Why I Prefer Edge to Chrome (and YOU WILL TOO!)

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I've been using Google Chrome for a long time.  I love the extensions and the look and feel   of Chrome, but then I realized that all these  extensions now work on the new Microsoft Edge.   Plus, Edge got a bunch of additional features that  I always wish Chrome had. Let's take a look at   why Edge may actually be the  better choice for YouTube. When it comes to internet browsers, Google Chrome  dominates the market. According to StatCounter,   Chrome currently has a share of about 67% while  Microsoft Edge is just around 8%. A major reason for   this is the availability of extensions that you  can add to Chrome. All these third-party add-ons   that let you customize the browser's behavior  and add all these extra features. It's a great   benefit and even a necessity now for most of  us. Microsoft completely revamped Edge in 2020.   Edge is now based on the same open source chromium  platform, just like Chrome or Opera, which means   that all of these features and extensions that  you're used to from Chrome are now available in   Edge too. But that's not all. Let's take a look at some  other important criteria that give Edge an edge.   Number 1: Privacy. Let's face it Google Chrome  is not exactly known for securing user privacy.   I mean Google's whole business model is to collect  data and use the information to tailor ads that   you see and even the results that you get on  its services like Google search and YouTube.   Microsoft has a different business model that's  not mainly focused on advertising. And with Edge,   it's easier to configure the privacy level of  your browser. In your settings, under Privacy,   Edge gives you three levels of tracking prevention.  In case you're wondering what trackers are,   it's explained right here. They're used by  websites to collect info about your browsing.   You can choose from these three levels: Basic,  Balanced and Strict. With Balanced, the default.   The different options are explained here in  simple terms. With exceptions down here, you   can set up individual exceptions for websites to  allow all trackers regardless of the chosen mode.   Now, you can never really be sure what happens with  your data. But, I like the user-friendly approach   in Edge which makes it easier for me to manage  my settings and keep me better protected online.   Number 2: Features. Because Chrome and Edge  are now under the same framework, there isn't   that much difference and most of the features  are similar. But there are a few that I really   like in Edge. The first one is about multitasking. I  always use Alt-Tab to switch between applications,   but this didn't work for tabs in the internet  browsers, unless you used another shortcut, Control-Tab,   which is a bit of a pain. But in Edge, you can now  switch between tabs with Alt-Tab. You'll see your   browser tabs right alongside your other apps  in the Task Switcher. So, these three are tabs i   have open in Edge and these two are other apps.  There are also some settings to customize your   experience. Click on Windows Start button, Settings.  Then, click on System and select Multitasking.   With this setting right here, you can choose  whether to show all or to only show your last   three or five browser tabs, so that you  don't overload this whole Task Switcher.   With the last option, Open Windows Only, you can  turn off this feature, in case you can't get used to it. The other feature I really like are Vertical  Tabs because I often have a lot of tabs open in   my browser. Traditionally, they are displayed  horizontally, which means they get narrower   as you open more tabs, cutting off the page titles,  which makes finding a specific tab a bit difficult.   But in Edge, you have the option to arrange them  vertically. This way the titles remain visible. To make this switch, you just tap the little square  icon on the far left side of the tab row. Now, you   have a separate column with the tabs. If you want  to focus on a specific page content, you just have   to collapse the pane. When you hover over it, it's  going to open back up. I usually just pin the pane   to keep it always open. If you can't get used to  the vertical tabs, just click on the icon again to   turn them off. In case you have an updated Edge  version but you still don't see the button, you   may have to activate it in the settings first. To  do that click on the ellipsis on the right, select   Settings and then, Appearance. Under Customize  Toolbar, make sure that the "Show vertical tabs"   button option is activated. Another nice feature  that was introduced recently is "Sleeping Tabs".   Edge is going to put inactive tabs to sleep after  a certain amount of time. According to Microsoft,   this can improve your memory and CPU usage by  up to 30%. You'll recognize the sleepers when they   become faded. To resume a sleeping tab, just click  on it. The tab will unfade and your content will be   there immediately. You can customize the feature in  the Settings. Click on the ellipses, then Settings,   and then System. You can turn it on with the "Save  resources with sleeping tabs" option over here.   With the dropdown below, you can specify the  amount of time after which the tabs you go   to sleep. And with the Add button here, you can  add sites you never want to put to sleep. Next   feature is "Immersive Reader", which is something I  often use. Especially on pages that have a lot of   advertising. It strips out all the visual noise,  so you can concentrate on the text. Let me show   you. So, let's say I'm on this page which has a lot  of images and ads. To turn on Immersive Reader, just   click on the Book icon up here with the speaker or  use the shortcut key, F9. This strips out the text   and changes the background to a warmer color to  make it easier on the eyes. With Text Preferences,   you can customize the experience like  change the text size or the background.   Keep in mind not every website supports Immersive  Reader. If you don't see the button in the address   bar, it's not available for the page. In addition,  you also have the option to use a voice engine   to read the text aloud for you. Just click on  the button "Read Aloud". "Microsoft Surface Book 3   (15) review - Stranger Things or the new normal."  I tested it for pages in English and German   and it works very well and sounds quite natural.  With voice options over here, you can customize   the experience. That's it for features. Let's  take a look at performance. I performed a   couple of tests to measure the loading speed  of websites which were, by no means, scientific.   I couldn't see any major performance differences  between the two browsers. Some pages report a   higher RAM usage of Chrome, in some cases, but I  couldn't confirm that in my own limited tests.   With the recent updates, I think it's fair to say  that edge developed into an excellent browser.   In terms of popularity, Chrome will probably still  remain the leader in the near future. But the   additional features that come with Edge, convinced  me to switch over. What do you think? Is Edge a   valid alternative to Chrome for you? Let me know  in the comments. Now, either way, I hope you enjoyed   the comparison. Don't forget to give this video  a thumbs up, if you did and consider subscribing,   if you haven't already done so. Many thanks for  watching and I'm going to see you in the next video.
Channel: Leila Gharani
Views: 926,733
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: XelplusVis, Leila Gharani, XelPlus, Microsoft 365, google chrome, microsoft edge, web browser, microsoft windows, microsoft edge chromium, windows update, windows 10, new edge browser, best web browser, internet browser, is edge better than chrome
Id: v73TaVDWh4s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 27 2021
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