Properly Use Mail Merge from Excel to Word & Outlook | Dynamic Linking between Excel & Word

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Today, I'm going to show you how you  can create personalized Word Documents   from data in Excel in one go. Now, the  process I'm going to take you through   is called Mail Merge. The purpose of Mail Merge is  for you to be able to create personalized letters   to many people without actually writing letters  to many people. So, you have a standard template   and you just want to change parts of that and  customize it to each person. So, you can use Mail   Merge to do that. But of course, you can also use  this for other purposes as well, not just letters.   Use it to dynamically link your Excel data  to Microsoft Word. Let's take a look. Assume I have this Word file and I want to use it  to send invoices to different customers. This is   a template; it's standard. What's different is  the content that goes in here, and that content   comes from Excel. So, in this case, I have my  Customer, my Company, the Address (Line 1,   Line 2, Line 3), and the Services that  I've provided to the customer and the Date. Now,   this is not a Date Field; it's just a Text Field  and I'm free to input the date in any way I want.   Then I have the amount for Service Line 1.  Then I have a second line on the invoice where   I can add additional services, and then I  have the amount for that service as well. Then, in Excel, I sum up these two values. So, any  calculations that we need to do, we're going to do   it in Excel. I have the invoice number, invoice  date, and the email of the person that I want to   send these to. All of this information that's  dynamic is sitting in Excel. What I want to do   is to use Mail Merge to populate this information  in separate emails or letters in my Word Document.   So, each person should receive their own  invoice. Let's get started with Mail Merge. First step is to go to the Mailings Tab and start  Mail Merge. You have the option to create letters,   email messages, envelopes, labels, directory,  and normal Word Document. In this case, I'm going   to go with a normal Word Document. This gets the  process started, now I can select my recipients.   This is where I need to create a connection  to my Excel File. So, I'm going to go with   "Use an Existing List..." and then browse for  my Excel File. Mine is sitting right here,   and it's called "Outstanding Invoices". Now, click  on Open. Next step is to select the right sheet.   So, I have two different sheets in there. One is  called Invoices. My information is sitting here,   and also notice there is a check mark for  "First row of data contains column headers".   This is important because those column headers are  going to show up as your merge field names. Now,   let's go with OK. Notice the moment we created  a connection, the other features became activated. If you're wondering how I created this in  the first place, we'll take a look at this.   It's actually a table, but I didn't  create this table in Word. I cheated   and I created this in a Spreadsheet and then I  copied and pasted it in here, and it just inserted   everything as a table. It's just a fast way for  me to create these type of templates in Word. Okay, so now that we have our connection, let's  go back to Mailings and let's make the parts that   we need dynamic, dynamic. The logo, this part  here, stays the same. This is the first thing   that we need to make dynamic because this is  going to come from our Excel file. And just   to show you how that looked, I have a separate  column here for Invoice Number and Invoice Date.   So I'm going to select this and replace this  static number by going to Insert Merge Field   and replacing it with Invoice Number. Let's do the  same for Date. Select Insert Merge Field, Invoice   Date. Payment terms, that's the same for everyone,  so I'm going to leave that. Next is the Company,   and then Customer, and my Address. That's Address  Line 1. If you just click directly on the icon,   you get the pop-up here. You can also insert  fields this way as well. That last one   is Address Line 3. Now comes the  Services. Service Line 1, then Date Line 1,   and Amount Line 1. Okay, I'm going to quickly do  Line 2, and then let's catch up. Moments later.   Now finally, let's do the total. Insert Merge  Field, and Agreed Amount Total. So remember, this   calculation isn't made in Word, it's already done  in Excel. We're just bringing the number over.   That last part stays the same. Okay, so far so  good. Now we have the ability to preview the   results. Just click on Preview Results. That's the  first line that we have: Robert Spear, Programming   new tool. This is our Date Text Field where  I'm flexible to input the date any way I want,   and then that's the Price and the Total. So I can  scroll and go to the next Field, that's Kim West,   James Willard, and so on. So things look good,  let's just center this as well, and update the   formatting of the numbers. Because on the Excel  side, I have the numbers formatted the way I want,   but the formatting doesn't come with. We actually  have to specify that in Word. To do that, you can   Right-Mouse Click, toggle Field Codes, and add the  formatting to it right here. So inside the Curly   Braces, just at the end, put a Backslash, put  the Hash Sign to specify that this is a number,   and the way I want this number formatted is  with a Thousand Separators, so Space, Comma,   and 0 would make this a whole number, dot00 would  add two decimal places, right? So that's the   type of formatting you need. I'm just going to  copy it because I also need to apply it to here.   Before I apply it, let's just make sure it looks  correct. When I toggle this back on, I can see my   number formatted correctly. So let's go ahead  and update the second line. Toggle Field Codes,   and paste in the formatting. Now, if you want  to add the Currency Symbol, you can. Let's   actually do that for the total. Right-Mouse Click,  toggle Field Code. I'm going to paste in my code,   but this time I want the Euro Symbol here. So  just before the Zero, right after the comma,   put in the symbol that you want. Now let's go  ahead and preview the results. That's how it   looks. Okay, so now we're ready to merge all of  this. Before I finish this off, I just want to   show you how many different options and how much  flexibility you have here. You have the ability to   edit the Recipient List. So in case you don't want  to send an email to everyone, or print out every   sheet, you can uncheck the ones that you don't  need. If you didn't have a template to begin with,   you could start off by adding your own Address  Block, or adding your Greeting Line, and Matching   the Fields. In this case, we didn't have to do  any of that because I already had a starting   point. I already had my Excel File and all I had  to do was insert the Merge Fields. And of course,   you can use these as often as you need in your  document, and anywhere you want in your document.   Now, let's go ahead and merge this. I can either  edit individual documents. This is going to create   a new Word Document with a separate page for  everyone. Just to quickly show you the end   results, let's actually try it out. Select it and  now I can decide if I want to merge everything.   So, all is going to take anything that has a check  mark beside it. In my case, everything has a check   mark beside it, so it would run it for everything.  I can just run it for the Current Record,   or I can decide to run it from 1 to, let's say,  the 4th record, and then click on OK. Now it's   going to go ahead and create a separate file, and  this file has a page for the different records.   I can save this and I can print this out as I  need. Another option is to print the documents.   You again have the same options. This time,  I'm going to go with All and click on OK.   You can print it to a PDF Document or just print  it directly to your printer, and then click on   OK. I'll just click on Cancel. Let's go ahead and  take a look at the last option, which is to send   Email Messages. Now, it's important here  that you have the email of the people,   and in my Excel File, that last column is called  email. So, it automatically recognized that there   is an email field. If it doesn't find it  for you, you can make the selection here,   add a Subject Line, and decide if you  want to send it as HTML, Plain Text,   or Attachment. Well, plain text is not going  to look good here, so I can send it as HTML   or attachment. I'll just go with HTML,  and I'm going to show you how that looks.   Let's just go and send it from 1 to 2. I don't  want to send everything right now. Click on OK.   Now we quickly saw Mail Merge in the background.  Let's switch to email and I'll show you how that   looks. This is how the HTML version of the email  looks. How does this look if it was an Attachment?   Let's try that as well. Go back to Finish and  Merge, send Email Messages. This time, go with   Attachment and click on OK. Because it's creating  a separate Word File and it's attaching it,   you actually have to allow this process to  happen. It's attaching the first file and   now the second file, and the process is done. So  remember, I didn't run it on all the records. I   just ran it on two records. Now, just to show  you how that looks, that's the email. That's   the attachment. This is for Kim West. So when  I open this, this is the invoice for Kim West.   Okay, so as you can see, you have a lot of  flexibility when you use Mail Merge. This wraps up   our Mail Merge tutorial. Many thanks for watching.  Thank you for being here, for your thumbs up,   and for supporting my channel. I really appreciate  that, and I hope to see you in the next video.
Channel: Leila Gharani
Views: 669,546
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Keywords: XelplusVis, Leila Gharani, Excel tips and tricks, Excel for analysts, Microsoft Excel tutorials, Microsoft Excel, XelPlus, Microsoft 365, microsoft Word, mail merge, mail merge attachment, link excel to word, office 365, how to, mail merge example, excel mail merge, mail merge outlook, mail merge from excel to word, mail merge with attachment, excel mail merge tutorial, mail merge in ms word, how to basic, mail merge invitation letter
Id: 0XifMrBegS0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 57sec (657 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 22 2021
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