faith in my opinion is a little overrated in a little over thought out he said you needed faith of a mustard seed you guys and why do you say mustard seed because it's the smallest thing on earth at that time that you could view and name training all you need is that much faith and you can move a mountain he said you can pull up a tree and throw it into the sea but just what the words are your voice well that's we don't even have a mustard seed of faith I'd only faith is the problem I think you have a mustard seed of faith if you had enough faith to confess Jesus as your Lord and Savior that took a little bit of faith otherwise you wouldn't set it because you wouldn't have believed it do you know what I mean faith of a mustard seed Romans in the insult 4:16 it is of faith that it's going to come by grace something you don't deserve and and notice how these two are connected and people lose this Romans 5:1 flips it around he actually flips it around being justified by faith we have peace with God is it 5 - sorry is it 5 1 or 5 - I was in such a hurry that this just hit me up there and here's my point the woman with the issue of blood that bled for 18 years 6 + 6 + 6 18 years was breaking the law by even going out in public yeah Romans 5:2 by whom also we have access by faith that you only need that much of into this grace that you're actually standing in it's accessible to you all you have to do is look for it you know it's it's actually faith in grace when something good happens to you and say that was your grace you point everything to His grace that was your grace I didn't deserve that I didn't deserve that and here's the thing if you think you deserve it I could spend about 45 minutes convincing you by the rules of the Bible you don't I mean I you know I just I was down there thinking Durham praise and worship just just kind of like man you know the only reason that I'm standing here the only reason that I've never had a major health problem the only reason I can get to the gym I don't even want to go to the gym the gym does not keep me healthy you understand it's a good thing to do but the only reason I can even get to the gym the only reason I can even apply the blood of Jesus bind the devil read my Bible is His grace cuz I don't always want to do those things I don't run around saying all day I'll just wish I could I have some time to read my Bible I just want to read it it's not like that for me many times a discipline I need and when I when I when I do it's that's for grace Lord that I picked that up and did that see that just that you crediting your wins to His grace his faith is a measure of faith you're operating in faith and we went I think a few months ago we actually said by thanking him you get more grace we found that Scripture I believe it was in Corinthians but I'm just saying when you're up here for heat the healing line remember Jesus is grace he's a person of grace it's about Jesus it's not about your faith it's not about oh I guess you didn't have enough faith for that no I just don't think you knew about his grace I think that's where where you're missing it or somehow you thought you deserved it or else you didn't deserve it so you couldn't have it you know what I'm saying it's because you don't deserve it that you can you know that woman that the the by what he did on the cross I know that's so hard for us to grasp it's so hard for us to grasp that the woman with the issue of blood of me when she was breaking the law by going out in public actually a Jewish woman with that kind of problem that just couldn't stop bleeding was just an outcast in society I guarantee if she'd been rejected by her family they thought something was wrong with her they thought she was cursed but no no hold on she didn't say she just said I think she said she spoke if I might touch him I may be healed she didn't say anything about her faith she wasn't looking at her face she was looking at Jesus she had heard about Jesus and heard something obviously good about him to go I'm saying even the Centurion who Jesus Jesus looked he looked at her and commented on her faith in the end the Centurion you know in one of the renditions of the Centurion he didn't even show up he sent a servant and said my my one of my servants is sick and you don't even need to come just speak speak from where you are and Jesus marveled pictured Jesus marveling Wow he said I haven't seen faith like that Jesus saw his faith the Centurion wasn't thinking about his faith sometimes we get so much wrapped up and so much our faint do you get what I mean that we we lose it in a sense it is the currency you got to believe but but but according to Jesus you don't need that much to move a mountain and so you think about that when you're up here getting hands laid on you it's not about what you've done it's about the fact that you've got a savior that is forgiven you for everything you've ever done or everything you'll ever do past present future that wants to give you mercy it's a covenant of mercy mercy is some when you when you don't get bad things that you should get that you do deserve grace is when you get good things that you don't deserve and so you're thinking about him he went to the cross for you he was beaten with with without with wit scourged for you carried your iniquities in your diseases on that cross it's called a double cure and just do it with the stripes and so be thinking about that because the sermon is not on healing it's not on healing so I want you thinking about it like it's not me it's him he loves me he wants to do this for me if he went through that for me why can't I have this I know I don't deserve it but that's not what it's about it's not what it's about I mean we read was it for 16 Romans for 16 what was it was says faith in his willingness to give you what you don't deserve faith in that in his willingness that it might be by grace the problem is if you think you deserve it because all the things the issues I've had all over my life and all the bad things you know all the things I did just you can't even there's nothing you know there's nothing there's there's practically nothing that I didn't do but I tell you what in God's world if you worry every day and you take Jim Hammond when he was thirty were the same cuz worries fear and your sinning all day every day your sinning all day every day so you need His grace and that's just one one one sin and that he had to die so that we could have that righteousness and so but but listen this this subject tonight and so be thinking about that for the prayer line you know and when we do the prayer line it's not gonna be some long drawn-out you know let's know it's it's it's I'm gonna touch you and you receive His grace you receive him actually and I'm not putting myself in that position I know I'm but picture him touching you so I and I know I'm not him do you go I'm saying him touching you it's got to be about him you receiving it from him okay and so and in that in the healing line is going to be physical but it's also if you're dealing with oppression depression any kind of broken heart you know if you have a broken heart that was not healed or not healed properly and so Ezekiel 28 13 through 19 thou has been in the garden of the Eden in Eden the garden of God every precious stone was thy covering sardius topaz diamond the barrel the ONC's Jasper sapphire emerald carbuncle gold the workmanship of that at Bret's and of thy pipes was prepared in the in the day that thou was created now pay attention this is Tom a Lucifer before he fell Lucifer had pipes loser Lucifer had musical instruments built into him you aren't the anointed cherub that's an angel that's not a person that covereth I have set these so what that was upon the holy mountain of God thou has walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire you were perfect in your ways from the day you were created I created you perfect God said till iniquity was found in thee by the multitude of thy merchandise they have filled in the midst of thee with violence and thou has sinned therefore I will cast thee as profane out of the mountain of God I will destroy the old covering cherub from the midst of the stones of fire your heart was lifted up because you were so beautiful he looked so incredible that he got he got he got cocky I mean his beauty got God created him soul and credibly beautiful and we think he was probably extremely musical I lay thee before Kings that they may behold thee thou has to file their sanctuaries by the multitude of thine iniquities so he did a lot of them by the iniquity of that traffic therefore I will bring forth the fire from the midst of thee it shall devour thee I will bring thee to ashes upon the earth and the sight of all them that behold thee and they that know the among the people shall be astonished at thee you shall be a terror and never shalt thou be anymore have you ever heard the argument so basically it's the beginning of an atheistic argument although I hear it in Christianity that if God is real I people fall fall fall because of this this statement if God's really running the universe if there really is a God that created everything then why doesn't he put a stop to all the war poverty innocent babies dying etc I know people there were great Christians for 15 years and went on went went on uh what's that organization it's not Christian but they could they do they go out and they do the Peace Corps did I did a you er you're in the Peace Corps over in Nepal and got with a bunch of people and came back just said there is no God because God would not allow that if there's a God then he's not a nice dude alright and and and so I've seen Christians fall but it's also kind of an atheistic argument but you're gonna see that when God created the world in the beginning the Bible makes a statement that he saw everything and God's eyes was good you're gonna see he gave man dominion over the work of his hands and from that point Satan came into the garden tempted Eve they ate that forbidden fruit both of them even though Adam could have sent that could have sent Satan himself into a cave never to come out he had that kind of dominion he could have killed him he had complete and total dominion see Adam could have done so he could have ended it right there with the power he had but he didn't they were deceived and so at that point because they had a choice you know they say he sold out and basically said Corinthians 4:4 calls the devil the god of this world and he's blinded unbelievers minds does the best that he can and try and tries to prevent them from seeing their illuminating light of the gospel of the glory of Christ who was the image and likeness of God but we just read a scripture where the Bible the Word of God said the devil is now the god of this world at this very moment alright and so the devil stole the Dominion from Adam and God sets out with the plan of redemption for us and those who have accepted the plan and understand that plan and know how to put the plan into operation 60% of the church doesn't know how to put the plan into operation doesn't know that if you run around speaking bad words wrong words about yourself doesn't understand that you know that bad things are gonna happen based on your words it's all over the Bible okay unless you don't want to believe the Bible I guess that part of the Bible isn't true I mean you've heard plenty about words little side trail here and I start out with a side trail what I'm talking about what was that statement I just made put the plan into operation those who have accepted the plan that's one thing but then you have to be able to put the plan of redemption into operation and I think a major thing that's being missed is I this I can't stand this okay the way people preach this Romans 6:23 for the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ let me just let me just send you home thinking about something right what you ever heard what comes after that verse who he's talking to in context the wages of sin is death well I thought we were all sitting all day every day Jim according to Jim Hammond if you look up all the sins I mean Jesus said you even think about adultery you committed it under the law even think about it huh yeah you ever you ever you feel any fear at all the Bible says in Romans anything you don't do out of faith is a sin how many times a day do you do something that's not in faith and I'm not I'm just trying I'm trying to break it down a little bit so you you get to the point where I need His grace and that starts to become your focus but the wages of sin is death in context is it Romans I think it's supposed to be Romans seven one the very next verse the Bible was not written in chapter it they didn't write but first here's the next verse and this is what now we're gonna go to this chapter the translators did that the very next verse no you not Christians I'm speaking to them that know the law the wages of sin is death for those that are operating under the law Christians because that's what the law gives you you get what you deserve am i if you're gonna take this message and you're gonna run out and you have 14 beers you're not getting me do you get I'm saying you don't get why I'm saying all right well I'm getting this grace I've had people write in you know get this great my son my son doing this and he said he's got his he's got grace well I mean you know if you're gonna go have your 14 beers and you get a DWI don't call me and say then why didn't I get his grace he you may have gotten his grace maybe you were supposed to kill somebody that night with your car and go to jail for 14 years maybe that was the grace she got instead of a DWI and I'm not judging you I had four of them in the 80s I know that whole world right and so that's what I'm talking I'm understanding the plan of redemption and knowing how to put it to use to get what I'm saying and so but those who are unsafe have not accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior are dominated and ruled by the devil and you look at these countries what country this person have at Nepal Buddhist Buddhism Hinduism Islam are deathly poor countries why because they've they've rejected Jesus Christ as a nation do you get what I'm saying they don't want God if their choice they're saying we don't want you Jesus Christ the Hindus I will take you as one of them one of our 300 million these are when you get into the oh they look all good over here go visit some of them Buddhist temples or Hindu temples in north in India Buddhist temples in Nepal they're not nice places okay when you get to the bottom line of those religions and those religions are behind the poorest countries in the world and so and and and but you've got the argument well if all things are made made by God God made the devil you ever heard that one well God made the devil because the Bible said God made all things but God didn't make the devil as he is now the devil had a choice just like me and you had a choice and the Bible is clear on it Ezekiel 28 14 15 you're the anointed cherub that covereth I set these so you were on the holy mountain that has walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire you were perfect in your ways he was perfect he was created perfect obviously he's not that now see how people say God is the author of sickness and disease because God's the author of the devil therefore God is the author of sin but it says that Bible that God looked upon the work of his hands and said this is very good this is only good as II kiyul 28 14 and 15 okay I've we've done that enough we don't speak of human beings you know this is talking about the devil because it's talking about an anointed cherub that's an angel it's an angel out of heaven and it talks about what happened to this guy zekiel 28 17 your heart was lifted up because of your beauty you has corrupted thy wisdom by reason of that brightness I'm gonna cast you to the ground oh so there was a ground and lady before kings there were kings this angel of heaven it says his heart was lifted up because he was so beautiful this all happened before Adam ever sinned you guys before Adam ever sinned there was a lot going on and so Isaiah's rendition of the this is how art thou fallen from heaven o Lucifer son of the morning how art thou thou cut down to the ground which did weaken the nation's what when he fell from heaven there were nations how hast said Neidhart I will ascend into heaven he's going to go up well if he's gonna ascend that means he's got to be down right I will exalt my throne above the stars of God I will sit upon the Mount of the congregation in the sides of the north I will ascend above the heights of the clouds I will be like the Most High yet you're gonna be brought down to hell to the sides of the pit they shall see thee narrowly they that see the schola narrowly look upon thee and consider thee like this is us in the end you guys it's time I passed these time off future right here is this the man that made the earth tremble we're gonna look at Satan and say this is him this is him Wow we gave him that much credit that made the world as a wilderness destroyed the cities that opened not the house of the prisoners Isaiah says how art their fallen from heaven Lucifer he said in his heart I will ascend I will exalt my throne above the stars he says I will ascend the heights of the clouds that means he was below the clouds are we below the clouds we're below the clouds - are we not he was - so my question is is where's Lucifer ascending from what nations is God talking about thinking about this you guys when Adam met Satan he was on the ground in the form of a snake he was not perfect then he had already fallen he was against God he had already fallen and weakened the nation's remember I pointed out that there are two people on earth this refers to the fact that Lucifer or Satan as we call him today had a kingdom and he had a throne because it says in Isaiah 14:13 thou hast said nine heart I will ascend into heaven I will exalt my throne above the stars of God how do you have a throne if you're not ruling over something Isaiah 14:12 how aren't there fallen from heaven o Lucifer son of the morning cut down to the ground which did weaken the nation's Oh get this so him hitting that ground weakened the nation's we just read it correct remember that that's key matches up with science it really does I will ascend above the heights of the clouds we're gonna go up guys and we're gonna take him and we're gonna win and I'm gonna be God and I will be like the Most High these are lucifer satan's words I will send the Claus so it means his Thrones in these nations he ruled were below the clouds and he was not satisfied with whatever was down here he wanted to take over the whole thing kind of like Hitler same spirit that's in communism same spirit that sin is Lahm with the Caliphate that rules the world same spirit Satan Atta kingdoms some of some kind down here before Adam ever existed and he made a choice he was he was perfect God said he was perfect somebody drank out of my water God said he was perfect and just like me and you he had a choice you think I do this whole thing in one and and how fashioned I do you guys dare me no no we're not gonna do that I'm preaching a sermon okay so all right I did that why dad done it before then you guys all know I can do it oh yeah all right when Lucifer came on the scene in the Bible and approached Adam and Eve he that he was already a fallen being so this all went on before Adam and Eve he took 1/3 of his angels he had one-third of them down here Isaiah 14:12 you've fallen from heaven o Lucifer son of the morning how art thou cut down to the ground and so it says here when he made his play on heaven God cut him to the ground sent him right back here to earth and this is how you guys would get Satan and all his demons okay down here this is why the earth is infected with demonic spirits good excuse me and according to the Bible they're everywhere um Adam was the first human being these spirits of Satan are loosed here on earth now and we have to deal with them there are okay Genesis talks about a bunch of angels or evil spirits reserved in everlasting chains under darkness it explains all that in Genesis I don't have time to talk about that but the spirits here are obvious God didn't create them as demons and evil spirits angels are spirits they're good spirits the Bible's very clear God did not create the demons and evil spirits the way they are now they made their choice they backed Lucifer and assaulted heaven there was a war and they got B and the Bible's very clear about how he fell he didn't make them evil as they are now because Lucifer was their leader and the bot God said he was perfect perfect so what am I getting at as you see these arguments how there are people out there that say the Bible is wrong because it's only on a 6,000 year timeline you know you can time line the Bible out based on when Jesus was born and many people that don't believe in the Bible say well the Bible Adam and Eve were created 6,000 years ago thought boughs are clear about that how how can you guys you guys are wrong the world's millions of years old and then and this just burned and I'm not gonna say it burned me up you know okay okay.i this guy in HVL name bill maher i know i talked about him a lot but he just really bothers me just a big-time atheist goes down south to a bunch of country dudes and I'm not ripping on the country dudes there's some good dudes in the country didn't know what they're talking about and hit him with this question on 6000 years and they were just dumbfounded they had no answer they had no answer and people have fallen because of this question the Bible does not say that it's 6,000 years old and you need to know this you don't you know I teach this once a year to the interns to make sure but even for myself to get it I had to teach it for three or four straight years to be able to argue it to really argue it you know and not that I'm just saying this is something this day and age you need to know at least for your own so you can't be swayed and so let's talk about how it lines up there was a pre-adamic creation a creation before Adam based on the scriptures that we've gone over it's obvious Lucifer and his kingdom were here before men ever came on the scene Genesis 1:1 in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth how long is in the beginning we have no idea verse 2 says and the earth was without form and void and darkness was on the face of the deep and the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters the earth was without form or void that is very very key do you think God created the earth without front former void because the Bible says he didn't jeremiah 4:23 i beheld the earth law was without form and void in the heavens and they had no light i beheld the mounds and lo they trembled and all the hills moved lightly i beheld and lo there was no man and all the birds of the heavens were so there were birds beforehand and beheld well the fruitful place was a wilderness and all the cities thereof were broken down at the presence of the Lord by his fierce anger the earth being without form and void describes the condition of the earth as a result of the judgment on Satan and his angels Isaiah 24 1 behold the Lord maketh the earth empty and make it that waste turn it that upside down scattered abroad the inhabitants thereof is another scripture that backs up what I'm trying to tell you these but let me explain these to you guys isaiah 45:18 thus saith the lord that god created the heavens himself that formed the earth and made it and established it and he didn't create it in vain he formed it to be inhabited it was with form it wasn't without form it just says right here he formed it to be inhabited isaiah 45:18 and amplified says thus says the lord who created the heavens God Himself who formed the earth and made it who established it and did not create it to be a worthless waste he formed it to be inhabited we just read that of in the beginning when God created the heaven and the earth he did not create it a worthless waste so what happened between Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:2 according to isaiah 45:18 it was not without form or void when he created it and so so how do we get to Genesis 1:1 - and it doesn't have former void can you guys see where I'm going here we're talking about the timeframe of millions of years between Genesis 1:1 in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth and Genesis 1:2 and it was without form and void millions of years okay Jenna 120 Genesis 1:28 God blessed Adam and Eve he said to them be fruitful multiply replenish replenish re re replenish the earth and subdue it have dominion over the fish in the sea the foul the air and every living thing that moves see how he could have he could have taken care of Satan right then and there food Genesis 1:1 God created God created the heaven and the earth that Hebrew word carries with it the thought that it was recreated not only that we just read God told them to replenish replenish so it was already plenty SH what is he telling to replenish you can't replenish something that hasn't already been plenty shhhhht he created him and said redo this thing and so thank you Lord okay second Peter 3 1 through 1 through 13 now I suggest you read all the way through 13 but this is the point I want to make is verse 6 whereby the world that was then was being overflowed with water the world that was thin we think that's Noah it's not Noah this is this is just something backing up what I'm preaching to you but the sixth verse where the world that was then was being overflowed with water Parris Peter's not talking about Noah's Flood because that word world in the Greek is the word cosmos it does a mean world it means the world system and in any and if you read on that system perished and never came back well Noah Noah Noah brought the same system back it's not no it's not referring to Noah because that system came back all Noah did was start having was was was they had kids again you know they they replenish the earth again with people the system remained the same but Peters talking about a system that never came back the world that was then he's talked about a whole world system that completely perished all the different kinds of man you know you know those men that they where they get evolution you know the different men you know you're gonna walk like this you're bent over they have bigger heads I think longer arms there's three or four different types or whatever you know and that's yeah they're not men these are the dudes that were down here millions of years ago with the dinosaurs or before the dinosaurs are after to however you want to run that I don't know how they do all the carbon dating stuff then after that they had the woolly mammoths and the saber-tooth today a giant giant animals we're really here you know saber-toothed Tigers this this big his backs is tall big elephants with hair different whole different deal they've got bones to prove it this was me what Peter was called the world that was then that whole system perished they find all kinds of carcasses and you know they they do call that the cro-magnon mana a lower form of Manny's not human they say it's obvious by the size of his brain and all that he's not as smart couldn't do as much but scientists dig up all kinds of carcasses and they come from the world that then was as Peter called it and so Peter was saying that system perish now this is just in my opinion it's my father's opinion it's thousands of Ministers all over the Earth's opinion this is just some Mack made up on a Sunday morning all right I mean this is Scripture we've gone we've done it what over 40 scriptures tonight and so that there is a pre-adamic creation and you know these these these evil spirits that are here now are the spirits from the pre-adamic creation that ascended with Luce for one-third probably billions of them and they want to be here matter of fact God put him here he threw him back down here they have a right to be here fifth chapter mark the man that was possessed by the Legion of demons said the demon spoke up and asked Jesus not to be sin out of the country do we have any tissue paper dude do we have you know how like you think your nose might be running but you're not sure and so okay you know so I don't think it is I'm just I'm doing the preventative thing here all right so to me that signifies the fact they were there and had been there the whole time they've been in that country that done they like Jesus don't they don't want to go there like throw us in the pigs put us in the pigs over there so they could stay in the country and so it explains why evil spirits want to possess a man they can if they can end well a man it's the widest range of expression that it's possible for them the second thing is an animal you know that's the second thing that that they would like to possess and so and they asked to go into the swine so you have Satan and one-third of his angels being thrown down and hitting the earth many scientists think a meteor or an asteroid as big as six miles long hit the earth with the force of ten nuclear bombs and it changed the ecosystem of the earth immediately and that's what killed all them dinosaurs they know something killed those dinosaurs quick they died fast some of them died fighting they dig up dinosaur in the middle you know so I'm just saying like this thing happened fast well what a coincidence Satan in a billion angels were cast down to the ground and it weakened the nation's the Bible says and so many Sciences really you know it throw it and may it had that it had the force of it would be like ten nuclear bombs going off in the same place that would ruin the earth the ecosystem and you know every thing with what pretty quick be done Isaiah 14:12 just remind how art their fallen from heaven o Lucifer and cut down to the ground which did weaken the nation's you know if you travel about the country and you really pay attention and you pray in tongues a lot of times out it makes you a little bit more sensitive you you pray in tongues and any time I go into a like I love it with the small towns or whatever you can discern what kind of spirits are in that city you really can you can drive through a city and know what kind of spirits are predominant in that particular City and they gang up in certain parts of land and country and they don't want to leave and so you know tonight we've done a few things we answer questions I know people had in here I know there are people in here that did not know this therefore you could be open to speculating and it's it it's the origin of where they came from where how they got here but also to refute the argument a lot of people don't don't that don't believe in God they refute the timeline of the Bible where the Bible lines up with the fact that the world is this earth is millions of years old and so I I'd like to say tonight that I'd like to I'd love to continue you know on with the with the demons without giving them a bunch of credit but talk about the authority that we walk in that you've got to use that authority the Bible tells us what to do it tells us exactly what to do over and over and over it uses Paul and Jesus and Peter and all those guys as an example of what to do how to deal with them and if you're not dealing with them and exercising your authority then quit wandering while your y-your your miserable because that's what they're supposed to do they want to make you miserable and so you know most of Christianity that they don't even know if there's Satan and demons you know in a lot of denominations and so but I can't give you any guarantees that that's what we're gonna talk about next week because you know member the first thing that we talked about like I could have just gone on and on and on all right but I don't so I don't know what I'm gonna do right I just know I'm gonna be here and I'm just
Channel: Living Word Christian Center
Views: 26,039
Rating: 4.624413 out of 5
Keywords: lw, lwcc, living word, living word christian center, christianity, Biblical demons, the origin of demons, the origin of demons bible, bible, the fifth service, jim hammond sermons, jim hammond, pastor jim hammond, precreation sermons, jim hammond precreation, precreation bible, precreation bible sermons, pastor mac hammond, mac hammond sermons, mac hammond, the fifth service sermons
Id: TJdIrRFI3i0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 2sec (3002 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 05 2017
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