TOP 10 Outlook Tips EVERY Professional NEEDS To Know (in 2021)

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it's time to share my top 10 outlook tips with you so don't miss out on these because i'm sure you're going to find something important here now i have to say my favorite one is number eight so i'm curious what yours is comment below and let me know let's get started [Music] tip number one never miss a game or tv show if you're a sports fan this tip is for you did you know that you can automatically add your team schedule to your outlook calendar it doesn't matter if it's your college or a pro team and it's not just for sports you can also add the dates of your favorite tv show in case you're still into tv shows so let me show you with your internet browser go to and sign in then select outlook and open your calendar then click on add calendar on the side here let's say you want to import the schedule for the los angeles lakers click on mba and select the lakers that's it already added to your calendar let's close this you'll see los angeles lakers in my calendars and you have all their matches as events in your calendar when you click on more options on the site here you can change the color for the events or delete the schedule again the same works for tv shows as well click on add calendar and select tv select your time zone and use the filter to find your show if you're in the us you can even add the school calendar for your kids just click on schools enter your zip code and it's going to give you a list of all schools to make your selection once you added these calendars on the events are going to show up on all your outlook calendars across your devices so including outlook for desktop this way staying on top of the action has never been easier number two color code your calendar i'm a big fan of color coding in a previous video i showed you how you can color code emails where you're only on cc this way you can see right away that the message isn't directly addressed to you without even opening it now another way to take advantage of color coding is in your calendar so for example you can turn all meetings with your boss read or show meetings in a different location in yellow it makes it easy to quickly get an overview so let me show you how you can do it first let's color all meetings organized by the boss in bright red in your calendar go to the view tab and select view settings then click on conditional formatting and we'll add a new row so let's give it a name and select the color we want for these items let's go with red then we need to add the condition in this case it's simple we'll just go with the boss's name for the organizer then click on ok and again now everything from the boss is bright red let's do another one let's say we want to color all appointments with the location building c in yellow so let's go back to view settings and conditional formatting let's add a new rule call it location and for color we go with yellow not a condition we somehow need to specify the location it's not under appointments and meetings and we also don't see it under more choices so let's go to advanced click on the drop down field and select all appointment fields that's quite a list here we have location selected and now let's specify the condition we could go with is exactly but to be safer let's go with contains for value put in building c when you're done click on add to list then just confirm with ok and again and now everything that's scheduled in building c is shown in yellow now these are just two examples to get you started adjust the conditional formatting to your own requirements and color code away number three email your calendar so let's say you need to agree on a time for a meeting with someone else now it's easy if it's within your organization because you can check everyone's availability with the scheduling assistant but what about external contacts instead of mailing back and forth until you find a slot that works you could just email your calendar to the other person and let them do the work here's how create a new email then click on insert and select calendar now you can select the date range that would be the range where you want to find a time for your meeting you can either use the presets here or you can specify the date like this then you can select the amount of details that you want to share down here you have an option to just show time within your working hours this way you can eliminate weekends or late hours from the options you can set your working hours in the calendar outlook options by clicking on set working hours when you're done just click on ok and it's going to insert your calendar into the email now you can send this off and the other person gets a full overview and can easily pick a date number four show total number of emails per default in outlook you always see a number for unread items next to your folders for example here you're going to see in blue the number of unread items i have in my inbox that might make sense for certain folders but for example for my action required folder here it doesn't i only move messages there that i still need to work on for this folder i would much rather see the total messages i still have to work on this is how you can change that right click on the folder and select properties and here instead of number of unread items select show total number of items click ok and now you can see the total number of emails in the folder in square brackets number five add quick actions in outlook for microsoft 365 when you hover over an email you'll get the option to flag or delete the item but you can add additional actions to this in the ribbon click on follow-up and select set quick actions you can define your quick actions i'll go with archive for quick action 1 and move for action 2. click ok and now you can see that we have two additional options this can be helpful when you quickly scan your emails and use these quick actions to process them on the fly number six schedule shorter meetings we've all been there back to back meetings when you don't even have time to run from one meeting room to another one or to log out from one chat and log into the next well that's over now let's shorten them in outlook click on file and then options click on calendar here you'll see this option shorten appointments and meetings activate it with the checkbox with these dropdowns you can specify how many minutes you want to shorten meetings that are scheduled for under an hour and over an hour i'll go with 10 minutes for both of them and click on ok now when we schedule a meeting in the calendar it's gonna automatically suggest a shorter meeting and we get to have that bathroom break number seven drag and drop from outlook to teams in the past when you wanted to transfer a file attachment from outlook to teams you had to first save it to your local drive and then upload it to teams but now we can just drag and drop it so from your email just drag the file attachment directly to your team's channel or chat and it's going to automatically upload it to your onedrive or sharepoint number eight resize your images sometimes you need to attach pictures to your email now with cameras today the size of the file may be way too big fortunately there is an easy fix for this so let's say i want to send this picture which is 28 megabytes just right click on the picture and select send to and then mail recipient you get this pop-up window where you can change the picture size you can go with large and you're still going to be fine in this case it reduced it to 384 kilobytes then just click attach and it will resize it and attach it to your message if you already copied the picture into the message and then you realize it's too big there is another way click on file and up here instead of do not resize images select resize large images and it's going to automatically reduce it then just go back to your message and send it now when we check the center items we can see that the size was reduced number nine clean up your conversations sometimes you have these emails that just go back and forth and if you're not diligent in cleaning up your inbox this is going to fill up quickly you don't need all the older emails in the thread because they're already included in the most recent email so simple way to get rid of these redundant messages is to use outlook's cleanup tool now for the longest time i didn't know what that did now i do so let me show you let's say i have this conversation with multiple people that just goes on and on you may want to keep the most recent one but you want to get rid of the older messages in the thread this is when you can use cleanup it's right here next to the delete button when you click it you get three options cleanup conversation this is going to review the currently selected conversation only cleanup folder this is going to review threads in the selected folder now i recommend using that one or use the last one if you want to include subfolders now i'll go with cleanup folder and this deletes all the redundant messages in the folder it's a great way to get rid of clutter number 10 preview upcoming calendar events to view upcoming appointments while you're in email mode update your view by going to the view tab and over here on the right click on the icon to do bar and select calendar this is going to open an additional pane on the right and display the current month and your upcoming calendar events now you also have the option to add tasks to this pane this helps you keep an eye on upcoming tasks and flagged emails but currently the functionality of tasks is limited in the desktop version of outlook so i recommend using the to do app instead now if you'd like to learn more about managing your tasks with the to-do app make sure that you check out this video link to it is also in the description so these are my favorite tips for outlook if you have a favorite one comment below and let me know i hope you enjoyed this video if you have other tips and tricks of your own let me know also in the comments thank you for watching and i'll see you in the next video [Music] you
Channel: Leila Gharani
Views: 361,492
Rating: 4.9445801 out of 5
Keywords: XelplusVis, Leila Gharani, XelPlus, Microsoft 365, outlook tutorial, outlook tips and tricks, outlook email, outlook 365, outlook calendar tips and tricks, outlook tips and tricks 2021, outlook tips and tricks for productivity, outlook, microsoft outlook, office 365, tips, tricks, inbox, quick parts, how to
Id: At6mrBp4Myg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 19sec (679 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 20 2021
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