John Hagee: "There is No Hell?"

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[Music] the world media reported that the Pope made the shocking statement that there is no hell that in eternity you just simply disappear the Vatican was greatly alarmed and the world was stunned as they should be theologically if there is no hell what did Jesus die on the cross to save us from if there is no hell where the ungodly pay for eternity for their sinful conduct why is the Bible saturated with that reality from the Old Testament all the way through the noon and I know some of you are questioning preacher why preach on hell to our enlightened generation the answer is because our enlightened generation is turning America into hell on earth what we are experiencing right now is moral and spiritual insanity mass killings of innocent school children are transforming our public schools into a slaughterhouse we have kicked God out of our public schools period we have mocked the Ten Commandments with its simplistic rules one of them is thou shalt not kill which is something public schools could desperately use now America must have a moral and spiritual revival or get prepared for revolution in the streets of this nation if there is no hell why did Moses write about it in Deuteronomy 32 22 saying quote for fire is kindling God's anger and shall burn in the lowest hell that's hard to misunderstand if there is no hell why did king David write in Psalms 917 the wicked shall be turned into hell and all nations that forget God all nations include the United States of America if there is no hell like that Jesus say if your right eye offends you pluck it out because he says it is more profitable for one of your members to perish than your whole body to be cast into hell Matthew 5:29 and 30 jesus said that a Jewish rabbi if there is no hell why did John the Revelator right in Revelation 20:14 death and he'll were cast into the lake of fire if there is no hell why did Jesus give us the story of the rich man and Lazarus this is not a parable you don't give first names in a parable these were real people they were in a real place they had self-awareness they knew who they were they knew where they were they knew where other people were they knew how it was whether the people from this day forward you're going to live forever somewhere either in the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ or in the place called hell those are the only two options there is no third or four let's read together Luke 16:19 and following ready and there was a certain rich man who was clothed in purple and fine linen and fared sumptuously every day but there was a certain beggar named Lazarus full of sores who was laid at his gate desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man's table moreover the dogs came and licked his sores and so it was that the beggar died and was carried by angels to Abraham's bosom the rich man also died and was buried and being in torment in hell he lifted up his eyes and saw Abraham afar off and Lazarus in his bosom then he cried and said father Abraham have mercy on me and send Lazarus that he may dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue for I am tormented in this flame but Abraham said son remember that in your lifetime you received your good things and likewise lazarus evil things but now he is comforted and you are tormented and beside all this between us and you there is a great gulf fixed so that those who would want to pass from here to you cannot nor can those from there passed to us then he said I beg you therefore father that you would send him to my father's house for I have five brothers that he may testify to them lest they also come to this place of torment and Abraham said to him they have Moses and the prophets let them hear them and he said no father Abraham but if one goes to them from the dead they will repent but he said to him if they do not hear Moses and the prophets neither will they be persuaded the one rose from the dead father in heaven let us as a nation and as a world wake up to a reality that there is an Almighty God who is sovereign over the affairs of the lives of men and that some day we are going to answer to him for every word for every thought and every deed and he will be the judge not the social mores of our nation not the teachings of our universities but the yes and the amen of the Torah of God will we stand or fall in the name of the Lord Jesus we pray and all of God's children said amen you may be seated let's begin by allowing Jesus to give us a guided tour through hell first hell is a real place said that with me hell is a real place I know it is because I've heard some of you tell other people how to get there they're colorful descriptions by the way it's the eternal home of real people who are there right now who would love to sit in this service beside you and have five minutes time to pray a prayer of repentance to change the destiny of their eternal soul but during their lives on earth like some of you right now they were having so much fun they were so busy they didn't have time for God they are having fun swimming in the sewer pipe of our progressive society to their shock and to their amazement they died for the Bible says it is appointed unto man wants to die and then the judgment you have two appointments set up by God and you're going to keep them one is you will die too you will come into a judgment you're going to face God someday and you are going to give him an account for every word every thought and every deed that's the Word of God there is no soul sleep you do not pass into oblivion you are very aware the first breath you breathe in eternity but during their lives on earth they passed they met the rich man when they stepped into the place called hell just as you will they met the Prince of Darkness just as you will secondly hell is a place of torment verse 23 and being in torment he lifted up his eyes and saw Abraham afar off and Lazarus in his bosom he knew who he was he knew who they were he knew where he was he knew where they were it's important for you to understand this because there are those who are being pounded in the universities that beyond your last breath it's all over you die like a dog and that's the end of it you're quite mistaken about that thirdly hell is a place without mercy the rich men cried father Abraham have mercy on me sin the Lazarus that he may get one drop of water on the tip of his finger and give it to me listen to his words for I am tormented in this flame he knew how he was yesterday the rich man said at a table covered with the finest wines that his considerable wealth could afford he sat at a table and ate all that his wealth could buy he dined at the finest restaurants waiters were at his beck and call but suddenly he died he may have been 25 he may have been 35 he may have been 55 he may have made it to 85 when you die is something that you do not know the Bible says boast not yourself of tomorrow for you know not what another day may bring forth there's not a person in this auditorium that can guarantee you'll be alive this time next week not one and you will stand before an all-knowing almighty eternal sovereign God and give an answer for your life but suddenly he died and he opened his eyes in hell in the ask God for one drop of water one drop and he's still waiting for it because there's no mercy in hell God didn't give him one drop of water he'll is out of date by today's thinking I understand that but let me tell you something hell's not out of business the Bible says the boundaries of hell are expanded every day that's because people are going there you do not go to hell because you made a bad start I don't care how miserable your life is or how deep in the hog pen you happen to be with the prodigal son God still loves you and you can come back home regardless of what you've done but the one thing you cannot escape is to step into eternity without the saving knowledge of Jesus as Savior and Lord every year millions visit the Western Wall to worship and feel the presence of God the prayer shawl has become a symbol of God's infinite healing power his name Jehovah represented in every tassel through prayer you too can receive his supernatural blessings and be made whole for your generous gift of any amount to Hagee ministries you'll receive an exodus tendance for your gift of $200 or more you'll receive the exodus pendant measure Maria candleholders handcrafted by jewelers in Jerusalem and a prayer shawl made in Israel welcome these gifts into your home today and release the power of God through prayer I know they will bless your life send your tax-deductible gift today call the number on your screen or visit jhm dot org slash Jehovah if you are Christian and you die and I'm talking about judgment when you die and you get to heaven you understand before the Lord and Paul said we're going to give an account for every deed done in this body the Bible also says the foolish works of the flesh will be burned with fire that means the foolish things that you've done on this earth will be revealed and purged from you your salvation is not in question but I assure you your deeds that are not like gold and silver tried in the fire will be revealed to everyone that's in heaven then you get the righteous robe based on the works that you did that were approved God a lot of Christians are working themselves death pleasing themselves you better make sure that what you're doing is pleasing to God because that's the only thing that will stand the test of fire and then comes the college whiz kids that's been there six weeks and he knows everything I don't believe in her I don't really care what you believe it's still there and you're still going what you believe has no bearing on reality I know your professors told you other than that but reality doesn't change based on what you believe or think fire burns whether you believe it or not the earth is round where do you believe it or not can you believe it in the national newspaper they're saying that a major university on the eastern coast has a graduating class that the majority of the Tudors did not believe that the earth is round can you believe a parent who has spent a quarter of a million dollars sending a child to this high class University and he comes home and he's not sure that the earth is round how stupid can you get the Bible fact is that most people are not going to heaven and listen to this very closely I know that when you read the Express news and people die everybody in Express News goes to heaven they went to the Lord on such-and-such a day that here's what the Express News says in Matthew 7:13 it's the good news from heaven Matthew 7:13 says enter into the straight gate for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to hell and many there be that find it that word many means in the majority few there be that find the straight path that leads to the throne of grace hear it again many and few Jesus was saying the majority of humanity will spend eternity in hell I didn't say that but then you can call Jesus and extremists if you won't to a fanatic maybe a right-wing Bible fundamentalist who was always on a tantrum but he's going to be the judge of all the earth someday and you're going to stand in front of him and he's really not going to be impressed with your PhD have you duped yourself into believing that a loving God would never send anyone to a place as horrible as hell you're exactly right God has never sent anyone no one not ever not one soul to hell you go there because you rejected the redemption of Jesus Christ on the cross you sent yourself there [Applause] where are you going to be five seconds after you breathed your last breath one day a smirking arrogant man asked me said preacher where does Hell began I said hell begins at the end of your crisis life one second past your last breaths you're going to step into an eternal darkness until you are plucked out sentenced and sent back to the lake of fire he said that sounds gruesome I said it's not gruesome really because that's the way of escape and that escape is Jesus Christ but if you ignore the way of escape I assure you you are going to experience just that he said that's just way too hard for me I said partner it's the sweetest deal you're ever going to hear on this side of God's ever [Applause] the rich man preed inhale father Abraham have mercy upon me he wasn't asking for justice he was asking for mercy but he waited too late but there's an unusual thing to mention here it's difficult to get people to pray today until they really get in a jam and then they ought to pray right now I am prayed in six months but suddenly the x-ray he reads the doctor says and you won't have to get there in a hurry you treat him like a junkyard dog and now you wanted to read the prints of your life it's difficult to get people to pray today but the largest prayer meeting of all time is going to be conducted in the place called hell if you go to your grave this week and there's not one person in this audience that can guarantee you'll be alive this time next week the Bible says do not boast about tomorrow because you don't have guarantee that you will live tomorrow if you go to your grave without Christ you will have heard your last sermon you'll have heard your last gospel song you'll have heard your last invitation but you will not have heard your last prayer you will not have heard your last pair you will pray you will beg God as those around you begging God but there is no retrieve because you have stepped into eternity the Bible's description is very very clear the rich man died the day is coming that you have died President or pauper makes no difference you're going to die and if you die without Christ here's what God says you're going to experience you're going to step into a place of darkness total darkness and listening to the sobbing people who are there and knowing that there only waiting to be sentenced at the great white throne judgment I'm that forever and forever and forever they're going to go from this place to judgment back to the lake of fire hell is a place of consciousness the rich man knew who he was he knew where he was he looked from a bottomless pit of eternal darkness where he couldn't see his hand in front of his face and looked into a city of perfect light where the lamb is the light he looked from a city where people were weeping and crying to a city that was flooded with joy unspeakable where people were singing around the throne of God he looked from a waterless Inferno called hell toward the sparkling river of life that flowed beneath the throne of God he heard the sobs and the screams and he listened to the saints on the other side singing he on the hills of glory he looked from a city where the wicked can never be addressed to a city where everyone was at perfect rest he heard Satan laugh in his face you fool you fool you said in that church every Sunday you sang the songs but you never ever confess your sins and receive the blood atonement for your life one 60-second prayer could have done that but because you didn't do that you've lost your soul and it's forever and forever and forever hell is a place of memory the murderer will remember his dying victim the rapist will remember his screaming target the liar will remember the lies of his talks economy I read an article the other day that said 92 percent of the American people habitually live the Bible says all Liars shall have their part in the lake of fire that burns forever think about that the adulterer will remember the night of sin the fearful and the unbelieving will remember the times that they heard the Gospel story and rejected the way of salvation if you leave this service without Christ you'll walk the chambers of eternity for a million years remembering every word I've said you'll have a long time to remember forever and forever and forever what choice will you make who will you serve the Lord Jesus Christ or Satan the Prince of Darkness what choice would you make heaven or hell that choice is yours and I assure you you cannot guarantee that you will live to have another chance to make this choice today is your day of decision can we stand to our feet and bow our heads in the house of God I want you to bow your head and let the presence of the Holy Spirit fill this room pastor Matt I'd like for you to sing a verse of this song and then I want to talk to you very briefly just as I am without one plea [Music] [Music] was and for me it is to me come to thee Oh God [Music] the Bible says the Angels rejoice over one soul that comes to [Music] I want you to pray this prayer and I want you to know that when we're praying at God in heaven is listening God has a book the book of Revelation said he has two books one were all of your sins are written down one for the names of people who have asked the Lord to forgive him of those sins as soon as we finish praying this prayer the blood of Jesus Christ is going to clean your record whiter than snow angels gonna write your name [Applause] this day when you pray this prayer Heavenly Father heavenly fine in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I asked you to forgive me of all of my sin I asked you to forgive me of all of my sin cleanse all of my sins from this day forward from this day forth I want you to be the Lord of my life I want you to be the Lord of mine I will read the Word of God I will read the Word of God I will obey it I will Jesus Christ Jesus will be the Lord of my life will be the Lord of my shepherd my ship from this day for in this day for and I will serve him with all of my heart soul soul mind and body in Jesus name I pray Jesus name I pray amen amen give the Lord praise in the house [Applause] current world events can cause one to ask what's next in our future let me assure you that God brings peace in every storm if you are in need simply call upon his name when you do you'll find a supernatural touch that you need right now stay tuned because pastor Hagee is going to speak a blessing Cornerstone Church is hosting feast 19 October 25th through the 27th this annual event is a time to celebrate the joy goodness and many blessings of God reminding us what the feast means Feast 19 includes daily Midway games food free rides and spectacular fireworks each evening offers inspirational speakers special guest Tony Evans and worship with CeCe Winans including pastor Matt Hagee and Sunday evening will conclude with a night to honor Israel featuring Pastor John Hagee Friday October 25th through Sunday October 27th at Cornerstone Church for more information call the number on the screen or visit sa Cornerstone org slash feast you're watching Hagee ministries if you need prayer call our prayer line or visit our website looking for more content to help you in your daily walk listen to our podcast or subscribe to Hagee ministries on youtube and now your blessing with Pastor John Hagee extend your hands to receive this blessing and now may the Lord bless you and may the Lord keep you and may the Lord make his face to shine upon you and may the Lord be gracious unto you and give you his peace may the Lord call your unsaved loved ones from the far country into the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ may you go from this place knowing that the God of heaven loves you deeply that there is nothing that you can do to escape his eternal love if he loved you in all of your ungodliness he loves you now more than ever because you're his and he is yours that the peace the Grace and the mercy of God go with you all in the authority of Jesus name now and forever amen you
Channel: Hagee Ministries
Views: 897,376
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Keywords: John Hagee Ministries, hagee, hagee ministries, john hagee, john haggee, truth, bible, god, jesus, christ, jesus christ, church, ministry, hagee ministry, sermon, sermons, sermons series, preach, preacher, bible story, bible study, word of god, god's word, christianity, christians, teach, teaching, scripture, spirit, spirituality, holy spirit, cross, grace, love, hope, motivation, inspiration, encouragement, encourage, cornerstone church, hell
Id: T8XzUxndf1A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 01 2019
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