Proof James Corden Is A Hollywood PSYCHO **Unbelievable**

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James Corden in the UK he's best known for being smithy from Gavin and Stacey and in the u.s. he's best known for being unbearable talk-show host after my Ellen video dropped I got a ton of requests to look into other celebrities and James Corden's name just kept on coming up so I looked into it and found out that Katz wasn't even close to the worst thing he's done look at the bloody state of him here well it turns out that when he films carpool karaoke he isn't actually driving oh my god I know we are all so shocked right now no seriously who actually thought he was driving when that came out as a story people were genuinely upset you really think celebrities are gonna trust big purse purse with their life far aside from carpool karaoke and cats it seems that people really hate James Corden off camera he is notoriously considered an [ __ ] when on camera he acts like he's this lovable relatable guy it seems that might not be true all right then I will so before we hear any stories from other people as to why big purse purses or [ __ ] James has kind of given me a freebie here because he admitted himself he had to go to therapy because when he had one hit show in England Gavin and Stacey he became a massive belen for article title and this is one of my favorite article titles ever James Corden went to therapy to learn not to be an insufferable prick and it references an interview with James Corden himself did in the New Yorker he himself saying I started to behave like a brat but I just don't think I am it's so intoxicating that first flush of Fame and I think it's even more intoxicating if you're not bred for it Gordon's mother revealed but she prayed for him while his sister simply insisted he not be a dead him so bad his mum was actually praying for him at this time in his life he had one hit show in England he wasn't even that famous especially compared to the fame he has now what do you think about now he's mixing with the elite the most famous stars in all of Hollywood but he's been humbled he's a humble guy now and not actually a nob foreign claims he's no longer a giant [ __ ] oh okay then pack it up he said he's known over an hour so so we'll be out of it even his own co-stars on Gavin and Stacey had to confront him Gavin & Stacey co-star Rob Brydon also approached him about his attitude of Brian and recalling I said look this is a bit awkward to say but I'm just hearing these things about you and you've got to know him the way you behave has an effect on people and I am all for people changing and if James Corden from that point onwards was this great guy and everyone was like wow he's actually a cool guy now yeah sure but since that interview I have seen nothing but him being called a colossal wanker so let's kindly turn our attention to the worst reddit AMA in history James Corden obviously for he was so loved by the public that this would be a good idea but how wrong he was he got torn to shreds on reddit just look at the endless posts ripping him a new one let me read a few out haven't watched any of your us stuff are you just as intolerable and as unfunny as you weren't UK why have you switched the up a bit how does it feel knowing but no matter how much fame and money you have you'll never be able to buy love how does it feel the 10 most up voted questions are all about James being a douchebag it's like nothing I've ever seen before just relentless and obviously with his kind of post people who had experiences with James Corden gladly shared them hey James you won't remember me but me and my friends sat at table next to you and Harry stars plus some others in a man Kurian legends in london china town about six years ago we didn't bother you but you were massively entitled who yelled and treat overweight stuff like [ __ ] and when one of my party politely suggested you calm down you got really aggressive and threatening in a chubby way like a boozy Panda James obviously didn't respond to this and all we have is this lady's words that this happened but another way more alarming encounter someone handed James Corden was highlighted in this reddit thread and James actually confirms this happened in his response to it so I'm posted remember that time James Corden showed up to a private WGA meeting to advocate for lower pay grade for late night writers what was that all about in which someone said a late-night writer named Jack Allison called him out for it on Twitter you can read it and seek orders response here what we're referring to is this tweet here I'd like to state once again for the record but I went to a WJ meeting for only late-night writers and James Corden showed up without any of his staffers to advocate for a lower pay grade for late night writers James Corden responded with Jack I went to the meeting because I was invited like you were like every writer on my show was what you've written here is completely untrue I asked if there could be a new writers program for people of in turn for a year on a show and want to be writers I stated in which Jack clap back with James you showed up to a guild meeting as an employer flanked by your executive producer to advocate for the show's interest to pay writers less if you want to give talented young writers a shot you can pay them the guild minimum that was negotiated with the MBA James absolutely dismantles this man's points by saying you are completely wrong everything you just said is completely not true I promise you absolutely solid arguments from James they're sensing a fat dub in sight Jack came back with well except for the fact that is completely true you showed up to a private guild meeting SPO first when the floor opened and it was to advocate for a lower pay program for new writers and you only had an executive producer review none of the writers how flustered James responds with I was invited as were they I have no idea why not of him when this is all so strange to me it was a good intention suggestion all it was was an idea a way to try and help I'm sorry you didn't see it as this have a great day he still hasn't disputed the points that he was advocating for lower pay I mean saying it's untrue doesn't cut it say clearly what your suggestion was and how Jack is wrong and misinterpreted it because now it's just seem like you've confirmed happened and that Jack is telling the truth because he's definitely winning his argument but it doesn't end there no no no Jack said you have a great day to an employer showing up to a Writers Guild meeting to advocate for his show pay less to new writers is self-evidently disgusting and ridiculous that's what I said you did and you confirmed it in these responses James said I showed up as a writer to stand alongside writers I will continue to do so not one person in a meeting said wait are you trying to pay writers less not one it was discussed at length how to create more first job opportunities for talented passionate people in which Jack finishes Vissel off with you create job opportunities for talented passionate people by hiring them and paying them the minimum your guild has negotiated I was offended by what you said and I know a few other people were even if they didn't raise it to someone with hiring power directly to their face and James stayed silent after that no response no comeback I mean James had literally zero good comebacks to any of Jack's points but imagine a late night host such as James Corden who relies on writers to make him somewhat entertaining and presentable and actually have some sort of you know scripts for a show imagine advocating for them to get paid less it's a [ __ ] joke and that was in 2019 by the way now moving on this clip is hilarious as an extremely uncomfortable clip of James Corden at an award show it's an old clip but nonetheless it's as funny to watch he was presenting this award show and apparently he was acting as if he didn't want to be there and that he was on his phone a lot which if you keep watching this video seems to be a really common theme with James Corden when Patrick Stewart got his award he was drunk calling out James Corden on it and this altercation happened enjoy speak to James here it is it's James isn't it when the presenters are up here and when the recipients are receiving their awards don't stand at the back of the stage with your hands in your pockets looking around as though you wish you were anywhere but here oh you couldn't be more wrong sir you couldn't be more wrong Oh genuinely and if it look like that I'm so sorry but when you come up and present an award from where I was sitting I can see your belly and that was right over there the back of the room these people down here you know sorry I'm waiting for the punch line going no seriously gone okay no go on you can see my belly and we can all see you dying right now let's go one more do you want one more if you fancied the Jonas Brothers cover your belly am I ever for whatever is worth I I like your belly so but but but I I would pay to see is a testament to how unlikable James Corden is that in a situation where Patrick Stewart clearly started it all and was being mean okay in my opinion James still comes out looking like the bigger [ __ ] and while James mentioned dying on stage let's we'll sit back and relax and watch James Corden absolutely bum on stage trying to tell some Harvey Weinstein Jose it's so beautiful Harvey Weinstein has already asked tonight up to his hotel to give him the massage I don't know whether that goal is that you like that joke or you don't like that joke if you don't like that joke you should probably leave now it has been weird this week though I sit watching Harvey Weinstein in hot water ask any of the women who watched him take the bath it's weird watching Harvey Weinstein in hot water Harvey Weinstein wanted to come tonight but he'll settle for whatever potted plant is closest people outraged about this because as well this was very recent after a lot of the victims came forward and the way he acts as if c'mon guys you should be laughing at my jokes it's funny if you don't like my jokes you should get out of here it's funny because when Bill Maher made some fat jokes James Corden took a stand on his show as if you're stepping over the line making these jokes not just about being able to see a doctor it's also about being able to see your knee believe me I can see a dick in the meantime bill please hear me when I say this while you're encouraging people to think about what goes into their mouths just think a little harder about what comes out of yours ask any of the women who watched you take the bar it's weird watching Harvey Weinstein James Corden if you can make edgy jokes about Harvey Weinstein something far more serious that so many actresses in Hollywood went through who are you to tell Bill Maher he can't make jokes about being fat just because you didn't like it doesn't make it something people can't joke about especially when you're making edgier jokes just to get some admiration and claps from his live audience do by the way James Corden can't stand his show has TripAdvisor reviews the Late Late Show from people who have attended the live audience and let's just say a lot of them hated their experience these aren't spam reviews by the way the reviews are very like far apart in dates it's not like everyone just went on a spam them because they hate James Corden he's are written by legit users and they all have one very common theme in which that James Corden seems to think he's above the audience you know his actual fans who came out and paid to see him I'm just gonna read the parts to apply to James and skip out to other parts I don't want to be too long but most disappointing thing though was that James did not interact with a single audience member he chose any off-camera time to talk to members of the band I've attended many TV shows and some hosts are so gracious with the audience I'm sad to say not James James is fairly entertaining but don't expect him to interactively ordnance whatsoever he is completely in his own world on commercial breaks and once the show is over he beelines for the exit read of reviews I stayed the host James Corden did not interact with the audience this is indeed true regardless of the way the audience interactions are portrayed disappointing part was James Corden acted so annoyed to even be there what a disappointment and shocking to all of us we spent a total of six hours of our precious vacation time for the host to be annoyed and in my opinion disrespectful to the audience that was coached to act as if he was the greatest thing in the world James forgot to reciprocate his thanks to his fans I have chosen to spend my time to attend his show go to his movies and watch The Late Late Show warning the negative reviews on his page are true then after finally starting to show James seems annoyed and never addresses the audience he was on its phone during a commercial breaks and seems to care less what you see on TV is not his real personality go to see Jimmy Kimmel Live now that's a great experience so many similar experiences and these Trip Advisor's reviews all match up with one of the users on the reddit AMA he talked about his experience that one of James's UK shows could a league of their own he said massive person I saw a league of her own filming live through multiple Tantrums over minor things at a production staff with him being incredibly rude to them which made for other regulars seem very awkward like it was usual between each take but other celebs would be chatting amongst themselves bantering about James was glued to his phone at the end of the filming people go up to get pictures with James and he massively kicked off shouting at people to go away and to go back to their seats and a few he did let have pitches with he was moody as extremely similar to The Late Late Show reviews James Brown always on his phone ever acknowledging his own fans Oh big purse purse it seems that you have not changed it all like you claim and again let's revisit this line in the article because it becomes way more entertaining now hoarded caves he's no longer a giant [ __ ] gonna have to press X and that one buddy anyway that is it for today's video please leave a like right now if you're enjoying this Hollywood psycho series you love the Ellen one so much it's need to go a hundred thousand likes in under a month so if you want more of these want me to look at other surgeries leaving like right now and comment below who do you want me to look into what celebrities have you heard or people have talked about that don't seem to be who they are on TV [ __ ] and I know it's not the most shocking thing in the world a celebrity being a nob over especially a talk show host who tried to leave us relatable figure to people and really like they're your best friends it's entertaining to hear the stories that people have of you celebrities and just so you know dissect and really see if it all matches up and if these people are who they say they are but surprisingly there are actually some celebrities who are really cool and who are really nice but you get people like this who treat everyone like [ __ ] and think we're above everyone please subscribe right now to the channel if you're new so many new subscribers recently you guys are loving the new content and I'm loving making it so please sub if you want more really helps out gives me a good indication guys are enjoying it Instagram is at kvass YT like I always say the end of every video I message my fans on its ground quite a bit because they give me tips on what I should make videos about it's like I said whoever even other celebrities you'd want me to make these videos on message me on Instagram your suggestions at kvass YT I do reply to a lot of them however I do get a ton these days ever since I started doing this so it is hard to revise everyone I can't lie but I will try as much as I can my twitter at couch YT as well nearly a 100 k we hit 80k the other day thank you so much for that please follow that if you are new I've been trying to hit a hundred K on that so that would be amazing if you follow that every time I post a video every time a video goes live you will see it on my Twitter first and just posting about tweet calling out people on Twitter everything my Twitter is actually a great place to be just if you want more content outside of my youtube videos and yeah that is it for this video thank you so much for watching and until next time [ __ ] off
Channel: Kavos
Views: 1,404,901
Rating: 4.7558856 out of 5
Keywords: James Corden, the late late show, late night show, late late show, james corden carpool karaoke, james corden carpool, james corden late late show, james corden show, late late show with james corden, james corden wife, james corden karaoke, james corden karaoke carpool, kavos, carpool karaoke
Id: 8ETZX_7vCyM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 7sec (967 seconds)
Published: Mon May 11 2020
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